Newspaper Page Text
TIT” WE are authorized to announce J.T. WOOT
ON, as a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb Cos.,
at the ensuing election.
We are authorized to announce L. S. CHER
RY as a candidate for First Marshal, at the ensu
ing election. Dec- 14 38 to
WE are authorized to announce WILLIS 11.
HUGHES, as a candidate for Principal Marshal,
at the ensuing election. dec 7
jf-eT WE are authorized to announce JOHN B.
CUMMING, as a Candidate for the office of Mar
shal of this city at the approaching election,
nov 30
WE are authorized to announce GEORGE
J. LUNSFORD, as a candidate for Deputy Marshal,
at the ensuing election. dec 7
CST WE are authorized to announce 11. E. RICH
ARDSON, as a candidate for Deputy Marshal , at
the ensuing election. dec 7
WE are authorized to annouuce WARREN
D. WOOD, as a candidate for the office of Deputy |
Marshal , at the ensuing election,
nov 30
\\ E are authorized to announce J. W.
ADERIIOLD, as a candidate for the office of Depu- \
ty Marshal, at the ensueing election,
nov 30
&W WE are authorized to announce JESSE
MORRIS, as a candidate for Deputy Marshal, at
the ensuing election. dec 7
WE are authorized to announce JAMES B.
NELSON, as a candidate for the office of Deputy
Marshal , at the ensuing election,
nov 30
jkr?” WE are authorized to announce ZACHA
KIAIIIIOLOMON, as a candidate for Deputy Mar
shal, at the ensuing election. dec 14
g3P WE are authorized to announce the name
of H. W. SHAW, as a candidate for Deputy Mar
shal, at the ensuing election. dec 14
CfF* WE are authorized to announce A. R. FREE
MAN, as a candidate for re-election for Clerk of
Council, at the ensuing election. dec 21
tW W'E are authorized to announce HENRY J.
COOPER, as a candidate for Deputy Marshal, at
the ensuing election. dec 21*
Marine and Fire Insurance Bank,
Statement of the condition of the Marine & Fire Insurance
Bank of the State of Georgia, audits Agencies, Tuesday
morning, Dec. 3d, 2850.
Discounted Notes running to maturity, $ 570,54S 76
Exchange “ “ “ 1,415,504 98
Notes and Bills protested,
Considered Good 29,430 02
“ Doubtful, 1,311 45
Bills Receivable, 1,174 11
Bonds of the City of Savannah, 43,000 00
Bonds of the Central Railroad, 3,400 00
Stocks of other Institutions, 52,320 00
Banking House and Lot, 10,00 00
Other Real Estate, 7,204 90 |
Due from other Banks and
Suspense Account, 1,119/13
Protests, 11(1 50
Resulting Balance with Agencies, 57,650 63
N othej & Checks of other Banks, 46,134 80
Specie, 309,733 78
Capital Stock, $ 650,000 00
Circulation, 1,471,796 00
Deposites, 367,201 18
Unclaimed Dividends, 1,880 00
Dividend No. 47, declared this day, 39,000 00
Cue to other Banks and Agents, 154,516 49
tserved profits, 142,394 96
2,826,788 63
‘'Tate of Gegrgia, ) Personally appeared Edward Pad-
Gkatham County , J delford, President, & Jonathan Olm
stead, Cashier of the Marine and Fire Insurance Bank of the
State of Georgia, and made oath that the foregoing statement
is just and true to the best of their knowledge and belief.
J. OLMSTEAD, Cashier.
Sworn and subscribed this 20th Day of December, 1850,
before me,
W. THORNE “WILLIAMS, s. i. c. c. c.
State Bank.
A Condensed Statement of the condition of the Bank of the
State of Georgia and Office at Augusta, on the sth De
cember, 1850, and other Branches and Agencies, up to the
13th instant.
Discounted Notes, 1,485,864 18
J :i ls of Exchange, 1,421,119 75
’ 2,906,983 93
“f which amount is considered
good, 2,896,043 89
Doubtful, 7,031 10
Bad, 8,908 91
12,906,983 93
.Stocks, Bonds, &0., 171,395 00
Real Estate, 55,942 63
Banking Houses and Lots 70,317 76
Salaries and Expenses, 7,179 45
Resulting Balance between Mother Bank and
Branches, 483,381 52
Due from other Banks, 342,044 41
Notes of other Banks on hand, 147,626 00
Specie, 618,772 33
. 1,108,4-12 74
$4,803,644 03
Capital Stock, 1,500,000 00
Notes in circulation, 2,388,379 00
Discount Account, 40,548 16
Reserved Fund, 50,461 31
Di\i lend unclaimed, 15,279 50
Depositee, 806,978 03
$4,803,644 03
State op Georgia, ) Personally appeared A. Porter,
Chatham County , ) President, and I. K. Tefft, Cashier
of the Bank of the State of Georgia, and made oath that the
foregoing statement is just and true to the best of their knowl
edge and belief. A. PORTER, President.
I. K. TEFT, Cashior.
Sworn and subscribed this 20th of November, 1840.
W. THORNE WILLIAMS, j. i. c. c. c.
December 28, 1850. 40—It
r I^ STRUCTORS forthU Inst ' ,ut *°n are now in the citv, and
*r l‘ le Exercises wilt commence on the first Monday in January
half-past 8 o’clock, A. M. Parents and Guardian, wto ESI m
patronize the Institution, will please to leave the names of .moils.
•* l *j* r Prof ®. H, Hancock or the subscriber. 1
* E*3 *• *. STROHEj,. Rertrr _
A JOURNEYMAN PRINTER, competent and willing to work at
Press and Casr, and of steady, industrious habits, will find im
mediate application at this office. Dec. 28, 1850.
THE friends of J. 11. K. WASHINGTON, an.
uouiice him as a Candidate for MAYOR at the en
suing election. Dec. 7.
Mr. Editor :—The following Ticket will be sup
ported for Mayor and Aldermen at the approaching
Municipal Election, by men of all parties.
Fo r Mayor .
Fo r Alder men .
CONTINUE to publish the four leading British Quar
’ terly Reviews and Blackwood’s Magazine; in addi
tion to which they have recently commenced the publi
cation of a valuable Agricultural work, c-.ailed the
“Farmer’s Guide to Scientific and Practical Agriculture,”
By Henry Stephens, F. R. S., of Edinburgh, author
of the “ Book of the Farm,” &c., &,c.; assisted by John
P. Norton, M. A., New Haven, Professor of Scientific
Agriculture in Yale College, &c., &c.
This highly valuable work will comprise two large
royal octavo volumes, containing over 1400 pages, with
18 or 20 splendid steel engravings,and more titan 600
engravings on wood, in the highest style of the art, il
ilustraling almost every implement of husbandry now in
use by the best farmers, the best methods of ploughing,
planting, haying, harvesting, &c., &c., the various do
mestic animals in their highest perfection ; in short, the
pictorial feature of the hook is unique, and will render
it ol incalculable value to the student of agriculture.
The work is being published in Semi-monthly Num
bers, of 64 pages each, exclusive of the Steel engrav
ngs, and is sold at 25 cents each, or $5 for the entire
work in numbers, of which there will be at least twenty
The British Periodicals Re-published are as follows,
Although these works are distinguished by the political
shades above indicated, yet but a small portion of their
contents is devoted to political subjects. It is their lit
erary character which gives them their chief value, and
in that they stand confessedly far above all other jour
nals of their class. Blackwood , still under the masterly
guidance of Christopher North, maintains its ancient ce
lebrity, and is, at this time, unusually attractive, from
the serial works of Bnhver and other literary notables,
written for that magazine, and first appearing in its col
umns both in Great Britain, and in the United States.—
Such works as “ The Caxtons ” aud “ My New Novel”
(both by Bulwer,) “ Aly Peninsular Medal,” “'The Green
Hand,” and other serials, of which numerous rival edi
tions are issued by the ffading publishers in this country,
have to be reprinted by those publishers from the pages
of Blackwood, after it lias been issued by Messrs. Scott A
Cos., so that Subscribers to the Reprint of that Magazine
may always rely on having the earliest reading of these
fascinating tales.’
Terms. v
For any one of the four Reviews $ 3.00
For any two do. 5 OO^^Hgl
Mk For any do.
For t V 9pM)
For Blackwood and the lO.yU
For Farmer’s Guide (complete in 22 Nos.) $5.00
{Payments to be made in all cases in Advance.)
A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above pri
ces will be allowed to Clubs ordering (our or more co
pies of any one or more of the above works. Thus :
4 copies of Blackwood or of one Review wil 1 be sent to
one address for S9 ; 4 copies of the four Reviews and
Blackwood for S3O : and soon.
*** Orders from Clubs must be sent direct to the pub
lishers, as no discount from these prices can be allowed
to Agents.
Money, current in the States where issued, will be
received at par.
O’ Remittances and communications should be al
ways addressed, post-paid or franked, to the .Publishers.
79 Fulton Street, New York,
Entrance 54 Gold st.
Dec 21 4t
Premium Cotton Gins.
ET. TAYLOK & Cos., Proprietors of the Col
• limbus Cotton Gin Manufactory, have the satis
faction to announce to their patrons and the Planters,
generally, of the Cotton growing region, that they are j
prepared to supply any number of their celebrated’Pre
mium Gins.
Where these Gins have been once used, it would be
deemed unnecessary lor the Manufacturers to say a word
in their favor, as they feci confident the machines have
been brought to such perfection, that their superior per
formance will recommend them, in preference to other
Gins now in use. For the satisfaction of those who
have used the Gins, and are acquainted with their rep
utation, the Proprietors need only say, that the First
Premiums have been awarded to them, for the BEST
GIN exhibited at the Great State Fair held at Atlanta,
Ga. ; also, at the Alabama and Georgia Ayricultu-al
and Mechanic’s Fair, held at Columbus ; and at the an
nual Fair of the South Carolirfivlnstitute, at Charleston.
The Cotton ginned on these Gins received the first Pre
miums at the exhibition held at Charleston, S. C. and at
every Fair where samples of cotton from them have !
been exhibited. \
The Proprietors have in their possession numerous i
certificates from Planters, Cotton Brokers, Commission
Merchants and Manufacturers of cotton coods, testifying 1
I that the performance of the Gins, and the samples pro- ■
duced by them, cannot be excelled by any ever manufac- I
tßrecL i
All orders for Gins given either to our traveling or •
local Agents, or forwarded to the Proprietors bv mail,
will always receive prompt attention. Gins will be sent
to any part of the country, and warranted to give satis
N. B. A liberal discount will in all cases be allowed
where the Cash is paid, and the Gin taken at the Manu
factory. Dec. 14. 38—ly
At Home Again.
tr V ’ friends and the public,
(Sf&SV?, S X&ffv!* we are again established a our old stand
on the Avenue, No. 3, Fnion Building, and opening anew
and splendid assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold
Chains, Pins, Ear Rings, Gold Pencils, with and without
Pens, silver Spoons, and Forks of rich patterns. Gold and
silver Spectacles, Plaited W aiters, Castors and Cake Bas
kets of new and splendid patterns. Candlesticks, cutlery,
and a variety of fancy articles usually kept in our line.—
Guns, Pistols, Game Bags, Wadding, Caps, etc. An as
sortment of Wind, Brass and Wood instruments. Aceorde
ons and Violins of splendid quality. Clocks of different pat
Clocks and Watches repaired and warranted. Piano
Fortes, from Nunns &, Clarks, J. Chickerings, A. 11. Gale,
Tlallett & Davis’s Factories, which will be sold cheap and
v-arranted. Guitars, Guitar and Piano music, instruction
b£oks, etc. Call and see us. J. A. &S. S. VIRGIN,
dec 14 oy—tf
BAGGING, rope, 4c.
4 o*l BALES Heavy Gunny Cloth;
1 50 pieces Dundee Ragging;
1000 Coils Kentucky Rope;
250 “ Russia 18 ply Hope;
1500 Lb*. Twine;
2000 Sacks Salt—now in Ftore and for sale in lots to suitnureba
Jane 7.1850. u tt
sis 6S 0 Mil 6.1 T I 111.
LAMPS, and Candlesticks, English nnd American T)onr Locks, Till,
Trunk, and Chest Lock:*, Files, Rasps. Horse Shoe Nails, Furnaces
for Tailors, Furnaces for heating smoothing Irons, with the usual va
| riety of Knives and Forks, Carvers, Pocket Knives, Pad Locks and
j Razors.
Scissors, Brushes of nil kinds, Ilairand Feather Dusters, Cords,
Manilla Rope, Grindstones, &.C., &.C., &.c.
n °vo 33 ts
GOLD Foil, Dentists Files, ftlouih Glasses, &c., for
IW a le by E. J. J.HINSON.
Boot & Shoe Establishment.
* Kirtlaiul
would return their sincere thanks ] ■
the very liberal patronage
they have received for the last ten years and they most re
spectfully solicit a continuance of the same. They would
also inform their friends and the public generally that they
are now opening at their New Store opposite Washington
Hall an entire new stock of Boots and Shoes, mostly of onr
own manufacture, and which we shall offer at prices that
cannot fail to satisfy all who wish to purchase a good ar
ticle at. as low prices as the same quality can be purchased
in the City or State. Wc shall be receiving weekly sup
plies and hope by strict attention to please all who may pat
ronize us.
We shall also keep a good assortment, at the old stand,
where one of the firm will remain until nex* spring who
will be pleased to see our old friends and all who may favor
us with a call. MIX & KIRTLAND.
nov 30 36——ts
Spencer Riley, Esq., an
nounces himself to his friends and fel
low citizens of Bibb County as a Candi
date for Receiver of Tax Returns and
would be grateful for their liberal sup
port. Nov. 2.
IMMEDIATELY, four or five Rood Cabinet Workmen, also a good
Turner, to whom good wages will be paid by
decßl [tf 3 HUGHES, KNIGHT t CO.,
Mulberry St., near tho Market.
THE Eargest assortment ever offered in this Market of rich, ele
gant, useful, and ornamental articles suitable for Christmas and
New Year’s Presents, at E. j. JOHNBON’?.
PERSONS wish to take chances in a Splendid Itafllo for Holiday
Presents are requested to call asahovo.
dec 21 39—ts
fl'MlE business heretofore existing in the name of Putnam & Dor
_L ion was dissolved the 30th of Nov., last. G. if. PUTNAM,
dcc7 If. DORION.
JlJjpgS THE business of Dentistry in all its
Branches, will be continued by tho undersigned, to
1 -L-L-I—‘ tho entire satisfactiun of all.
Macon. Dee, 7. 1850. Tim] C. 8. PUTNAM.
tdlija Tallahassee, Florida.
UIMIE Undersigned has taken charge of the above Estab-
X lishment. It has been refitted and furnished with polite
and accommodating servants, and with every convenience
which either the place or the season can afford. He
that his experience as a Hotel Keeper and his
quaintaned made during his residence in Macon, Will iMmf
ficient guarantee to the Travelling Public and especially to
the citizens of Florida, that he will not fail to please. He
will at least use every ’reasonable effort to contribute to the
comlort and convcnienco of those who favor him with their
patronage. S. M. LANIER,
novl6 1 y
r |MIE subscriber having associated with himself, the Rev.
J- GEOEGE HANCOCK, late Professor of Languages
in the Wesleyan Female College, will open on the first Mon
day in January, in connection with the Bibb County Acade
my, a lIIGII SCHOOL, in which will be taught, all the
branches of a thorough English and Classical Education.
Prof. HANCOCK will have charge of the Department of
Languages. Prof. J. RYAN, late of the Liverpool Me
chanic’s Institution, will superintend the Department of
Mathematics. Prof. E. GRIMME, will give instructions in
the French and other Modern Languages.
English Department.
Primn ry’C’ass, per Scholastic Year $25 00
Fourth Class, “ “ •* 20 00
Third Class, “ •* “ 32 00
Second Class, **•*•* J. 40 00
First Class, M “ “ ,j 50 00
Classical Department.
Third Class, per Scholaslie Year $36 00
Second Class, 11 11 11 40 00
First Class, 11 •* “ 50 00
There will be no extra charges, except for the Modern
Languages, aud one dollar from each pupil during the win
ter term.
The instruction in the Mathematical Department, will
embrace every thing usually taught in a Collegiate course,
together with practical Surveying and Engineering, Book
keeping by single and double-entry, principles of Architec
ture, etc.
The institution tgill be completely re-organized. No stu
dent will be admitted, who does not bear a good character,
apd every one guilty of disorderly or conduct, will
be suspended or expelled. Special care will be paid to the
moral, as well as the intellectual training of the pupils.—
Suitable Lectures and explanations will accompany each
recitation. Monthly reports will be made to parents and
guardians, of the deportment and progress of each pupil.
N. B.— Payments will be required at the expiration of one
half of each term.
O’Arrangements will be made to have students from a
distance, provided with good board in respectablo families, at
moderate terms.
Circulars containing further information will be furnished
on application to the subscriber. j
P. A. STROBEL, Rector.
Nov. 1850. v a |
■KMSBjHni be hut one voc ill conunAcin^l
W ’llg gentlemen eenst.lutfftwe 1 10.-iril
lion. Nathan C. Mount', Esq., Maj^R^^B
Smith, CIBR. A. L. Atkinson, S. Rosa/Esq.
The following gentlemen have cousf-nted to act as a Boarfir
of Visitors: Hon. E. A. Nisbet, Ilon.AVashington Poe, Hon.
T. G. Holt, lion. G. M. Logan, Gen. J. W. Armstrong, Rev.
W. 11. Ellison, D. D-,Thomas Hardeman, Esq., Charles
Campbell, Esq., S. T. Chapman, Esq., Reverend S. Lan
drum, Dr. W. Light foot, Dr. J. B Wiley, Rev. R. Hooker,
T- R. Lamar, Rov.J. A. Shauklin, .Jus- M. Boardman, Dr.
J. M. Green U. W. Wise, Esq., Col. S.T. Bailey, Dr. Not
tingham, mid Dr. E. L. Strohccker.
November 9, 1850 . 33—ts
Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves &
House-Keeping Articles,
BRAY, € All HART & Cos.
Near .Scott, Carhart fc Co’s.
OFFER to the attention of their friends and the public, a large
well selected and general (dock in their line ; having been
| selected and bought by one of the concern, the goods are all new
and were laid in expressly for this market.
We will take the liberty to say, that for variety, our Stock cannot
be equalled in the State.
We will sell on reasonable terms,giving every usual accomodation.
Copper Work, of all kinds, done with exactness and despatch.
Tin Work in all its variety,—Rooting and job work,done ns usual,
j A good stock of Tin Ware always en hand. Amongst their stock
will be found Iron of all sizes and kinds, Nails and Nail Rods, Spikes
Steel, Cast, German, English blister and Spring Steel, Castings and
Hollow Ware, Ovens, Pots, Boilers and Cauldrons.
10 varieties, some very modern
ANVILS, Vices, Bellows and Blacksmith’s Tools, generally. Por
table Forges, Cross Cut and Mill Sams, and Mill Cranks, Files &c.,
Saws, Planes, Bench Screws, Morticing Machines, Chisels, Ham
mers, Hand Vices and Carpenters’ Tools, generally. Mill Irons, Hois
ting Screws, Hand and Jack Screws. Plows, Trace, and Log Chains,
Lockand Breast Chains. Axes, Hoes, Agricultural implements, and (
all kinds Plantation Tools, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Corn Mills,
Spades and Shovels, Fire Dogs, Vendors, Shovel and Tongs and
Housekeeping* Articles, Brass Goods, of all kinds, Ket- j
ties, Sifters, Pans and Faucets. Fine Guns, Pistolsand shooting im- jJ
plements generally. Willow and Wooden Ware, Tubs, Baskets. JJ
Trays, &c., &c. , 0 f . —,
Japanned & Brittannia Ware, ’
’ —■ ■ i
Watches, Jewelry, &c.
GOL D i,d siver lever, duplex, anchor
ver S° WATCHES, gold guaid, fob
.on, vest and chatalaiue Chains ; Beals, keys.
Charms, <J*c., diamond, ruby, opal, garnet and pearl and
other stones set in finger rings ; ear rings, bracelets, neckla
ces, breast pins, studs, collar buttons, sleeve buttons, <£c.
Gold and silver Spectacles, thimbles, pen and pencil cas
es with Brown &, Bagley’s Pens, tooth picks, lockets and
miniature cases, snaps, bracelet clasps, belt buckles of gold
and silver, &.c., card cases of silver pearl, embossed steel, &c.,
ladies port monies of do. combs of silver, tortoise shell, buffalo
&c., head dresses, paper mache work stands, desks, port folios
jewelry boxes, &.C.-
A choice and elegant selection of the above, with a great
many new and elegant articles now on band and for sale for
moderate profits, for cash or approved credit.
ect 26 3m E. J. JOHNSON.
Hcrasekeepirg Gooes.
Sl!,\ Lit Forks, table, dessert, tea, mustard and saltspoons,
butter knives, soup ladles, cups and pitchers, sugar tongs,
gravy spoons, &c. of warranted pure silver.
Silver plated waiters, cake baskets, candlesticks, castors,
snuffers and trays, butter tubs, salt aud mustard cups, sugar
baskets, &.c. of new rich and elegant styles.
Silvered and gilt girondole, porcelain vaces. lard lamps, tc.
Ivory handle knives and forks in setts and knives extra;
silver plated fruit knives, childrens knives and forks, uc. nap
kin rings, tea trays in setts and singly.
Received by late arrivals and for sale on fair terms by
oct 26 3m E. J. JOHNSON.
I, NOR the Young Ones—Buttle doors and shuttle cocks,
graces, knives and forks, bowls and pitchers, rattles,
teething rings, &x. so i sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
GUNS—A fine lot of superior stub and Damascus
twist Guns,shot pouches, powder flasks, drain bottles
gunning equipments generally, for sale bv
rf^O LI pistols —A lien A Wesson’s do', with a large -
Y and choice lot of rifle and smooth bore gioerle barrels,
for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
CALIFORNIA Knit *os —Pen, pocket and bunting do.,
razors aud scissors, Ac. ofsuperior quality, lor sale by
e. j. Johnson.
Cl AN Kn with gold, silver, ivory and other mountings,
/ cigar cases, port u.onuis, dressing cases, &c. on baud
und for sale by e. j. JOHNSON.
Violins, flutes and accordeons anew choice lot,
X lor sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
l RYLV OKS ,Compasses, Land U’tiains, IVluthsinaii
cal lustrum cuts Ac., anew supply for sale bv
r pHK undersigned will continue the Warehouse and Com-
L mission Business, at the commodious and well known
I 1 IRE-I’ROOI? BUILDING, formerly occupied by Dvson
A Field. The strictest personal attention of both the part
ners will, as heretofore, be given to all business entrusted to
their care. They respectfully solicit a continuance of the
patronage of their old friends and the public generally.
I hey are prepared to make (he usual Cash Advances on
all Cotton or other Produce stored with them ut the custo
mary rates.
All orders for Groceries, Bagging und Rope, will be filled
at the lowest market prices.
Macon, Sept. 6, 1850. $ JOHN M. FIELD,
1 l A. B ADAMS.
.j -i ii ij— hi.
.. {.i. - ■
j .-F”
■ l:; j ‘a. yi
in, ttgi,*. v?y -j ~ ‘ v ~'-‘ * •.?■ f -caALs
■ uToCT u i ... ..* 1,,,1/v. *t it -
iPL&QiM, <§, ©LOOK
\ tijy
Stoves of every kind,
ihe Richest and Plo3t Fashionable Patterns,
Stove Trimmings and Hollow Ware,
O’ All kinds of Copper, Tin aud Sheet Iron Work, done
at the shortest notice.
oct 19 30—6 m
firs'njr wrbb
Great Bargains!
YATould respectfully announce to the Citizens of MACON
} f anil surrounding country, that they are now opening in the
new Triangular Block, three doors Fast of Logan’s Dry Goods’ Store
-d street, the largest and most attractive STOCK ol
_ Li &
clnn , ’, C ? lr r, offoml tllis nilrket ’ which will be sold at prices that
cannot fad to suit the Customer. .
Nnrt C h?kW ly f°? nec,od ~JC ?hoe nn<l I-cother business at the
oossiMV ‘X,' >*ve been manufactured and got up 10 the t vst
thev vin ?e.7„ gC ’ n ,” V th Mreful “fcrcncc to this market; nod
St ’ . c h’ sa ><that in point of eleganceand durability, their
’ In thn t he'equalled by any house South of Washington,
and e, Iff , , , We P ar tCHt wiU be found the most rare
7?, XT yl<!S ‘ v ,IC 1 hi'e ever been produced by the Trade—
iplß, Satin and Prunella patent foxed Congress Waiters; Satin
black a in* 1,1 j ,:l,on ‘ f - lce ‘oiiters; black and white Satin, and
vhite kii r” s , la ;’ >r Sli Ppers; Enamel, Bronze, black and
i> , ‘’ rench Embroidered Party Slippers—a beautiful article
-1 a ent Leather Knamcl,Kid, and Morocco Excelsior Ties • High and
low cut Morocco and Cloth lluskins and half Gaiters; French Mo
rocco, Lace and Congress Gaiters ; as well ns the more common vari
eties, tor general and substantial use. Misses, Childrens’and In
fants wear, in great variety and extent, from the common and sub
stantia Ito the most rich and fanciful.
In the Gentlemen’s Department maybe found a “rent
■Variety of French calf stitch dress Boots—among tlium, an elegant
•roadwayarticle; French Calf Witch Water-proof and Cork sole
French Calf. Peg 1m , dress ai.d winter Boots ; Patent leather
■ , < -'° n " r, 'ssand French strap Gaiters; Cloth patent foxed
K . t < ongress and Lace Gaiters ; Patent leather and French
W Taylor lies and Brogans; Patent leather, Morocco, W>al and
miet slippers ami Pumps. Boys Wear of every description, from
2. rench calf stitched Boot down to the most ordinary article worn
Their stock of Common and Heavy Work—consisting of calf, kin
jfrnl stoga Boots; calf, kip, Goa,Black and Itusset Brogans is exten
man ‘ bC SOl<l at sniall aJvancus t 0 tllu planter and laboring
I hcir Stock will be kept full and complete bv monthly
: ir, | ,v “' 8 7T V' 0 enabling them at nil times to furnish anv ur
t.ele ol Goods culled for by .he Trade. They would, “here
fore, respectfully 501,,., t ,|,e attemion of those simp 7ft,
anexammatmn ol their, before making their purcha
ses; assuring them that their Goods and Prices eannotfail
to please, am pledging the host attentions on their behalf
I o those buying sell again, Goods w ill be oflb.ed at a
small commission. Believing u scale of low nmrs lies,
and tiuick wiM be * “ Small Profits
fir Kepailiiig neatlydone at short notice.
Macon. Octo., 20 1850
Armstrong is in Town !
C M KONG ’t reß F eC ! f " ,l - V nn,,o ,n ,he
*t tc Macon, that lie hns returned and re-np
ened his Rooms, over fc. L. Strobe, ker’s I) r „v store
where thorough ,ns, ruction will be given i„ Ptain and
mental Writing; Double Entry Book Keeping Sinmlilied n „d
Drawing, from the most simple to the b L cl es of
Mathematical and Isoinetri, al perspective*
Strangers vis,ting the city can receive a course of Wri
nn Bessons in lour days. Room*open fiom JO
nov 23 ‘ ts
the stable of the Subscriber in Jefferson Cos., Ga
on the night ol the Bth inst.. a pair of Black Bob Tail
Ponies, each having the left hind foot White and a spot in the
forehead and on the nose. Said ponies are between seven
and eight years of age stoutly formed ; the smaller one has
rubbed his mane and tail a good deal. 1 will give a liberal
reward for them and also for the thief.
. 0 . ~ _ Tk ROBT. f. connely.
Jefterson Lo., Ga. Dee. 11,1830. 38-ts
■: :!'? v 4i .V-.vv. ■ J u id ‘
mss. aas&s si.
MRS. DAMOUR informs the Laities
of Macon anti vicinity, that her si in
& *^ e above line is complete for Fall Fa'>h
i°“ with the most desirable Goods,
of \ MA®l As these Goods huve been mostly I ,ur *
chased in Paris, for this place, they will j
J- -* Jj’’, T be sold cheaper than ordinary. Ladies j
would do well to take a good look at >
‘7 r l them and compare them with other Goods I
before purchasing elsewhere. The Stock of SILK and j
SILK, is worth any one’s trouble to examine thoroughly,
Ocmulgce Iron & Brass
THB Ocmulgee Foundry has been enlarged and furnished with
new and superior stock of tools, which will enable the subscribe
to furnish work at the shortest notice, in his line, of a superior char
acter, and at prices as low ascan be ftirnlshod elsewhere. The atten
tion of Milwrigbts and Machinists is earnestly requested to examine
this establishment. lam prepared to furnish
ST2II2C 21T&I1T3S,
from 1 to 60 horse power, for saw mills or other purposes: Screw
C'uttitigH from 1 inch diameter to 2 feet, 10 fet long ; Gear Cuttings;
Turning in all its branches; Finishing of all kinds of Machinery.
we are prepared to furnish all kinds of Castings of Iron or Brass ; Mill
Gear of all kinds, of the most approved patterns; Bevel, Face and Spur
Gear; Cast-iron Water Wheels; Gin Gear of all patterns, and to
suit; Cotton Cin work; Press Pulleys; Hand Railings. Fire-proof
Doorsane windows, Cemetry Railing, Gudgeons, Inks, Mill Spindles— ,
in fact, work of any description that is done in an establishment ot the
Persons interested in tho business are repuested to examine this
concern. CIIAS. P. LE\Y.
‘Ocmuljfa* Foand^ x \st Rincon or hestcin'F.aurund. I —ls
kW vA KEGS Nails, assorted;
50 •* Brads, do.
20 “fine 3d nails;
1000 pounds Wrought Nails;
1000 do. Horse Shoe Nails;
15,000 do. assorted Baltimore Hollow Ware;
Swedes Iron, assorted; *
lkand, Hoop and Round Iron;
Nail Rods;
Gait and German Steel;
English and American Blister Steel;
1 n Store, and for sale by BRAT, CARIIART Si CO.
May 14,1850. 12—if
I AMP, Linseed, Lard and Train oil. Window Glass and
J Putty, Paint Brushes and all kind of Colours for Pain
ters’use for sale by SMITH OLIVER.
THE undersigned still continue their old business, and have at this
time, one of the largest and best selected stocks of
Groceries ia the State, which they arc at all times prepared
to sell on the must fa curable terms to Sealers or Consumers.
In addition to their regular business, they are constantly receiving
consignments of TLKNISSSSS PRODUCE, Bacon,
Corn, flour, &c., which they will sell at the lowest market
April 18,1850. 4—ts
Billiard & Bowling Saloon,
Opposite the Lanier House,—Macon, Ga.
r PIIIS ESTABLISHMENT has recently been thoroughly
X renovated and splendidly furnished, by the Proprietor,
who has lately purchased aad set up two of
Winant’s Superior Billiard Tables,
for the accommodation of those who are fond of this pleas
ant and scientific pastime.
tLT He has also refitted his BOWLING SALOON con
taining four good Alleys, with all the needful equipment for
this healthful and invigorating exercise. _ —
O” Ilis BAR is, as usual, well the choicest
jCrt/ualretrqgh r |neiitß. and w ro4m separate and distinct
TmmtlMMJther Departments, so that all tastes can be grati
fied, without uny unnecessary commingling of the solids
and liquids.
O’ Good order will be preserved, and every attention
will be given to make his guests feel entirely “at Home,”
whenever they may choose to give him a call. Asa ‘re
treat’ from the cares of business, during the long winter eve
nings, the Proprietor flatters himself that his visiters may
“go further and fare worse.’
oct 19 [6m] E. E. BROWN.
fYV.fTcfe - tftio v/U. ,tnn Hitriua o. nTv.. sty les
vA uud elegant patterns. For sale bv *
17IOR the Toilet—A choice selection of verv superior
A Toilet articles, for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
V. eliding I'arties. Ac, —Note paier, envelopes,
wafers,cake boxes, gold and silver leaf, Ac., of choice
and beautiful styles, for sale by E. J. JOHNSON.
D AG l ERROETYPE Stocks—Plate cases and chem
icals, prepared buckskin, paints, brushes Ac. with a
few samples ot beantilulpapier mache and gilt morroco book
cases, for sale by R, J. JOHNSON.
1 YlfA 000 Cash paid for clean cotton o
linen rags—4 cents per pound, when de
livered in quantities of 100 pounds or more ; and 3$ when de
j livered in small quantities. For old hemp, bagging, and pie
ces ol rope, IJ cents, delivered either at Rock Island Factory
oral their store in Columbus, in the South corner Room
of Oglethorpe House.
D. ADAMS, Secretary.
Oct, 26. 3
~l X Ilalf-Bar’ls No. 1 Mackerel,
15“ “ “ 2 “
fresh caught, for sale by SMITH A OLIVER.
1 0 Prints, assorted qualities;
LV_/ 5 do. Ginghams, do. do.
2 do. Lawns, do. do.
10 Cases Bleached Goods;
50 Bales Brown Domestics;
Caps, Ivy. Jeans, Flannels, etc—for sale bv case or niece
ry cheap at KIBBLE A DICKINSON’S. *
July 3d, 1850. 14—ts
Steam Engines & Boilers.
Also, of Gearing and shafting for MI 1.1.5, of ever, description;
Also, Irons for
Bullock’s celebrated Cotton Press,
LI i constantly on hand: the whole of which are W firrantod
tobeoj the. best materials and tcorkmanship, and will be sold on
accommodating terms.
US’"” Work Shops appoints Presbyterian church, comer Fourth and
Walnut Streets.
Macon, Apul 18,1850. 4 t{ -
02. C& sX£l CE} ST Sill a
PAYNE & ATS BET would most respectfully in-
Jorm their friends and customers, that they have moved
their stock of DRUGS and MEDICINES to the corner of
the new Brick Building opposite the Washington Hall,
where they will be happy to see all their old customers and !
others that may favor them with a call ; and where they
will keep a general stock of fresh Drugs and Medicines
Leeches, Perfumery. Ac., and put up Prescriptions with care’
and neatness, and always give satisfaction,
oct J
Os all kinds, w T ould r-Fpectfuily solicit planters and
families to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere,
as they will always keep No. 1 articles.
L fori _ 29—Pm
I Ware-House & Commission Merchants
IN presenting our card to the public, we will state that
our best exertions vviil be given to promote the interests of
our patrons; and from past experience, we hope to be able
to do full justice to all business which may be confided to our
charge ; and also hope for a continuance of favors from the
old patrons of Conner &. Martin.
Orders for Goods filled free of Charge.
O’ Advances made on Cotton in Store or Shipment, at the
usual rates. .O
An*. 20 ts W. W.
wmm a wmmT
MR. BOSSIEUX will commence his s-t.
this evening, Saturday 3d November >t s m* 1
1 for Misses, Mastsrs and Young Indies, f ar
same evenings at 7, 8 or 9 o’clock as may besfs-w**
i convenience. Mr. B. wi 1 teach those w |,o m* i •
| the dance UloftTooii and Scottish- L V' et ' r *
J and introduced by Cellaring at Paris. ■ I* 1 *
j sons privately if desired, attend Classes at /ill* I*** 1 ***
or in the surrounding county and parents may , e ®‘ N
sured that due attention will be given to the ZJAE ***
of their children. poftiaeat
Terms (or all the different dances, sio • f or
ticular one, $5; walizing will be taught’ for *7
lessons given privately if desired. *
Piano Forte Tuning, “”
C. B. RIC E tuner and repairer of pi.n, i r
f ? i ] fl and Organs, formerly of New York w
specif ally inform those owning instruments, that k ° U * ***
located in Macon, and will visit the neighboring * *
or twice a year. lie has the very best of recomfrl"!.®" 0 *
and will give §IOO if any one can be found to excel k
He pledges himself not to be equalled. ll e will Wo l T** - —
est for those who employ him the most y
done in the city by the year where there is V a r. -
twice for §5, three times §6. Charges for
made according to the work. Orders left at Me* lr , v “
will bo attended to. Nov 16, 1850 3C-3a in *
City Lots for SafeT ~
‘T'VVO one acre Lots in the South Western part of V
A near to the contemplated site of the S. W Ral R**
six quarter aud half acre Lots on Magnolia Btr L, ! , 1 ►
Wesiyan Female College, and one Five acre Lm ’
| Troup Hill, near the new Factory, FOR S\LE
! the T r to E E. BROWN
July 19, 1850. 17— ts
- THE NEVV OMNIBUS, built lnoriwu .
I press, - v fr the Flotd and Lxstr Hot...
i* *>ow running to and from eat),
> TA - talU prints pess^ger,
punctually, on notincauon being made at either House,or oursur,*
t , a -A mason u dibble!
June 14. 18j0. 12—if
nim i tuTsi7
AA uro-HoiSNC and: Cuinmi<iioii
•te WILL continue business at their _ _
® U WAREHOUSE, op|iosite Messrs.
k Cos. Cotton Avenue. Grate
ful for the patronage extended to |®*-
tbeiu the jiast season, they rmew tho tenderoftheir MsSuSsR
services to their former patrons and the public, with the assuramj
that, as they have no interest, either direct or indirect , in the perdun
of OMon. their entire attention willbe devoted to the mt.
ests entrusted to them.
for Baooino, Rope and other Merchasdisk. wills*
filled carefully and promptly, and tho customary advance* made
Produce in Store.
May 24. 1850.
a| 11 ■ LAiSHER HOUSE..
T Ja; IBf THE P n) P rielnrs nre pleased to anncußM
J** ** j f ‘ * I to their old friends and the public gensr-
iC3Cr —.. I* ally, that this NEW HOTEL t* now open
for the reception of Company.
Having had it erected and fitted up at great expense, on the most Üb.
eral. elegant and extensive scale, they confidei.tly eipect a generoa*
patronage. [g. LaNIF.R It"SON.
June 14, 1850. 12 ts
In store, aad for sale by SCOTT, CAUHART St CO
April 18,1850. 4— ts
flpffi Mali!
r SUBSCRIBER has just received an extensive awsortmcai #f
\_ the above article, embracing a great variety of price and itterßi
more particularly the cheaper kinds, which mil be found the prethsst
and least expensive finish, especially for parlours; Bordcringstosutck
each style of course. Persons in pursuit of the article will do wsß
to call as prices are extremely low and no charge for loosing.
March 21, 1850. j—ts
, ‘uukwjm
he has now the sole charge of this old established and W;lf
■ l —l—*- known HoteL which has recently undergone thorough r
pair.and that he will sjiare no pains for the accoumiwiation of tbn*
who may give him a call. Every de|>artiiient of the Hall will he under
his personal supervision, and every exertioa will he made to keep up
the establishment to the extreme point of acatatss, orwnlo.n and *of
cheer - E. S. ROGERS.
May 31, 1850.
BZsAcssazzrn’s tools.
“7 A Anvils, 75 Vices,4o Bellows,lOOOlbs Sledge Hammers
*J\J Patent Stocks aud Dies, cm from j lo 1[ inch. Jutt
received and for sale bv BRAY CAIiHAKT, & CO.
Macon, Sept 13, 1350. 25—if
Candies, Cordials, Syrups &c,
Pickles, Sauces, Catsups &c.
Family Groceries Fancy Articles, and
TOTS of every description, Ute finest assortment in tbe Ptat#,
for saie, Wholesale and IlctaiL
always on hand, and we are prepeired to execute orders in bis lias
not to be equalled this side of Paris.
Candy, Cordial, Syrups and Lemon Sugar, put up with car* aad
w arranted.
As we manufacture the largest portion of our Stock, purchMtr*
are sure to get a fresh article, and equal, if not eeoerior to any man
ufactured in the country North or South. AU hands ts us king *-
ttrpnsing. as well as tastg men. and particularly attentive to the Isiut,
we are determined to contribute our part towards developing th
resources of the country and making ourselves independent of North-,
ern fabrics. TERMS CASH. Cotton Avenue, Macon. Ga.
dec 7 37—If
HPuE SUBSI RIBF.K has constantly ea
JL hand a large and well selected assort
inent of
Law, medical, Sc hool A
{ 8 miscellaueout> BOORS
BLANK BOOKS of all kinds; Stationarv in any quantities far •!>*
common purposes and pursuits of well a? for
“doings.” GOLD PKNB in profusion from one to 3 I
lars, selected to suit any hand, and “match n*> pile.” ■ c ** Dra
M APS, I,arge and Small: Traveller’s Guides *hroueh the'l e
ven to the l.and of Ophier, (vide Major Noahs’last crotchet) l- orin *’
latest GLOBES, with all the well authenticated route?laid
cept that taken by the ships of Tarshish : together with other olycti
of Polite Literature, Legal learning, and Ri tinod Luxury, te*
011s to mention ; alll of which he it extremely anxious hi? cun'untt*
should become possessed of, in Uu “wiu.’ Ka V r „
March, 21,185. 1”^
DISSOLUTION. —The copartnership heretofore fllf ‘ ,n 7
f tween the undersigned, js dissolved by mjtual
I etrect on the Ist day of September next. Macon, August .fe 1 ■
2. t. COfcJlW 5-
aug S3 S3—tf A. W. MABTIS
A will be continued in the imum Rnd style of CSONXER k ‘ ‘
at the old f-'tand—where they will be ready to exert tbemsel***
serve all piatrous and friends.
Z, T. (Xib’XEß
aug, S3 22— ts tV.. W TAY^*
Ware-House and Commission Merchants.
WILL continue Busines at their %
“^*^ Siiiia'ngs.” Jr.... ‘ ,-,r A
3aK§S^afcCOTTON AVENUE, Macon, Ga.
Thankful for past favors, the beg leave to say they will
stantly at th<;ir post, and that no etforts shall be spared toa r
the interest of their patrons. w
They respectfully ask all who have Cotton or other pr
Store, to call and examine the safety of their buildings, before p**c*
it elswhere. ~ ia(t
Customary Advances on Cotton in Store or Shipped, and a
ness transacted at the usual rates.
Aptil 25th, 1850 b—W
JUST RECEIVED a complete assortment ?t >’*
Hats and Caps. 0