The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, September 08, 1810, Image 1

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Three Dolls, per annual. 3 Volume X.] CF^RGIA. sit uri Inferior Court held in and Jor th. county oj li likes—August tcnn y 1810. liUi.E Nisi. X HE petition of Martha Gist, formerly Martha Ryan, huinnly (h with that ftie was pod fleet oi a bil I of sale for one negro named Ja cob, given by Joseph Ryan, which has been loif or ileltroyed and hav ing filed in this office a copy ot the said ‘ill ot faie together with the ufu.ll affidavit in such cales ■■ —■ On motion oi John Griffin, at torney po petitioner, It is O Jered, I'hat the said copy be eltabiifhed in lieu of the original bill >f lale; the said Martha pub lish: .g for the term of fix months this rule, in someone of the public gazettes of this (fate, requiring all persons concerned, to be and ap pear at the next Inferior court alter the expiration of laid 11 x months and {hew c.iufe (it any .hey have) vhv thi- rule shall not be nudeab foiu ‘1 rue er.trnet from the minutes. JOH.\ f HAUL) AT. CIA Co'iyis \ rt:.> . iOi'tKii F,R SALE. - • V'-’ tsE SOLD At t ! tr r'C in the tozc"” of Mi aille. on the rnißb on da, vro n. •■?>’ 7;:xt, the follow ing •( • liable property viz. V lot, lying and being in t ; ’ j citv if Savannah, with fi.veral tt r. ants thereon and known in t - ’• n cf said town, by lot IMO. j~. 1. k*s tythaig Perciva 1 ward ; t ft-m occupied by —— Farmer & Coofifeated as the prop, r y of Dr. W. 1 Yonge. Three thoulhnd acres of land, lying on G eat Satiiia river, in the county of Camden, mostly pine land (except I’o much of said trad as fur, been laid <dl for the town called Jcfßrfon, consisting of one hundred lots of 2do sq tare feet tach.) iooo acres on said river, about one and an half miles below Bull-head Bluff; pine land and swamp 2000 a (res on the Altamaha river & Finhalloway creek, in the coun ty of Glynn, m >fHy river swamp. The above land confifcated as the property of fi: James Wright. One thoufa r*J acres on St. Ma ny’s riv. r in Camden county, pine land and bvamp ; cm fiicated as the p:operty cf James Wright jun. - Ooe thouland acres on Great Sa fi * uver “si fiid county, adjoining fir James Wright <*n the Jouth; pine IV imp & hammock land—confif ci -d ?/ the property of Alexander Wright. Six hundred acres on the head of Cr -eked 1 iver in fat I county ad joining laud I r l ■-> late Dr I vine— cond Seated as the property of J >ha Siupfin i fIE origin 1! plats Sc grants of the r-r ve tra-fl of Iml vviii -e tinJ.i ;*d o:* the dav ! ■. dto r its of re-fir v-y. ‘hr ns cf sals—* ■a m tit nsn S~~\ is “** I\t II I ■-..>) ii \ L A. “— J* j ■■—•* WASHINGTON, (‘Cl'jßCiaJ Prints:? yrrsKLY for SARAH lIILLHOUSE. I Cash, or cash demands against the state of Georgia, which have been liquidated by the Comptroller-gen era!. Hines Holt , and Wm. Robertson, > Cotn’rs John M'Kir.non, ) April 28, 1810. tamtds GEORGIA, J Court of Oi di- Wilkes county, j nary. July term, 18to. Rule nisi. o N motion ot Duncan G. Campbell, attorney ot Alexander Norris, Rating, tlut John Lindsay, in his life time, made and iX; cured to the laid Alexander his bond or obligation for titles to a ce> lain ti act ot land, on the weft fide of iho mas Norris’s fptiiig manch, it be ing finy acres, contained in Jones's oid iurvey,and the laid Join Lmd fay having deputed this life before the r.q.nines of the faiJ obligaaon was performed. It is OidereJ, that Clarifla Lind say, the execu iix,and J.une> (.lor* bet, John (Hark and EbeniZ •. H. Cununins. tlie execuu rs f tin laid Jo’.m Lindsay, decc.ded, and; (hew caule at a teim >•) tins c>*u>t 1 > held on the licit Monday in N - next, why they lii : ii no: execute titles to the laid Alexan der, according to the tenor ;nd ef fed of the obligation aforefaid ; three months publication b-.i. g firlt given in out of the public ties of this circuit, True copy from the mir.ufes. ’ D MERRI LL. Clh. GEORGIA — OclE'Wo;:??. county. 1 March terns 1810. Era cut his honor “fudge Eurly. RULE MSI. o N the petition of Jeffrey Early flaring, that he was polleffed of a to three tracts of land origin aliy granted to Ignatius Few, one triC 1 containing seven hundred a cres, one other trad containing fix hundred acres, one other trad eon taming two hundred and fifty acres, fi uate m the county of Oglethorpe —which deed was given to the said Early, by the fa'd Few ; and it ap pealing to the court according to the ruies of p jctice otthe courts ot Ink fiate, for the est tbhfivn* nt of loft deeds uni papers, that the said deed is loft, and that a copy rs tile fame has been filed in the cleik’s office 01 the Supeiinr-court of said county. On motion ot Stephen Upson , attorney for said Eaily, It is Ordered —that this rule be puhlilhed once a month for li>: motith., in one of the gaz rtes of this ft ate, and at the expiration t.f fiid fix months, that this rule be made absolute, at’ 1 the said copy and red he ('ll blifived in lieu 0} the original, unids futficient caule be then (hewn to the contrary. A tru cop'; from the minu'es. ISAAC COLLIER t c’.k. WRIIING ITiPER FOR SALE* SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1810. Is OTICE, INF. months after date, appli cation will br madi t tiic honora ble the luterroi c< urt <1 Wilkes county, for ieav t<> led a tiact of la’ cf, containing eighty two acres, adjoining Joiepii V .itaway and o thers, it hung jvait ot the real es tate of Thomas Deering decealed, for the benifir ot the heirs and ere* ditors of laid deccafed. Mary Deerino, adm’x. Robert Delrino, adm’r. > July 21, 1810. jSO 1 is. xa. \T \ INK months after date, ap plication will be made to th hon orable the Inferior court of fi .bert county, tor Lave to fell a tract of land containing two hundred acres, more or lels adjoining John Faulk ner and others, the real est. te of Daniel White deceafeJ, lor the benefit of the heirs anil creditors of fai l deccafed Wm. Davis, “) , V u"* r Martin White, j February tjth, tS<^. ■7. { x !’ T . ’’ X%>t/ ‘ * it ‘\T ) \ INF. n >mhs after date, ii- C ition v. id to ttv. n nuru b. Interior ci u*t ot u ..w 3 u. *v, for leave to Lii rue : undred acres of land, (more or !efs) in 1 iid coun ty, on toe waters of i creek, adji-ining A. .vlartin and others, it being the it..l estate of John S. Montgomery dec. and lulu for the b- netii of tlie h-irs and creditor; cf iai_ Uectaled. J title AOl gcvicry, odrr'y. August l!, 1810 / ” f ‘ r ’ m ~ X O TiC E. XT J \ INF. months after and -tc appli cation will ni.ido to the ■ i.i ble the inferior court of \Y> keS county, lor Live to fell oi.e lot of la: J, lyin ‘ii the ninth diitri.E of Baldwin, N: - b r three, i’ being drawn by the orphans ot JoLpli Dicker, dec**..-.fed, and to be fold iur their bench . John Dicuen, guardian. June 9, ISI o. GF. i ’ R GIA, l a nd: es cm t . By David f err til, clerk of •he court of ordinary for said county. ‘SSI HERE AS John Heard ap plies for letters of adinituftr .iori cr\ the e'tat: o! St- phoi Heard, fc: • deCeafed. Tiv.Te ire therefore to cit? and adiivonifii all and singular the iJr dred ;.nd credit ‘re oi ia.d deccafed, t<> be and appe::* a: thr n, xt court ot Ordinary to he* fi< id in an ‘ for Jie county afore laid, t> (hew c. (if my they huv. ) why laid iciters fiiDUid u.t tie .•,m <t.-d. Chen under mv bun ! this 2 ( >/.v day rs August • > L'jhJ TerrAl, c. ? “• \T ay able half yearly [Number 499. Internal Mr aspects. While our teliow c: iz ns on ‘he sea board, are ha ralft and c ar ia ff< and, by the inerrafing i.noedi meats, to a free and iuciativ - • merce; trie >e'pie of tic vVw’ i-r count: y have great raise ot g: i. tui • ) H-.v.n, tor tnc pLaii i s lie happy p oipefts which are daily o penmg to 1 heir view. The anuali . ot the world do not .iff >nl an i;> Itauce oi a country so fwiftiv ad vancing to wcaltli and -e, j as tne weltern part of America.— The time is eafiiy recollect and uy ; thoulands around u., when the loam! of the axe wa> unheard in our forefts, at.d lavages ani be at* of prey inhabited every part of the ftjtes of Kentucky, TeisnetTee, O hio, &c. ‘The contrail is as sublime as it is afionilhing. The arts ani sciences have already attained 10 a degree ot perfection, w hich in ma ny countri es would have required the experience of centuries; and no p,ut of the continent Ins a.pjfl culiu.e flourilhed to a g r eat ** tens. The world rn’ght in vai.-MB learched lor a country, *.v iH the neceflaries, an’ may ■, tM luxuries of life, could b* so cr,*V<B •:rained, as in this wired tbm-.l ‘Manufactories, also, have tv mtlJ -eived confi lerabie atte.i'iDr. JB an i we tinccr ly truss •’n r rr: • •. yl is not vtrv dillant, uh u our Ur-am evs ih.ill no I rig r ! under td- ne-1 ceflity of periling the surplus pr ‘-J iducl;, of th:*ir farms cent and comfortai ’e apptrel their families. Asa cm: 1 ( ,r tie rea!''nahT ic*E of 1 tis i'.o J cit j m:y be well to ft.ite f 1•? in ;.>■•. ur ir.gfhcir’alt iu.'p ies o* !j ring g-*o ii our merchants thong! t proper ;j I purehafe a much fin..'! rnu -■.L I .’ • i ‘ foreign cto'h iol any kind, a f. .iad. suet; in the habit .t y. _-l curing. 1 At tfiis Jay the v-V:o -•■vini'T exhibits a f'ene of p •!■•'. u - val ,*d .ly t .. x 1 1 t y. a: i Lie lea! •; ;1: .) •• n l' pt ‘p*iious. a*id crop .v rgl rteV'*r known to be is oo.’i!’'!- ;’ at pirlent. Com v. :li I, nuu ’ it is Lnpofed t ’ it i.i fw t ill it c.vV? be riurcti.iled (or e: or r.i v** c :. s pet bufl'iel. W h’- at in. 11) r 1 •: t abundance, although it h.<~ lu t-ti cd lome fitrall ir.iury I < n atp is of the Heffinn fly. !h ■ cio;?s cf rye wiil exceed th*.!e .>t former years. Tlie profpeft a* to bait (with the single txcvption o’ n rh. t r.) has never been rqurile ! • •’ : country—and every other 1 ti nos the caith bears a- q Mi proportion to the above Th-are is a *.v mil n fit. V i ’ 0 was lid y :r eftjbii.hc ! at D.. P on. on the fkifqn. h.t.ifi 1. Ii r divided into }l -J Jh.:res .v fi-J* •- fins fi h lhue. which ti k ■; cap'tal am-unt to 2J 4) ioilars. A 1. pcr ot flu* o r , rati ; - g f•. • f cit eitahli ‘uneiif vi- 1 ie r. > ts <* firil ci Jun? ; . (, wh t: ! A eel , ;- fi: of tort/ •’ / . *- !■. •* alth ■: ;h : t W- I o 4 / : 1 : -ibout t . *- innaibs.