The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, November 20, 1813, Image 2

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FOREIGN NEWS. Boston* OcTorr r 26. VERY LATE AND HIGHLY IMPOR l AN 1’ NEWS. By the ariival last evening of the tit ip Eric Irom England, accounts have been rcei ived toS- ptember 28 oorne little difillers had occurred to the allies on the opening of the campaign on the continent; but they were soon retrieved, and a fuc ctflion of brilliant victories follow ed, which protnlfe an ultimate en ire triumph in the war. We were politely indulged with -he perusal of several late London papers, front which we have ccn denltd the following articles. A T’ ttcr from Clen Stew .irt, da cd /shill, Augult 27, mentions the p.evious advartre of the aliies, ar.J their driving the French into .Diefdtn; and th it two t giments ){ Yv’cllplulian huflars lia.l com; over. A letter from Stewart, dated at Ahetibtt:,:', Augult 29, relates an jnfurcti:!ul attach I” the allies cn 1) < en./lugeft 27 and 28. !■* •Jay they fell back. 11- .ys the al'its* Joss may be 6 o: 7-: o; that of the 1 .• ;.cli mult be mere; Bon tpr.rtc’s force 1 20,000. It rain ed luce flan? iy dutiitg the combat. IMcreau while in eamdt converfa iion with the emperor of RufTu, had both his legs fV.t cfr, the can ion ball going through ids !• rfe. A letter from Stewart da?"*l 1 - p litz, Augult 2c. ivh-t‘ a victory g ,'ncd b, > tbe::llie?,ovc’ *h 1 ■ nch guicrais Var.damiiie and Li-tti :.i h cheek. Count OiL-rman l- If an arm. The allies had 5 *■oo men hilled and wounded. The French Vbouf toco. A letter from Stewart ai Foplitz, Augisfl 31, relates another victory ntr Vandanrtne, in which that gen. • rji and generals Giott, Ilachio;;, Tlimberg and Prince Reus, and 0 ban lards were taken. The while <f tie ft a ft. and many officers were taken. ‘1 lie remnant ol his force Td. closely pursued. Reus died >f his wounds. i he letter also relates n vi&ory obtained by Blucher, over McDon ald, near Jane.r, Silesia, Augufl 26, 27 and 28, 80 pieces of artillery, 9 tumbrils, and 15,200 pruhn rs were taken, ‘l’he enemy was :Lill pursued. A Sweciifh Bulletin, No. 12, da ted at Jutetboch, Sept. 10, fays in the battle of Donnewitz. (Sept. 6,) 1 o.coc French prisoners were made, 80 pieces of cannon, 400 ammuni tion waggons and 3 pair of colours were taken. The enemy retreated on Torgau, clofeiv followed, and continually loftng men & baggage. 3co were taken dole to the tetedu pont at Torgau. Some battalions who found it impoflible to reach Torgau took their route towards Dresden. A letter from K. Thornton dated Juierbrch, Sept. 8, gives an account of a victory of Bernadorte over Ney, September 6. It feenvs the French had 70,000 men, and aco pieces of cannon, ihe ’ Ycnch had Tour corps, commanded by the duke of R egg in, the duke o! Padua, and generals Bertrand and Rcgnier The battle was near Donnewitz. The French retreated precipitately. The ground was covered with their dead and wounded. Si:; the nr land :*Stnri of aims bare been “cYcSM. The French tofal lrfs is cfinnafcd in ; kilhd, wounded and prisoners e’ from fiiretn to eighteen thousand. Ihe Sax<>n prisoners volunteered with the allies Ueconnoiterinq profit's of the al lies are puihed as far as Gus n Hayn. Torgau is hhekaded ; dc taclnncr.ts are lent into the vicinity ct Brutzcti. The combined army have again moved forwaid from li henra, en tered Saxony, an.! on the 5! It Sep tember marc bod bv Me wav of iV teriwalde and Alknberg, Perna and Digpi.L Jv. Napoleon is miring; towards DrcTUen. with ids goad At. His plans are fiufira: .1 by the* comph ic defeat ol Mey by H* rnad >tte. Ea clier follows liot. ‘p. rtc. Lcr.riin len is advancing horn Pedar.d v. :h Sc coo Ruffians. D.lpatch/s front L; :d Caiiicart are uated I’d)■••tz. Sept. 7. Wi:t geultcin and K.:ei;i had a'fo advan ced to within fight e! D’cfxkn. Corps are lent to cut off Bonaparte's communication in the rear. Mo mo died Sep:. 2. five ii ’.ys after heir v’nmled lit n-ins arc emb i m nrui fi in i>* !* :: llvargn. FHe , . te eucour. glv to i,i--. wile hi England, kill brier 2 ! . deal).] An :Ti 1 I !: trer front Tb lock, Sept. 2, I.l.tilioils I hat the tnop3 irom that pla e iuul romp-lied the French to retire, ; and to evacuate \* ihe Amina -.a have i!u •.1 ti •: Fitnrh, un.,ei Licauban.oL , in lte’v, v ii'i gr t h... (1 •A •. ricai. afi.iii:’ t*.. r.: i-.f., j...pci.', at’ entire * Jileiit. . lie:e A avert il r p .rt that < i;.’ co:mi:i.- bonus b i.u'ed Iroin St. Ik ter > burg, rn •’ : if iv !. one. The Ap..: kit rovei, most Lave prelenic F'rJ V; dhtigton, a rrio.l beautiful t ffari, viii ck’vnt narks and grnlens. worth about ; ,000 yo.'t.’ f 1 :•!;*:g a year. litur*.cd in the m .f. fertile pari of b u.'n. A L-*.:u!on paper I’ it-, .s that cn bo.ird the A1 ;ii was Soomi part ci ... - ...ii g and ui t..e vai'.iuf**e iin-i: fi■ ** > v.i.icli flic captured end burnt; a bo:: of plate c Sir The* Coab. mi, t. kvn out of die cay tu:vd wild; (t ‘z dollars in fnecie, (the latter idkc.i out of licr imme diately after her furrender’;; —and anticipates that i\ :r \ ;:hs u*!M be fi un ‘. It acids if:at the n.ft licuttnar.t of the Argo - v. .n woun ded, in the atlion, in Tie h ad. Bi.r: in, Si-i’T. i-. Letters h mi Vienna i .y the v ice Roy of Italy has b tn dc.’ at J with the lofc of cjcao prifoneis &c. Our late victories were celebra ted here thic ay. It k r.oti'ie.l at Dicfdcn that the ii will soon leave the Elbe, ac Anthe has of fered an at 1 ..c Ir.itvt is noi true. l.oraiON, Sf.p r. Hj. Naptdeon does net appear to have made at.y effort to r trieve the dis ilfc-tu of Gudir.ot ami Ney. ft L reported a great battle took place near Dreid.ll, September 10, viiich ended in th; evacuation of that place* bv the French. St. Sebalii ms has luriendcrcd to i the liritifn T ir.. CafLe cr; iruiated September 9. I’amparura w;. next to hr 1 educed. AugutT ii). l’h Fw:h were btfieged in Tortola, I . c,’ Spain, i hey were re j ulild in a lei tie, ‘in; Lari of Aberdeen is appoin ted the Biitifh Minifb-r Flcrtino. v X jr*’ >;p GRP AT f.ATTI-B TV CEP.M/.KY. t BOSTON, Oftobrr 2.3. \ Arrived below tail evening, ship * Mmerva, F- rd, of l)uxt ury*orty tv. > days from Lfith, (Scotland.) i <d •pt F. has come up to t'>wn. and ; inlorms that he bag on hoard Lon- i J . r. papers to 7:h September, end Lsith to the 11 ttt. J He allf> -informs that a greet but- | tie had bc-.n fought nt I‘rd l lutwern tlie French and the com- i bioed, I’rufiian, cnJ Atsf- ] !sinus—and that each cEdnuct the * victniy. No official account ol ii.c ----l atrle had been reec.v. J. it was h id to 1 jvt* the* rrctt'.-.T ever v fought. 1 lie also infovnn ts-at no veffe a ! lad : ;en lent i* t< F igh ttu Lit*.ly ; that tic private. 1 frhr. liork.uit, , of Lriitol, had l. 1 ’ crmfmg 1 h I'ai life, and crj tuix_ a number of veflebt. On TJirrfdcv left, t-hatliam bear ing V.h.M t v N( rtb, tour miles * ii nrt. fpok- (hip N.-r-h S a-, ikter futi, 4fi i ays tr.m l.iib • lor IF 1- t>.n. ()i S; *ut-day,the I .y, law J ( ) Ol o tlij’ ‘‘*f j uL'i djy i o’ i!-.d by a (loop nearly ike f. ,ht Hrgfe. MM PC,I AN A .k sARAT C G A. YFe i tv 2 1"1 r. i::w r and -.vui: the folk.wiiig extract, ot a i-.Mi r from ‘J hetvas Adcrn t ! , eons ati.i tr ct the p:i*.*. Sr rat •."?., to tl. .<* t., : • . Ivtj ( y• . /i c. ctiii *f U e !.:vl iceii 11 c. ■>} urig , i .ivi'f ••!'*< M 1 e * I .Ail il< I* ‘O ... ... I.if, I.t .rt*.i:r.. ri .v .1 , in at out 4 f itli at- water, v e ccj turee: ! i :: i>. ‘I ill i s <-e'. i fr.g (Vr., < ; Is gut:*—ai:d l.iowccti *Jo a..J Jt) men, James < m c .n r milder, tn-m rammuih .i> days or.:, for h;: am. e di.covvte-j th .. i . . ; ...t 5, A. U. Sept. : biii, 1.: 1 ..i o'.. ■■ ■ iti-cc 1 rln.iV. R ir.: to t’ .• wh.dv.frd ol SuiLuim fit; tan 1. v.n L. le: c t. _■ vine! for the th. r, and gave ua a t *UT. .11.1 j*.l cl i'Ci -U t . rot newly within r. ..1!..: (hut, v’•*•'. the chafe t.<ii(Cu l.nglllii eoi •nr. rrui pave us 11 1 Lein t .aecrs; wldcii fne repeated ti :ce tie-s, and cut away fume ol lur rigging. At 1\ Ivl. vc l.cstLd Aim.:., an cel curs, aid be::; ; gue- n:uf i:ct ihot, veil*. i;;cnccd the .ic...-n and continiiul a cm ilvler.ibie part rd the time within pdtoi fhoi. and a part .i the* list:-, ei-.:iC alo: g (ide*, till ‘l~i minutes v.iie: 4 i* AF uhen we carried Iter by b.i-irdiiig, < ir-.-r a fc\cre action it. v.i i> 1. ■ .'• ..ic toga, as veil as i.r pd/t v.wc rnr.derlinnli v.rerki- ii i\s. thro;: is ere. ainio.. ;*■ I• I .v.a\, ... *e* than orto f'.mrJ’ id our mainsail; nt-.'-y in ur iii. u:, fj rs nu ■, i\c. i :'.e buivarks o. the MofrTtu:u hr': . equal, ii u* t superior to th.* S: >■'.<vyi, cital.'ei in r i . Ik ‘-I out r ,-. i >og a-’ (!*♦. .hd. They fought defpc.attly, ctr.’ u.ll !.eyc.:td what prue!-me. voul. dic tate. She had ‘2 killed ar.J 3 Wi-Ur.GCil. t) Ot W. -Mil II I/I i.dly ; among v.ldoi ia Jar.ies C uui.n-g* ham, i.sq. her c :• nuunh r. \v:l rrgret 1 b.ave toitdo.m y-.u, eur 1 ifs *!:e lil it. Mr. S- Li.g ar.d ore man ldlleti, ot.e i.- .t. l:y v.aiiuiu 1 , a:.d 3 or 4 lh-..tly wounded. I find Mr. G.. rye II lYlluws Piizemaltwi’; Mr. Tiitcn New comb. mat;, and 12 run it: the brig; ordeiiug h r lev por; in thv U . : r ,, i Staa* .g ‘• J: i'rh’s * 4 ,* 1 - * w Z COj ATi, ii t • and as (lie is a very fsft ‘ ug vcff.l, L! nu h cor.fii.'-*,- •’ ?t (lie v.ill arrive !; ;• ; flu i,..n n* i.tiv as well as the S r;.r-i.c,.?< I il F.k v.LI 1 ;•!; an x Me; t j :.01 -: (lie h;-, !>.• n a Sg.u: u I: < r < . v 1, a El fl • jl < f V. . I , ’• i kill : uck ; :. 1 v - a \ ’n. v pits;; . .. L : in. v !L*!. N. P*. Ir. ti‘. : efi :i with the Murgiana v,e !. i ’ 8 Mr Kv biig, 1i! I.i ui. Mi .!.•. 1... n{ . 1 -u ***■ ... t* ! .. 1. :‘1 .! iV. i’ •: U: mi iL win I ur odiers hi ;nt.v, or not dang tun Hy.” 1 i / i *!]i t i Ct H* <L l ttl it iV / U>. 1 * • and a (i, I .\ i. '• li 1 RCM iil i: tx i%j k 1 r. L.-j • By the* Sp si'ila fcf r. Jove. C.anr. Paiaes, (ir.ns Gart ! .a;;e*i.:i, ,i;!li Ma n,) wIF h aniveu heu- o; Sun d..y ‘ait. m “JO c’avs, v. <• nave * cceiv c and an 1 a r.'ei in. ;n Jiu j i- .ha Rf-v.*l G sett*.*, wli t: lu; .lies l'-tUi. il ol ti • i{. ft:: v. Fie h .1 1 • . *u ; fu ■ he f> v h .re ( • n l a *iu.- k. •. f li * Ml.*: !.'/•: . ‘ ‘ : I v. ir. : ■. ! p.. .Mi w. . .t*•: 1- . a / . . . . * i . *• • ;h ■. ehm w■v: i : ‘-out [IS! > o. ! 1 X, vh'.'t •! J* t f it hi 1 i••. -• T ti cn 1 r -. .ii S 1 it Liin: lin .1. ? ‘ii .!.•••• it ** ‘.e it “., ‘. • .z “ iu • h : !* V :*‘r* - in ‘ - c-v ‘ t. . li t .'..wp.n Jg ‘i n li > ( > ii. •• * I* r ] in. I**ii fi ( ERL : ■ i iv.( , ••.)'’ V* v . () ‘ -!; * 1 (• ; * i tin* th • M. T \ : ’ cr, .: - <Fecn \'l i ur- 1 v c up. Min- :-f r, ( . j • P m r ! ;• :!•,£(.; ■ 1 ;ja.-.a f.r toi 1 ,t ;■•■ 1 \ •■’ i *4 v;r ’* t t; i.T'ori to ?M above, v. : rr; ?*■**;>: n i.d k v ihc h:~ rrrrr o < .! * c, t ....! t.n: 1 . rro v*n 4 ilirJ; :• ■. i fn i. . t • • >: ‘• ! < r o.GOC C. •) ttOi!-. rs. I! - tion e- t'ivvii t> * ‘.) * h’S rt 1 y (./apt i'./.v r, <1 ihv i'a ;!'•• - uii a wh * ka ! u ri i*’ ’ * iti ( < . r... UK the Jove itiiicn ii .r: 14;*.; j'ot i'. IA! .i\ i.L -? 57 F. a; ■ ■■ - ii!i ‘ha: : K - n:r,r\ / :g). Gents/:! T< ~ r. ;.d f h R. tvis j, ir. r.r..v< and ii? ibi* v*ii;t n e a Tu i- v’ Il i ; e i • rh:■ h 7 / the p:• th. e <1 ♦: e at/.! i• 11; je. t e- >r:. V. from v.h:."i I:** I as end c . I ‘he o\i’: ,r pattict'lnrs r.l.v to ion ;.io. :;r..! its rv.Xtqn ■x . Tbo ;■ ; /.! pr. y, r.t. -r f :* :t’ . ...I Ai. ••• ‘. i..;. i [n••. - > * i•• , i. • ‘ * >[ • ‘ ooiur and) \ v • .. . *• tainlo,: nAt i . ■ . t ;.: . r.- e drv, m ci..:. -n , od if uj- ■■ an.. (/i i'.i. ‘■ • ;1 :.t of il e* r-; u’ “./: v . r- I KiO. xno batlh- as *i u;l of. t! I‘■hi: i : Aupub. Ci-m’mvd o i I c. ? - and. cl. i; ii c t.v mi’ g ui ill 4 .r .hr e vening lie n ‘h!i v.’-..; ih.- ru” !* ii. .a 11-* ‘• •Le I M iM.. I .1 l’! i ! IV|lt . M bears Ol th,’ Ao-e:c n aux’ c ; ties, !Of; were ki i. : a ui arc ilki i * I'l'iii t • •'?..• “* j’• ■f i* in Qi -.n • A* , -.ii*. *- / i* . •.* AAA j uirus \v*.e L.i:^-.t n n. ai vi j i'ubiequ t.t iliui r. Th- ropliils < luiii.i.ted 1 > the |; i‘ : . v. 1e!. w : * come ir., :i >.t ti. y! .. ~.3 i 11 and * iti the i.clii ‘.:,*l.c’ that v:ct- .* v \ < idd bate rkdared for the r*.t t l:l:c:.