The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, March 31, 1810, Image 1

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Three Do!is. per annum."] Volume X.] DESULTORY. NoUvithftanding there were al ready tv ) (late l i: k* and a branch ol ‘h< U. S. bank in Charleston, a fublciip*] >n opened there on IMondav and ft’uefdav last, t >r a ft tin h, to be caded, “ I he Union bank of S. Carolina,” with a capi ta! of one million of dollars. Ihe j am • unt was made up in .t few hours on the tuft day, and on the next, v. hm the books were cf >lcd, it was found that th. fublcriptions atnoun t* il to tin kmmnie iutn o| izv: mil lions, five hundred and t holts • m i dollars. The Planters’ bank, in our (late, has been in agitation npu • ds of two years, and we are t. i.l that not more than one third of the ftp res are fuhferifud for.— ‘j hiii the people of ChaiTflon have accomphilied. in tivo days, what our whole Hate has been two .:n a tempting. Citizens of, will you fuller thi ? Suva iu.i/j Republican. Curious Experiment. —! have this instant returned Iron the li rb-. r, v. her aan experiment h*? m made which, ii perfect, and, promites to be come of much utility. I’ roe., a machine, by r.v ns ol which a por fon mnv ro to the botten (ft the w a- J o ter without wetting any other part than his ban’s, and where he can remain as long as he ph-ifes. Jhe body of the man is placed in a wooden box. doled with ferews, and then payed with tallow. io th’s b x are affixed leather panta lo ms, in which he places his legs; ands irh fkeves, which extend to the ®'ift, where they ire tied in lb tight a manner that the water can tin’- enter. Ha receives the light 1 v means of *w;> glaff.s, and by the help -ft a tube, which is lengthened according to the depth of the wa t ,r. ile came up after having c 1 a (ii et of tin to a plank, & cut ting with a hatchet a piece of wood, which he hr 'u,in up; he was as cbv as ii he ha 1 not bean in the wa- J ter. He laid he could have re re lined much longer, had not the cold affected his hands too much, which I hud no and ufct of, as the weather was very cold. By means of a imail cord, which he had in his box, and which was attached to a small hand-bed, he caused himillf to L,-e railed a. pieafure—Tov/JfA pap. Fx tract rf letter from, a gentleman r: the of Ohio, to las brother i Trenton. ‘• 1 cannot omit informing yen ( f dis very of v est importance to tit’s \After n o untry. Salt his I .tne i- f-. r f *,.• .i’ years at ?. Lor, lick • Grir t Kanhswv.i, i.i Virginia. Iho neighboring f*:t -tld usually and it* *t fc-.v feet utt ft! th.v v.-irh a rtv k, which ft.-r. p.-d their forth r pr.igrefs. From \ fts ~tua tn., _• t.v y obi a: 1 or fightlv impr. mated with fail, 1 thus so- oiiad th-tnfelves with that i arti;k. Last fu.n- VIAVI TTYP ivi U i IlvJ it• WASIIINGTON, ( GsoajijJ Painted weekly tor SARAH liILLIIOUSE. mer a Mr. Tobias Ruffner with an auger four inches in diameter, bor ed .77 feet into the rock, when his auger funk 6 feet it again (truck a hard substance. ft he workmen drew up the auger and the water i immediately followed to within 3 ‘• feet of the furface of the ground. Sixty gallons of this water produce fifty pounds of fait, equal in firength i and purity to any I have ever lien, | Mr. Rufiher has f:nce erected a small furnace and makes about 50 bulbils per day; a Mr. Whitaker has alio perfected th’ rock on the opp jfite fule o( the Kenhawa, and been equally luectisiul. Succtfs ful trials h.ive alf> been made for obtaining the watt r on both suits (ft the river for ‘2O in;k- in extent ; it is found at various d.{ tbs in in 30 to HO feet from which ii appears that the fountain is ini xbauitible. I'hts ilifeovt ry is an invaluable ac quifttinn to this count: v, as fait be : ing a h :avy aitk l , has ever b cn | scarce and d.-.r. l o add to tin u . tility of this d'fcnvery i- is situated on the m iygin of a bol l navigable tlvir, .76 miles from he, confluence with the Olii) whence it c n fe ernviy and to ar.y part of the Weft* cm ce-tp'.ry. “ Iren has hitherto been a b’T!. c*d!t nr*!"!. f r z"’ i **, •’ trv ; but th; re ir r. v a furt, - i.t blast cn the Vv.C.r ;”r-., vi. r’ makes art” t,‘ r,i ‘!• . ,L t nr. i;. (.'filing, v Sen will work to * e:\- (uir.g year.” English M nerrbs.— H n y 1:1. died in the 5 7th v< ir .f r . and in th- (Hth ( f hi•; ; ge. 1. - v.-urd 111. expired in ’be 7lft year of his uigri, :md 6ft:!i c( It age. The prdont king entered up • i the 50*h year of his r.-:g.i on th. u7:h October last. Tb: le ar: the thug longelt reigns in iv ; ,i(h h.fto:\ is a remuk ibie coiiicid enc*each of the fe ti me f is the third ol the fame name, viz. Henry 111. Edward 111 k G rge 111. It anpears that est die lift -cn in marc! sos Europe, v.! > were : tranquilly seated on their their ’ thrones in 1775, George lil. of i England, ah me poffi fTes the kingly i power. The futn of this melancho ly record of royalty, flands thus : , One murdered, one aftr.iTinted, one died a lunatic, one abdicated, t 4 7 one hidden death, one expatriated, one natural death, five deposed, two poifonud, or.c (till reigning. Whatever might have been our 1! a of the prodigality of kings and rbt- folly of the people h:r indulg ing them in ir, the* l.ftt is far bev rid what our fancy had itna gined. F*r t!ie inM ruction and amusement of our friends, who arc as yet ft rangers tn riu page antry co *• ts. we fxtrp.rl from the London Court Calendar , printed in 1 ft(ft), a hft of r’tc r• ric an or Till* Tmi ?s of vi’ v. ■ ’A’ lift? q.. }• • ► . Toilers v ; li rr.i: cl, that tire; fowl rs in En ijt-'pcrs. I bib,.: P cr. SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1810. Keeper of tfse Stole Mr. Robert Robe. Necessary Mrs. Matthews Mrs. Wray Groom of the Stole. 2()(K)1. (8888 dollar,'; ) Earl >i Winch.lfea, Lords of the lied chamber — Twelve Noldcmen at 10001. (4414 and ■ liars) each Grooms of the Bed chamber — I hirteen / norables , at 50oi. (2222 dollars) ea. ii Genth men to the Privy chamber — Six*y five U.troncrs, kmghvs u nd cfquires, 2tx<! (hhH dollars) tach. women at Ken triton, Mrs. A. B.aiuienberg ‘Joui. ’ri 77,5r5.) hi.L ta ! . r to the k : ng, Francis I)y r. R and cat-her. to do. J hn Mi’chell. /Id h sit w-Liy to ditto. Miss IvE R yr.i-r, 2+l. Spatterdash maker y t u ditto , Aaron TaJt.m. maker, t: do. Mra Fi A .ft ab at .7*V) r.i,,rc cull ers, Cleks. lb 1) t r:, L . etc. /. -.7 -ft usir.Rs depart 7’to/nr.n of the n: dh , j ,*e Ku .■ .i;doti, .i *’ (o i 2 Jo.. . ) ’ I * ’ , ‘ ,'T* .* * • i e • or r. . • n r-s, .ft ’ • i*: Ift : . hi.,, a .j ii t*a re to be id in ,h. k h- i i..t. / ‘ ■ b < fari.s. • 1 ’ • . 1’,.;. c.q.iii s r . •: .. wi.-i.e a;.; f.a I-■. *l .’ t) U O'.V 1. sf •i > . 17.76 id har. ihe u. g . ; -.. a i :i. I i e r’ ut. ..1 !’ i . tiu TV i _ ! i iUnd-, q 2 <> Kvi. or itvs G i. . -v • .*, DtviJ la'fti. cr -■> x * Kiidi s >'* s rn i prickers, at 1C Id. or -* • i* .• •. .. ‘ ‘at h. C* m : ft'no r duke of St. Ai . ‘J- • r.. o r a.; . 0 . .. To .b f- USih.ld Presents a cuii u lift of ladies o: ri .n r and nei Try v. uneu, gr'. cos and p..lillion>. nur fe'. and pin Its, i . a:! ci h:y rude and fetnJc ...b *ers. wi;li i.da ri s from 30to 12” >l. ftie at er part at 2001. (888 d.i!.ar&) end up'.var is The I’ hue of Wales —v.-:ih a lon. l - lift of officers, has ab ut ; ) C.naoiains m ordiuarv, o'* ordinary Chaplains. The Duke of York among his h(.tuft hold troops has . vvJve pr :hs. The Dukes of • m:c A Iv ttr, more dcV'.ur than “ihti. b.m.vr of York,” !u\w .mec-n vi fixicau ; riefts eaeli! i’h. Dukes of Cu nberhn i, S;.f i.'x ..oc cambii ’.gc, uic r. .iLtcufty provide ’- with pciefts and wuinui. I Tfie Royal Houibhold, contains ali nit two thousand commiili >aed officers. The number of iurvants i„ unknown, they may be dtium i at 1. aft, at five th .ufand m are, ia alt seven thousand n nsnd wo ;i to wait epen . - fms, a:;d ice ti. nt they i:.:vc rn , i f > ear, dr...!:. A —to n..k ■ r pay x > Tj < ; .v i.• • : y of of! ‘ \_Payable half yearly. [[Number 47G. CONGRESS. HOUSE Ov KLPRLSENTATIV£S# i Thursday , March 1. The Hoafe went into cnnimif-ee of tiu whole, on the bill au r h<’riling a vtetac.nnent of the militia of the Ui.ited States, as reported with a mtndtr.ents by a leied: commi-tee. I i'.c b,ll having been read, a mtnded, <kc. ft he committee then rr.fe, s(> to 4G, and obtained leavt to fit again. Friday. March 2. This being (!•■• dav i evoted to bills and r(. ( ,orts ■ n p. ii ors; the i iwuie lelolved :!l< if into a coum if tce (ft the whole, on the toil v.i g ref lution rt-poired by the com * ir tce us claims on tlie pu.iLn est Eli i 2:b< h Hamilton, j “ Rill ivvd that t!:c prayer of the petitioner ( ught not to be grand d.'* Aicllr*. Nclton and ia', 1, r p;o ----ft.. ar.d uubs. Root, RoyJ and Mo.itgi-nu.y fubported i’.c rvp.irt, b ..t cufthdcrable extent. At liuglh the qutiticn \.-.,s tak en n. c HiiniUee ; and t..e ft k-ilagiced to, 6- > to 51. i hr* cornn:f’tie rota and r: part ed lieir iiifagrce;:uTit doe la.. ae i. ik a; ua \1 , ri e co’.r.aiitte of the i if .igie. iiici.t b) 4 e..s a.i.i ~ -a, 0. la 52. • Ainr f,,ni? emverAlien a; to th p:op r c-ouric now to l a pa;;,... t, uir. Gin :i> :i ii. v.d ti at i . c< ;n ----n. itce of GLia.s bt i.d,.. 1 > re, or; a oiii purluant to the pravtr est i.iizabath Ha Ain a. The nso’;■ *,n a rc-ei to by Yeas and Nays, t>. to < >. Mr. J.:.kins c*b aimd ia v • ts abi.ncc tor ten a.'* .in.! Mr. Mont gomery ; .,r two wr At .5 i ’cl >ck the id dc , bourn -4 li lJ ->iiW nday. 4 Monday, Ma . b ~. Mr. i pper. iini.i t.‘.e i > • iriftae to whom was referred t c u •. - n l iUs Ir. tn the So*, t t. • i ..( c. turn mg couimtivi ’ • re-. •: *, and mr Epiui auier.da * *li. . to/tiller v.-fti the bill o .r g convoy, Ac. l-ro.nd in p ,rt, a t !I anti.orlitig the P; .ii ;er.t t- inflr* t th c.iiiun..n(ji t sos pu’ : c arm .! v. !tels, to convviv t.i- i. r. v. n■; (Avricd wholly by ti • oi th U. b. ft. s, and w.ili g.i,.os of their grow th, produce or - lire, a..d further to r. ii 1 :<r,v ?t ----tcltipts to leave h laid (hi; *. hv rr. id vdlcSs <ft Fiance A G. lad n ; a;..i to capture and h ii.g them in a. lawful print-—vrl.ifh v.*as twice fend and referred t . a corumiutc o! the t: i f-. Mr E,-;.-. s i r r -v.. and the kif a. teeti.ei . of the ( , c.;:m.ii , '-c ft* ’he a uead.iKUt >f the Senate to the fill c. • •iftinercial inH-ic*.;: ;c. ft’he nudiii n was take: ulfti uc ■ o ’>■•..v, (*ri i •.cuirii.g vi h the t ■*- p ioft’ j ( .mmittoe in thd.- oif . riut .. ~i art ts. ..cua.netit.