The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, September 04, 1813, Image 1

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Three dollars J; r annum.} Volume XTH.j CANDID VIES. Tits following gentlemen arc car.- •iidatcs to represent Wilkes count), at ike next session of tie Legislature. for Senate Mattiti w Tai.cot, Esq. Pitt Mu ni r, Esq. For the House of representative. • Col. Johnson Wti-lborn, Thomas Tai no r, Esq. Col. M AOl H lit XDERSON, TMaj. Bi njamin Portir, Capt. Ahraiiam Simons, Cap:. David I*. Hui house. * r ” ■ * iioig4< f .7” The several romficmies q/ > rub' , o Safety (alius Torty- Tivcs ) in !Tilk s county. arc hereby notified to alien'! at 1 1 o'clerk a. in. on Friday the 24/// ‘?/ S' !>lm\le r n.xl, in llu- trim of II ashinytaUy lo he nut .tri ed and hirjnrt ’d. Bv orJer ol the Captains. DESULTORY. Norrot k, July ‘27. . TORPEDOES AGAIN: Mr. E. Mix. of tin. Navy, a gen tleman ol ingenuity and tr.terprii’e, has been sci itvsi ai weeks pall pre paring Torpedoes, to attempt the cxplofion of iome of the enemy’s flipping in Lynhaven bay. Ihe Biitifh 7-1 gun liiip Phntagenet that has for a mouth part been laying abreafi. of C;;pe Henry light house, and lias larely had the company of any other veflei, appeared to Mr. Mix as the tnoft iavorable object lor trying his experiment on. Accordingly, on the night of the U>th July, accompanied by capt. Bowman of Salem and Midfhiprnan M’Gowan of the United States Na vy, who vc.iuteered their afiiflance during the whole cf ti.c enterprise, he left his place of rendezvous and proceeded down to the Plantagenet, 74, in a large open boat, which he call? the “ C.hcfapeake’s Revenge,” and from previous observations fnund no diliiculty in afeertaining the pofnion of the liiip.—When i:e got to within 40 fathoms of her, he dropped t!ie Torpedoe over, in the very instant of doing which he was hailed by one of the enemy’s guard boats. The machine was fpedily taken into the boar again, and he made his way tft in fafety. On the right of the 19th he nude another attempt and was again difeovered ere he could act* anplifli his purpose. On the night of the 20:h he luc ceeded in getting within i.7 yards of the (hips bow, and directly under her jib boom. There lie* continu ed making his preparations for 1.7 minutes, when a sentinel from the fortcaflle hailed, “ boat aho\ f ” and fie- had to decamp—The senti nel not being anfwcred, fired his muP-.-.c, which followed by a rapid difclurge of I'mall arms.— Blue lights were made to find out *!• boat, but tailed; th--v ‘hen MONITOR. PUBLISHED (wee- i.v) BV DAVID P. 1111 LIIOUSK. WA-IUPTOTON, (Geo.) —SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 181.0. threw rockers in !id'*r/nr directions which ihu niuated the water t >r a considerable widrh as far as they were thrown, an 1 iu-'oe* h-d in dif cove i ig the vi it'>r, wii. n the fiiip commenced a rapid lire of heavy guns, flipped her cable? and made Ernie fail; while her b mis were dispatched in pursuit. Ihe daring intruders, however, cfc.iped unhurt. I’hc vifi: was r. peated on the nights of the 21 ft, 22 1, and 2:>d without fuectfs. as the lh:n, havin * taken tile alarm, changed her p al lion every night. Oil the niglit of the 21th, however, Mr. VI. fucceed cd in tindiug her out, and ha\ini? taken his position within 1(K) yards ! diltance, in a direction with her larh.rm! bow, he dropped the fatal machine into the water jufl as the sentinel was crying all’s well. It was Iw p r along with the tide, and would liav • completely elLcted it: crtarul, biit for a caule not proper to lie n rn. * here, but which may be easily guar led in future experiments, it explode Ia few fe con Is to > soon. l’he so tie w s t awfully lublime! It was like the con •’ cull: ti < f a:i cart quake, attended with a I And louder *.:id n *r t.-r ----rilic than the heivie'l peal of thun der. A pyramid < i water .*() feet in circumlt*r*n'*e was rh-ov n up to ’he height!) of :U> or do leet, it >• ap pears nee was a vivid red, tirigvd at the Tides with a beautiful purple.— On atccnJing to its gre.iteft JiJghth it burlt at ibe top with a tremen dous explofum fell iti torrents on tile deck of the fliip, which roll ed into the yawning ciiafin below, and had nearly uplci ; impervious darkness again pi evaded. The light occasioned by tlic explofl *n, though fleeting, enabled Mr. M. and his companions to dilcover that the forechannel of the (hip was blown oft', and a boat which lay a long fulc with fevers! men was thrown up in the dreadful convul sion of the waters —Terrible indeed ?nuft have been the panic of the (hip’s crew, from the noise and con uifion which appeared to our ad venturers to prevail on board : and they are certain that nearly the whole ship’s crew hastily betook themfelvcs to the boats. 1 hough they did not succeed cn this occasion in dellroying one of the enemy’s (hips, Mr. Mix is rather encouraged than dishearten ed. He is refolvcd to make anotli tr attempt as soon as time and cir cumftanccs will admit, and he ap pears confident from the experience which practice has given him, that he will he able to make future trials with a certainty of success. Since the Torpedne exploficn on Saturday night, the Plantagenet ha. been guarded by a 74 and 2 frig ates, which, with two or three ten ders, comprise ail the flipp*pr at prefer.’, in Lynhaven. FROM FORT GKOKGi. | W c are informed by a gentleman who arrived in the ft age on Sunday evening, and who left the army r.n Iv- -nd iy morning, t!ut on Sat ’ pie Ceding, a corps of riflemen, who were mi: on a foraging |%’vy, were attacked by a fup* rior force of the enemy, and retreated ti : ! they were supported bv the 2::d, under :YI, j r Wool, who had fever,il f. 1.1 pE jcs in: Ik ‘d by his platoons, and load ed with granc. On the enemy’? approach the field pieces were un .1 and poured upon the ene my’s ranks a deftrudive fire, and compelled him to retreat. Asa i roiig reinforcement of the enemy were advancing, our force did not put fee. Our I is was 10 killed and wounded; that of the enemy is fuppofej to have been !OJ. t - n About midnight on Sunday night the Ihip Caroline, lying at Five Fathom Hole, was boarded by a boat and twelve nun, well armed, from the United States* schooner N nluch, under ilie orders of mi l fhipinan Stevens, in ttie* charadei of a B itHli rflicer, from one of the enemy’s vtflels now on this coast, v/hen the c-itnuiancfer produced a p d.lport from admiral hr J 1?. War ren, permitting a Rullian tncHenger to proceed with dilpa chr, born the Ruffian minilter here to h s couit, dated the 12 th ts April last ; and attached to laid palfport was one it fun admiral C.ockburn, p. riiiitting the vefli I carrying laid mefllng-.r to take a cargo, tree from moldfation by anv of his uij|euy’s crb.zers, da ted the !Bth ol May. I his fineflee was well cor.duifled by midflnp nan Steven.-, ;.nd ail the ntceffary infor mation obtained. 1 underhand the papers have been lubmitted to the proper authority lure, whole duty it i. to rake cognizance thereof, and tile ihip permit!. Jto pi i r ud ! Charlaton City Curette. A PROVIDENTIAL ESCAPE. A young man by the name r f Thomas King, a native of Charles ton S. C. and formerly a I’earnan on board the United States’ brig Vixen, having been paroled ?.t Ja maica, was returning home in the cartel Rebecca, Sims, when he was prcllcd on board the Britifl) 74 Poic - tiers, as she was entering the Dela ware, under the pretext of his be ing an Englishman. The Poidier? soon after was ordered for B.rmu da, where, having arrived, young King was transferred to the Ruby guard-fhipof G 4 guns. Having de termined to attempt ids cfcape the firlt opportunity s! at oifered, be nurchafed of one of hi . meli; irte* i imall peek'd comp:;,';, which hr nl ways carried about .him—and o.xa fionaliv k'."'t his eye upen a f.r.c large fautti: -beat before:'ng to the fliip, which w: ■ cc*mmm!y k pt ;*.- kng f Sun.b-y *he 2 7th Julv, feme of the of], ers ! u taken ti.ia boat cut afciiiin* , and reua ned along fide in th.* duh o! the eve ning where site rctnam.* ! fame time v itl; !.*cr re Eh?, fi;;!., r- ider, fee. all tlanding: ibis youthful adventurer, having feeurad two loaves -'>l Lm - ;iJ and finie v.ntev, got into :! : bun:, .hi mi the Est, and drift-1 ‘ h f -i % . . • (Payable half yearly. had got Tune difiance, when he hoisted fail, a very uncer emonious leave of Bermuda and the Ruby. Thus, in an open boat with Icarce provifioils enough ro laid him two days, he committed lii’ii r If to So ft ir*lL **va, lO travnfe an ex panic of 0 or ?OC miles!—When inclined to sleep. lie lathed the tiller lo his aim, so that ii tl.c boat wore round, it would caule a iudditi jerk of tlie tiller, which would awaken him'a gain. He txpetienced no debility or firknels Iron; tilt icantindsol bis meals: and with fine weatherrnd a fair wind nearly the whole way, ihe made ala uling about ten miles to the fmtbward of bhipe Henry, on l uelUav the 3d inflant. beii g a paflage of !.* days! liie boat is ‘ i tons burthen, and il (he could be got round here would probably fell for JSO dollars!! —Norfolk Herald. Nuw London, Augnft 4. On Monday tv.ning fait, two boats from the Ur.ktd States and two from the IVlared -nian, under the command of I/eur. Galager, made au excursion i;.?j ihe four: i In the night a final! boat under the dii flion c,f Midfhipmsr. Ten I /k, bung leparated by a strong wind and tide from the others, landed on Gardners Island. In ri.-,- morning finding the-mlelvcs under ;:n gun--, oftlie Rriiuilie.., the boat v as haul ed on ftiore. Son after a Sea: came on tin .e from t!.c Families, arid (fie ( fiiceis went to dwel ling house. Midfttip nan Ten Eyk iei-.ed the favorable motrn nt ; n;ad-: prisoners of thole who we r e left with tiie F.nglifh boa% and then with t.vo nun piv .euii J to rlie fioufe where he took two Lieut* n ants ; makirg in r.!i prisoners of 2 lieutenants, I midshipman, ) nuif ter’.-. mate, and live feanen. Find ing they were tiifeovered by the }E indies, the captiv- > were parol. !.*d, and Mr. Pen Eyk and crew tnade their escape to Long Hland, leaving their boat behind. ‘! he fuccecding night the other boats took them oft'. Com. I>< has fnce lent a flag for the boar, iijion the fuppofiticn that die was tak- rt oft by the men who were pat oiled. Com. Hardy refufed to give her up on that ground, faying flu* was launched !y two nun who were not taken, but would make a prelent or her ; which cfl'ur of courle was not accepted Thu R. •unities md Orpheus, rc r,:iii. ;.t ’.'lei;* pelt Gardner’s Eland. THE MISSION TO SWEDEN*. j Ti.e • 1.-. ft f'uthern mail (frys the Tb.lti; IVibg) fmniftted ex traO.s from ti * proceevirgs and th? Set*ate of the Jnitcd State• on the C’ ecuti"e non ‘• atinn iw* a minister to Sweden, i'iufe cxtraeU amply confirm the juftic** of c .r remarks in t!.e bft V/hig rn this fuhj*.ti; white th y <!.i not afford a solitary rtafl n in support oi the rC hi. n 1 v the ft-of tin? n iffton m Sue ** ’ ••• t j *’ V x . • 0 Numulk