The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, March 10, 1810, Image 1

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Ihrcc Dolls, per anttitr.i.'] Vci-UMS >l.l DESULTORY. N. w-York, February 9. Pv the arrival of the (hip Ame lia. in 45 days from on, we ). received F rl’guile Gazettes to the 23d of December, contain* jug London etate£ to ti 2 nth of November, Dur d.vs Liu than he i received. The 1. fl.v jj Gazette t i ti..- 22.! December, ct :. a ij -‘ted decree oi the go-.ei turn nr, •>’ <he nat n- id the prince regent, tea iupplyir.g the deficiencies in the r. i Jar tM . p* and militia, and for ato rural cot! ription, nbe called into e-flua! letvi. c, as the exigen cies i 1 die It ale may inquire, its great Ur,4th proJudts a publica ’ o; it ill m j per. Bv the 6:h as ? ;>'l. , a’! p. rtons in the k ngc'om t .tweet th’ u_es of l? ik 55 years, .1 a certain height, are . fuhjt it to the le.nicriptv n, vidi Jon e r. c r y exceptions, for the Iv: (fit oi g. ‘culture, eommerre, tx'.vi at:< n a, the a. is and Ih Duces. A great v.uathtr o pt\ visions are it. chd to J core the execution o! i *. c rr"-, vny (even- p.mlrics dt r- linked agrbdl ail who n.ay to p: (O O ...V It. bv die t,nig Amelia, fio.n T if \ ti v ■ h-h put the i. ft tthe 24 of 1) ..ember, v.c learn, that v Biit’fh tinny had retired .V Dlitas t OimiiSa. 1 i'e I u •J. v.i :oa* v. -iic in , A I.*. .... ns --1 !'a artiv. and !. fbon. whh.h brw’t I nun pa pc rs of the to'li of J)< - O o’ .r, but v> are infi rma. titty .fid not contain any news of impor tance. Savannah Ft h ‘2O. Istr.rrt of a tetter. Jaitd Liverpool * i sib December, 1810 . to a rur~ drain tr-:s riiv; i eedved per t’e ship /’,. : u art he Jat A- J o 1 tin da. *• s\” ’ tth . inn nieiT.-n .r is an i v. uid.all ■ ftruceh n France, <a ii ,i’ ts iai-.i, a congreis for a {■•Orta I peace, ii meet i:i the north o’ Fi nee. This is oi !y a trick of B .naparm’s, and 1 do not think a ry t! pg of moment can relu'r from ti. Now lord Wellesley is minuter cf foreign affairs, I do not think he will be so t a lily duped. Parlia r. :'t meets on the ‘2oth January. I he holders of Arm tiran property app'-artd very much frightened du ll t* the last hw days, from vefl.-ls ailiving which evaded the jv.ia-intercourfe law. Two >f them fr.'tn New-York, the Connecticut arid I.avinia, have ban totally iofl within a few days palt, owing to the florins we have had—the iur uu r near S*udwell rea ls, the latter near the Rihlde. Upland cotton. Is. 91, and lowering; Sea lil.tnd, ‘2.. a 2§. ‘2d.” Extract of a letter front a pent}, dt StockL-dm to hi., frio.d in Ah/- wv. \ (C 1 dated (Jet. 27, I M)!J. “ ‘l'he ct-lcbrafud colonel Bu r is h, f-.nd on thv gre.rUt n.rno of i•: oary v.ith the Lit . 1 nobili rv. He t ‘ to O pet:! i:. a 4.\ ‘ 0 L iv U- .-w .. * iu . • y t f~ > ‘r -■ jy r “y j^y WASIJNGTON, (Gzorcia) Painted weekly for SARAII HILLIIOUSE. Dover, (n. h.) J.m. ‘27. During the gale on Fiiday the 19 *ti inst. much damage, w<e hear, was done in the upper part of this ft.tte. Many barns were blown down, houles unroofed, &c. In New-Hampton a dwelling house was blown down—the family with difficulty escaped from the ruins. Ihe owner of ti.i house. with his wife and three young children, were, procttJing to a neighbor’s house, in a sleigh, v-aen a violent gull ol wind upset ir, with fiirh vi olence as iiiflantly and .fired it in pie ces—one of the children ua torn from its wretched parents, c ould not be found. The other c hi! Jr *n, before th- y c uld reach any b ule, were frozen to death—the m..n and his wifi were mu h froll birtei:. In Holdenitfs, a iarg barn be longing to the Hon. An hut Liver mote. was blown el >w i, four OXetl killed. Boston, Jm. ‘27. Alarm rg Moi t.illi —■ 111 1 1(111(1, W rcdtcr coutoy, Mr. lin mas Ten [din, aged 37 He was well on the 2 tfl atiJ a corple* the fuc ceefiing day. By his dec a'b. tin ’■.tf'.’ is dc. ived if the fx ; 1 id ban ~. cidl-ir- afa ki* I . a afn Cii. : paretit, and tia t an cf rnr t its imil v.ii-aai i it.h. ii- U.iits. five* Other gt.i'A a,i rh .", lllld IW.Ii-i . btidivh. i:aVf. W 14 till) av. ... , in tS.e me t w n t.! ti; la difotder, v.Z —Mr. .‘in c-f.ii CLafon, jg’id 45—Mr. Jonas H.H, ag-'d 33— Mr. J hn Johnion Mr. i if ithan Whitmore, age-el 27 —M?f.-> Saily Telman, aged 17 Mr. Whiitm re was well and a; wo-k one day and eh ad :1k tuxt Vi!s Tol.uan was at ti t fun* i.d 0! Mr. \Y. and dc„el hcvLlf ti.e tid le'wing day. Tin town is filled with terror. Several Were iiized with this mor tal c’iilempcr the day the bearer of the, anicle left that town ‘1 he p.hyficians do not know what to denominate it. It appears lik< the spotted fever. Some are taken with a f’uddcn Aoppage of the cir- Cult. lion of the blood—some be*- enme immediately Ipeechkls— yd !i w and purple spots appear in a few h um. At a convention of the fellows of the Medical Society tor the (late of Connc&ieut, hidden at New Ha veil, od. 1 F'tJH, it was voted that the following prize question. (pro polcd by Dr Samuel 11. 1* L't) :v open to water-, viz. 1 hthisis Pi.t ::’ nails —“ its caufcs and effi ds, the beii method of pri vention and curt—illufirated by histories ot ca ses, treated under the fyftcm sup ported by the author.” The re ward amt: tied to the belt diffi na tion on the loregoing qudiion. is, th. t it fiiall be printed in pamphlets, lua dent itt number to furnifh each tnemher if the society with one, and .'<) copies to be jnelinted to tin fur. e!sfid author, ;.t the t-x ----pv Tice . ;id under the* fuprrir.ten dut ce f I)". SariiUel 11 i* l.te, cf K.- Lon 2 ~ as a couq thn- t:i SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 18K>. ft0.,4 fit id L e, (who has pledged j hitnfeU to tire convention for the 1 fultihnent of tht farm*) for the en couragement of medical relearchtS The* mode of tranlmitring pieces i under fe*aled covers, directed to the j conv ntii m,at their October session, !Hio, with the author’s name at tached in a sealed packet, as usual, will be expected, and uniuccefsful 1 hefif.-s will be returned according to direction, with the packet uno pened. ‘ John Barker, Se-crc-tary. tT Tire Lve-ral editors of tie-wl papers 11 the United States are re quiffed to give tht* above a place it. rh ir papers, l'he alai tiling fre q 1 ncy of tr.eafj )v> leirmi .able u.f- , ii fi*, Denis to require the united • iti Tts of of letters, to difeov -1 fome f)i’tem of jnadice that may pr ve beneficial to the public I — i Brit tt*rs tlure-fore, will grtatly aid , the obied, bv their Irieiidlv cun- i lurience ia the above re quell. In th. Houle of Representatives on the 2.1 ~f February, c.n motion 1 f -;ir Kly, the* (milage of the j*re hdi-nt covering a return of the ar my v i or in-. ! to he i.riiHr!. 1 ; so : ! >wi,.g * flatemvut r.f M kiiii ii.’s ai .ny taken from .irn. Jhiv.'te ■ fn for ’-j'y c”f sick 621 it ar L 8 cbl m <199 b< -***! <dr mi May 1) 523 O.livers on duty 43 ink 17 in arrtff 2 and id :6 I’M. D tied 51 a'.i lent 46 difu.idl'd 6 N ::-ccm. .ffi , rs on duty 95 fu'k 107 abi’ fit 4-5 A PR()( LAM V'l lON Ih the ‘n i ldit of tht U. States. W iIi.Ri.AS mlormahon lias bin received th it a number ol i:i divuluals, who have dt-ferted from the army of the United States, so lie of whom have fought fh-Jte-r with, out the jurildittion thereof, liave become ienftble of thi-ir offence, ii are ilcfir. .us of returning to their duty—— A full pardon is hereby granted and proclaimed to each and all of inch individuals as (hill, within foui months from the date hereof, iurrender themf Ives to the com manding officer ot any military port within the United States, or the territories thereof. In teflimony whereof, I have cau fod tiie leal of the United States to be affixed to thYe prclents, lign td the lame with my hand. Done at the city of Washington, the ‘29th c, y of January, in the year of our Lord, one the eland eight hundred & ten, and of the Independence of the United Stums of America tiie thirtv fourth. (Si m .0 I .Mi •; MADISON. ! iit the Pn ident j R. Smuto. bl .rctetry of isiate, [Payable half yearly. [Number 473. Montreal, January ‘22. Cold Weather. — 1 lie thermome ter, on Fiiuay lafl, was 23 degree* below (). and on Saturday, 24 ihe llafon, ptevious t> F iday, i- is, in gentral been rcmaikably mild. IVm & Mary college. (Va.) Jan. 17. At a meeting ot the lVcfidrPt cc profeffors, Rdoived, that Francis M’Cauty, Cory Berraud £< G< 1 r ,e V. sham, having been concerned in duelling, the two fiift as principals and the latter as a fecund to oin of them, be, ami are-'hereby forever txpeiled from this college. J Madison, president. ( SDH! SS. HOUSE or REPRi sentativeb. IV 1 dues day. 14. Mr. Daw lull made the folk-wintr O report: “ Ihe con in itt;e to v>h ni v>s referred a letter from Mr K<ibrt Fuhon to the Speak 1 ot th-.: II ufg of ReprJentaiiv-.s, uated on the 9'h u:lt. b-g leave to repor*, in part, that at then n quell 1: : 1- i. t 11 attet deti lii-. a u.miitot on ti is niornit g and explained to th m his v j. v ■ of the uies and e-fii els i-f p.d.i.-, in u+.ich ;hr c mr* r 1 nr to give acopii. o: ard and r li.. fi ih .v.n:g rest utmti ; Rc-fOiVed, t- at Vil’ii Ule II I’..v fhaii adjourn on Fiidt'v ■ \*. it w li aeij cai t<> meet o’ M iav ; and that mr 1 ulton lui\i tiie* uie of this hall 1 :i Saturday fur the 1 -.:r pi !e if cxl.ibltmg the Icwpeo* ai.-.: delivering a hcluTe on their practice and ut'lity ” Mr Rhea tc.ovcd to rear eit the rep., t t< the cutrn i:t e who u-portid it. with a view to 1 in ing a report < n the merits oi mntiuii negatived. Mi Livermore called f r aivi fi-'ti ol the telcaution r<_; • >!•*< • by tlu eoe rnittee, lo as t > tak a qm f ti u It-paratih < n the words Ue f Ivcii that when the lli-uf ih.dl adj urn on Fiiday next, it adj> ura to meet on M ncay.” ihe qu.llii n1 n this part if rite reloluiioii v.a.- oteided by ‘i tas uf:d Nays —Yeas 91, N.\> 29. The- quell - 11 was then fl; ted on the remainder ol the ref< h/i- n. Mr. 1 -ivt rat re rm t. t and t*> p .1- pone the fuith.i confiderath n cf the !u’ j.c't indefit Ift iy. A btiuhory debate t•!: pi; re on thele vayous qucOiom I: was said that the ball nt the [lon’- or Re■preientatives was ou hbivclv ; p prt priated t** lc put: 1 s, and t’r.nt at this fin.c to eppi, t ; f e it to the purpoie of txj e-.* in t • ‘ and ht'turi s w< uld afford a prec • -r v.hit h would be ir.ju: > u>-; t 1 l Inch a mcaiurc attct.iffil h.* aU lb uid not be t„kcn unit Is -he !Jouft u;.c convinced of th< r c* licnhility of the fyflcm propo to 1e i: dlrr.ted, he cause S f vuM : !.l cut the idea lliat the H the < f pteft ntatives hnJ iat Cticsr it) it It v-s -iic Liu lb at fyl’eui ctuii