The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, September 25, 1813, Image 1

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Thru’ tfu’f.ars J, r annum, i Vot.o-.MK XIII. J CANDIDATES. Tin. folbwitig gentlemen are can d. lutes to represent Wilkes county , at the next sci lion rf the Legist at at .. For Senate. Ma i Ti:i:v., Iftq. PITT Milner, Esq. For the House of representatives. Col. Joiinsok, Thomas, Esq. Col. M/.f;!-:r Henderson, Maj. Benjamin Porii.r, ('apt. Abraham Simons Capt. David I*. Hilliioisi:. j * m ii mmmmmmm ww—> DESULTORY. ‘I lie rale of info ranee from Eng-* land to the Wed Indies for veilcft failing under convoy, is laid to be .'5 and a half per cent. The Montreal Herald of July Ml announces the laic arrival at ()ue bee of the fleet from Malta, having on board Ivleuron’s reg’t. upward: of 11 Oi) lh ong. 1 his corps is prin cipally composed of Germans and invifs. h fan future. —An exfenfi. •vooien tnanufaclury will soon be ::i ope. rath :i a! Burlington, N. J. Merino wool Is p.trr.hafed at 2 dc l ars per pound. A cotton spinning and weaving manefadory, on a large fi ale, is cow conitructing on the canal at Richmond. The building in every part is to be fireproof. The* con flagration of one room will not haz ard the deftroption of any other. Mr. Charles Whitlock, is erect ing a (hottower at Richmond, 15f> L et high. A citizen reading in the proceed ings rt Congicft the following par agraph : “ Ihe members present were then qualified* and to< k their feats,” remarked that he was right glad tiny qualified the member:; at Wall;- tngton, for he was furc the tuem her from his diltrid flood valid) in need of it. [Raleigh Star. Cbillicotljs , (Ohio J August 17. Honor to tie Brave/ —We are informed that a few Patriotic Ladies cA this town have gcneroufly con tributed to purchase an elegant iWORD, with a view of prelent :ng it together with a luitable aJ- Ircls, to the gallant Croghan, as a testimony of the high fe.ufe which they entertain of his lervices in the •..te glorious defence of Fort Stc tdicnfon. This tribute to valor is honorable to the character of the fair patriots as it muff be grateful to the feelings of the gallant ofiicer ’ j whom i* is ad.drefl’ed; and will, •undoubtedly flinuilate him, as well .5 his competitors, in the held of Honor, to redouble their efforts in •he for vice of their country, in ;r- Icr to merit the future approbation and ti eir fair countrywomen. Y/c cannot he!p calling the at ’ ritior. of our reader:, to tiic- noble ondutft. of Croghan and Ids brave liiociate: at canduflcy, after rcpul ; ‘.he enemy, s p . dettiled Ulow. 1 M ON I TOR. rURUSHEI) (wi:eki. >) HY I.)AV r ID P. HILLHOUSE. WASHINGTON, (Geo.)—SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 181. T. The enemy had fought their lives, had opt dy menaced their extermi nation, had declared that he* would give no quarter 11c was repulfcd lie was vanquifiied by a handful of men. He left the ditch full of his wounded, and retreated with preci pitation, leaving his Indian allies featured at a iliftance round the fort, to revenge the loft of their comrades by chance (hots from the deadly rifle. Regard left of the danger from this fire, ou; brave f;I ----diers employed th< rnfelv; utter having been on duty for thirty !sc ceflive hours, in letting down water in buckets to the v 0.1 tide* 1 • f the enemy in the ditch, whi*m the daik neli. of the night and tin. uncertain ty of the retreat of the enemy pre vented them from relieving in any ether way. What an imerc-llii.g lubjetfl for the painter and :hr poet What a beautiful picture of. rofity and humanity does not thi -> exhibit ! Such, a feen*’ in oth* i na tions would of itlelf immurtali/.- the actor: in it. But licrc, it is in ly regarded : s a trait marking the conduct of American citizen (oldie ry, wherever if rha raft; i has been Dsiiiy developed, I, fiiot.c forth vith r ‘*<: iliar ! lflre. 4 Tati nat In!hi •/ star. U’kH'.Ng oi or.u ;• n India. Fmu Kl’.'idly Ctrail.!/ alive t. the Missions is. India The number for July contains a report or 70 Women 1 u.ied alive on the funeral pile of their dcceafed husband:, in May and June lull, leaving 184 Orphans. I'he places where the burning occymi, are situated “on both (ides of Calcut ta, from Cafiimhazer t<. the mouth of the lloogly.” Ihe fume num ber of burning', on an yvarage, is laid to take place ewiy two months in the y ear, except about the con of the rains, when the mor tality among the natives is general ly gieatoll, and the burnings iu creale in proportion. One of the dcceafed lira mins had mairied 25 women, 13 of whom dieJ during his life time; the remaining 12 per iflicd with him on the funeral pile, leaving 30 children to deplore the fatal effects of this horrid sytte/n.** Some year, ago,:. Koofena lirah ir.un, of considerable property, di ed at Soort-(!hura, three unit. rail of Serarnporc. lie had married more than 40 women, ail of whom died before him, t.vcf pting i H ; on this occasion, a fire extending JO or 12 yards in length, was prepared into which the remaining 1 H threw liiemfetvcs, leaving in- , c than > children, many of whom are !i :1 living. Among the dif.irgi.LTiM pub”:, charaflters who followed the iicarie of the fallen heroes, Laukinci. and Et ni.ovc, were the Yice-Preii dc-nt al the United St at , Major- Gciura! il. Dearborn, Brigadier- General T. If. Cufhing,and a long train of military officers in uniform. \* . * r*-* •‘t'p I fwivwop i* * * •• V - * • ■ t • . ‘ 4 , t • < rnor Strcr.g rmr anv of his coun cil, in the proceflioa. Boston Patriot. Judge Story, in his libeial and atledionate eulogy, never uttered a word by which it could he known to what parly he belonged. The more liberal, ration. I, and honora ble clals of federaliib, mixed their Lghs and tears with Ac republicans on this mournful occasion ; while the cold-bloody sr.d bitter anglo , :rpi* :d and trembled :.t the chrillian like fympatHy, and ! U-ycd away. Ilrid. The federal papers of town, I wvrr tioce u was known that Capt. (..i.Avninlhield v,as about to j:ro i ce* 1 f * the bodies of Lawrence and LudEvr, were mod intolerably in / i -i.d vile almfe against him ■ foj this generous :d. On Mon g:a they *xhorted both parties to mi in paying the tribute of refptft to the remains of our gallant coun trymen, and iilhed w we can n t, on this occasion, b , “ all fed ir • .lists % all republicans P’ and yet the Daily Advertiser, a few days I fore, atked v. hat l.onrr could be paid tr a mar v - “ Crownin fhkld is el es -• . *.(T, and a Story </1 f ‘riot 4 | y . 4 ! The b. t• ■’ tli- hypoenfy ! of the Be! 1 . beggars all •ji fenptjon. I'he feu* ral.’lts of the south deff. ‘: tuchfcdcralirut, ;.ud disclaim ah communion with them. Multiplied indances prove that there never did cxift a (action with !ef Imnor, or left principle, and with more mean malignity, than the one here, who cal! thenilelves the Laden rs federalism. Ibid. A ing Ft euiusc bcri- • i! . / ‘ bid atari** It is dated in a late Indiana pa per, that the Ihitilh have crowned TeCUmlcll i\ IN il O! am. a itr. IN rat war wirh ilie U. States, .md that tin* day e>t his coronation v... celebrated wish the firing of cannon, f*. ding and dancing! As I” !i:iL Jiiltrcwe exills in the char , adlciiilics of .hi; new accelTor to ‘"L v dignities and his “royal bto , bier of England,” their difttnguilh isi titles may necifTaiily be fimiiar . —George the 3d i’eir.g known as . the “ huhvark <f religion” in inma, ai.d hi., majesty Tccumfeh I. hence forth in America as the Indian ‘‘bulwark of religion.” Baltin. :ri Patriot. ERIYATEER YANKEE.. | .1 (.Vlln.Ni I , (h. I.) AUGUST 20. Arrived ; t New-Bedford, on the ) 17il) inffant, from a muTe of cigh ■ t) ei -lit days, the privateer brig Yankee, of Hi idol, (u. l.) Elidia Sn >w, coiimxiiu r. We have been favoix.l wit/-, the i Uowir.g account ( I her a uife-- M *y 28, lilt. 38 N. ion. Ci3, ] 8 \V. the* Blockade in company, cap tured the Engliih btl.j William bom Halifax for Jamaica, valued I at etie hundred and eighty thoui- i : .I dr liars. Since tecapruu and. May fto !r. .*sfi, W, lon. \ Payable U alf yedrly. having separated from ihe Id ,rk ade, captured the English t'.ri; Thames, three hundred and thir teen tons, coppered to th bends, fourteen guns and twenty men, loaded with 2039 hales of cotton, from Brazil. Arrived, at Portland and fold for 130,000 dollars. June 23, lat. 45, 27, lon. 10. 12, captured the Euglilh cutter fl top Earl Camden, 119 tons, from Londonderry, for Bermuda, valued at ten thousand do!!.ms. Ordered her in. June m, 55, 7, Ireland in fight-, captured the Lnglifh b;ig Eli. zabeth, one huntlrcd and liby-levert tons, tvo puns 2;.d ten men, cop pered to the bends, t: in Biaail, • loaded with 888 hal *. c- “ n, valu- I cd at 10,000 dollars, t Jrdered j her to France. Same day,’captured the English biig Watson, 234 tons, three guv and fifteen men, from Brazil, i. ed with 13?(> bales of cuttm -Icd at 30,(XXJ dollars. (;• 4 1 to France. July 1, captured the T > Cere;, of London I little value gave her i * i tain, who was the ow s July 2, Ireland in figur, ! the English brig Mariner, -j. . loaded witli 157hhds. ami :i, ers sugar, 172 puncheons rum, > bales cotton, 25 bags pirnenio tons logwood j one of the Jam. r a Beet— valued at 70,000 dollar:. Oidered her to France. July 27, lat. 40, lon. 42, board ed the Spanish fliip Actif, who in formed that the frigate Effcx was in the river of Plata about the 25th of May, having on board an im mense sum in specie. The Yankee has been chafed by one man of war only during her cruiie, which she ouifailed witii efile. This is the third fuccelsfui crude Ihe has mad:*, haring captured in the three cruises /;:• uytux Lvfi:.’ vessels , and has not lofi a man. ; l/ on: tb: Savan sab Republi. THE SOLDIERY! ADIEU. livirk ; hark! fond last. the trum pet founds, ’T is honor c.dl: to war, My lovcl leave,perhaps for wounds. And beauty, for a fear. But oh! fuppr.-fs that riling fi >*. And check that falling t.,ir ; Lelt loft did rest Ir >in beauty’:• j Create anew born Ear. My life to fame devoted was, Ert- yet my lair 1 knew; And lliould 1 now deft,t htr cauil, 1 Bhouid Ihe worthy you i et ’tis not fame alone invites, i hough lame my boloni warms j My Country’s violated rights, j my soul to arms ! j FJ/jUR JURP.TLS, TIUUT C./.Y.vV, cT Mi)BBT STANDS, T‘• ’>!> Afbly i t *. (. Camrsii.T f Numulr G 57.