The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, January 23, 1813, Image 1

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T'u'i(h V ./ per ant:uk:. Volume Xlsl.] DESULTORY. j'VVe have* l*ecu requeued to inf Ti the following c.Tuflon of youth mi genius*—an ! to oblige tli luthor \vc comply.J A WAR SONG. Ve forts of freedom why ) v (lumber On the iLivv'ty bed of peace, While wrongs the greateli. without Daily on u do inertaic. [number Cu OKI’S. Rise yc sous cj mild Irecdjiu, Quick to arm nou’ let us fy— fs:n t! •. sms cf dread li ‘llona, dad cur wrong t avenge, or die. L ng we’ve borne and oU forgiven, O.'t have turn’d the fmimen cheek But are at lalt by inf'ults driven, Jidlice bv our might to leek. Rise : r sons, Sfe. Our valiant brothers of the <*hean, Now in Biitifli bondage ftgli, And th.y fvveli with mix'd emotion Homeward gkam the tearful eye. Rise ye sons, csv. Britain has loos’d the bloody fava*-'* On our philanthropic friends, Who fiay the help! is, orphans rav- CYutl as infernal bends 1 [age, Rise ye sons, lac. iNo infant cry their he arts can fnftui Trembling age aCbrdc no plea, Dcit-ncekfs babes they flay as often As tbeit haughty enemy. Rise ye sens, vac. it was these Britons flev. our fire-, l ender mothers fore abided, Laid fplenuid cities wake by fires, Mercy t’ infant cries ixtided. Hist yc seas. isle. Shall not groans of captive broth-. ~ Oceans of parental gore, Stirit ks of helpiels babes L mothers Make our hearts lor vengeance Rise ye sens, : sfc. [lure-? And fhali we fit like lot did mifeis, Parfimoniouj of our wealth— Or (lumber with our dear Delilas , Fearful to expose our health ? Rim ye sens, life. K< ! let us facrince cur treafurcs, Dwell >ti humble poverty, Yea, our darling earthly pkafures, Sooner ilian our libetiv ! Ri. eye sons , id's. Rise , in the name ol dread Jehovah, Him who gave creation birth, Who unmoleflcd ruigneth over, The ttorm.y ocean, air ar.u earth. Rise yc sens, ife. FLOW-BOY. Oglethorpe, Jan. Ibid. Hied, in Great Britain, Jomn Wat. kins, a ir.ifer: lie had no relative but a pear, aged mother, with wham he happened to qt lar i’ I ve!peeling the ciivifinn ct a loaf of bn id, and finding his end no preaching, he thought to take re venge by exchanging his gold and i l l v r (30,P<;(;/) for bills <n the Bunk of England, and which he chewed and (wallowed : Fortunate ly, however, the oi t’ c * its were afterwards ;.{*rin.d, ;nd the old laJv rccev< red :i ■> full j/ivzni A I iJA\. ci .A.i:n:iu (.wv.::..) ay day id f. iiilliiouse. V.YGiiiRGTON, (Gt:>.)—SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, ins. The vaff ‘"upui.nity of the Ante lican fire over that o{ the luttglilh, is molt ividontly (hewn by the fol lowing arc. ur.t ol killed, wounded and miffing, in the only four naval battles 10’.i.-bt Litwcxu the two jr wars liuct* the rev dtnionary war. Chips. dnurican, KilUdtx. •utiutuLU Frc full fit, 1 Onffitution, 14- Wasp, l(> United States, 1 i 3<> Shifts..-English, Killed is vuoundtd Little Bdt, 33 Gueriicre, 10-f. l'rolick, 7 7 Macedonian, I<>(s 3 H 36 DitT recce in fa- ——— voi of America 28'i To this ado: fifing did'. :• nee cf two hundred a? and eighty two, he a’ .'eJ the exnaor ii .ary manner in v.L.cli the tnalis, (purs and rig ging of tilt* enemy’s ships wire crippA g three out • i four .4 them !’ i ‘ v ;:o!!v fi in., •<•.!. U a /fix 1 irk Stn‘< • r.’C/.i h.c j\aiSainti / /i dt’^encci• lhe Secretary el Var, in obt-l - to a cnM oti him by the Houle of tleprif. ataiivi s tor informati : as to tlx i lar.ner in wbicii tlie law m iking appropriationa f r arming ’die Militia has K.u txccured, hu> reported Lverci to the House, from \.! iel. it :pp. ais that ftandr if or:: Live been bleed to ♦ t *i , • ‘ . , * . . v V v it ‘i C > \f/-. I• ) J.NL • llum]vil:iiv \ m \ to Yeimci.t to: ; Rhod- 1.1 sand icco; Nca- J.iley ic:c; Dilavv.ot Carolina s.igo, S-u'li acco ; Georgia icux ; Oiiio 150-; Kentucky 1 sec *, l 1 ueiiie 1. , Illinois l'eriStory Loiniianu tenitorv 250...i:i all 16,290 (lands ; and elicit tiieie have been i atle *, as follov.s: t’ T\ Ir.ide- in..nJ 2 ro; to Delaware 65^.; Ohio y. 500; Dil tiicf of Columbia 2,2c0. Con tracts have been made under the bvv for 85. 200 {lands, of v inch 55.560 had been delivered by tiie co itracl. .s on ‘.lit 7ih oi October 1812. .4.V AXCCDI-rF.. Sir G .orgj S.sunton who atten ded Lord Macarttn vin hi>einbal fy intuClb.ia, lel.-tvo hie tciiuwi-.ig curious anecdote of old Lteii Long emperor ci China, lie was en quiring and Sir Ge rge tiie manner in which Pbyficiiii'S were paid m Frig', and ; u ‘ien alter fume .. ilitul ty, his ivlajelly wus nude to c-m ----preh.-Itd ..iU i*, item *ii* iuimt.->L “1:; any man well in England tir.t cun afford to le iilf “Now 1 will inform you, said h , h .v I matin e my phyfit.atio. i have ( or 10 uliorn the caret i :av h.-ulih is cm - nutted} a certain v.?.-.!.!y id. y L u.iov. i.-.i ih- 1 1 1 ... tie itvi.ii. wt tl'-at I ?r.t i !, th. t.d y .-/.p,- till 1 am i-.'Ji . 1 feed at V•! *7.V ■ • • 1 ’ * 1 \ r /-t 5 ’ ) vl - • .I.- j • C •• • Vfc .• • • - .a . . • , TO THE PUBLIC. ■ Lisa duty incumbent o 1 all good men to make u.y tiling ,mi)- iic, that lies a tendency 1 > rd.evi ite j*';?! and Jilfrtls. Cancers l ave of la: ■ b. j. i.vav pr raLr.t i.i t:b., C'lU'itrv than li known, A'. but lew ir any ;eem 1 > have a per j fed know i-dge or the mode of cur , ing those dangerous cortouers. — Several ptrfons of reipedability will | teflify if rcqucfle J tiiat DoctorJ h.'i l'h.ite from Germany, lias curel a cancer, about tin lize *>f a lull dol lar, Gated near the right eye, wi ii lout much pain and in Id's ih.; 1 (our weeks. Ih : pcrfb’i who had a Cancer resides i:j htvarmal), and j tl.e cure just p**rf*>r ”u*. An - per ; (o:i wiihing t;> lu fuither i.:i.-: ied as to t!ie truth ol thiv atL. v t ill ! please call on the D ctor, a T : ! he will icier then to the names ol’ ie that u.:v L qu r.:!j prch it wli Ij he was hue cure. A Cl HZ I'M. .;*• Tl.k print ts throughout iris State also tl. ong.b nt tire .V a! (f ry.ilo Ca n. n : / pis. Us. to’ in-. /t l' a’ nee tu > or in /,' . sp< ‘ iv papers, as ab. >1 ;> ti- * C. ANC.F. iLS. •V 1* been always fit:ce;.ml in ct.ihig Cair.vr-.. I wiili to inform t :e pul .2 at le. gc, that through tlie *e > id pr. v;.J-. .cc of God. I has _• it it* my power : cu’c* I ah I-.u’ds on imv v>ait ol the hu n vi bn ly, Li the eve, ni nth, note, or bread, whet;: r it be broke < r not : by applying the tt: ‘Jiciae ly, widiout tile lead injury t < a”.y part a;!-ct .1 by iht canc ■ • i .'. e cancer v ii bed .. * i 11. Lti m i : . hour , at v.hLh time the pr.i 1 v.iii lubfi !• 1c ii (hi ha rye* the p. • tiei.t in o n cjui’ ter ■..{ an hour, and they may go where they piea.'e, a; i by ovy directions r.uiTc tlie tore un til v.elh Lt r.o >:ie doubt of the cure i:i the moft extreme case, it never was known to fail v. he a ap piie.l; there are v.itr.cfh s eix-ugh to cctify the ii.lutarv ivu. effects it i a: !nd : 0 thefi? v. hr; h..v: been cured it, t;.lsnt ol the \ou ..; if Ido not rare ;is car.ccr I v.I ’ oblige I’lyfdf to return m. iv i- ; cf the money they pay :.:s wiki: i und stake to cure them, and l v/hi have noiliing. 1 h-.e fix n-!..; .i ----bove Prince F.dv.-.r i t. aart-i j >ufc, u.i the nrrt’o. fide o; S :rit; CrciA. V. iJ.Li .1 1. LILIA . Prince l. client J Cm:.., I 0 I.nitons oi r.t-w{papers will corner a f.v rby gw hag :h ab-- e I ‘.<•-) ‘l*iDil **• 1 . -t SOT* ct: 1 i ‘ t„i ‘• iJI !• election —Y/e are l.'rpy to *t.. a io our i*. iVvki to il.i'e that ifiioHn 1i- 01 1 a- oct n i- ictvcd s.* this city of t!v. :u *-.< f the K.* ;e 1 .iri C---- h . ‘ I L Kfi* in . the r.i': lit tlec. lin the ,i. te < t . Yerieert, bv a j ri:v of !*.::* : er.e to sand. i v : • . LANK i .>K ‘1 . h S t;_K n. a j [ Pay aolc half yearly. FOR THE MONITOR. BY f mie accident or other, the ! following piece came into my pof * ftffion—l know the author—S'me p irt of his diftrdTis came within ti v !;no a L-dge. It is a primiple of chr.i’ airy to comfort thole who , are in adhct'.on, tlitrefoie 1 will re quifl tiiat hi.-, cal f ’ be publiflied ler , the information of thof'c friends of humanity, who may wish to ton (..!e this unfucrefsfu! an.! dilpirited C2;.didatc* for ('.'inaie fuv'ir. A f :e <ad and melancholy reflections upon the chn of rxs.p n-.n/t by a linear,/on At a? i my fail 11l fondef! hopes, ate h r f< ur years to come, bi,sited and ucfh iye;i! I have indeed, “ looked for c tie to take pity upon mi, bur l ] und notu ; and fora conifortn, but there was none.” In order to accommodate the fair fix, 1 have i.iinie *,t\felt convenient to the cu;i ed a: lead forty, am! not one e ver availed herfelf of tbcadvanta-.c ailbrdai by the year, a; and by my pixiet’ce, or inr once cried our, “•who gas then ? ’ J .ike an iten ti ::i.r ;. up r i:i I-arch of enrploy t- cut, 1 1‘ ‘• •• iHLd and ftrolied a • • .;• Filing to announce tny- I Fir, 2t\.i ti e purpolc of my call, and yet : Lave never received, an of fer. The next thirty years tr. st palij over toy head, fia.ll find me true to ti.y axe and mallet—for by the } v.'vis a! 1 ve. I will not put m\(eZ a. i.i !.j much witirin tiie reach i T iem.d. ci: rms, to ho tantalized and rorti.: : ii and by cMufivc hopes at; 1 u. buns. Once, (oh! my !;-.l mtc! ; I was j:;fifing id. ne by afi e {•.'■.d. i'i ; I *re were fi-ur •:••• ‘. I. *. from lighteen to tv/en :y a’:<\ a!:-*! i bad pafTed the : u!e*. and my \..ry iiiei was !ry ii with 1 i.iigi'io, f'lnv* ‘'tic caiii-d our “ cm::, u. i: vent ? ” As fprv as a kitten 1 d-\.ip- ed round, anu l. emg a very A: rr.-dr.g little lady at the v. v is advancing toh-.r, wi?ii cVity capiivatitg graceful nv ve r. 1 v.;.,-: rndterof—l had • iv reached her, v.’mn flic turn'd to nt* aid bid “ G-.i y..u gone, you cid, vvjy icodi, I am fare there is no i..:e here ii;.:i wants “j.v.” Struck dumb and motionless, by the fover i:y ar.u ; IF.ry of!: .: fpetch, 1 r.pen ed my 1 v.and ‘mouth, and held a iuuJJkug [ jfiticn for a minute, when up a yr'vmg, aciive, Imndfonie cockade gent lunar, who it i-viiiS was palling on to r. ncigfu i o. h; ,<d bey r and, v- hen lie was u.-11-1d 1d by this little Aurora II fain ted her, tinv together \vc*r.t into t‘;; and 1. poor wit'ch, t.-ol: to my ik.d.'y, and in a very e.iicci: • f I e.a is.o and, moved 11 aroti; -r pm: id ti. . count; v. About thru: v u !; 0 ester-. ;\L. 1 dcoy.-* tl r: ,:gk a vii !•_e in r fi. end fc< it g that .’ ll*’ 1 * r>~ 1 fe. v- ..1 1 .. ■ 1... :meas i oi.iieo, I !: and toy t taken in.o a Ifi.ble, ai. i<: .'.ad-d n uo. .. and >vn ti.c 11m cl ! !:<.-] dt ir. ,t f;. A ••.**• e ;• ■> j •••oi, v. i.!i bi* ‘ 1.1 v • ‘• I ‘.’ e; < pet), 1 lieard voice* t. v. u ices't \on call th U.: :i • , . up I’*.) 1 ’*.) aa*i [Numbf.r 62‘1.