The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, December 08, 1810, Image 1

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Three Dolls, per annum.'] VoxUME X.j] ■COLLECTOR’S SALE. WI LI. BE SO i-D. I it F.ibert Court House, ck the third ’ Saturday in December next, the ftti'*wing pt operty or so much there oj .. -ivit/ satisfy the tax, together with costs —f to wit:) oNE hundred acres cf iar-.d* on the waters cf Coid-wuter creek, in Eitvrt county, adjoining lard; ot \ Aden ; tlic land returned by Jack Harris for the year i S*; ta* due y 1-4. cents. m >;.• • ••.rv -. of land in county, adjoining Ixr.ds of Cook, on the Beaver dam creek, granted to Chriltopher HaHs and taken as his property t-> f tisfy nis taxes for the years tso4, ’6. ’7 and ; taxes due 4 D 51 1-2 cents. i<JO acre:i of land, on the waters of Vtnn’j creek, i: Elbert counry. adjoining lands 1 1 E. Ha v per and granted to W. L J ; taken as the property of W-Uiam Jirmings ti hi* tax to 1 i fit year 1809 ; tax due 4* 1-4 •so; 4.S acres of land on Savannah river, in Elbert county, joii.u 4 lands of Thomas Gregg; take, as the property of Merdock. P.1.,1 .a to fatisfy hisfax for 1803 ; tax due 73 1-4 cents. Also ; 100 acres of land ‘on Cold-water creik, in Elbot county, granted to H M‘Donald, adio : nitig land* of A. iVi*Corry ; t • iern 1 as the property of Henry Fr .s tin to fatndy hr* tax tor ts c • * 307; tax due 35 cents. A 142 acres of kind, cn C v i-water crock, in Elhcrt c, adjoining Hunt; talcefi as the property of \ViM* Head to fatklv his tnx for the year* tBcB and 1809; taxes cue ILV 3 1 14 cents. \lso ; ;20 acres of land, on Savannah river, in Elbert ccuu *v, adjoining lards of Head ; ta ken as the property of John Hum- I her 10 faiisfy his tax lor *BO9 ; fax -ue 93 1-2 cents. Also , 0 3 acres 01 land, oti £ickeus* creek, in Elbert county, granted to Marbury, adjoining Ca(h } taken r.j the pro; Tty of Benjamin Wheeler to tacit!v Lis fax lor the - car 1809 : u.-. due 37 1-2 cents. Also ; IQ 4 acre., of ia id, on Lightwqod-log creek, in Libert county, granted to S. Smith, ad joining H. MbDor.ald ; taken as the property <1 Sally Smith to faiisfy her tax for 1807 ; tax duo 69 1-4 cents. Also; 4 )0 acres <-! laid, on Cedar creek, in Elbert comity, granted to Dean, adjoining land* of Selfrage; taken as the property r-1 Nathan Tlrotnpfon to faiisfy his tax sot tits year 18c” ; tax due rjc cent;. \ n r\ TI r p -TYm Vi ( ri i #i\, X V Jk N JSL V > J* ’-iv H WASHINGTON, (Ghoagu) Printed wuecy sex SARAH HU.LHOUSE. Also ; 181- acres of land, on Cedar creek, in Elbert county, , adj.>ining lands of 11. MT)oiuld; 1 taken as th a property of berry Far. rner to faiisfy his tax tor 1808 ; tax due 66 1 4 cents. Also ; 5 ) acres of Ir.n 1, on : Cedar creek, in Elbert county i granted to Longltrecr, adjoining ; Sttdton ; taken as the of Stephen Will bunion to faiisfy his tax for the year 1809; tax due ; j 6 1-4 cents. Also ; iJJ acres of land, on Cedar creek, in Eibert coun | ty, granted to Hooker, adjoining Rich 3rd lon j taken as the proper ty of iiaac Viitchrl to fjmfy tils tax for the 1809; tax due * 50 cens. Also ; 20 1 ) aen sos land, i on Cedar creek, in Elbert coun ty, granted to Hill, adjoining Gbil dres ; taken as the property of Jacob H ; ’J to faiisfy his taxes tor 1807 ;<nc l *9 ; taxes. due ; I). 12 , 3-4 cults. Ai mj ; ?.:> u'r'+s nf land, on Lights >ocl-log o ‘k, in Elbert county, adjoining T. Career ; ta- a3 tile propertv of j >naihan Payne to fi'isty h.s ia.: tor the year 1809 ; tax due 51 14 cents. Also : 172 am s <i l *id, j on Light\vrOjd-l>g creek, in Elbert , counry, adjoining lands o! S:\nd ! e*-s ; t\kcn as the propri fy of Henry bander,;, to lat-sly f hr tax lor tue year 1809 ; tax due 48 I -1; CciltS, Also , 10 ) \u’.iv.s oj iartu, o.i crc< *v, ... i.iiicii cotiii *v, gra .ted to Jobolon a> i d oib ’ adjoining iauus of Juimlon ; tiken as the property ot Charles Gostian to fa.i-.ty his tax lor tii year ISO 9 j tax cue 1 D 24 1 2 ctmii. A. !:iO . j. ) fl Cl (’ Sr., i.l .... I 1 i on the waters of Warhach**e cre.k Libert county, granted to I'homp. ion, adjoining lands of M’Gehre; taken as the firoperty of Rice El lington to t'iti-dy his tr.X's lor the years 18 ro, ’7, ’8 and *9 ; ux s due 19 D. 60 1-4 cents, ; Two lots in the town of r h, f.kcn a the nro jicrty r>| James i*ace to latL-fy his taxes for the years 1800, ’7 and J 8 ; taxes due 4 I). 8 1-4 cents. ; v.m acres itn*i, I wa i>ioau. liver, :u iTanivljr) conn j ty, granted to Edward iVLGarrie. • undo o! 1 nomas C#ragg ; >1 .t-i as the property of Edward Ivi‘Carrie to latisiy his and .Samuel j i’ Tiler’s taxes tor the year 280 J ; ! clue 1 D. 10 cent*;. 1 vise ; .10 tic.’.'S u; !m.l, cn j Deep creek, in Eibt’t county, 1 pranteu ro Wiliia-n Wha lev, ad | joining lands of Ltmfird ; taken jus the property of Wiiliam Cape jto Intisly bis taxes lor the yens : und ’-i ; tpxes due Hi ;-■ ecu';;. 1 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2SiO. i on the Beaverdain creek, in F.l hert county, adjoining lands cl Penn, occupied by and taken as the property of Joliah Cook to latisly fib taxe*. for the years 18 f <4, ’.7, *d and ’7 7 taxes due 2 D. 27 cents. \ i o . ; .5G acres of land, on Deep creek, in F.lliert county, aujotmng lands of b.inly ; taken as the property of John Brututicld to lati.dy his ‘axes for tile years I HOB, and ’i) ; taxes due 1 D. 4 cents. Aviso; 20? ’ 2 tirres r.f land i: * !*h of Witkinf’in r ‘umy at the time of fuivtv (No. 86)— t ik n as tilt property of Hniry F.iuik to fatisfy his rax fer the year 1801) ; tax due Si 3-i Cents. . ISO ; 125 acres of Innu, in Elbert county, on Broad river, e ranted to Forgus. v.ijoining D -n ----iiy; taken as tiie >t -vn drew Lowremorc to Untfy bis tax lor the year 1 bid); ux due CJ wCiIU. • v 1 ->g . 1 j'2. .-2 acres of l-uid in the sth diltriil of Wilkinson at the tone of iurvey, auj-'itting lots N- . 2 ld ar.J 215 ; taken as tiie property of William Adaiiu, jun. to iaiisiy h.s ta.\ ter the y 1803; tax due 61 1-4 ceii!4. “ vi-o ; iovy a.cre's oi land, in Elbert county, on ti.e wdt r* ~f the B-averdam cre.k, tak.-r; ’•<* tiie property or John F. Gerald to fa tidy his taxes for the years I8()fj and 7 ; taxe* due 1 D. Od Cent.'-. -'■■"j ; Ilu bt 1.11 >ei, 0:1 Broad river, in Libert cour,iy. granted to Furman, v*lj linin of ja nes Ha>oiler ; lik .ti as idf* prop rtv of Gv*rre f- man, jun. to lansfy his irx 1 r year i MOS ; tuX cm 1 L‘ 25 c. nl<. , * • t in Elbert county, on Br ad Ever, grantee! to George in- nan, ad joining lands of William Warki s ft the time ir \%ns given in ; ta ken as the property of B’ nj-utiin Burton to fatisfy lies tax for 11* year I SOJ ; tax due 2 1> 72 cents. tiso ; 2'Jj l-_ r;t\ Lin.! in Baldwin county at the ti r.e or iurvey, g*-ar.t -d to Franci b .tter witi'c, acj iiiing fits N'u. 865 and .‘Vs7 ; taki 11 as the piopc-r'y <u iVancis Sattcrwhite to latisly !:is tax lor tiie years 1 hi >6 xnu ’7 ; tax due 2 D. 1 ’2 cant. AOne: j f;t 1: the to evil of Ravtburgh fimp:ovcm)—-tak en as the property or |.Ai;; Ham bleton to fathiy ins tax I r t*ie ‘.:sr lbi)3 ; ‘.a:: otia J 1). 75 cent*. • Also ; K,.) r. -■ f in Klbcrf roui ’v, <’ ‘ creek, granted to Ragi.s-d, n.b-.ini: Hudson ; taken as tt c ;• 0,,. .0 v Ihr as i mtimn t” ! *;0 *v •;.< -tax or the year 1807; I*;; dot 2 1-2 cunts. [Fayable half year ty. {[Nuußxn 5! Also; One house and i'.i!, in Elbert on, occupied by ar.d ta ken as the property of WHliato Holt to iatiify his tax lor t!,. years 18()l, % *3, *♦. ’5, hi, *8 and ’3 ; tax due 46 D. 3L> 1-4 Chills. Also;’?"’ acres <f bind, or Deep creek, in Elbert county, -ad joining lands of Ellington ; t k m as the propel ty of John Sho. • ■.... cr to fatisfy fus tax tor tin* \e-:’ 1805 ; tax due 42 i-a cents. Also ; ils acres of 1 and, on the Bcuverdam creek, in El bert county, granted to Hi s, adjoining Williams ; taken as ;hr.- property of John Si-'.u!l to fuFsly his tax for the year ißor ; ux cue 49 1-2 cents. g Also ; ,)U acres (A land, or* ’ the Beavcrdam creek, in Fiber: county, adjoining lands of M‘Ga raly ; taken as the prop nv <4 L ais M‘Gehe? to fatisfy h ; s * x lor tht yea* 1807 ; l-X du * 48 i 4 cents. A*so ; 200 acres of End,* on Deep cretk, in Elbert. r iur.J ty, adjoining lands o f R.O r K neciy ; * \k n as the p R. V N-j-r.j to las:-.iy hi.- .. the years 1805. ’/ ;r.j ’d • due * L>. 67 3-4 ct:;.;s. Also ; u'.ai acres of 1 : ’n Hbert county, on Lightv > Cl Trek,; Ward— m/B cres ol land in Frank in ecu and two lots in Danville; take® as the property of Eli Eavinfon ro f.i'iily his taxes for the years 1 ’7, bb ’3, l uo, ’l, *2, ’5,1 ‘7, ’6 and ’J ; taxes due 244 D. tit) cents. Jj ALo ; ] : ur res of land,J %tr. : v.. Ur:, of tue ImavefcairJ cnxk, 1:1 ;• l; .it c: m. y. a.'j virioM Units 11 , ti-lc. n as t o-B pestv of J'.b.i Lkv.-li to f.:v,y r:M i \. icr r e years 1808 and ‘9 jM si.. *>. 0 j cen.s. Film; ; .. act • ■ ‘ mij Viiifya -ds creek, in Elbert court, a ry, aiijoii ilig lbilv-:-t ; f/kc’i : i the property if jo.'iiua Gr-A t. s fati.-dy his tax *.-r the year 180.;.'; v taX uUe 44 Cents. ; u i? 1-2 acres • ‘ 1.-.n i.i vVi!fvii:l< ct.'tmfy nr th • ti<ne ot Jusv •/, t .pii did“Rt, (No c:St— t.tii- ’•rcp.ity cl Samuel Paxton 1. :,!• ry Ins taxes tor the years r/r/, ’o, i.loo, ’i, ’2, ’3, ’4. ’5 ’(>. ’b’Eaul 1 ; ; taxen uue ih D. 3.’ i-. t cfci.ts. s ‘ 0,0 ; *! ?./ lieu Sol f “.rtd in W.tvr.c county, 31 dnhieE (E •. VO) > —{F n aa the p'n.j.v-r ty ol R'cL.trvi Hurry, to Ea*is*y hi. Iff the year 1S03; tax due a 1 D. 7 cents. A Al.po , >2 i-2 r.cres of lp.n^H in tie 19 il riihicf of • o'l oy a: du time cd furwy (No. ‘s!’- . .-..:n m ti,e properd of I * *ll 1.. t. i.i. r. r> Pis rav ‘ot r. .• v.r 1 L-i : a• 59 nr*. rr .' o, iC last fig*.)