The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, July 17, 1813, Image 1

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Three <!'JJ trs her annum .J Volume XIII.] DESULTORY. THE CURATE. The f liming eL gant ar i htgh’y tin Ih ’il pmtr.ii’ ot the charaghr of a cnu■ dry clerg vman, ts ex tracled from a p pul.u r><>v l,n titled *• I'he W:!d infh tt y. M Bv I) •niiij J. VJurniiv. ILs name was Ca b- ts. He had tuiin a curate ♦ r fix and forty y< us lie fought nor to be any thing (He. Hu- religion he pi f! i led had caught him, “ t laving i,> J atrd raiment, to he th< rrwith erm te.itand rhe fa ne <;.n i.-nee Ending to hit. habits, had en. o! and him bv temperance and pru l> nee to obtain a! bethought iitctfl.ny in life. If was married, and !, ad a son vvh"m he himfelf had edui.i tt • ; and who, like hirnfi f was in tht miniflrv. When I fpi. k•( the C'H ds of t|is mode of prayer o f p-. aching, I fp< ak of the efl ct- l wit (Ted iii the cotnte of a conlt'tit attendance (:> him. Ile nev.-r r- id prayers; h proved, and with Inch tio p and terv- r.t f cling, with cm p! lis lo obvcuifly (ugacfL i. no* by the art, but by ;he nature of fujyh cati >n; whli pratesfoftnngiy . ok e I b\ solemnity of rc >1!-. cti ait, and a fufp. rTion ot tlie ad, wi'lmut ?. m of the feeling, that h’s cu:igre<atio i adnofl u .cunfcioufly joined in the reipoufts, which were origi a! 1 v int ndef tor their utter* re, .nut hit the hirer of habit atid of i uiolerce yielded to the ho. lv etii -. y aith which fie poured rut h’ petitions I never her J a man preach zz h if. !t wis a scholar, t- whom few 1 n i ~>r met were superior. He U'as a man delighting in converia ti-m. in which, if light, he Could amid’ , and il ntative, he C >dd i'dlrrcl, in ire than ary one 1 . vc.r hffei ed to But in the pul pit, he laid afidt the uildom of V.ords, and the weapons of H sh y warfare altogether. i'hat ho was .• f< ho! .r y. u !t i ot; you teb not that he w s a mao of rich imagina ti n, orot (hong ria! >ning p ucis; you felt not that he or his difc-mrle could be referred t > any clols ol mind or composition, that could af f.ft \->u to judge of them in a tern poial fenie. But you lcit irrcfilli blv t?:at he was a b liever, p! i.'ing v.itli the power of conviction : that he was a religionifl, {peaking from experience, commending a lib he lived and a felicity he felt; that he fpuke & acled on principles, which though beyond the range ol exig ence, were n t bt yond the lange of reality; principles which he made piefuit and vivid, and lubil.m;i;d, idikr by the force of eloquence, ond the force of example IL was a fpeaker, who, of ah other.. I ever heard, succeeded moil in averting v ur attention from hitnfeif to his jub’j cl. It was long after his ir *:u’!is had concluded that you a.uld think of the preacher; l:k; the pried it) the* jewdh Ireiachv, he <ii - appeared ia Utc cloud ot iuceafe \ fiOTWfl’T'O'O . ■ V.. ;1A A J . rUiU.ISIIKI) (’ i:F.!;t,r) liV DAVID IMHI.LIIOUSE. WASHINGTON, (Gao.)—SATURDAY, JULY JT, isri himfelf font up. The ehrifiimity he preached, was such as a man would preach, who, ah!f racted from the ini! lo e of prejudice, itnl habit and felt v il dom, had fought hi;, fyftetn in r< v elation alone, and t< uruf ha ! f- *m ett it there I 1 was neither a frame of doct-uial t ictti-.s, curie mOv con. ftru£t-*f and totally in fit mrufe; nor a torm.ifir\ of habitual obit r vances, at which tin. utrn dance of t'.c f.odv rn.iv t-x-uL the nbltnce of the tnirul It wa- afyf tein. of v.hi. |. the p< inciples Were operative, in which rpii i m fu-Id lt< Itluriou t. practice—C'.iirifiiani* ty was delcrilttd av a dilpt. f.iti n, exh-liiting certain ♦ :t i-i the I if; and the belief, if subdued l)\ tfi IV fuels gifting the nioit imp atant and active c> :il qu ac s t > < ui mind and our liv s It m.iy be thought flieie - vio t >m* ‘hiiig in this to. tie ot reprefeiitati m to. argu m ns.*.ive at;d cotd (ju nti.i! i< : the comprt hi-nfi . oft uflic .mdu ic. ; it was n<>t l>. f’hough hts p fi ti ;iis wi re firing a:d impo tarn, they were cloth J i:i a Lotgui • v hole provider ri;.i ft. licity is, tlut iris ti.e mnverlal latigutg . the full Jaiigu ige tb*it religion t Iks to the tarot infancy* the lan mage that e nius reverences, and ign- rat ice up tier ft. mb', the largu ige of th. |. et nfid ..f the la.iit. the l;u. :u.ige of Jt vinuv anJ • I the heart, the language of rhi feriptures. He fp.>k’ as a father pleading with a wayward chil I ; he Ip k : ;is a judge with a criminal, to cmilefs an.l be forgiven ; as a guide w tfi a wanderer, to return and to relt. When lie finiftiid his fertuon. it not with Cooper’s *• well bred whiiper.” lie appeared for lome tim*. engaged in prayer; an effufi m of mind lo foltmn and do; p, that mod of the audience involuntarily j iiied in it ; th le who elid not Wirt awed and silent. When he came down, and wa'k and among us, though the thtrid**r ot bin tto qmnee was hufh-.d, his counte nance spoke tTill H had defeend cu fnuti the mount, fmt bis vihge retained the brightntfs ot that place. I t ue happiness is of a retired tia ture, and an enemy to p< nip anti n oik ; it ariies, in the ft rib place, from the enjoyment el one’s left; and, in the next, from the ‘riefiJ fliip and convei laiion of a few Idctl companions. It loves ftvi Je and ialirude,and naturally hauatsgroves and fountains, field* atid meadows ; In Ih it, it feels i veiy thing n wants veitfiiii itielf, and receives no addi ti n from multitudes .i wim lies ! and fp.-dat.ors. On the contrary, lalfe happintfs loves t > be in a crowd, and to draw the ty s t.l the world upon her. She does not rc ceive any latisfadion from the ap pl vutes which Ihe gives herlelt, but Lorn the admiration whir h (he rail es in others. She flourilli s in courts and pile * es. theatres anj al lemiri; s, and has no uut when 11-.. is tu keu upon. A BOLO KXIM.OI r. from rut. i.u/i.kmi. iki r. Ur Printer ‘lnch Ins been fii i dth hardihood of G-n. Dot niu, in 1 :. exploit ol killing a.v !f in hi., (fen tin* with -ur di ninifti ieg tht merit o‘ rhe genci al. 1 think I *;<y wii'ure to I>y (fiat oven uu'ie a lv - itu iiu.s .i.i inn ha . been sh - .vn by me of tiv neigfib u: : a v< ry qii “sand m de(t y m mm but not J for his boldness in ini’ ti ig. Die in'nabiiants of the N ish branch *)f VValufng i:i tnis ( uf.;y (S q>ieh tnna) had been nueh m left i by f m animal which t . v 1 to be a p.nth r, killing til i fhf p; and fro n fie I). ! .in. is with vvf'ich its depie la - o is Cos nnifel, th y imnngin cl ir fiad ii the n ighborbood. J n aiiim Klnvorh, taking his rifle, v. nt al ir. in* irh wo id; t,i try to die. over ’he lin e leu. Search ing ’cry c.iiefu ly around wherv er thee w;s .my appearance of track*, ii tie dc t.l leaves, h at lad c mtc t .i large h> I w pine ties *hi h hid ii- n h! r,vn down, a rou i.| wfi> h “ainy traces or padus vs ue dileoi r t ; >!-*. n ! *>:; applying his tar h.* dilfinttlv beared the bf alluug ot |.mu •,i i.ila-. if :ft ep i’l ir. this Was two ‘Mils ll ;ll J ii o-'I Ii i | j v, ,i con e> It I .’ i ... fj>.u fir w tii-h he had h rii u>S Fr-m r tt*i inaik- iiu:* i t..e tree, ti. w i *uie that tic you of Me aui ia: ,v,re in t ie | i ic.e ; but was uuu r t tin wriethcr the old otic was there of not lie heltta* lah us what was belt t<ir him to d>. 1] l-ad iiot e ven fits dog wit . Ii :u ian iuchuati 11 t t ;o tioine tel ~lj.t tnce but as he bad i.o aea..a of !t p; r g the dole in til tree, lie was tpp.c hetdiw- it the 01-l on wis t.. ti v.nti n, u might clcap in his an fence ; anj u it was :i ;| ii the tree but In u.J return wttil he was ab lent, iv iul-1 ditcovei his f. otdeps & probat). V 1-a i (;fl .’s V;U iii tn.s Jiictii na nc tel dvv ! to make the attempt .Vit. r unttop ping itts powder bur , atiu pa: i: g a ounet in tus mouth, in c-r. u t) be ready t > r.-10.-d i.r.m. Jntely, he to *s 1 1 *e- are. I.e cot;!.I lot te.e p... e m the tree .viicliee ti: • hmr iiig procreiieJ, tired, and mtiy Iti dpmg hack, oiled ‘as gutl t i kn • k .1 owii any an not that might attempt to ru h u N ::r made th'i attempt. Hr ;:g ,n .d.ied ami heaicd mucli ‘t ra ciiing in the tree, and in > ui.-,h heiuppoled to be tile breaii.tiig of i mie animal ahnolt lidgo.ate : with its bh,u J in fits fiiuattou tie itiolved ro go into the tree, but was fid! uncertain whether tin* td atuuial was vvitiii l or without IL- iia.l to guard as niu. n as pniii >i . agaiuti i< h i caid. He loaded :..s ..dc md i rawieil i.ito the tree i.u n ti i but cud lore m.)ft, fu .is lo O'* .id!.: to i*ro ni* h:e atit.ig milt sh >ufd he i>e at lacked in tile tear, and holding his ktiiu firm ly projected, I j as to meet any al to .pi in trout. Li ;his mimir. r ’.e cr pt ab ini ■ ftirty tut it. ••> the ti e, Wien i)c laid tils hand o.j .nthe i.g [Payable half yearly. [ NuMara f47. of something. He hauled it nut an ii; proved to lie a y utig wolf. I was dead. He agai** ue't n’ J In ought out another and id on- f h ba'l <*f hi- i H hi p fl. f through th. in both I'h'-re w..s a third one in fhi tree wh” !i w:i> v t alive I his one fie nv r;n a .1 br ught out alio. During all iia th* old on did not appear, an he waited a long tin e in vain lor its :e ----turu. PT F.ASVKE r iF FA TI XC, rt, AA ‘l pit cllu - i-It t- p\ - !)'*;> debt ! I ein.s r tl .\v from a<■ u hinaticiti < t i ir; umlian es, i. ii of which is pi nludivi of pi -I i.— In thi tint he retu ves ifn i.o ----c. finds winch a tun fpir t k. Is ‘•om depend* tic*, and < bhg iri n Ii aff'-rds p'eafu's to tfw crcdi> r, and ifieri liv gr.itifi- * ou* moft Ii and i flectt ns: pomotis rhat <u’u g ro*.t> :i net* v. hi eh i: 1 ffin •;> •it* l.oi.elt min i ; and opens a ; f. pi it of being nadily iupplie ■ w ‘ll v.hst we want on future* oct afi*‘T *■■. It leaves a Cohfejouf.iels of <ur wi virtue, and is a mrafurc which \>c I.t. iv to be rigl.t, boih in poii * f j iff I.l* and fund puli, v I : liy, it is the main fuppmt of reputaliuik ‘IIIF I. \! I. CKN PIKF. kA I tic;, of w f.ieh 11 l w ;'g ii •n t vr.,ct. (i ll into the han. us an acquaintance, who has polite ly hall id us an ixtracl from it fu. publicati’ n, supp finj ‘-.s it CeiluinL will) he read with great interdf by tv rv Am-ncan, ay L) in, the lalf leiiei < ver writ it by one of the m dt ga:Lnt gene rals in < uraiiny. who fell gl ri t nilv at the head of hi crduu'r: i.t the reduction ri York— Id a ven was certainly propiti u r.> h.s prayer, i r i)\ h s g *,!lai • y he lii, lun.L.i tbt s:a!l or He tmr i/nj slept in t/e arm i of -vtc tcry *’] b’ an and I it lligc n.t r, r..\/ract of ales r from tbt late Gen era! I‘ikt to bt fwl'tr . - t ritt, •> ,;t Unte-n vii!’ mar Satiett'* l!:r~ t . r , the day Ih f.rt t/\ t \p, tin a: :it cut ft tun tbt Idtt > f>la,t . i.t n buh that I’ ihalbii officer lo - his ¥ “ I emh -rk to in rr- w in th* fj . t at S • I la-bur, at the f eau of a. utm lit) cii i- c* t'd-.p ,•• 1- Cl tt CX j>e !! Ii —[ill! . |i tlf! . s my tbp>, h n.-ra'idgh ty await my itatn -- it del*, at, ft iii sh >!| it bt ! we d.c ‘■ like Inaie n n, and con. f: rt .] ‘ onor, even iti ueatd, on the Am, kiC.'.N K \Mi . “.Mu-uni 1 be the h ippy mortal difiii.ed t turn tin leak and uai v. iii rot \ou ti; ice, my Fat hi r ? hi y lie iveil he pr< pin. us an 1 fn i!e on the cauie of tnv c. m t v. But it ue an udlined M lad, i. . y r. y fall Le like Uh.lf’v— t] t .j, in the :.;:r.s cl \idorv ” Norfolk, June id. Id (AC ment* cf the tnt<n\. A..If r t. .y tour ir gait s atid n me ti-i dtis, fi-.iii the fquiuir >n i*i H in.j on K ads. pi'ocu if< it u; J. tiits Win - ; \.e t annul with cett-iLty lay itt>wi *r