The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, June 12, 1813, Image 1

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Three dollars per annum. } Volume XIII. ’ CONOR ESS. Tuesday. May - r j- At twelve o’clock this day, the ] resident ot the i'hired States transmitted to both Houles ol Cong refs the following i MESSAGE : Felir.'ic-citizens rs the Senate, id of the House of Rcprc'cntatives. A i an early day after the close of the hilt lellioi) of Congrtfx, an oil r was formally communicated from his I nperial Majv iiy, the em peror of Kudu, of hi.N mediation, as rh: cbmmon fiiend of the Uni ted States and Great Buain, lor the purp de of facilitating a peace lr twesii tliem The high elutac ter ol the emperor Alex tinier being n lari-.factory pledge for tile fmcer ity and imp irtiality ol his < Her, it was im median. Iv accepted ; a:ni as a urtber proof ol thediip fit ion on the part of the United States, to meet their adverlary in hot.or .file ex: t iratn's lor tc> initiating the war, it was dfermin .1 toavoiJ in to - ‘e.lia’e dc’av, incident to the dilfance ol tile parties, by a defini tive prwifion for the contempiart-i! tte.neiatton Three of nut emi nent i viz ns were accordingly coni, n illumed with tile requifitc power; to conclude a treaty of peace, with p lons cloathed w;tii like powers co t!te part of Great Britain. Tluv nr authored also to enter inn fu h conventional regulations of the commerce between r!re two coun tries, as tmv be mutually advanta g us. The two envoys wht were in rhe United States at the time, of l!i Si* appointment, have proceeded t” j >in their colleague already at S', lAtalburg The envoy* have received ano;!j. er co.itnnidii >n authorifmg tin. 1 to conclude wirh R cilia a treaty of commerce, with a view to Ihe gill cn rhe amicable relations. ai.d in. prove the betufici il tjitercouife !-e ----tv i en the two countries Th. itTik of this friendly interpn fition if the Ruffian Emperor, and this pacific •> aniftftarion i:i the pert of t!ie LJnitrd States lime only can decide. 1 hat the fr-mtum ol Great Britain towards thar Sove reign will hav’ produced an accep tance ol his off red mediation niufl be prelu ned That no a .Equate m -fives exilf to prefer a coi.ti. u am e ol war with the United States, to the terms on which they are wife ii-’g to close it is certain. The Ifi i tilh cabinet al'o mull be lenfihle *1 at with rofpect M the imp i t.n t qucHion of impr. fl'nent, on which the w ar so efientiaily turns, a fearcli for, or feizute ol Biitifh p-jrfons or property on board neutral veffols on the high leas, is not a belliger ent right dc-ived from the law of t.l : th; and it is obvious, no ’.hit or k-arch, or ufe* of lore:, lor any purp. fr, on board the \< • f one in T_ pen dent power on the high leg'., fan in war cr p?.tce he ft :gi >no’ bv the laws or mt -opty •1 •Ktv.giiV.’ y ■ .cr. It ; equally oit- MONITOR. PUBLISIirj) (!:lk!.v) 1; Y DAVID V. 111LL11 OUSE. WASHINGTON, (Geo.)—SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 18115. viousthat for the purpnle of pitferv ing to eacdi Hate its f alaring num bers, by excluding them bom the vt [E hos the other, tlo- mode liere ■ tofore proposed l>y ‘he U. States, and now enacted by them as an ar ticle ol municipal policy, cannot fora moment he compared with the | mode prafetifed by Great BHaiti, j without a convictibn ol its title to ! preference ; inafmucli as tin latter i lci.v s the discrimination between the maiiiiciv of the two nati. iito officers exposed by utyivni .1. bi as, as well as by a iEb-£t of evi dence, to a wrong decision under ciicumilances pit eluding for the moll part, the enforcement of con trolling pi naltics, A where a wrong decision. In-tides the irreparable vi olation of the I acred lights ol per- Tons, might frultrato the plans ar and profits of entire v \ igis ; wh re . , the mode afTinned t v the 1 rigid bfatr’ guards with Ituiii-. : i„irucl> anil efficacy triors in ftu h cases, and avoid- th .ii cl <d cal ual errors on the i.dety id naviga tion, and the iu-.reels of mercantile expeditions. !t th.e rc. Tiapiene... n. r expecta tions, drawn from the!? corf rela tions ce.ul ! guarantee th ir i :;!- m nt, a just peace would not tin tint. But it becomes the v.ifiioni and tfe. National 1 .-gifiaTure to keep in mind the true policy, or rather the imiilpenlable obligation id n daprirg its mealures to the fuppoff * that the only course to that happy on r is in the vigorous etn ployuiein ol the relourres of war. And pair.f’d .is the reflections is, thi duty i- particulp.rly enforced by the Ipi At and mange , in which the war comimies to be waged by the enemy, who, ui i g utictd bv the unvaried examples <d humanity set them, are adding to tiie boag<. lai v of it on one frontier, a fyftetn of plundir and conflagrati. n on rlio other, equally forbidden by refpict for national thaiacder, and bv the eltnblifhed rults of civilizcJ war fare. As an encouragement to perse vering anil invigorated exeitions to bring rhe contest to a happy rclu'r, I have the fatisfaefion of being able to appeal to the auspicious prog re Is ol out arms, both by land, and on the water. In continuation of the hril!i.;nt achievnn nts of our infant navy, a signal triumph has bcin gained by Captain L lwrence- and his compau i iuiis in tfie Hornet fioop of war, ; which deffroved a Brtiifn sloop <T 1 war. with a celerity so unexampled : an I v It’i a slaughter of the enen y j so disproportionate ro th lots in the I Hornet, as to claim ior the con querors the h’ghtft nraile, and the lull r comptnlt ptovi led by C*m gri fs in prt ceding cases. ()ur pul>- lic ships of war in general, as \vi l as tile private arnud vHLIs, !i c. con firmed aifo their activity and luccefs r i: H the commerce oi tile eneniv, and bv tluir vigilance and ad In Ts have greatiy tiuflrak-d the efforts cl the !'.■ Hiie I pta ir-ms ditfri-.iued ;:!on;r ‘"•'.ir roaiU to intercept th-..n in rv-turt’ing info port, and reluming thei- cruizors. lb.- augmcntatii :i of our nava! , (ore •, authurifed it the i.iii lelli m j of Go p-efs. is in progress On t the ikes our luperiority is tiear at j limi where i is not already eitab liihe-.1. i he events of the campaign, f> far a- tluy are known to u<, lurnilh matte-r of congratiilaMon, aid Ih w that under a wife organization and efficient direili n, the arit y ts des tine-i ti a glory n•t lels brilliant than that which a’ready encircles the navy. The attack in J c.ip'ure of Ymk is, in that quarter, a of Icitare and great-r victories; v.-’.i fit the w ffern frontier the i ! :ht ! rc tint K rt ‘VIA-is • • leaves tiofbier t > regret but a fing'e act < I incordidi.ratc valor. The provioons lull made, for fil ling tie; ranks and enlarging the Itali .■ the army, have had the belt cti It v. ii: ii • for the confidi r ati • f ( m.Tib, whether other pi >viii it,., and pi:. ,::ig on their au th ritv, ei :y uit ‘tnl further im pr >v i tiie mih'.i’ V ff..i)lilhiin nt and the nit ans ol i!i te'.cc. I ■I i Ideti death of the diflin mfiN! ci iz n woo rc-prclented the I’d* ,i Star s in T'o.:ice, without any ■, id ar angcmeiits by him fir ;ue!i a c-'mi'e. tmy, has left us widi at tiie e .peCt and lequel to his la ft i .imunie.;tion>: nor has f.he Trench government taken any mta fures for bringing the depending negociations to a conclullou, thro* irs repreleiitatives in the United Stages. Thi’ failure adds t-’ relays, before so uurealorably lpun out. A !acctrff>r t > our deceased Minil ter las b-en appointed, ,nd i; na il)’ to proceed on his inillto; : the com fe w’ ich he will purluc in iul fiiliiig it is that prclcritied by a !tea dy regard to the true ititcri Its of the United Stat s, which iq tally avoids an abandonment of their jull demands, and i cunrexion of fortunes with the fyflems of other powers. I’he receipts into the Trcafury from the lit of October to the Slit day of March lad, including the lums received on account of Trea lury Notes, and of the loans au thor! led by the ads of the lait and the preceding f. Hi ms or Gungrefs, have amounted to litre, n inillions four hunJred and twelve thouland and dint's. Ihe expenditures during the lame period amounted to fifteen millions, nine hundred and twmty thi.ufu'iJ dollars, and left in the Trealury on the id of April, the lii'U of one milli m eight hundred r.rid fifty seven thouland ch'llats. The loan of fixreen millions of d>d lirs auih irized try the aA of the Hdi ot Tebruaiy lad, liasbeciic n tracted for. (Ji that finn, mo:e th u i a milli u ol dollar?! lias been p.'i*! into ‘he i ieafu y, prior to ti.e lit of ApA!, tuiJ for.ned a part -d’ the receipts r.s above lt..t, !. The remainder of that loan, am Mint. ; to near tureen nriiiors oi and ’ , wit-i the la >of for tc.ilii > s JoU Ijirs authsri •. .1 to L- id... :! ::: ’ • • [ Pay nhle half yearly. [ Number C 42. fury Notes, and the cTrimatH re i ce pts Iroui tiie cultonis and the I Tiles ot public fends amounting to [ nuie millions three hundred tliouf , auJ, and t:u king in the I wimle twcntv-tiitie millions three hundred tiiouland dollars to b re ceived ci.i ing tlit iail nine months ot theprii.nt y ar, will l>c nect ffa ry to meet the t>pen-iiturts already authorilid, and the enpaeeinents cotuiaCteJ in rciation t.) the public debt, i h jfe t t gagem< nts amount during that period to trn millions five hundred tin -ulaud dollars, w hich with near one million k>r the civil, mifcdlaneous and iliplomalic ix pitices, loh foreign and domestic, ami lever.iet n millions eigfc hun dred thi Uland tor th” military ;mJ naval expenditures including the ships of war building and to be built, wii! leave • sum in the trea sury at the end of the present vc -r, equal to that on the lirll ot Aoril lad A part of this !um may lie considered as a resource lor defray ing any e.vraonbnary expellees al ready autliorifcd by Taw, bev nd the lums ab> ve iltimak-d ; and a fU> thef tel un e lor at.y eint rgini y may be found in the sum ol one million of d< >lai:, the loan of which to tin United S ars has been auihorifcd b l , the Hate ol Ifennfyl vania, but vvfmf) has not yet been brought into effect. I his view of our finances, uhilft ii shew- that due piovifion his been, maife tor the expences iff the cur rent year, fliews at the fame time, by tiie limited amount of the actu al revenue, an t the dependence on kirns, the nec* ffi’y ot providing tnort adtqua i ly lor the future sup ; lies 111 etrealury This can holt be done bv a well digellcd Ivfti m ol infernal rt-venu**, in aid ot exiff ir:or I’,-urces; which wiM hav-. -he effect,h >th >t ibrii'git g the amount ol iiei't llary I; ans. an.l on that ac count. as veil as bv placi; g the public creci- on a more la'isfeCl ry bans, of improving the terms on v. hich T -at s may be obtaini!'he loan ot Hx'.en millions was v ,t contract and for at lets inrerelt about Lven and a hall percent: and although other causes niav have had an agency, it cannot be doubt ed that with the advantage ol a more extended and Ms pivea'i us revenue, a lower rate of inni. ff might have fuffii ed. A lone* r - ’ ponement of tliis advet. •> not fail to hive a ffiii great • • enre on future loans. In recommending to the Nhi : al Ligiflature this rtlort to auiti tiotiai tax s, l Ittl g cat l.itisl. cli’ ii in iii*. allur-nci, that ”ii r cotdfiru eiits. wi.o have ahvady dilp'awu so touch zeal an- lini ndsi’ the cattle of their country, will chceifu’ y go’ every other proof i t their pa trio'iim which it tails tor. Happi ly no people, witii local and tiaiifi kny i xceptions never to be wholly ..voii .J, aie mnii able tlian the \ }'*• till (h.Kcvi states, to spare ; n tic- c wants a poifi.m of o o i>s. wht'htr regard I ■ !) .i ‘ ’. ■ < .*• l- ry profits if