The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, May 12, 1810, Image 1

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7 hree Lolls, per annum .] Volume X.] TLbc celebrated imported horse, ROYALIST, TT as commenced the pres ii Xent season a Whip’s sta ble ..i i.,e town of Washington (Geo.) at Tw nty-five dollars the season, payable by note tne fixst ot January next, which ni.i ; be discharged by paying Tkv utv tljl'Hrs Witiiiii tne sea- 1 son. or n dollars waen ; the •H ire is first pm — Fifty- ‘ /•■v ■ odors to insure a mare to be ii :ml—one dollar to the >om i.i every instance. 1 h:i - e tne best accotviinu l.ttions ‘ for mare.;, and wdi fee I at 25 ; cents per day. Kvcry posst- 1 b!: attention wll be paid but tv ll not be responsible for ac cidents ol any kmd. Kovalsst is a rich ma’io r any b\v Iti nands high, and ui questionably as handsome <s any imponed horse m America ■—the instant he is brought m view, the beholder is cnarmed With his appearance U act > i ‘I lie best judges from several states, have been seldom able to point out any real d< feet in him ; and, so uni vers illy is he considered as a complete torse in his format on, that an exact representation of him is pub lished H* Kres s New Cyclo ps ha. and in the Complete Farrier, for the inspection of persons w o are desirous of viewing this noble animal per fect in all his parts. Roval • * • ist s colts nave just appeared upon the turf, be promise fair to make excellent runners.— . Their size and beamy are also very superior to most com. in A aerica. From the fine size, ga.ety 6c. muscular power that Royalist possesses, it is judg ed that a better horse to im prove tiic stock in our cou nrv could lot have been procured in England. A number of gentlemen who have bred from \V up for three seasons past, have declared themselves well vitisficd to have his place fii 1. !by \ d'st; believing that abetter liors -c> u! I not lx* ha !. Royalist L • qua! in point of blood loan ; s;or ein Engia vd or America, vr.iich th ■ Gene ral Stud-book, which is hr. t * \yith him will 1 illy shew. 1i e was bred by his li. M. lb ot Wales, and was got by Sal tram, son of Eclipse, by Mask, who covered at 200 gs. the season—His clam by lien*!, who brought 13 capital col and nearly all good nicer-.. Royalist's rw’lor ; i ••< o l ♦he turf, appear from me . por- Ti n r\T\Tnr/Air* MUI A 1 1 l Jill. WASHINGTON, (Georgia) Printed weekly tor SARAH KILLIIOUSE. ting Magazines to be equal to any horse in England. 1 lit first time he started lie woi, 40l)gs. at New-market, beat ing lord (irovesnor's chestm fiilv by 1 ’otßo s. out of Marre* and the duke of Bedford’s cult by Highflyer, out cfConcgo.i de - lie started for the Craven stakes and beat Dare Devil. 1 Agamtmmon, Coriander, Sc-a ----i gul, Goldmrod, FoitWblb.uri, and 6 outers. The next t u he started he won £ 650 .ster ling, i Tons! one, R-Tin Giya . betting Patriot, !. ymb -i u ! 7 others. lie id o b -.t the ; du.-.e ol Detfloui s if at H the ci .he of Norfolk's fi;iv bv the * J sire of Bedford, a . .veej si >lu* of 20u gs ex eh. 1 i b< it ioul Egremom's eelebrat; and ru. ; n r Si agul, a m iti Ii race for o o gs across the t! ,t at NT ;*.et; which gave him u.moun ded. ied:t. as i was u.<) t to be tiic siv ii >t worse. in t e king* lum. ! •<■ also be,r ] , j Quixoite (Li! tv, tied'. Bedford’.% ( nb. b\ ’ • ! u * of asi ,♦. {•> j dor, i f : Craven -t law. !le ; r - J .siic!) a r. un i ior i r, t. i . .• as •vi to r. ■.. .v (>. i! course at New -m.i-iu t, 1 -r ti.e first day’s pur- -. l. o g, g. ■- < r tilv the iargf s* t i. ; ! .ii U I!c i'in s ; ! o ii; at • t'.aiuPt. r t o.iier capital rat- ;\s, tot> n i -!o neut’on, wi* < l m::v !>e seen by ref rtnee to tfe ibic ing Calendars. EDWARD JORDAN. April 2d, 18 10. * “ 1 I cert.fy that I have bred from the liupozien orse je y- j ai"st, and hr, co!t-j . ave ’*. n ! better than the same raa. rs cv- j cr produced before, notv.ut i standing 1 :ta\e bee a. ti * trouble oi taking n.y mares to Virginia to pin .to the best of horses in my judgment; and a number oi my n ■ g -bors \v: o have been in u .amt of bree ding from •. • la -t imported horses, have a;,o bred from t. (i\ ■(.. si. and are ( qu .iny well pleased with myscif and in d vd I h:iv( st an a number of ms cobs, and am satisfied they are better than 1 nave seen , produced by the sine mares from any other ho -sc.,. Wit- I ness n.y hand—Muclisoneoua- ! ty, Kentucky, Ib-jt.. i I ah c Talbot. i am personally acquainted v ith >lr. Haile I albotofKen tnc ;y, m : i. v. that he b.i eds I mndr.-r of fine 1 orscs; and •’ ■-f * * * - ■ i’-‘ i.i.icn on n , • SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1810. j judgment and c rtihc ue, rts | f.ecung the imponed, ! Royalist, as n.t\ of niv | •I'. q nuntanec—WMkc.-.o uni), * Georgia, > i arc • 3u, ISM*. :d vi t • k w f,. e oi. ) | Ti ?*•c; n o r.itcd irr.po*; t 1 ! bars- • . ‘ b;* - onmm’iccu 1 die .. 1 1 OW's, jU* -H.. >i - \ (A Hi its I .bi j\ c A ugusu) hi Vtd : M*. Jo.sepa Cotton, at ‘ihvt-. 1 dollm it: e season, pr \ cb) I note tne Decc ... ,r riexf, wiuefi in ybe ci.rX .aid by • t?ic pay .... uof i w ti:. •hurs j v. Li!. : • m.vo— i Jt :: . .l me s. • .c ic.ip, and one ; to t .- groom in every i..-.. .nee. I .c marts that do in p-rove In foal si all have the be eh; of t;.o fall sc .-on, grat.., —i : e suaeo-i w ill expire ti.e of jt !y next. Whin i, a very e!•. ant !.oi ,c, and a sure i jul-ge’ier—i c i-, n I“U. o,r : y b; y, iti In 1 ai.ds *•• • ID* ,b; i i* in blood ’ t;.e cv. hrr and Lin u y ’ * *- • 1 | * > . .'.V t CV • V. .. N i.ii. in. ‘• j’p t .ukd ’ * t• • •.n. se fa r * i, 1 .. t “ 1 ‘ is . 1 * . . . . i: ;*• ’ “ ‘ * ‘H i ■. n ‘V . V. * f• ‘ ) \ , ’ *• D y I Nv ill* , - •a nd; • • ’ . : t: (* : . - i . irl if p’u'disr.n and * * ! •y i • •<. . i t C j Hi <ms : lc’ r l’o i be. ,an tic!i > t t i■l'. .i’ I. <, I ( al ;, li . D ’o. -v t\ —■ V. *v. oi t ;ii . ’ a!s Ileal l *.* I::-e H• . y mat Maidoftl Ual , An nr.jv.ii,. i . l. V* --*• - - *•* * MWT*rE j DESULTORY. I -* •* F male P ‘ri • ti r:. I iLii i- 1 ti.-ii’t al’ou- my - ft- ■ to talk polities < n cnimi.i'ii . c- Cafl I S J t Ut I it.i.dv lit li.e pi'. ki.i Itrtte ot our cee.iilr) ih- uuMiell lave iiup-ii-i.;i,t apatto ml us d’e nu n. —IV uh nil Juc ul,, cl, io u v vt'.u call the u; ii Ci.iii;- ii l ink the- TANARUS; ft Ives u in k x ol ru : n .isiirh cnnlequcn e t-> cl.e rath r>, ibai huiuin and th: atai.ii 1; ■’ ■ i vvhecM ;ut in mod üby te nia!. hands wid do as touch : c. irds re n fling cur wrongs aim Hi v iifh. ing i.ur".t. ,rs a bunco..l th- ufar.d i.i th- b. It niiiit- i men in ’ America. I cm i .<t a ! re in this opinion-—’Squire Horn spur.. .t t. ue American inside an.! . . 1 1 ; j t!< re die ol Ipirming win- 1 .m !■<• ’ is more ahming to John hull, ns he culls king tie* i r and aii I ii fe. ks, tlian Mr. Mar r.N bill and all the other bills that cvnguk. are making for his annoy, no - ami the ’Sq-.iir? f.ys iurther, t>. t his e. tn a ;.e i 1- i-L-'in lacier V,h - .mat Cj ( y-1!o o’ .ir la dr-., nan ’ A \ it!: iv “i, gr- u i . iv [/*ayable bu J yearly. his fs'd -vy has fpinclles. Now T know* i.f n i better rule of wvrU.e, than ti find o.u what iht tnemy v. din s us nt tj do a 1 1 >f e ,-.S “it ir in ai ut tt .iv n* >. • ,cz ui.-.i .ii ■, \- notan . old. a.. • are and- |- il ted I ||- -k i’ i I.i I. 1 .1 E i‘l •!• hat I’ll i i.UL h -.i f] i . v- L “.I Lie WO eels l)jL‘h, Out.iff. THE CDUN IRY BURIAL. f was an tv ninq m tin? ;h of A i : i lti!l rain Jelcend ! from t- far. aulanr Ik win.* bi vv over the ti a. ; the cXu. i*’ .• >tv, near A’r.d :, in *Vu'v.-ickfliii aw p.. red .t a distance ; it ‘pits. „ i- -r ----in. with the rt 3 .i; >n id r e b;a h ans i.alr i: : .’ .1, n t tl.r *i i. *• How heau'i ul (J. i f) -,;! , • ic tuied ;*.n J .•;■ vetti) d--cs nu u i !j::;e:ixe invite the tuiud to c~>n tctnpla.ioii 1” A 1 was cain: 6i ‘ranqoil; ii:v , '-i* fnrn felr the pri;.• ip.; oi good, .ot r tixg th. I) ty, A l est win,; p e. 1 w.ia rapt in i ti dtion. Ui. I was i'illurbed by the diltant founds x l-.veet uliJ plaintive long. I :ur ei about; au>.l be! ei! . L r ;m rht i j* ining ri fe, a party of nun . r i- * a corplh, and a ;• t ml h\ i-’i to the ..y if the:r elv [ ,r! and fticii.i —ll k urne *: :• I. ’ : a ll.mntJ i ,v : til ir I*.e S * Si;... Wll (- U l Wi.b 111 e .v. > l , ,Vl in til* r<kr. I o*lc: ved no pa . .u.,s * or au i I- v.-uoi:t,.. i m ;|,■: a h*_J nearer—'l he c!.i-1 o ouruer v. as a young m *.> ; ■i ldhcf Ji. HOW tiled t . .rs v. ti hole f; ra■ i- ih. iN ir. . . ‘it i.i! Ir; lig. ;.t. n ii.iJ i"e!; .. * r- l.jittth! I. ‘ •. .N t : 1 1. l h ‘ >; :.r w. ■ a beaetuul voung W nii o : v. 1 1 tollnuwt m g J. •• .1 p v. ri hi ad ;cli -o i ; t: i je h r iti:l re luvciv ; ? .- K ch. >lw i:lt> g• e exp f u : .un me t’*- f.-.c ; she *n ei ‘n-. elfii fly .ut t., r r. „r i jl .Ltiv rs the id n.n* r J ., sh , .1 i ,;,i . r„ w. joi .e>. A * *■!.’ i up!e fll -u-f; r c he utye’’ ‘!. S I 1v..1!, .:t , 1.. r< • i vvnfi ip hut tv i , •vv i* ar t'U i j-v-ji’ !” ’ t I, Ijl'ihv g them o t e * l y- -W- were me: ; >y ih ( *:e e. iall thin man, in uile to .i ----anee g.-nfli.!: sand ili .rr'v v e 11.. ilil r . i .'\ 1 V. ’., li lit \V ili r l.j . . n i ti.e .bt a . io i.- J. dV..; h. Ih. c rt’i was tkivwn ov r • while !■ ..; ol f!:e i v t ‘ .indent c.o 1 m Hi a.d ti.e g v. Voi II . a. ‘*i u’ ! i!j?.f fi.-in i*h ■ ’ ! - ■ ! !.e ni . .i- 1 .■ 1. 1 i. *is f . ui-l oe ii..v ... *uqht . ha he then with how much I -f ilir r.figns l.ei vhihlrin *< C fi : criee and h .ng o tlie Ah.. l l) -h >V all.’ la ! v_. , lei quin i v.h iitn-*s *’ i! 1 r .-r- Ve 1 t!*:e funciai i.u.o>.-s. It was the h. :r n! \c; :to. “ I -v. It, then ( ;1I) I: ! -i im t i. r i. rht in ii*.’ l ai, \. n aid b:v !• , , p. .leltf the <■! of !iy !a viifu.i to t t (# 1 I m i>, ;.n l r a i'.*.e a noax the happy. • - . * / £ NuMUi R 42.