The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, November 13, 1813, Image 2

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and who at the lame lime claims to be an American, is a cold blooded traitor. At the commencement of the prelent contell, our old revolution ary heroes had nearly all dropt ofl iheftageot li.'p, and from our long t habits of peace, the handfull of j ■troops kept on our frontier had af forded but little opportunity h r the j •ditplay of military genius. ()t:r Na- | vy alio was, as it were, in a Uate of infancy; yet with this handfull ol force, were v.c compelled in de fence of our incftimable rights to encounter, av I have before obierv cd, the mofi powerful and at the | iiune time the null abatid. me ! gov- - 1 eminent that ever tyrannized over J any country. • N- twithft.vulirg tin’s apparent disparity ot i’orce, vet with our nu merous and biavc poruDfi ; nrd a country abounding in a!* .e ----iourcte ntcefi iy .t! -r t five or ilefenfiv’ waif 0.. v. •. < . * for a tnnn ent onuht • • ■’ iccefs. VL irh ;> Hole i x, r.r. ’ :i,< - ait war, which w-c <• dadv, cur fii ers and r •• f. n tea. li tfic R :/ h I ir if e bet'. • •’ . . v ligb ‘b.'ba'N -f ‘he kepub'ic, ami tsitrct • u v y fl.aes i. r.tendif;- for inj since li J o.iprellion the ordtrs ol adt, • But what /hall bo laid o! our nave,cur in ant navy!! Its arhicveim-it in a rela tive point of view ar • unparalleled in the hilfory of any country ujvn the face ot the globe, ihe ene my with l:is thouland flops c>f war has to bond of but tw r o triumpi.s over it, whilst we can claim alinofl as many as we have (hips. May we not hope the late victory pained so gallantly by Commodore l\rry and his brave afibciates on Lake Erie, over a fupcri r British fleet, and the command <>t Lake Ontario r.ow obtain* <1 by the brav Gh iun cev. will lead to the accomp ilhniem ct T. ev. nts w f'i’ h r uli nltir:late ly “ ‘opt! the enemy r * make ptare upon i> n- rabWtvrms, • r be tiiiv- 1 on tiv i the contin-t.t ? I think thev vdi Our arn'.v in th fe re j giens will now. lie able to ad wit!) better effect, and the blood ihn Ay lavage, paid and ic.ftigat'd to f.alp and tomahawk tmt only our de feucelfcfs let tier, on the Ir ‘iitier, but our unioitunate pri! ner-., v. ill be checked and rellraim and. Whilfl; v c are er. v.gcd in a con reft for the maintenance of thole maritime rights which as an inde pendent nation we claim under the long tflablifleJ principles of gene ral law, or law of nations, we are under peculiar obligation to render the homage of our gratitude and praise to a bountilul Providence lor the plenty with which our country abounds in ail tilings neceflary lor our comfort and convenience ? Our farmers and planters raise their own grain; their flocks and herds supply their own beef, bacon and ( lamb; and their wool am! cotton are both fabricated by the indufliy i of the family into cloth for dcmiettic i use. Not only so, but a confidera- ! ble fur plus remains, by the dilpolal j cf which, sugar and coffee, &c. j which hv long habit have become ; in iome mealure nectlfarits of life, ; are procured. And the lame ne- . ceflity continuing, we fliall add to j our independence by the culture of I many articles which ate at prelect ! fuppiied by importations from broaJ. By the efforts ol fume cn- • terpriling individuals in the south- i , rn and eaffern parts cl ou r Out". it ( has JetwonU rated that t'ne su gar cane cat* be cultivate, and vit I sue cels; and cur climate and foil arc peculiaily well calculated for pro ducing both w ine and oil. lienee our independence ol b reign sup plies will be ensured, and the Amt j rican farmer ar.d planter, and those •of Geoiada particulaiiy, will stand j erect, the m* fl if *:- lubnt human 1 beings upon th’ tic* of the earth under the reltr/i; its civil fotiety Happily for tui flute, fa lias been ns yet exempt from those ma lignant fecnes of outrage which ! have marked the progrds of tlie cn- j emv in other parts of the Union; but he ;;ml his favnge alius to the n nth. liavo fina'flv ! utT**ei!ed it* changing the nf ct of afl.irs on our Indian frontier. A large pro portion of the Creek Indians are :n a li. .re ol I;< fliiity us. L me families were mt;rd> red mar ic mouth <1 Ohio in li.e c uile o* the i; !i lun>” • r i v a paitv ol Indian.- p. f'r.g *r.-;n tlv Lake ; to ti. Dpi’ - ‘•*!< . ‘lhe pcricipal i.lii !s of t Ij* ‘..i ’ n. (ti th.u appiiea ti.-.’ < f \ > ;,t. deternum 1 to piu.:fli *1 ■ nil; ii : i-jby nutting tht ,T 't ■ lita'h, jit.i aj• .it> id war lior. w.'s lUtTf..i t<> txu'uK th'.r and.:. ru in; * *n. 1 It: w no soon i. u. tie mt! : i.’ ■ ■ ‘ *f and a f i it. >1 .t if tntn.'eri is broke out in ;.cb o! ,j c m ! net a;ai dt .di those who had Vi n in any v.ay con c riitsl ui cuuhr.g ti e muril. rets to 1 p rtod< .* ii. !’ro:o v*b it };..s r.j*! c .:\,.t fine , it i b< v. \ r cer ta . that the Upper C •ks bad ldcivtly and famine I to t.d: part with the nonhc n Imh-m. in the war Lgair-li U e j h*.ics, and that the irounfla c*..> bcMri tmti tionc i only produced : presnantru ('tto't ot their <■! juil. A con fide rain pat*y amorg the (daks !i..\vi ver priferve their f,. :!i to our gnver: ment, at.d turn them and ether ftmrces, 1 have derived intel ligence iv. m time to time, ol the , plans and movements of ihe hostile . patty, lily the rtflii£!iuns * i the Federal C niiiiution, no IL.ic can without the c udent of (dongsvfs, “engage in war utilefs adu..l!y in vade!, i.r in fitch imminent danger a> will i. r admit of delay ’ Ii i’.ce it lome lime after tl;. full uif covery of a I*.>ltiU- infeiition o.i the part of the Cri\ ks, before 1 cc uld procure fueh in* Tuiatf n as would enable me to act rcllrauu ! as the flare i;, by th : l’.'nfliiution At length on tin ZPtb day of Ju ly !afl. ! iiceived a written conir.iu riention from the Chief v. bo are at t ! e head if the friendly p.rt of the Nation, and immediati Iy there after a letter from Col Hawkins as Agent oi Indian A flairs, announc ing that the objee r l - l the hnftih. In dians was, in the full inllatiie the dcftiuelion ol the fidendly ones,and finally, a; attack upon us; and in Col Hawkins’ lett rhe il ilt ‘Ji 1, that i l Ihouid c r*fulcr his < e: unanica ’ lion as ** authentic information of ja meditated attark Thus our i ntuation was brought within the ! proviflons of the conititution. In J the mean time I wrote the Sccrcta j ry of War, dating tlie fituatii nos ; ihe Indians, and the danger to | which our frontier u.s ox poled ; i but bolero my I tfor reached its def j tination, the General Cl .-virmnint I with a prone mils an.i dtiificn that j evince vi, ‘Luice and attention to j duty which claim our warmest j uppiobatior, !:,d antieipjtcd our i v.iuds; and Iro • iveil from theScc | ro f ary rl War a!• itjr author:;'.ug the use cf militia from this flat” agaiidt the hostile (ir-. oks. A general order was immediately tflu ed for preparing the troops, and they were f ori after marched to tluir late rendezvous on the Ock nv.dgce river. C.ircumflances which 1 deanal important, induced me to enlarge the : umb r to a full iiiig ad , the, comm arid <i which, ac c<r.lit'g to eltafiiil'i and * uitoni and tfi:uf; . . was \ deted toGen. John .Vewar* as i nior Briga dier, wiv * from doit;; Hi- conli •era liorsdLLlim J ; and ihi r .... * 1 Gi ---< rai John iit .yd wa. •t!• i. .‘!vd up on as the taxi Iti b nit >i’v, v ho ac cepted and is now in r orem.i: e, and with the detachment : An.i 1 have the i..r:s! itlion i knowing, t: at the incafuns i have purlutd. and the plan ol erganizati'.r 1 h; ve cd, have been ap;.rjv .ii by the IVe fnient. I he h flilitv of the Creeks being unexpected by th ■ G vc nt, tlmy w re in no flute of prepara tion in this quarter for the tqttip menf and luj ply ol hu h a body of tr . ; - which laid me undo the ne ctfli'y ‘>l p: n i.’ng h r r! jm, until the Unit and States Col .hi I.IVC Ui oC to t). |o l’> r thiM pur*)(;ft* l ad v t <■.(! frot*. t! •• 11 it. lurid ppru r.riat, ‘ for mih'rry ilifuur!aments, the iu \i t “t * .rthe c on trac tor and Outrn. r- .'alier’s Depart r.ier.t, every centofwl.i ..been returned .u.i is i. w . . i.. 1 * a.urv• i hi; d'.aucc v.a .tn .!,j nm le, aiul cvcati'oued by tiie r-a. ility t' a iltcJ for im.t.r. , iy ’oarcidng the troop-, to t!u fi'or.'ur. to quiet the fears ot ike people, ar.d iu.p them tloin or. aking up .aid having thi in homes ; ami their day at liicir rendezvous has been by the iliftirulty of proeu:i g the e quipmaiU nectffary to lupply l!.e various wants of us * de tachment. In ti is r. ‘ ct ver tiny aretxcluiive v m er the con trol of the Gen ra C voi’ n rnt, and their uiuvavu i.- gulate ‘by their rider. They have now en teiid the inciiiv’.- rout-tiv. and I iruit ur.dcr Divin P * vi ct ce they will, aided l;y tin cooperation ot other detacbn.i r.ts oieitrcd upon the fame Lrvi. ~ I ; .i. li.bdu ‘he iaitiileis iavages, aid c * pel li an to uneouJiti i ..I iuln. .ilicu.. Hie lupplit of lun. -uimion which these h uli. f.vv’ s h v from the Spun.:!i C w inorat Ptr.facola, for tiie avowed paip I. cT making wv.r c.por uit. a it.bjid, tlie cog nizance it wliich to the governnc ;.t < t the I’ Stat.s; and it is to b • hoped, that th: fc crct enemy will no longer be per mitted with impunity, under Lis pretended tic utraliry, to put into the . hands ol our enemy, the uie.uis oi deflroying us. Ihe quantity of ammunition whiiii 1 purchaf.d unfit ?l.e piovifions if the acl c.i the lait I.e gillaturi has been c< nfideiabi'-. (•! j. *wder there has been n bifii uitv in procuring the quantity requi. ai; : but it has been more diffic ult to pro cure any confiderabL quantity cf lead. A fuu cl’i.ey has hov.cver been obtained Dr the use of the troops new in the field, and tr..a ----fun-s taken, whr’i will eufure the delivery of a 1 rge quantity m. re at this pi .re. in all the p:ef ’ i in. nth In addition to the detachment new in the fill-1, <ti ar cautionary nicafuics f< r the laity ot tire licn ! tier have been ra; rad to. f* n o | in all Di rts and Li< ck-l cufes hav • been !■;:!’% Ldas arid D t s have beer:, ar.d arc at this time kept out: And although wc lmv occa sionally had fai.c r jiorfi which have produced temporary alarm, the lav agt s have not dart-o to approach on. lettlcmuits; that they have nor. has bun occaiioned 1 have no doubt, by cur altitude and rraditieD to punish them on tile very lirit trrJlion. O * Our feti beard has been at; yet exempt annovarree by the enemy Ihe lait Li giilatuie palled Reh!ittiuii, auihoriflrig the 1 xec utivr to kc p tix cunpr-nir ■: ( : miii tia in h. fa D,c i: • i.-i e. s eoumy or; fia-i . tef, hi l in much, u> t ‘.i.j iv [ 11ce i j ‘ ,iity l<n liu !r icrvie c, iudtl and V .* t: [j be ki j’ at t!.i - expel cr iI 1 rate, and ti at t.xpaiie would i;avt v. corded th’ i* i ole ani’ u; ‘ rop 1 • i ated l.ii tr.ilit. ry ii “r*. in :.t a tine. lo! v t ccgre.. I de cline. 1 f a'hii’ ti er > i";'. ila ic -1 u2t ins ;u ii if icd mv . . mi., r ■ ti, and the turn’ of the lime, and the lives of the inai have lieeii prderv eu i r ocea fleviis ol aai danger. It newuhel Is mv ‘-pinion rhat i pr. cautionary iurtr’V.res :• eat this r:p:e ne ff.iry. The Dafo'i has ai rb ed, wifl continue for i me h.ric, v.hiiii in . ur climate, i tlie m.'fl trtV.'e for the opera li ls of fleet; ;>■'.•.] . < lit tic as poi - Able’ ought : j I • j ‘.t to hazard. x !;.• plan adopted in Hava. : vh. the e.'.e.a*:’ .nos wiiicii is *** :n:;’.it* ted to a c. nunittcc ct DD'y. oi keepii.g .;. ‘a.i.r .’ an;-1 p*. O'.ia cinu!.yexi v.n l ta*. rev.i* .. - ; the ne nth) ol tl.o inlet- t.i ■...-iir.- nuili ite' notice lipoii ;j. t • : ( oi tin a:mv. and *1 hlv • event lu pr./.e. is uiv. .?e iy l, goo.i as any tlat utt .r i xiff itig ireus ftiiT'- es, ianbe ii vifuf ;I at tlat ;;!■ ne infuuK'u i:i *V. comp, teiif luree ought to lie *< a;iy to oppoie- li.. en emy on lii ii.'lt attempt to land.— Thu mod e ilieitmt ior this purpoD, r.uxt to t’.at of river craft aimed with heavy pieces i t ordnance, I raped fully conceive, will ne ArD lery. A H.-ttai: :r ot t! is t’elnip tinn ci force, rrgar z ‘ lo as to be capable of rapid n.< v ts, ana fl.iTi ‘.:).. J zt i nne cor.vvnit i.r ; ! near the sea c all for ti.. wafer, wuuiei he highly ui'dul ‘i’hcv couiu be moved to lonic htahlflul frtuation in ti.e inti il .r uurii ; the lurnmer aa.; fad, or they mi lit bn permitted to ritual upon iu’lough. Wiidlt upiui this fubjed, permit me iJ! you: attention to the pre f. nt flare and condiiicn of our toi liria. i h.y onr great ref. ince lo** dejknce urri! the arm ot th*i 1 ’ iim can be extended to our pro t'cdon and fopport. Thirty years !■. tt'.c has taught us that our * : t i.t pian f*r th* ir inflructi n is air. tether infufliv ient; and r..-v that v\i arc in a flute ct war, D : to make’ an efiort to prof, by that experience. I: is with ui; - t'.vnce that 1 venture to iim .li a. j .Lin tor our improvement in 1 1; i p.iitii'ul: r. but so fully am 1 imgrvf fld with the n< ceflity ol it, tout my udadence has been overcc-t. e by ii r.le ol public dury ; an.i 1 have tl'.wiifore prepared ash; r* flittek ; which is tubmitted for y ur c nfl j deration in a fepnate docun env zccompar.yit.g this cen'inunicatio::. The ti.arts reserved for the fla;.* io the Stock oi the Ranters* I'ir.iz c ; Snv.i fah w.-.e ful.lcribed lor j and ti.i'iy tla u ..i and dollars o! th? j / cut j 1 l es. re :• •• f .1: day of ! .1.-:u;r.y t: t: ; a:.: ir ‘-y t:.< uiar.'l wvs * via to ihe !;mv %