Southern centinel, and gazette of the state. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1793-1???, March 10, 1796, Image 3

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pefeat of the Fteach, there is still a gleam of hope remaining, that the carnage and loss hare not been so great represented RICHMOND, February 24. Monday the 22d inti- being the anni Verfary of the birthday of our belov ed countryman, George .Valdington, was ufliered ia by 2 morning l'aluce from a company of artillery, in this city, under the orders of Major Alex ander Quarrier. Io the as ernooa, a number of refpe&ablecitizens dined at the Swann Tavern, on wpicn occa'ion, a number of Toasts, expreflive of the fentiinents and feelings of the company, were given, each accompainied by a ditenarge of cannon. Copy of * letter from captain William Thompfcrt, of the fckoeuer Br nkeri est tit place , to a friend in town, datadGrenada.'December 21, 179?. ** "You will no doubt be a little furprife'd to receive a letter from me as 0 prisoner; it is really a fuel, and for what l cannot account, I was captur ed on the 18th in ft from Vlartinico bound to Trinidad, a Span! h port and neutral, by his majetly’s (loop of war, Favourite; my men were ail taken; from oil board, and a set of ruffians put in their placet fi'nce my arrival here I am taken on ihorc as a prilaner, ihough not closely confined and akufed hy all who condescended to speak to *ie. I am prevented from ailing in beaalf of myfelf er owners, from That native or cause I cannot guess, but will advise you as toon as a cermina tio,n takes place, and beg that you may have this infer ed in your public and ufeful-newfpapers, rha* the public may fee the frieudlhip ihcaa to our colours by our r.ew ally. Ft by nary 15. It was strongly reported yefeerday, that letters from a person high in office at Philadelphia, have been received in town by the lad mail, containing an account that our Brittfii treaty has been returned without a raUJn ntim. It was added, the king of FntrUnd has declared in council, his refolmlon retain poflrflion of the wedern pods for forae time longer. An unfuccefsful attempt lias been made, by the editors 1 of the Telegraphe. to trace this renert to its source. Mr. Chace jun receiv ed a letter from hi* father, now in Phi ladelphia, mentioning as a report there. If George 111. has in reality, as much geographical knowledge, as to be sc attainted with the Situation and value l of the wetlern pods, ha a. exceeds the (Vile of informv'o* ir for->e 8r ; 1 lift minide r s have poffelfed A late Duke of Neutcadle was. for many years, m’mifter of George *t During the latter part of his life, he was, as Dr Shebbeare, in his letters to the peo pie of England, tells ik, greatly sur prised to hear that cape 'Breton wax an Hland ! ‘.Vnen the Englfh conquered the place, they actually ftm some car goes of fra coal to it from England, for the life of the troops, though the island has that article in great plenty. CHARLESTON. February 23. Yederday arrived the brg Dolphin Newman, Turks Idand t diy; snow pattern, 8001, Neu» York 8 days. On the 23d of January lad, in lat. 23. 12. being then to u'indutird of Turks Island, capt Newman ums brought to by a 20 gun Ihip belonging «o the French republic, the cap'ain of which informed cant. Newman that be was from Cape Francois: and that five days before he failed, a fleet of t - fail of the line, with 10. coo troo.s, bad arrived there from France. AUGUSTA, March 10. The accounts of the atflion between the French and Adrian armies on the other fide rite Rhine, are so very differ «nt and contradiftory, that no accurate \ Hatament ran be made. The French papers mention the bufinef* as a retreat urged by prudential motive*. The Englifll pipers hive mentioned the re treat as the confcquence of a total de feat of die French army : But we ob serve that the English papers now men tion this event in terms very different from those which contaiaed the firfl in formation on this.fubjecl ; and ill com paring dll the accounts be have been able tocollecl, we think ourselves war ranted in fayiitg. that no verv decisive action had taken place a: the time the London exaggerated account was pub lifted. For the news of a defeat so d«*dful must have occasioned confide rable uneasiness in the national iegifla ture of France, where we find the re trograde movements of the French troops lightly spoken of, and where we find the fame confidence in the 't.ccsls of their arms, which has so uniformly ciiaraflarifed tlut great republic. So that the great noise xnd ostentatious accounts iu England, of the jnpiral lelled fueflefs ofths Aa'lrians, fceim in x great measure to be e'ffei of the prolific illvemion oftne miniitry, .ni»*e effectually to knpofe on his mlje:ty , - dutifnl and loyai fujjjects, and .0 dilli pate those gloomy cioads which appear hovering over :h« Britift government. The bills before the Britift parlia ment for preventing public meetings have occasioned among he people un common uneaituols, and almcit oniyer* fil oppofitioa Mr. Fox has observed that these bills completely ebolift and fab vert the Britift eonftitutlon Many strong resolutions have been palled by different focletie* on this fubjett, and the people appear determined to make a vigorous effort to regain their liber ties, or at leall to l ive tbemfdf es from absolute ,'lavery. In an extraordinary meeting of the Wing Ciub. where the Duke of Bedford presided, several re folutimis were paEed, exprefilng in tlrong uhJ manly terms their utter ab horrence of these bills and earnestly recommending to he peopto to meet, and publicly to protell again!! them, -iiiQiUr uieut'ugs have been held by other foctetius, particularly by those concerned in printing Uoafes; these bills being, calculated totally to dellroy the liberty of thepref’s with the liberties of the people Incoufequence cf these and other appeal arcs* unpleasant tehi* Majefiy and 'he mmiftry the troops deliined for *hs VVeft Indies have been re landed in England and reviewed by his tr.ajeltv, vrno in returning from r review cf them was attacked by the mob, and narrowly escaped with his life ? the captain of the guard which attested him having been"killeJ The mob t’arreunded 'he palace, the gist* «f which they forced open with fledges and ran bai l. Where iift .ir'oances and dilcontent so genera!, produced by rei terated injury and 'ufult a ill end, no b imm being cm dev.fc, they appear to be a prelude to that revolution which hut long b„*n predicted, and which alor.e can save from ruin and slavery the Britifl) nation. Oa Thurfdaylttf* man was found dead a little below Volhtnn’ , on t'i» Savarcuii road, about toor 12 milts from •ngu'la On examination it a >p»ared that Id* throat war cut, and t'ia’ he had received one or two (tab* with a knife or fwonj: From cir puuiAances it is conjectured that he was mirdered by one Ho the* rhcimp.'bn, with wcomhe was afdtow »ra el'ir, and in 1 quarrel which it appears raken place between *V mon the road, and which Vn said was occasionedhv m *"ual iirovdcu on, rhotnofon w#snvrfncJ and tJus, s..d au eirCU'ellancefof ftroeg fulpicion,o« Sunday la o rva- M'sinioed in tv,, pin.. Pipers bv t,•# i.nt mail conratnUrtie im portant intelligence—'vc Hatter ourfe'.ve* that in a ft w weeks the spring arrivals from Europe will iuing os news highly in terdfingto the feelings of humanity—r.ews of i.r*,->cViiuis ‘or a genera! peace with a)! hr beliigeron: powers. Second feSlion of the Judi ciary fyflem of this ft ale. Ann be it fitrsher enafted. Fhatihe (fate lhail be divided into three diftricb in Hie following manner, so wit:—The counties of C tmden, Gleuu, M'lntolb, Liberty, Aryan, Chatham, Etfingham, and Bullock, /lull form theeaflern cir cuit. The counties of Scfiven, Burke, Montgomery, Waflnngton, Warren, Richmond, Columbia and Jetferfon, 111 <ll form the middle circuit And she counties of Greene, JackOn FrankLu, Hancock, Og,eihorpe, Hlbert, Wilkes and Lincoln, /hall form the weftern circuit. The manner of holding, and time of Court r in the fe deral Difinch. In the Ealbrn Circuit. On t:ie firft dm of March and Sep tember in etch year, in the county es Glenn. On the leventh ti»y* of March aud September, in Camden- On rha fourteenth days of March and *eptem ber in M‘!ntofh. On the twenty iirlt of March and September in Liberty. On the thirtieth of March and Septem ber in Bryan. Oa the fourth of April and October, in Chatham. On the ninth of May, and twenty fourth of October in Effingham. On the fifteenth of Mtr and thirty firft of October in Bullock In the Middle Circuit. On the ill day of March and Sep, tember in the county of Burke On the 14th of March and Srpr-mber in ?criven. On the 2sd of March 2nd September in Montgomery On the 2 8th of March and September in Wa/h iiigton On the nth of April and October in Jeiferfon. On the i6t!i of May and 17th of Oitober inWarren. On the 73d of May and November in Richmond On the 15th of June and 1 ath cf Dec in Oohimbi*- in the Wejtern Circuit. CM the ift of March and Sep'emSir ja Hancock Jn the 141a o' ttroh and September in Tr ten On the a8; 1 >f xl irc'n and dep vbnbit m Jgletnorpe O 1 tiie 4rn at' April St Jctober in |acc fan June 11 mos April mi J .to'o~. n Frarticiin. On the ißcao'f \pril and J;t m Albert. Oa 'he a,t;i of Aon! Sc October in Wilkes- On t srh of May and Noveauer in L'.icoin My dear Sir, I MR VitiC was more fnrprifed than by *!»iei*ving in the SouMiem Ccntinel of the 4th diy of February lift a let ter of mine addtelfeJ to the Jovcrnof, which V2S tent you in coit iJence; If you hud refl.clcd one moment on thS I'ubjeJ, you certainly could not have got yo;sr coulent to its publication: on ly think of the might bare erpofed me by Inch a pro ceedmg. iia* not Hi, Rx©?!h*ucy been the molt# gno.i it fit usd fort of a ‘‘nan in iht world : His vengeance alone' would not have readied me, induSita blyx’ne Major General of the eastern diilriA who begot his exceilctscy, poli ticaily, feels hirafejff injured by any mam daring to lay that his child is not capable of dl,charging the duties he has thought proper to afiign him. The following is-the copy of a fe contl address to the Governor, which I now positively declare contes to you in aontidcnce, therefore cannot suppose it potlibie that it will ever be exhibited to public view —you know I am the Governor’s neared neighbour and belt friend in the walks of private life, and l would not for the world wi£l him to thin! me hit political enemy. To 5. D. Augusta J< H *• This exprejfion and fool, art fj- rr oninous. Slit, IN mv lad I printed t; - ) yea in as fair characters as 1 was capable, the melancholy incapacity tinder which you labored to perform the duties of the o£ce of fii ft h ‘g'flrete, and va* hope ful that some impreWons would have been made Sufficiently linking, to bring abaut a confciotfncfs that you were unequal to t'ta tad; of governing a free people, bjk it appears that you are yet t *lk>UL,& from your pertinacity in hold ing .be office, that ns one trait of ier.ti b'dity ;• contained in the mamials of which you are eontpofed —I was of opinion that the interrogatories eethi u,,ed in my lull very friendly coturnu meat.on, would prompt you to enquire how far your capacity would warrant a continuance in >ffice. and to respond, if noi to myfelf, fti»y nir country latis fadoryly, on shfr.afcfr'l b’HaU- I my hop* iti this particular isvam, you hare Continued in office until this !eta moment Sc .ith a governmental grace peculiar to ycurfe’.f, without evenutnting an inten tion that yon wilhed your little Chatham idol to point out another character who ■vould dothsdutiesof'heofncewith more advuntsgeiothe community! in addition to this I am convinced that the little man is disappointed, for he aiTbred, that the only tcuure by which you have heretofore held the teins of govern ment. was a confidence in the junto, that you would fauflion the repeal law, and then resign to gire way for some taaa with whom the people would be at Start tolerably fatisfied. Ycrt&rday you gave your alfent to the repeal lac, and to day it is whispered among your awn tribe,—l wonder whv Irwin has not sent in his refignatien before now ! 1 In Jod’s name can he think of holding the office longer ? He has now done me deed for whteh purpo e alone he received the appointment, and surely we may expert his refigaatim ” So far hr, you have rerlly out g.-naralled the little general himfelf and I Shrewdly fufpert you think by this time the Gu bernatorial cap firs you very well If this is your (landing, it behoves me to a(k a few more quertiont on the score of your fitnefs for the office of gover nor You mart know, Sir, that the governor of the rtate of Georgia is de dared to. be commander in chief by the constitution; of what import are these words? Why surely that the mart wboexercifes such an office Should have experience in tartkks, either the* oretica'.'y or experimentally, and be thereby enabled to protert the citizens and their property from insult and in vasion. I will take the liberty of alk mg you, Sir, how you will difeharge this duty ? Has your reading furnifhed " you with so much of this science as will enable you to detect errors in any inferior officer, if they lhould be com mitred ? or is your perform! protvefsa* dequate to the expefted exigencies of the rtate, considering us as an exposed frontier ? With refpert to your science, that is, the lights you may have deriv ed from books, they mull, if yon have anv, be of a very superior quality, as they have remained with you and been ripening for upward! of thirty years. Your personal braver* hud Jiib a rJou opportunity of bearing its-ls itir 't» is Itt- cod - t '* rvt j ijri'ji.i «tl \ urie t wJ it lecont-- u.' to B*l4 t. -* * mre v.> 1 Vere. tr:J a part y>u took in that leifoti. me owl peri Idas A n-vict i*er ta vt v.»u •’err found lir, through the .vine ftruggie. to be lltueted on a plantation in <ne county of Uurke, as tenant at will mi worthy uiail, where you were elteemed and known to be the nun who adopted principles ofpojjive <bedio «'Sc '■< re fijfancethh conduit ivas criminal atfncii a period, very few good Hen remained iieufa! in this tmJe of general calami ty and tnolt unfortunately for you lit. you vere one of thole very few Your brothers were urn of courage and independence, and contributed greatly to the Salvation of their country by their early and continued exertions, bat alas notiiing like tnis can with propriety be applied to vonrfe'f F r om thele we are not to ex pect you to eclipffe ,he immortal Walla jugem in peribnail valour, neither c.ui we conclude that your po .er: art equal to :Ik* fafle yoii have undertaken, uniefs after ct.'c.uniftaucej Ihould require that the governor Ihould have nothing to fay or do, if tit's happens yon wili no doubt make a bi‘.ilf m «atit figure Tor voiir fity end do nothing ft; ViV't are certa n!v equal to nny man’s in the ltare Let me conjure you fir not to fuffer this aileuibly to adjourn without receiving your refignatitul, it is now the eve of the feilion and you liave no time 'o loose If you pttrfue a contrary con dud you will be uufjpported a;td (per haps) difpifed. I atn on the usual terms, Y ours, ri.M SHARP. Louisville, Feb. 14, 17*96 YAZOU AN I A. “PRAY, Sir, let me fee that bill?” fa id Tim Tickle t’other day to a person in a tlore on Bread rtreet, who was paying for a pair of leading lines and some other articles which he had pur chafed/ *• by Jupiter,” continued he, “ it is one of the identical bills which I paid into the tteulury on citizens rights, in the fennefiec company, there is tny name on the back of it ! Now, Sjr, how did you come by it, I think I recolJeft to have i’een you at Louif* vilie,—if I initlake not vot; wis in the Why yes, replied the Jeal er.” I am a back country member, and I mought havt that there for try pay, but where’s the ha> u of it “ Bray Sir,” resumed the ether “ did not you vote for repealing the Yazoo ?” “ Why nutter” rejoireu the back country member, “ I allow I mought—And GoJ damn your con -1 feiencc” fays Tickle, in a very delibe rate articulation, “ did net you, by that repeal lock u;> in the treasury ail tha Yazoo money for the express pur pf»fe of refunding it, and then you take i that very money for your blurted fer vices?” ** Why I suppose,” fays the ligiflator “ one money is as g >od as another, and ths trealurer can put in what has been taken out ” “ Where is it to came from, my up land financier,” replies Tickle. “ you know t lie re were dollars of ths money gotit be fore the fstting of this lejl alfenibly. (I hope it will be the lull of the kind) And now you have taken more, —how is that to be replaced !—there is not a copper of any ether money but, Yazoo, in the treasury, and as for your infernal double tar, it will not raise dollars in seven years, much less replace the money in eight months which is the time it inullbc demanded in, or become forfeited, agreeably to your raScally repeal!” “Mr. Stay tape ” said the member, addressing him ftifto the merchant. “I mought as well take the leading lines along,— “ Aye ! aye !” said Tickle, “ go and retaliate upon your brutes what has been prartiled upon yourfelf. but don’t drive so unmercifully as the liitle gene ral, or (by Jove) like him, you will soon lose a!l your cattle” IT is circulated as a facl, that the late legislature did not only enact ah expo!} facia appropriation law for the payment of thcmfelves, in the face of their repeal a.i . but actually received Yazoo money for their pay before the appropriation law was ligned or ecu currtd with by the executive. “ Well, Jack ! what news from Lou is vilie” said one gentleman meeting another in the rtreet a few days ago, “ more burning” said Jack— 4 * what, not done yet” replied the other, “O!” answered Jack, “ this is not burning according to law, or even repeal , this is what you may call a Sheer hell fire burning , —one tolTe' a bundle of trea fury checks into the fire, and another bums the enrollment of the Ynzoo act, which had eluded the general cttnf.a gration . and was every wayentirl- to furvivorfhip—v.hat do you think of these thing" San ?. Wha: do I think qf ihrf? {7f*nK, '• ‘ ” fa. : the 'nihS , •’ •»*• 1 h* • >'■' auiiiifi n , fit ;b ,! »« ' ti::. - f; fvr, jOllr* *•?/»* cr T 'IB -.3 4 'r c'vsfni:&■!■* ■! -i v fv" ’* Ho h iIK.I th v£ -.IT* wh.!t i't- r.vrngOf -g , * •' **■>•*»• ti»e pet-riif **r - - l&- ‘■r.'">ib"ent, ■>nd l"u;>' > ing mat |i« appeal, ' sahai do you ■ !»•'■• ic if tii<. .h •'»„ •vt- 3d>- dreilsd to him, he very hastily replied, “ J—never mind. ’ty de. r ’ wn-~ rant it gvlll Hr* Au:»g enoug'i ■*(•■<? n » d ad ” icr Zeno in out next jij" Bilhop w'.7 *-o- . .a the C hurch on Sun tidy next. dHeriff d 'Date* f y. Will be Sold, 0« Court hitujr in ‘Vahineju c<wt] 6JJ j acre - fan-1 in Washington coiimy, chereo; feplt Sellions nows livesjf executed rtr t;.d property of laid Sellions, to fr 1- e “he feds in the case, flute vs. Sesfoav; bounded s e. by Glenn’s land, and e. bv* Stanford’, laud. 20 0 acrt-1 faiiu oti Cov* pen creek, in laid count y, ad; lin ing Magnifier's land; txrr U ;ed a" *i;er property of David Evans, to util/ John Canady. 20 0 acred faiid i;t said county ; exernteJ a* the property of James Brown, to f.itisfy Ralph Ma thews, adjoining William Irsin ami Samuel Hait’s land, on the waters of tne Ohoopee Condition, cafli B. HOPSON, s w.c. VTarch io, i —■ - - a—i *l " too njtadit'v f.ife. WILL BF. SOLD, At the C*tit uonje in Wafiiitigton, til the ill Tuefday in Nay next. j 9 0 acred land in fil’d county, adjoining the land of Fdw. Scfiloi a and Wm Toler, attached as the property ol Benj. Kilgore, to tatiSe fy benj. Rainey Conditions cash ' KLIAS NF.AL, C. i March io 1796. Tn soLi., Jit rfafc> ' And immediate pojfcflion 1 given, . That large and commodi ous House and Lot at pre sent occupied by Ld i ward Primrose. N. B. If not fold at pri vate sale by the ill day of April, it will then be put up at Public Auction. for particulars apply at above. Iflarch to, i 796. JO Jat/ard Jleward* RUV away from the fubferiher on Monday the 29th of February last a negroe man named Mon day, about 35 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high of a yellow complexion, long vilfage, and features, very mwch refemblmg those of an Indian, walks leifurly and ere6t and ’Sf by trade a carpenterter or joiner. This fellow was broughtup near Savannah and brought to the plan tation of the fubfenber by the late L. Hall. Ffq. and it is said he is a little afflicted with a Rupture. Whoever will take up laid negroe and deliver him to ttoclor Montgomery hi Augusta, or to the fal*A feriber in Burke county, shall receive the above reward, and all reafonabla charges. Jofcph Watts, Muut-V:ilc, March *7ys>