The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, February 20, 1813, Image 1

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Three dnH-.irs her atniutn. j VoLUMII XIII.J DESULTORY. *kO:j THE BOSTON PATRIOT. BRITISH MAGNANIMITY. ycitma! of an American officer , (cap tured a! Omen:town on the i ‘Mb October). k. ft on his passage front Fort George to Boston. Part of the Regulars, taken pri fbneis in the action, had been lent r<> York the day alter. On the , 9th Oft. the remainder embarked for Montreal; touched at York to > tc. ive the prisoners Tent a-hea I, & hi *e liciit. col. Scott (the lento: of. fi et) and lieut. Bayiey, were fhifr c.i t > the Royal George, of 22 • pun>; lieut. col. Chtyltic, ii*.uts. K a nicy, lluginitt, Sam ‘ms, and 2 b, remained on board ihe Earl c M.ira, of 10 guns; and lit uts. r• • \trtey, Turner,Fink.and Carr, c ooard the Simcoe Befidcs sea men, theie wa> on board each vcf- Ll a ft rone guard of land troops. Arrived a King lion on the ‘2! ft, and remained til! the ‘2oth; during ninth period, officers & men were c mfined on boaru. Lieut, col nnel Siett addrefi'ed a note to col. Vin* c- .r, commanding officer at King lton, tequefting leave to go alhore for a few minutes, but received no answer, ldeut. col. Chryftie made a lirniiar application in Ixthalf of a fkk ifficer, and experienced alike neglect A Britilh lieutenant on board the Earl of Moira, having wirnciTed the effects of confinement In that miterable dungeon, permit ted fom.e ol the American officers to walk on the adjoining wharf with fvmlelf. For this aft of humanity, bt was deprived cf ii: sword ! I ieu te .ant Turner being fu k, remained L :hind at Kingston for a few days, and signed a parole which gave him the limits cf the whole town. Whtn he became a little convalescent, he ft- oped acrofr the street into a shop, to have himlelf shaved. An oincer was iiefpatched to order him ba.k to his room ; but finding the bar ber had not tinifhed the operation, a moment’s rcfpitg was allowed. Th’s unmanly wcakuefs did not ef enpe the keen eye of colonel Vin ci. nt. Ihe subaltern was arrcfted, an.l another officer, of better nerve , instantly defpatched to force tlie fn k American from the hands of the barber, shaved or not shaved. DcfcenJed the St Lawrence from Kingston, on the ‘2(ith Oftnber, in a brigade of batteaux, w’ith a strong guard, commanded by captains Ev ans and Nic-rn, and quarter-inafter Finney. These officers performed their refpiftive duties with vigilance but n. \ with ut p: litenefs. Reach ed Prefect t (opposite to Ogdenf uurg) r.n ti.c ‘27th. Col. Pcarfon tof.',n*'tried this p .ft. In a recent pafiiige out Irom England, lie had been talon by an American priva teer but re-captured near the port us Salem. Col. Pearson made to i;; every acknowledgement, for the poiiteiids he liimf.lf had i. reived, a priibner. At this place co- MONITOR. PUBLISHED (weekly) BY DAVII) P. HILLIIOUSE. WASHINGTON, (Geo.)—SATURDAY, FEBRUAR Y ‘2O, 1813. lonel Leftbridge (the fame who haJ a little time before made an attempt on Ogdenfourgj took command of the guard, lie was p tlite anJ'at teutive to his charge. At the tn >uth ot the River R.iifin, on the ‘29th Oftober, we fell into the hands of the Deputy Quarter-MYEr-Gene ral, one Gray, sent hitherto receive the prisoners, by his Excellency Sir George Prevuli. From this mo ment we were made to feel our ap proach towards the Governor-Gen era! of His Majesty’s Provinces, by every aft ol flu.lied indignitv, which the low’ and vulgar mind o: Quar ter-lMaftei Gray could invent, lid ed by the inftruftiotis cf His Lx cellency. Oil the night of the “Oih, wc slept at Lachinc, nine miles above i\l mlrcal. The next day atrium plial procession commenced. lTn der the pretence of politeness to the officers, calaifhes were provided for them, but with the re a intention of giving effect to the procession; and with the fame view a large cf cort ol troops came up Irom Mon treal. l'hc march corr.tovnccd early in the morning; officers in calailhes, at the head ot the inen, tin* whole preceded by the laid I) puty Ouar rer-Muiicr-Geiural, who, Rated i: his car, rode in triumph and info lencc. On entering Montreal, the band began to play, and was occa fionaiiy relieved by field inuiic. In this manner the march continued through the principal ft reels, to t lie front of the palace, where a halt was made, and the American nfir cers ordered to dismount lor the gratification of liis Excellency.— When” a competent time had been allowed for (taring fiom the palace, the procession continued, the whole on foot, to the grand parade, and here marched Irom right to left of the garrison turned out for that purpose. The parade being clear ed to accommodate rhe multitude of fpeftators, and fufficient time al lowed the garrison to look well in We face an enemy without “thole vile things called guns,” the officers were turned off to a hotel, and the other prisoners to places of confine ment. At the hotel, a parole was given which limited us to the city. 1 hefe indignities, of barbarous and exploded usage, did not fill up the measure of wrongs, which this handful of unfortunate Americans were doomed to fuller. At Kingston, seven prisoners w ere feduetd from their allegiance to en ter the Britilh lervice. One of these mifereants, by way of teftify ing his zeal to his Royal MalLr, was induced to charge lieut. colonel Scott with having killed a Britilh soldier after the surrender. This falfe a id ridiculous accusation, the Britifti officers affected to check; but before cur arrival at Montreal, it had been reported to his Excel lency, and was lb generally propa gated and believed at Headquar ters, as to render it in the opinion of a Biitillt officer highly impru dent for lieutenant colcncl £:'.u to he seen in the flier's. Thus was assassination mvited by an infamous report, which bir George Pievoft mult have known to be lade. Ma jor-geiieral Sh Ml , m hi. cftiiial dispatch, could have given no grounds foi such a beli-.-i ; becaule this officer, and eve-tv other who was in the aft ion, would know it to be falfe. Captain Gibson and lieut. Totten (<>l the U S. A ) from their situation pariicuiaily know it to be so. November 2d, embarked tor (Que bec, guarded by Canadian nn .Fa. Iht ofti cr> of this oops did twry thing in power to amftkuaie the condition of the pritpm is. Ar lived hi fore Ouebec on tlie 7th, and ordered on board a priti a anchored in the middle ot tlieiiur. ihe next nv thing a note* u;.s re vived fn tn i:> ijor-geiKral ( “ f gow, commanding <ln - r ; t () u - bee, llatii.'g, *• 1 mi o-reefed to ac quaint yr<u, tfiat hi> 1 xcelfiney, ti e cnn.inaiu'er ol tin. I'oreis, lias thought pro; 11 tn detain :h. prih u tis < 1 war <> i ror.rd the tiattl'ports, and that the ohi< cis lh. uld ;.!to re main on ! or.;u the transports with them. i I.t.> aflo:Ued a t -icr. b'C piefpecl of a \\ inter iti a floating dungeon; but left our f. ffiould n.-t have b*• n iuliic: t tiy outraged lay the puff, we were cour teously told in the laine note, as a!ln fn ni b:r George, “if is m a fure is attributable solely to the want of faith in the American c-rnnit-nt.” We iiad frequent ex perience of this fort of Bruifh mag nanimity. “ A’our government is fold to France,” laid an offi ‘er <f rank to an American. “ France obliged you to declare war,” laid another. There was liifetv in thole irtlul's—tlieir noble ally, tin Indi ans, bad (tripped us 01. ur iuruos, • tn tlie lace of tl c Biialh on ccrs, after the lurreniitr. A flag ot truce- h„ving ppft Lc twee n the American and B itllh commanders in chief, we were* at length told to pupate for ueparturc at*d lieut colonels Scott and Chi yf tie onl': permitted to go alhore— the latter finally obtained pcrmiilion to return home by land. While at Quebec, between fif teen and twenty Irifhimn (natural ized c:tiz> ns, and having, several ol them, families in the U States) were separated from the other pri soners, and put on board a fn’p of war, to be sent to 11- tan\ Bay, or executed, tor having borne rims a gainst a p’ 'er, which, by its mul tiplied oppreifiuns, had driv< n ti:em from their tati'-e homes, to hek ihdter in a Inreign larid. (.hi the 2(>i!i November, f.ifi*il from Qut be-c lor B< (ton. ir. a r. r tel. The season was so far ad van ced, that tbv. ftiip c< uld in t f\ c been insured ;igaitiff th. danger^of the Gulf ol St. Lawrence’ and the cm.ft at a premium l*J:> than 4C) or 70 per cent. November ‘doth, ;m ----* Some flfr \ wads, the b.- t : :!- liable were t estored, i v exhurking <:l Quebec. [ i sty able hedj y arfy. [Number 627. chored in the Gut of Canfo. to f ke in writer and baliali; the ship hav ing faded <ut of trim. Remained here fifteen days. Many had In en Tick bJ .re. Ihe ship now became a peifed hofpita! In the cabin, the officers worn down by I- g i•- finement—whilft in tl* ftnp’s h ‘J a tliiru were seriously li k. ] l.e climate* was Icvere, and no ftovt in tlie hold. In Britilh tranlports, beef (nr p’ tk) is iftued bur tour times a- werk For the other three days, the ill at s eonfilt of I nail arti cles, of whi h butter ai.d cheelc- are principal parts Neither of these had been laid in, and tlu* brea , beet and potk, would have been - ; ft.d i) ’convicts Ihe provift : were thus, not only ituulfi i;:i quantity, hut of qualities putt: lai Iv dtlfructive to the ft k. Hi c b i gno agent for the U <• ■ ? ;S„ •; at Quebec, the Lniorulticer u***,'. ge.i <• phyliei.m and purchai . n - itoo.sand medicines. It i■ became in c lfi. yr; urrhab* so thmg for both fu k ami well. Ac e< tuingly the hJt pro.*fion w..> made wi.i.rh (he country acu'o ..j. mit, and trcfli meat and 1. up fur. n ffied the men almolt cv. r*. lay lor tilt remainder ot the p.-.if g December 13t!i. failed out ■* me Gut it Canfo. Forced int V M. let ‘ Bay on rhe 20'h. an.* ..r .i. to P rtland on the ‘2 *. 1) c\- Jr.nuary.", IKI3, arrived ,u *< t?. >t, alter a passage or 1 rtv ti:. -ays fr*-m Quebec, and eigh.y nu: n m Oueenftown. RATS AXD MICE —A p! tn *vhi. h grows in every field, t! !) g*s longue, (the cynolglofum fti. in rdc* of Linneus) has been • to poifels a very valuable po-perr*. - If gathered at the period h tap is in full vigor, bruiled , e hamm- r, and laid in a hoim *; t or granary, or any other | felted wi’h rats or mice, t’ f truftive vermin will (lulrth I he furcels ot this j is equally fpee ’y and efi.c: Frederick tl.e G- at, K -f Prufliii, once iftued t. lift >- king 40,000 of his i laborirg in their vocation ‘ r fon cati blame him lor 1 n told, that these were Lav. When they enquired ot hiu , v they fliould find employment be told them they might enliit - rhe tailed for grenadiers, and the tli rt elt f.r drummers—“ so that the lea ft of you he) will lave if in his jx wer to make as much noise as ever •’* “ II cv are you this morning’* said Fawo-t t Cook'*, “N t a -ft inyfll,” lays rite tragedian —— ‘• I cotpi tulafc you.” r. - ed Fawcit ,“ F rbe whofoev t r el!e you v.i!', \< !i will be a gainer by the bartrain.” JIJ.AKK HEEDS n ■ iif.:: t./.Axus ser. t au, 2.T 2 i:in cnpivs,