The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, October 30, 1813, Image 1

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Three dollar per annum, j Volume XIIM For the Monitor. J To th; Editor. DESIGNING men, or In otkr men who call ‘Federalists,” sometimes “Friends ts peace, union and commerce” and at ‘-her times, the “ Muhvarkt of religion,” are inftdiouiiy inlinuating that whenever ihe people aie cali.J upon for the new federal taxes hey will make a great node, anti ger riaps icbel. To apply the te:in or rebellion to the people of ihk coun try, is to me not Lfs strange than inexplicable. Vw ho arc they to rebel a* .tinft ?—thcmlelves ? ‘1 hey have no matter nor monarch at their head, and ii they do rebel it mult be againlt thcmlelves, the “ Suver ci u People” lam one cf the pt< p! :,. plain man, a farmer, who neve- folicital public favor, cr the fulFr.iges of my fellow-citizens, and 1 hi’ indignant whenever I hear u ir.a.ici >LS person slander the gov ernment at the expcnce of the peo ple. .Anho’ a plain man, I have r.or inattentive to the politics of tnv country. I have noticed the commotions of Europe ; I have fee n ration*'! law trampled under foot; 2 have fecn a diredt attempt made by Great-Britain, (the power with rn v.c are now at war) to lap our liberties, and reduce us to a of vaflalage—and 1 have fecn those fame men who endeavor to sport with the feelings and charact er cf the people by representing the as oppnlfive and unjust, exert their ingenuity in offering apologies :or the violences committed oil our lovereignty by G. Britain. It is true wc may be hurried into lome extravagance of exprefiion for lit■=• r i.ment, by the falfe reprefenration of wicked and designing men—bat We arc lure to take time for confiJ •: ition before wc aft, and bv that means get relieved from the intox icating poison poured down our throats by knaves and quacks— Kcalon again refumes its sway, and v. h.xi-tne again lenfible of our i viable situation as freemen. I trull that there will always be found \ tfi. ii.nt honesty and intelligence among the people of the it- dates, to guard them a ainft anarchy & cct.- Jufion, tor whenever that period ar rives, our liberty is gone forever— and its doling day will be ovcrcaffc with clouds of blood i The fadious geniry arc finely worse than mad, or else the’ - are vain enough to think the people arr fools The cultivators of the foil are the fuvereign rulers of this land .1 liberty-—ln the time of war they furniih the men who fight our bat tles ; and either in peace or war, they ultimately furnifh the ways &c means of governmental fupporr, and may be truly termed the life and finewo cf the nation. Such people as thtle will not readily con lent to trifle or sport with th< ir lib erty, merely to gratify a f<‘t of men guided by paftion or by feme other inh rnal fpirit—for tnuft be the guide of the designing men alluded ?p. 1 have br;rd nun abule * PUBLISHED (wEii iLv) BY D AVID P. V ILLHOUISE. WASH!NGFONT, (Geo.)—SATURDAY-, OCTOBER 30, ISIS. aJinimilrat; ot ;h_ general gov ernment, whole names will notap pear on the tax lift ; nor will they directly or indirectly pay uar cent of the tax which they so keenly condemn. In a former lettvr I took occasion to lay something to the enemies of Gov. Mitchell; and 1 now folemn !y call up*-i the !■'vs of the state (the ;rntntdi.i*e political organs of the people) to guard themfeives wr-l agiinft prejudice, to consult their ce.nftkuents before they aifem- • b!e at Milledgc. i!le, and know if , they arc yet ri/u y’> a change E the j political cl ‘ract >• >f the state —in ordan ;■ be brief as well ar. plain, , ask them, f u ts their wish that you should tint a r:j>r.. u. Governor /• r two year by way of experiment —t c it is net lei's your Ll/v to coufuU them on groat political quell .us, than ii is tucir right to demand that you fhouid do so. A; one of tin people I have takan the libeity to give you my fenii.ix nts. I he rights, infer?’*. and honor of the people or iV i, ue. • violated and abuft J hv the it are of th'.v ft ate, fotnc time in the y ar 171 Thofs who were not old enough to feel the tranlacliun a? tile time, have been reminded of by the indignant cxprvfii:; ft .Jr fathers Those who voted f r the sale of the Yazoo i.ak vs, tnay j,rJ>- ahiy recoiled the date of that tranf a&ion better than 1 Jo. Such were rot compelled by the honed indignation of their couflituf-uti to change their, have be come like wandering jc vs, who, though they may p ’ ■ icL us in the file of razors and \ iblx ns, can nev r enjoy our confidence as merdiatua or political agents. AN OSBFRVLR. ‘l iIF. following cxrrafit from the Nafliville * Clarion,* of Btpt. 25.!.. affords us more curtain information than any before received, -J the reported movements of the L r.nef fee miiitiu, again If the noitile Indi ans of the Creek nation. CREEK EXPEDITION. During the left. week, the citi zens oi Trnr.ellee were continually agitated with alarming intelligence of the approach of tin* hoilili In dians on th : frontier cfa neighbor ing territory, The . iri/ens of l)a ----vidlor. and the adjoining counties with a spirit highly honorable and meriting much praise, VOLUN TEERED and pushed ly compa nies for the frontier -/the county of Madison, detevn ined to .aftbrd every aid in their power to the in habitants. It is belie <il that there are now and will be in the field in a week from this date at It alt .5,000 of our brave citizens; confiderabie part ot whom furnifh their arms, provisions, and ammunition necd fary tor the expedition. May tlu-y meet the foe and pur.ifh his tenieri i ty. Col. Coffee wi;h the ballancc ol bis regiment flat: to-riorroiv morriing. By a ger-lcTjm from L>R-Te:i neTee we understand that Gen's, j White and Daugherty have {farted with about 2,0(X) men frem that part ol the {fate ; ai;d they muff by th s time be in tile Cherokee nation. It is expected that Gen. Cocke uili have the command of those troops. Gov. BLOUNI’s Letter. Kashvllle, Sept 24rh 1P1:3. ! Sir -You will forthwith cr!i our, r>. “dtavous in the fhortdl {rrr.c ticatf'.: timt*, at Fayetwilld, .Lin coln ( ‘ uinty, two thousand of the rr.: i; an-.l volunteers ot y. r j li.u., mualt tfteui to repel an appria hing mvafion and attack to be r ic t* l y t!ie Greek Indians on the tronti-. r of .fadilon County, id T an ! t!.<* frontiers of this Etc; which .iitrormaiiwn 1 hare j this motnev.l received by expreis ‘ itch.; v apt. .le.ih u, ol the Uni tv. ’ St: • .. anr.y, comma* din j,oftl. r.r at 1 liimpion conunu.iica r jc! under c<v?r of a letter un ‘ved from ( apt. B>.ih u of { mutfi illc. Ihe United .State. C ot.n .ct'.ir v ll* by your order, fun ilb pro\i fio :s, and .B. Lewis, A D (J. Mailer, will fumi'ii atnniiii’t tioii and othf neo-flary supplies in his department—You \ iii n qciit the limiter m?.(Lr, or inspector, Col. R. 1 layes, to muster the troops into lervice. Delay is inadmiftiblc. You w ill obferyc niv order cf the i i 4:h August last. J Your obedient servant, | WILLIE BLOUNT, i vj. Ccn. /ladmo “far Lon. ~d Division Ihit ms see Militia. SOUTH AMERICA, os ad of a letter dated M rale l u Jc , April 11 th ff* i “The li ue ol place has been c.-niinutd now lor near Even monk t. [t,y from t!.e middle of bEftc ,h. r laltj) and there is little pri ![i. ct .if its ui firg in leun nr re un!< is dir.itli ar. J flarvution bri g it to an cr.d. report cf lall night i.> ih; t i'gi {.:)• tiers have di I iri the citadel since the fiegt, hr want of n ;rin innt and nivui ;.! aid—the r.i r A” r* t hy.r h edi<.d ir. the h. ipi;: 1 and private houses is unknown, but were you to Lc tho ghaft.v figures thst stalk the Ifretts begging lor bread, and even a can dle [winch is generally the amount of the charity they receive} yon i would think tire crave had o:.c; and | again and treat tha dca ! had walked ! into the city; but this excites no ’ pity in the hearts ot the: ! ders.** i Gm. Tcletlo, at the head of the ! Revoiutionilts if Texas, on the !Brh Augult, * ntirvly and Ttated by the Rnyai'fts under Arredondo— -300 Americans supposed to be f.ft —Toledo, Kenner. Perry, and ft) others retired to Nacogoochtb—L B. Wilkinson, aid to Toledo, arri ved at Nat. liitoche ■, to colit am munition to enabh them to make a ilard at Nacogdoches. IH Amend Eratti^er % Oct. Vo [Payable half yearly. T Nut* per 6G2. CaNANHIAOUA, Sept. 22. About 1 Jl) or 200 Indian war riors tlie Oneida and Stockbridg.V tribes have puffed through this vil lage within a week part, deflintd for Fort George. Brig. Gen. Williams has left Fort George lor the southward. Defeitcrs come into Fort George daily—t! ■ Indians are laid to have r.a. ly ai! left the British army.— * It is rmr.cntred that they have gone to Maiden. Accounts from Canada slate, . that fickr .fs prevails tlx re to an a larniii.g degree, as well among tlx fr: ps as the inhabitants. Ceij. Wilkinson bet n f. i::. ed. with* the. Ever, but was I'elcent MORE INDIAN NEWS. ‘ Mii.EErj3Evii.tF, Oct. 2C. In a difpan.h to Gen. Floyd of the I'jrh, Col. H iwkius dates that ].SU IJcliies on their way to join, the* loinatics were defeated a Lvf ‘■htys bclorc by a party sent out frou> Cowet.tu to intercept them, flu* inis on both lides was incor.f.dura Lie. Alter burning the tov. n and destroying all the corn of tlu ir ad vifaries, the friendly Indians tetuin u-Lbru.k to Cowetau. A rupture is iikely to take placr between the Cherokees and hulfilr Creeks in consequence of the pre ; datory incursions of the latter. I i:a po jit an t d?.s? ato rns * Received last evening by Express. [copy.] | Nashville, (Jit. } 4th, 1812. Sir—l have the honor to inform you that Majors Gen. Jackfi n and Cocke, of the Iff and 2*i Division., of Tenneflec Milirii, are now ir. the lervice ol the povunnunt, ami that they cac!: cointutr.d a detaelt nxm ol 2,.500 men, ordered lervice to acf lepe lately again ft the hefti *c Greek Indians, or in ronrert with the m 0p.% orJcreJ fiorr. the Sr;"c of Geo.gia hv Government ic r the fame purpose, together wuh loth n alar troops ris niay be or t'oted to co operate vkh rhen. as a ImnwltJge >i oircum ft antes n.ay teach the propiiety. They vii from time to time ad vile yen <* their march, pefuions, novements, and intended attacks in dut time, so as belt to promote the public J lervice and effect the objects of the j campaign. J have the honor to be very rclpetlfully, Your obedient servant, WII.LIE BLOUNT 1 C /T*. Mitchell , Georgia— or 1 ice commanding officer of Georgia ‘Troop: in service [ix TRACT.] Head Quitters, Camp Blount, Cfl miles north of Huntsville . Miss: - sippi Territory, Oct. 10, 18is. Sin—l have the honor here with to forward you a letter from his Lx* ‘*lk.ncy Governor Blount, by which jra will be adviled myft It and Mii : '>r(iin. Cocke, vc'lHr..] *n ‘hr field, with each