Newspaper Page Text
h tI
50,000 FOR DUBLIN CENTER—J. R. Lientz, resident manager and vice-president of Union uag-
Camp t aper corporation, savannah, (right), is s , w n ving a $8 000 check to A. Bacon, State
Agent for Negro Agricultural Extension Work. T e check will be used to help construct a new
cottage at the Negro 4-H Club Center located ne r L.-bda.
A: the present time, a new
500 capacity auditorium and a
c„xtior,a are being constructed
■at .e popular 4-H Center as a
ifoUit ci a $:00,000 grant from
I”,'-the Sia.e A Slate fund raising
c.mmittee is active soliciting
Supreme Court Upholds Immediate
Many Receive Awards at
Savannah State
Life Blasted Out ot
Suspect In Police Car
HOUSTON, Tex. (A N n ). —
Sudden and brutal death in a po¬
lice squad ear came last week
to a 32-year-old Negro here after
he was handcuffed and placed un¬
der arre t in connection with rap-
inpr a young girl.
Clan iis Leo Thompson’s life was
Page Four)
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ADams 4-3432
donations to build enough cct-
ages to house —3 clu'.Ters,
.nis committee has been
hat the State will match all
an s raised
Others in the photo (L to R),
.le ander Hurse Negro
N E W Y O R K, May 30
Martin Luther King, Jr., the
young clergyman who headed the
dramatic and successful Montgom-
■ <cut -Pqifour 1
®3i? iauatttrali Srilmuf
Agent; Eugene Hagins, chat-
\_ , am county, Reporter, State
n club Council; and Jimmie
ieoorah , Colson, Houston . Coun- _
y> former vice-president, State
-H Club Council.
The Eighth Annual Awards
Day program was acid at Sa¬
vannah State College, May 23.
The followng is a list of the
awards and recipients:
Biology S'aff Award, Julius
Smith; Campus Community
Club Award, Betty Stephens;
Chemical Rubber Company
Award, Yvonne Williams; Class
cf 1956 Citizenship Award,
I~aiah Mclvcr; Toland J. Collier
(Continued on Page Seven)
Defeated In
Aldernianic _ __ Itace
Negro candidate for alderman here
fell short of the mark by some
10,000 votes last week as he went
down in defeat after the Governor
of this state had called for whites
to vote against him enmasse.
T. M. Alexander would have be¬
come the first Negro since Recon-
truction days to win the nomina¬
tion to the City Board of Aider-
men had he won the run-off elec¬
1 he noted Negro insurance exec-
itivc lost to Jack Summers, a
vhitc businessman by a vote of
2,170 to 22,455.
Francis Williams, first U. S.
•frgro college graduate, pub-
isheri a poem in Latin, April
17. 1758.
— (ANP)—Tragedy struck on the
highway north of Tuskegee
Monday to claim four lives and
cast a pall over commencement
exercises in progress at Tuske¬
gee Institute.
In addition to the dead, ope
other was critically injured and
still another was less seriously
hurt. These men also were In¬
stitute students.
The dead were Hardford I.ev-
’son. 24. of Louisville, Ky.;
'“urtls R. Maddux. 21, of Red
'ay, Ala.; Margaret Alexander,
(Continued on Page Four)
’cv. John B. Quick, president, nn-
•uinced Thursday that the exee-
live committee of the Columbus
NAACP, has authorized the post-
•ig of a $100.00 reward for in-
'ormation which results in the ar-
est and/or conviction of person
r persons guilty in the Miller ave-
lue crossing burnings at the home I
■f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren.
“In making the announcement,
lev. Quick said, “This kind
11 over the community. We have j
isuatly thought of cross burnings,
▼lndow smashings, and other de-
truetion of property as happen-!
ng in the South, but light here in i
By Samuel P. Perry, Jr.
U. S. Supreme Court refused t>
review this week the decision o
the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeal
in the Sixth District which ha 1
ordered the admission of five Ne
groes to Memphis State Col leg
in Tennessee “without delay.”
The decision of the Circui
Court of Appeals had nullified th»
Tennessee plan for “gradual into
i j gration” of teachers’ colleges an<
normal schools.
In its 8pccious anrun ,«,t before
j the Circuit Court of Appeals thr
i sUte of Tennessee, through it
Attorney General Nat Tipton, ha>
, | contended that faster integvatioi
c f Memphis State College would
deprive it of its accreditation i>
(Continued on Page 4i
Death Hides Ihe Highway
Al Institute i»
l’U.,o^..naU — MISS
Mettella Marce, a member of
the board of the Happy House
School for Retarded Children,
receives a check for $100, pre-
gented by Mrs. Ruth Whitei
W. Broad St. YMt A to Stage a
Sr anal Bilk Popularity ■ # (omest A.
crH B~
me Y aradale Sorority Mrs
Tadie Strmger, president, and
the Y Public Relations Com-
Continued on Four)
Picture to left is that of the
73 students who graduated
yesterday , (Wednesday) from
the S phronia Tompkins high
chcol and that below shows
the 2/9 Alfred E. Beach high
school Students who will grad-
uatc tonight.
The _ T nip,tins school , gradua-
ticn exercises were held at the
. chool and the Beach gradua-
lion program will be held at the
City Auditorium at 8 p. m.
Both schools held their bac-
calaureate services Sunday.
Hie speaker at the 1 Tompkins
services was the Rev. George
D. Walker cf A-bury Methodist
church and the speaker at the
Beach services was the Rev. G.
Caution Matthew’s
_ T vscopal . , church. , 1
Photos by Freeman
Member Audit Bureau Circulations
Price 10c
ADams 4-3433
uUil (lie A JUa MU 'lUU CuapaT
of Alpha Chi Pi Omega soro-
rity, as members look on. Tney
are, left to right, seated,
Sorors Ada Wright, Baslleus,
Blanch Braxton, Rose Harden,
R 0C heHc VOteTS Defeat
Jimcrow School
—Plioto Armortd
Cassie Williams, Ludella Mar-
.utiii; standing, Berta Ricken-
bicker, Gladys Bazemore, Sus-
I vm i.iiifO >n Pane Ktpii
29. — Analyzing th» result* of a
referendum on a proposal to buSd
ncw scb,,,d in Hn «H-Nefro area,
Rev. M. DeWitt Bullock, presi-
of the N(in , 1!och( , ]lr NAAr>
aid today that the
this proposal indicated lb*t the
Vitii " ,ns of NW * hit *
Negro, voted against par rutin t
. to hut equal school,.”
The proposal, on** of ;cvrn sub-
to the electorate* on tla?
i( wouW , 1KVe Ht( . d
for the construction of a new
elementary school on the
of the present school in the
of the Negro area. Til"
the board of education
' d 0,1 submittin <-' «"■ propevfcl
the voters. Many citizen"’
„ al „ supported the hoard’s
But the voters rejected
" Thu hn, \'« ha " been U "« M a
in integration as far a*
of New Rochelle are con-
Mr. Bullock declared. “II
n, y dueling that now the board
that people will no longer
idly by in our community and
school officials to turn their
< iomtnned Four *