The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, January 11, 1806, Image 2

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1 7'j\ “ * lU RI .fCfsT. v v ■■■ : JS : - >” **- * ...—, I A V h/\^ JL * * 7 ’ , A fP™ • emuiatal., Pii, * au i>iondav tbn* .?,, c a ik . . ’ *wi Lixc emperor 01 *of lioililiiles w > #-"tir'k Odd 2nffill. i • % . i* , , * ** v.* lu uiyr n#* wbihi * U*ru i a I ? n ’ on condition of the * • *> f ( * i’ i 1 % •* ■ l h™> lvn °unci:ig his alii :MVtr®3£’Z%, ands ofthe emperor of the French f Captain Langford arrived at the { Txfeiraity thL afternoon, accompa- t nied by a Ruffian officer, bringing J with him mod important dispatch-1 es from the Elbe. Thefc dispatches bring aj| tty of alliance which ha> b # ecn coifWd ed between this country and! his Prussian majcfly, wbofe army * i 80,000 men was actually on its ; march againfl the common enemy, ! when the dispatches were font off. The emperor of Russia Las been to Berlin to holiJ a cor.fem.nce u ftT his Prufiian qJleftv. The fame emperor is hurrying to the icene of action, at the head of nxty thouLnd men; and his imperial brother of Germany is a l *- so marching at the -hesdoef anc*:h-.r army. . Government y tiler day morning that the combined Ruffian and Prussian forces have entered llano* ver, where every thing is again put upon its formes footing. Six thou sand French thrown them filves iiLo the fort refs of ftimeln, \s here it is fuppefed they will be blockaded. ’~*r*y* ™ The number of Prussian troops which were to be assembled at Hil derfheinTby the 26th ult. is Rated in a letter from that place, at 58000 men ; and the number of th d'e which were to repair to the pro ! vintes *>t Franconia at 50,000. Ihe Prussian troops on their march to Franconia and Wiftpha 8a are to be joined by 24, 000 Sax* ons and 20,c00 Hrffions. The London Morning ChrcmTcie ofthe .sth Nov. fays, 44 we are hip py to find, that the archduke Fer dinand has made his cfcape. ft was sported in Lome of the P rs journals of the 28th that accounts of h s being taken, along with 400 hnrfe, had been received, but it and <es not feetn to be true. The news in m Nuremberg of the 23d, fevcral days later than in the Paris papers, Hates, that prince Murat had returned from the purfffir. He went no farther than Grafenherg. Both parties in this case violated the Prussian neutrality. Murat then came back by New mark, This is four days after the furreoder of general Wcrneck. Hi ere are no authentic accounts of any acllons with the combined Aiffirlaus and Ruffiansw We find, however, an : authentic account cf the junUipn of general Kienmayer with the &dl Ruffian army. It took place on the 15'hj and the force ofthe Ru ffians is about 48,000 men. ThSt cfgen Kienn-ayet about 112,000 at moft. 1 his army of 60,000 is the only force with which the immence army of Bonaparte, a inountin:: to at leaf! t2o,cco men, has in the fit® inibnee to con tend” “ The only possibility cf repel- ?icncu< * | “ * 4 t , m uiittm v„i| wui v * * I * j* %• rs 1 * f I I * + ? t || f . } f 1 f \ l n tg fa Asi I t ?; ’ fo-g' : v ■ ’* , * ‘:?s*}% • p’ * ‘iiES’-’ * Atiio-tia a, v wcrtvAi *•**?.. * ■ i : ■ -,v . I 1 I the inhabitants, number is mlfcuoufly into the Greets, in the | fame drels in-which the fli ck had j furprlfed them, and how limpfo ; that is in ih.s hot foafon, and at j fifth a time, h well known. Many \ tore them hair, others their clothes, I f fbmey threw themfdvcs on the : ground, kiffod it, or tare up the earth with their hands. Here Hood ! a group locked in each other’s 1 t amts, and fobbing or uttering ex clamations of defpoir, interrupted by the moil; horrid outcries. There numbers collected round the Saints in the it reels, praying and fereatning as if the laflt moment of their lives had arrived. Individu als, especially women, ran through the streets, and involuntarily ex claimed, MapTa trial St . Anna, a ctjuial Mother of God ! St. Anna Help us ! The fcftjval of this Saint had performed three new miracles, which had . not a little [ augmented her importance. For fix days fucedTivdy, ahnoft all tile ftreots wore filled with boys j and girls following civlfos bare-, j foot gild bareheaded j and Raging ■upenitrhtkmy hymns. But as these pi\>:*Ci ms furnifhed the Lrzarora* with an ‘cccafian of ccmadtdrm ;; >5 ■ - . a - >. - v many and they even attacked the carriage of the Duke of All oli, the wotiiiy Mfobfor of thelfolice; they were foppfcflhd by ail edict issued by Cardinal Rullo. Afcoli has fliewn brmfelf, in this calaiivky, to be a man perfectly adapted to his office. During the la.'t eight days he has not palled one night at home but has beeniinccffimily en gaged in m u.. did not burd their fetters, as they endea voured to do, and mcreafe {till more the general difordcr and confufion. It was he who fappref 7>! b [.rf rf'r/ 4 |jg[‘ * ... k [ f 1 ■ C d'i y uK U li * 1 V ‘ t| l>v Ik * **-* 1 I , j [l/ * 1 1 I |Ha Vnl fltlfflaßO i IfP 1 j I iiW • Vj#4w *i’ .. % * ‘ * * j onds from the Infl peak of th£-| 1 kyU Tiil c* * “ # i 4 f b *• Jl y tV r /3An 1 T^l>,’ . 1 O r ; - J ‘T% l 4 pies. | this wqpdsrful a;id tremendous j who-e ecurfe of the lava which ex | iended already two miles from the j crater to the honfes that join the | two towns The fight was the j rnoft magi-ificentiy frightful that j could he teen. I Contemplated the ; cascades f 1 flame pouring out from the fop of the mountain, and fhud- ; dered at feeing an immtide torrent ! oftonr. fields, over | fincke, which fa met! to feid iorth i from time tb time, flibhes oikdight j ifing, hung over the fccnc, and the moon appeared to be pa’e. Noth- J ing can adequately ddcribe the ) grandeur es the fecne, or give an ] accurate idea es the horror of it. | M we approached the spot j.ed.bythis river of iv:II, ruined in-;; : bsywg ernttea their hou- . . fcs; and a Sated fartillia trying to ! ar - J fccble refohrcc ;an in-’ j thenfe crowd, of curions persons, J retreating Rep by Hep from the [j advancing lava, and tedifying, by and extraordinary ones, their famderc ;fear, and phy-the f/V.h.lul bell. . lowing of the mountain, the Irc ! quent exp’rfions which burst from ; tlie bof ui of the torrent, thccfock . ling of the trees ikvoured by the ‘ffiafobs, the it-dfoof the Walls” fall d ing, and the lugubrious found of . * ‘ w ’ V f- “*vVv> 1* V•"i 4 • i.M O ‘ wnn "’ ill U. ‘■ I T | 1 ‘ 1 “li* * J f !’ P 1 , t f *"*’** - rnmm -m* I f r- f ft .*4 rJT’ ‘ t 1 ’ -■“ * t ••... O’ • ‘ h 9 “** ***** * 1 /j . . j .* i * / * X J r a • i it* t ** ‘'.fo” ’y - •< * A, aK/S . 1 -h. u and