The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, March 20, 1813, Image 2

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• , :I'ss!'V .. J J/CUSK r ~ JIhPRESKSTAnrF.S. DEBATE ON’ THE VAX >■> Cl A1 MS. The bill from the Senate for car lying into elicit the compromise of the Yazoo (Haims, having becti lead tiie firfi time — Mr. TROUP having afkcd if a in n’.mi to rej ci the bill won and not fiupjrccJe a motion to commit, and being answered by the Speaker in the aili: .native, laid—lt is on no or. and: a:y occafton, fit, I would permit :nvied to move the rejection- ol a i;ii! cn the tiffl reading, coming from at other branch of the Lvgif- Lture, but, the mtalure growing out of an hideous corruption, 1 owe it to vou to move, because 1 think \uu owe it to your own dignity to it i cl the hi!!, not upt .1 any dubi ous evidence of the fraud and <•< r rup'ion of the (I, rgi.t 1,” ,ill tt arc, but upon evLiuce iatistadory to you and to all mankind, spread tip. on y ur own records by corn-nil. -! nets of your own app ‘irittnait, and which the clerk can be called upon to read. The nature, the 1 :c ----t< nt, the detail of the corruption bv wiiich the I.egifiarure of Geor gia were induced to fell the public property—arc there pouttrayed by y nr ov n comminiofiers. It is {fa ted that more than two thirds of th; i. c, 1 flature were bribed and c. ruii:*. and. were intered ! in and parties to the purclvtle. i'fi v Ymw yrj that A. received 11 ‘J,'’ X) a cr ; i land f r his vote —t :. .t 15. received 7.5.00 t acres f-r his vote —that C. received .36,00'.) a rest -.t h: v< to, ;md that non. received 1 fi t’ 1 . 1 .76.000 acres. 1* is t:t> .* thfi re <rd evi fence* then that l move you to re] cl the bill. <-u ed the bill from the Senate on the fit • tiling for the lufperfn-n of th ’libeas Corpus atl. Why? B tie that hi!! contained a prin ctp.. violative of civil liberty. 1 rn v< you to reject thi bill! w i.y ? B ule it contains a principle ckfi tie,dive of republican government. Th-purity and incorruptibility of the reprcfcritaiive character, is tlte bafr- of our republican iutbfutiims —if there be one principle of our g< vet ntiunr more fundamental than another, it it that no benefit or pro or advantage shall result either •’.mediately or remotely to any human bi g fr .. he ior rapt ion of the ref r:'e;:U:tivc of the people. Ihe bd. pr j> lbs to gt.v five millions of and to thole chiming under tit; cor rumors of the rcptvfentatives of the people. The corrupt us only gave fi.-e hundred thoufan.l dollars —the U. Stati s c :!y gave twelve hit; I red and silty thou fund dollars t- Go irmn for her territory. Th : ].-! pvoptfe-s to give five nv’Hions of dollars to the daiinants—live mil lion-; of dollar* to exting-uifli their claim. You are required to r<-- ward tit? rloir tn’Ts who b-ught of tv•!’■• who cor. up:* I thu Legilluture <• f fie >r-.:ia. We lav no. L< t ru in overtak- the corrupters of the rcprcfcntati v cs of th.* people anil all c!v’ni”g tr dcr them. Ihe cor ntn-o-s h *v- made their tor;u;u n- v vou mo crdL-d upon to make the f-atunos <-f the claimants—this i; to be precedent—this is to Le ex ample. rh“ claimants have hitherto ur .rp,| *h’ ir claim with ind 1 .ti-giVe pc atu’i ■ hev - - t. x ; <V ’."carte.) vou—vou cci.'.J zt-y repel le 1 them— tl ev have Teen their dsib.militure i:i the juf’nds and fun plirity of y ‘ur reatoning. Vou {by to them i’t fubflance, the Yazoo iivl having been fraudulently and coriuptly obtained, was null and v-ft!, ab initio. All contracts foun- J ile-1 in Iraud ar- v iid, it c ;u!d pals no right; it it could pals no right to the original purchases, it is irn p dhole that the original purclvilcrs ! could pass any right to the cLim atits; and ii no right paflbd to the claimants, it is impofiible they cart hilve a claim or shad >w of clahn gain 11 you. I hey conllantly found thetnfelves foiled hy this honesty & fimplicitv 0} run (fining—fecittg you firm and inflexible they turn. 1 a botit an-.l aililreflt-il thcmhlves to the ludiciary. 1 hey found i:t the law books ol Kngland a tnaxitn which iuitt-d tltent—two of the Ip.c ulators combined and tiia.i • up a J: cut ions ease, a feigacd issue 1- r the dtcifion of the Sup-en-e Court.— Th y presented pricitcly thofc points for the decision of the c .urt th-y wiflteJ the court to deride, and toe court did actually decide them as the {peculators ibcndVlvcs would have decided them tl they had bpen in the plafr of the S.i ----p. tnt Court. The lit point was whether the I.cgiflature of (itor ia had poii'tr to fell the territory? Yi, fulfill Judges tiiev had. ‘Jd. ** * 4 Whether by the V.iz o acf cn es tate ilit* in the original grnn t. ? Y -s, I .id tec Judges, it did. ?j !. i‘v r h ther it was lompetcnt to any fubf.qucr.t l.egdflature to let ah letheuct on the ground o! fraud t-i.J corrupt! >r. ? No, fai-d th- Jud gis. it via* n<t ; an clt-.'r di 1 v It itt the grantees by the Yazoo v It cb could not be divcfK ’ by the ad oi any lubf'-qu-nt legiflatitre. N > matter, lay the Judges, what the it* or extent of the < nrrup tion, he it never so wicked, he it never so nefarious, it could not he I t ,ifid . I’he speculators had hunted up a maxim of th erm in m lav. or llq tity Courts of Lng l.m i, and the Judges uid-led it ior tlveir ben* fit and to the ruin of rfie courtrv -the maxim that third pur without n*oire- (hall not he ailecled hy the fraud of the original parties I fius, fir, by a maxim t l Kngiifii law are the rights and lib erties of tin* people of this country to be corruptly bartered by their reptefenrative . If is this decision of the judges which has been made the halts of the bill on ycur table— a lecifion 111 eking to tv- ry fr'.r.T < ! free g'tvernment, hipping tlie toundutiens of all your coriiiitu lions, and. annihilating at a breath the bid hope of mr.ti \'es, fir, it j.roc'aimcd by the judges, and ;i(iw to bes indioned by tiic I.egif larui’.’, that tht nl;!;a.; ft/ : pay. max corruptly b fay t. . people, /./ 1 , cef i vptli bn> ter :!.•■. re 1■; hts / i sc es their pc hity. pie ■ zihollv ziutinut it ;v lad cf rem r.‘{ •whatsoever. Ii is this nionl* t.v.c-s and abliorr; rt doctrine wiiich pi hi tiartleev.ry man in tlte m> tion, tiut v-u ou -l.t promptly to and c mdemn. It i„ t! is di ctrirte, the b.-li; and cflt r ti;ii principle of the bill, tl it ca'l u s ny. -.1 : rij- cf. buppof . sir, the 1/ fifl.tture o{ (Yo*p ; : '. a.! of ieih.itg tin | ii.die. li..d . corruptly fold fin- good r ople < f j G* and all tin :r v-dL-rity r o . flavei v—the coatcqucr- *: u- J • have D cn the judges : u uhl !uve and c. 1- ! t'.iat rn id’.'” ! did ‘ in t.j.-* or : <-cat tee. nirbntmlanuiv.g thu corruption which could not be divc-lled by any lubleqiicttt 1.-:gifl;iture. But, fir, let me fl it j *0 you a case, expos .'ig at otr*- the fi. grant enormity of the principle—ii is a ca!e as ; ticedy puralkl ;v. lie human mind can conceive Suppcfe, fir, that the I‘Jth ('ongrel:. fliouid corruptly f- 1 the - • people - 1 the l • b’.-.t. s to LngSand, and I'.ng’ancl fintu’d irltantly fill to Uranoe— would come upon the l.’iih C*<ng rds, tiitvl d*-nu<tid p-fl flion —the virtu* us 13th Congr.- fs v onid f.iy, No! tu- will rot give you j:off. f fion, the 12th (Ii ngrefi btib td and corruptid to fill fiu* good juop'c of the U .Stuns, fraud vi tvir\ grant and therefore you can have tu> rigid t*s demand p-f ----ft-iri-.n. Ah! hut, (ays France, I ton an innocent purchufir—T pur chafid without notice of the fraud ami it is a maxim of the common law of l.f.gland, that third purcha fi rs are n->t to be afkcted by the Iraud of the original parties. Thus, fir, according to the judges, would the good people of the U States be fold like a fl* ck cd fhcep hy t!*c corruption of their repre Ici natives —lct.vii'g them, tlte people, with out any kind of remedy wh.’.tfocver. If, Mr. Speaker, the archfiend had in t!.e biitermTs of his liatied t< > mankind resolved the dcflrudion cf republican govtrrmcnt on earth -—he would have ’.fi.tti! ad rre I'ke thru of the judges—he w u!J have laid, in the t ; .it i- and Inngur o e of tl.i- bill, lit the t Urea tit; under the cot rut-toss f the representatives cf the people . be re i:\t‘ dd. J:i a na tion if etilig'i’ ,-ntd uteri, vvl.ofego verr.tmnts have tl I -ul -it. it* and txitlMiiy h ; the v. *;i of the pt. pie, th .t will t 5 cot.t ■•>.(! --ii and i- I■! lor noth I- g. W'hv, if may b.* afl’.cd. do the judge*, wh < palled tl is do cifion live and li\-’ uapun:' 1 ed ? The aniv.t r is f.-un.i in the tniu.ncls and tucJ*. *atl< >ll *>i ourg-.-.eriuner.?. r* 1 thr’-.k God it fi fit. ir emur a tl.c tlrc ie ol th_ t:.-i iiarch had h.n thu> af!filled, if. judges w uld have p* ttlhe-J. li re tlie fouiidatioi sos the republic are iha ken tl.c judges sleep in tran quility at hotne. lake my word fi>r i’, Mr Speaker, I l>eletch y u t > rettiitiii;er v.itat 1 lay, no party itt this country however deeply (ear ed in power can long lurvivc the adoption of this, nnal'ure. 1 re member a mice a rnmn her of this Ifi.ufe; in liaJ h.-s feat on the opt) -fi e fide ol i ; he was a matt of the molt vigorous intellect 1 ever knew ; lie had deeply ftndi td human nature; to be lure his conduct was no: always regulated by his knowledge ol it; Ik* was of ten impi intent and net unfn quently extravagant. Whitiiv.r thisqucl tinn wrs tumid up, fio’---. ver, he tiled to t.ddrtls him; -if to !:fi p- dti ral lii-ntd.—“ G • tlc.-ac*:), I be iVr y utov. i M.-Md ycur cour.- t rtce Irrm meidure. it tfi ; unded in con option—thu pjopiu kn ’.v it—they are not yet tipi for the r-.pport 01 rig t V’t-i)! f”p ----p -rt 1 tch trea‘fiti-r.. It you vat t ti'tnrunt into pov r, if you w.fh t > cone’hate the rlfiCtion cf tl. * p t n; lr, . u limit tdmntc a mtuc it u i ni... it not.” Mr. 1 roup laid i „• wished ir un d.itlc and, in t.'.uiug theupe tlott t f tlie hill, it v.a; not i.itdili n ttiter ;.r ; and inn’ ilia i.’.eritsf i fi.e Yarto >( ! .itti. file k v- obfi rva ti. ‘ h h 1.1 fit- .it :•! v. re direct #dto t: • 1 line; I, it- contc-lied m th*; bill, (fi however, th in it : d:lc. tipi*, eeleruitrhe tain that pnnei Mf* opjl tire titcri: • <1 the at larjf-*, he fl.ouid, pot at ! hlft.oifii g ir h i been lb oft-n e.titu.Ted t.t:J j• > veil underUocd l y ;y *: om ii tC* | ;ivc . (.* 11 t ) r, ut if ibev<l: ’.l 1• ur .fi ■’ . f•fl- v. to the 11* ui . ! li, if: : ’.1..: 1- gill.iturc * I C.i’i y 1 h ! j',-) ■ • flituti'-nal pow- rto fill t! ; * domain 21. fft -t ir tt 1.. ! 1 cou and n<-r f* M fraudul*.: r’v ; -a! “ r rtijitly 3d That tliii: cl: - r .M had notice of the fraud, nr..:. y ing n >ti e. are r.ccr.rdittg to 1:1. maxim of the ju g s third without claim .i .. ariowr ii c . sratf. (if our pit:.-;.- era. Winn tin* loan l ill firff tutr-i under ciilculiitm in the Ih ule •. Keprefetit. tives in (long:eg— Cuvet went into a ditail.-d ace ur.: *.f the demands tor which pr; viiion was to be made : For civil lift dotreflic 1) & foreign expellees, 1.5226’ 2 Military ettablifhni* at, iy,2 -g Indian dep.niment, tfi; - j Id aval ellal hfhn.tnt, 6 626 tea Contingent expencti, 450 hfi ’,6 ccc.cco Jn older to meet thele de-r . • .a Mr. (I! eves fialeil the dollars. Amount of nunuc, 12.ccc.cco Pay it rent in !Bi3, on ac.a util u. ISI2, 2,ccc.cco Unapproj.ri. te .1 ir. tits Trc.ilY.ri fit Jan c:c Treafuty 1.1 les to be ifilitrd, S.CCO cro lile j rt'p<;!ed ken, 16 ccc rj 3o.cec.: 2 From who h de-Juft, 36 co: Leaves a iurplut to meet difappoiiitiMt-m , 2/.::,:. .- hem the ! rank fa t .Lgus NOR 111 W’i.S Ii RN AluvtY. a n>. a ; t a./ v/ r. The hit mail lur./fl- - adjitional iaSoiou-tion from ii. ;i ----vti Raisin. Front :!.* it- let-s , i: will be seen, that our I:-is i ...- :i trivial n compared with tfr. ac i< untswh.n ififi rec< ivtd. i • y K tvitwhia?* mult fici pr- ud • \ .ti> c*■uutiymcn, v.r.en lie hams t at ore v ‘.g (the Lit) mahtlai; and t'-e action for two hours and an ft.i:*, ag. inlt the whole force 11 the e iny, confiffing of upwards <-! ‘ .0 th- ufand Bririlh and Indiai..-, on!v furretulered wliett their !.;fl round of ammunition \\cap., d ed, and thm in o!k- ience to the orders of Gen. W'ir.ihefitr. ll.e enemy ha: paid f r 1 is fi ft via :y. Yam us tumors ;.ie atluit— ! is fie* and a number ol i.uiiu t:*. i:i with ( apt. Matfin, nrre.! g!f v.l - t:t was ( apt. ii-i.t of !. xingo-n. L is not believed thfi tk-fi at v.l 1 r n tcrially it tutu tf:c cordun rrati n 1 i Can. liairitVn’s main ol j ct. ‘l his n.r irir.p a v/c o arriv. a* lien , e!liven by h ! r. ( hap! it* fa -n Sv'oiu is rt k , J; I*a v 1 ttfi-.i.. it, 7o ; <k:v c , with Cotton Cards t-jk :os ji: Huger. Chu listen paper. ('casting trad. — It; tl.* - c■ . ‘fs r i i t!:c debate ye fit rtlav t r. ti c ‘.it,, nets j ! ill it was dated by M 1 l>lr.- Lito that “ lioin a letter r.ow in', n ! :fi.t it appeared, that licot i.*. hr r fi injr ‘oyages from Nev.bcrn. *. ('. t* i; fop, v.t tc* :* t !iv l- ... th: c 1, s • •:< 1.! 1 ?*•.-• r.-r h tJUgatrc .