The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, January 06, 1810, Image 1

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VoLfTME. IXl] • ‘ r ■ ursfJPnpßY. ** TMT£ OK GEORGIA. 7 ‘ACT to pryvldt fr hiking the pctuus of tbit it ate, as required l'\ the Constifft&H. j $ 1 BE ti Amend by the Senate flu-. Hew v cf R\ Present lurfes in Gen - t eed} At*en b'.yhnet, and by the art- j f&on.y of the j,-we. it ftjjil be i the duty of the Justices or’the Infe rior court, or any three of them ia each county rt-fpeftiveiy, w ithin fix fy days after the adjournment of this LefifUture, to appoint one or i tnort jpeafnnsMh each crtbii’v that te, to fay, <>ce4)t*r;on in each 3atraiiotVv> that may lie in the rtfp £1 ive couri ers, whole duty it fhaii be <o take 1 a iuH and ’accurate Census or emi pii, ratirir of ail free w ife perlons and people of colour r< fu'ing.thefti dicinguifhing in fcpxrate c*v In mm, dta free whfte periont from of colour the *f:r7w to the clerks c the guperi; .• jCs#nt* of the levers I counties’, cor,, the firft day of Ocinfur nat, the UTeforiS lo app mted being ft; ft {worn tx for th,- laid Juf- L -*4, or . either # o: them, ! ufv r*kJ ‘/‘■■l ’ der fed to thr * Speakq''oMoT l ' f l lift of RtmcfVn pfititu ]>• ‘<ic i it ArLmday in N>. verrbt ‘ n t, si”! it fr.dl be. the du ty in •’ ; ;gd .:tuie at their mtt . \ .pp. i don the rnetnberi d’. e f Representative* - ■ftniK v c’ comfits i grev 2- We y \ V u prdlribi-d i>y tht , {JouU-'utr •. . § 2 /; t ftrtrcr e> acted. • hat in t J .nices of if e I’i f? tior C 1 all *fc:l to appoint ptrfons e the euume.ation win.... -ho r l nx:yd..;y s at jpr thr . rument of the Legifta /tyrz, tu:r the juices of the fv'gt rv threy'i (hem, lfia!! ’ r*e tiuife !;.*• powers’ ref \Lchi,. i tic Ccnhs, and it the f yWi\\ /A * i i cmeraakm oi any coun -Itv h's it bc^fo* takyn and rrtur- * n*4m’ ‘h isl d/ihc Gm- , , oi"V tT iteiy the. Ict county ac- etu ■ ; tneir v&'f ‘ff/t-Jf. rr iwu.’i !, Bus .<rer iv ,ffnslvT f nr rvR iVIJLIxiA 1 ui. Vv AS?ii|fGTON, (G&q&g: i ed wceklv for SARA.H HILLHOUSE. Witivvm/i SATURDAY, ARY 6, To cou'inne in force an aSt paf* led the 2Ail Dec. 1801*, giving fur- ■ the* time to ? the fortunate efraw-rs ‘ m the late land-lotteries to take out then'grants. To compile ami arrange thrE wa * and rel'olutions ot this itate dailed hnce life jmlirical year 1800. Supplementary to a£l to appro. priate tire funds heretofore let apart j fur the rcuc.upuon of the pubac * ; debt. | To alter and amend the 63d fee, ‘ of. dK‘ ju paifed the <f:h of F4> 1797. and tofmend the jndi- ciary parted the iG’hFeb. | To auiend five 2(nh of thp ’ judiciary law of tins ttute. . • To proliibit urn.-lUng, Ate. r* More efffclu-.liy to puniih the crime df hoVf: -,'ie.iiin;, &c. * To amend the tax ads now in t force in this Rat':. To amend an acf to revive and continue it. force,act ior tne limitation of actions, and avoi *ir. r fuitsip law, p.ifTed 8 ’ Dec. 1803. To author?,r; the clerks ofrhcSu pert-jr Ar IrViiof courts, c erks <n the courts tk orUiiia' r y > fhertSs, c ir ouets At iurve on, t< h<IJ “ficus %."tur,ittf**rv ntion t - twen iheeK. eti.wr and co nnufii n- ; Y' ( ot their luce- au j t-v rtgu-h | ,t>- tiv> >r •*‘o e’>rgpe! tUe T-ifie*** * pua e in tb ;• nVkvep a iai- O. rc.rci .r b j.’k oj t-r jftQ - T ‘ -antiOtl > , vZnjr-k>4 h') to auttioffice in’- of in ferior c.Hirts oi tins (late t> £f ebarge infiivent’d Vors 11'*.fi:7- :i by pro, < ‘ li nn any e mit oi tins lute whui *er. •To rep I :.n ad entitled an sd to contpai *.t ill’ J'.iui s o the lrvferi ‘f eour*s, pi tied on t:ic December g, . # . To alleviate the condition of deb t >n,and.t I'fepejil “"an ad to alle viate t4>e'C mditioß ofictebfors, and to attorn ihern temper ary retiyt.*’ To ilref the tin**: & Holding the 1 Superior courts in the several epun- • ties of this date. To appropriate monks for the political year JBIO. To ry irfto tffed the firft fee- ! ’ tion of an ad refpeding baßardy Sc other immoralities, and the more effectually to empower the fnfe-ior courts to !.' v ovide (••'■ the mainten ance of ’•d c.iildreJ? ■ To \JpvsPthe county of Wiikin fr, anli to form one other raw county. (Tobe called Tzaggr ) E. To amend an ad to protect the efiate of orphans, and make per manent provnioO for *h? p'x'r. ;fl -■ iht rates of uvern • licen te in this Uare. to the judiciary oi this Rate, r ‘&?■. . and i'he crle > . I -r ‘- ti ,j’ ‘"V ■ TTu us fc olj. in returi*uij>. to -*A.uerica. is, to ueuelope itiu wmde ; ■■arcana ot the late cuuiaifacy iu [ winch he was conc< ,uet4, attd to (.throw nimfeli on mercy oi the inT> iuidrm<utt>u it . u he co icd, and cci Uiiily we place f great reliance upon au hemicity, <’ will be receivuu v.’e h >ve no doubt, witiuAtfcat i&isfadidn by the pub ; lie ‘Rt?Rirge. and partlcuiariy hy 1“ thole who have aujt drfUbt s to : general Wilkinfon** crimlhaUty , As to ourfelvt s we arc hi o nly pleas , cd at the cm uytilarcc. I ho ermity whatever gene r.J V/i.'kfilfbn, but we certainly ire . V tdia M*e .ted (bail v, a- vt..-. .. “im- j viction oi ior that conns* i -ti-S be removed. The t vi.J nee upon this luUjtd at prd tni ia luffiaently .'Long in our eiti n;a.U)ii to tltabldh his treachery to his country beyond the poflibility ol a doubt. \et vve IhouiJ rejoit e fertile honor of our country at his entire & abioiute exculpati u durr, it is p. tfuuiable has it greatly iu his powr to throw” mnch h s ht upon , ‘ .js fubjvd, ami it is ardently to be r.w p'd that he whi dii'pel rhe cult .. j >..i bfeurity wtth vHcb it-ix iiui iuP He wit! no doubt adauce W*-a. i* n J >. wiry <ut .. .ich he y rn. and kali !c.,r this I ice inforiaation, we raihcr ex ,p ’d indiijxnitfar. rrj tir to i beat q*. arters *ld bogr’ally etjSno- | c--. ofr.t (flu. I j — * ♦ , Sr. Louts, ber Q. 0.. Mci.-say ialt,. t.’ o ukt> oe l.mgtnjg to the party’wbich condoc* ted the hlsndanchi l to his u..ti m, • arrived here in 43 days from the - MSntdan A-i tage. They lay, they airbed at the village oa the 24t.) of o ptemb r Lit, ail well, r avng . j.’*;f{ge oi liU tiay from th.> place. Tsom rhe muu|h of the *i* /?jf iuri to the viiLg’- UiltJ tni!-8, ‘ , calculating their being obfigt l . to stop several days on their jejurocy ! to procure proviaons, progieljld-i upwards of twenty tnik's p^ r day. Tiie men mat they ar.i* ved ar the Kicaree village on the *1 Jth Sk*pt. and experienced a eon . fidtrable degree ouh fpitality from tjiefe people; the beaux appeared very hofrile and nothing bur fi-ar 1 prevented th<_ir it >pping the p .rty j ‘i'hefe men left the hunting party about 25 milts above die ivtanda village on their way to the hunting ground, at the foot of the tnoun rJn ; thy eypnefs gre-it ‘appreh-tk’’ riwn from the whofwarro in thoie regions, Ik who ■ appear entirely in the intcrdl of J ; the Britilh factors, wWhak trad* I ing houlcs on the Yel.lwilonc riv er, and other fireams which empty into the head branches ot the Mil -fouri. 4 MTii. Cooks MHler & M V.h! land wtro hud permission to alcetul the iMSfiburi tc itfc iiead, were dtrp ped by the i'? citis au’H tfcaped b\ itratagi m, orhirwac ?f exp ted they wouic hißre been cut oil. [Payable b* l s yearly. • , * TNuMn-R 4f;4. Thele gentlemen uadi g | vriHi rhe MafiaV on th< river I'Mtfte. {•/ ‘flcfTrs. Pit rte (ihdbt-’au and wo ’ sons, Aufud. son ol colon*’ “u ----gufie Chotcuu, Mr. Mnnu< l I.i'-t h do dor Thom.< s, arc e.X;vd -o 4 .al ly ; fjom them fve expect a tnvwu particular dctaH of the voy^e. . A. frfg”aph under Goucnbr g hr-a'd of Oct. IG. mentions th dc pam ie Col. Itc rp. the day be fore sot C'-'pW’hagef>, !her - e t*> Pa ris— H • j'icteil frruu (js-e ilt reception be had nun with, f ’ Ft) R F ION JK f^YS. * * # j N'tW-V’-KIC. f> :C. T^l The ftiipG nd n advir sTo the 4 r h oi Nv. > r ; rtr.d the WooJrop bi:ns, arrived ;*t N *rfolk, brings adi icer a day later. They add h< tle to our previous news. Napkr n reached F*ns on tiie a6th (fdober; t.nd on the sth oi November accounts were u ceiv ed in London of the death oi lul leyrand. 0 Capt. Moran's Idfer. re taining about 20C0 fen tfi- -were ouTof the ship at G e- bv aitvcfiuccdicer v ho It iteb tS.n i’ w f .s contrary to’bw r*> c ‘ C-. ic. iHei’l net ; 4j> >•! ‘ |up t* Lfttdon, an.’ ern ‘ ;”' T i cuetled us la .i.u; ti- fo.’ov ! mg R'-te: “ A'.an of.ct Gravesend c • \ “ iltts is • A .certify that “ ■ 3 of letter? w r *dr n cut c.i ? ’ mcrirau fi. pWi ham, by ar v u officer, wluvh La A of.leticia Wwi fent to t!.e poil ” i J l \ );. in 7.1 rr:. | *ln the Mr. .. f.v SaVanl:’ . , Dereroh*- 27. We have tpr*!; 1 n>f v * l l ;L ou* la(t with NevkY. ■< pa is t.nh j 17th .hiit.*nt, Wcf.vcJ by ib lie/ 1 l u .rb‘s, lfe.rrV.iTti, and K rg j i.. Bifii tt, iu \#** R-oir pvifcg s. I'i’he tliip Wff'Lm, capt oran. has ry/.i’ il At New-York, in 22 . jcdys tronith .Downs, with Lomloa pap. ps to <!<e-a nil November. r Exc p'ing the. treaty of peace, which will be found in the pn cecd. ing pa e i t this aberr.oon’s p: p •*•, the fniiowmS given : n the N< w j York paf)erM 3S the moft * art.cks by tl k arrival. Mr. HartfiiOnte, one o? the prf fengeiT, is ti e bearer of citpauhes from tui in London to tl.e iicrcLry of date. ” (Lp r am Tvt ran and fsffesp.’W ILifc, that it was confidently * ‘*p> c., \ t.J the Gunviiie panv wou’cLuiCr’ j c‘i;U me patent mu idry on ihjc 1 meulutg * t th; Hruifh pAr’Lrnuitd “*Tt?e En'diftinum,*’ a f onimft ■Mi'utev rap rof the !2t,N m- Vr, i Lid to contain iht l.igencc of the urrivaj of ih - king ft S ‘XO*’.V at EountjinLkau *, :uid pi the c‘ * fi vuctioi. of a French cjjwwoyj. tro.ij tfbulon to Iku cef rna.y Q! tifr* co 1 vy. was faul, wof di : n| c w: r ti of them of QOJr tut o W.At weKyiuo ?*t<j uluvtn up. i./a “f • te ■ 7 . wt