Newspaper Page Text
Humbu?. —The last Federal Union, is in deep affliction
at the probable loss of Dr. Collins’and Mr. Taylor’s fugitive
•i, mow. and denounces tlie Doctor as a submissionist and
the fugitive slave law as a “humbug” Ac. Well, perhaps it
is, but if so, it is a flying Olle - The fugitive slaves be it re
membered, do not feel safe out of queen Victoria’s dominions.
Canada is full of them, and seme are putting the Atlantic be
tween them and the law ! \* hat does this prove but that
there is an abiding sense even at the North, of the necessity
of having the said iavv enforced ? W by, e!se, so much hum
among the negroes and abolitionists ? The evident rejoicing
of such men as Campbell over the possible defeat of a law
and whoicsome for the South as the one in question,
is. in our view, strangely incompatible with a proper South
ern feeling. No man indeed can be a true friend to the
South, w ho rejoices at her discomfiture.
Shoving them up.
The l uioii candidates of Washington county are giving
44 Jtfse ” to the Disunion candidates of that section, who
now hypocritically profess to he LX ION nun, although, at
the same time, they declare that the Constitution of the Un
ion has been violated and that Government has wronged the
South ! This hypocrisy, which is now rife in Bibb and other
counties, it thus well castigated and exposed, in the answer of
these Union Candidates to their opponents:—
We are branded as submission!sts, and yet we cannot
with a duo regard to our self-respect, our consistency and our
duty to you, avow such submission doctrines as they have
in their card. They say they ‘are for the union,’ and in the
very next paragraph of their article they say the constitution
is violated, liefer to their card and yon will find it as w<
have stated. Now we say we are for the union because we
do nut think the constitution is violated. If we believed it
violated we should oppose this Union let the consequences be
what they might. We believe the constitution is the ligament
that binds together the Union of these States—it is the bond
that was made by our fathers, and its obligations are binding
upuu us—violate that bond and the instrument falls to the
ground, and the Union would and should fall with it.
“ If, thei eforo, these gentlemen are sincere who signed the
card, in saving the constitution is violated, and are yet willing
to remain in the Union, then indeed, are they suhmissionists in
the strictest sense of the word, uad are un worthy the sup
port of a high-minded and honorable people, ‘ who know
their rights and knowing dare maintain them.’ We would
not consent to represent any people who would expect us to
sustain the Union when the constitution is itself violated. No?
hut it is because you do not think the constitution is violated
that you instruct us to vote to preserve the Union, and be
ohuvu we agree with you that the constitution is not violated,
we can conscientiously carry out your instructions. If, on
the other hand, these gentlemen do not believe what thev say.
that the constitution is violated, then they are resorting to a
trick t<* deceive the people. And they can take either horn
of the dilemma they please.”
•rwizwajui aaiae: I
For the Georgia Citizen.
“The Cow lias rat the Grindstone. 99
“l knew it.” ”1 told you so.” “I said you would never
get the negroes, and now they arc gone.” “.lust as I ex
pected.” “1 knew that Fugitive Law was ati imposition
upon tlie South, got up by the Yankees to scare the negroes
tint of the free States, so that their owners can never get
them.’’ “Well,” says another, “I am glad they're gone.”
Now strange as it may appear to Southern people, those,
itud many other senseless expressions of gratification, have
been common in the streets for the last, few days, since the
.announcement in tie: papers, that the Boston Fugitives have
gone to England. Such things will he noticed, and such rc
janrkn remembered. They are made by the third and fourth
cbisHtrs of politicians who have no argument, but who are ev
er ready to say or do any thing, to create sectional animosity,
with a hope of eventually disturbing the peace of the country,
thinking no doubt, that in a general wreck they could pick
tip something. If these men laid hern in Boston they would
‘have beeu among the first to pul! Kuigbt's coat toil.
7.’ Wfßlk mtc BW
S'fani Propclltr.
We are pleased .*> learn that a company is about to be or-
for the construction of a line of steam propellers be
twdek-f:vannnli and New York. The parties immediately
engaged in this enterprise, are Messrs. Demille & Cos., of
New York, Messrs. Rowland A Washburn of Savannah and
Cup’ ‘ ‘Brown. They propose to employ a cash capital of
£109.000 to Ik* divided into shares of §IOO each. The first
vessel will be<f about 1100 burthen, and with capacity to
curry 2000 hales of cotton and 150 passengers. Lists have
already been opened, and handsome subscriptions made in
Savannah and New York. The company however, desire to
interest souk* of the merchants and capitalists of the interior
in tlie enterprise, and for this purpose, have left lists in the
hands of Messrs. Ilea A Cotton, and Thurston R. Bloom of
this city, to whom persons wishing to subscribe, will please
make application. Pledges are given, that the vessel will be
retained upon the line ; in other words, that she will not be
From the high character of the gentlemen engaged in the
enterprise, and tlie experience in other lines, we have no doubt
that the stock will Ik- profitable. We trust that stock enough
may In- suWrihed, to place not only one, but several pro
jiel'eis upon this line.—•Jour. i- Mess. Nov. 13.
Truitts itted expressly for Use Savannah Daily Morning News.
New York, November 12, 2 1-2, P. M. )
Received in Savannah, at 2, 54, P. M. )
The American steamer Atlantic , arrived to-day, with Liv
jMioi dates to the 30th ult., being four days Utter than those
brought by the Africa.
The Liverpool Cotton market has undergone no change
since the Africa's accounts. The ruling quotations are for
Pair Orleans, eight and a quarter, for Mobile and 1 pianos,
eight and an eighth. The sales of the four days amounted to
21,000 bales.
_ I. . 1
linns Sinus.
Suite of }ln. Caliious Recovered.—The Charles
ton News of Friday says: “A Telegraphic despatch, re
wived here this morning, from New York, by Charles L<l
- Esq , states that the Statue of Mr. Calhoun has
been recovered.”
Uvnch OK A Wah Steamer.— -Tlie Bunker Ilill Aurora
aajs tint the ip**** steamship which has been in progress at
tlie Navy Yard for some time past, was launched on Satur
day afternoon in fine style. She is called the John Han
They are Right.—There is in Washington city a debat
ing society composed of intelligent free black men. They
have been discussing the question whether the abolitionists of
‘lie north arc the friends of the slave, and decided it by a
unanimous negative. — Pitts. Post.
A young lady of delicate health in this city, says the Ports
mouth Clipper, attempted suicide by eating seven ears o. green
O't'ii a few days since. No cause assigned.
Gen. Gideon Pillow, of Mexican war notoriety, has been
elected ‘‘President of the Duck River Slackwater Naviga
tion Company.”
Gen. Foote has been invited by one hundred of h:s fel
low-citizens in Noxubee county, Mississippi, to partake of a
public dinner. The letter of invitation was signed by
Democrats and fifty YY bigs.
Chattanooga.—The population of Chattanooga, accord
ing to the census just taken, isI2QS. The bill of mortality
for the year ending first June last, was only six.
Deshong Dead. — The well known mathematical expert,
Deshong, died very suddenly a few days since, on board the
steamboat City of Toronto, while en route from Kingston to
Toronto. It is supposed that his death was caused by attack
of apoplexy, lie had recently given a course of lectures up
on his favorite them eat Quebec.
Whites and Blacks in South Carolina.— Statistics
founded on the tax returns received at the ofiice of the Comp
troller General ot South Carolina, give the white population
at 280,385, and the slaves at 358,711.
A western editor remarked, in a polemical article, that
though he would not call his opponent a liar, lie must say, that
if the gentleman had intended to state what was utterly false,
ha had bcc remarkably succssful in his attempt.
In the Y irginia Convention to reform tlie Constitution, on
| Saturday last, Mr. Floyd offered a resolution to the effect that
the power should be conferred on the Legislature, to pass a
law discriminating against all goods manufactured in a non
slaveholding State ; or in other words, that a law should be
passed prohibing, by refusal to grant liconse, the sale of all
I goods from non-slaveholding States, within the Common
i wealth, either at wholesale or retail.
Mi. 1 lojd gave notice of his intention to urge this resolu
tion on the Convention at its re-assemblage.
XaT The returns already received at Washington City.
; sW that population of Massachusetts, by the United
I Sta,es CeMo * vvill bc greater than by the State Census, and
Hie has. without doubt, a little over one million of inhabitants
within her borders.
Piano Forte Tuning,
G. D- RICE tuner and repairer of Piano F'ortcs
lit 1 i U and Organs, formerly of New York, would re
: sped fully inform ihose owning instruments, that he is now
located in Macon, and will visit the neighboring towns once
*? e a .5 < * ar- Ile has the very best of recommendations
and Will give SIOO if any one can be fonnd to excel him.—
He pledges himself not to be equalled. He will work cheap.
; est for those who employ him the most frequently. Tuning
done in the city bv the year where there is no repairing,
tw ice tor $5. three times 06, Charges for repairing will he
made according to the work. Orders left at Messrs. Virgins
will he attended to. Nov 16, 1850 36-3 m
If “anted
IMMEDIATELY, one or two first-rate Pattern Makers, to
vv hom constant employment and good wages will be giv
en. None but competent and steady workmen need apply.
“®vl6 lm ROBT. FINDLAY.
I Tallahassee, Florida.
r | ‘HE i iidersigned has taken charge of the above Estab
lishment. It has been refitted and furnished with polite
: and accommodating servants, and with every convenience
which either the place or the season can afford. He trusts
that his experience as a Hotel Keeper and his general ac
qnaintance made during his residence in Macon, will be suf
ficient guarantee to the Travelling Public and especially to
tD** citizens of Florida, that lie will not fail to please. He
will at least use every reasonable effort to contribute to the
comfort and convenience of those who favor him with their
; patronage. S. M. LANIER,
novlfi iy
HAS It/'mured from Siarksrille to Macon.
formed a Copartnership, in the practice of Medicine,
tender their professional services to the citizens of Macon
and tlie adjoining country in the various branches of the pro
i session. Ofiice in East Macon. Jour. & Mess, copy lm.
i.A.caa HIGH, gcij.aoi^
IMIE subscriber having associated with himself, the Ilev.
GEO LG E HANCOCK, late Professor of Languages
! hi the \V esleyan Female College, will open on the first Mon
day in January, ill connection with the Bihh County Acade
my, a HIGH SCHOOL, in which will be taught., r.ll tlie
branches of a thorough ilnghsh m,d Classical Pldvcation.
I rot. HANCOCK will have charge of the Department of
Languages. Prof. J. RYAN, late of tlie Liverpool Me
chanic’s Institution, will superintend the Department of
Mathematics, prof. L. G RLMM E. will give instructions in
the French and other Modern Language*.
ISnglish Department.
i Priina rv’Cbies, per Scholastic Y ear §25 00
Fourth,Class, “ *• “ 28 00
i Thin! Class, “ 44 44 J‘J2 00
Second Class, 44 44 44 40 00
: First Class, 44 44 44 50 00
Classical Department.
; Third Class, per Scholastic Y ear §3O 00
Second Class, 44 44 44 40 00
1 First Class, 44 •• 44 50 00
Tlsero will In* no extra charges, except for the Modern
Languages, and one dollar from each pupil during the vvin
j ter teim.
Tlie instruction in tlie Mathematical Department, will
i embrace every thing usually taught in u Collegiate course,
j together with practical Surveying and Engineering, Book
j keeping by single and doubio-cittry, principles of Arcliitcc
j turn. etc.
The inslitutloii will be completely re-,,] onoerpd- M", ptil
dent will be admitted, who does not beat, diameter,
and every one guilty of disorderly or conduct, will
be suspended or ex|ei!ed. Special care will be paid to the
i moral, as well as’.lie intellectual training of the pupils.—•
; Suitable Lectures and explanations will accompany each
i recitation. Monthly reports will he made to parents and
] guardians, of the deportment and progress of each pupii.
N. B.—Payments will he required at the expiration of one
; half of each term.
O* Arrangements will he made to have students from a
| distance, provided with good hoard in respectable families, at
j moderate terms.
i Circulars containing further information will be furnished
on application to the subscriber.
P. A. STROBEL, Hector.
Macon, Go., fltli Nov. IPoO.
There will he but o;ie vocation in the year, commencing
on the lotii .Inly and ending on the 31st August.
The following gentlemen constitute the Board of Trustees:
Hon. A. ll.Chappell, Nathan C. Monroe, Esq., Maj. Janies
Smith, Col. R. \. i,. Atkinson, S. Rose, Esq.
The following gentlemen have consented to act tisa Board
of Visitors: Hon. E. A. Xisbet, Hon. “W ashington Poe, lion.
T. G. Holt, Hon. G. M. Logan,jGen. J. W. Armstrong, Rev.
\\\ H. Ellison, J). !)..Thomas Ilavdentan, Esq., Charles
Gampbell, Esq., S. T. Chapman. Esq., Reverend S. Lan
drum, Dr. W. Lightfoct, Dr. J. ii Wiley, Rev. R. Hooker,
T. it. Lunar. I'ev. .1. A. tSiianklin, Jas-M. Roardrrnin, Hr.
.1. M. Green l". W. Wise, Esq., Col. S.T. Bailey, l)r. Not
tingham, on:! 1 >r. E. L. Strohecker.
November 1L lo5(l. 33—ts
Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves &
House-Keeping Articles,
Nenr Scott, Carhnrt dfe Co’s.
(\FFER to the attention of their friends and ttie public, a large
} well selected and general stock in their line ; having been
selected and bought by one of the concern, the goods are all new
and were laid in expressly for this market.
We will take the liberty to say, that for variety, our Stock cannot
lie equalled in tile State.
We will sell on r. asonahlc terms,giving every usual accomodation.
Copper Work, of all kinds, done with exactness and despatch.
Tin W< ek in all its variety,—Hooting and Job work,done as usual.
A good st.,ck of Tin Ware al>vflJ' s on hand. Amongst their stock
will be found Iron of all sizes afid kinds, Nails and Nail Rods, Spikes
Steel, Cast, Orman. English blister and Spring Steel, Castings and
Hollow Ware, Ovens, Pots, Boilers and Cauldrons.
/tefegg COOKING
cried tne indignant doc AND
J <*j Wlio is your autbq* ”
foyff**- frangible fop Jo* *-t
10 varieties, some very modern
ANVILS, Vices, Bellows and Blacksmith's Tools, generally. Por
table Forges, Cross Cut and Mill Sants, and Mill Cranks, Files &.r„
Saws, Planes, Bench Screws, Morticing Machines, Chisels, Ham
mers, Hand Vices and Carpenters’ Tools, generally. Mill Irons. Hois
ting Screws, Hand and Jack Screws. Plows, Trace, and Log Chains,
Lock and Breast Chains. Axes, Hoes, Agricultural implements, and
all kinds Plantation Tools, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Corn Mills.
Spades and Shovels, Fire I>ngs, Fenders, Shovel and Tongs and
Housekeeping- Articles, Brass Goods, of all kinds, Ket
tles, Sifters, Fans and Faucets. Fine Guns, Pistols and shoot ing im
plements generally. Willow and Wooden Ware, Tubs, Baskets,
Trays, {ic., &c.
Japanned & Brittannia Ware,
A |.2 Tl 2
L\MPS and Candlesticks. English and American Door Locks, Till,
Trunk and Cliest Locks, Mies Rasp*, Horse Shoe Nails, Furnaces
for Tailors. Furnaces for heating smoothing Irons, with the usual va
riety of Knives and Forks, Carvers, Pocket h.uves, Pad Locks and
U Scissors, Brushes of all kinds, Ilairand Feather Dusters,Cords,
Manilla Rope, Grindstones, Sic., Sic., Sic.
Os all kinds, would respectfully solicit planters and
families to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere,
as they will always keep No. 1 articles,
act II ‘ 29-Giu
fI S ©S©R I A eI*IX Slf
dT Spencer Kiley, Esq., an
nounces himself to J his friends and fel
low citizens ot Bibb County as a Candi
date for Receiver of Tax Returns and
would be grateful for their liberal sup
port- Nov. 2.
K©S6IJEI’x will commence his School on
tins evening, Saturday 3d November, at 3 o’clock
for Misses, Mastsrs and Young Ladies, for gentlemen
same evenings at 7, 8 or 9 o’clock as may best suit their
convenience. Mr. B. \vi 1 teach those who may desire
dance Jloffroou and as Taught
and introduced by Cellarius at Paris. He will give les
sons privately if desired, attend Classes at Academies
oi in the surrounding county and parents may rest as
sured that due attention will be given to the deportment
of their children.
I erms tor all the different dances, 010 ; for any par
ticular one, 05: waltzing will he taught for 05, and
lessons given privately if desired.
Cornucopia Siesta nrat,
aad wm mm*
Tl ,<? / ‘’Partnership heretofore existing under the name
of LSFIER & LANIER, is this day dissolved, by mu
tual consent. The business of this establishment will
be carried on by C. C. USHER, who will use his best
efforts to p ease all who may favor him with a call.
oct 20 ts “ CIIAS. C. USHER,
MOYS. A. BOMI l), (from Savannah,) respectfully i
---forma the citizens of MACON that he will open lit*;
Academy on MONDAY’ next the fourth day of Noveihbcr
ber, at 4 o’clock at the new Concert liall, for the reception
of pupils. During the season tlie following Fancy Dances
will he introduced by him: the Cachucha, Pas Sterien,Al
lemond Waltz ; Polka Cotillions; Polka Iledowa : and the
SCOTTISH, as introduced by him with great success, last
summer in Newport.
Days ot iuition, MONDAY and Tl ESDAY. Tuition
Hours, from t *<> 6 o’clock for Y oung Ladies and Masters ;
from 8 to lti for Gentlemen.
Ladies and Gentlemen wishing to take private lessons in
the Polka or Scottish, can be instructed by Mr. 8., in one to
five Icsssons.
As his School rn Savannah will commence next week, all
who desire to employ his services are invited to do so with
out delay.
Moils. Bonaud has permission to refer to the following
gentlemen: Dr. R. Collins, G. M. Logan, T. 11. Bloom, S
T. Chapman.
nov 2 tf*
M m &J. M fit M m
Great Bargains!
■\TToald respectfully announce to tlie Citizens of MACON,
> > and surroundim* country, that they are now opening,|in tlie
new Triangular itiock, tliree doors Kast of l.ogau's Dry Coods’ fc'tore
2d street, tlie largest and most attractive STOCK of
ever before o lie red in this market, which will bc sold at prices that
cannot fail to suit the Customer.
being largely connected in the Shoe and Leather business at the
North, their (Linds have been manufactured and got np lo tk best
possible advantage, anil with careful reference to this market; and
they venture to say,that in point of klkganck and nrRAniLiTY, their
Ctock cannot t>e eipialled ly any liouse South of Washington.
Iu the Ladies Department will be found the most hark
and Et.ecvsT styles which liave ever been produced by the Trade—
such as : Satin and Prunella patent foxed Congress Cniters; Satin
and Prunella patent foxed I<aee Caiters; Idack and white) Satin, and
black and white Kid Party Slippers; Knnme!, Hron:w, Idack and
white kid French Kmbroidercd Party Smithrs —at>eaittifui article;
Patent Leal her Fnamel, Kid, and Morocco ExcelsiurTietr; Iligli and
low cut Morocco and Cloth IVuskins and half Caiters; French Mo
rocco, I,ace and (Congress Caiters ; as well as tlie more common vari
■ci"* fi"".•• r-il and substantial use. Miocs ChildrisA) and ls
iqje’ _ >ri':f _cotiiinon.k
, The perilous m and tASi irri..
M men’s Department maybe found a great
for,. stitch dress Poors —among them, an elegant
llsitor ~ticle ; French Calf Stitch Water-proof and Cork sole
1 . French Calf, Peg tin.,dressnt.d winter lioots ; Patent leather
rrfid Knarnel Omgressand French strap Gaiters; Clotli |>atent foxed
and Prunella Congress and Lace Caiters : Patent leather and French
calf Taylor Ties and Krogans; Patent leatlier, Morocco, Seal ami
Toilet slippers and Pumps. I Joys Wear of every description, from
a French calf stitched Foot down to tlie most ordinary article worn.
Their stock of Common and Ukavv Work—consisting of calf, kip,
and stoga lioots; calf, kip, Coa,Black and Russet lirogans is exten
sive, and will bc sold at small advances to the planter and laboring
Their Stork will be kept foil niid complete by monthly
arrivals—thus enabling I lie in at all tino s to furnish any ar
ticle of Goods called for by the Trade. They would, there
fore, respectfully solicit the attention ofihose shopping lo
an examination of their Goods, before making their puichn
ses; assuring them that their Goods mid Prices car.not fail
to please; and pledging the best attentions on their behalf.
To ihose buying to sell again, Goods will he idle ted at a
small commission. Delict ing a scale of low Pl'ter s best
suited to tlie ti nes, their motto will be, ‘‘Small Profits
uniJ Quick Retnrus.”
r-gr* Repairing neatly done at short notice.
Macon. Octo., 26 ]8. , >0
U 2. CS> Ny SSA 11 0
])AYIVE & IVBSUET would most respectfully in
form their friends and customers, tliat lltey have moved
their stock of DREGS and MEDICINES to the corner of
the new Brick Building opposite the Washington Halt,
where they will be happy to see all their old customers and
others that may favor them with a call : and where they
will keep a general stock of fresh Drugs and Medicines,
Leeches. Perfumery. &ic., and put up Prescriptions with care
and neatness, and always give satisfaction,
oct 1
Ware-House & Commission Merchants
IX presenting our card to the public, we will state that
our best exertions will he given to promote the interests of
our patrons ; and from past experience, we hope to be able
to do full justice to ail business which may he confided to our
charge; and also hope for n continuance of favors from the
old patrons of Conner & Martin.
Orders for Goods tilled fire of Charge.
O’ Advances made on Cotton in Store or Shipment, at the
usual rates. ,f~fi
Aug. 20 ts VT. W. TAYLOR.
r IMJE undersigned will continue the Warehouse and Com
n mission Business, at the commodious and well known
FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, formerly occupied by Dyson
& Field. The strictest personal attention of lioth the part
ners will, as heretofore, be given to all business entrusted to
their care. They respectfully solicit a continuance of the
patronage of their oid friends and the public generally.
They are prepared to make the usual Cash Advances off
all Cotton or other Produce stored with them at the custo
mary rates.
All orders for Groceries, Bagging and Rope, will be filled
at the lowest market prices.
m u . r , oro S JOHN M. FIELD,
Macon, Sept. G, 1850. j A B ADAMS .
I E SUBSt RIBER has constantly on
J- hand a large and well selected assort-
Law, Medical, School &
£ \ 3 Miscellaneous BOOKS.
BLANK BOOKS of all kinds; Stationary in any quantities, for the
common purposes and pursuits of the times, as well as for Legal, and
Love “doings.” GOLD PENS in profusion from one to a dozen dol
lars, selected to suit any hand, and “match any pile.” BONNER'S
MAPS, Large and Small; Traveller’s Guides through the States,and e
ven to the Land of Ophier, (vide Major Noahs’last crotchet.) Loring’s
latest GLOBES, with all the well authenticated routes laid down, ex
cept that taken by the ships of Tarshish ; together with other objects
of Polite Literature, ltegal Learning, and Refined Luxury, too numer
ous to mention ; alll of which he is extremely anxious his customers
should become possessed of, in the “su/ way.'’
Mar eh. 21.1850. I~J
Watches, Jewelry, &c.
SrZx ‘ fyff GOLD and silver lever, duplex, anchor
yand verge WATCHES, gold guard, fob
CWiSr.-sauaKßß gvest and chatalaine Chains’; seals, keys.
; Charms, ij-c., diamond, ruby, opal, garnet and pearl and
i other stones set in finger rings; ear rings, bracelets, neckla
: ces. breast pins, studs, collar buttons, sleeve buttons, <J*c.
Gold and silver Spectacles, thimbles, pen and pencil cas
es with Brown &. Bagley’s Pens, tooth picks, lockets and
miniature cases, snaps, bracelet clasps, belt buckles es gold
and silver, &.C., card cases of sitoer pearl, embossed steel, &c.,
ladies port monies of do. comlsof silver, tortoise shell, buffalo
&c., head dresses, paper mache work stands, desks, port folios
jewelry boxes, &c.
A choice and elegant selection of the above, with a great
many new and elegant articles now on hand and for sale for
moderate.profits, for cash or approved credit.
oct 26’ 3m E. J. JOHNSON.
Housekeeping Goods,
SILVER Forks, table, dessert, tea, mustard and saltspoons,
blitter knives, soup ladles, cups and pitchers, sugar tongs,
gravy spoons, &.c. of warranted pure silver.
Silver plated waiters, cake baskets, candlesticks, castors,
snuffers and trays, butter tubs, salt and mustard cups, sugar
baskets, a c. of new ricli and elegant styles.
Silvered and gilt girondole, porcelain vaees. lard lamps, &c.
Ivory handle knives and forks in setts and knives extra :
silver plated fruit knives, childrens knives and forks, ac. nap
kin rings, tea trays in setts and singly.
Received by late arrivals and for sale on fair terms by
oct 26 3m E. J. JOHNSON.
the Young Ones—Buttle doors and shuttle corks,
graces, knives and forks, bowls and pitchers, rattles,
j teething rings, &c. for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
j JMNE GUNS—A fine lot of superior stub and Damascus
Ii twist Guns,shot pouches, powder flasks, drum bottles
j gunning equipments generally, for sale bv
("BOLT’S Pistols—Allen A, Wesson’s do. with a large
J and choice lot of rifle and smooth bore single barrels,
for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
CALIFORNIA Knives —I’en, pocket and hunting do.,
razors and scissois, &c. of superior qualitv, for sale by
Cf ANES—w ith gold, silver, ivory and other mountings,
) cigar cases, port tnonais, dressing cases, Ac. on hand
and for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
ITtINE Viol ais, flutes and a t deew choice lot,
for sale by F.. J. JOHNSON.
DAG l ERROETYPE Storks —Plate cases and chem
icals, prepared buckskin, paints, brushes &e. with n
lew samples ot beautiful papier mache and gilt morroco hook
cases, tin sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
C's 01,1) Foil, Dentists Files, .Mouth Glasses, &c., for
*T sale liy E. J. JOHNSON.
SURVEYORS [Compasses, LnndJCliains, Mathemati
cal Instruments Ac., anew supply for sale bv
CA 11.1 Cornice* and Curtain Bands of new sty les and rich
If and elegant patterns. For sale by
IJYOR the Toilet—A choice selection of verv superior
Toilet articles, for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
Wedding Pa rties, &c, —Note paper, envelopes,
wafers,cake boxes, gold and silver leaf, iVc., of choice
and beautiful styles, lor sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
On 3d St. between the Floyd House & Post Office,
rqf-] THE undersigned having REMOVED their
k I Boot and Slice Manufactory on 3d St., and liuv
fiw&nJxjqi biglately procured a good supply of tlie best iua
teriais, are now prepared to manufacture to or-
Inside Cork Boots; Water-Proof Boots;
Quilted Bottom Boots; bailed Bottom Boots;
Patent Leather Boots; Opera Boots,
TY 5 ” Also Shies and Gaiter* ; all warranted of the best stock and
on hand, some first rate FRENCH CALF SKINS, of di
rect importation, rhr/ip for Casi.
5 j sT Gentlemen are invited to call and examine our work, a* we
am determined tocxecuteall orders, in a style that cannot he beaten ,
in this or any other city, \\ e shall aim to give entire satisfaction to
every customer. Reparing neatly done.
.Xf “ r ‘ 7~’ ’ ,f “ - t
, 100 ()( BAGS. Cash paid for clean cotton or
1 v *’ >\ t linen rags—4 cents per pound, when de
livered in quantities of 100 pounds or more ; and 3£ when de
livered in small quantities. For old hemp, bagging, and pie
ces in rope, cents, delivered either at Rock Island Factory
orat their store in Columbus, in the South corner Room
of Oglethorpe House.
D. ‘ADAMS, Secretary.
Oct, 26. ts
|L ’ ■
S • H • *ANSOM. OC
—4 xZ.-te
Manufacturer antl Dealer in
ipiumim, mvmnm & ©l©ok
Stoves of every kind,
The Richest and Most Fashionable Patterns,
Stove rimmings ard Ilclh \v Ware,
[LT All kinds of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Work, done
at the shortest notice.
oct 19 30-—6 m
Billiard & Bowling SaloGn,
Opposite tbe Lanier liouse,—Tiaron, fcia.
ESTABLISHMENT has recently been thoroughly
A renovated and splendidly furnished, by the Proprietor,
who has lately purchased and set up two of
Winant’s Superior Billiard Tables,
for the accommodation of those who arc fond of this pleas
ant and scientific pastime.
dir lie has also refitted his BOWLING SALOON con
taining four good Alleys, with all the needful equipment for
this healthful and invigorating exercise.
ID” His BAR is, as usual, well supplied with the choicest
spiritual refreshments, and iu a room separate and distinct
from the other Departments, so that all tastes can be grati
fied, without any unnecessary commingling of the solids
and liquids.
O* Good order will bo preserved, and every attention
will he given to make his guests feel entirely ‘‘at Home,”
whenever they may choose to give him a call. Asa ‘re
treat’ from the cares of business, during the long winter eve
nings, the Proprietor flatters himself that his visiters may
“go further and fare worse.’
oct 19 [6m] E. E. BROWN.
unmet, ~
TIIE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between
the Subscribers, in the business of Hotel keeping, iw this
day dissolved. AH persons are cautioned against crediting
any one in the name of said firm.
The undersigned will hereafter continue the “Mechanics’
Hotel” on his own account and hopes to afford the public
and his friends satisfaction. TIIO. L. WILLIAMS,
oct 19 ts
In Chambers, October, 17th, 1850.
An election for two Justices of the Inferior Court of
Bibb County will take place on the 25th day of Novem
ber next, at the Court House, in Macon, and at the dif
ferent precincts of Bibb County, to fill the vacancies, oc
casioned by tlie resignation of their Honors Thom. Har
deman, Sen. and James W. Armstrong.
ILT Tel. and Mese. copy.
L'art de’ la danse ’et la Politc’sse.
MR. BOSSIEUX has the honor of announcing to the
1. >es and Gentlemen of ‘dacon, that he will open hi*
School the first week in November,in the. NEW CONCERT
H A LL. entrance opposite Washington Hall.
lie will merely state that his method of imparting the art
is thoroughly systematic, and has been acknowledged to
surpass any otfered in the Southern country, as it embraces
all the forms of the above beautiful and deservedly fashion
able accomplishment: The latest novelties of ihe art as
now danced at Paris and the North, will be introduced by
him, among which are the following:
Polka it Mazurka Quadrilles, Fancy Dance*. Spanish
Dances, Sicilian Circle, Rustic, Scotch, and Did Virginia
Reels, Hornpipes, Highland Fliligs, Contra Dances, &<-.
Days of tuition will be Friday and Saturday Evenings,
at 3 o’clock, for Misses and Masters, for (Jentleiiieu the
same days at 7 8 &. 9o’clock, at night.
Terms for session of Dancing, Waltzing, Jtc. $10; when
throe pupils are entered from one family, the charge will be
£95. Mr. 15. will also give instruction on the Guitnr and
Violin. Terms per session, £5 —list now open at Mr. Jos.
M. Hoardmnti’s Rook Store.
Macon Octo., 11, 1850. 99—5 t
T flflft Wool Hats assorted qualities,
Negro Blankets assorted qualities,
l. r !M) pr. Negro Shoes Superior quality,
200 pieces Negro Kerseys,
for sale by S.MITII i Ol,l\ ER.
~'m a a a asa*is .
/TtrysW MRS. I)AMOUR informs the Ladies
of Macon and vicinity, that her stock in
iiiJMt -n '>•*■** *the above line is complete for Full Fash
ioil, with the most desirable Goods.—
.ft jft vjj A* these Goods have been mostly pnr
u chased ir Paris, for this place, they will
be sold cheaper than ordinary. Ladies
would do well to take a good look t
‘7 n them and compare them with orher Good*
before purchasing elsewhere. The#Stock of SILK and
SILK, is worth any one’s trouble to examine thoroughly,
o cltl 8m
Oemnlgce Iron k Slims
fIAUK Ocmulgee Foundry has been enlarged and furnished with
new and superior stock of tools, which will enable the subscribe
to furnish work at the shortest notire, in his tine, of a superior char
acter. and at prices as low atcan bo furnished elsewhere. The atten
tion of Milwrights and Machinists is earnestly requested to examine
this establishment. lam prcjmredto furnish
stsak sft shg-hstss,
froui 1 to 00 horse power, for saw mills or other purposes; Screw
Cuttings from 1 inch diameter to 2 feet, 10 feet long : Gear Cuttings;
Turning in all its branches; Finishing of all kinds of Machinery.
we are prepared to furnish all kinds >f t'astincs of Iron or Brass ; M:!l
Hear of all kinds, of the most approved patterns; Bevel. Face and Spur
Gear; Cast-Iron Water Wheels; Gin Gear of all patterns, and sizes to
suit; Cotton <• in work; Press I’udeys; Hand Railings, fire-proof
Doors ane windows, Cemetry Railing, Gudgeons, Inks, Mill Randles —
in fact, work of any description that is done in an establishment of the
Persons interested in the business are rcpucsted to examine this
concern. CHAS. I*. LKVY.
Ocmutgee Foundry , Ist St.brloic .Mai on &• Western liaUroad. I —tj
OAA KK.GS Nails, assorted;
20 “fine .1(1 nails;
1000 pounds Wrought Nails;
1000 do. Horse Shoe Nails;
1.3,000 do. assorted Baltimore Hollow Ware;
Swedes Iron, assorted;
Band. Hoop and Hound Iron;
Nail Hods;
Cast and German Steel:
English and American Blister .Steel;
In Store, andforsale by BRAY, CARHART fc CO.
May 14,1 Hit). 12—ft
I) ECEIVED at Bklden & Cos.
k 20 Cases Gents Fine and Coarse Roots,
Gents fine Gaiter Roots, Shoes and Slippers,
20 Cases Negro Shoes Cheap for Cash, or approved
Credit. 1m
1 AMP, Linseed, Lard and Train oil. Window Glass and
J Putty, Paint Brushes and all kind of Colour* for Pain
ters’use for sale by SMITH ts- OLIVER.
Xtßs.N'pllTvt, could respectfully'inform her
fi ff I* friends and the public, that she still continues
the Instruction of Young Ladies on the Piano Forte, at her
residence on the west side of College liill, where she solicits
that share of Public Patronagp which a generous public may
see fit to bestow upon her. This being the only means left
her, for the support of herself and orphan children, will, she
trusts, he a sufficient ground for giving the present notice.
Her terms will be )ji3o, per term of ton months,
oct 4 28—ts
\ CASES Prints, assorted qualities;
l'J 5 do. Ginghams, do. do.
2 do. Lawns, do. do.
10 Cases Bleached Goods;
50 Bales Brown Domestics;
Ca|)3, Ky. .leans, Flannels. &e.—for sale bv care or pieco,
rv cheap at KIBBEE Sc DICKINSON’S.
July 3d, 1850. 14—ts
| A PRS. Cotton “Warp, Ingrain and 3 fly Carpetings,
TV Just received, and for sale lower than ever known in
this market, by KIBBEE & DICKINSON.
Macon, July 3d, 1850. 14—ts
Dissolution. —The copartnership heretofore existing tie- I
tween the undersigned, is dissolved by mutual consent—to take
eifect on the Ist day of September next. Macon, August 20, JBSO.
/.. T. CONNER.
aug 23 23—ts A. W. MARTIN.
r p IIE WARE-HOUSE and commission business
.JL will be continued in the name and style of CONNER & TAYLOR
at the old Stand—where they will be ready to exert, themselves to
serve all patrons and friends.
aiij;. 23 22—ts \V. W. TAYLOR.
r p 11 K undersigned still continue their old business, and bare at this j
X time, one of the larsieat and best selected stocks of
Groceries in the State, which they an-at ait time* prepared !
to sell on the most favorable tmns to Dealers or Consumers.
In addition to their regular business, they are constantly receiving •
consignments of ‘JEKNESSL'S FRODUCB. Bacon, j
Corn, Clour, Ac., which they will sell at the latent market I
April If?, 1850. 4—ts
~X. OUSLE Y & SOX, ’ |
Ware-House and Commission Merchants.
WILL continue Rusines at their % ‘
“rire.Proof Buildings,” j
Thankful for past favors, the beg leave to say they will l>e con- ;
stoutly at their post, and that no efforts shall be spared to advance
the intcrestof their patrons.
They respectfully ask all who have Cotton or other produce to J
Store, to call and examine the safety of their buildings, before placing ]
it elswhcre.
Ci stomarv Advances on Cotton in Shore or Shipped, and all busi- j
ness transacted at the usual rales.
Aptil 25th, 1830 s—ts
“I w Jlalf-Bar’ls No. 1 Mackerel,
_Le) 15“ “ “ 2 “
fresh caught, for sale by SMITH Sc OLIVER.
IRON founder!
Stun ill Engines & Boilers,
Also, of Gearing and shafting for .VI/.J.S,of rrcry description;
Also, Irons for
Bullock's celebrated Cotton Press,
KEIT constantly on hand; the whole of which are Warranted
to be o f the best materials and workmanship, and will be sold on
accommodating terms. *
I VW” Work Shops opposite Vresl'jtcrian chtirrh, eornsr Fourth ami
IValnul Streets.
Macon, Apia! 18,1850. 4 ts
JL ST RECEIVED a complete assortment fall Style ;
Ilats and Caps.
Im J3ELDEN & CO. j
Published at Kolasaija, Alabama.
John C. Burruss, Editor & Proprietor.
THIS PAPER is the organ of the TJniversalint De
nomination in the Southern and South-Western
States, and will be as heretofore, devoted to the region
of our and Savior, Jesus Christ. The promulga
tion and defence of the ber.ign doctrine of Unitersal
(tract” as inscribed on the pages of Divine Inspiration—
Lite.ature, the Markets, Science and General Intelli
It will give energetical essays on supposed difficult
passages of Scriyture—repel assaults that are being
made against the doctrine of Universal Salvation, (for
which, all good people pray ) and labor to establish be
yond successful cavil, “hv proofs divine, anti reasons
strong, that God will finally destroy sin and misery
from the Universe and “reconilc all things unto himself, ’
[col. 1., 20. J thoroughly washed and regenerated !
The unprecedented success w hich has thus far atten
ded the ‘Herald,’ has induced the Editor to publish if
every week, in an improved form, commencing in Janu
ary next, at greatly reduced rates.
As additional expense will necessarily !>c incurred, it
is lo he Imped that llte friends of liberal principles, will
at once exert their utmost influence in procuring new
subscribers, and thus aid in sending the ‘lferald’ into
many desolate regions of our Zion, where the voice of
! the preacher is but seldom iieard.
Tnc Editor is pleased to state that Revs. C. F. R
Sliehatie. S. J. McMorrris, Almon Gage,!). B. Clayton
and others are regular contributors ro the work, “from
whore instructive pens, the columns of the’llerald’ will
be weekly enriched.
‘Phe reputation of there brethren is too well known In
require any elogium from our pen. Suffice it to say,
that with their concentrated action, the Editor will j;i b.;r
diligently to make his paper an acceptable exponent of
the great define of -the restitution oi all t-hingk ‘ I Art
-3,21.] B - L ’
Terms :—lf paid in advance - 03 CO per an.
j *• 6 mo’s - - 250 “
“ during the year 300 “
3 copies for .
7 “ 10
10 ..... 15
O* Money can be sent by mail nt the risk of the Ktli
| tor, to whom all cmnmunicattons should be addressed.
THE NEW OMNIBUS, built to order ex
j I* ro * | y f° r the Flovd and I .am hr Horsts,
i* now running to and from each Railroad
— VDepot. ( alls for private pnss/ngrrs made
punctually, on notification being made at either House,or otir stable.
June 14,1850. j ts
patten & mum/
V/arc-Ilnmc A CoiatiiKriou -Tlorciiauls,
%r” WILL continue business at their
/E O -)p WAREHOUSE, opjswite Messrs.
p Rons k Go. Cotton .lemur. (Irate- V— S--q'_yjjj
ful for the patronage extended to ts
tlieni the past season, they renew the tender of their
! services to their former patr<>n* and the public, with the assurance
j, as they have no interest, either direct or indirect , in the purchase
of Cotton, their entire attention will be devoted to the inter
est* entrusted to them.
JFJr'Orders for Bagging, Hopk aud other Mcik hiM'lsr, will be
filled carefully and promptly, and the customary advanues made on
Produce in Store.
May 24, 1850. 9 jy
Manufacturing Company.
I interest of (-. Roberts in the aliove company has paired into
j J.. the hands of John G. Rankin and the company of Simons, Hur
j lick k Vaughn into the hands of Wm. Ilurlick—who lias associated
himself with Atkinson k Rankin oftlie Georgia .Varbfe Manufacturing
| Cos. The business will hereafter l.e carried on bv Atkinson, Rankin
j k Hurlick. All debts due the concern and liabilities against the same
since tli p first of June will be settled by them.
We are prepared to do an extensive business ; our marble is excel
ent—and we are determined to oiler work at prices which will keep
■Northern marble from the state. Examine our marble and prices,
j Our wo.k .sail done at the mills. Address.
Harnageville, Cherokee Cos. Geo.
THE proprietors are pleased to announce
to their old friend* and the public gener
ally, that thisXEW HOTEL is now open
for the reception of Conifmnv.
Having had it erected and fitted up at great expense, on the most lib
eral, elegant and extensive scale, they confidently expect a generous
patronage. |S, LANIER k SON.
June 14, 1850. 12—ts
In store, aad for sale by SCOTT, CARHART k CO
April 18,1850. 4 —ls
nm iiiaili
HI ‘HE SCBSCRIBEU tins just received an extensive asssortmenf of
the above article, embracing a great variety of price and patterns
more particularly the cheaper kinds, which will be found the prettiest
and least expensive finish, especially for parlour*; Bordering* to match
each style of course. Persons in pursuit of the article will do wel)
lo call as prices are extremely low and no charge for loosing.
March 21, 1850. ;
-a E. S. ROGERS respectfully informs the public that
• P-D he has now the sole charge of this old established and well
I -LJLJA, known Hotel, which lias recently undergone thorough re
pair, and that he will spare no pains for the accommodation of those
■ who may give him a call. Every department of the Hall will lie under
his personal supervision.and every exertion will be made to keep up
t tie establishment to the extreme point of neatness, comfort and good
c!lcer - E. S. ROGERS.
May 31, 1850. 10 ts
rt/ k Anvils, 75 \ ices,4o Mellows,lOOOlhs Pledge It ninmers
♦ Jv* Patent Ptor k* and Dies, nil from jf lo 1J inch. Just
received and for sale bv 15KAY CAUHART, A CO.
Macon, Sept 13, 1850. 25—if
IO y BALES Heavy Gunny Cloth;
m es oil piece*Dundee Ragging;
HKHt Coils Kentucky Rope;
230 “ Russia 18 ply lio|>e;
1500 Lbs. Twine;
2000 Packs Salt—now in Store and for sale in lot* to suit purcha
sers, now. KIBBLE k DICKINSON.
June 7,1850. It—ts
For Sale.
\ HOUSE couotaining Four Room*, with all necessary out
Building* with an excellent well of Water*on the premises,
near the residence of Alex. McGregor. Possession giveu miuedia
tely. E. E. BROWN.
Fept. 18th, 1850. 6—ts
lISBI i lllf’S
i Ft si® siim
THE undersigned have just complete*! their SPLENDTI>
NFW STABLE on the corner of Mulberry and Third
Street*, nearly opposite the Floyd House, where they keep on
hand safe and well broke horses and every variety of
Conveyance for the accommodation of their friends and the
Singh- Horses and Drovers will be attended to with the ut
most care and on accommodating terms. As the Proprietors
have but ONE STABL Ejtndcan therefore give their per
sonal attention to their business, they feel confident of
able to give universal satisfaction. Board of Horse 75
oents per day. T- M. MASON,
March, 21 1850—ly WILLIAM DIBBLE.
’ 1 art'* refuted and New Orleans Syrup, Soap, Starch and
Candles, for sale by SMITH <*• <' w y% r^r