The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, June 19, 1813, Image 2

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FORI.ION NEWS. i Nfw York, Way 29. Capt. Fleming, of tlit. brig Fun ch:il from Cadiz, Rates that the French Foulon tl.-et ot IS tail u the line and 14 frigates were oil Alinant .n the Nth April. The Fiantagent 74, with fix transports, having troops on board lor the A mcrican Ration, failed from Cadi;: on the sth April. She has no poop end l:as much the appearance of a frigate. London. Aprii 13. A dr!'patch, dated Heligoland, April 7, o! which the following is an xtracl, was lull night received at Fill Bathurfi’s oflice, add relied io his I -rddiip by licutcnant-gover Hamilton. Extract cf a Liter from General the Ji non lentter.bora to Maj:r Kent zingcr. dated Hamburg, April 5. ** 1 haft n to aunt unce to y. n the signal vict ry which our tr< ops have gained upon the 2d o! April, cwr the corps n! Gen. doiu.d who hr.J pod: {fed himkll of the town of Luncburg. *• O n Moraiiil, with 3500 men hid marched from I'ol'.ient to Lu neburg. My C< fi\- ks followed his nnvenients; and l gave inlurma ti nos thtm to General Dornburg who, in conjundliori with General Tf< hen.icin ff’s corps had puled the I’d be at Lentzen The two generals advanced by forced march es to Luuehurg, and artived there just as my C-illacks were engag and with the enemy. Ihe gates were forced with the bayonet, and a furt guinary conflict ensued in the (treets of the town. ihe v: St try was soon J ided in our favor ; all who were n t krieu or already made ptiion ers, laid down their arms. Not a ftngle one cicapcd of the whole corps— 3 pair of colors and 12 pie ces of canncn fell it.toour funds.” St. IVrtkssttßo, March 2. Capt. Muller, a Hannoverian of ficer, arrived yefLrday witit del patches from Count Monfler, and wh t also brought accounts to gov ernment from Heligoland, which iH nd he left on the 9:h inil. Toe following ftatemcnr was fuen after wards circulated : u Government has received ac c ut.ts from Heligoland, Rating on the autiicn.y ot Hamburgh iicwf pipers, that an Austrian army of 8k).000 men, in Volhynia, had join ed the Ruffians against France, and that Auflria had lent 109,000 men towards Italy. “ 1 he fame authority Rates, that Gif.. Greni r had been defeated with great loss n...r Magdeburgh. The movement made by Davouft vpcm Lunenburg, was a of that defeat.” The following private letter -was a/sc. received : II;:. idol and, April 9. “A L f ‘er his Reached us from H inburg, in which i; is Rated, that the fimator Koch had (poke to the prince of Mecklenburg, by whom he had been allured that Austria was marching 100,000 men into Germany, and 80, (XX) into Italy. Davouft had left Magdeburg!* vviih 5030 men, and had tvachuj Lune burg, giving out tin! he waste Is followed by 10,000 a. Jiy other accounts h\ :.i Ham burg b, it appears that Außii.t had determined on an ; k mcr. fi” nfi\ ; c! I t.five, v.Ki'Ria,. which the half of her disposable force was to be employed, to wrtft out of the hands of the French her former pofTefii >ns in Italy, and the remainder to be engaged in imnte diati ly co-operating with the arn ies ol the emperor Alexander a:i 1 his allies. M O X I T 0 i?. Saturday, Jine 19. The Senate has unnritnouflv con firmed the nomination < f Wtu mam 11 Cit A wroK i>, of Georgia, av Mr iR- rfr Fiance, a:.i! alio p at of Ilr Henry J.i’.Mott us Secretary of Legation. Win. Joiu ;., life] the Secretary of the Navy, has acted alio a Sec retary ol the Tieufury i;--c< the ~b-fetice fetice of the Head ot ;h.r Depart ment on the miifinn t > RufTia. VYvstUNtvroN City. May 29. IV-th li >u!'.s of C-m pels yeiter day a {jumped ny r to .\i..;;day, ving no bufinds rtciuiri;. • tlicit im medv.te aticn;;. n. loc commit tee: appointed, ti.: i o ls whose hands pfl s nearly ::)! iprep est of bills pref to the If of.-, tor confi let jf n. have m-r yhad time to -.ffemble rn J. liberate on the fub i cls c-.nfi ed t’ t!: yn ; and fotue day ; will probably elapl'e b ! >re ny rep ms are made t>> the Home. l !ic f I'owing am the nioft itn p ‘riant com met es that !;avc be..n a; point el 1 y tl > II- jfr of iLpre fentatives. for the j.r; f nt lefiion- H a;.s cj. tMcara —Mcff’S F.ppes, Bib , ih afan s, Robert-, Pitkin, Geordin ar..! M nt ‘ounrv. C im.rce/c Maaufictun r—Mef fra. Ne’vton, S ybert, ‘..•Kim, \Y. Reed. B -nf ti, P.n&Teliair. Foreign Relations —Messrs Cal houn, Cirundy. Demy, J G J.itk ion, hgeri.-l, Fi'.k, ( ;1 New-York) and Webßer. A lilitary i.stab/iihmert- -Me ft s. , Tr tup, S. vier, Wright, Talinadge, Stuart, fayl-Ar & I'annthill. larval /iJan's —dkills. Nelloti, Waid, Altfo’i, Stockton, Sivi;.a,r, Davis arid P R. ( hi the spirit and manner in vehich Use war has beta tutted by ihe incur/ —mefTrs. Macon, Forlyiiie,VViight Gaiton, Clark, Humphreys and Cooper. * CONGRESS. Tuesday , June 1. In the Senate no hufitiMs of im jiortance was yeft-.-rday tranfacled. Ihe Houle of Rcprcfentatives were principally, not to fay w holly, cmyloved in a desultory difculhon the proper enurfe to be purluci in ivly ;-cl to tlic petition of a p rfon p t -• * - to be autnuted as a ilcu oggaipii. r. on thv floor c-1 Congrt!.>, in a ■ ;•!. a to ! v.r v ho are alrea%iy admitted. As t.;e If ;;fj have as yet come to no (hyon-u on it, v.e w ill venture no other t tmar!; at pres ent on the charad.r and ehvu.u ----11 anccs of the pr. ccd.n-n ih:.n t.i .t, like the p!.i!< Ibpher of old, I each member might well have e>:- : claimed, on retiring from t!.lloule | —” I hare lost a d.,y. n ]Yid;:sday , 2. A lev; petitions of a private r:t , Jure were presented and rtKried. ; And tne Mo de adj a j L*v r.iikiUtcs, no rej its na '*■ .tig pi 0| atLw, e.y t::e k'eiiiKiit tvcs row engaged in dijoftir.g and niat’a'ing bnlirt:.!. i / *h * H -db. CREEK INDIANS. j Savvnn.mi, June R. The following is an extract cf a 11- tcr from a Gentleman at the Creek Agency to another i". this place da ted June 1, Imi 3 “ 1 he chiefs of this agency are i determined to use every !} rt in I their power to preserve their treaty J flipulat: rts “ifh the U: ited States, i ‘H.ey are as well convinced as I atn j their exWLn e as a nation hangs ; upon it. 1 hey have a national g vernment which, on a recent ix perinseiit was found efficient a e rtain . nt. ILtween ti.c* Kith an !i oi April, they turned out t!u:r w. trims, and e:;e uted eleven ot their people for murder. A they hid afeertatned tliat their t.e ; libois were incredulous on a h ri.i- r o • afjon, th. y took the pre < nuii ain th lalf initance to have ‘i’ ton •• (US of their condurt— an ill rant, agent, and a bhckhniih iii public let vice.” F in tin - ? Nat: val Int‘lltgcnccr. Copy of a letter from two >f the ; mat t h<- f f the imt h nation ej Indians t-f/dge Toidmin dated, April \3tl> J s I 3. Fir Agreeable to colom ! 11.-.w ----km-’s talk, the chiefs of the Creek nation were calle ! toge’her on bu fnufs of importance—to f.tile the mutiitr commit: -d rn or n *:tr the mouth of the Ohio river by the Li.- t!c \Yarrior, a Creek I idian, as part of I is aflViutes were kiiH J. lh: and Ills nep!:ew made their cf <ape. IBs place of rcfiJcucc is on the Black ariior, at the Creek village. It is the opinion of the cnie! that he will endeavor to do all the mil’- hi< f h pofiib'y can, as lie is now our laweJ in our own, and men are < ur in all circdians to t ike or kill hi m Ihe fettlcmciit in :1m losrk of liighy an J Alabama, are t! tired to take care, for fear he may tn !. ivor t<>commit fume dep ta •a'i.-n there, ;u ir is a weak part o! tee Li-Lm- ur. I.ikt wife on the f de ; ad road from I’ort Studdelt to H. luii.e. Sii mid he commit any depre -a'.ion.; at cither of tilole pla os i; v. iii not be by any order of tt* eh: f.. ShouU he commit any depredations in any ];art of your r.eig-diorhood yc u are defned by t ie chiefs to have him taken and tree.’ J as the law din&s. You mull not think from any conduct ol t!ie Little Warrior, that the chiefs aie any lo.s to the vtliiits. Should he commit any depredations there, do not by any rash means fall upon our villages that are above you, for they are friendly, and will not do any thing that is not agreeable to the chiefs. i ue chiefs are desirous that you ihouiil get the information as. quick as poilible, and that you may give inform.!!- :i to the Chickafiws and C.hoctaws, as both nations are well acquainted \*i:h him, and to put him to death whenever they find liu r, or take him a at.J de iiv r him up to the Lv.s cf the Ih.i lt 1 Oii.ti s. ■ u vail have it in your power 1 ■ information in that quarter before tne ehitls or colonel Haw k'ns can. I-e chiefs have not ici i!<_d ah theu bunr.efs agreeable to wifij. Wilt ti they fettle their aii'aiis th:y will write colonel Hawkins a true ft .tenant of the whole af.air, and then you will receive it from him. r l!u chiefs jiive ycu this, that you tsv he cn your purro a gain ft the r; leal. We aie your lrietids and v.-cll wishers. his Big 15 W Warrior, mark his Alex. A (’. Cornels, maik — - J NEWS FROM ! HF. LAKE. Ai.rany. Ji;nj-. 1. Attack upon SacUtt's IJai bar, cud 11 feat cf the linemy. \Ye <t( p the pi cis to niftrt the foil ‘wing which has come to hand by the- Western mail It is frt'ta the Utica Gazette tx ra <4 Sunday. Extruet of a letter, dated Sachet /’j I Labor, May 29. “ Ihe licit:tli, of five or fix fail, were difeovered ofl our harbor early yefh rday morning. 15\ 9 o*- el> ti. u was reduced to a ceitaii tj that it was their intention n* land. Alarm guns were immediately fired atu! every preperation made to give them a warm reception. A light witu! and lome ori-cr eauf< sprevtr.'- ed their landing until 4 o’clock this morning, when they clUcked ir, with to; fielerable I--is. 1 he action continued warm and general (i o’ei\>ik. when it terminated in the retreat of the 1 enemy to their fleet. 1 ain not able to giv? you the number of killed or wounded on c.’tiiei fide, but it is confideralde on both, l.t C,t>l. Arid;, i ji-- of volunteers, is among the fiain.— Cel. Backus, lit regt. light dia goutis, is (aid so Ire trorial’y woii.'id cd iu o general otTi irsVfthi er, - emy were fund dead on the fu Id. It is underflood that Gov. Frevoft commanded the enemy General Brown commanded >ur forces and fought bravely. The enemy are now making out of the harbor You mull wait for particulars. Iti l.Jlc, kc.” By to-days Rage from the weft, we km that cn tli?2sih it ft. Fort G.orgc opened a fire upon fotne cf eur boais, when a genera! c.annon aviiug took place all along the fron tier. In a fhoit time not a blork h‘.u!e or wooden building of ar y kind was ft Hiding in or the li.iiilh fort, whi: our fide ha iuf fered no 1- !s-:t injury. An imme diate tin veunm WO.S t xpetted. Fom Chauncey artiwd ell Ni agara on Friday the 2iff. Fort N agar a. May 25, ‘ 7 o'clock A M. In attempting to bring fome of our boats down the river, tney wore fne .1 up.n from the < pp; site Caere ; this brought on a cannonading all down the lines. Not a house or barrack is left (landing in Fort George. All have been burnt.— Not a man injured on our fide. A movement v.ili be made immedi ately. Montreal, May 8. Vv T e heartily congraiulate the peo ple of the ie loyal provinces, upon the arrival of fir James I ucas Yeo, at Montreal, and 459 able and ex perienced stamen, under the oteeft of that liiitiiiguifhed hcio, dc-Rined to take the command on the lakes. May 15. Gov. IVevoft and f.r James I.u cus to, with five companies 6{ grenadiers, kit Montreal for Up. per Canada on the 1 lilt inst. Captain Barclay of the navy ha:, ordered 8 ir 10 gunboats to b iiunituuttly Luiit at Kingflon.