Newspaper Page Text
c a f / k c MJj
d To Jerusalem
. Church
dev. Osc>*. l haplin
Oscar Chaplin, son of
igrim Baptist church, was
:y called as pastor of the
Uem Bapt. church. "|ork
Vest Boundry St.
. Chaplin is a member of
Pilgrim Baptist church,
i on the deacon board and
a the trustee board until
i i called into the minsitry
two years ago.
Ministers Alliance
Savannah Baptist Minis-
liance met Tuesday in its
r session at the First
racle Bapt. church, Rev.
Lane, pastor. Those pres-
re Revs. McAllister, Free
Brown. R. B. Brown.
Gibbs, Daggins, Dudley
Cooper, Carter. Small,
\ Roberts. Mims, Corley.
;igham, Cliffin, White-
aid Capers.
R. D. Cooper opened the
anal services then the
s committees made their
J. H. Martin, pastor of
Tabor Bapt. church, re-
1 a large attendance at
tission rally that will be
Friday night at Tremont
e Bapt. church, Rev. J
nton, pastor, and Rev. R
ffin brought echoes from
nith-eastern regional con-
e of the NAACP held with
mal branch of the NAACP
' message for the day
rought by Rev. R D
r of St. Mary's Baptist
i, Dost Savannah,
L. L. Small, pastor of
v Home Baptist church,
appointed to bring the
age next Tuesday. Rev
> Charles McMillan Is
lent of the Alliance and
E. N. Bunn, clerk.
tone Lodge Chorus
ne Lodge No. 1 chorus mot
’ home of Mrs. Katie New-
t422 Price St. All members
present and a repast was
d. The next meeting will
Stone Confectionary, 1007
oughs S't., Monday night,
h 15. Mrs. Karon Jenkins
psldent and Mrs. Helen
son, reporter.
ASM A — Clyde Nelson. St.
uis Regional Blood Center
j technician who is in charge
the plasma room, prepares
culture medium to determine
ie sterility of plasma. Clyde
eived his B.S. degree from
: Moyne college in Tennessee.
Union Bapt. Church
At Union Baptist church,
Purse and Berrien Sts., Rev. L.
, c. Sapp, pastor, Sunday school
met at the usual hour, Supt. G
B. Jones in charge, with a fine
! attendance. At 11 o'clock Pas¬
tor Sapp preached an impress¬
ive sermon. The Deacon Board
met at 3 30 with Dea, C. A.
Meyers presiding and at 6 pm.
BTU was held, John Henry Fin¬
ney presiding. The Deaconess
j Board held its regular meeting j
At 8 p. m. the pastor preached
l another fine sermon.
Evangelical Ministers
The Evangelical Minister-,
i Union met at noon Tuesday,
i Rev. S. C Thornton, president,
presiding; worship service by
; Rev. J. W. Maxwell, chdjplain.
The Union listened to four
messages by Rev. E J. Odum,
Director of Evangelism of the
AME church, Philadelphia. Rev.
H. W. Murph of Los Ang- les, a
former pastor at St. Philip
AME church, and Revs. G. R.
Stokes, pastor of Mt. OIK <■
AME church, Philadelphia, who
were attending the Bishop
Count 11 and Rev. C W. Long of
The public installation of
officers of the Union :
held Monday at St. night, Philip March AM: 15, char. V J' J
r'clock. The sermon will be i
preached by Rev. W L Brown
St. Philip Monumental AME
Members in attendance were
Revs. Thornton, Jaudon, Brown.
Bryan. Richards, Hobbs, Grant,
M. S. Greene, Wm. Greene,
Jackson, Stripling, Stokes, Od¬
um. Long. Maxwell. Murph and
Connor’s Temple
Services Sunday at Connor's
Temple Boptlst church, 509 W
Gwinnett street, Rev. W. W.
Whitehead, pastor, were excel
lent and well attended brgh
nim; with Sunday school. Dr, |
K. Hunter in charge At ll
,k in the absenr, of ID,,,
Whitehead, Rev. Tilson delh
ered the message. BYPU net
fi o'clock with Sister Be,!Inm
:u ehatge and at < 30 Rev I •
son again preached an hispit
ing sermon, i he Jnh ,nmiv< i - ,
sarv of the church will beam
Monday night. Various church-,
es will take part in the services.
Precinct 1, CDC, fo
Meet Friday Night
Precinct No. 1, Citizens Dem-
| ocratic club, will hold an im-
portant meeting on Friday
night at the West Savannah
Community Center from 8 until
j 9 p. m. All registered cili ens
are. asked to be present and the
public *is invited to come M. J.
Jackson is president of the
club and Mrs. Lillian H. Samp¬
son, secretary.
He received lib medi -
nology degree from Hoc. . r
Phillips hospital and 111 mtvi a
at the center since 1950. Th.-
plasma came as a result of the
blood program of the American j
Red Cross, which soon begins i
its 1954 campaign for funds. —-
1 (ANP
Wood, ‘‘hurch To
Rev. P. II. Ilunicr, Pastor
The 23rd anniversary of the
Woods 1 Monumental Baptist
church will be held March 8-14.
On Monday night, March 8.
services will be conduct«d by
the St. Mark Baptist church,
sermon by Rev. T. H. Glassco;
Tuesday night, March 9, services
by Zion Hill Baptist church,
sermon by Rev. J. B Bates;
Wednesday night, March 1C,
crvices by the St. Mary’s Bap¬
tist church, sermon by Rev. R.
D. Cooper; Thursday night,
11. services by Townsley
chape I AME church, sermon by
Rev. J. T. McMillan; Friday
night, March 12, services by
the Wood's Monumental church.
sermon by the pastor; Sunday,
'! p. m , March 14, anniversary
ermon by Rpv. P, H. Hunter.
Palen’s M .Y. F.
The Youth Fellowship of
Palen Methodist church had
i's business meeting on Feb¬
ruary 25 at the home of Miss
veiyn Royol, 643 East 32nd
treet The following officers
ere elected: President, Rose
U trv Williams; Vice-President,
! lorie Mae Ellison; Recording
Secretary, Delores Chance;
Kinancla , sectary, Evelyn
Roval; Treflsurer , Patricia Wat-
;on: chaplaln> Leontine Eng-
. h: Monitor, Jack Williams,
plans were made for our
to Jesup on March 6. The
, 1Px t meeting will be at the
>u»mr of Miss Deores Chance,
70S , Wpst 38th s t ree t. Each
member is asked to be present,
Mil , lred Klllson .' reporter.
with S.S.S. TONIC
When you have
an uncomfobt-
eating due to
scanty flow of
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digestive juice. Ufa
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,, stirr ptirc will begin to flow.
You’ll feci like new again.
Vs Mr, Ervin Dixon of Phenix
City, Ala., says, “if l had
taken enough S.S.S. when *
voung man, 1 don I believe 1 d
hive to he taking it now'.”
1 Stimulates the flow of vital
1 digestive JUICE, thus im¬
proving stomach digestion
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O Builds RICH, RED BLOOD cells;
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Sdi.’! Huy i hr Inrgr Fnmity-Sita
llottlv. «» . $2 (f‘l JO 4 JH at _* all nil Drug ftrliU Counters I ml
Professional model photo
Widows’ Slub
: !ert'ain" ' b?° Mrs'^Mag^e
'.mty at the home of her
and son-in-low, Mr.
Mrs. Davis of 2252 Bur¬
street. After the busi-
ess session, birthday greetings
given to the February
Prizes for various
unites were won by Mrs. With-
Allen and Green. A
luncheon was served
the hostess. The March
will be w-ith Mrs. Viola
842 W. 39th street.
Ffriday Will 8, WorJ ■
Oav <»i Ptayet
Friday is World Dt*j >f
Prayer. Tht Mayor of the City
oi Savannah m*. called upon
the citizens to obsc. some
part of tt.< day in ptaye We,
the Interdenominational Wo i
entreat to join . .
an 6 ■roup, you
the thousands or Chii tians in
the U. y„ „ d the 118 coUi.’rie ?
around the wmid in prayer
Especially, to attend our ob-
which will be held a(
Asbury Methodist church, Aber-
corn and Duffy streets, at 6:30
p m j
There are 13 participating
churches, a united choir of 25 \
voices will lead the processional !
with Mrs. Lottie C. Lafayetti j
at the organ. The impressive ]
service will be rendered a,-
prescribed by the United
Church Women of the National
Council of Churces of Christ j
in U. S. A. i
The film strip, ' The World
Day of Prayer Around the
World,” will be presented.
Services for children will be
held during the day. Missionary
minded women who will visit
our hospitals and Old Folk
Homes for prayer and praise
during he day, please call 4-2002
for information.
Those who cannot attend the
special observnee may send their
contribution to the World Day
of Prayer committee.
Clifton Bapt. Church
Services at Clifton Baptist
church were very inspiring be¬
ginning with Sunday school
with Supt. Paul Russell in
charge. At the morning worship
Pastor Robert. Sweet preached
an interesting sermon and at
4 p. m. communion services were
St. Philip Mon. Pulpit
Aid Board
The St. Philip Monumental
Pulpit Aid Board met at
. home of , Mrs. Matilda Fields..
the president Mrs I B Over- 1
street, . presiding. ... After ... , .
a delicious . . repast . was served
Those present were* Mrs. Irene
Bland. Mrs. Mattie Beckett,
Mrs. Ada Dargon, Mrs. Eunice
M. Harris, Mrs. Josephine
Richardson, Mrs. L. B. Over-
street and Mrs. Matilda Fields.
All members are urged to be
present at the next meeting at
the home of Mrs. Irene Bland,
West Charles street.
Mettropolitan Bapt.
At Metropolitan Bapt. church,.
Rev, L. G. Gibbs, pastdr, Sunday
service was very timely. Sunday
school met at 10:30 with Supt.
Jordon in charge and at 11:30
a soul touching prayer service
was held. At 6:30 BTU met and
at 8 o'clock in the absence of
the paster, Rev. H. Williams
preached an impressive sermon. j '
Stout’s Chapel
Sunday was a high day at j
Stout Chapel CME church be-)
ginning with Sunday school \
Sppt. Mrs. R. Bag|is in .charge.
.. Vk' Williams {
*fth WjfflsStortwY ladies |
and discussed missionary duties,
and at 5 p. m. Rev. J. L Key
of St. Paul CME church deli¬
vered an inspiring message
Rev. N. N. Henry is pastor of
the church. i
Macedonia Bapt. Church
At the Macedonia Baptist i
church, Sandflv. Rev Freddie j
w«f' v-ere well attended beginning |
with Sunday school conducted
Mrs. Carrie Davis, The
two o’clock service '
was con-
X. ducted x*v u vx by A Pastor UOtVl Bonds L'. ' * IVA - ' who ' l ,
spoke on the subject, "Prayer !
will Change Things.” Pulpit
guests were Rev. Rooks and
Rev. Walker. On this coming
Tuesday night the Community
Bible class will show a religious }
at its regular session.
Mrs. Dora Phillips is advisor of
the class.
Garvin Bapt. Church
Services at Garvin Temple
Baptist church. Rev. L. B. Free.'
pastor, will begin Sunday at |
2 30 p. m.: preaching at 3:30.,
The revival services will begin j
March 22. It will be conducted j
by the pastor. ^ j
. -------------------- - ■ ■
Bethel Ami Church
“ 11 , ’ding with c ist for a
Better Bethel 1 ' is tht tun*
iround B*AME chuich. in
Sunday the Young Peoples!
e'oee ^ faoH ad ohorut ch4tfKl .< th« the Sun- '
da > hoo > P r °e ra “‘ . der the
spervUm of Miss Clan, tlock-
er ' , ac/ ‘ei. Christ Jesus, Jur
Good Shepherd, vas the suo-
f ‘ ct > hosen by Rev /. 1. Stin-
" m ol i -' Columbia u, irict ot
Louisiana Conference, who
guest minister on (Sunday
morniing. The evening message
delivered by Pastor F. D.
jaudon. In the afternoon the
Trustee Board sponsored a sil-
ver tea a t the home of Miss
Willie Belle Battie on East
Henry street and on March 20
thio same board will sponsor an
ov ter roast just behind the
-hurch in Gwinnett lane. On
March 21 the stewards of the
church will sponsor a silver
tea at the West Broad Street Y.
and on March 15 the B. J.
Pleasure Workers will present
an evening of fun at the Y and
a battle of songs will be pre¬
sented at the church with sev¬
eral singing groups of the city.
Our shut-in-members are Mrs.
Elizabeth Ingram, Mrs. Frances
Oliver. Mrs. Getsena Oliver,
Mrs. Viola Washington, Mrs.
Mabel Middleton and Joe
Brown. The funeral of Julius
Whitlow was held at Bethel on
Tuesday afternoon.
Bethlehem Bapt. Chuch
Sunday s services began with
Sunday school at Bethlehem
Baptist church, under Supt.
Hardy Bennett. At the morning
worship Rev. J. L. Ware, sec¬
retary of the National Baptist
Convention and pastor of Trin¬
ity Baptist church of Birming¬
ham, Ala., brought a forceful
message usln.g as his theme
"I Have Enough.” The Junior
Church is making splendid
progress under its director, Miss
Phoenix, and her assistants,
Fhey „. WlH ... , bServe their ... n 2nd
° an '
mversary this month. The pew
sponsored . . by the BTU
under Mrs. Mamie Williams,
director, was a success. The
guest speaker for this occasion
was Miss Katie Ellis of First
Baptist church. Pastor L. S.
Steii delivered the evening ser-
m The ° n - -IP^ing Plumb Line.” °n the subject,
Women’s Day Mar. 14
On Sunday, March 14, Wom¬
an’s Day will be observed at
First African Baptist church.
In the morning the address will
be made by Mrs. Stella A. Reeves
and in the afternoon there will
be a musical by the best talent
of the city. At night there will
be a panel discussion. This pro¬
gram is sponsored by the Ladies
Auxiliary of the church, Mrs.
I * e,en Wea thers. president: Mrs.
Ernestine Taylor, chairman,
and Mrs. Rosalee Harden, co-
Mt. Zion Choir
The regular monthly meet-
j n g v 0 | the MJ, -aio'n Baptist
,-hu^ senior Vitioir WfAS-hpld at
the church on Thursday night.
We were happy to receive one
new member. Next meeting will |
be on the third Thursday at
p. m. Mrs. Frances Mar- j
shall, president; Miss Irene
Platts, reporter; Mrs. Essie
Bacon, co-reporter. 1
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Monroe Funeral Directors
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Savannah, Georgia
Fremont Temple
At Tretnont. Temple Bapti-i
church. Rev. M. Benton, pas-
tor, Sunday was x high ua>
beginning with bu.Hay school
which opened at tne usu ' hour
ui t h e supervision ot ~iea.
cluto mles . At the „o,nn
worship Ft ‘o r Benton delivered
a dou| 8tlriilit ermon from the
The It. ting Christ,
_ o’eJoc. md at 8
n clock one ui uu. SUllc Rev
koo. rson, preached a, imp.
sive sermon, subject. ‘You
must bt u?m again.
Jerusalem Bapv Church
On Sunci.iy there wk. a full
day’s service at Jeiua elm
Baptist church beginning vu i
Sunday school at 0.30. The*
11-30 aand the 8 p. m. services
were well attended, as wat dso
the BTU. Pastor W. Brown de¬
livered the sermons.
SEABROOK — In ,i. -"•nry of i
who departed this 1953 life Wednes-j
da, March 5.
Sadi Hissed by r, oved |
ones '
Grandchtcuti !
William H. & a brook, 111*
F. Vincent Seabrook
Alvin P. Seabrook
Mary C. Seabrook-Moo •»
Ed r, ard Gregory, Jr.
Frederic. C. Seabrook
Edward Gregory, Sr.
JOHNSON—In memory of our
mother and grandmother,
who departed this life March 1,
Memories are something no one
can steal;
Death is a heartache nothing
can heal.
Some have forgotten that you
are gone,
But we remember, no matter
how long.
And a sorrow too great to be
But to us who loved and lost
Your memory will never grow
oSd - M
Sadly missed by #>
Mrs. Maggie Hampton
Savannah, Ga.
Granddaugher, and grand-
Mr. and Mrs. George Eu¬
gene Paramore
Bronx. N. Y.
MITCHELL—In loving mem¬
ory of
who died Feb. 22, 1953.
God gave me strength to face
And courage to bear the blow:
But what it meant to lose you
No one will ever know.
I’ve grieved for you each day,
and it’s so hard to live without
you; but I will have to find a
Annie Bell Mitchell
Mother, sisters and brothers
The family of the late Master
Willie i Billie i Glasgow Wil-
“ ams ’ Jr > of 626 w Waldburg
St. wishes to express then-
thanks and sincere appreciation
to their many friends, local and
out-of-town, and our neighbors
for their kind expressions of
sympathy during the sudden
passing of our loved one, and
for the use of all donated cars,
and the many friends and
acquaintances that called at
our home and for the beautiful
floral tributes.
Special thanks to Rev. R. M.
Gilbert and First A. B. church,
and Bethlehem Baptist church
and choir and the soul inspiring
sermon by the pastor, Rev. L.
S. Stell, dispelling a great deal
of bur sorrow and made us feel
we were Yet living ip. the garden
and not in the grSvei; ^jso the
Sidney A- lones Funeral Home,
the Bhach tflgri sfthool band;
and faculty of the public
sc p 00 j s ,
God’s richest blessing upon
you all.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Williams
a and family
Pilgrim Bapt. Church
services Sunday at Pilgiini
Bapt. church, 528-,iu , Hunt
mgdon St bn. Edw ard Wil-
Rams,chairman were well at-
tPnfl(l , Thp u ,„. !dv -tivities
Were ' d “
arranged, il f churc ' school
d the us. hour .-nder
the . ervision o Asst, Suit.
mHs Rt vea Gray ' VV. R.
Rope, wa,- 'iv -t. spec t er for
tie day He < li' "red twe ■mul
.bring sei nons Title sei^e
choi "h’ rehears* '\iday ahti
the l> ■ ' Ho A ip: coneSE
Bo., d vi) *et Si ndfa. T he
office,-, me b*r« and L ds
will participate the anniv-
sar ceren, ny ol ■ St. Luke
Bapt. , hurch March
H. The u. ber -'Hid i cele-
o ate its annins -y here ‘on
day, March 13. ■ he chi, eh
school i ill sponsoi chicken
supper at 917 W. 46th street
Tuesday, March 16.
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