The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, July 14, 1810, Image 1

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Three nils, per annurs. f.J VoLUMi X.] Desp atch. ;by s h: *]ib'l Adams. J Copy .3 fa lefsr fr ,ni gen irm\‘rong to the !u cos 7. *,.V” i tied Par is. 21 st F ’ v- i SlO. lit* in* ii: i . i>'-.ntp •• i. n*i=iry of th II :Uv.J b,. hli flic honor to lu i nit to Irs i ■ .ei.oncy the duke ct Cu* re, th- py of .1 Iciter inis inltanr rje'Vcj k.> t. Bivonne, and bigs fr tvn him an explanation of the cir’limit times mentioned i:i it. , 1’ ;e mmitterial dispatch under I date o’ the 5 h in it. is arrived at St. ‘ S ‘v't in bearing an order for the if n • ni'o tra ,fp irtirion, in ftuall ! v .f is, ot all the f. quUtereJ Ame tic n cargoes t.. B yonne to be pla ced in the cuil >m houle there.— Tl'.is news is pu die at St. Seb-u ----tian; bui what is not so as yet, is, • that tne fame order fays “ tft. Tha’ die e ca-g >es are to b sent to Bav mti?, whither the C('.U’ odrks * which r!i y are co u p i i-y h ive c'neJr > n Fag i a m:i .i *rce or Irom the prouUct? ct i h ,■ v *'ie United Stat> s ‘•2 .\ t'hu ‘hev Ih m'd be sent to ’ •; n.l tn h uie jf that place to b :h r. ” Tn - >v..i'ft t plenipotenti I*v of f. s t > his t \c. m ry t ieafi i .aa c .f his high couaisrathm. (S^ned) arms f rung. G.n. Armll oiero M . S'V’h I*.\is. 18 hF o 1310. S a-I urt>; • .) f .v ii.. , to you vie >• iy, r** th re.v-i : .r an-’ ti ■ .•■••i >i of a coy • <■ -he tl lb:’ v’,,s>ro npte in .nc ul the j. -nil •n. ifrjr in i h fenous ref] clim I h \v r ought a beti to j. near all r. iic-. a r ,)"cient of the errors, as v ■!) ‘ r iicl as < f argumwt, which m..y bo found in the introducl try p r: cf that n re ; to take the mi i i.l i at his word ; to tin r at once up o the prop .It and nego i mon, and, f r rhi* parpofi to otf;r < > him a proj Ft >r renewing the convention oi i S no. This mode vili have the advan tage of trying the fin eerily of the o--rtu-c-s made by him, St perhaps of drawing from him t! tc r .s on which his mailer will _- c> nnodate. If these be such as we ought t> accept, we dull have a treaty in which neither our rign:; r - our wrongs will be forgotten , if otherwile, there will be en ugh, both offline and occafinn, to do jus tice ro their policy and cur own, by a five examination of ea’\ I have the honor to be Hr, with very great refoccl, your moit obedient and very humble le vant, (Si .ned) JOHN AR\ SIRONG. Honorable Robert Smitli. Exfret cf a Liter to the sane per.: the same. “ i o*h i’ I have at ! .*rg'h tcceivou a vti Lia! nu and lge i:i aulv. r to my note of the 21 ft ult. It uos iv in ti:e* pi!:: itr 1 f foreign rela non,, aid i: she f ’vip ‘w r :.-:: v. ;• :’t y k : Rilthe •a /tr t Wrpr 1 IVIOiN 11 Ull. WASHINGTON, (Georgia) Printsd for SARAH lIiLLHOUSK. I American property seized in Spain, but the money arititig therefrom fh.dl remain iti depot.” This tnef -1 ige n occasion to a letter from me maikcJ N >. 2.” (No 2 .) Pan j March 10, 1810. oik 1 !ijJ ycLr.lav t hointr of receiving a Veibal ip- ff-ge from y *ur excellency, itattng, that ** his majelty had decided, tint in A ne -1 ricao prop rty j. ‘z : in <lio ports oi I Spain Ihould n h>’ 1, op hint the tiioncy arising mere!roi.i Ih mid re ina’ii in depot.*’ On receiving thisintormßiion, two que'lions fuggefUd tl.-emftv til. Whether this decifi t v. ,s. ~ r V> -1 i not, txtrtld<d to ll,ij>>, rtS v. .*il ;:s to cargoes ? at: J 2d. \Vliether the money arising from :he .'ales which miglit be made under it, would, or would nor, be iT'j'.cl in the iuue of tiie pen-Jing neg ’dation ? Ih. gt-p.i man change ! v. i*h the delivery of y*t m- ifi r - no* h..v ----102 been inftrucl; : to a Iw r ‘fief2 q.itfli'iis, it b*o tu b rny t::v to pit fell t tilem to v ur ex. r'lency, at.u to • f. iu'i-’n of tln tn. N'C.i'’ it itis -1 duty, on rny par', tr I }. • i;>e ih ■ o;-. an.l < 0 uie • iv> tu j. / .•; • n •’ .it .1 10 t,.i .* this and. t :ii:i 1, \. h 1 u:i;b.i! ; i to b tlia J. r til- fi .* tune i’i i.i* noie you 0 • the n 1* to u. • i t > i,ie on the t 4 : h iiiituio. Ii the 4’ii par igraph ct the not ’, it i> 1 iid. ti. it •• His n: j tly coul t : have ra Ivu 1 teJ on i’i.- mcalores 1 iXeti by the U i tcii 5 .:. > v.:. v •; ; j*. > 2 ti’.ltlds ot r- •. Liar r. u <*i I.t F in- *. omp her ,n■); .r a ci* of tx. lu ll n. a: and (: t-i • ••.mil < f \’a / lass have j.r • he entry imj their p >rfs o| 1’ \rr iT. is, bv iub jccling ri.v.o to co? t r .it.*’ It io tin • that fv U. * ‘ate. have fine _ 2 .'h > f May !. 1 torbid tleti tlu* ei.'i y of French v flUs into their hurbert. —and it is ..If., true tl.'t h” p-na'ity < f c< nhivo ion at taches to the violation oft! • L-w. Hut in what r> ip( ct dot s this oil: nd France ? Will th to t the fight of rtguLring c>- i.eiae .i:ti in our own p rt.. ? ()r ui'l Hie de ny f I.w 4.*w in q.i .lion a rc gulali n merely uiL'i i. ipr! ? Exa mine it but* 1 as to oi)j- ct an 1 mrans v.hct does it more than forbid Amt.term lliip: front g.-tng int the p ‘* .* ‘d Foinoe, at... french 1 *•. from coming into th* C. fill-. U,.i. ted S’ tc ? Arr! v.hv this prold- I ‘ m ? ];> avoid injury arid in ; fn't; t> tf'-spe that liwMTncis, : which is declared to be sci a forced co: Ii queue? ot the .kcrc* < .* the Hi It dli council.” I f hrn its < *- ‘ ct be p ’rely def nfive, what ur. i‘3 :r .n ? Simply a Lnv, previ -nfly i and . cm rally pr :r.ul;ated. 1 p: ra ting t ldv within the 1 rritoiy cf ih Unit.:i Sr -t- s, nn ! purilhi.rg a like tfic infraflors • f it, whether ci tizens of the laid flares, or oihcvs. .'•n i what is this but the exi t file cr a right, common to all rations, cf excluding at 1 heir will fuixign c en ! cr e • . that 1 ‘•( •1 * * r i ~,r tV •#. i, , .1 l . v- ...a h. w v SATURDAY, JULY 14, 3810. wrong to France ? Can this be regarded a a legitimate caule of re prisal cn the pi t of a power, who makes it th 2 fb fl duty of nations to defend their fuvsreigrdy and who even denationalizes the fh ; ps of thof: wfi*i will nut fublcribe to the opinion ? Hut it has been fai.i tha’ the U. States had nothing to complain us aga nfl France ** ‘Vas the capture and condemna ti in of a fh:p driven rn the fliures France by flrefs of weather and the p uls o: the i.a —:u t iit: n ? Was the I • z .’e and fiqu. llration . f na”v c.t g es nr ugh; t.. France in ;T p v; ilad.-.g no Lw uJ adinit t.*! ‘ . re u'a< entry a: tile i.upeiul Cu'lo. .l i.e.u, , .nhing? w.i, t.'ie vi jl.ui 1 1 ur 11 triune righ’s, Con .Vi nu*d ..s diey h ve nee 1 iiy the lolc m tc.riiis of a pa'ul.c treaty —until . ? In a w-u-J, was it no thing t :.i r oar th -is were bui nt on t■ *■ .'t, * 1 ■ i~. .1 ttliiiu- .....e. w...- .ee ti• ‘1 that f >4!• H.giug 1., the Uni te.! S’ ;.r•) h 1 . ; p .1 y, ii,au c*. 1. t * ...” . -a., j in Uie enha.;Cevl foetv oi the pejpetrator? .Surely a;t b r ‘.l y and til. U. Sr.u ,j t r.j. th .... .2.1 u.'.. pa'ious . f t .. . •• • fj; . s ‘*■ <tf 4a a’y iU L jitiputlil •. ... y V*: JJ/.iClt* 111 L j - tie: • >-r V ev! I. ii indeed f. • S t \ ,v* 11 . j. uOl iri * i’ - in’, uft dX'V, cd h. .’l’ r, a.l -I gy .> !as bicti iti.i. u ; ’ •.:) vmi ht have a.i .pted a Jy.l 11 of difn ninati'.m between tie two gnat be'ligzrents; they rn’g'.t have draw a imaginary liiks betw ‘"i the fit it and fee* -nd ag. u i forj tin. v might i.a’.e nfented in the one 3 c u.duct to wl.ieh th y tamely e.i .5 t!, i.nd ia waySn ve j itche lupaco n- Oi.•I• CJt *Yv*ClW< l - Hwl uDii Wlti 11 11.. .. r . . . 1 .: x .. I UUUII t (IliU Ult . 1 (It . 1 . . . iuCii \v n. 1 riit* Ui uiTc t*icy pui* •- e j, anJ it is pe;r!iap< a nrc-..r„r ; coisf;quc:::c*j ot thj iutlicu of ihuir rrw iiwi* s *r*Tit 11 ic Ui e *ll :.:r. dav .t.i indep rudeut uatiop. Lit I will not p:els part *i my iubj cl; i: vr. u and be aiTvontfu! to your c.'vcel- I my (knowing as y;a do, that th ee u e no !efs than >ne liuu irtd A.n ’ irun fh’.ps within his m.’.jctly*:; p ts-m i:i, ec of h.s aide-.) to multiply proofs the U. .States h ivv gruu.ids of coaipiaim againlt I’. .r:: e. My attention is neceff.uily c die 1 t > ii.Mtl.-.-r p-rt ot the le. ii'j j'ur:.- ; graph, whieh immediately follow.; the quotation already m !e. “As 1 fc’on,” fa vs yoar excellency, “a> I nlaieitv was informed : this tru’.ifure (ihe jton inte.c .uife law) 1 1. be-.u l <ie ...u i.u lio tc.tiU-.ite 1. jii.. the veil Is, Hoi only with* * i:i iiis own teriitorie?, hut aho with in .ne coui.trif’. under !...> udiuv iicc. I 1 the ports of Holland, Sp .in, Ita ly ami H.t|)les, tiie American v 1 bis have bcui feir and, Iv.aule the Amt had seized French v.s- Jt/r.” These remarks dividi ih n.fJ/t. into the i. 1 wing In a : id. The ri -i toss e.mjvtly to r- ■ ti.\. - , J ... . 4* 4 > . V 11.4. 4V .4 4 I . : 1 * * {Payable half yearly, [Numuek 4i>J. fcl", within his own : r -. 2 . rhe tig* t t-1 do f1 > a ‘ tl’c territories of bis Ulics ; 3J. The reaf-.n oft ori -!• . . “because the Americans L.d seized F/ench vrssels ‘lhe hrlt of thtft* f'lhjtcds has j been already examined ; a id the : fee nd tn.ufl be decided i the firil, fit ice his niajeflv’s tights with -1 in the limits of his ally cannot be grgitcr than within h : s own—ls then it has bet-n (hewn, that the in * - intercourse law w. z mutely .• k.n* U. in i'sotjed ; that it was but it:, traded 10 gu..ra ig.ui and ot vi’deuce vviiuv. Un-;a p. .c. V. and ; it ii .* it. 4. I . ; operation to the r ti.. U. 0 .Hk S, 11,..I 1 ,.. J tl.lit it Vt ..1 ...I! 1 ,11 . 1’ ii. 1 . gated there and in L.n p b. f. re eXLc UliOll, .i W l.i Ok. a 1.*.;. Li..*. 2* CclLry to repeat, that ala.., •, H..q diL ipti tl ..u ho. if,- a m.a luie Ui icymlal, t*qu .!.> ii.,t .. cl hie.'.. .11 ~:> et.act n c. epp . iaUiu.i and ill no pi 4-.1 < v. , .igA p. : ucl VS Ot i.o pie*; ... p—.nt, rad operating , >..■! 1..1..S ..t t..j ,11.; * t. y . te.**.’ I'.Lj .: ’ - I Vi i i t 1 i;f . i ICC i 4 t J vi.;.. j .... . t Ve'il , . idl V. 1 1 Ii T „ kj \ij. ; I TV . ‘ , * I Va. .. : t ‘ ..J - r *\ \ l* 4 - ‘ -• r *• •• V f* or .. . n r.-S.t of t ‘■£ r‘ * ■ ,e,i ‘.O’ :* aXoiiuilC.i , Old ■ .. I re. ..rn ~ ,t I may cbkrve i .: if ti.v ail J.;ed ...ft ..kicit .or:u. ‘ , ... 1 . • ~i i‘rn\ -lJ ‘ *. iVI I ‘*4 L*V_ O.lO’UUv If l 4*J i I . ~ fcl. 1. is arul tiie right with it. Ii this v r :■> cf the buuneis I rnay per.:.;, -ed to empal e, when a.. “ w ‘ ci'.* .11IV of a I vel f . 1. ■. tak; 1 p.eCe uitdi r th. n ir.te. .u’uiv Id’S ? and i t tin ! e ti ne to t-xpr smy fir a pe.fu dk,;., :l * .ilk’ll .. 7. .re *. tS i 4en •; 3 ’;•<• lu.dn.l t ‘Un. l ! .dins n -- acf the p ’vernment ‘-ij f t- j rui.r i1 i the 1 .null! y, ,k :ii t... • ’ll I*r.- ,e Uk’klrr.ii; -;. L.f ff v nl well inf rmed nr.d r ;u. ai b . y.ri.r.i iv.vj 1. .ve lei* .Vtiuia. n .. v. da ‘ * • 4Ju d*-k4L.i. I 1 .* ii'y roue'..ft <n t’.er.dore is —t. r; ■ French viflkl having vi >!.,•*. 1 !:;vv, no feizurc of iucii v.iTi !. 3 o :d, ...• i th : report :h• ii lV‘o 1 t’liclle 1 I'.li ia is ’pli'Uabiv ‘ l. ci'”i 00 a viico iiilditce ait -git.h r m:c- ut’cet -J with the r.ou-tnte:- Cv *l’ IV Am*./ or itu V^pFl.l'tOil ! f’.ou ll la;’ fl’ot‘l ’.Vliking in ;•:.* this i-.• er. I c..!in t ci and it wi ’n.ut rctri'.iu.ia the rent a. .and r m t . i tl ’. i ,• i-. t ..i . .i;i I t‘. j- I ,’S l: . :.l” > ilt.s Wit tl l\ ;l; ! or!.* • r a;it’ • r . .] - t : 1 by th* l i.tcii a.’ ’. .. ii,’ 1 •, v. * . :k t: .< ■. ivvt* ‘l • l-ii’i idi . ... ’. i; r r ”i, efi'[ ■: alii: : .* i t-I i *..... 1 4 ..i ~. 4* *i * Jo.. ,-,i : i t ,r *4 4* 1 .ii l) i'.l.i 4i t V • l\ - ny fui :. or .‘i i, Ire Anttricao government. Ft i. ml i i’.is r -ai mi... .*• u. v iinmedia't o/ o!i’iv.'4 . : . I y •x—* * u ; oi .• •’ ...kl.aio;', ’. i.icli rfa ...f\ productive <af no pi firive an n *• incur, tii.i not m;ik_ mattci.. wuiie than lli c ion i ;i. l/’i i e‘22.! ( ! ,u.t i w v. i'll :i foil ( >pi>t“ f *•• ti• * - *d • • 4• ■ 4 ll and