The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, January 16, 1813, Image 1

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Th- • • :h\’-irs per annum. 2 PUBLISHED (weekly) BY DAVID I\ HILLHOUSE. Volume X 111.3 POETRY. From the Raleigh Register. .‘.N OCCASIONAL ODE. OF ?.U that live, and move and breathe, Man only riles o’er his birth ; lit lo- ks above, around, beneath, At once the heir of heaven and earth : Force, cunning, speed, which Na ture gave The various tribes throughout her plan, Lite to enjoy, from death to save, ihefe are the lowed powers of Man. From strength to flrcngth he trav els on, He leaves the lingering Brute behind ; And when a few (hurt years are gone He fours —a diferr.hodied mind : Beyond the grave, with hope lub lime, D dined a nobler course to run, f hts career the er.d of l ime Is but Eternity begun ! V/bat guides him in his high puvfuit < )pens, illumines, cheers his v:ay, i) < rns the Immortal front the Brute, Cod’s image front the mould of clay ? ‘i is Knowledge: Knowledge to the Sou! Is Power, and Liberty, fc Peace; And while ctch.-dial ages roll, The joys ol Knowledge (hall in ert afe. Hail to the glorious Plan! that spread ’Phis light with unive-fal beams, And through the human desert ltd I ruth’s living, pure, perpetual dreams. B Hold anew Creation rife, Nt w spirit brrathed into the clod, Where'er the Voice of Wisdom cries, * Man, know Thyfelf, and fear thy COD!” J. MONTGOMERY. Fee. Tv Aurora. 7ANKF.E FROLICS — A NEW’ SON'O. No more of yoSr blathering no li fe nfe, ’Bout rite Nelsons cf old Johr.r.y Bull; I’il sing you a song, ‘pon riv con fidence, •'Bout I. ik a and Decatur, & Hull. Dad Neptune has long, with vexa tion, IV.hM with what info! ‘it pride, ! Tiw turbulent, billow wafh’d nation Ila, aipjM to control his fait tide. S’rg lath r-away j mtcel and aify, Tv my f ml, at the game ho :or-iK-?> lit a very few minutes we’ll pl.ife ye, i! ‘caufi we take work by j b. Td-re Dacccs, at vaunt! •; and be . ilin .* •*•T 1 ! I : i * r :\ . vr - u ;. ‘ ’ “Vi r.* ;\ j* t WASHINGTON, (Geo.) —SAT TRDAY, JANUARY 16, ISUJ. But Hull, betwixt finoking and roasting, Dilpatch’d f;ri proud frigate Guer riere! Such treatment to him, was a won der, Which ferv’d his proud spirit to chouk; And, when to the bottom our thun der Had sent her, we laugh'd at the joke. Sing hther-away jontcel and aify, Brave I IT! at the game hob or-nob, Is the Hoy that will surely amaze ye, So well he can fi.itfh the lob. T’other day, v.orfc than gnur, fit, ur cholic, The Wasp, with brave Biddle and Jones, So terrible (lung the poor l'rolic. As left her—but ban skin b< xies ! Sh (truck, but what c raid fire do btfter ; For time, there none tc delay, Indeed it must terribly bet Iter, To Tc ihe could not run-avvav. s Sing lather-away j or. red and aify, Brave Junes at tlic game hob-or nub Is i!k la that will fure'y amr.z •ye. So wDI Ik can work b\ tl.e job. Now, to augment our bra . e little navy. An ? ruiu to the of cat li a . Il vaui, with Tt r auce or gravy, Has drJ&’d Alexander ihe CFea:. By ny foul, to further trouble. And save a oifgraccfu! downfall, Since they find all rtiidance a bub ble, i hey'll Ur ike without fighting at a!!. Sing latiiei-.av.ay j anted end aify, Decatur, to play fioh or nob, Will in Lveiiice.i minutes amaze ye Huzza, ’tvvas a quick fnifh’d job. IMPROMPTU. Britannia, f:ck of many an ill, Sees various plagues await her: Now finds another bitter pill. Prescribed by one Decatur. Let her go on and foil contrive, To make the world all hate her; Her venom we fhali (till survive, While we have one Decatur. ‘Then let’s maintain the fuilor’s right And not one inch abate her; Wc need not dread her force or spite With Hull and with Decatur. CONGRESS. jicusr. or Ki.Pß TuiTjrr.s. Man Jay, Dec. 28. The engrcfltd joint resolution of approbation arm thanks toon • naval heroes Hull, Decatur & Jones, was read a third time, pi (Tot I, and lent lo ttie Senate for concurrence. Wednesday, December .'.’ft. The U >u!e rt'.u ad the confido rauun u. the reporr of the cuniuiit- ree of the wh vie on ‘he bill y-.fter day coTtfiJtrtJ—as follows: Be it enacted, istc. I hat the Pro fident of the United States be, a id he is hereby authorized, by an I v/*th the advice and to dent of the Senate, to appoint one ad H i *n J maj >r, to the fit It regiment of li s ht drago ms, the regi nent of light ar tillery, each regi n nt of infantry, and the rifle regiment, in the army of the United States, who fhail re reive the iike pay, rations, forage, and other emoluments, as odie rs of ih •* f tine grade and corps of ihe present military eff.iblifhment. S.*c. 2 And be it further enacted, That there b . appointed, in manner ntond.iid, one thi’J iieuUnant, to c acli tro*'-p or company, in the army of the United States, who, if of cav alry, or light dragoons, fhail receive the monthly pay of thirty dollars, and if of other corps, twenty three dollars, and !>c allowed the fame forr.y.'?; rati n% and other emolu ments, ass cond li utenants ol the lame corps to which t ;ey b. iong. S:c- :J. And be it further enact. J, i hat there be allowed to each troop or company, in the army of the U t;.t and brates, one* additional lerieant, v. h j tli dl i art*iv; the kke pay, cloth ing, iat! >n. an 1 otlur emoluments, as feij-auts o* (lie pr.ftnt military eJI • •lilhment S-. 4. And b. it further enacted, That in orJ.r to complete the pre sent military cftablrhinent to the full number authorilbd by law, u<th the gre a* and |* ih >ie Jefpat. h, there fhail be paid [_iu i u ‘ . tile b .mty in in ney h. ref of. re all.wedj to c .r ’i efTeciivt* able bodied man, v. h • f’nli be dttly enlilted i ito the fer\ ice of the United btat.s, to serve for the term fa.e yi :r>, or durin . the war, a W untv of dull!s ; but the p*vin tw ii. /.(|| ‘/.v liniiitj Oi tl.e laid bouniy, (h i ; e deferred until he fh..!i mufb red, and have join, ed lo ne military corps of the Uni ted States for service : an.l a boun ty of one hundred and lixty acit-s of ian J, as heretefore eflabiiflied by law. S:C .5. And be it fur A . r enacted, I hat the commilnojird oihccrs w lio! be employed in the recruiting service,! be entitled to receive lor every effective able bodied man, who (hull be duly I by them for the term of five years, • r during the war, and muttered, and between the ages of eighteen and forty-fl*.e years, the sum of rae dollars : Pro vided neverthc-lefs, That this rc elation, f:> far as refp* t (Ik o<d recruit-.;, fhail not ex’m J to musi cians, r.r to thole fw’.Tcrs • !; i may re-enlist into the service: lad •rJ rid.d also. That no person under toe a: r e oi t.verity■one years f!v.:H be c .-inled by any o uevr, or h 1J in the service of the United Stat-.-, without rhe cor.f nr, in writin ;. cd his parent, g m, or n : Tea, irr.t had end o! .:-;i:i *!, i! .. iy he b..e. ; hi.J it any oSi.Kr fhail tx.hd any perf.m contrary to to * t-ue intent and r.i .'.l'li'tg .j. j .•> ;’.e . . ... v such of. Ke he i ! ! forfeii in.! ,• the p. tv; int of the bounty u.M *. ’ *tli- f Payable hidj yearly. ing uhiJi :i c ncr"cn i . rccruiied may have rectived fi.n. tin. j...b!;*e, to be deduct .1 out -of the. p;n atid emolument offueh ohicir. Ihe bird am :: at rep art:..! y the coiti iitt*e want to repeal 1., much of farmer acts a;; a*'. >.v- ... bounty in land in ad .'hi. :i t j bounry in money The concurrence in the amend ment was onpofril by McfiVs. (irun dy, ia'iaferro, Findiv, Rhea. Bibb, Troup, and IFfha, and fupporttil by Messrs Stow and Baker. ‘The amendment was in the er.J negatived l y a large majority. Mr. Pearson, in thecourfeof the difculhon, asked tor information ca th. subj- cl ol the t umber of men now* cnlified, 2.c. Mr. V. iiliams said in replv that the committee on Military Ufai/s had been lurnifhed with tnh r na ! tion on this head by the prop !_*- partment; but had deemed i< w : I be prejudicial to the public !• ■ e to lay it in detail before the pu c. It was, however, free to tire in Ip c tion ol every gentleman in rhe Houle who chofc t > ccnfult the doc ! uments. Mr. Pearf'n said it was h cause rite information was not puHic. and he vi i ihe J toconfult the du< u ens, that he was not now prepar I to vote on fubje£f. lie con! ti . t fee the : fhty for appointing a ditional < iTi *_rs to the armv, when it evident many of chose alrea dy in service had not snen to cam ir-and. He therefore moved to postpone the further consideration of the bill to Monday. d'lie motion wc;- re native.!. 1 he next qucltijn was on filling the blank, for the inertafed boun’y with forty doilaes. This qtnfliou dec:.led e. . iclaivx : For the amend incut 6i) Agr.inft it 40 1 he other blank’ were filled by the words a; inlet ted in the above copy of the bill it. It. He. Mr. Fly then moved to (Tike out the three ft. ll f. Ctk.ns of ilv l.i!, for ‘.he reason that he could ?u <: ihe iiecdfiiy of appointing add;:; ai oiiicer.: when it we. -. vu'cr.r tlie.t more were row in service than could be err ploy Mr. Williams and Mr. D (ha re plied that, as was Hand ynb’T iV, tli.ic ofiiccrs had become n.c< ff iy for the recruiting service, as the i’t-i ----vices c: the pretciit!Ct.r.v would be’ iy v.ith their rcfpfdbvc regincr.ts. As to the lieutenants, v.hei. tfu companies o-r r.o more that. h : 4 men, two licuftnan : haJ bfui c; nfidcttd nee.firry. :.r.d now that ti e companies vver. tr cr ah and to tiir (.!•; ctir.r re r: 1 t). n adt to a ti.trJ, which had be conit i; a . fTiry. Mr G. .and; •; h having called for a divifi -r. t f the qu (li •, the q:*‘ ‘ i ‘-. ; i:i . :*a .. ci: :* 1 ** * *•- - * -Xr. . ‘ VI ‘J . - * bwl Ci J follow - : F’ r fi'’ l out 34 ’ ■ • • t 7 > Th ‘ ■ -b • .n if-;; • 2,. 1 n. .irvj . f ITT SfBLR 622.