The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, February 27, 1813, Image 1

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77 /\ ,* -t , r ctva 4 -• Voi.:;a:e Xfi’i.] CONGRESS. LOi-.:r. o? T’.'Tl Friiay. J<m■ 14. FOREIGN RKL \ I lOI'S. Mr. Gnn-Jy, from the commit tr. of F< reign RcUt’ mr, mad. ‘be f< owing report: 7/A’ conr'ii:f:e to %}''■,m -ju.h txflrreJ somurij ofthe FrauLm's Mss< /tv | cf tI.K- 4 th iL'v >.f Xov.mbcr I nt, j i:s r to our Foreign Affairs , j RUt’OR i - hit in pr-denting to tile Houle 1 rr this time a view of our t J.iti -ns j u i : G-eat Ji.iiain, it is decerned lit'-“C li. ry to recite the coul.s, w hp- o ,, uc‘il the war. I tic , v. mgs which the UaitcJ ‘-tates b...i r- : red from that pow r,lor a bug i of wars, had alrtadv been J • 4 la’ o fore the public, and n.ed not ag ibe enii.iterated, thev were too tie; ply felt to have om.n forgotten, although they may be forgiven by th; Aniv-ii an people, Ihe Unit ‘d S ates have c-gaged in the v. ir for F foie p'r-pofV of vindicating their r ; htsand honor, that motive alone il aid animate th-m t* its riofe. I ec:im: s a free and viifi*<-!s< nco : to give an uielui example to t rM. It is the duty of a rep* ?• m itive, to render a i mul account-..f it< conduit to its o ftit-jeni*. Aju t f nfibnity to r a:id unprovoked wror gs n it! 1.... .putics will jiiltily hi - appeal to ar •• ,anho!i -rii>!e reparation flm-hi r • re tf.'C i i pea< c ; evc tr !iep will, h thjy f ice (h >ukl b: ,g ic and by a faciei regard to pin:- %. t, a # S ‘ f.-nn a corr. cl - fri rate of the J”. ; i akkli the United States have ; . ‘lor n, it is mcellary t<> take a v •• f the communications. wijir.!i II \ • (.ail ‘d between the Executive .of the United States and the Bricilh •vovurnuient lince the declaration c i v. ir—Such a vi.-w, the commit tec is persuaded, v.iil ik mv diftincl ly the ig ground of crntro , -Iv l et ;vti ii the two nations, and the in Jifpen fable obligation on the United Starei to maintain ir. Y ”.k has seen with much fatkfncU m, that at the mo j;urn of the J-.-gla ration of war, ti e a: cnt:o;i ui ■ Executive was n ---p pai in ne. La.n to bring it to a :p J.y . I honorable t. ir.nnation, em v “ the t'\th of June tit Charge dcs Aftsirs of the i rc J Sia: aat London was in ,itiuU-rl to { pn!e t the B itifh < ...niii f ” >m aiitiicc.t itaknim to.a •’•“’ci.’ on onditi m-r. which ir ; i brhcvci’ tin? impaitiei world vCd c’ :- filer fi ’ . iior.orablu and ‘ v.rm. ‘C'-is ♦. G. Britain I ’icy re few in rninf ?r and limi’-edto j - . : i .v• * vTvig- i •!:•/ practiicd.— . lit the order; in council IVu'd 1 tv/rd- and, and that our fag should pioi cl nur f.*am.r, v ere the only i- il peiifub’.e condiiions infixed on Other wrr.iip , r-newer great, were poftpor.ed for ptnii aid negeciau* n. .Aj indue.r.unf to the IJr;ufli A |AMT r rA?) l 1 Ui\. PLVsiA.SIiM!) (;i.v) liY DAVID l\ lIILLIIOUSK. WASHIN'GTON, (G-.. 0.) —SATURDAY, FI’.BUUARV 27, IHItJ. government to forbear these wrongs i was pimpoied to repeal the r-on impoi ration law and t<> prohibit the employment of ihifitli letinicn, in the public and private vdlusol the United States; pao. ular - rue wur taken that piepefirions fl uld lie made in a lorui as conaliatoi v. J * at. they w c re amicable in IboJlancc. V. or committte cannot av id cxp’itfir.g iLs alio ilh.iaot at the manner in which t! < y we : e rtcJv rd. ii v. is not t. nib. nt io icj cl tlicpi p.*{. ‘.-rn.i.'c ; tarn fpc cuii w r* pro.i’-h and it:!:d* a- I'op'ed to nu.k. the r.j.eUoa - i* n ftve. It lirnr.eru’d, tl: : : ’me” •the fame c‘.-v. in wiiivh i.i. U. S after having been worn < . v.’:!i a : riiiny! •i| wrongs, hod r.! r : • J to ;he ltrh . and pniv r< .u /b 4 • hie aitcin ! iv. ip lu •!)- :: - I ri*c■ c lights. :’;e B iifb pr- rrm :.t had r-j ta’e I, cotu.i.i. . , i.sordc in council. That iru.afun. vr. ur. pfb I, hccaul c. ly ;>p|.iic.'.ii a ! t it had faded, •kh ‘ b r j. at,..! to the v ll \ ii- ,;n nt i. \vk Oi lid J on. as die rep .Iv is, i: war i led to have ic n a-e a l icit obfiac ie : .a- a nun. lati >n. iho othf7 on!', re*:. and ; the ptaftico of i.npivflftns tit. 1* was propuhd to sh. Bruifli gavernm.iif to upon an andcahle nfegoHation to provide a fti ff;o it, which sh >uld be' fe’ -J ;.n ample c • , g’liv.drtif. 1 lie iu'dii u r e propos ed was an 1 of a chnracx r so ccnsprchenfive. as to nave rt r*o v .'.!, as v. a. pr.lur.n and, every p< ii:- idj tv : .ciinn u- an accomtnodsftiop ‘ii’.e pr -pofi.i n; l-dore mad-- to tx chi e Ufi lh leei'lev from our fvr yice was enlarged, In as- *mpr. - .11 native Ihirifa fnbj and . .. . already naturalined t ; i en.ulcd to nstmaiiaation under 11..: lav d<h United Slates ; this ‘.va.o fikewik re j- cled Ycur committee have fought with anxiety form; proof of a o.’!m firion in the Ihiii/li to ac commodate on aov fair vendition the impoitant e:!f rvr.e b-tr. n t!ic two nations relative ;•. i-.npn il nj. nt, but they have fm> ! t in vain ; none is to be found tch r in the comr.iuricatior.b ■! : iJ*ifif‘i ininifttr to thn Artvrici.i Claire ‘ ties Adairs at ‘ ‘'id n, r.r ’ i thoic o! the rooH'ia:: ; er < . ;ht Uh Mi na val forces a; liiihx nii.’c by or der of i/.v ;; ‘ mm;::'! to the Dc } aliment of Stare. They have fecn . with regret, that although I. -rd Cafth rc'i'ph prof*.fit-d a willing'eU •n hi; g. vcrnnu.nt toreeiive <,-ul difruf- amicably any proposition ha . vir.g in vv w t ithe r to check abide in the practice of imprcffimrut or to : provide a ful.flirute to it, I-.* tvd i c'lly declined entcrin.;; into i nego i ciatinn for the pm pole, 1 ut tiiVnim • tenanced the elation thu anv i fuhfuii’/e couliWe projtoll,!, v. ii n j his povernment would avr. pf. It • merits notice al!e, ti’ ugn it c ..v I j to b: a ciitife. of furprizv, that i . the | conimut:’. a ion of \.b- had. \ .ri a j to the r* or ? t Si; re. *’ v! ; j .cl cf ini; rv-Hingnt wvt *. a’hided to. If., s i c r.xvrctiv.. cci-Knied to ?.:i am illice ui ti-- ot t!u i ---clers in ci utkil, whin et a !atislac-_ triy ?).i v.l; n agio If imprcfliJunt, oi cUa; am oil ici uiuieriiatid ing \vi l> til* Hr’.fh g< rnt: ut to tb.i? uh ct i ; ill i t mined to cortidct-cc. ’ nr comu.jttiu v. ■ uld not i ~vv tv iitated to . .id; pr< w tt. 1 ■ i. .p;i fi it tul rur han t n hei; , a U .n'iy ceiMid: nd a pun- : p. ( ui i ! tiii: v.:o, il?-.; vac ought to t-e prok-i u\ i til •’. r c. uu was icv. o'.• ii “1 to vriiu i;i il.-KV’ .• o* a i Ir .. r;> ; lav ti m.m. .. ..i: ;• I• u: it,. t (ii a iaii.'f .cn.i'y iv, • tnr of a ;">• il ’ •i* /i ti*'. - i p- ’<epm vto <Tur I , wo..i c. ‘ •. i’. no •I u ii fit, ii(.i ,t it Ii cj .ifl,incur cl i ( . r< ai.u*. ,-t to ii. tv’ af t. -iv.arc.;, h r the i-nniiy of fnvh n .lit. in li’v t or i v ? ai.y t the t.rgui; t • ts, v. hi h !tuv btn v ■ and before tiie c!u htraiio: t } v ar .*!:.♦Uiv nr* i .er.!. * l u'dhav ii <re w ifjht, r. tit that i”;v rimeft lud tv. .. nt b. in v,i;., •. ui ibe r; act. oi I*dv vvh’ch wi lid m i fail to t::- pi fv to the fee. n anti iiviificn of n.e bri.ith nation ar.l of the v aid. ; * , X f)o a full view therefore ;l the cor.vL'cl < i tj'e !■ >'.< i ioe in i;; t; utile..i'-:v vvi i: ti.i liiitifl.g urn 1 1 lent 11-1 v tt: t!‘.c...iatjoti -■ 1 w;ir, the con't.niue-? v- miid-r it *i: ir mi tv to ixptxfS jl.’tir. ct *ire a; *•! a tion of it. i bey peraive in it ;; fiim i doiutioiivTft frppovt the right; r *• .1 honor • : tin •• lounfrv, wid- a linvere and corn; ndabh* diij; i:- •i ii to pr •tr.ct. oe, or; fa eh ;> ft amt horn •. able condifi: ns ;•< the U. States tfnv. v. I*f. faft.t •. air? i.t. It rcm.iii ‘ii. •• •or tn t-‘.t T’r.i ----f :d v'eti th iiiir.l atntutle with Great liriuiif.. .- J to rrain fviti ; t “Mt cr: v f ..r.; y, and with u. hvti vvinrHs :o .1 conilanry i Ic m ui vr in v ii'ch ti v frj~nJ !v ach rv; and lib. rv.i p; p ff’r.ns id the Fvicr.tivi ! v hum : utv cd i*> toe liiiob) -v- r: no •r Is in a rt.i* :: -.aia-c c: irgu flue t! e b> j-c ot an c:.’- ! ■ wci ivn.iH'tuii n. Ir I-. iv-'.’ i. vi r. and that tin lb i till, -vi ♦ ri- ft; i c.i’ r Ai i i.:al W.i’ u - i.itviu ■ to tin U p;.; !: ..;i of S nte lb;* re i ♦ T • • i • C U! ICi i, 11..1V have dtcii: • i t .e ?•, ng'-i- ...ot pro pc i-.d by *. r. iv i.i,.. i 3?i 11 1 c cypi C tation that that rx .•**.? r w- ul.I have been ictid ct .y to t:u U Stans. ’ B * this as it ;.ia o vo-i.r con n.i'o. v coolid.r ii tf;t? P ci.(\ < f li is 1i i;e ito explain to :te d:i ! uert> the re | inaii.iio taule o!”.?fv, the previle nature cf ;\r.t * au'e. i.r.l the ! high lo’ -vtion which t ;i p* ns. i rot.i v.lia* U--ii it.i 0 ie i , ; :• ptars that mow vci pu;-! •{• ;. v i h iii’y to < ther vn rgs, li,t* i j if Ir t. orr I* ;mc:t, ’ra; si : ?.., jv. ikh prtvc; r< c! „:i :fi ■a* J ii ■ ’*..l j r b.v *I i y a, t vit. Hid th. * * rt.a : ir.rer :f l-ven ■ : ; cnvi ‘-d, In o hHiJ cf’ r, s :’ T < j rJ'resident \w. i iiogto . iv < o | the irtrirfiv: jo if ice c-d ci.bcr c’ •. lan l ti : r mi: ;;i I. ‘ o .*. I ..'a ?! ’ i\ 1 “ci.ak ft \vcu!u h. vc ell u.a t • |_ Payuou huij s i ty. [’Numbi-:r G2B. cd into, for farisfaefion in *h i> fa vur (j c... Ihitaui cl.i a i lit to irnpieis ii i *wn iev.n :i and to cx.rcne it i: Auiein. in vli . In tile practice JVntdh crudets inp fa AiiH-rican citise l and b mi too iM-ure ■! thin i* i- in;;-, il; :h it t ul abide 111 ui-t i a ;• C'oried to great e.v r;t. A fuiv .t. r, >- a. y o’ ui: ilii vr <>l tile Ji rt Ih •; w eight i J: ,t t<) be the aioiiei .. u- a <i < I ii erty a.u lives mA it: acan ci>ia us : u t im n ue pend on the will ol iaeh i party. I lie I> ; > i!h government has in fi.hv.i ?!i t eve. v A ericat, i:'iz :j (iiuu'd cariv wirli h : m the evi.tcrce o, his ci’.iz nlhip, and ilia ,di r U >e Ii- Ij O s :’ej of it rot ;tlf he u -.•J Hits criterion, if iv,t <-tti* r wile wbjrtfionafli. vcolo ! so, the i!t ■: mm nr irg ‘ t td f. troyed or takctl It >;p ?! -• p.„iv f i who nli was granted, ot n.ivi ii in <JI t.dc; he cnt : 1 t - l.lp c:, as i’ mi. lit be count rfei'.’d, ?<•* m { i red or piv.rtcd t- i.mpr. ;v sl p r -1 vi-;. Hit this ride is ii ii;!e to c* tb i and much ft rot v\ r c.hjf eo t. On what piincip!e and -vs tin B i j; -vi.. nu::;r c’av;-. r.f ?!;■ [hi and S ‘ so at and ft; in ml .c -- ; ()u •in ti • bee c;ti i ; of an iid pm--. ;o curry > i h ti-iin n the tnair. or. n, ; Im. I.i tiKU OUT! V* fli 1 the evi dence cf tli- i: Ire- Jon- ? And arc ab t- fee ecu widen and liinfth luhj-cf j am! liable to imp’ If r.r r ’ <> tv : fivai with -hev.; that t-a<. ? Is it, m l more co^fiftttit wi i o iv i- a txvji - ! public ;s v; i a -f private ri bt. ‘hat the put.y ft; g up a c .im : any iid-io ft. “ 1 r it he to. p;tlons or pr.-petty, flj ,!d prove right ? \Yii.:t \w un nt: the coi l*lJi - ! G . ..i !’ i tt- .vr fimllar circuTofl v- ->■ ’ ‘ > <;! Inc perntifr ti e public fir of anv -i. r power, uii- e raiding li e . is > I their fl vr. to eut'.r j. r ti. rvha 1 wfli!;, t>k i.. tn tii : - i fu , part . i iheir cn w>, :■ • a b * ‘Mi <:S th Os.! h: ii: *'’ fi i. r o.’ Ti f J) , .'X, i:.* ,bv ,4!;.r-..-f l! IV if. .tv and -vru • ? V idd fne ti; Ur htev an u u . tie.; f ■ Uvi-v. :>:y ! ■ e.. t. ... r r J pades-r f r ■ .1:1; - ? With h Uiit.fh ‘M n t-I . vs; Is.!? 11l f,. ;..e:i, the U St. to :. • t ‘< hi’- ; h (\ r; >v; Id it ic i:i ii.iiviii \et! is *r in any c'h r th Ji th; ft: and the 11.l 1 . h‘>:e.. ii . A neiivaii ci z ns b: b. cm; .ed f”*.n its v 1 a ! tit ’.. ml. i r.uerifr.r. b.,s ft; ‘. i i,.at ibis cm t? bes cured otb. w.t'...n i ■ ti c veff I iti wl.i; It r! iMi l akv from .\* lie ..i cuk • . tl’.is’ r■ r v ! .•■ h mi i.t ?v !. !’ . ‘. 3’3id •'hi ’ e iv J.otr.l:- ; tf> ; ;v: A. :: • m i: ‘i tb iaj ; . c. :'v. iktttih f rvy. U. -li etl k t! extevt ‘ f the • ii:- .. t • i : !• ;.tet>, a *.c ----i . . .. in : . i’k ! i <; •>{':!'. •;* .;* 1 i-; ....;i -a .‘r r , •v; an iv. . ;r. !•/.:, t ir li. i .11, ... : . ”.:b V’ : , i ; • • , i been c..’ 1 ; - v. • ( ’ ’f i ... . ;• ...... >. t.i. ■. . ,<