The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, August 25, 1810, Image 1

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Three Do!is. per annum,'] Volume X.} ADMINISTRATORS SALE. WILL BE SOLD , On the fir it Tuesday in September next, at the Court-house in the town of Washington, (uitkin the usual hours,) j[ IGH r likely negroes, of the c(i.iteol Henry L. Martin deceased. Six months credit will tie given, the purchaler giving bond and ap proved security. Nicholas Long, adm’r. iSiiiLi-vir I'’ s bALL. \V1 T B!’ so; T>, On the first Tuesday in September rex’, at the court house in Franklin county , between tie hairs of ten and three o'clock, the following properly — viz. T J, WO hu-dr'd acres of land in Franklin county, on the Reedy fork of Bear creek, granted to Pe ter Wi.lhmfi n, adjoining Jolhua Bewail and the land whereon Ed mund Hcftly now lives; taken tz the pioperty of the eltafe of Peter Williams n, deceit fed, i* fatisfv the executors of Miciij.ih Wsl amibn ; pointed out by Edmund King, ex ecutor of P ’.r ; Williunjfoa. Conditions Cash. . I ekkeli., Sfffi J”lv 14, 18 to. buLlvl]• i"s SALE. WILL BE SOLD, Cn the first Tuesday in September re. J at Franklin Court house, bcivun tht hours of ten and three o'aci K, the following property , VIZ. \ , NE negro boy by the narfcc of Martin, 18 year# of age, levied or. a-- the property of Aimer Con nelly, to fatisfv an execution in fa vor of James Mil’s, aflignee. against said Abner Connelly & J< fle Black well. < Conditions cash. James R. Wyly, D. S. July 19, 181 o. ADMINiS TR A rOß’s SALE. Agreeably to ar. order of the honora ble Inferior Court of the county of Elbert , WILL B” SO’ D, at Elbert court home, cn the first Tuesday in November mxt, \ of land, lying and being in laid county, on Wahatch creek, containing one hundred a <•'.6B (more or lei:) adjoining Peter Oliver; fold as the property of David Ad;m::;, hte of laid county, rieceafe.l, for the benefit of th. hciis of said deceas'd, J a mks Adams, Sc Ah. lit'HTON* ad s. July id, T 10 P. n INC PA PER FOR 3 A LE WASHINGTON, (Georgia) Prikted weekly for SARAH HILLIIOUSE. From the National Intelligencer. A SKETCH OF PENSACOLA. Pensacola, the capital of Weft Florida, lies in the latitude of about 30 degrees and a half North, and in nearly the 10th degree of Weft longitude from the city of Washing ton. It is nearly 100 miles S. East from the American post of Fort StodJert on the Mobile by the road usually travelled, but probably not leventy miles in a dired line. It is (muted almost i.i a wilderness—- The wooJs con ft ft entirely of the long leafed pine. Th-. re are very is w families in the whole of the country between the bay of P-nfa cola and the bay of Mobile, an I as to that part of Weft Florida, which lies N. and East of Pensacola, as well as the greater part of E. FI >r ida. it may be conlidered as an un inhabite 1 desert. The road from the American settlements on the Alalr.un i, which is likewile the road from Fort Stodd.irt, does nor pass by a fiiigle permanent habit ttioti. There are indeed above the line 3 or four coe/pens. or houfet near to which the great herdimen collect their It :ck in the summer fcafon, bur from which, on turning our their calves vv : h tin* c ws an.l oth er cattle in the field, they retire m their mote permanent dwelling houles near their plantations on the river. In v. h -Lever direction there fore you appr uch Peniacola, you cannut well avoid deeping in the woods one night at lead, an J you are also obliged to carry your pr.?- visions for your fupplv i;i the day. The country round Pensacola is re markably poor. For tnc space of four or five miles, it is a deep, loose, driving fund, which in dry weather it is very laborious to tra vel over. B yond th..t, although it is entirely a pine country, there are frequently considerable bodies of land, which, having a firm foun dation, is no doubt capaole ot be ing improved with the assistance of thoft iimnenfc herds o! cattle which the country is capable of fupportir.g. There are many per foils above the line who have from 500 to 10.)0 head; and one perfun refiditig in P-inacola, it is said, poffi lies fix or seven thoaktnd. Vet the whole fc ven thousand do not probably man ure one acre ot land in the year.—- It is Lid that there arc fome fk'rts ot good laud upon the Eicambia, near the American lute: but the Seminolee Indians hive hitherto re lifted any attempts to tettlc it. The Perdido, the ancient boundary of Louifia, which the road crod’s near the line, dot s not appear to have a ny good bottom lands. The town of Peniacola i? beautifully situated on tLe North fide of the bay of that name—which, as you ftauJ c.n the fcite of the old fort at the back of the town, has the appearance of a crefeent, with the town lying a bout midway of the ho*.low. It is about .5 miles from the town in 1 .e opnofite fide of the bay, and ab ut fine miles to the apparent ter.m.. .- ticn of the cri*:'o ut on the right, “’here tbo H*y communicates with SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1810. tt*e gulph of Mexico. Its extent to tlie Welt appears to the eye near ly the lame: but it really makes a l-end atid several miles up into th; country. hay forms harbor at once fate, commodious and delightful. It is much to be regretted that the town does not enjoy the bent fit ot that commanding view of the harbor which would have resulted from its having been laid out on a plan more natural and judicious. Inftcad of a regular row of houses fronting the bay, which would at once have been elegantly fuuated, and have given to the town itfeif a appearance; ir is only the Uieks of the lots of the fir ft theetfthut are open to a view so cap tivating ; and there is no line of buildings commanding the only handlome prolpect which the fix ation of tlietown affords. None of the (beets arc paved. All are in cumbered with a deep sand. It is fariguting to walk them Hires ol the Arrets are parallel to the general course of the bay, and ‘c- probably from i'l sto 220 r ‘lce long, five oth :t ft a ets cr -s t ctn at right angland ; from t !.:• ni:u?y pLs ft: 1 ’ .. ■’ ■ ■ li>? r\v ft ft i ot: / lee , but ft .. -•? • Kit J....’. cil i • . *,- “* ate ?:i tun :r.?..n ftr*et paru i ti.** bay ab :*t e’.-S, \vi:i ii pretty cquu .y dfti:'..’tiled, a there are eonUutra-. fpac-s n>tbu ft ttp on bet'., ecu e (everttl haifiLi'ioat;, b> that t.i.-1 his a very airy ap peaiancc. bin* other two long lt.fcv.'cS Lfc ids p OilC fjl t’.ieni having but aboui C >, and the other about 70 dwelling houfei.— The whole of lamilic., in Peniacola, probably amounts bri -- bout 300. All the buildings ar.- vi wood, framed and j-alot. ft wliit brick chimnies : and there is cn toe oppofifr fide of the bay a b;k yard, at which not oniy bricks but excel lent paving tiles arc made. The houses are for the molt part < n!y one story hft , with piazzas; a rr. .Je of building certainly the i.vnft eligible in a louthcrn climate.— There are no public buildings which merit peculiar aitention. A large capacious twofto.y hour, former ly the relict cnee of the BiitiHi gov ernor, is now employed as a l ar rack tor the troops, ot which there is usually, it is laid, one in complete regiment in the town, and another at the Barancus, ct the entrance of the bay. A large vvare-houfe which formerly received the (tores or the king of England, now anT ’cr?. the purpoieot a Catholic church, iney 1.-ave a fsnall, neat rotutido for pub lie balls, and in the pub! c rooms adjacent, as well as at Come r ther houses in the town, is exhibited that rage for trrecaive gaining, which so frequently prevails v. he:e ft-ifure and a freedom fr-.rn the pressure ofbufinefs is net o ml in - j with a cultivated un.lcftiaode g: and a rclifh fi t the ifte'-dur. !- ar.d of taste. ‘lave:us for the en sci taimuent of ft rang rs <• 01 featcc 1} be l.ii-I to exiit *■ ft.c ft. [Payable half yearly. £ Number. 45? Travellers, after undergoing a mortifying Icnitiuy, are iotnetimes admitted as gueUs tn private houles, on the lame terms as arc utua! in profefled houles of entertainment: and there is one final! house k *pt by an American—the sign poll of which announces a tavern. Noth ing can be procured for horfis but lnuian corn, at a high price. Hay, {order, and straw arexnkuowu, us the writer ol this is not certain that there is even a liable in the town. The few cows that arc kept there appear to in a mtfcrable condi tion, and there is nothing near town which they feein to browse upon but the Lard ieaves t.i poor, stunted palmettos. 1 here is no public tiro ket. In faft there is no animal food of which the people of Pensacola have any regular lupply but beef. There are two lie ni and bui-iit rs, one for ths town, and the other for the troops. These ‘dual ly put chafe their beeves in drove? J which arc brouglit d..wn ft on rha fbt iements on the Mobile, I highyaiid Alabama. !• is t::c f<rm plan ot the butcln is <•< bio the ; ■ >reit firit:—ai.d a:- f re mairni 1 ate kept in v .c . ’.’ !■ h ! 1 a (cants lupp‘y oft .{* : ’.’ ,pail .( ti.. a u f ’’ g <-r ----’ t... . ...tiiuugh btl. ic t ; u.s r. • ta te • r.c a ct i:. ■ n ; . .g r.eCefl.*—,’ to thei: >u bi g L>..U dishes. Live hryj - Id-*.v.lie ot.afionai : y tirivvn down tv Vis Avtuivn fvrft.'s the Tsv.ibtgl-v inc- frm*. i’V • ‘ eiw found tn- i; way fr< :n t!-< e-L-ftil part of the (hr of‘l ;.nft ’, e. to ‘.ta! kti uttot-. t'• *. ’ ’ : and theit ve-rv ica.vv . - j 4: ctablcs Iccn;;. for rh- oft r r to depend upon the lew that cr lio’vbly dealt out to th m :’r . ; ’he • littg v.ffrli. v hich trade to ;h;i p-.’C ’. The number of stores, cent';’ * in;r die of the town, ::.- f.d ruble. T heir stock in trade, < five of groceries, is geiicr.ui), .1 .ft (aid, laid in at New-Orleans. The large mercantile house <f ,\l,ftf. ■. John Fotbes 5c Cos. which was •t t.nily uiii.itr the firm of Panrou Lefsiie and company, imports it.-; p; oJs from Great Britait:, and has heretofore enjoyed a molt extenfiv • a*-1 lucrative trade with tftc vv ft r;ir ’.emus !;. ;ian nation? I ) tween the MiiTulinpi and the Atlan tic ocean. ‘1 he dwelling r.rn i <:.f tlic* resident partner is tb? rift • fiandfomebuilding v.hofepr bad taste enough fuby to avail feif of the fceaufilul water pAftp ,’c which ii afforded bv the (iu-a v 0 rt‘ p nib est A. It i.. a ciu mniiano not a little grauiyiug to th-* Iri of American maneftattar.., ft?, : . ur common home t; : • ■ ft’ *!• h • fi’Uti.’ its wav into, m.or; t die ft res c.! Penh':’. ; .”i. it: f.;u c\‘.n been carried a. t’ fi>e s ft ; Idle in b;’.fl:c:s, by n- gre- v . >•.. n, ?: eding to the Spaj.ift. I : . tn -1 • i.ftv ft. V Ti (d:.r 1:.• ’ 11* >1 ;i.t at tie!cso dress. (.’ . ml ,l sos c .o.rftry col v. f if ft < i uriiigthi left turn met bttf. b- r ot? \hz t:’::a.";Ti :}:** vllJcrndr iVem I’tu*