The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, May 26, 1810, Image 1

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Three Dolls, per annum . j Volume X.] GEORGIA. At a Superior court held in and for the county of Wilkes February term, 1810. HULL NISI. 9 l ‘I IE petition of Juffiua Ballard ad.nmiiirator ot Francis Shackle ford. dec. having dated that the said Francis died pNieded of a cer tain tie and of conveyance given by the com tnili mcra of the town of Wathing'on tor titles to part of a lot in laid town, known Ov No. 93, which has b-cn loft and dettroyed so that it cannot he found ; and the tain Jofiiua Ballard, aumiaiftra tor as aforcfaiii, having filed in this otiice aenpv ot said deed, together with the uiuai affidavit in iucli ca se On motion of E. 11. Cummins, attorney pro petitioner, It is Ordered, That the said copy be eftabliOiccl in lieu of of the ori ginal deed ; the (aid Ballard adm’r, fiifl pubhftitng fo* Uie term of fix months thi rule, in fotne one r.f public ga*.‘!*es of this (fate, requi ring all p .runts concerned, to lie and appear at the next Superior t u“t afrer the * xpirarion of the f t fix iiio.vhs. .-.n j !i w enu’ fit a.o>’ tit y hav.) why tins rule liuil not b- o>jv’ absolute True eo v from the minutes. D. TERRELL, C!i WANTED, Jr the town of Milledgcville, A teacticrof ti orli.k, l vtin & ENGLISH LANGUAGES, to whom iWerai tncouragv. me it wli be giv en. n-ovided he ccuics well recom it-d. yohn Howard, William Rowe and E. B. Jenkins, for th r msc!vcs and others', April 17, 1810. i Editors ot p tperc will oblige the fubferibers by iniorting the above once or twice GEORGIA, Franklin county. * \ % 7 MEREAS my wife Eliza beth \yt*rs, has left my premises, caufc unknown to me, these are therefore to notify the public!? not to credit her on my account, as I will not be bound foi any o i her contracts. Given under my hand thi: 3 c th day of April, 1810. Asa Ayers. GEORGIA, Franklin county. Whereas my wife Rebec ca Seim an, has left my premises, eaufe unknown to me, the e are therefore to notify the public, not to credit her on tr.y account, as I wiil not be bound for any of her contracts, aho all p dons are for warned from harboring of her in any manner on n y account. John Selman, sen. April 30, 1813. MONITOR WASHING TON, (Georgia) Printed wlskly for SARAH HIJLLUOIJSE. WASHINGTON CITY. MONDAY, A RIL 30. The report of the Secretary of the treasury on American manufactures, from the interesting views it t.xhii>- its of the rapid progress made in this great branch of national wealth, merits general peril fa'. We regret our inability at once to io.fiit it cn tirr. i’ efrrving this (nr a flihfe quent pper, vv< pnl it the con cluding put o| ii, vt ic 1 in.!, a'es the itep, which in ih. opinion of the Secretary, ought to be tak n to advance domeitic nanu :.dines. “From that imperf.tfc Ik tch of American mamlaclu.’es, it may with ceruiinty hr inferred that their annua! prodod rx-ceils one hun dred and tw ni\ millions of dollars. And it is no; improbable that the raw uveri-i's ufi and the provi sions and obiO’ m .ivrics cotnutned by the manufacturers, efc .*•.. a home mark't ‘ r ; itul'u'V p* ducts ii i! very interioi to that which ari fc£ from foreign de nan.l. Aril .It more favora*. It- tn <* ni fc t have been cl (r-v.i I\. •*. of the Latin J cau os w nch ir.j !c the in troduction icL.ri! the pr greis ’ of in the U. Stares. Ihe moft prominent cf those caules are the abun ia'ic** ot land cop pared with the population, the high price of labor, and the want 0! a fuffirent Fhe superi or attractions ot a,'leu. ural } ur iuir-., the great •xtenti nos Ameti can commerce during the late 1 u ropean vtf'.'.N. and thee ’ rinuance ot habits after the can ,s v. .*ich i ‘o ducd thitr. have c< led to 1 xill, . may alio he enumerat'd. Several ’ of tnole obstacles him, however, : been removed or LiLned. The i cheapness of pr visions had always, j to a certain extent, counterbalanc ‘d ! the high price of manual la.or; L this is now in many important branches nearly iupededed by the introduction <d machinery : a great American c.ipnal has been acquired during the lait twenty years; and ’ the injurious violations or the neu tra! commerce ot the United States, by forcing industry and capital into other channels, have broken invet era e habits, and given a general impulse, t which mull be aferibed the great increafc of manufactures ■ during the two last years. The revenue of the United States ; being principally derived bom du ties <.n the importanon of foreign 1 merchandize, these have alio oper | ated as a premium in favor o! Ame | ric ui manufactures, whilst on the i other hand the continuance ol peace and the frugality of government, j have render and unnecefiary any op | pre Rive fixes, tending materially to j enhance ‘he once cl labor, cr impe ding any fp’ ci s cf indultry. No caufi* indeed has pcrl.aps more promoted, in every relpeCt, the general prof’perity of the United Strtes than the ; bfence of thole fyf tenis of interna! r.. (frictions h mo ’ nopoly wliich ctnur.uc to dc,figure SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1810. the Rate of society in other coun tries. No bs exilt here direbtly or indirect!’/, C"nfineing man to a particular occupation >r place, or excluding any ‘itizen from any branch he may ;r m y time thir.k proper to purlue. Industry is in every refpecl pn rf>!y fee and un fettered; every 1p tfS of trade, commerce, art, p r oJ c ffion & manu facture being cquahy i p tieil to a!!, 1 without requa >g any previous re gular app” tu- ‘hip. a'‘trillion or licence. Hence the progress of A ’ merica has not been confined to the impr'-vem* .1: of her agriculture, & ! ‘o the lapu! formation of new ict tlcuients and ft.itts in the wilder -1 nvis; <*ut her ei izens have exten ded ‘heir commerce through every pa>f of the globe, and carry on with c omplete 1 need's even those bran ches foi which a monopoly had i ret of ore b> cii confidcrcd efiln tiallv necJlary. The fame principle- has a!fo ac reierafed the intro,iucrion and pro grds of manutrtdluri s, and mufi ul iim.iteiy pivc in hat 1 arch, as in .1 •■lifers, - . idud fuperioiiry so t .< cr.E.tris of tv Uni ed Stat-'S o- U': h • in!, b ‘ .irs of countri. cp f.rdicd by tax-s, r.ft idior.s .*i;d ro -u >po!i, . It is f • li- v and that e vit at tljis time ihe only j wiriul o! t; r*- agairfl which American n t r aaurcs have to druggie, ari. I , from die Vii Illy fuperi >r capital of the fir ft mrir.utaht'j in-, nation of Furope, whi.h enables her mer chatits to rive very long credits, to fell on 1. .all , lofits, and to make occalional facnfices. 1 ho information which has been obtained i’ nor lufTn ii tto fubtnit, in c >ol.trinity wiui th r- iolution of the llouih, the plan l> it calculated to pro'.Ct and promote American manufactures Ibe iiiof oh’i'.us means art. bfiui.'.ics incieafc t duties on importation, 1 I ana by go vernment. Occafi.itral premiums might be beneficial ; but a geo :al lyttcin ot bounties is m nc app..caidc t.. aiti cl’ S exponed than to those manu facture,’ tor home conlumption. • nt* prelent lyffem of and. ri< <. nny, in fotr.e r.fpedts be equalized mu improved, so as to proud ioiu Ipe ci’ Sos manufactures without affect ing the revenue. But prohi.S ory duties arc liable to the treble objec tion of deftroyiog tompetiti. n, of • taxing the confutiiuf, ami if diver ting t apital and i duitiv into chan nels generally Ids able to the j nation than those which Would ! have naturally bten purlued by m ! divi ‘ual intermit Lit lu ittelf. A ■ tnodcTate incrcafe will be Ids dan -1 ger. us, and ii adopted fliould be j ,omitiueJ during a certain period ; for the repeal ot a duty once laid materially injures those who have relied on its permanency, as has been exemplified in the fait manu facture. Since, however,’ the comparative want ot capital, is the principal ob llaele to the introduction and ad . anci m nt of manufactures in A merica, it seems that the u. dt effi- [.Pay cldc half yearly. [NuMIi£R 484. cient, and moft obvious rem would confitt m lupplying th *r , - ital. For aliiiougu tile extend. 1 ot bunks may give lo.ue • :c in that respect, their operation is limited to a few place’s, nor does comport with tne nature of t v f i’lib.utions to lend 1 <r pert tor.g as are requ iile for the eit lilhment cf ma: ui.tdu te. i .t United States cte-a< a i lating stock, b'-aring a low ia e : interest, and lend it at par to irutu’. fuCtuiers, on principles lo ut w hat similar to that forme Ily a opt- \>- the Rates ol„ lew York „.a P r. fylvaii'.a, in t'.. r ; 0..n o. -c s. 1 t believed that n plan mi-lit bed <if cd by vihiih five mil ons of dohats a year, but r. >t exceeding in the whole twenty millions, might be tfius lent, without any mat : in’ rifle of ultimate loss, and with at taxing or injuring any other pat oi me I community. ‘• GENERAL-POST-OFFICE. > March 291’’, 1 ?> i o. Sir. —l do tnyielf the hon r to trar ,’t two rap >rts, made vi >c dienc.e to the rdo'utions pidla in the f*• t : fe cf Repre.'rrtd-.iv-.s a t!.e 14:11 and dor the pi-lent t r > on. I have the h ”.i >r to be, Ac. Gideon Granger. K n. Speak’ r, Houle ol il. The post master genera!, in ok: li. ire to a resolution of th: Hats /’ Re preientaiives, passed on the 1:. h h. tant, respectfully reports: ihe whole aaiount >f expendi tures in trantporting wh it is earn mnnly calUed the Oi fians mail :>e twetn tins city, Aiin-us in G.or- 1, and New O leans, from its c .1- n* t.f-iin:a in April, lA.iy. *o : ae iii of J.umarv h ie, v. • dollars and 5 i< vis ; ol ir . • , 0.1 500 and ii- s a:.d <J cut ;:, V. J l for c.tri yir g the 11 .i.I b-twu..” tiiis eiiy and (’ .weta, 01. T. from fiiv loth, 1805, t0 A, o id, • ii.g lit the rate of 1 t,,..b iin!i .• • : \ nvai ly ; a : 1 th ‘ . xpt-:iC. > t carry ing rite mail b tw a:.d Mhw-Oi! for t *■>. I , f i ;h-, w.> 9 371 dtdlarj likl 7: e is n ver. ng litany 4.953 IglL.i'e a Vtar. i'he e> • nee >. . ..1 • vip :no j • J mail between ihi, c v and C I'/.N-ta from April 1 it, IS-7. ro T ry 1, t3 10, a veivais r-- - ,3 • 6 .!■> ,s. and 6 c -ills, aveta T-g ..r n.crate of 8 6 be d.;!Lr u . v, av- ar. M > are uuts .ave be t’> h’ ? v. hi h v iif lfievv the value I? po a ges e r tile mails l owryt by this r-./Uie. IWo mails vveie lent upon if - iurmg the fiiit year of its dtb iilhment, tut fioce mat time it has betn the r ute of nearly an equal portion of the correspondence with New Orleans. 1 he next proceeds of tlitpoft.of. fice at New, rum April 1, 1805, to Januaay 1. 1810, a- Uiouflted M .loll.irs*iiv! cents; and rm u April t!f, 1806, to .1 nuarv i(i, 181 o', to 20.171 and >!Lrs and qt) eiit° —flic v.ih;, v f pullagcs or iwiui- licm Ntw-Or-