The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, January 09, 1813, Image 1

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‘Hirer ifJlars pi r annum."} Volume XIII.] THE “MONITOR” L published weekly at three dollars per annul r. ; payable half yearly, in advance. Subscribers in the country, who choose to take their papers in companies, will have them forwarded as early as possi ble after publication. Aomen emexts published at sixty two efi a half ants per square for the first insertion, and fifty cents ptr squire , for each continuation. 11 hen i’ is not specified how often an advertisement must be inserted, it wilt be continued till forbid, and charged accordingly The ■> hertisements of non subscrib ers, and all job printing must be paid for in advance. Per - >\ s having advertising to the amount of forty dollars per year, may have a deduction made of one fourth , on p ompt payment. S’lb.cfibers will be considered as such till all arrearages are paid Letter* addressed to the Editor , must be post paid. —Mr* *• mT* ~ mn ■■ n n"* l'i AN ACT To organize die detichments of men wii'ch now are, or hereafter mav be r quired by the IVfident of the United States from the Executive of this state, tor the service of the Union, and to cr ratuz • Volunteer comoarttts. § 1 BE it therefore enacted by the so rate aid House of Representa tive’ of the State of Georgia in Gene ral Assembly met , That whenever any detlch.nent of militia may be required of this ilate by the proper authority far - the service of the Uni ttd .States, it fhail be the duty of the A ijutant General to apportion the numbcri required from the sev eral Dviftfe; and Brigades, and form the Regiments and Battalions, at:d to give orders to the refpedbve Brigade Infpedlors, vhofe duty it shall be to apportion the requifiti >n required of the seve ral Regiments, Battalions and com panics within the Brigade to which such Biigade Infpeftor may belong, and out of Regiment, Battal ion or company to raise by draft or otherwjfe the proportion required from each Regiment, Battalion or company. § 2 And be it further enacted, That it {lu;!I be the duty of the fev era! Colonels out of whose Regi ment any* iur'i company lhall or may be for the use of the United States, thnfe now a&ually engaged in the service of the Uni ted States, together with thofc wh > ‘hove lirerdy made choice of their officers excepted, to proceed with out delay to advertise elections for Captains, Lieutenants and Ensigns faid companies, which elcctlwi (hall be held as near the centre of *ach company as conven ience will permit, and fhal! be held a id in the fame manner an t fuojcT to the fame regulations as to voters, hr., as govern the elec tions for militia officers of the fame grade in this date; an:! the reti vi -.hereof fhull b? tranbnitted to x sis MON-I FOR. PUBLISHED (weekly) BY DAVID P. IHLLIiOUSE. WASHINGTON, (Geo ) —SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 181:3 Excellency the Governor without delay; and it fliall be the duty of His Excellency the Governor with in ten days after the return there of, to optn and compare the returns and issue special commissions to the persons so ehtred, and the officers io commiflion<‘d fliall continue in office until difehargr and from the ser vice of the Unite! S r a'cs, or until their office shall be vacated by death, resignation or other difqualificaticm. 5 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall he the duty of His Ex cellency the Governor cm receiving the returns of elections heretofore had. or which rr.av hereafter be had for Captains. Lieutenants end En signs to command the prefer.: de tachment given up for the ft rvice of the Union, to corn million ilittn agreeable to the requisitions s> ( this ad § 4 And be it further enacted, T hat it shall be the dutv of the Bri # a gadicrGvnerals itfpeftively. so looa as the Captains arid Subalterns as aforefaid shall have -received ilit-ir commissions, tc cider at: eie&tan for a Colonel and two Majors tor each Regiment,‘which ehebon fliall beheld st each If gun.sit'd quitter ground, by giving at • alt twenty days pitvfous notice thereof, in his General O and rs, at uhLU election a!! porfanS shall be entitled to vote •vho and to (’.? command c l fuo’i officer n officers when lo elected, and it shall be the duty of Hts Excellency the Governor on receiving the returns of any of the said elections, to blue as above pointed out, and such c- Kdtion lliall and :u ----perintended as elections heretofore held utidei the miliiia laws ot this state. § .7. And be'it farther a: rit'd, That any Volunteer Companies in this state, which are at pre-let t railed or may be railed, (hail be organi zed an;: commanded by the fiiceia already chofou. cr hich may here after be chosen by them, who ffi .il be entitle and to reetive their refpeCtive commiftfons from the Commander in Chief. And the said companies shall be received into the service of the state or of the United Stales as exigencies may require, when cal led on by the proper authority, and continue and exill as organized vo lunteer corps *tv the term oi time designated by their articles of affe ctation, or for \vl - h they may ref pe&ively volunteer, fubjed to the fame regulations as other detach ments and companies of militia of the state when called into service, cud at the er.d of laid term, they shall be dif-Jved and return to the militia of the line—provided, the number of Lid volunteer compan ies fnali not exceed one hun .red men each, esciufive ofcommiffi ed and non iniTimifiioncd cbiccrs. § 6. And fa it furtr.r cnaeted, That all periods included in a y detachment of the militia called I r by the United Starts, flnSI bar eligi ble to any < i the offices or appoint ments rn'oertiv ur to laid d*ct?.eh * x V mem. * * § 7. And be it further cnuct.d. That all rr , ’t : a. laws tu ruefore fed, militating againlt thi act be, and the fame are hereby repealed. UENJ \ MIN vVHI I'AK.ER, Speaker oi thell of Repreleiitatives WILLI A vl RABIJN, Pufident of thr Senate, Executive Department, Georgia, A {Tented to, !Oth D c 1812. David ii .1: rcHCLL, Governor. > %.V. y.,t - 1irB?UIIIBWt> FOREIGN NEWS. BOS TON. Dec 9. Lift evening aiwed the fliip P >whatau, Capt Herrick, 42 .lays from Liverpool. Bv this arrival v v. 1 ’*•*'. 1 v'-fo I.:*r<! n pi pers to tnc £ l v V;t .>er aim Liv erpool to the - 21 h Letters of marque and reprisal have been ifTued agarnif by the B’irilh govt: nun nt. Convoys v.eri about to vu from England for Newfoundland and the Weil Indies. The official account of th:• fur renderofgcn Ho i* army had Deen publifhc ! together with Hull’s h new'paper phil hppiea, otc. The A;m:ican colors taken at T >rt Detroit have been hung up in W'utehal! Chap 1, near the French tagl.s anJ daadards. Go!. Dirroch is appointed a brig adier general to serve in C mada. (.'apt Dacres* accoe o h ■ | ;i fs of the (Jd.Triere is pubi fli and in the London papers. He* lavs nothing of ddc ;'live rnafli. *, and compli m< iits ('ipr Hull lor His treatment to his officers and i amen. !he Argo, 44 is ordered to Ja maica ; the Ataianta is tu return to Halifax. An expedition agsinft the coast ct France was preparing in Eng. land Three frigates were ready for f.a at Bordeaux at the ‘aft dates. The* 13'iiiih trade is represented as mu h ••■no.irraiT and. The Iflau I which lately appeared hear rh; Az.’re° has funk again, leav:ng a fn >ai. The right honorable George Can ning is returned a member of - for Liverpool. Gen. G tfcoytu is returned Pvlr. Canning for Liverpool. Mr. Brougham & Mr. Cre vy of course 1 loft the election. Mr. Diusuas Las bean eltclcd for Edinburg. j Mr. VVilherforce has voluntaiily declined a rco.Lc.iion to pailiament. It is calculated that min: Lrs will have an ace f’ion of forty members in :he new par'.inrn rnt. A petition f.;: - p.ace has been vo ted at Derby. i&_ Thu 20 ih Frendnbulfotin gives an acctjunt entranffe into J.I .I’tow. !.is h Bepti liberty. 1 .icy fay 1 iic A., .iiens let it re to ii.c‘ ciiy in 500 places ; that : -o < hur ches, iocs p-fta* s, and i | to. gzi les wre icfh- y,d. 1 . ? i ‘’’ ;; w : ‘s !•,. ’ b■ n (’*.. j c°-A&2 ft.k 1? and ‘ ! . • [Payable ha/j yearly. it fays, were bui r,t. Ihe French enteied Moscow Sept. 15, ha’ ing fought no battle . alt<-r that <*f be fkwa. * Iht Ruffian offi;ial account fays, before the French entered Molcow, “ all the valuables, the (tores in the arl'enais, and alrnoft all other prop, ertv, public and private, were pre viously removed, and scarcely a fu - gle inhabitant remained in the < ity. The entrance of the Fiench into Molcow is not an annihilation of the empire. Advantages may ac crue from our abandoning the cap. ital. We shall be. enabled to cut ofT ai! reinforcements marching to join him from the rear. We hope to compel the enemy to leave Mos cow. and change his plan of opera* tiers.’ ’ l he Ruffian general Kutufow is daily receiving reinforcements, and is well fupphi-d I’he Ruffian ern ptror fids v.-ith gnat finmiefs. A new levy of qoo.coo men is or dered. The Moldavian army was advan cing. Patriotic donations contin ued. It is f id fcveral French officers had been afialiioated at Molcow, being miftakeit for Bonaparte. Bonaparte had made propofols of peace to the emperor of Ruflia. It is Lid the emperor rejected B jo pur'e’.- overture, r.nJ had de tciinined io reiuie every lorcrture while the enemy is in the^ountry. New York, Dec. 21. By the Dick, from Burdoaux, we have French papers to the 4 c ult. ! iicy contain the Fiench bul letins 16 No. 23, the last of which is dited at Mofcc-w, Oct. g:h. J* Bates that the advanced guard of the grand army was potted twenty leagues from Molcow: that the Mi dim army was quartered upon 1C donga; that ffiirmifhes took placo daily irt which toe French ware vic tor:. us 1 -; that the Duke of F.lchin-jf gen, with nis division, was at B >g bord ch ; and Murat’s division was at i’.oiifa It a'fo ftafes that thu able Ruffian General, Prince fation, had died of his wounds; and that the inhabitants of Mofouv were returning to their lioineg; an j Napoleon was in good health, and doing all he could to make them comfortable. We learn verbally, that Mailer,a was llill at Bayonne, waiting tor reinforcements; and the French troops in Spain and Portugal f'uffor ing lor the necdTarics of life. U was reported in France, thn 4 the Emperor had font for Mi. )la:- i .v; to meet hi.ll r.t Wiina. Twer.*''-first Bull.fh: rs the Grand Army Mo- cotv, Sept. 20. “ Three l.undr. and incendiniics t nave bun arretted anti mot; they wen- provided with taffies, fix i ich es itui;*, whi h they had between t” o p • ?of v/o-jJ ; they h.d.. Id • ."i ?, whi cl: tk.-ry threw upon the r’- ’S of the heuf .. foi.e wivtck ■ rtfi'ho I.'J' i;r'orred on. * 1 V £Numbei 621.