Southern centinel, and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1793-1???, July 30, 1795, Image 3

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*' fa tie said Sates In BtTufly feflels aftd i * fubjett on]/ 'to the litre duties and I charge* «n exportation :« which British j rttieb and their cargoes are or /h*ll be fubjeifc in fnailarcircumllanees. * Provided alwayiihat the said Ameri * <a'n veflels do carry and land their car goes in the tJ. State* only, it being ex - -fw-esfly agreed and declared that during '• the continuance of this article the U. . * States will prohibit and rest raj i tbe car ‘ t/mg anymjolafles, sugar, coiT-e, cocoa or jetton in American velfels, either from his majesty’s islands or from the C. Spates toar.y part of the world ex • *spt the U. States, reafbnabie sea ftorcc -excefred. Provided also, thd' i\ *’jalJ \ and may be lawful, during me fame* ' ‘3»gT l iod, for Britiih veflels to import from the said iflands-mto the U. State* and •• * to export from the-U States to the said articles whatever, being #>f •the produce or manufacture cf *’* tbe fai* Elands, or of the U. States re - fpecli *>,-which r.ow may, by the laws " of the laid date?, be so imported and •• -expo/ted. And that the cargoes of the -said Britiih velTeisfli-ah be fafcjift to n u other or higher duties or charges, than a. 'fh tll be payable on the sane articles if iq imported or exported in American ▼eflels. It i«-!gteed that this ariicle and every Trtotyr and thing therein contained (hall \ coxtiaue to*be in force during the con l&daaee of the war in which his nrajefty is no» engaged; and also for two years from and after the day of the * ftgruture of the preliminary or other art icies of peace by which the fame may Vt terminated. And it is fur her agreed, that at the expiration of the said term, the two contra&ing parties will endeavour fur Cher to regulate their commerce in this refpe£l according to the flotation in which his m ijefty may then find trim felf with refped to the Weft Indies, am with a view' to futh arrangements a may bed conduce to the mutual advon tags andexienlion of corn the fee. An. the said parties will then also retie their difcufllms. and endeavour to agre whether in anv and in what cases, neu tral veflels Hull protect enemy’s pro perty :anl in what cases pro-ifion* & other articles not generally contraband may become such. But in die mean time their condud towards each other in these refpecls, fhali be regulated by . the articles herein after inferred on those fubjefts. . Axt.. XIII. His majesty consents chat tbe vessels belonging to the citizens of the United Sta'es rff America (hall Be admitted and hospitably received in all the sea ports and harbor* of the Bri cifh territories in the Kaft indies. And that the citizens of the said United States rn ty freely carry on a trade be Cween the said territories and the fa d U. States in all articles of which the im portation or exportation refpectiveiy n or from the laid territories, (hall not b entirely prohibited. Provide on‘y, that it flia.ll not be lawful for them u, any time of war between the Britiih government and any other power or liar# whatever, to export from the faio territory without the special permission of the Britiih government there, ary military (tores or naval (tores or rice. The citizens of the United States (hall pay for their velfels when admitted into ■ Che said ports no other or higher ton ’ mge duty than lhall be payabie on Bri tilh veflels, when admitted into t V port r of the United States. And they ihal. pay no other or higher duties or charg es on the importation or exportation <> the cargoes of the said velfels, than fhali be payable on site fame article when imported or exported in Britiih •* Tetfels. But it is exprtfily agreed tha the velfels of the United States fliah not carry any of the articles exported • by them from the said Britiih territorie to any port or place except to some port or place in America, Where the fame fhali be unladen, and such regulation s fhali be adopted by both parties, a fhali from time’ to time bs found ne ceffary to enforce the due and faitlifu, observance of this stipulation. It i also understood that the permiflion granted by this articie is not to extend to allow the velfels of the United States to carry on any part of the ccafting trade of the iaij Britiih territories; but velfels going with their original car goes, or part thereof, from one port of difebarge to another, are not to be con fideMd as carrying on the coasting trade. Neither is this article to be construed to allow tie citizens of the said Hates to fettle or retide within the fa,d territories, of/o go into the inte riar thereil*without the permi(§- ' on of the gritilh fenvemment efablilh ed there: and if an s tranfgrciffion lhould be attem/Swd against: ih* teguia ' lions of the British government is* this refpeft, the obfervarree cf the fame fhali and may be enforced again ft the citizens of America in the lame man • ner as again ft Britiih fubjefts er ethers i cnnfgreflmg- Ae fame rttle. And the , | citizens of the United States whenever : said territories, or if they lhould bs permitted it* maoner atorelaid, to go toany other place therein, lhall always be fubjecl to the laws, government and jurifdiclion of what aature eftabliiiied in such harbor, port or place, accord ing as the fame may be : The citizens of the United States, may aifo touch for refreihment at the i/tand of St. Helena, but fubje& in #ll reipefts to such regulations as the Britiih govern went may from time to time elUbliih thev^. Ar\t. XIV. Then# fhali b» between r all the of his majelVy in tu- - of the Uiiittd States a reciprocal and perfect liberty of commerce and navigation. The people and inhabitants of ths two countries rcfpeftiveJy fhali have liber ty free y and securely and without hia drance and ni.ilegation to come with their lhips and c-.rgoes to the lands, countries, cities, ports, places ano ri vers withia the dominions and territo ries atorelaid, to enter into the fame, to relort there and to remain and rellde thtre, without any iimhation of time: Alio to hire and pohefs houles and warehouses for the pnrpofts of their conmette, ond generally the mirchar.ts and traders on each fide (hall enjoy the moll complete protection and lecuritv fortlieircommerce; but fubjedt always asto what refpefts this article, to the lavs and statutes of" the two couiuties reipedively. Akt. ‘XV. It is agreed thar no o j ther cr higher duties lbal! be paid by the fliips or merchandize of the me party in the ports of tlie other, than fath as are paid by the like veflels or merchandizeof all other narions. ftor (hall any ether or higher cuiy bs imped ed in one country ~n the importation of the like articles being of the growth, produce, dr maimf-dure of ary ottiei ■ foreign country. Nor fhali any p o inbition be itnpofed on the exportation or importation of any articles to or from the territories of the two parties* re.'pedively,’ which (Hall not equally extend to all othef nations. But the British government reserves to itfrif the right of impofingon near, veflels entering into the Britiih ports in Europe a tonnage duty* equal to that which (hall be payable by Bri tilh velfels in the ports' of America; And also such duty as maybe adequate to countervail the difference of <.uty now payable on the importation of Eu rupean and Aliatic goods when imported into the United Siatvs in Briiifii or in American velfels Ihe two parties agrre to rrcat for the more exact equaliz ition of the uu ties on the refpsftivc navigauon. of their fuhjccls arid people m such tn n ner as may be moll beneficial o the iivo countries. The arrangements for 'his ptirpofe fTiall be made at the famr time with thole mentioned at the con clufion of the t 2th article of this trea tv, and are to be Coiflidered as a pari thereof. 11l the interval it is agreed, that .the United Stares will not >n/polt any new or acMuioilal tonnage duties on Briiilh vessels, tior increa.e thenov lubiifting difference between the duties piyabie on the importation of any - articles in British or in American veflels Art- XVI. It fiiall be free for the two contracting parties, refpe£live!y to ippoint consuls for the protedlion of trade, to reside in the dominions and erritories aforefaid, and the said con •Jls (hall enjoy those liberties and rights which belong to them by reason of their function. But before any confu! fhali a:t as such he fliall be in thd ufuul forms (approved and admitted by the party to whorii he is fenr; and it is hereby de clared to be lawful and proper, that in c.ile of illegal cr improper cpndutS to virds the laws of government a con tul may either be punifhtJ according to law, if the laws will teach the case, or be diftnilfed, or even lent back, the ufended goveriuiient aftignirg to the | other thfcir reasons for. the fame. Either of the parties may except from { the residence of consuls futh particular places as such pirty lhall judge proper to be so excepted. Art. XVII. It is agreed, that in all cases where veflels fljail be captured or detained oh just suspicion of having on board enemy’s property, or of car rying to the enemy any of the articles which are Contraband cf war; the said velfe! fliall be brought to the nearest or mod convenient pert j and if any pro perty of an euieniy lhould be found cn board fuCh-vjilel, that part only which belongs to yn enemy fliall be made prize, and t\e vefTei lhall be at liberty to proceed w>.h the remainder without any impediment. And it is agreed, that all prop, r meafares fliall b- taken to prevent delay, in deciding the cofY-.- pf (hips cr cargoes so brougi, - in for adjadication; and in the payment or recovery of any ad •jutlgjd orag-eedro-te a»'d to tW’ulaf te'rs or owners of luci/ihip** . \kt. XVHI In ord/r to regulate what is iu future to be deeded contraband of it is agreed, tha/ under tbe raid deno mination shall be comprized all arms and implements serving |br tiiepu poiesof war, by land or lea, I‘ucu as Cannon, muikets, mortars, petards, bombs, grcnadoes, car* catfcs, fsiicilfes carriages for cannon, imn ket reits, bandoliers, gun powder, matcn, falt-petrc, ball, pikes, swords head pieces, cuiratfbs, halberts, la’nces,, l.orfe furniture, bo.-teis,belts, aud generally all other implements of war; as alio timber for (hip building, tar or roam, copper in flieets, fails hemp and cordage, and gene rally whatever may fervedireftiy to the e. quipment of velieh*, i«-f»fou?ht iron and hre planks only excepted, and all the a- j bove articles hereby declared to be just objects cf j»\ , whoever they are ; attempt.u to be carried to pa enemy. Aud vvlirrras the of agree ing on the precise in which alone provisions and orher Glides not gene rally contraband regarded as filch, renders it /'xpediuit to provide agalnft the incoiijpnicnclcs and ir.ifun derilandinßs which might thence arise: Iris further agreed, that whenever any such articles so becoming contraband according to the ex.iiV.ptj; laws of nati ons, (ball for that reafot be seized, the fame lhall not be confifeated, but the owners thereof ihall be fpeedilr and completely indemnified, and the captors or in their default the government under whole authority thry aft, fiiall pay to the matter or owners of uich vef- j (e!s the full value cf all articles, with i a reasonable mercantile profit thereon, ' together with the freight, and all'o the ' demurrage incident to such detention. And whereas it I'reqv.entlr happens that vellcls fail for a port or place be longing to an enemy, without knowing the fame is either be ; egcd, blockaded, or in veiled j it is agreed that every vetfe! so circumftarfcd m?y be turned away from l'uch p ft or place, but (he Hull hot be detained nor her cargo, if not contraband he confiscated, unltls after notice Hie Hull again attempt to enter ; but life lliall be permitted to go to any other port or place file may think proper; nor Shall any vellel or goods of either party that n;ay have entered into fitch fort or place, before the fame was beliegd, blockaded or ir.vcfted by the other, alid be found therein after the roduttlcn or surrender of Such place, he liable to confiscation, but (hall be Ta ilored to the own. ?3 sr proprietorsthereof Art. XIX And that more abundant J care be taken for the fccurity of the ; refpertive Inl jcds and citizens of the cortr .sting parties, and th prevent their j Suffering injuries by the men of tva-, cr j jrivawm of eifiitr party, all comman- i der . ol lhi js qf war and privateers, and .sH other ,! the Said ftthjeit's and citizens lliall forbear doit'gsny damage tothofe o: the other party, or c. ting any outrage again!! them, and if they aft to the contrary, titey fl>ail» e pun iff ed, and ftlall alio be bound in their perlqns rnd tttates to make farisfartiorl and ! ' ep.TiHon for all damages, and the in- j ■ercli thereof, of whatever nature tlie ' laid damages ma) be tor this cattle ail commanders cf pri vateers before thte receive their coni’ millions lliall hereafter be obliged to give before a competent judge, fufficient fe curuy by at ieatt two refponfib'e lure ties who have no interest in the said priva teer, each of whom, together with the said commander, lliall bt jointly and se verally bound in the Sum of 150 CI. forling, or if luch fiiips be provided with above 150 seamen or soldiers, in the sum of 3ocid. sterling to fctisfy all damages and injuries, which the said privateer or her officers or men, or any of them may door commit during their cruize, contrary to ihe renor of this treaty,or to the laws and rnttrurtions for regulating their conduct; and further that in all case? of aggressions the said coitimtilions ilia 11 be revoked and anrtulled. It is alio agreed that whenever a judge of a court-of adm : ralry of either of the parties, Until pronounce feotence againll any vellel or goods or property belonging to the fubjecls or citizens of the other party a formal and duly au thenticated copv of all the proceedings in tlie caule, and of the said Sentence, lliall if required be delivered to th<J commander of the said veil'd, wtthou# the imailelt delay, he paying all legal fees and demands for the fame- Art. XX. It is further agreed that ®ntrafiir 0 parties, fhali not only reTule to receive any pirates into any of their ports, havens or towns, cr permit any of their inhabitants to re, protect, harbor, conceal or afiill them in any manner, but will bring to condign puniili.ntnt all such inhabitants asffta’d be guilty affucb arts or offences. And all their fiiips with the goods or merchandizes taken by them & brought into the port of either of the said parties, lliall be seized as far as they can he Uncovered, and filall be rellored to the owners or their faftnrs or agents duly deputed and authoris e! writing by ' them (proper evidence being firfi p.veft in 'he court o admiralty for p.-uviug the property) even in cole lutn effects lhouia have paired into other hands by idle, if it be proved that the buyers khewor had g«od reason to believe, or lulpeft that tuey had been pirattcally taken. [To be concluded in our next J General Knox c mid not have been ac quainted with one circum.rance rc Ipecting the late Adjutant General of this State, or hrcsrtainiy would not have curt.&ed f> ilaming a charaftorof bin, brilliant to -a profution, to wi*—His liu.mgUil t r,f, n , n Imoorie oa Ooub ) and k cur _ inghiujf. if behind a lop, when Count i-u --faiqui's Corps were marc.iiug up against the enemies works at the liege of Savannah l Till. IsafiCt that Can Be well eftaoliflu-.1, apd in consequence, of which lit was oblig ed to leave that Coiyr. b It is now a&td it this inan, who is ever buly in sowing the iceds of, who has never yet resided in any country, where •• he has not become obnoxious from hi, v «na. lity, intrigue, reitklfnefs, inlfe repr fen tatious ot fails, and attacking characters whoitand high in the coinniunjry, u ithaf penions unwarrantable, and to the last de gree groundiefs; and wr.o has eventually been obliged to t.y, and seek an afvlu.ii in fomo other country; can ii < jamanas this, be calculated to hit ns important office of ArWtant General? No, ir.y countrymen, J w i*l -ay he is not, and regret .that any on? man could have nad influence erc’igh with a legiflati re body to import cn the irate a man like this for an i Adjutant General. i 'it publication of 2!! th ft proceedings of | the Court Martial, which jutlly cailiiercd ! him, and which will probably snake its an- i pea-anct in due time, wiii diffidently in- . validate the affi.rtvns of this unhappy man, • and fliew him in his proper colours. * j A Friend to //a/;; Fjtfr. Chatham county, 4?/, July, i 79 j. Mr. PatVTER, As you have Hated to us in one of your late papers the amazing fetes of the French republic, it is but fair that you Ibould, as an independent Prin tei, give Us an idea of the expence t but. as you may not be altogether well informed ort that head, 1 beg you’ll insert the following from a new publication, and obiige your humble let vant and pretry conffant reader. b Z - From Arthur Young’s Example of, a Warning to Britain, am all other nations. Sert. 1 ft. I Regal evih. of Frame with republican cures. j ‘ Land taites the evil—cure , seizing 1 the land that paid them.’ , * Feudal quit rents paid by the ex : travagance cf the people the grievance 1- remedy, seizing the estates of the no bility and clergy.’ j 1 A deficit of fifty ft millions in the J revenue the misfortune—governed bv a new deisc:! of .In ee hundred millions.’ ‘ A national debt of three hundred millions tlie malady —three thousand millions of allipnats, the cure.* j ‘ Twenty five millions the expence lof one king, th e burthen —a hundred Ik : fAy millions the charge of seven hun died king 1 ’, the enfe. } 4 Seven prisoners in the R .stile, the grievance fevon hundred in the mu tiicipa! dungeons, the cure ’ N. H For further elucidatien of this fubjert fee, ‘‘a bonfc to gnaw for the Demotrars,* publifijed at Philadel phia in beb. lafl, a tew cztrafls from wliitli, and a cofreft copy of Lloyd’s liff, will be very acceptable to many of your readers this way, who are hearti Jy tired of perilling details, where beg g;ry and vagabondifin arc endeavour ing to bear down industry and property; and having Unhinged tlis Ibcial com part among’themlelves, and become barbarous, wiih the fame pernicious fyttem to reign over all mankind. We are experiencing a little of fheir fyffem here at pref-nt, as you’ll per- j . “ive from the enclosed relblres of the citizens of Savannah on 2d curt.#- j Gratitude is a great virtue in indivi- I duals, and more lo in ftSteS : but btf caufe you have done me a good turn ; i an *L that perhaps t o humble an enemy j . —are you to keep me in eternal vatt'al agr, and. with wild and incoherent sys terns, trample on m" common sense, and make me a buffoon ? Surely no. Has p not b ranee attempted to do so with this country J And wltat would have been the illue ? A very weak mind can at this moment read the bulinefs. The liberty of the press is a palladi um carefully to be pref'erved and de fended—and no printer who, indiscri minately to please, takes up a defence of Frenclior F.ngljfii politiesand fyllems bends to that (brine of liberty. Let him not f.velt into exaggerated and gdconadingaccountsof French prowess, or B ruffe Is. Engliffi or American fabri cated lies, but be the independent prin. ter of an independent country. 2. # See SouthernCtutinel oftuly \6th- IO” Chritlianus, No. 11l has come j to hand—want °f room obliges us ta defer its publication to a future day. , c! Wet ice J Ii /»/ be fold on the 2 IJi es Sift 1 evt, n tkt platitatim. f A .ih' tia is, bate -f Cnlurr.bia com ty. i>* ’ ALL the liock ol hori s* catt.i ana hogs, pin t,.ti ; „.7 i houjehola furniture ,ketosgir ( /.,* est ate of th J'aia dec. the cvniUii .) 1 iil bt matte Anatbu on the any of jsu / - d all perfn 1 hatit g any Aetna.- &. ?;£•}/ ,r »//< ejlatt of the Jaid Author y t.-uj net are >1 q e/ted to brt/.g in thtir at cu.ty properi v etvefted witnin the pie • fcribe'i L\ laio, ana all th ft .indexed to the Jaid estate ire r. q-.e/led to max: 'in. •ted,’ate payment David Maxwell. Fx’r. 7/i/y 30. 1-95 r-\.r * Stateef Georgia, H.n unity. Hy Miles Creme. Regijltr of Probates for fiid county WHF RE AS Philip PrittVif; Sarah ,1 Pntchet, bath applied' it. m* for lev.ersof a'dminiftratidn on the-e date iofßenj Pritchet,ofrhiscounty tecta.ed. hefc are therefore to cite and admo- JiiH] all and lingufar ■ the kindred and creditors of the laid dec. tobe and ap pear before me at my opicc, 011 or before the 30th of Ang next, then ami there to Ihew raufe I if any] why laid letters of adminifrraticn ought not t* V be granted. Given under my hand and seal, 30th of JIIIV, f 7</5. i‘ Myles Creee e, R.P.H.C. will be Sold, Oh hi day 3 \Jt irjl. at the plantation ■} i of >u Myers dec. near Beech Ijland, All the property of the Mary Myers dec. con lilting of a* bout 400 Bu/hels of Corn, two HorjJ. es, Plantation tools, and fundrv otlief articles. Conditions, 13 month- ere dit, giving bond and security with in terell from t e date. JtSSh ROVVNTREE, Ex’ri July ij, 179s j',HE fubferiber begs leave to acquaint his Countrymen and Fellow Citizens that he has open ed a Conveyance JthCe, at the house of Mr. Benj. Harris, where he draws Deeds, Mortgages, Leas es, Letters of Attorney Sic. &c. &c. on the very lowed terms. F. I. Haller Tulv 21, t 79 y. To be let to the loweit bidder, At Oglethorpe (iourvhoufe, on Tuefda/ the Iftday of Sept next, The public building of this county, confiding of a Caunhoufe, Jail and Stock*, the dimetilions will bo made known on that day. by JOtfAH COLE, 8 J. WM. HARVIE, S. J. BURt. POPE, S. J. July 7- NOTICE. ‘ WHFRh AS a certain Mr. More head, hath atta : ced from me a Bounty df land in Washington county of 287 acres lying on the waters of WilJiamlon’s swamp, for which he pre tended to make me payment in papers i which I have ftnee found to be of no , value. These arc therefore to caution j all per!cths from tradirg for said land, , as I am determined to recover it back ; from the said Morenead, as I have re ceded no con fide rat inn for the fame ; and I hereby forbid said Morelie d, or any other person from taking or at tempting to take poil'eflion of fa d land, as they will answer the consequences thereof at their peril. WILLIAM MUNCRF.EF. July 21, 1795. Wanted, Two likely Negroe Fel* lows, *for which the cash wil) be given. Enquire of the Printer. (Wv.eC- > i To be Let, - And poffejittn given immediately. HPHE house in Flliot ftreer. where • the fubferiber lately lived, with a good garden and convenient out houf es. Apply to w WILLIAM haves, m i July 32, I 7? y. Ji