The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, July 07, 1810, Image 1

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Three Dolls, per annum.^ Volume X..J INTERESTING TO FARMERS. I A l'ubfcriber lately iuggeited the utility that might result, from a comparative view of the expences and pi ofi's, of raisin Horses and Sheep, and favored us with his cal cula’ion. It appeals to be a very nalonatde eflimate of charges, and the comparative expcr.ces are, in our opinion, very jultly balanced : Expcr.ces of raising one Colt, viz : Finding the mare one win ter, including loss of the life cf her and other una- dols. voidable expences. 40 00 Finding tin* colt till 4 years old, at 39 dols per year, 120 00 Amount, 160 00 Rilque of the life of the mare & colt, during the railing, is worth the in tend! of the amount for one year, 9 69 dollars 169 GO Expenses cf keeping twenty Sheep jor four years. Feting 20 iheep 4 years at 2 dollars a year each is 40 dollars a year, and 4 years is dollars 169 00 Tiny will prrbably raise in the time 80 hmbs, at 2 a llmseach, which ought to be deduced, ICO CO Th v I produce annual ly SO dollars worth rs w >nl, which will be a nett gain of 120 00 By this calculation it will appear, that the horse when raised, rr.uft fell immediately on riftr.g f< >ur years old, tor the sum of 169 dollars and CO cents to make the farmer whole for the exncnfes of railing him— And ofcourfe, if he should remain one year on hand witfvut profita ble employnu nt, the whole expense of keeping a full grown horse a year, fay 60 dollars, mufl be added. But the business of raffing sheep, calculated to the lame amount of txpenfe, refunds the cofl of feeding and leaves to the farmer a nett pro fit of 120 dollars. To which may be added the confiiteration of con tinual inc.reafe, by keeping them to any length of time. The advan tage then in favor of raiftng sheep, rather than horfcs, is fufficienrly proven by this estimate. And the itninetife and irreparable loss to in dividual., Si the community, which attends the keeping ol idle horses, should lead men to pursue a more rational course. It is unqueftiona b.y true from the prerriiles, that the expenses of keeping one idle horse i i an ordinary life time, fay twenty years, would be twenty times sixty or 12<K) dollars—a lum fuffi ient *->to buy your fun a neat little farm, forever loft. The fame expence Employed for the famet'cim in raif tvz sheep, would produce at lead m/the fame amount in abiolute gain. * *i he loss attendant on keeping art i cilt horse, should be added to the sum which with the fame money differently applied might be gained that is 2400 dollars more.— Thtn the fair t c-. urn, that the comparative ud ‘i riifmg WASHINGTON, CGrorgiaJ Phihthd weekly roR SARAH HILLHOUSE. sheep, rather than keeping one fnrplus or unneceflary horse in 20 years, is 3600 dollars. Lynchburg Press. Washington City, June 13. We are at length enabled to an nounce with certainty the arrival of the John Adams, at Annapolis, af ter a long and boillerous pafTage. She Uft Havre the 24th of April, & met with almnft a constant fuc ctflnn of weflerly winds during the voyage. Cap’. F nwiek, the hearer of dis patches from Fiance, arrived in this city 1 isl evening. The contents of the cblpatehes have not transpired. We learn from capt. F. nwiek, that gen. Armfl rong, our minister in France, had pr >p fed tn return to the United St.a’es in the John Adams, bu* had found her accom modations inconvenient for his fa mi!y. It was un lerflood that he had taken his pafTtge in a vessel to fail from Bourdeaux, and indeed that part of his baggage had been already forwarded t<> that place. Capt. Fuiwick brings no conti nent..! news of importance, which has not been auiuipati-U by at rivais. Extract cf a letter from general Arm strong to Mr. Snath, dated Pans, Ith April, 1810. “The emperor left Paris two days ago for St. Cloud, whence lie to Compeigne, where he will remain till Eaffer. It is not prob able that I shall have an answer to my propositions till he returns to Paris. The day before he set out he gave me a ship to carry myfelf and family to the UniteJ States.— The tninifter recommended that I should not pin myfelf dawn to a day as to departure, as circumstances might make it proper for me to stay somewhat longer than I new intended. The treaty between France & Hol land was ratified the 30th March, and will be publifiied this < ; ay in Holland. lam allured that it con tains the following article: “ All the merchandize convey ed into the ports of Holland on hoard American vtfTels, fmee the fnff day of January, 1809, lit ill be put under fcqueffration, lubjeck to the disposition of France, according to circuitifiances, and the political relations with the United S'ates.” You will fee by the copy enclosed of a decree of the king of N iples, that he has put his gains beyond the reach of negotiation. The ports of Ptuffia are open to our commerce. Avoid both Prulli &t Denmark till you have other afiur anevs.” PaRIS, APRIL 16, 1810. . Sir—'l he J hn Auains being yet detained, 1 am able t > inform you, that on the 11th inliant the emperor diri&ed the Lie of all the American vetTcls taken ia the ports of Spain, and that the money ai d ing therefrom should be placed in IT cause prixe. 11a has alio uiu- SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1810. fed to give up the Hero and has or -1 riered that the case be brought be- I fore the council of prizes, where ; condemnation neceflarily awaits it. I fend a copy of a note upon which I tiiis lalt order was taken andanoth ! er relating to our business in Naples, ! and am, fir. with very high confid ! eration, your tuoft obedient and ve ry humble servant, JOHN ARMSTRONG. : Hon. R. Smith, &c. i [Further documents received by the J >hn Adatns will be given in our nex .J The public have now before them the oefpatches received !>y the ‘Join Adams, which w pm>l.theJ yviterday t.. a apple uentary sheet. i hev ali little to the infonnation prev oufly received ; but th.y place that in! >n in i!k molt un queltionable fharv, hy giving it a:i itamp. Si ne hope might haV h en eiitertui ei, he? r u ri ga’e v/ >ul,i not have been luff red t..> depart with fu h unwelcome in teliig -it’ But ev. ) th.’.t hope is rsow “ ;i. ::o:r;:i:. remains hut th liunih It it; 111 ol 11. naked ,"i’M ,i_*of :h i ie...h ‘'{.vermueut j.uriue wi.u it coj id-m i > .! .e t * i, wi:h ut ■ ‘ .•< o**r io’i i-Hfs nr rights. It. .!:* de, that p’ vi .us to the of gen., hre.j amicable piiipOit 1 >!iS tllay be I!i.< ’.e lHit they ought not la be expected, mu; h li l> r> lied on. We have ni, room in t *js pap.T fu r {!terto comment ou the defpatch es; but we cannot refrain horn ad ding, t> at e very Atrv rican (,{ inde pendent mind mull tiel a pride sit the firm and iwlty tone in which gen Armltrong vindicates his gov ernment against the utdoumku iii fiauatious uttered Lgai.ili it. I.t c t i ■g. t.l e r. The American Flag —VVeare in form. and by an highly teputahle gen tl nun, who arrived in the J >fn Adams frigate, that whilst lie was at Havre, a brisk Si conft mt trade was carried on between that port and Greui Britain, with lie.tiles, U principally under the American flag.— This scandalous degradation full nitted to by m.n, who, accor ding to the') o! Mr. M idifon, are *• unworn.y the name of Americans,” w mid lnudlv call for Mr. M’lCim’s denationaliz ti >n, but we fuppole that boih wdl rc tracl their lurious zeal since their fri nd Napoleon lias diicovered that he can be benclitted by thefyilem. Federal R ipubiiean. Consular office of Spain. Phil.vdei.phia, June, 14. “Whereas official information is received, that the extensive diftrids of Maracaibo & Coro, wijich corn pole a large portion of the province of Venezuela, have unanimoufiy disagreed to the anti-national inea fures lately a.'op’ed by thi ir breth ren of the ciflrict of Carraccas, and are and tertnined to pri-'crve thtir in tegrity and fidci.ty to the Payable half yearly. £Numhep. 499. ment of the mother country, ad ministered in the name of th ; r be loved king Ferdinand the VI >h, and have accordingly decreed that no veflel will be admitted from ae U. States of Ametica into their ports without the neceflury confu- Lr docum< nts from the conluis of his Catholic majcfly refidt-n: there in, letting forth the names of the Vessels, captains, officers and crew, as well as passengers. It is hereby made known to all whom it may concern, that such documents witi be granted at this o ice on appli cation, without which, no vilTel will be admitted into the poiu of thclc uiitriels; and as it is tne par ticular wilh ol H. C. majcltyV, go* vernmettt, to cultivate the relatione of fricndfhip and trade between the U. States and his dominions of Sguin k America, it is to be hoped no vtfTei wiii proceed to the ports ofthele dllli icts without carrying the u- cuniclits required by the vo- VcrLL.CLt. Baltimore, June 12. Yeflerday arrived the Unite ’ States corvette John Ada ns, h v ns t -rnr.iandcr, in 4b days fr.nn i. : tr U.ace. C pt. tvuiciam. the i ici'per a? Ari...p liS id i■ •, thence proc;cded w.tii f pajas immediately tor W:dh :• ton. ll<r F*.ris dates are not so ioie as. Liy way < t London. f> m confirms the Lquelfidtin.'is By hr: we have iCCeivtd j t’ ers to tl.e I9:h of April, ex'racT itl <ur next. We r.mno , haw \.r , forbear laying before < ur r . tile toll ’ wing of B iriih inlblence. Ir is another n-gc: t proof ol h r drligns to compass u* l.ivtrLl n. J amina. F h. 10. The F.nglifh have pt.loifii l at J;>mina and tl:r >ughout the* j its of Turkey, informatr .a to m ti announcing that rs e 0 ‘* - an flag may be n\c!y na*. igaf-'d to (.i from the ports o’ Fiaric •, Itaiy, Naples, or Illyria, by paying t,. the r.)’ :nt.<rvl Great Britain a premia :i e* 2i ptr ret.t. V ya>:es on th. .> conditions car be fitted < u’ in < i*r key, the rtquifite cf 20 j r ce t. being to be paid, o-s the ‘_r..n :.g of the paflp -rt, for an ing cls and o gi efs voyage L : uon, April .CO, The following arrangtaunts of titles and of oifldcations :-n.i er, i tions (*f kings are nporr i>’ tars from Germai y to h iv. Ia determined on between rl* - t -i rrs of France* arJ Auiiria. w r c give it r.s it reachtd us, wait- ut fu.'iher comment than that In . t the :u*r immer.ts apucar to u im probable. Napoleon I. Finp* r or of France, See. and king of : he Ro mu s. Francis 11. Emperor cf A till ia and Fi-n or.ia, and C - prr trtlor i t the (■( iifedera’ion . f the khme. The archduke Chailes, ffi ; r of S, a:o arm tile liulit s Jefiph N apolcoa u be cf