Newspaper Page Text
■ r u
ro DT ot: Wn news
... By Mrs. t. E. P.inee
feunday was pastoral rlay at
Midway Presbyterian church
Service was largely attended
There were many, visitors :nmi
various places. Rev. D. W
Wood preached an interesting
sermon, assisted by Rev. A
Williams. One elder was ordain¬
ed and three deacons. Two
members were added to the
church- Communion was sTrv-
L. C- Stevens of New York
city has returned after visiting
his sister, Mrs. M. L. Hughes.
Quite a number of mission
sisters of Midway, Day Memo-
rial and Rlceboro Presbyterian
churches motored to Darien to
attend a missionary meeting on
Tuesday afternoon.
-Mrs Willie M. Jones and
Master David Miller made a
business trip to Sand H 11 Sat-
i tirciay.
■ Elder P. J. Prince was the
guest of M-. and M.s. Sam
James Sunday afternoon.
• By Ann Dora Dora Davis Davis
George Geiger and Aaron
Davis of Savannah spent, the
I w*e* end with Frank Geiger
and family.
Mrs. Lauree Washington w; ,
the Saturday morning guest of
Mrs. Ruth Geiger.
Mrs. Viola Williams and mo-
ther left Saturday for Chatta-
nooga, Tenn., to visit her sis-
ter and daughters-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. B ank Geiger
and children spent Sunday at-
ternoon visiting relatives in
Misses Grace Mao and Sarah
__________ Slater
spent the week end in
Mrs. Rosa Ann Davis spent
last week end with the Geiger
Mr. and Mrs. James McAr-
thur spent Sunday afternoon
with Mrs. Carrie B. Harris.
By Rev. G. C. McPherson
The last camp meeting of the
seasoii will be held at Jordan
Station AME church this com¬
ing Sunday, to which the pub¬
lic is invited. There will be
preach ng at 11:30 a. m. and
the afternoon sermon will be
preached by Dr. Wl J. Fordham,
pastor of the Georgia Grove
Baptist church. After dinner
the Sunrise quartet from Sylva-
nia will sing.
Miss J. L. Armstrong, a
graduate of Albany Stale Col¬
lege. is the new principal of the
Jordan Stat on High School
Mrs. M. L. Wilchcr and Mrs. M.
L. Neely are on the faculty.
There will be a week of in¬
spirational meetings at the St
church’ Tuesday Oct ‘H Dl .
F ' H 'HMti-t and church’ Wed-
I’S S,; S“ X
L. C. Tucker and St. James
Holiness church. Rev. McPher¬
son is pastor.
Rev. McPherson will nroach
at at Marshall Masha Grove 10 ve Bantist aptl
church Sunday at 3:30 p. m.
Rev. Clifford Jordan, pastor.
Marion Smith leit last week
tor Fort Valley State College
where he will specialize in mu-
sonry ’
Lumar Brooks is still ill at
his his homo nome.
Robert Kellser of North Car-
olina na was was buried buried here Satur-
day. The funeral was held at
Tennille Grove Baptist church
Dr. A- W. Walker, pa-Jor. J .be
^deceased was the nephew of L
•C. Schuaibert and w. M. Scimm-
bert. The funeral was largely
4 attended. .
Charlie Cullins of Strange
town has been sick at his home
for the past week. He was em-
* ployed at the filling station of
this city for several years be-
fore his illness-
Alex Smith has been very ill
at his home since last Friday
He is the husband of Mrs
Smith, the chorister of the stt
James AME church choir, and
ylCader of Class No. 3. I
Willie Washington’s mother
from Donovan has been ill at
his homp here for the past
week. j
The public is invited to at-
iend the service at the Ten-
nillc arove Baptist church
n® Sunday, Dr. A. W-
ker, past tor.
1 ci . L. C Tucker of the St.
Jame.* Holiness church has re-
lumen for another ’ ear as pas¬
Ludowici High School.
ll> E M. Derry
The following students from
Ludowici high Kcltool are at¬
tending Georg a State College:
Misses Lizzie Mae Hardee and
sarah Mobley,
The week of Oct, 7, the Long
county Fair was held at Lu-
,j ovvi( . ; high school. A carnival
jyom Alabama attracted many
visitors. Prof. By nos of Macon
wa:; ,j 1P ma t n pcaker. His sub¬
j OC(j w; . s -Get Up and Get
Doing Something.” A large au-
dienre v/as pro.ent.
Tll ,, f 0 !l<»winK were
a , 1ho Iair ln , he ran vegetable
department’ Mrs. Dora Belt
c ar Ty, Mrs. Eliza Ross- and
jCarrie Dennis, Mrs. Lottie
Rhe:p. Mrs. L’.llle Miller, Mrs
D; . - Dawson, Mr.;. Mosc Hinej,
Mr , Ailcr Johnson, Mrs. Atir
^ .W’ t °m- ‘T-ife . R . .
’ Der’rv Crawford
I-m Mrs Mrr-
L Rob , rts . M re. Julia
aU(i Mrs . j ( »nnie Perry; fancy
work department, Mrs. Nornia-
n , h » <Ir (; arvU , Dennis and
Mrs _ c H Green; art, Mrs. Ar-
le1h .j- un , . v> M ss Lucile An-
d , ( , v .. ttnd M „. A{ j P n D unn; 1 st
m .j n farm products, H. R
canl.y, Morse Hines and John
Hardy- r c. H. Green .
ov .
M. Hooten, vice
president; Rev. T. J.
, hairman of directors board;
pmf. T. J. RaUord, advisers, |
Mr; R P Baker. H. R. Canty,
, )car; , )ri A!mv/a B aker and E
^ p , rr y reporter.
Thc ,, rilSro student body ex-
tends sympa thy to Rev. E. J
Junior in the loss of his uncle,
who resides in Thomasvllle. lie
lofl Saturday for the funeral,
which was held Sunday morn¬
Prof. W A. Myes attended
(lie free will conference at
Douglas Cel. 8 , 9 and 12.
Mrs. Ruth Colley has return¬
to her home in S'ummitt, N.
after a very pleasant stay
v ‘ s ‘ ! ,1! ’. hoi mother and other
and friends.
M's. R. I). Mallard, primary
teacher, is 111 ,
By Mrs. Elizabeth Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore of
Washington, D. C., have return¬
ed after spending their vaca¬
tion with their parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Samson Hall. They were
Mrs.'Nona"Hall.' accompanied by their mother
"•Sirs. Nora *"• Fant
CMiV WW! Mrs. Mnry Heyward ol
wished their cousins
Mr- and Mrs. i. li. Haynes
•«* " rs - A,d '“' Harrison
companied ’>•;»«»- by their their cousin
Irs. Lamar Kelly.
Mrs. Etna Hines and her
,T “ ni0S ' Jr - celebrated
blll!lday Wednesday night at
Pembroke. Many guests were
prevent. Ouko, U.itiec'ae, Po-
ta o salad and lemonade were
serted. they received many
um ! ,il presents.
Sunday was pastoral day at
Jerusalem Baptist church.
votions were lfd by Dea ’ V ’ M
Cassety and . Rev. E. R. Davis
0 f s- vannah nreached Rov F
G. n Geiger and Pastor Connerj
were present. Total money
ed wr , s $3428
Deacon J. s. Brown, Deacon
c . Ware and Mrs- Mary Ba-
c on, delegates to the assocta-
, nade u , oir reports Sat-
Mrs. Ethel Garrison is spend-l
j j . f ew days in Savannah
h her mother, Mrs. Nancy
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ivey were
dinner guests of their
daughter and son in law, Mr
and Mrs James Harris. !
Mrs. Mi’lie Futch of Savan-
spent Saturday night with I
Mrs. Hattie Mae Foxworth.
Those on the sick list are
Missouri Ware, Mrs. Eu-
Johnson and James Har- j
ris. j |
O 11 Sunday Archie Garrison
visited his sister, Mrs
Johnson who is very ill In
Mrs Mamie Carroll is
j ——
| ; | MILLEN (
By Edd Dunbar
Frank Tanksicy, Jr., is very
sick at his home on Hiltonia
Service was largely attended
at San Hill Sunday. The pas¬
tor, Rev. E. L. Belche, of States¬
boro, delivered the gospel mes¬
sage from Luke, 13:24, Strive
) 10 Gate, Entnr for in Many at the I Say Straighl Unto
You Will Seek to Enter in and
Shall Not be Able- This was
| i l ' egular , raised. Pa» toral , da J y and $8UJ0
Mrs. Chloe Kelly is asking
all of the churches of the 1 st
clistrlc .’ including Jenkins Co., i
to make their reports to her
so she will be abie to make a
g00d rPp ort at the Slate Ba P-
; list convention at Cordele Nov.
Mrs. Katie May Johnson is
very ill at her nome on Wood
I Orvle Williams made a trip
home on business Saturday-
! ! Little Eddie Lucile
ha? Covered from her recent
i,lness and ,s back ln sCho °l
e oi hcr tcachers and
schoolmates. j
Sarah Lake is still ill and
unable to yet to the home of
jrarents on Palmer row.
The home of H. B. Kelsey is
nearly completed at Lincoln
Wo learn with regret that
Perkins, formerly of Mil
len, has undergone two serious
and is still a patient j
in the hospital in
D. c.
Myrtis Burke has returned
Kansas City, Mo., accompanied!
by her sister, Ludie-
By James Bernard
Pleasant Grove AME church
closed ....... its 1011,111 R uart e r ly con-
fercnce Sunday, 0ct _ 5 _ Elder
C. P. Hobbs preached an in-
large attendance. Collection was
Alton Martin has returned
home after visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Martin, in
Waycross.. Lois Frazier was the
week end guest of Milton Mar - 1
tin, Jr.
A number of ladies and
young peope visited the home
of Sister Agnes Martin, who is
ill. James Evans is also ill.
Mrs- Carrie Martin announces
the birth of a grand-daughter
on Oct. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Millon
Mart’n, Jr., are the parents. 1
Mrs. Verta Nelson, who has
very ill, is now much bet
ter. 3
M* Maggie Bake, Oie„»
was the week end guest
Mm. Eliza Pyet.
Each Wednesday night choir
nin-ar-sal will be ot Pleasant
AME church.
Sunday was pastoral day at
Thomas Methodist church,
ev . Horton, pastor,
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rivers of
are visiting their
nts, Mr. and Mrs. John
j^j. aild Mr s Sam Bernard
isited their brother, Samuel
of Freedman Grove', on
Mr. Mullice is improv-
after an operation at the
hospital. They They ...J also also vis-
ed thCil sister ...... and daughter, _____________
Malllcp and Fannie
B R „- nnrd ™' nf f Midw-iv Mu | way ’
By Mitchell A. Walker
Sunday was pastoral day at
AME church riev. J. M
preached. Sunday school
l ar 8 el y attended. After
a joint missionary pro-
was rendered with Sister
Stephens, president ol
AME Missionary, and Sis-
Annie B. Jones, president
the Baptist church, in
It was largely attend-
and was given in behalf of
AME church.
William Turner is still sick
Lottie Miller and Mrs. Eva
Douse are improving nicely,
Mr. and Mrs Elder Chambers
Spring Held are p re bid par-
of a daughter. She has
named Bertha Louise t
•-—--—-- 1
By L. C. Bacon
Mr. and Mrs. Asia Thomas
were Tuesday night guests ol
Mrs. M. D. Peters,
B }: Peters was lh,e Friday
night guest of his mother. Mrs-
M. D. Peters.
Mrs. Freda Givins of Savan-
nah visited her mother, Mrs.
Eliza Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. Dudolph Wil-
Hams are the proud parents of
a daughter- Mother and baby I
are doing nicely. !
Mrs. Rosa Jones of Savannah
was the Monday night guest of j
**" ' '
Wallace Jones of Savannah
Chambers is the daughter
of Mrs Louise Reason of
on th e fourth Sunday in
November Rev. T J. tsom, pas¬
tor of Macedonia in
county, will preach for Rev. J
M. Dingle at Bethel AME, and
on the fifth Sunday in Novem-
oer, Rev. Dingle will preach for
Rev. Isom at the Bulloch Coun¬
ty circuit,
Monday after the third Sun¬
day there will be a farmers
dinner at Bethel AME churen
given by the farmers of Effing¬
ham county.
Ida Mae Jenkins and daugh¬
ter were Sunday night guests of
her father and mother-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jenkins, Sr.
Mrs. Winnie Nixon is ill.
Mrs. Lonnie B. Talbert visit-
ed her mother, Mrs. Mary M
Williams, last Wednesday, al¬
though she is ill.
By E. J. Junior, Jr.
Services closed at the FAB
church Sunday night after
haflng 1 services four nights
during the week with Rev. F.
of Ludowici conducting
Uc. Horace Boyd was in charge
°[ Sundays services in the
called away because of death
in his family. Several members
were added to the churen.
Roosevelt Johnson and An-
nanlas Thomas made a business
trip to Savannah Saturday.
Miss Rita Boyd spent last
week with her uncle and aunt
and Mrs. Elijah Quarter-
Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Junio.
family motored to Thom-
Sunday to attend the fu-
of Rev. Junior’s uncle.
The PTA of Glennville Junior
school was held Wednes¬
night at the school, Thea
The next session of the Tatt¬
county teachers will con-
at the Glennville Jifnior tfwerJ |
h chool> Prof w . D Br
1 ' H . • Mrs , L A & ice
supervising teacher.
On Sunday at the F. A. M. E.
the Woman’s Day pro¬
will be held, Mrs. J. E.j
in charge.
The Savannah Gas Company 1
IN THE 1 t
Kitchen Naming Contest 1 X
* Airs. Viola Artis
50.’$ East Charlton Street
“Magic Thrift Room”
Mrs. Grace G. Puller
(its West Bay Street
‘The Magjc Pine Flame Gasco Kitchen”
Mrs. Irma Fallen Miss Jessie O- Hodges
!)2S Wheaton Street SOS 1 2 Waters Avenue
“Sagasco Room” “Sagasco Room”
It was the word THRIFT in the prize winning name that suggested to
ihe judges the following name for the kitchen:
The SAVANNAH GAS COMPANY congratulates the winners.
was the Sunday guest o,~ his
;sister and brother in law, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C- Sally.
Mt. and Mrs. D. Jones were
the Sunday guests of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janie
j Stephens.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Garri-
j son announce the birth of a
daughter, Maricon, Sept. 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Asia Thomas
attended the New Moon Asso¬
ciation Sunday.
Henry Simmons was the Sat¬
urday morning guest of the
Houston family.
By E. Osgood
Sunday wUs trustee day at
Bethel AME church. Rev-
J. M. Brown of Bryant church
inspired the audience with two
great mesages.
The PTA at the Hineshaw
school Tuesday night. The PTA
is sponsoring a box supper on
Friday night. Everybody is in¬
vited. For your assignment,
please Gause- contact Mrs. Maggie|
Little Shirley Osgood has re¬
turned to school after being
out _ for a week with a sprained
j foot .
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Ash were
visitors here Sunday, guests ot
Mrs. Maggie Ash and Mrs.
Edelle G:good.
Mrs. Ef ie Dell Frazier, Mar¬
gie, Josie and Alice Fennel at¬
tended the birthday party ol
her mother and brother in Pem¬
broke Wednesday evening.
The revival meeting will be¬
gin at the First Calvary Baptist
church Monday, Oct- 20. The latI|
speaker will be announced
Iiy Rev. E. R. Deloney
Mrs. E. L. Schley, Mrs. Mollie
Schle y- Miss Ca y° la NeIson a « d
Miss Pecola Byrd attended the
Ushers convention ate Hagan
last Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Gamble of Savan¬
nah is spending this week with
the Rhynes family and rela¬
Mrs. Ida Knight and Mrs.
lAntnitS Henderson left Monday
For Savannah to visit Mrs
Ki \ ;ht’s daughter, Mrs. Rose-
men Smith. I
Mrs. Ruby Hall and Mrs
Mattie L. Thomas motored tej
the Ushers Convention at Ha-
gan Sunday.
Spaniel Mincy and Mrs. Locell
Brewton were married last Sat¬
urday night
Rev. and Mrs. E R. Deloney
attended service last Sunday
night at the FAB church, of
Prof. J. J. Norman has be¬
gun a successful year at the
Manassas Jr. high school with
his assistant teachers.
Mrs. Mary Schley is ill.
Rev. E. R. Deloney left Wed¬
nesday for hi srevival service
Rev. S. L. Lee will conduct
’this service for Rev. Deloney at
Oaky Frove MBC, Ohoopee.
As a f tling tribute to Booker
T. Washington Memorial Week,
buy Booker T. Washington Me¬
morial hald dollars.
By Mrs. Ruth Keith
Sunday was pastoral day at
Antioch Baptist church.
Parker preached at the morn¬
ing and evening services. Sun-
c!a Y was a!so P asioral day at
the church ° r God in christ '
PasLor Warren preached.
The Young People’s Depart¬
ment of Brown’s Chapel AME
church is sponsoring a chicken
supper Saturday night at the
home of Mrs- J. D. Keith. Ev¬
eryone is invited.
There will be a memorial ser-
vise for Cornelius Peterson on
Sunday at Brown's Chapel AME
Mrs. Amelia Lawrence attend¬
ed the I. F. U. Grand Lodge at
Edison last Monday through
Wednesday. She also attended
the Little River Association at
Gcllla Iasi Friday thru Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. White
spent Sunday in Douglas.
Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Martin
were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. D Keith Sunday. Rev
Martin visited 'the South Ga
Conference at Balnbridge last
Mrs. Goodman and daughter
son-in-law attended service
! at Holmes Chapel AME church
Sunday, Rev. Brown, pastor.
By Mrs. Hazel Holmes
The lirst Sunday was
ral day at Allen Chapel AME
church. Rev. R. T. Brown de-
iivered two inspiring sermons
The following week, Rev. Brown
with the cooperation of the
members of Holmes Chapel, did
some finishing work on the
Sunday was pastoral day at
Hohnes Chapel AME church
Two members were baptised
Mrs. Charlie Goodman of Ho-
merville was a visitor during
the morning service,
By Mrs. Agnes Collins
Miss Elizabeth Edwards has
returned home from New York
Ernest Williams made a bus¬
iness trip to Ludowici Thurs¬
Mr. and; Mrs. Jack Nails ol
Brunswick were the week end
guests of their mother, Mrs
Mary E. Nails.
Mrs- M. V. Sharp is ill.
The Mutual Ushers’ annual
rnceuMg was In id at Hagan
Chapel Bapt st church Saturday
and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G
Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Wil¬
lie Collins, Ernest Williams
Airs. Minnie Hall, Miss Cora Lee
Hendry, Henry Williamston and
Mrs. Janie Bell Millie were pres-
Mrs. Lathel Brewton became
the bride of Span M ncy Sat¬
urday afternoon.
Miss Bernice Holmes visited
her grandmother, Mrs. Betty
Mrs. Georgia Bell Evans' ol
Collins was a visitor here Fri¬
SRHJRS'BA.Y, OCTolitft 1". M-i?
Bv Miss i’vonette Wil iams
Mrs. Pearl Jackson has
urne home after spending
some time with her brother
Jacksonville, Fla
There will be an entertain-
ment given each Saturday night
at the Collins Jr. high
The public is cordially invited
Sunday was pastoral day at
Mount Olive Baptist church. The
pastor, Rev. I. H. McClendon,
preached two wonderful ser-
By Mrs. C. Mullice
Sunday was pastoral day at
Beach Hill Baptist church. Rev
Curry of Townsend preached to
a large audience. He also ad¬
ministered holy communion.
Mr. and Mrs- S. Barnard of
Allenhurst visited her brother
and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs.
Pamupl Mullice, who are ill, on
Sunday. «j :
Mr. Austin, Miss Rosetta Aus¬
tin. R N., Mrs. Ruth Baker
Solomon Campbell and Mrs
Rose Campbell of Savannah
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Mayes Sunday. They also
visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Mullice
Miss Rutha Mae Golden spent
the week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C?5Iden
Mrs. Ruben Stewart and
Charles Johnson were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Artis Baker
The Freedman Grove H. D
Club will meet at the home of
Mrs. Georgia Mae Quarterman
By Mrs. Susie Williams
Central Baptist BHU was!
largely attended Sunday night. |
Deacon Cleve Lewis is Superin-1
tendent. Central Bapt. church |
be on program at the Wil-
Baptist church anni-'
Friday night. All mem- J
are asked to attend. j
Little Miss Dorothy Carter,:
Carter and Mrs. Heady
have passed another
We wish for them
Miss Margaret Dunkin and
Williams were quietly
Mrs. Frances Butler went to
her daughtetr, Miss Ann
who is attending school
Mrs. Katie Adams and Chas
are still ill. Mrs. Hester
Mrs. Louise Johnson
Williams recently under-
Letter Heads
Trade Cards
Wedding Invitations
Visiting Cards
Bill Heads
Financial Cards
Letter Circulars
Monroe Funeral Director^’
PHONE 2-4106 — 2-3252
Savannah, Georgia
wenf, operations at. the Charily
hospital, and the latter two are
still confined in the hospital-
Sunday school was lu# at
i 10:30 a- m., and began u-Jmsy
1 ; day at True assistant Love. pastor Rev E, p
Smith, proofed
Baptislt church, „v,„veh nre-iKmi
at all services during t h-• day
and at -L3C communed the
church in the absence of the
pastor, who left Oct. 1 for Bal-
t'more, Md„ to spend his vaca¬
tion. Before returning home
he will visit Philadelphia,: Bos¬
ton and other places.
Every 'Week
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r Learn Beauty Culture |
ENROLL ^ ’j&mjjjbL.' |
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f Phone 3-3281
j- Madam'e Freeman
X T Proprietor
Mrs. Catherine Spencer
Y | Instructor
Course $50.00
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Fish, Shrimp
Crab Meat
Buy Fish That Are AVrap¬
ped in Prosperity Im¬
proved Waxed Paper
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