The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, June 02, 1810, Image 1

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Three Dolls . per annum.] Volume X.} I IST OF LAWS. Passed at the second session of the c lev nth Congress of the U. Stales. Ati ad to aurhorife the tranlpor tation of certain documents free of po! age. Supphme: rary to 3n ad, enti tle’ ** an ad extending the right of fu ft rage in the Indiana territory, and ior other putpofes.” Extending the time for issuing Is. locating military land warrants F “• the rein.t of William and E lias Re6tor. Rtteduftan, relating to the offi cial correfponJence between the •- crerary of it.;?. and Francis J. Jack in':, minifhr plenipotentiary of his Bi itanic majesty. An r.& to >\ vive and continue ir. force for a further time, the firft fecti >n of the ad, entitled “ an ad furti.t r to proted the commerce & teamen o! the United States agaiult the Barbary powers.’’ For the relief of Ilarry Caldwell & Atnafa Jack lon, Jeremiah Rey. Holds and Levin J >nes. Authoriling the discharge of William Hawkins from his imprif cument. To | n eferibe the mode in which application lhall bo made fur the pure hale of land at Tic iVvual lai.J offices ; ar. J for the relief ol J lab Gar rev To revive an a&, entitled “an ad for the relic! of the refugees from the Bri’ilh provinces of Cana da and Nova Scotia, and ior other purposes.” Making appropriations for the support oi government during ‘he yt-ar one thousand eight hundred and ten. For the appointment of an ad ditional judge and extending the right of fuffi age to the cidzens of Madison county, in the Milliilippi territory. Making appropriations for tile support of the military ellabhfh ment of tile United States, tor the year one thousand eight hundred and ten. Making appropriations for the support of the navy of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and ten. l’o extend the time for locating Virginia military land warrants, and for returning the surveys there on to the lecretary of the depart ment of war. Providing tor the third cer.fus or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States. To prevent the iiTuing of sea let ters, except to certain vffiF Is. To make public a road in Wash ington county in the dill rid of Col umbia. For the relic! of TritVam Fluffiy. To alter and amend an ad. en titled “an act providing for the third census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States,” puffed the 25th dtyof March, ISIO Authoiifuig the dil barge of John Kerr from his itnprifonment. For the relief of Win. Baynharn. To amend an act, entitled *• an ad lor the cftablilbmcnt of a turn* \/TOTVTTYYI> Ui.N i I Ui\. WASHINGTON, ( Georgia J Printed weekly for SARAH HILLHOUSE. ! pike company, in the county of : Alexandria, in the diitiid ot Co lumbia.” To allow the benefit of drawback on merchandize tranlported by land conveyance from Nuwp rt to Bofh.n, and from Bolt, n to New port, in like manner a> if the fame were tranlported coall wife. For the relief of M ifes Young. To eftabhfh p ’fi roads. Concerning invalid pensioners. To extend certain privilege* ther-in mentioned to Joseph I l>\!lcr. 1 1 addition to th act, to regu late the* laying out and making a road fr”n Cu nb<. rland, in the Hate I of Maryland, to he date of Ohio. To incorpoiate r. company for . making certain turnpike roads in the diflrid of Columbia. 1 Making an appropriation for the | purpose of trying the pradical ufc • of the torpedo or fubniarine rx plofion. For altering the time for holding the diflrid court in Oliio. Providing f r the printing and d’llributing of such laws of the United St .tes, as relped the public lam's. F . the relief of J ohn N. Stout. Providing . >r the better accom modation of the general p >lt office, patent cilice, and for other pur pofrg. In a-t iiion to an ad, entitled “ an ad concerning the library for the use of bo n h >uus ot congress. To extend the time for making payment for the public lands of the United States in certain calcs. Auth rifmg a loan of money, for a futrt not: x-.-eeding the amount of the piiripal of the public debt, re-imburfable during the yt ar one thouiand t ight hundred and ten. Making appropriations for car 1 rying into died certain Indian ’ treaties. Fixing the compenfati >n of pub lic minifleis and of consuls resid ing on the coast of Batbary, and | for other purposes. For the relief of William W Weymouth arui Joseph P. Wttks. 1 To ered a light-home at the en trance of Scituate harbor, a flonc column on a lpit of sand at the en trance into B -lion harbor, 6c c. Allowing compensation ip Ro bert Robin son. i Further to alter and amend “an ad providing lor the third census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the U. S. A refutation for an amendment to the conllitution of the U. S. ref peding titles 0} nobility. An ad concerning commercial I intercourse between the U. States i and Great Britain and France and 1 their dependencies, and for other purposes. F t the rolirf of P. C. L’Enfant. For the reliefof Arthur St Clair. Making further appropriations to complete the public buildings in the city of VVafhington, &c. Confirming the decision in fav or of the claimant to land in the diflrid of Kalkalki*. SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1810. AN ACT Concerning the commercial intercourse between the United Stales ~nn G. Britain and France and their de pendencies, and for other pin poses. BE it enacted h, the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni ted States oj America y in Congress as sembled, I hat lriir> and after the paflage of this ad, <to Bri'ilh cr French armed vrff.-l fii.oi be per mitted to enter the liarbo.s or wa ters undei the jurilfhdtion of the U. States ; but every Brifh & French armed v ff.! is hereby inteuliiKd, except wh.n th< v ftu’.l be forced in by • iliitfs, by tfit. dangers of the I<\ . or v. r, n rl\ r •* and with difpatch t s or buiiio is !roai t!:rir govi rn men?, or coming as a public pai ket for the conveyance ol letters; in which .alls as well a.\ in al! others, when th \ fhnil be permirted to en ter, the commanding filter fljall immediately report liis Vt lfcl to the collttfor 1 1 the diflrid. flaring the object ur causes of his nt t ing the hat hi nor wat of the b . ,• < ; r.nd fhali take iuch pofirion th r< in fli.i!’ be ai: v ited him by such collector, and th li conform hirrt lCf, t v veffid at:d crew, r futh rt gu ctioii; rvtpi cling hoalbt, rt pairs, lupplicS, {lay, interccut and i!e paifute, a fhail be hgi.ifteJ to him by the Lid collector, under the ru tt triry and directions of the Prefi- ( dent of the United Start s, and not conforming thereto, lhall be requir ed to depart from the United States. Sec. 2. And be // flirt her enacted, 1 hat all pacific intercourse with any interdicted foreign armed vtflels, the officers or crew thereof, is here by forbidden, and if ar.y person lli.dl ass ;rd any ai I to such armed vdlel, cither in repaiting her, or in furnilhing her, her officer* or crew wffih supplies of any kind or in at y manner w liatfoever, cr if any pilot fhoil . llifi in navigating the Lid ar tiled v: tkl, contrary to this prohi biu* n. unlcfs lor the purpole of caring her hey >nd the limits and jun'inct on ot the United States, th p-. lot. or perfoita fir off nd’ng, lhali tx liable to be bound t<> their gopd behaviour and firall moreo ver f rt'it nr ■! pnv n sum not x- Ci C< mg :v.c th uiai ci ilollars, to be recovered upon indictment or in formation, in any court of compe tent jurildi&ion ; one moiety there of to the Trtafurv of the United States, and the other n:nitf\ to ihe person who lhali give information and profevute the lame to ifiecl: Provided, that if the profecutiou Hull be by a public . Hirer the whole forfeiture fin,!! cm tie to the Treafuty of t!:<- United S;at,s. Sec. 3 And be it fir /her enacted t That ail the penalties and forfeitures which may have been incurred un der the entitled “An aft to i::- terdid the commercial i; tarcouife between the United Stan-s ;,:,d Great Biitain and France and h ic dependencies, and for other j ur po fes,” lull mentioned, ar.d al ( o alt the penalties and forf itures which may have bee:, ircurud iu,.l-t trio act laying aa embargo on all flips [Payable half yearly• £NuM3rR 485. and vessels in the ports anJ harbors of the Uniied States, or under any of the ads fupplernenury thereto, or to enforce the fame, or under the atls to interdid the com mercial intercourse between the U. States and Great Druain & Fr-ince and theii dependencies, and tor o th.-r purposes, (hall be recovered & diflributed, and may be remitted in the manner provided by the laid acts rtip.divt ;y, and in like man ner as it the said ads had contu u.d in lull f• rcc* and < fi th See. 4. And be it further exacted, I hot in case eithur Gtc.-t 3. :ai:i or France lhall before thgth'rd day of Mardi i.ext, 1 1 lev ke or modify her edicts a r t-v (hall c**ale t > vio. late the mu ... - o-nmerce >.4 tbs United Stat'g. which fact the pi .fi d. tn f the UiiitiJ S ite* lhall de elate iy proclamation, and if heo thei tiutio.i lhall not with months thereafter so rev k- or ,o. di'y her edicts in lik’ tntumet, then tiie third, fourth, filth, lixff, ! v e?t?h. eighth, ninth, tenth x..i , 1 h t-enth led.ons of the ad curt led “An ad to interdict the co c!a ! intercourse between the U and Str•* ul Great B uin .c F ?v e clef, a :her put poles,” fhail from af ter the ex pi r. l ■n of three • t u z from the datu o! the procla aforefaid, be revived, and inv m l force and eff ct, 10-far a. rela s the dominions, culoni s apd ‘epen dencies, and to the arti ! - '.e growth, produce or n tnuiacl m f the dominion?, colonies and ii. deitciea of the nation thus icf.dlt.g or neg' ding to revoke or m . ify her edid in the manucr a! . -hid. AtiJ tiie reltiicti >ns impose i by this rdt tlndi, from the .:e 1 . :h proclatuaiion, ctafe and oe ..iic .u ----tinued in rt Inti mto the na r ; . re voking or modifying dec:evs ia the manner alortfaid. J B VARNU VI, Speaker cj the House of R JOHN G AILLARP, President of the Senate, pi o-le.Bp ne. May 1, 1810. Apprc've J, * JAMES MADISON. *r - luir.. . imjl M.VMIRSV Elbert Superior Court, Abril term, 1810. Patfey Ilatly, by'| GEORGIA. ht*r next friend, ] \V ilium Mobly, j vs | Live!for divorce Bynum S.lhtky J f N this case it tip nearing tF*>* ths ttaf “ refi ltrs wirh.ut t*• ju rilli.ct. > I limits ol ’ n motion • I Jte.n Dandridge B. .b 7 atte nif-v lo* the p'ainriff, It is orcit; :, * he oef ndart file hi? . nfw r m o- b re th * fiiff day of t;P n >:t *• or th-’ will give juv. . > 1.1 ? lift ull, ftTl'* lild. lii. L- •’ j’l l.ffi.d in on < f thi put tcgiz.’ is of .In- t iro.'r • :• a r at nt!# previous Os I.xtrad / m t . ~,t U S. TOUIIi, C‘vU