The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, January 30, 1813, Image 1

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Three ii'jhaw p r a V.jlwv.s XMT | TO THE J ft is a J;/y incumbent on -li ! jrnod men t make any thin*; pub- | lie. that ! ‘f a ienJenev to alleviate | pain ad diftftii. C metis have . i kite u.-n snore presale it in this c .unitv than h< veto,ort known, c: j bur jc v it any i’e.m :••> l. ive a per i.'t'r k.'.M-.vl of the made of cur in . b umerc'us corrodcrs.— bi r..l p.-rlbtss of refy-tclability will . •.i,, yi! rcq’-tcffed that Duct r John 1 It. to ironi G “many, his cured a cancer, about t'.n fine ot a halt ilol iar, Gated n**ar the r’ght eye, with out much pain and in ids than four \v eks. the peti.n who had a Cancer rckJes in and the cure juf! performed. Any p.rr fon Wilhinj; to be ‘ui’.her infc.-.ned as to the truth ot ‘ho ;.f. r.i -.n v.i 1 pleale cat! on the !)■ eior, and he will refer them to the names of th f v.vre frequently prdcr.t while lie was performing the cure. A Cli'lZFN. C Tie ptr:Urs throcyhout this State also the S‘aU cf South Catalina.. •util: pleas: to insert the abivc tree or throe ‘hues in theb respective, its a b >'■ ft to th. public. s> • ‘•pvn V AIN . IV A. As i have beta always fuccefstol in runng Cancers, I wish t< inform rh public a? large, that through :h • ,ood pr ividetice of Ood, 1 lauec it ■ ’ my power to cute Cancers of a ! Kinds on anv part of me human body, in the eye. mouth, nose, or b.e.if* whether it be broke or not: toy applying the medicine one., on ly, without the Icaft injury to any part afTiCtt J by the cancer. The cancer ili be dead i.i kfs .ban eight h ii?, a! which time the pain will fuhfide. 1 can difeharge the pa t ci .t in one quarter of an hour, and they may go where they picafe, and by uy dir.ftions nurfc* the lure un til well. Let no one d.-uht of the cure in the inoft extreme case, i: never was known to fail when ap p!i> .1; there are witnuTcs enough r> reitify the inluta y and happy ett’eds it has had on th fe who have* been _u;cvi in this purt ol tile world: if I do not cure the cancer 1 will oblige my Gif to return every cent of the money they pay me when I undertake tu cure them, nn 11 v.iil have n riling. 1 live fix miles a b.v., [Vince Edward C.curt-H >ufe, uri tiie north fide of Spring Creels. WILLIAM A*. LILLY. pt; 7 V Ed atari! Cott.i'y i’trylria. ■ r py V lit is of ne.vfpapcrs will t.onfer a vr by giving liie abov e imy.jr'.u t inf. rmation an inCertion. TT -• b bf \ 7 M i-Vlb>-;.3ii\Cy. ftp £ I IF. SUBSCRIBERS HAVE . cotit’ gn-c.cnt a l.;rgn quantify of K. ntu.k’ bagping vAffth thrv will ’ .i low fur e: f-i. \V ■t. e; I'. C’.TRE R b'.v, tsir MONITOR J. V 1 1 nI JL A V/ JL <1 a ; (wr.m.y) uy d avid f. iiili.iiousi:. WASHINGTON, (Gee.)—SATURDAY, JANUARY tn, T IP DESIU/i (3!< Y. ’ •’ 4 • ROM ‘1 !’ :* C A KOI t>: \ GAZFTTE. my:s:i : . ro sic ;i f / tnir.s. FROM MV I i.boU’ CH Mil. Tlow often !•> 1 liear you com plain of the want f principle among men , and the lr queticy with wliich tliev forf -it th: ir honor, under die molt sacred of engagements! How often ilo 1 hear you, v.lio arc <lib tinguiftivd by a more amiabl. fen fibiiky of heart, rebuke tile iiusn sianry of the ftx, and sigh, as you lisped a reproi h upon those, v.lio, regard'd!) of r!ie ikndi y of tle ir ohlifritione, forget their faith, and Ic.tve thole, :ir. un 1 whole hearts Ihtir atteiiiinns may hav>- ci twined, to lolitu !e and a- j TV:on ! I mean not, ye d..ugh:> rs of my country, t • 1 . . one {.her ap dogift ; fur the m n v.ln c uld vvar.t “cl tiide v.irli the f.. lii* •> of a woman who could flatter h r paflions but to dcflrov her i: p “ !* f the :corn of earth an J tnr c ts bcai.n fall ci him !’* Yet the f.iuit is tv r alw.ivs v.i;h them N’ine-tenihs of t!v c> t.*s v.i* ii, ia the co*u inoii ac • I'tatie 1 :: of the term, arc broken ofr\ will b: luiltid to origin ate n't id muci) in lii ■iv ant of pr In cijL at >. f m. n. as in tfu.r l Yut ’e f O t ilispoAci'.n of coquetry, and that ai rooil t< >tal ;l ietice of t ’idcrilcf l ', which too frequently b(*tr >y rhetr fjves in the conduct cl *a;' - '.;.’. — i he female who i •< lis for a c> tinuance ofafllci! m in an a.i v.iicr, mull be tauiious mil cii. umlp-ccl in her ; tt-.i.tiun.; to i tl.cis dilV eg aid towards f. v ', era’ s a doubt, aad wh-.rc doubt cxiii . u want i.-iicc will f on f.ippiy the place rt ! *> H:c ail. cr ii <jf the lie ait is a flower of the nv !l delicate and ft nfutvc nature, and re quires, w hatever others may tell you to the contrary, infinitely more abi lity to prek'v.- it, than fall- wi’liin the ft ope of every woman’ power. The fafeiaati* *n <>f beauty—rhe eafg S. tlcgance of manners—the fpltn dour cf dress, and a', veal! the pe culiar difpofiiion of the at!lie moment, may inter* ft the feeling-, hut will never touch the heart.— 1 he eye of the lover soon becomes f imiliai iled to th. beaut v of hi ; mi - tress, u:id ut.l-.L you manifefl disposition ol ten h rnefs towards ’ liiru, wliicli houily < pens new four i*%’ * , # t , ces of p'-dure and fati faclmn to Ids heart, it v.iil naturally wander ( and fcck tiie Line prat if: ration o*i fume otiier ohjeft. f*i..ny women, jiaruculiirly thole who :ir • h.Lf .1 with the incalculable advantages of Vcuth and beauty, too ofie.i t rg- : themfelvt*, and fcm to i yy.i ! tlicir lovers as mtie appendage . t-j their witty i per:on.; whom tk. w may treat ;• tiicy p’uiflt*, fun tim ; with t. ticn r.J futt*. titn.*s v.ith indidcr’ i.ce. Key.arc i-f t!io!ewh, | a.I .'ife you th*.*:;- S :u:i them, as u v.i !•.! ru v.;i ■\ . ;overs i <-t your !.. ; , inch. • u _ nd noon j it, a mar. vrk ij / - ‘.nr:, crC la: > _•* Aw h ..’ itiom S / -at l In, -orabk end *iaart\ will ) aj: fu'umf t > the tyranny of i.*- .r.a’e capricf*. !> a h art in .t r.. >.[• *y 1 iv-. .;, I ; kff. ivnce i > wfjr! than the in >it ahfolutc hatred. Ii .1 i ’in: and thj cl. .in; w’f.'i enrsk.a* it, and pel haps, for tiie gratilicu tiouof one fin do niotii ;ht ci v .-ft •, the !i ppi lel :i you*- iives r'-y fur ever he dcUrny and. ). t con dnG., tiun lorc, t )*.vr,rJo y .’ii 1 act, he always uni - .no and Heady— un tn.rb.n dbyth if • I’iti itioos <{!. il ia- wld; i: to one ot cut-, iknfi all tv a v;.Vj ivfl’d :v v ur.d. —Yo ir j and portuunt ili .uld a : wars >e N.c tionite*and tender—gmtl.*, nv-d ts r..*ul uuaiTu uing—i.*..n!iar thougli •n f f Award. A!v. vs ;;>p . . n:.\- i.uts to p! afe !'!*n —!r. \ ili lorn .ju rhe more ; and n* *. .*.- 1 • . a • h iervati’ :i cfi-.ipe ym:r !*• - f v;!.|rh you think v/id tea I are Lie, . i: vie! v, or give him p : r, far it *;vi s a r i i.i’nuuun an *un •’enerou. diipo tition to cxerci'.e cruelty towards that L n*t, winds very txißencc fe ’irt.) t depend upun your g-itle t: Is tiVVur.j.: \J <*n in c:>:npa- P.v will hi :i and n>r appear as if* ai did not kno. - / it. I do not tii -ia i v r!. : .'h *- flioui i >.*; unr-T r- Venly mi.aiied y ir atta li nent io him, a. you **u!J in ; iiv..r.; no! a m .!G o! will never require it. Y ml La * Hencete ‘neb r\ tbs” < i ; • ii. \.:;T mre eflletua'lv than v uvs. i'here i. an <'■ ju ac. ‘Y\ .morn dear to his lout : . h * !•■ of ii- aven iti If. A {;•• ... *cfr u!. rn; io ills < ai: *v*nrn M. f >*:l to an al; e :i “ .*.;•:!. ii v.i : :_,..e;;i firm u:.d uu.'b. -.ihic. M;;Li* e :*.fi Li.r <d !i >f. mil !• tr o! v nr “:0 h r, ■. r of !; r ur.- der who! ; \r cl: e* and at tend iyo i may do— (o tii. n\ j i. uuual each ! ;*rct or yur f* lib, for th .-v will always be rea.dy t* i ceiv .* it hi the hour of fati-.- f.icli m they will enliven your joy, nr. i io the moment of G>rr >w they will participatt in your grief. I'fnir countenances will always brighten with rapture, wdien a I mile *.f J. - lig'it is playing on youi o ■. n, an I v.lpn your heart is wrung v.i’h af fliction, the unaffected tear of fy:n nathy will ghlten on their ch -.k *k rdleviite tiie pangs of your b.du'.i. Hut the friendfliip of your comp ‘n ions is fa'ft arid de'e'iv-—:: f.:. ; ks hut to deceive, an.*. t ila but to lie*ray ! I will row ad vert to a ce:min ci character among worn a, \vh fe ?. ’vice on all oca-ionsa! .va • ; * dy to be proffered—l in- m ii. >ng you v.iioib whi !. pler.luro and deliipu c *i:i.t m tn,. opt Os ih.i/i/..,>. i.i.* i'Ai ir ‘ t u..■ i. i. .T .i hu r!.5, whole limiii.iiity of : eli.ig I e.ncd to P note that h .*av e;i liad f Tmoff th. iir each nth.,. /’ this ‘-’ pe:. .../ “< .'p of i/• ('. . . J i V• • •.'i L.l l - .. t ‘ Tti t , ft, who di:r.; j I th-. id —— ma-.r-.n.;. 10, i *- *r.;, a:;.! cu.. i. ii . *. |* oi , ukliial j*jj ■, i r- <l, .i v. a! ;I.i •i; .. r. ii r -u;■ V; l i ih ‘ ■ ■•: <: j- [/A/j able fa Ij yearly. l'.*n ■rs ‘h ‘*:* fe vho rr.uit .v; th'. ir •:Tiiii • ;s, inert <!i!tin *ui!h *d. no |<-fs !-y the liberality of thtir education, t’ in he hon j/abte upri htnds of their chr’, they too often a* - quire vour rotifidt n.;c—turn trai ;> .villi-, to ) . ir ? i.R, a".d fnrtvtr :u.i ii li. ’c \ ur i.- p . fG le aie t! t.*i v.vw det rr nrs of yjr.r hnp, under the feinbiam -of the rnoff demoted l-: tv fliip, advise you to this etr.J to that conduct to waids your iov r, hut who at la rt ca y the profpid of which ia , before y oil, and will fparc* no pauis to deft toy it. i’uG* arc* the delo lateta of repmati’ n, w ho flab a char. , i w : *!i a 10. k, or < vet turn :i by* a nog—w h<* forge and retail all tiiu Icatidid and del'll RV >n of the :.ou ci n fta-t.tbh*, w !io v.a!k iir.e* aj* I through the in..* ] v.orld that is f.iii b an;;, fnl of r ; r bloom r i cr. !...nmcnt v.i: k* v.ay.s arc i l dark’ I , and error, and w he Ik* minds can . e com pared to Mulling lut i A. fr iafe wafle, i:o fl iAtr o : * * roii ty errands, where the fun ot t rfi h.lify never filings, and where eve ry fitur.ff impidle of tj:agnan:miry is and itrorcd by tl.e cold and cruel and mi*. :: <d /7 . ;V, tnv/ ai;d ill na ture. —1 .c ii Oh, daughter of inr:c, ;ci:cc tint, Sell in a ri’ of ta rt.din by they filth Lorn you the happincG o’ *•* u. !ive*, and b ■ *. v r oveifhado’.v v ur i •.*. ‘ni .0 JULIAN • : .77. rr < e o/./f v/c.'.v r.t: in r.c action between rhe l ! t< J S*:i! .ltd ‘.bv edoni iii, o>u- f th< < opt liter's cre.v was killed • I it t’.'.rcii ei: I Iren at the* inetrr >< r r. ■ v.o . * an i a worth 1* Is to b •, V. !i<> I:U• 1 li*Vt’tcl*lltl".! tliclll. ‘ T.iV the J..:L * r < I the dt’Ctaftd t oil b ard tin fngare to claim i e j> ,u ;y vn ! v.. ges t.l Lis f* >n, uh .i an < n ;.Irv i; to ih.:* circuml:. •- • < f .li.’ i ■ y*o k place a: 1 . ian was a: rvni upon by feu■: * “ i..r the r> i. f t.f th ; orphans, t-r 1 •wo (U’ilt.i.*) a tc C v. as It** l . . a— mounting to a’- m < i.g t hr- -d dollars, for th; n . .iiietn: <• a ff education •(’ the tv • aved i. !. to Ik placed in .he iiands of fi:i ‘c trustees for the ; a.'noie...CWw// fr n:. I*!ie IT uTe• Hi • >refar.rtitiv- ci lApiil)lvania, “rave voted the bub ‘- iug ut s i.iu :• ior ;lu* nfeof the i Si.ites; yvas 7<b nays LO. Tl e I'llr fl: brig of war l r, ;iupr from i i'l’if.ix fur 8;. John*?. r.ij (KXV. < n board, var t< t • ilv I !L <;:i Form l.apro. i . r Laftpoit <u the .5* . ir.ffa: and out < f |C*O p - ri, ui.iv Lii-* c< : a"n • ‘.J ! : were Lved. • * I WAfUINGroN-Cnv. January ‘J/, JSGJ. Tii-cr. ‘>7c-.r ,fthi. States. \.A :..u c alt cad v hated that in the ..* ■iv-ciixut branch of *he i “.i.u . ... th re is a b ;i.!-d Re ; I tvaj-. : ; , v ’..!l Las he ti i* cr- . ! r;uj r th.m reduced f’V lb vL c ’ •** •>, t|. >\ ;[ ■e. r. * T T . l ;> •’ f * m aw - . v.. \ a.* • fNiTMarm C 24.