The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, July 02, 1808, Image 2

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a. 1 nit r. J ■ • :.t -T* r j a p • e, that a to fj Irrable pit ol if*- crop of l.vt 7 & H will li en he <n hi .nd. llis i> a*c f*r -11 ft anil i* i - anon in which things v.ii. ft at ih t-nd of the year, it ;ho embargo continues ; cvetv one therefore can draw his own coQcUsfior.s rtlarlvi* to his prolpich for a great j rice. But if the legislature intend to be ciif*fiem with *heatielv<s, £<v.ith t! e reafoniug which thole who ad vorate their tordi* £1 have trsad* wfe of to just if y t hem, they mull keep the embargo ttporr law as long as’ the embargo remains upon c us vFffds, and until that time, when produce (hall bring the fame, or a greater price, than it did the lair year. But even admitting that every man who raises cotton next yea*, flv uld get 50 cents per pound, ii can in no wife operate as an apol ogy. or just fication, for the in - menfe and incalculal le inconveni ences, w hich this extradrdinary (lay © f rivil process must, and uravoid ah!y will bring upon the flare, ff rnething perhaps ought to have Hen done, ands mething might hive been done, to have met the real inconvenience* to which tjiigj fate’, if) common with her filter ffatvs wng (uljt&ecf; But these inrorvrni.’ nces have been magnifi ed by corrupt & defining men ; & if was by their intiigue & influence 1 that this extraordinary law, fly led a kiw for a ‘'temporary ulief of debtors** cn£led. A law a vowedly pafitrd to “alleviate dil wfift** which did not exit!; the fiandard of which was made, the difference between the price which is really got for produce, and that which it was txpifted would have been obtained. The idea was piti ful and absurd, and the aft that has fnrr&hri zd i , TTTOft DC pf Os) OUII C.ed by all honed men, ere of the great est frauds upon private property & the blacked afts of legifkuivc infa my that has ever disgraced the jour nals of a deliberative body of men An nft odious in the highlit degree v hen viewed as the work of a leg. ifiaturs of a people prokfling to be free, and to be governed by equal , buvs—an aft ruinous iniis tfibfts and couftquences—an aft by whic h the vagabond and bankrupt debt rs placed in a filuatzon completely to defy their creditors. Is it pofiible that 1 is excellency ran think this complete abolition cf civil proceedings the moil direst & best way “to enable us to (up per: the general government cn the high ground it has taken and the dignified attitude it has affunried.” If he really thinks so he ought to be pitied; but if he has given his ] (anftioii to this aft through popular motives, and to gratify the whirps and caprice of a band of insolent folicitois, he ought to receive that censure which his baientfs* to Ids country has rendered him so judly dtfervmg. I have as yet, considered the fubjeft upon the fuppofuiou that the planters are all now in debt, and that they have their crops of cotton yet on hand. But every per fen knows that this is not the case ; he knows that there are but compara tively few planters in the fiats that have not ciifpofed of their produce. T his then is one of the niofi fub ffmtial reasons against the palling of the ; ft. The honed planter who was willing and intended to pay his debts, bad disposed of Ids ■■ * ‘ ’ *- ‘ i': kW c-g . ther creditor t, at i hit i-md ,iftcr; I ’ pr'ce. b tore i!r* embargo was iaid. Mme then l u*’ the m|m uhfl had to property to pay fts with; or thole who were ur. willing r pay them, could have been affected, had the law proceeded in its regu lar c-urfa. Ihe oftei fible <bj ft of this k'w then, .can h no caller, than to sh tad the vagabond, who j has i; finuated him fell so much into I favor as to obtain a credit, cr that e- j (pudly charafterwho, tho* j puff (fed.of property, yet wifi never-s pay a just debt until compelled to ! t bv the laflj of the law. a This then is the (ftp which the ‘ governor really thinks heft calcuia- | t-d “to support the general gov- ‘ eminent in that dignifi. and attitude ( which it has alfumt'd*’—completely to cut off all intercomfe between ttate and our filler dates, upon j eons of credit; and I ike wife all tranlaftions between individuals, j without an equivalent rendered cri I tile (pot. For I would rfic, who ; would trull his excellency. or the j introducer of this aft, or its god- ‘ la;ht.i and mighty advocate in the serrate, or in (aft any one of fiieE majori y, for a fiarje c o', aftr fee-, _tltg the dllvafltkitoil*sy .fcJL*v-iiib ited not only t . avoid the payment of the ir jf .fi delits, but to prevent even the pmah.-go ol fuic.g out pro cels againil; them. What ciieft trufi ibis law h v r upon die opinions and conduct ot foreign nations, whtn they fee that, the ltate ot Georgia, a (hue rcfptft able in point ol numbers and r ling kdt in wealth and power, and but litlie behind the liate in the union, as it rtl'pefts the intcrefts ol the 1 1'.ropean nations, v-hen they find her so fore and refi |efs under the embargo, that (he Ins called ail extra Jtfiion cj lift iegiliatuh\ a majority of which bo dy fi:ave thought proper not only “ to relax the civil law,’* but to put a complete fiop to all civil pr< ccod ings. Can fuel) cn aft as this tend, in the opinion of any person but the governor, “to aflill the general government to support the digni fied attitude v. hich it has affumod ?” j Will they not i iok upon it in tb.e (an.e light that we do upon titions preieuted by tile rnanutaftu rers and merchants in thoig coun- ! tries tor overtures of peace ; view : the people as finking under the qp- ! prdfions which likir own govern- -j me nr has laid upon them, and think | the importunities ot their own lub jefts will ioon compel them to re- | peal the very afts which they have , “ j introduced to bring their enemies to terms ? How does the whining language of the governor’s communication, and the piovifions of this aft, tally with the language which many of you in the majoaty held laii year, when you met to take into your all-important coniid-rations the vi olent and dafiaidiy outrage, com mitted by a beggarly captain of the Engiifh navy cn the Che fa peak e ? Ye boafied republicans aiub fiick- j lets for freedom! where is now j your patriot)*fm ? where are now • those high founding epithets of lib- j erty and country, that so fluently fell from your wide firetch’d in autks on lafi July a;icl Augulf, when you held your town and country meet ings in every part of the fiate, to scare the Brii.’lh nation, and bully thtm by your boificrous vauntinrs • 7 c , • into mealurcs ot your own cno< f- j ing ? Where a: e now those fiurdv I r •• tr r r * *. prjyau. r. * 4 *. iwH e. i. v- ‘.-j • j ijrat * U were . thrn lo ready aiul 1 w ling to undergo: - or * •' * :t ' s ‘ j call (?a .far the Meeting enj ymeat j <.( an If us£s ** ruiniriKViii popular- | itv F* S'jcrificcd to t:c mean, p:ti i.r { UtCu iCA t | /Iwiti U* vi *-V t 1 tcfc.v. WWW the !iuz-:as of ar. lultde.nt mob. Bur I nult and befieve mat ycur karvclt of popukimiy, that you cx pc ftec! io l’'<ut* U -is n< t'. ; l£. p, UjiiOw L.tilted bv the goo. :et■ *o to ucoptw. i. And am happy to find that r;o one v\iio is not by impru ieiice; anti ex travagance involved m debt, that 1 no one who is not corrupted in mind aa cl debased in principle, and A \ who does not wish to live and riot t 1 cn the hard and induiivy j l ... . , J \ of his ibiU'w citizens, lias attempted ; to jufiiiy this bold iirokc 6i dc-Spi t- \ ifin, which must tend in its effefts ! to anarchy and LUCIUS. I ‘ ~ DESULTORV. I According to the r, port of a gen tlcman recently arrived in ti>wn j jracn Lfb u, the fcarci y in that capitol is confined to bread and flour. Mutton, beef, and all )'finds : c.f vctrctabics arc chcanand plenty. 1 fie French have made <rrca ! ..r . . i itnprov; mt ms in ihe city—and v/iidi I roach mi f i, a pear to hare ; j done fume good.— it is laid that l.ucien Bonaparte has at length contented to repudiate his wife, in I enter to marry the queen of i t.a-.- j ria—when, he is to he downed i king bl Portugal!!! ] London fid her i /:pri! £2. 1 | I It s in.pofiible* (~ra candid .tin- 1 prejir'liccd mind to con;cni;.da!e-t!ie | tiide.* able condition of i iv it of. the ! Uiitioiis eii Europe, and their valid,! | provinces, without reefing grateful I f. tor our exemption from ti.e oifireff- | | cs ii. Hided upon them ; arid with- ! j cut acknowledging that the tfifths | j oftbe embargo, iilclfthe eff;d ol I foreign qpprdlftrs, are a. light as i ! an* compared with them. ‘This condition ex'iibi.s a tihue, made uo ct military anu coil UeSpotduj, co. i • prellive taxes, vnuit, fmvine aod i w ar. F o;n the(b cc*>nmlicufed cv Is we alone are exempt. Vfty are j exempt ? Is it not. pr -bad iv, | j owing to that very measure which 1 | is ndfrrprefimed and denounced..! i with equal injuliice ? !'■> all thde \ i evils, but famine, vft might non be I ! fubjecteP bur for it. Invkad of ] : finking kmeath their bunheff, what- : ! our real fiuntlon ? A few (acts j on this head wh! come more com-’ I pletcly home to the feelings ok mo ft 1 of our readers than the moil eta bo- i rate treatiie. < In Philadelphia’ we | are confidently ?.(lured that un. 1 proyernents are carry ingen with a (pint ahioluttiy ur-po cedciUed.— Conti ads have been entered into tb I tne abundance oi money that it can | be procured, cn. good fecuritv, at I five per . centum. Marmfaclures are riling in and around the town in ! 5 y --teftion ; and we hear of uo i failures. Now let up n-.rn our attention to the no less im> os tanr town of New. York, ami look at iht; efh. as of the embargo there. \Ve (hall in this l&ftance, rely on federal authority: lvutruis, lays the New* York ! Gazette, 4 lend in ver.r produce. 1!u ts ycfleioav in the I l ' l *o’ v t- t --Potauxs. Cl a Mc_;N Su. to Is. a lb—ji’gs 1()to ] v ,* cil I Tki ii .** the .rr.ikct* aredslfig 4 w i .vV ‘.uk l-cJoie t!> * crrft irgofi* j U'ut *: : j - 0;s j it tut on t‘it* <St’- ty- k'*.k as i thocfti the Avoir,om'. uar.fivr weie lu(ucici.t*y ckfiiz zx'O ifitotii, gent to aoconunoo Ut’ r f-'O to cir eundlaTices, af'd vl;< rx oco t- the prclitr of toe occiip, i* v.p t.-v-tc di ligently tl* t bout fit? of iheeccar ? 1 r.e (aft caniiot oe too ci.c >* .. ■ enr ed, tiia't the in ictus occupation ot! er (hamthat ol agd, cultui c of one ihii fiefo pan t: thole now engaged in it would create a. demand among curfelver- T.r cur ! fiu jfiu produce ecual to the whole . foreign demand. And this is the ; precijc est ft .that the ivjoffice of i our enemies; wfficli has left no a’* ! ternaiive,but ihe embargo, is*pro* duc 1 i tr. Nations! LiUiiirtnar. v u o RiciiM-ar'D, June 3. At c. TtuttiCrcvj and -v?ry rcs<!>.ciah!j i “ V::oihig of ibc cliydcvs, hLU on Fi i’Jneidd'f Ct'ening, /.ft first inst • at the in ibs L y cf Huh* n: for the purpose cf pton-uUdg Domestic Manufactures ; The Gov; ui4Gi\ was cr.l’ej to the (h a ’ r, ar and iKbm a 3 line is ! appoiriled iec: eiary. On rnctiun of. Or. F>a, fen. | the following rcibluftiis were a don! ed : i b'; -'CrvCiJ liiiii/wti'■ As the O j pmiGil c; this iftct.tlg, that at this I important cnlis, v. lien we have but j hide io nope li om (be jufiiceof tiie i great beihgcient povvcis of Europe, jv. * o ii\.x vc n(ti O'*. t.v-Cci ala \v iydeni ! <’( warfare, by a-tnvkir.g iguriai i conunerce, it is highly exoedieiat I ’ 4 t*.v. if!) uyAAA inofe mic • i Uft ivi V* 4ft! ‘A if.Cl- t -.K Y iu ftlll ? ‘ s * J j- *i y \>■ ft ‘OL Lt Juschsd iher 1 hat a coni* ; niiitce be 2'pp.oi.aicd to d : ge{lpl.n ! !(■:: tile cftabbfiiment of mgnuiaFu 1 ii: era adapt.d'to our particvilar fiui i non, and that they maka tiadr re i pori to a mvct m g or the ciiftriis to !>•. hd i at U:t capital on VVudnef* any next. / O') motion, the chunr i.c:ranafeT the (o'lowing eeuticn-au td com* p fe the commit;:--* : i cv * ■> . r- t t o jM-'-a* /*< G/s>'o*\ lurjeara t.anir j* t*n /’■ ‘>v • >//. /-• /-... / . .j /.; J • i.i ni..( . i Ci l i lyjl* f. . K n * .* / r-T. •• r • 1 loin , a t i.c;i i a,.or, f smo’/n ’ (,ir-h sen. AOrahu'cn IV’ftft I:Neil Gam** ho\ jitrees A/'.vc/’, NcrOc'ne tV/e.k it./.f. C: ‘■■>£(! liny, LJj. ->v Ladd, Jam h'a :,ono ; x ’c/a. Lea an l-lan >-/.-• \ , i *!’■ •• O'rr # ‘ C. ir • y/J a. 1 1 * i ( , “i i* 4 >i ‘ ; . ■ “ v '-’ * * *■ •’ v ‘ l •• • l- > 4ft*.lft yv i( ‘ [f. iA A V ill* bers ffndec : Ifmjamin 7 ak\ Satvwl Acfam^ J : ' s x'fh G id:eye, fob n ('un. :irc ham , jotm ill ark CJT lidiitan li Cabell. ’ . *ii laoiioi- ii mr. Hay, Unsolved, i hat - t;e pr: etc ding mu; hers of the com nut tee, or any fiven of, be authmiifd to nnkc iiicir report oa vVednefikiy r.exft On mot on cf mr. IMunford, Re* solved idianimaush, Thai at the cel ebration of the anriiveVlfty cf A ftierican Independence, on tiie 4di d ‘-y c ‘£ duly next, we, die persons p-rdeut et tins in set in it, vvdk as piatucabie, appear cioiheri in at* trears of the c.f Virgin* ia. or cf force other of the U. S. t Oa nvtion of the Lon. Greed * a ) 1 tifiarJrjxi/ilv. Tuut toe • o'cenjtuys of 1 1• s r,u be punhdud ia ihe different f.upcis ~J* . t • • * v>i ci? v. \i, 11 ‘ t 1 m 1 r G •*••• r r /. -.•...jj iki.clae. j.. //.