The monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1800-1815, December 11, 1813, Image 2

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w out vitU a war club, and two war clubs laying by him, painted with r< and and blue. Humphrey Hetid litks we found laying fliot through bo'h arms and fide, and through the body ; juff under the arm, and in the haunch,Scalped, and dabbed in both sides, and his body Itrip cd naked. We buried them as de cently as the natme of the cale \v< old admit of. By the blinds and beds, an ! oth er signs that we found, we conjec tured the number to have been from fifteen to twenty; and in their departure they seem to have taken a course between South and Ealf. 6' igned by Twenty* tsvo Citizens, TORPEDOES. Mr. Mix wh ku., devoted much of his time to the ftuJy ci ibroeao Warfare, yHlerrkiy gave a cv. \ inr ing proof of the etTVacy of his f or pcdocs iti dtdroy-ng a veiVl of war, by an experiment upon the bulk of an old (flip of about /ms ber th-n, which tits firar.d 1 in tuo fathom va'cr, on the Po dinoeiii Ihoic-—he uroppe * the i’o;r Jo in to the water upon the 1100 l tide, as ntarly as lie c.oul ! judge |.\; fath om below the sh and pave,*. ■ m that length of line. Calculated by the velocity o! the current in 1 weep ing along a body of the (i/.c and Weight oi the Torpedo, lie jerked the line at theverv moment it had j bunted under the Hern oi the (hip, an I it inflantly exploded withatre niendibus crash. The f;:rav and J-noke .tieending in a hug ; ’ . . t the di-tnnee of 30 f while i agments of the w rtek wet fcatter c ‘ ‘l'.rouuh the air in i_v r; ti , iinprcfTed a temporaly ... • up on the beholder. On orami’ imr O the ftijp, it w r as found that the i'or p.Jo had taken complete ciT.• ■, having ma :e an aperture in the fide and bottom fuificiendy latgu fuj a tl ‘p’s yawl to row’ through, and blown up the deck beanr be— . lied the fifip been :.fbu’ .. 11. - tiaie (lie muff have been preci,! c.eJ to thr hot tom in less than a minute. I'o'.aJfui indeed would Lt the i..:- vo~ on hoard a man ct war i.i fif<r.'i('n; not a foliury In lug w- •! id be l ft a’ivc to tell tile talc. \V: have ir from good authority tl: t a line of torpedoes are pit par ed, and will immediately be funk ir. tiio narrow chanul below Cra ne-. HI -nd, which will render it im poffihle for a v.fibl of tolerable bur then to jufl; through ii v ithout c.r dcitructir: 1 .. !\crfe ,f : / Jerald. An Imstrcrnt Governor, Has at length made 1 is appear ance in the perl’ nos Gm-inor Chittenden, of Vermont , who has if ,ucd a proclamation cottnu nland ing the orders of the officers cf the United Stavs (or i.miching a jt of the militia or that (late into the (late of h.VvV York, for ke pu.pule o f genera! defence. This i-aptece* do r * r.u-1 dari j * interferon .o whit the powers of tiro gen eral government is lb un;uft:fi.thle, f i impolitic, and s > unexpected an act, that we believe the molt iiuidy S’ and thorough going of the 1 ilex junto are aftc-nilhcd at ir. 1 J iiibiy i is an experiment cn the patience ami forbearance of the federal ex ecutive. lie ir as i; may, fomethin^ • 11 i serious and conclusive mult come from it. One consequence will be the inevitable rejection of his mad •’Xcsllcncy from office hereafter. N. T. C'.lwibiatu THE FORCED STORY. ‘ Lord K- !ly was, like liis proto type FaUtall, ‘‘not only witty him felt, but the cause of wit in other men.” Mr. Andrew Belfour, the Seortifli advocate, a man of cor.fid erable hutner, accompanied by great formality of manners, hap penei to be one of a convivial par ty when his Lnrdfhip was at the head of t he table Ak> r dinntr he was at’ vd to ling, but ahi. re.‘ufed to comply with tl . wcl!:::,’ foliciiations of the M.r.pcuy At length, I-*!:! f.Jly t >ld him slut he fi.ould not C'cap . ; l.e r. ui c-fT cr itf.gtt song, tt II a li <• y, 4 r dm ‘ a pl.*r bumper, fdr l',. .• b< - in*r an ahilemi u* roan. ch ii lath er n : ‘! a Itoiy than incm t . • foi sci.. “One tl, ‘g 1 !l .e, i.i a pnmpous ni'.Micr) ; J.i.-f, in the c urie ol h\ i ‘j/i gl, v J ;• of a Church i: vitbg;'-. < pe r \ ]’ v.aikvd i, •’ : < e: b h 1” might >i.ot'• o: -- Having fecurtd t‘ c pulp t it*, v.ns retreating, w her, !o! i : t ia: tiie dooi i!mr. Aft-.a (or. e e >.* crn, : aJ- jned liie only of escape kh, ! : !.Vt f.-!i c! ‘■ c.ii by iht l> i-.i pe. Ir, .* I;.:, ! I'ouiio ran, . Ue pe g... alarmed, and he t:..rv _k. . jult a. he reach and .! -• VV . the ?W‘ 1.1. l. ; : . r,- v.a , he l.'noil u”), end , Cl.liv 1.. th 1 !l. jf ! : t.,j iU'lras !(.rihbp. * il. . ir not be.a” . .oi , xxL g t \ ■ nd tffL.fy ihe in.. e my cscafc. i tc.ipf to t.‘ . i. li t e. To a be.. ci ‘, r r • i fo.un.f c! :e t.p’ ; , >i - • Oi ho: ‘ ( r -iutfici; r tiL tw 211 C? Ji •* I s > 11 t ed—w ,en ie* u V i* i * (lliht iti’ i ,i * ■ i’ y t into a I -m c fk • lens il i : !i L.ii •’ me white of live i ■ pint f>t i. -.v ’..ilk. i. . ; ■ .r, : p! >.v it i ac: iho b lit ter i: ; u bv iri 1 lir i— }li ndy, honey, ~r i er j, ,r. •'vvtli4.ll is a Very lublu .. :ney be a.:..-. ! t. p'ei . 1: ■ ?a:Us ut any time. !i \ a !,e .-t wine i.:„y he ma e f I !•> *• r ) cents per. gallon. J.. St ie.* 1...\S ago .4 lii . i .Vil !c- Ceivi’d ..van Hr. vYii!..:’ .g :r prin cipal hunter belongi • to ti;., \] t > fuui t Fir hi ■mpai.y; t Lit. k 1 t.: ,11 . *ig e. \v t. .1... t. 9 f i’ i .11 _.) lma to tin :1. ur : T r Company, were ! -r.r: “ c fi ; >. .... to hunt ar:.i t:sile w..:i . e I: ...:■. in that p.nt ci 1.:. <n.tiy •:<: the Arkattfas, Mi ) Je! i , .1. V. • low Stone, ii li .rn arid \’->e. ■ bia takes t . *i.’ 1 utee. cions oi danger ant v i.iL .. ?• . peaceable j uriau o. ‘ u , tlnv v.esc abaci--d i.y n pan _ tutu! Is, vv uo 13 1... 1 i ‘ t tiie remaining k ecu r • ;he R! . . Mr. Williams ;• -f. _■> ih • ; 1 • I t r , * %* lit,w t J pi I1 U i)’ ( • ’.i • . ‘ . ’ waters of the A.a.i : , ■ . t ; with a opar.i.u J, .-n.i-d iMi j 1 tilUc 1 tel! 4401 C 114-i...*1 V.i,‘ tiU.-J: ) j j by the Spaiiili i.v<. ps -t an . -.. i. i I village in the n. gl.Tsin .;d of f.r. he, and lent lianes. 1 l.e 4-.;! ■ U ill. J 111: . I 4. 4. tilCll <ll >Ci dtvl to in Mr, Winia::/.-; ii.ut.meut, ; corroborate with the tifne that ten ! uteri left this place, the inter tivc-f viikit'g a aiici'/a i pro.u.- j ces of Mexico, and endeavored to I open :i iraJ- with them by the wav of rti ■: Mdluuri, Lc! W< ar a! tcntfliec. ..t the baibaiity t xtn ii-„d by the fficer who commamls at St j IA, t 4 Vvaids thele rmn; f4-r wc kr.ow that they bore !■ tiers and mh ] er evidences of their pmluit being purely coinmertial. A ltrong hope is mdulg and here, that g<mriimei|t will do tonietbing towards their I !:bei; tic ft IA r the itifortfiaticn of • tier ir. :\!s, we annex a lilt oft m.lortuiute me::. M.-fiVt;. I h . rd a: and Sfr i vv ; were fre mIA t.n- ‘ Ij ‘vania- M’ivuight (look, Mines •s• *ei Chambers in m Vir' —J. !- left t'T.n: :.!nrs— Ikium, a hutrer, i..*m Ktmucky, and a:: bi! f.-rn -.1 me of Micliacl IV; ip i, v'.ith p Sp rv'd inter preter, a denizen oi St.!es. kiTXGLATION AFLOAT. b.*U <a of u kite* fna /< pcrlablc /’firc'.int hi l . topi, . to hi-r.r / nuknt in Nrw l'orfx, dul.d .. • • ‘ / r2H “* * <vei refp‘ fhs of the ‘J4-th *” *■ I. •tetiipeftt nureluiits I < • • f • < • axe cii.-i! dthir o- ! p.n. u; > lion to j't rut; and (lt.f t -a it i’ y ipeur, aft* .• witat v.e i.av *.srii;.i i. cur opinion is 1..- t! p . i !r fimn :i : u d 1 : i . < 1 j !,t (L.t irit-nd . • Mi.. •!, . v •."> ; j g s . ‘ . 1 • ft ■ • tha C t .... . :) ii .i i.* •• 1 \ 1- *. I. n‘s . f ;tlfis \ ‘ i. p and Morier to nt ‘ ith the: ‘.; i. - . :n v. i ii ti.-: : c in;.or be a \ii l.w. 4. ’ ifr.C t :,.C; i. . 1 ’ t* l • . * • * * t 4* ••• J ■ C ’ ..If ‘. I .•. ili* .i)t **. •! 1 1 lit v v h .. ■ M riev ! hi:, inf rm. has put 4 Ito thi ii, v ’ h f r a ! ‘ ti: e; ;. 4 .ti J, th; •t; Hritifii ! t ... Ruf ; snd peact i ft . r r!.e ii ’ru!h cf l>rh C • ~;• wc t!. k. it a !kgo v’ ‘• 1 4 ti n-s, tiie w„r wifi I e ii ended ” ; V.: A.sO :• I> AMI RICA. L..t> t:/ r ‘r„rn i!!l ifiu i.’iyt'til .. dated L - a. , .... -■ / . i.t. ” 1 :-.’i . : • ‘ 1 t U t!. v. .r ith . 1 ica L::vv = > :• ps/. ;in ‘ : c- utrry. *h; - i Tv tiie r* et tli net 1 inclined oi. .v v.: us. .hev... e I. ;g t.v 1,; t- ,a i : ‘ 5 *- ! - rev 11. t in •;> r- t ... ■ . Li. *; 4. *; x - ioti’ ir a cor *m ior of ii:e war, J. ! ’ il itiip. .hi i* f i ■ r oi. ra J i r:- ..1 ■ Aii i;, !-. gwe v. !t t! •• In. n.h .uiel i't; or.ratir ; v.i’k i - ‘ It v t gene Ily! Lord V, !e v.:.; f. nt ?> tn • i'c with .cr contmifli. r.- rs j ■ j* . ih>- g ; , but Mr. Ah x- ‘ ” --i ;.flt:icu nrc thistaorn h. . : rit i c fn. Me fays Wal ; . ‘:. •••.! is .of a very diflnr.t i’.rt:. i . t’ -'.r t! ;> vernmt: t • ‘ . •'iv ! v :j- clttil {•’- meetia . ‘ . .. .. 1 1: mi c i 1 1:*:... tins c untry was . i. • • lo ; rii.’.!,Uc at p.efenr j ....! c< m.v>-1 e israpidiy increah : ii *; —. .■ J 4J! t !*;* 4;0 ... Ci t'l iv> er .and her: of no great importance. 1 think you i:\.\ tai-. y calculate < n a casilm. m e < i the war (and 1 tear) ter lome yetus. 11. s gov- j . c.r.menr was unqueft; .i.;.biy ar..’- j iotas !v r j ea. : witit Aii crii;'. 1 j tl.-e el.'itigcs v. k’. ..ii; i..l:en j.'lacc j in F.m\ p;, and the it'cualing h ; tiiify of the nation, will, I dtead, in if not compel tl • b’itiif'.ry to S C'.'!U : .'.us ‘hcTicr. vhi-h I „tU.:- Hand wiii he j-rofi cutal with tteioc hh-d vigat next spring. I p.ive been mloi tilt'd from grod autiiotity drat Admiral Warrc.i w::s mlfrucfed to eoidine his opera tions to tiie delltudion .f our eor;i nierce, and to uveid a-s-j Li ir.. ?, tii;:i.” 1)0 READ . STIVAT.’OE Ni VVS rßOi'4 I.KGI.AM A la'e London p<ip. r contains a j regular account < i tli capru'-e eg tiie b.S. frigate A Jhccdoiuan by the B: it 1 tii tn /a:? Tc>., los ; :.tid fi. -es, tlm” fi e An’edcati Ms w s i/7 kii !c tl A vvoi.tiij. and, and rhat the li.itifii .e*i. v.;ts • ....tig . . Aitu ti.e above, the fame paper ha.-, the lolki'.vrng parpgraj ii;— 44 Lvit n ‘[the Untied States — In addition to th. above gratifying in!t’- igenet, v.s leant that tiie la t rn ‘.tut r < l Amwtica, have in tiie rn-!l u.'’stiicu* i;4 rnar.nvr, ‘.xprefTed their detert; ataricn of 1‘ coiling from their alicgia:;';**, utdeis M:e govern mult j c.i- cwin Lu dand.” from //•-. He.kbHepuUr, I Brip Ar:;c. —We have always c-v.inlut'u 4..:i)tatn Msg/ s J ac ciiunt^ t; : ptu:e oi tile by the P li< v p-,.. “ Lr:t h fit.a! 4a, .n■;.! v. -u. . .. a gnat jaht - ’ and Weal : la; rn the fat it trr'L ;r \ —jtjo, i: 1 ;. . ias !.- cd oui !U die- 1 iiado.M pap*. i;i : b■i’ w, i ; — 1,1 As tic arson t ./, ,/v’. i.g Leonidas ( i..'-.. ’.sj Cu'iuni Ogi. . ‘/•. fi.ll t n tatii) th. -. ” { •■; dtp us -ii . J\h’- •>! / H Xu.; ’ :. : 1 1 •:/ ut , .4. 0 .lapie-to f'r'.c t 1..: t.;.; v.bich, tioub:* E kd to fu.rci:d-r of our veil". 1, * The V'.vv privateer is frill do i: g a g at buffi els off the Lv rth t ‘pb’ot a vefi-1 :t r Archaiigei • : e;g r - io r r.q s a kacr from Lil i’on ) “ Lviry thing fakm is luic of being laved, as three hiurs tail will iei.d them iu bchi-'t and a chain of idnr.J.g cr.4l cn the or. • at the no ••■* i■ 4 ,i. *e piliUiC .* .; a.. C! t’vf 13, CT rather repaired and iupplyeu an old ‘•at-viy, tftong enough to keep fin *a .rs, Fhc Danes tke ; Eflfiin c: them itnmeclately, f.d • c . it;., to Drotitht iin. i. and. g t•:>.■ c* .v or ilie Scourge r< n.a.ns cniig/lete. t4S Danes art ni.c : to m. :: tile fourths they hu\aeretud. The corporation of New Her. have given the name of “ P:rry tre.i” r> one Oi the IK V/ the e:> of bjat city, in h. r.or ol ike hero cf i.r is. 13y rwr latcil accounts iror> ti-i- Ihix, ir appears that the B.’riih E .ve lCfi veil--Is c:f war, iv,n .Mr :>• 39 guns, on the North An.rr ... . itii n. i\ r.rctrv handsome arma- a tntnt to ir.anags “!..c or fix fir b.;:!t irEut.s,” O A RULE For the 4 FED:u.\i.ists * to : .; ( A New-York paper has the / ‘- lowing paragraph: ,k (’ i. Grunt, a B.fifiih ptiuattr. while on his way iiv in Sat Lett’s liaib’.;; - to Civc:.- ! ulli, happened ia cor.vcrfarii.a win a ger.rletr.'ur. in Gi.s npion, who alkwd tic Cel. h* .v !. . ked ihe \v;;r it; Canada: the CM. te piicd ‘•what i ur gov.rr.m t.t lays ■w ar, wc never ftur.J to talk aUbt i