The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, February 06, 1813, Image 1

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Three dollars f r rnrrn.} Volume XIII. J [ The following arc the concluding observation* made by Dort. iiuui. in a speech on the subject of the re //•draw of the Merchant's bouts. The speech is very bn rtf — the first part of it, supports the propri ety of referring the decision of the subnet to the Secretary of the T>\ns:sry 3 l might here, Mr. Chairman, c! > 1 my licence •f the report of t! • couvni'tee; as other gen tl nen have difeuffe*! the quelti m whether the petitioners ar entitled . to relief, atiH th° extent cl fuel* re- | liet, I may be permitted to exp: is my opinion alio. I have before ad mitted that the (hipment of merch- * an :z* from England, after the re j.< if ol the orders in council, and fc- ‘ -re a kn.>w ledge of thi war, was, under all the circumstances, an aid o: • ational (peculation ; that alt ho* ; parties cannot plead the abs n~c < intention to violate the law and ar • oot guiltlds, yet that they may p'-. 1 1 p obible ground for the in pr tli n that the policy of the law was attained, and that they would be relrtiled from its penalties. It should be remarked, however, that this :u‘f of Ipeculation was not with out kn >wn t ilk, becaule the pro ceeding- oi the lafl feflion ol Con grei* from its commencement, w: re of such a chararter as at lea ft to ren der war not an improbable event. Anil fi • rcfulal at that time to per mit Mi > introdurtion of American funds (aid t-> hi i.i England, was a cl ar maaifertation that in such an evt nt the non importation art would be < ontinued. i iv. intervu*: An of \v >r and the continuance ol that ;.rt have difappointcJ (lie expert*!- ti-ms of the petitioners, and at the f:i m-time enhanced the value of the ani 1 s they have imported ; the dd* wis of the enemy has been a!!e yi at and, and the war probably pro longed Under these circutmLn c- . sh add Gongrefs undertake to and ci Je (which l hope they will not) we are b wind, in the language of the Prefi lent, to 4 *confult equally what is Ju*e to equitable cor.fidera. t: >ns and to the public interdf.’* AVith th.i r view, l would grant in demnity *o the petitioners; I would relinquish to them the original cost of their merchandize and the char ges thereon, and I w-ould rigidly ex,.ct the payment oi the difference b ’ween that sum and the value of the articles in this country, lhe principle 1 adopt is this—that what i ver extenuating circumffances may be uiged in behalf of the late vio latio:.’ ‘d law, they cannot render ; t a meritorious act, and therefore at ought not to be rewarded; that io r.aisit the pur-ilts of such violation, wouU be to give a premium to the oarties for their disobedience, by placing them in a better situation Ih an it’ they had obeyed the law. Sir, neither a libeial fpiru of concil iation nor any injunction of equity •ran demand for the pet. Uoh *..3 : iore than indemnity ; beyond that, •■ullice to the community forbids . you to /o. V. T i*.h refpecl to tfcafe MONITOR. PUHU Ilia) (whiskey) liY DAVID P. IHLLHOUSE. WASHINGTON, (Geo.)— 1 ’*ATbfHDAY, FEBRUARY G, ipis. who (hipped after a knowledge c, ifie war, they are without a rational cxcul'e, and merit the penalties of tin law. Ihe rciufal of Con-rrtfs at its lafl feflion to repeal or lul pend the non importation art be fore and liter the dcclara'i- nos war, was iutHcient warning of the policy that would be pursued dur ing the war; and, therefore, they have knowingly violated the provi fi ms and the policy ol the law.— t hey pk-ad the fear of a cot-fif.a tion of their property, had it re main::! in England, and yet the merchants are dafv prosecuting a trade by which their funds are ac cumulating in that couu'rv. Nu man believes that a nation, com mercial as is In Band, will let the example of coniifcation ; nor lnta it ever been hercourfe oi p iicy to do so. I’dcafe this class of importers now, and \ou cannot cot : intently j J refute the lame t ; ti:o!e who may import lieiher ; having bten by respect lor law until after y*.ur d-ci lion, they will, in cq..ity, have a it: , rger claim on t.he inucitu! iiitc.pofition of (’.on* < T r,f:. In this way you will be for ced to abandon the uftrictivc lyt* tern. The advo stes i c ur.qua!.ti ed rendition, aware of this onic quencf*, and ifiring its irdluence oa the minds of a majoritv of tliis bo dy, h ..v: a Tailed the fyftetn with unusual acrimony. It is repreient ed as operating with more levcrtty upon ourselves than upon the ene my ; as more terrible to the Ame rican people than p and tile nee—n?* re pernicious than the plagues • f b sypV Sir, !> i* *he policy c{ tr.E gov ernment to be forced into an aban donment o! a me bure of great na tional concernment by a lew indivi duals, who, influenced by motiws ot piivate inkrett, hve lublcived the of the enemy? ibis Mouse has detei mined over and o ver again tin.* they would r.ot aban don the I’yfU-rn, r.nd ii.jw we are called upon to Jo lb in pcant of fact under compalfion. 1 lay the pv.ii tioners have lubferved the views of England. Why in (hipping lb tt.fh manufartures to tl'iic coumiy, i a knowledge of the war, v.cre they furnifiled with licences protecting them from litiiifh captures? Was this an art of iiii ifli moderation— of Eritifn juh .-eNo : it was dic tated by her interest ; it was to al leviate the mueries of tlieir starving manufacturers. Ot the etlvcls of the non-importation art upon the enemy and on this country, 1 rued to fay but little. i hat topic has been ably and eloquently difaufleJ by the honorable Speaker. IJe has presented taels and citcun.ftances which, while they prove ituidputa bly that this act lias carried misery ai?d wretchcunefs into the heart ot the Britifii nation, it is not the cause of the partial dill reties which is felt in the U. *S He has I.cvvn that the cHerts here, v.i.ich aie at tributed to the reftrirtive lyftetn, have reiulted from tlie unhilf niea ('•iri r. ot I ivi l nh :. ••-i-i*. ui. rt.v* i: in r at does Air d.diets . :!-• :u pi Ct lilts fOi'.ntiy Colli• if ? D. \ citiVS piel. .t ( f po • wretches o-jeging employ meat — hcggir.g a li f tL t. >'.! Ui prevent tficir (tarvmg in the h e. ts? No fir And i’ Inch not the unhappy condition of hundreds of tfl- u'a.ivls of the people of England ? lhe f..rt is undeniable. Jiur 1 :ys the gentle in oi froin 6. Carolina Vlr. Cin ves) bus unptocedentul dirt refs f !'rg ! i:i I is not owing to h-* r fit fyftcMi; the Unit, and itat.s t::v r re ceived in ‘ro than <-nv fourth of the wtiole exports of Britilh manutac tui -s. A therefore the iiiitreis mutt have ftdultcd iro.n caulss Sir, :!s. g iifb'-man (houid rec-.fletl that England is now depravd of fitr other; and ti-at a!- flr u,. h the Kfs of our market dur ing thetx: Icitce of i-tt former pros perity night not he. .e been fj c'ii trcfln;:, ).t tiiat utn! r exiliting < ,r ----cumftancvs it may L. run.otis. To a man who haa an abunvlance of the nectfli.riei and comforts of life about hi.n, l<-{; s are unim portant; but tfrom him who is r- du red to bare lubfifta ice, and 1.-is .*. ‘ ..l’.■ I. .:. C- ■. l l if. phir.! 1 !iC mark-1 of the I bibed Slat- s. \< at t!...> moment to England what bre..d is to a Han man. On tbb point ii v.a>. my intention to have credent evl ro the c:-mnirteee a view of the tcfti.nony lately tak n b fort a com mittee of the iloiiie of Conmtms, and wiiich is now in my poll iTi?n, proving the injurious operation of our art of non i t.; orfafion rpoa to*: cr.eur. But s.iy firengtii is exhauftcul, and I will only re.-tipit- L.etw very bridly f one oi the farts vvliiili were cdablilhetl. It was prove 1 by the concurrent .t .timony of called from dm rent parrs * f the king loni, that the dif trdk-s ol the people are unpreceden ted and alarming : thm the maim* fat.uring p \;-r are tc a great extent without employment and tolerable iubfilfence, an I that the nT ct- of hunger were visible in their coun tenances; that thofv v. .ho had grt ett coplc-’ nent to thuufands, i. >::: motives or humanity alone, were anxioully a wailing the dvcu'ion of Parliament; and if that fimuld be in favor of continuing the order.', in council, they would lie compelled to abandon them to tlieir iatc—in evitable furcation ; that this awful Hate of things was owing principal ly to ihe American non-importation art, and would lie removed it the American market could be again opened to them. I; was ado prov ed that Sou'll America had been tried as a fuhftitute for the A:nv;i 1 can market but that in tvu j in [ fiance it was a lofitig bufiuefs; that I experiments had l.een made of A rn-elia-lfl md and Canada, in tiie h po that their n anu'arturcs might by fmuggliii., f; ui their w y E-tr the IJuiit J States and that such ad ventures never returned their ui ginal cod. Sir, the confccv.ence ol thi r f timuny v;*.s the r u.railmcj.t o* the [Payable hdj yt urly [Number G?T i or* .<; in council, so as to • : p vilxti v ~i your ffntut tie Fu 11-’ ni in fu’ h . n . difcontitiut dr nonimpoit ■-r h i:, true, the l*rince R cucut i nounefng t!ii;, annulnv. nt, pre*- - t) make it a cpmim-. of ; of the f rench gov rum. u, .)< < ...r ----ing the Bi r!in and Milan ieert- j at uti end so far a-. fli> y related to tile* United States. But f'us is pro ven to be a mere prefix’ y the of ficial declaration of ‘he l'riacf I*-:- g r.? hit: Elfin April sass, in winch , ht ; r mour.ces, that before the or ! hers in council (houU iie repealed ; or mouifi i, France tnufl revoke i h: r cd.cts in relation t-’ all the ; v.o'iJ; that t > revoke them in rc !r*tiu: u the Uni’ I State- , would not he lufli Enr. In the ; fame mor.tfi (June l.*(l) in which the6rd.r> in council we;. m.K’ifi and, the Britilh minifier here in a 1* t r to Mr. Monroe, explicitly iieclau*J i.i oDtdiencc: t- the inltructi n* of Lis gover:.-: i-i.i. tint such v**.;.. the obligations hv which f.e R-gent was bound to f:is allies, iriat he mutt atid would rominue theoidets in countil in fuff ! <rce. unri! there wafcagineral and uoqualifi.d ’-pral of tin* I‘Ven. h dit_i. I tnre has be- ti no luch icp al and yet the orders in council are modified, and th.*i t o immediately after the teffi rnoTiy to vtiirti 1 have alluded was taken. With such evidence )! the t fii; iency oi your reftrirtive fvflem. te repeal it^t:ir*.itly <-r t< Jo that winch v.ill lead to its repeal, u*m i lie, in my opinion, an art of u: ■ tr ampled imbecility and tolly- P- - iiicu'etlietrar vigmouiiy --add . ■ r.- ‘.■xporfation to’ ••. and 1 do verily believe you wdi havt an honorable peace b.fore the end of the euluing year. FOREIGN NFA-V3. LATE AND IMPORTANT Baltimore, January 13. By the Eynx tiomFiance (w :>i nee the i*altfd 7tri Dec.) we aie po’ in pofieflion ol very late and imp- *l - news from Ruffra As to A rnerican adairs, tfie ulual pro iK i of advantageous arrangitnu is a-e given; and high prices quoted. Our minuter Mr Barbie, had ac ! tua! y reached B* rlin, on iii.* way - to komglu rg, ancient capita! of PrulLa—l* which city (he 1 r-•’•* h army were endeavoring to n> ke their way, having Gen cotnpi ‘lej to fiy ftom the ruins of Mofc- w. The m\a ecr did not abane -nth*-o, however, until he had nv it <- i pletely dithuycd sh-. K-emlin, ! v inith'ig ;.-r.d b: .;n up .11 bcuuMul pan of the -. tri, v ;:'i p.< v- Jt r. lie ha! it under cor hr to a t’.on to dcftroy all sh- dwellings it r many'll.-! cs r m.d, to depdic, ot any pofm e Onkrr r. :c : o p - pie, by h rnlelt d*. claie to l’- **. dertng in the v. oo ‘s ;md (now - > at a .*.,in lb extia.n.i’v incl t that, by !-is ow :i < < nf it:. ’ . <s than 3 ccoos i . it h< ;■ r niivu during the r*.t: c:v.; but he