The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, September 22, 1810, Image 1

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Three Dolls, per annum .] Volume X.] f GEORGIA, Oglethorpe county , By John Davenport, justice of the hferior Court, and . v xttoew Rai ney, clerk of tbt court of Ordinary for said county. V HERE AS Elizabeth Rl r vdfon formerly Elizabeth Harri nd Wiluatn Richaruloii ap v. for letteis of adminiilration, eftatc of Clement Hariifon and • I are therefore toheite and t ‘ : ill and lingular the kin i ct diiors of laid decealed t ■a : ’ .>•.• ir at the next court 11 O’ • ’v. jbe held in and for tr - 4 aforelaid, to fhew’ c ! y they have) why laid Ji ould not bi granted. L> ’! under cur hand* this 11 th aay of September 181 o Jjhn Davenport y. j. c. Matthew Rainey , c. c. o. NO l ICE. A PPLICATION will be made t< • e honorable Inferior court of Oglethorpe county, after the ex piration of nine months, for leave to fell the real eftats of James Stal lings, deceifcd. of said county. CiiARi.ES S;, ex’r. September xc, ISIO .Administrator’s Sale. Wit.t. be sot.d, On the first Tuesday in November next, at the Court house in Greene county , the following trails of land —viz. V *NK tract, lying in Greene county, on Big Beaverdam, adjoin ing Rowlen Winkfield and others,, containing one hundred acres, more or I.Ys, belonging to the eft.ite of Pnilip Hunter, deceased. - One tad lying ir. said county, o ‘he Mtcrs of Little river, t o it lining v acres, more or Id’s, belonging .state of R >bert Williams, • “ -1. All fold for the use of • and creditors of the said r ’• i.i3Ha Hunter, adm’r. oer 3, Bio. UTLL BE SOLD the 25th of October next, it the place whereon the fubferib er now lives, eleven miles from Washington. on the main road leading to Lexington, four hun dred acres of LAND, in Wilkes county, on the waters of Long cretk, with a comfortable dwelling house, a good kitchen and several other out houses, houfchold and kitchen furniture ; also all the plan ta'ion flock, confiding of one wag gon and te*m, holies, cattle, sheep, hogs, and other live Hock, a quan tity of corn and fodder. Terms—cash. Jacob Woolsright. September 13, 1810. WAITING PXPER FOR SALE. WASHINGTON, (Georgia) Printbd weekly for SARAH HILLHOUSE. For the Monitor. At the approach of the con grcflional election it Lnatuial that the merits of the several candidates Ihould be inveftigatcd ; and if this right to weigh the claims of those who fetk public favor was exer cised with difcrction anJ decorum great public good would result to the community. It is not my bu siness to oppose any man's eLction. 1 mean in this (hurt essay to notice the past condutl of two of our re presentatives, who are now candi dates. No one objects to the re-election of D’ Ctor Bibb ; his talents, hia political integrity, and his attention to the duties of his station are lb notorious, and lo well approved, as ro enfuie hurt ihe hearty support of those whom he serves so ably and so vigikntly. But fo.T.e people op pole the re-eleflion of Mr. Cobb, and fume are indifferent about it ; and what aie the reasons r.n which this opposition is founded? You who edict to believe he is incotn pattit >n the score of talents, look to his votes, and lay if any one < t our representatives can boast of more cor.iifiency and pr. p: i ry ? Is this the relult of accident ? No, it is the relult of a found, dilcreet, ( and dilpadiotmtc jui'-getr.cnt mat ’ has uniformly confuiccd the* dign:- ! tyand interest of fiis country, and | has disdained to be ir.fluenced by : any time serving policy. ‘ Fis true Mr. Cobb is not in the h bit of wafting time by long speeches; he <is a silent membtr; and 1 wish Irom j my heart, that nine out of ten, a i mong those who are called fp ak -1 ers in congress, were tongueless ; in that case they would have Ids occasion and Ids power to expose and injure the once well delerved name of the American Congress. Follow citizens, remember that the good ff-fferfon, the worthy old pat riot, .Samuel Adams, and many o thers high on the lift of great and good statesmen, were not fpeakvrs. they were not in the habit of duff ing fine, and making a long fptech to please the girls in the lobby or in the gallery. They were in the habit cf deliberating on the affairs of the nation, with a Tingle eye to j public good, and adting with oth j er weapons ’han “ words, words, •words,” where adlion was ncceffa ry. And yet no man difputcd the ; talents of these men. It would be well for our degenerate council if we had in it a few more men like i Mr. Cobb. Another obje&ion to Mr. Cobb | is that his bad health is such as to * disqualify him for the duties of his station, and that he is wholly una ble to occupy his feat during a great part of the feflion. I believe this objection is founded on falsehood ; fur I am well assured he enjoys good health ; and if he does not, he has given themoft decide! proof of his fidelity and patriotism. If he wanted an apology to his p-.ft ‘■!* irulifpofition w >u!d have beau lufScient j but lick as he SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1810. may have been, he was as often in place, (not even Dr. BiUa except ed, wfV'in I mention with plt-dlure as a pattern of induftiy anu hJetity) as arty member from the state of Georgia. Look to ttie journals of the houle of reprelcntatives and we {hail there fee who has attended and who has not. That I might have it fully in my power to give my fellow citizens the truth of the cale, 1 have ex amined all the yeas and nays of the \ ay and the last winter leffi ms ; which shew very latistadorily the relpe&ive attention, industry, and integrity of the members. Mr. Cobb has nothing to fear from the tell. The National Intelligencer, during th >fe two ftffions reports the yeas and nays forty seven times: at which were present, Mr. Bibb, 45, Mr. Cobb, 45, Mr. Stnelr, 86, Mr. 1 roup, 28. Does this look like 3 sick r^.?.n , Is it the evi ‘ence ot negligence, or is ‘he tell proof that Mr. Cobb di.- charges his duty like a r.iiibful ceii tind i It such conduct is iio is not to be rom.vnbered. ok! rewarded, r.o mail can have inducement to do his duty. The cinzjia c: this state have tft*‘ce elected Mr. C bb. Ar firll he was untiied. I. he w.s theu entitled to the fut!rages ot bis fel low ci'ir. ms, he is no Ids entitled now. It r was then qu uiried, he is certainly better qualified now. li he was then untried & unknown, he is now tried and proven to be of the purdt (tuft. H. ic none of your Jack-call member* ; he is not led by weaknels, finery, or vani ty. He will not fell his vote to the Smitha or any other aspiring ju.xt?. who endeavor to diftraif the coun cils of the nation. He is not Mr. Giles’ republican, nor Mr. Ran dolph’s, but he is a republican of Georgia. And his vutei uniformly prove him to be u:i ur.fophifticated fiend fd republican principles, and republican inftitutior.-;. When he iscal'ed on to voteh.* does not all: Mr. Smith or Mr. Ec.ce: :n* how he fnall vote ; he asks what does the honor of mv to:., t v rtruiie; whar will conduc • l: the interelt <>t my constituents ? Thtfe are his la ‘.d marks, the p. i.,r liar that {hap s his course Then freemen of Georgia, will you forg t such a man as t!;i-. •? Will y exchange him ier ar.y sprightly vvig.U ? Will you tunpiy hi. place with any man v.ho.h.s nr. other claim to your notice, cx ( Cc-pt that ho belongs to a party ? Stick him In your tickets, and 1 ‘will warrant f.rhin he will nick 1 to you in the day of trial. WASHING I ON. •’ 11 wwwwpwwmw > - 1 mimn *pr Miss Burns having returned jto Waihingtcn will continue to ! clean and repair WATCHES, See. as usual, on the mnft moj ‘.rate terms—Apply a: the P. ‘:itiiiy Of* [T ay able half-yearly. FOREIGN NEWS. fExtraft from Amsterdam—Ju ly 3 J The great changes we so long an ticipated have been readied. lh inurning early, we learnt, that French troops would be introduced, as the confequcnce of the late inju ries of certain reftiefs individuals. It was given out that preparations should be made for quartering them and giving them a good recepti n. This afternoon appeared, entirrly unexpected, a publication, by vir tue of which his majesty itligns the government, in iavor of his lon the heir npoaretit, Napoleon Lewis, and his brother p. ince Charles Lew is Napoleon, under the regency of the queen. In the declaration refpefting it, is the following: “ Mollandors, {{ lntimately convinced, that through me nothing more can be. done either for your interelt or y unf welfare, ! b;.ve abdicated my and rr.v n.yal dignity, in my 1 id est in Napoleon Lewi ! ‘s brother, prince Charles L-.V Napoleon. v As her majesty the queen, ol right and according to the conftftuj t. n, is regent of the kingdom, regency (hall devolve upon thel council until her-arrival. M “Hollanders! Never frail forget a good and virtuous As mv lift thoughts ve so shall my last j>rayer be fur yoiW welfare. 1 ••On taking leave of you, T t ..n- j not fufifu-ienflv recommend to rn at v II the fiddiers and the funct'n n ories of Fiance T his is th.e best nh ■ms of nrop.itiatiiig his tty the emperor, upon wh <m lot. of urfi-'ves, vour thdJrcii nndl ycnrfrlves entirely eftponils. I tn” terram. a just hope that you r.ii! fi tvi’N at r ,n the ‘• waru c-f a’l * .;r.i far fi •••< an ‘ of v ur ‘.r.gnani’ ’.’ US fortiTiul;- an I *v -rio.n. Given at H ’rlt m. 1 ft July ’ B'C. j (Sirned) J LF.WIn N \POLF.ON. I (C’ rnrerfi'med) 1 The tr ; uftcr \ Phil Mir? phi a. A ***. C.ript. Myrick of tb- fi ib M net, in Jl da vs from Cadiz. in<Vr-*s that down o the period cfhis fail ing, July 1 J'th, m events c ,rx impoitant nature had occu: !. . lie heard noth’ng of the rey r* •.! , disaster of gen. Crawford’s ci’ iil-m ■ from which It is prelumnb!’, the account is entire’v unmie T!- French continued :he siege v. about any augmentation of force, and m.u*e frequent and ur.fucctfsful at . tempi® to throw shells into the > ;tv. The allies were equ .Hy aftive *<■> - reeling their fortifications. !’ will j be observed fcv nr.v arm E under j nr.r marine head, furnifiir.i by mpr. M. that on the score of provisions Cadis'ls amply {applied. September I. j T.ATFST F.ROM SiyiN. Gaptaia Stewart, ci th<