The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, May 19, 1810, Image 1

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Three Dolls, per ar.num.] Volume X.] The following is the letter laid be fore congress. April 20. Washington, April 19, 1810. Sir, After a tedious pr.ffage from New Orleans I arrived at Baltimore on the 16th iuft. and reached this ci f v the next dav My absence Ft- been neceffdnly pret rafted by tl fc left ion of papers from a m.tls ol twenty years accumulation, for th ftablifhment ol Lefts, to refute the -.utilarious and diverfified cal umnies by which I have been uflai led. I now present mvftdf to the Re pru iua*ive Boiiy ol he nation, the gu.: fi'-'ns ol the public wealth and the p\>teftors of individual rights, to yprels my earriftt deli re that they may conflitute lome impartial tribunal which may be governed with Hriftncls by the principles of th.’ c ntfitutton and the hws >f ev idence, to investigate the conduft ot my whu’c life, civil and military, wnerebv justice may be done and my unexampled peiibcution be ter jninated. I aver my innocence of die foul offences which are imputed to me and declare my ability to fupDort it b.fute any unprejudiced court.- Through you, hr, I appeal to my country, k 1 claim that right which is not relufcd to the mod profligate —the right of confronting my ac* enfers. l’he Representatives of the people will not, 1 am persuaded, fuffer a fellow-citizen who has been devoted to the public service more than twenty five years, and has no thing left him but conscious fidelity and attachment to his native coun try, to sue in vain for justice. The enclosed letter to the Secre tary of War was written anterior to the receipt of my notification of re cal from the command on the Mii fiflippi, & will evince my readi.nds and my desire for a full invelligation of iny conduft. With perfect refpeft, I hare the honor to be, fir, Your obedient fervnnt, JA . WILKINSON. The Hon. J B Varnum, Esq. Speaker of the House of Rcprefentatives. Columbia Spring Oct. 18, 1809. Sir, Having received information that certain imputations have been al icdged againll me by the late capt. George Peter, and certain subal terns in office, which annateuiated to affect my character as a military officer, itmv earned desire that a court of enquiry should be ordered to examine into my condud from the commencement of my military service, with injunctions to report an opinion. Or should my ene mies have been hardy enough to prefer formal charges against me, which are deemed worthy of inves tigation, that an arrtft may ensue and a general court martial be ap pointed for my trial. In making this request, I am mo ved by a consciousness of my in tegrity, by a facr-H regard to my WASHINGTON, (GeorgiaJ Printed weekly for SARAH HILLHOUSE. charafter, & the felf conviftion that I haveferved my country with zeal 1 and fidelity, and that I have never j deceived it; declaiming at the fame j time all advantages to be derived ! from any aft or daufe of limitation, j But as this has been the theatre i of my command generally, for elc- 1 ven years paid, as my companions in service and the evidence of my conduft, (many of whom have re- : tired to the walks of private •life) are now in th’s country, it will be im pofhble for me t<> command at any dillant point the teltimonv nerelli ry to rebut the fiftsons c<: falfehoods ot uty enemies or to ii u.bate my humble ferviecs as a public ffi er: I therefore hope th requt If may not be deemed ?.n unreafouaole one, that the enquiry or court mar. rid Ihould be held at fime nviitary pofl within this territory ; the more particulatlv as the main lw>dy of the army is here, and a fuitahio court can be formed with more conven ience to individuals who may co n pofe it, and wi*h the less expence to the public. A general offirer to relieve me from command, £ >.l to pit fide at the enquiry w ill be the only person necdlary to he or L red out; r.d, under the circttmffances, l tl tier tnvlclf no gentleman in comnulfi u wiU deem this duty a hardship. With perfeft refpeft, 1 am, kc. JA: WILKINSON. The lion. Secretary of War. British Parliament. Cot .mitment of Afr. Fuller. After the ordinary buftnefs on Tuesday, the committee was relum ed upon the Walcheren inquiry.— The ear! of Chatham was called in, ahd continued under examinati >n from fix to ten o'clock. !n the entirfe of his evidence, Mr. Fuller put several queflions, which were r>ot attended to by cither his loru fhip or the house. When his lord ffvp withdrew, Mr. Fuller, we uu dtrltand rose k laid, that his qued ion-; had as much right to be atten ded to, as those of the chancellor of the Exchequer—G"d d—n :ne, fir,” find he, “ I have as much right to be heard as any man who is paid ior filling the place he holds.” l he chancellor ol the exchequer moved, That the words of the honorable member ffiou! I be taken down,” which was agreed to. The house refumtd. and fir J->hn Anltruther, the chairman, reported the oxpreflions of Mr. Fuller. The Sptak r then informed t'ne house that it had c . me to his knowl edge that a member had uied un pat liamentary language which a breach of the privileges of that hon. house. lie felt sorry that it would become his duty to name him. Mr. Fuller—“ You need not be diffident—it’s 1, Jack Fuller. ” The Speak* r ordered the hon. member to withdraw; but he de clined, until several of his friends interfered. 1 : e chancellot of the exchequer moved, ” That he fliould be taken SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1810. 7 7 ? into the custody of the ferj.ant at arms,” which was agreed to, with out a diflenting voice. Mr. Fuller, who was in the lob by, on the vote of the hmule being communicated to him, ruthtd into the body of the house, and, in a loud voice, laid, the fpeaker had not the power or authority to order him into custody. he was only the servant of the members, and, by turii lubmitting to him, tiny n.ade hiu their malter. He meant “ the inlignifi. aut little fell ari th wig” Th- lpeiker flhtft- v the .. at arms ifhould colit ft me pe Ki;s un ’Vr ins con.maud, to ruin vc Mr. Fuller by li-om the houie. It was with and tficulty that trie lerj.ant and our n.tilcngers took him mlo custody. FOREIGN NEWS. Baltimore, April 27- 1. ne ft on: Tonaingcn. By t!.e utt 1.-.tlti’g Ih.p George & Albert,capt. Norman 30 ~.)* iron 1 1 nniogen, wc have a.. outea, prin ted a id written, to M^fch.— From Hamburgh U Aliena papers, Vs< lii winch We We.c p finely layer ed. traiifla'iotis li. h w : By this arrival uc ‘earn, that pri ces in the north of Fur pc were not very flattering; exchange on i ugland fluctuating ; fomc Amer ican property liberated, much yet in jeopardy, and appreheuf 011s not plealunt. she official Pettrlburgh Gazette denic-a the pretcudul iup turt with France, charging it to the prinrers ot Bn-fLu. Ruffian army advancing on iurkey; laipe arm- Fs rapidly ogamz 1 g In the latter. Ihe Bivarian army reduced. Hol land filled with diimay at its expec ted fate; while the Khenslh princes are promiled (20th March) new acqnifi*ions, anu Pomerania rdt. r tJ to tiie Swedes ; between whom Austria an j France a closer union (God help tiie weak) is to b<: lor ined. Ihe new etnprefs would have Vitnna 12th March. K'ng Jerome and his queen (or rather she forem 1 If, for lhe precedes Fun a dav’s tide) were flying about the continent; the lult place they tou ched at was Franklort, earth 12, whence they departed for I*. 1 is—no doubt to sign the receipt for Hano ver, of which his Weltphalun ma jcity has now formal p llcfFur.. — BeliJes tfi; le tioops in Fi & other northern diftrifts, . French corps poll Acs Lubec . ihe matter of Frankioit on the Main (whole previous title we have forgotten) was, at the Iml frolick, promoted to the rank of grand duke. Par ts, March 11. The criminal tribunal of ihc de partment of the Seine, continues to perlecuteand punish ail Fi,nchmen who have afted with the Aulfrians agahifl France lince 1804 agreea ble to the imperial decree of 6:h April, 1809. Official information has been for warded to the of England, [Payable half yearly. [[Number 489. conjointly by France and Auflria, accompanied, as we are told, by fun*e new proposals for peace. Alton a, March 19. “We learn from France that a closer ccnfolidation t>f the confede ral ive Hates belonging to the Fr rich fyfteni is iq agitation. It is aifo laid that an alliance between Fiance Auflria and Sweden is about to be promulgated, & Wtrs from Stock holm of 61 h March, announce the departure of col. Von h ten to receive poffeflion ol Pomer ania, which province the Fetich will evacuate. They write from Holland th it the cattle of Luo (on the from i rs) is to be ready on the 15th Apru to receive the king of Holland ; #ho is txp'.fted at Amfferdani early ia 1 that month. The Dutch are again taught to hope for peace. March 20, The Sr. Pe'erfifurg court Ga^ zeite of 2J of M,.rch contain- the foiF.wing \~From Grodno 1 stb Feb. We expect the I pee fy return and ur troops ‘rum Galtacia through P fi anu, to winter in the iuttri r . tie empire. We are surprised t>fi and that tins movement on the fion iers is considered (by foreigu pb. ’.is) as an advance towards the Niemen. We would be rejoiced to find -h ife printers as anxious for peace in ilnir publications as RufTu is in fact; j Vienna, March 10. The court Gazette contains the follo.-.itig: The prince Ncufcha tJ arrived on the 4 It on liis million relative to the tnairiage ot her im pcrial highness Maria Louisa to the French emperor. Frankfort. Marc 1 2. On the tiight to:h h r 1:j-ity que nos We<lphalia arrived i ; and proceeded at ifirec <>V! fc nett m-ruing on her way to fV:s. The king of Weltphaiia, followed thr.rugh this day. Hanover, March 14. This day was published and p;,f ted up tl.e proclamation of the king ot Westphalia to the Hanoverians. Amsterdam, March IS. Couriers daily arrive from our k: .g. The late of our country is yet unknown. Ihe nainl’u l ful’pcn!e and apprehenfiun have produced a depreciation in the funds. From the Mein. A larch 14.—The grand duthy <fi Franks ut *0 be mcreafed bv the ann xarion < 111 -n ----nau and Futda. I'iie Bavarian ar my is to be reduced to the peace eitablifhnient. 1 he acth of this moi.tii is to be rendered important in the liiiWy of the confederation when trie new acquifitiims of the rerpedtve princeo will be made know 9. Constantinople, J.m. 25. The p >rte has determine 1 so raise immediately anew army of