About The Columbus enquirer tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1857)
LATER FROM EUROPE, j A SUBURBAN RESIDENCE | GOOD JEUEHL Days taler—by tUo Niagara. Hamkax, Feb. 28.—The steamship Niagara, Copt Wickman, has arrived wilh I'nur doys lalcr intelligence from Europe, having left Live,pool on •he 11th of Febuary. General News.—To the great comfort of the English Nation, a rumor was issued from high- quarter. that the war with Persia hod ended, and therefore no more troops would be needed Tor any further encroachments into the Persian dominions. Some symptoms of Russian demonstration to hack up Persia tended considerably to tamo the llrltlsh aggressive spirit in this region. Even in China things are being tranqudized and no more troops nre demanded lor the East. In tact Great Britain not knowing what time another rup ture may break forth among the unsettled crowned FOB SALE! LOCATED about 1 mile on the | laiuilion i "ad, and jim far enough Iroin the road to bo free Irom dust. The House contains 6 rooms, each with n lire place ; there are all necessary outhouses, horn, stable, &c., attached. Also a well of excel lent water. There arc 130 acres (70 in the woods.) attached to the place, line young Orchard, and a vegetable Garden enclosed. Possession given at any time. Apply on the premises, to March 6-twwtf] E. 0. BELLAMY. /"'I KOROTA. HARRIS COUNTY.—Whereas, William Nlch- \X ol* applies Tor Letters of Administration on the Estate of (Jeorge Nirhol*, late of said county, decerned: These are therefore to cite and admonish all porxotm con cerned. to ho and appear at my ofllce within the time pro scribed bylaw, then and thereto show cause, (If auy they have.) why said Letters should not l*o granted. Given under my hand in office, March 2. 1867. March 5—5t| OKU. W. MULLINS,Ordinary. convention in Pn have distant belligerent irons in the fire. She need, men and weapons for home • consumption, lho much talked of principalities are again the hone ol contention between- Russia and her opponents, and much uneasiness is felt as t- the issue of this af- % le London Times thunders forth one of its strongest articles urging an unlempurising policy in opposition to then union. All folks seem to perceive a new trouble browing on account of these unlucky Principalities, ot pre sent no man’s property. . Livibpool MAItKKTa.— I'he news from the Uni ted States bv Ike Atlantic and Persia advanced lho cotton market from }d. to Tied. The sales of Fri day amounted to IB,000 bales; sales of the'veek 67,000 Kales, of which speculators took -5,000 ami exporters 5,000. Private circulars represent the cotton market as, active and excited, and quote an advance of 3-10d. i ,r .ho week. The market closed firm, with an up- ward tendency, the following are the quotations: Fair Orleans Middling Orleans *..*.*.* 74 M AdvTccs L, frim Manchester' were favorable. The stock on hand was 342,000 halos, of which 227,000 were American. Breadstuff, and Provisions were dull. Lard and Sugar were steady. Consuls were quoted at 93} to 94. Money market was decidedly easier. Wheat had declined Is. to 2a. Flour was nom inal. |,'n»m California. New York, Feb. 27—The steamship Illinois has arrived from San Juan with later dates from Cali fornia. She brings, it is said, a million and a quar ter of dollars. . . The news is from California is unimportant An expedition, composed of one hundred men, had started for Sonora. She brings nothing later from Nicaragua. ( Court of Ordinary of llarrin county, Gr., for leave to sell • . ..7.* the Land belonging to the Estate of benjamin Ragsdale, do- anxious not to , rof|Rpd> .Ju,IN THOMPSON, Adin’r Mareli 6, 1867 COM M13 RQ3 A L. COLUMBUS, March 4—There has been very little change in prices since our last rcporl. lho inquiry continues good, and extreme figure* ureoh- tained for lho various grades, ranging from 111 to 131 cents. Stock on hand 1st of Sept. ISofi Received this week 4i 710 76 1174 Received previously Notice! A N ELECTION lor Directors ol the Hank of Columbus will be held on Monday the fitli ol April noxt,nt*3 o’clk 1*. M., at the Bunking House in Columbus, Ga. WM. II. YOUNG, President. March 3, 1857 tw tape Valuable Negroes for Sale! T WO splendid House servants, both good seam* stresses, washers and ironers. Also a likely 130 Y, 16 years old, has worked at the harness making trade for two years, and is a good body servant. Enqu m 15 3 % ploasuro in informing the public that they are now receiving a well assorted stock j RNITURE, and guarantee that purchasers will lind better Goods at their estab- TAKE FINE FURNITURE. w lishment than lias ever been brought to this .Market by any other concern. Our Furni ture is all of the LATEST STYLES and SUBSTANTIALLY MADE. Our advantages for getting up GOOD FURNITURE are equal to those possessed liy any other linn in the United States, and we are determined to sell good articles lit inoiit-ruc,- prlcev. \Vo will also keep on hand a good assortment of Mats, Baskets, Children’s Wagons, Wall Paper, Window SS0ajj.ciQ.-3. S3 ganadLL -23 ca>uf-gki3, a* ss a Persons in want ot Furniture will find it decidedly to their advantage to make their pur chases from us. Our Store is next door to IIall, Moses & Co.’s Hardware Store. The same house has been occupied for several years past, as a Furniture Store, by other parties, and we deem it hut justice to ourselves and the public to state that we are in no wav whatever connected with the persons who occupied this house up to the 1st of No vember, 1855. Neither do we get our Furniture from the same Manufactory, and purcha sers may confidently rely on getting bettor articles from us than has ever been sold by any house in this City. Columbus, Ga., Dec. 11. ’55—tww tf ] G. W. DILLINGHAM & CO. CUSHMAN, WSSik DENTIST: JJ -t_CLr WINTEH nut 1,1)1 XU, 48 Broad Street, (East Side,) Columbus, Ga. tww ly October 25, 1850 DR. A. M. WALKER. Marble! Marble 11 f. WILL SELL ON Six. MONTHS TIME, or -L liberal discount tor CasnT VrspTenalH lot ol about $1800 worth ol Monuments, Tombstones, &c.&c. Apply soon. A. K. AYER, Fob 28-tvvlm No. 131, Broad Street. Money! Money! my debts, and I desire to collect it speedily and peaceably if 1 can and lorcibly if I must. Fob. 17—wit twGt B. BEASLEY. tfa SOCK LB, DENTIST: Randolph near BrondStreei, Co- | Jan 1,56—wtwtf WM. F. LEE, D. D. S., DENTAL SURGEON: ^U-TTj Office corner of UROAI) and RANDOLPH StB., COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. October 25.1850 tww tf NOVMIjTY ROHRS. ALBERTSON, FLYNN & CO., Ct'LUMBUS, GEORGIA. SALES ROOM, MASONIC HALL, BROAD STREET, M AM’ FACTIIR ERS anti wind cattle and retail dealers in Fashionable and Plain Total number of bales.. Shipped this week Sliipped previously . 7«,807 ...UJ,uUU ..17,138 SAVANNAH. March i.-Thora was a Roodsaqalr,TorXot- ton to day, nnd prices have advanced iuily y H »‘> »• " n of the week previous. The .aim/not.up HDI i■> itii i «i5 at 12*u. 5i at 13. 1 o at lAyC. *-< 1,1 1 ,i’ nt ’lil 'rt. 222 it 13' .,. 72 at t:;"’*. 20 at Id 11-US l at ld> 4 , and 5 bales Jethro Cotton at 15 cents. CHARLESTON. Match 3.—Stiles to day of 1400 buh-s Cot ton at 12 to 13% cents. Prices full. NE'V ORLEANS, Fsb. 28. Sales of Cotton to-day reached 1200 bales at unchanged prices. Bales for the wook Jl.otiu bales against 0.000 bales last year Stock 320,000 bales- Freights dull, to Liverpool 15-32. to llavro lc. Stalling Ex- rtj -r. 8.W2000 hale. Receipts of two'havs 5,800 bales. Mess Pork »2 (Qu . $— 0 Bacou better. NEW YORK, Feb. 28.—Sales of Cotton to-day£000 bales. Middling Orleans 14%. and Middling Uplands 1-lyjC. llie market is firm, aud holders demand an advance of % since steamer’s news. CINCINNATI, Fub. :!7.— Flour unchanged and dnU l'rc- . . - t ... u... Unrh *Mi (iQ; Bacon sides 10; .j; “LAUGH WHILE YOU MAY!” SIGNOR DONNETTI’S GREAT PARISIAN COMIC TROUPE OF ACTI.VU MONKEYS. DOGS AND GOATS! TIIIRTY-SEVEN IN NUMBER! Will commence a series of Exhibitions at TEMPERANCE HALL, On Wednesday Evening, March 1th, 1857. FOR FOUR NIGHTS ONLY ! ftn. Particulars in future announcements. K. U. WATERMAN, March 3-tw3t| BusiricHs Mana.'t-r. ^ S, Swan & Co.’s Lotteries! THE BEST AND FAIREST LOTTERIES IN THE WOULD I Draws Saturday March 7,1857. NOVEL SCHEME: 1 Prize of $50,000 ! 1 ol *9,000 I 1 Prize oi 1 of $H.OOO ! 1 Prize of §10,000! 1 of 97,000! 3,000(lowcst) Prizes or 920cncli! fSDuWhole Tickets $10; Halv.-s $■'»; Quarters $2 \j v\.Certificate Packages Wholes for $80 UO “ •• llalrc* for 40 00 “ “ Quarters lor 20 00 tr^.Xow for your Tickets! chauco to draw THREE I’riz.-s with ONE Tickot, and the lowest Prize $20. Tickets and Packages ' Good Chance for Investment. \\fF, OFFER on most accommodating terms, the W following pr<>; riv.und for terms and particu lars refer to A. K. AYES, Columbus, Gn.: A PINE NEW STEAM SAW AND PLANING MILL! On St. Andrew’s Bay, capable of employing forty bands in the Woods and Mills together, and Saw ing 20 M, feet per day, nnd Planing 1*2 N. ft. per day. The Wharves run out into a depth of water sufficient for vessels to come to the wharf and load. Tim Bay is a fine harbor. The Timber Land be longing to the Mill is convenient to the water and the Logs can be floated to the Mill down the bay a distance of 8 or 10 mile i: about 800 acres of Tim ber Land belong to the .Mills; also 1 or 5 Log Carts and f» yoke of Oxen There are 2 Circular Saw Mills nnd 40 feet of Carriage Ways to each Mill; also some small Cir cular Saws, also, extra Saws lor use. The Engine has a capacity of about 75 horse power. There is also n lino small GRIST Ml LL, capable oi grind ing about 7 bushels per hour—-French Burr Stone. The Mills are constructed with the Hatchett lloadblock which is the latest improvement; four head blocks to each carriage. Thore is a fine log- hoisting machine in the centre of the Mill which pla ces thelog along side of each carriage, also a number of Curs and Railroad tracks for conveying the lumber out of the Mill on to the Wharves. The Pinning Machine is one of Woodworth’s Iron frame which turns the Lumber out Planed and Tongued and Grooved. W« are now getting 812 per M. for rough lumber, and 818 for dressed at the Mills, and we have orders for one million of feet for Western Texas at theso.pricespayable in good New Orleans acceptances at 4 months, by the cargo. YOUNG, WOOD FIN &, CO., Feb. 28-twlm Marianna, Fla. W GKO. \V. MULLINS, Presiding: It ERE AS, Renjncain Williams petitions for Letters o* Dismission from the Administration of the Estats of Burton Johnson, iato of said county, deceased: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that all porsons con- cernod show cause, (if any they have.) on or before the next September Term, 1857, of said Court, why said Letters should not then be granted. GEORGIA, | Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1857. HARRIS COUNTY. | RULE NISI. OF. b W. MULLINS,Presiding: W HEREAS. Nicholas Hutchinson, petitions for Letters of Dismission from the Administration of the Estate of Henry Truett, late of said coqnty, deceased : it is therefore ordered by the Court, that all persons con cerned show cause, (if any they have,) on or before the next September Term, 1857, of said Court, why bald Letters should not then Is* gran red. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court, March 2d, 18,7. in-irch 5-intim UKo. W. MI'LL! NS, Ordinary. GBOROIA, I Court of Ordinary .March Torrn, 1857. HARRIS COUNTY. I RULE NISI. GKO. W. MULLINS, Presiding: W HEREAS. Nicholas Hutchinson petitions for Letters of Dismission from the Executorship of the Estate of Samuel Truett, lane of saidcouuty, deceased : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that all persons con cerned show cause, Gf any they have,) on or before the uext September Term, 1857, of said Court why said Letters should not then lie granted. of Allen Brooks, into of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned, to appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, (if any they have,) why said Letters ol Administration should not tie granted. Giveu under my baud and official signature. March 2d, 1867. march 5-6t DAVID WORSHAM, Ordinary. GEORGIA, | Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1867. HARRIS COUNTY. | RULE NISI. GEO. W. MULLINS, Presiding: W HEREAS, Sterliug Jenkins, petitions for Letter* of Dismission from the Administration of tho Estate of Edmond Jenkins, late of said county, deceased: • It is therefore ordered by the Court, that all persons con cerned show cause, (it any they have,) on or before the uext l.S.'tt.iif K.-iiil I'niirt w I GEORGIA, | Court of Ordinary. March Teruj> 1857 HARRIS COUNTY. | RULE MSI, GEO. W. MULLINS, Presiding; W HEREAS. Wilkinson Sparks applies for Letters of Di»- siou from the Administration of the Estate Mary Du- chan an, late of said county, deceased : It Is therefore orduied by the Court, that all persous con cerned show cause, (it any they have,) on nr before the naxt September Term, 1857, of said (Lurt, why said Letters should not thou liegrautud. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court, March 2d. 1857. march 5-iuOm GEO. W. MULLINS, Ordiuary. the Land belonging to the Estato of Willoughby Beardiu, late of said ciunty, deceased. RICHARD 13. KEN NON, Adm’i March 6,1867 awn 2i THE GEM Restaurant, Bar and Billiard s A JL (IONS, A RE now in full operation, and fur elegance and taste, in fitting up. vie with any Saloons in the State. The Proprietor desirous of satisfying all taste* and pecu liarities. is constantly r. reiving from New York, Mobile, Ap alachicola and Savannah fresh supplies of Oysters, B’ifcJa, 4*unie, N. YORK BEEF, VENISON, &c. •tnd in ordi-r tu gratify the most fns- tidi »us fancies and palates, has. regardless of expense, secur ed the services of a FRENCH COOK, a better than whom ne’er Dined a Turkey. The Wine Cellar of “THE GEM’’ contain- a goodlv sup ply of Million's Cabinet, aud Yussnay and II**ldsb-k Cham- pngues. P-irk-' Fine Sparkling and Mill Catswlers: old Rudes- hi '- ! I ■ ,v . 1 i :i . < a I- ’ . .. . . i-i ..it 11 tog, tin r with I.:.,- old Bourbon I! u.dy, J’,. aiuuifas W his key, and other Lijui-rs of the finest imp u ted brand—all ol which were selected by able judges expressly for tho ’‘THE GEM ” In the BILLIARD SALOON are two of Winant’s best Table*--mi !•■ under tho immediate supervision of one of the l«est piaveiH in \«w York. With TERRELL 1-ehlnd the Bar. JACKS )N in the Kitch en. and the a! >ve markets to supply it, what shall beat THE OEM? Open all Qpluuilius, Dec. 27.1860 twwtf €u8,ii * I * ass!t S‘ ! NEW YORE $25 ! '§sfejy£ WEEKLY <S-UNITEl) STATES MAIL LINE** The NEW aud SPLENDID side-wheel Steamships: August a, 1500 Tons...Captain M. 8. WOODIIULL, FIoi-IGu, 1300 “ ... “ ISAAC CROWELL, Alabama, 131)0 “ ... “ G. It. SCllENCK, Saturday, These Ships are among the largest on the coast, unsurpass ed iuspeed.safety or comfort—making their passa resin 50 to OU hours, and aro commanded by skillful, careful and polite officers. Having elegant stateroom accommodations they oiler * desirable conveyance to New York. PADELFoRI). FA V’ & CO. Savannah, SAME L. MITCH ILL, 13 Broadway, ,1857 New York F F «L ^ I T I li S’, UOMPIU8INO in PART SOFAS, TETE-A-TETE*, LOUNGfeS, BURKAUS, WARDROBES, CHAIRS, Heiisteads, Tables, Ac. gV Having recently erected in this eilv a large WPiaml convenient Y ACTOR Y, and furnished it * l'throughout with the lutest improved machine- ery, our facilities lor manufacturing it superior ar ticle ol Furniture nre. not surpussed by any estab lishment in the United States. It is our aim to convince tho people of this section that an article can be made here, and sold nt a murk leas price, equal in every respect to articles of the same class brought from the North. Knowing this, we ask with confidence the patronage of this community, assuring them that nothing shall he wanting on our port to deserve it. Wo have adopted the fasii plan, ns being the on ly one with which the Southern manufacturer can enter into suecr Ini competition v, iih those nt the North, where this system prevails. Our Sales room will he under the charge of Mr. W. K. HARRIS, who is favorably known to the public. Those who wish4o examine articles of our man ufacture, ure respectfully invited t« cull and see the samples at our Sales room. SOUTITErN LOTTE R Y f SAVANNAH. GEORGIA ON THE HAN ANA PLAN OF JINGLE .A ’ ' ’ ' LOWEST !»??? . IFORT \ DOM.AKS I Jasper Comity Icadciuy [Bv Authority n* thi State of Gi.'. ■ CLASS W. Draws March 10, IH57, at Savannah. Ga., Under tho sworn superintendence of Major W. P. Bowes and W. It. Symons. Esq. Saturday Schemes will be draw n every Saturday at Macon, tin. Monthly Large Schemes will lie drawn at Snvatiuah. about the 15th of uv. ry month. NEARLY 1 PRIZE TO EVERY 9 TICKETS ! 15,000 Tickets, 1.TI2 Prizes!! Priu’K Payable without Drdnctlonl 45>*Tlii.- I«ottery has only Fifteen Thoiisand Nutulier*— less t:.«n any lxittery in the world! BRILLIANT SCHEME: 1 Prize of $15.000...1 Prize of $2,000...6 of D00 r^2500 1 “ 6,000...4 Of 1000 are $4,000...8n of 100 aYe8,000 1600 Prises of $40 are 00,000 20 Approximations of $100 are 2.000 50 “ 60 are 2,500 50 “ 20 are 1,000 1712 Prizes amounting to $102,000 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2.60. 00. Purchase Ten Tickets ending with the consecutive numlter--1. 2, 3. 4. 5, G, 7, 8, 9. 0. audyou will draw back four- tenths of the amount paid for the Tickets beside* the chances of obtaining Capitals. Patron* will find it to their interest to buy Certificates of Ten Tickets, ending consecutively with 1, 2. 3. 4, 6. 0. 7, 8, 9, 0. By tills plan they forfeit the Prize ending with the same NuintxT ns tho Capital, midget four more chance* iu every ton to gain the Capitals. Certificates of Packages of 10 Tickets, are sold at the fol- Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Checks on New York remitted tor Prize*. Address orders for Tickets, or Cer tificates of Packages of Tickets, to JAMES F. WINTER, Manager. We are also prepared to Manufacture SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BRACKETS, MOULDINGS, Cornices. I) ior and Window FRAMKS, and Ar chitectural Work generally. {Kr Planing, Scroll siwing, Carving and Wood Turning, executed to order. Jan 27 wtw-tl HEMOVAIj 2 CABINET WARE-ROOM. J. H. SIKES, Feb. 17—tww tf Macon or Savannah, Ga. Fall and Winter Stock Complete. MANLEY &. HODGES, 1 Tirol. 1 LI) respectfully call the attention of their VY iriends nnu the public, to their LARGE and CHOICE assortment of Btii’Si B'Eoiiiarcd Silk Robes Elegant BROCADE and CHENE Striped SILKS, of the very latest styles. PRINTED and PLAIN DkLAINES: Cashmeres, Merinos, and Highland Plaids, tor Misses and Children. A large assortment ol VELVET AND CLOTH MANTILLAS. Long and Square SHAWLS. Every variety of FRENCH AND SCOTCH EMBROIDERIES. Embroidered Handkerchiefs ot new Styles. A full as.sortinont of Irish Linens,Table Damask, Linen Sheeting’s, Pillow Case Linen, &,c. NEGRO Blankets, Wool Huts, Georgia Plains; 11,12, and 13-4 Bed Blankets—in this line of goods our stock canot he excelled. Whitcand Colored MARSEILLES QUILTS. If you want a handsome OIL CLOTH to fit any size tlooror Hall; BRUSSELS, VELVET TWO OR THREE-PLY CARPETS with RUGS to match, and prices ft* low us can he found iu any house in the City, call examine the stock of MANLEY &, HODGES. Sept 30 tww tf «ii ri.K.a* n J'-wi-lry J-toreT win .. - plot . ' bi id p tfrona and * » ' frhuids. II “ill : upon tin- | rin.-ipb- that the‘*niuiblo six- Jewelry, Watch Repairing A N D r-v !E3 xx s x.* izr i m 55 . TltK under*umd routimie to P.EPAlll WATCII- and JBWKI.RY at their ..Id Maud, next Door to the Savannah Hank. AM, W-iitK entrusted t-. us will la. ted in the with promptness. experience in the bu-ines:!. an 1 lire paurantco best sty le Our In of all tho work Amount of patr 9 <lo, has alio! 1 largi 1 sufikieut rocom- whloh mendation. A. 1NGMIBE, I.0UI.8 GUTotVSKY. Columt'iis. 1 '<•!. 9, lS.'.r, tn u ' m WATCH REPAIRING. MY FRIENDS and patrons are hereby in- formed thai I have now, permanently with two of tho best Watchmakers in the Unio 1 the best man- I perfect Hatis- RO R A13 AC K’S Compound Chemical Soap! TO ALL WHOM IT MAY COXCBUN!) I ISAAC RORABACK, do hereby nive n lice that i have obtained a PATENT from the Put - ent ollice o 1 the United States, for the prtfccss of making a Chemical Soap commonly known as “RORABACK’S COMPOUND CHEMICAL SOAP,” and I do hereby request persons who have hereto fore purchased from me tin* authority to communi cate said process to persons residing in different counties and States, to forward to meal Columbus, Georgia, their respective names, nnd the counties nnd States they mny have so purchased, nnd I will at once forward them a Patent Right lor such coun ties and States. The public arc hereby cautioned not to purchase «’! any person except such as have been authorized by me under my hand, or that ol'ntv legally authorized agent or agents, any right to make said Soap, orany right ro transfer such privilege to others ; and I do hereby notify nil persons so engaged in so unlaw fully making said Soap, or transferring such privi lege to others, immediately to desist therefrom, as l am determined to prosecute such persons to the utmost extent of the law. ISAAC RORABACK. February 21, 1857 tww3w OCrAll work promptly executed n jr. No pains arc spared to give facion. All kinds of JEWELRY repaired. Watches utid Jewelry at reduced prices, foi Cash ! Call and See. A. II. DeWITT Nov. 22, 1855 twv tf Notice! A LT, persons aro hereby cautioned from trading for a Promissory Note made payable to P. L. Weekes or hearer, dated the 14th ol February, 1857, and due the first day of January, 1858—for Four Hundred and Eightv-two dollars—as the conside ration for which suid Note was given has failed, and we are determined not to pay said Note unless compelled by law. J. A. HUNT & CO. Whitesville, Feb. lfi, ’57 Mob 3-twlt wtf WILLIAM RAGLAND. JOHN N. BIRCH. Groceries and Provisions! T IIE undersigned having taken the store former ly occupied by R mo way, Cleckj.ey &. Co., arc now receiving a complete assortment of ull articles usually found in a Grocery Store, which will be sold on moderate terms for CASH! The stock con sists in part ot the following articles : SUGAR, BACON, SOAP, ('O FREE, EAR l>, ST A R CU, TEA, FLOUR, TORACCO, SALT, FISH. WINES. NAILS, CANDLES, LIQUORS, MOLASSES, CIGARS, with many other articles too tedious to mention. Call and examine our stock before purchasing. RAGLAND 6c BIRCH. Columbus, ,Ga. t Feb. 19, ’57 tww 6m GREAT ATTRACTION ! FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY !! THE NATURAL GO LOUS at LAST l M clNTYRE’S bettuiituily colored Ambrotype3 and Photographs, of every size and style ot fin ish that fancy can suggest. The Great Desideratum Finally Accompli sued, TIIE NATURAL COLORS. Mr. M. has discovered an entirely new Chemical process by which he is enabled to impart to his Pic tures a brilliancy of efllct, an elegance of tone and truthfulness to nature, hitherto unknown to the Art. Call and see his splendid collection of specimens. Gallery over VELATI’S Confectionery, Broad Street, No.'20. Open from 8 A. M. till 6 P. M. OCT Likenesses taken without regard to weather. Feb, 17 twtl NOTICE! COLUMBUS, (rA., January 1st, 1857. M U. F. G. THOMAS having this day retired from the firm of J. II. DANIEL & CO., the business will he continued under the same name and style (J. II. DANIEL 6c CO.) by the under signed, who alone nre authorised to use the name ot the firm in all transactions appertaining to the In returning our thanks to the many friends and customers who have so liberally sustained us in the past, we beg to assure them that vve shall con tinue to use our utmost exertions to supply them with Good Goods at Steady Prices! J. II. DANIEL, J. A. GIRDNER. P. S.—All persons indebted to the House nre re spectfully solicited to come forward and settlo. February 5, 1857 twwtf HARDWARE AND IRON! mn TONS BAR, BAND and SHEET Iron. 4fcv./vJ 5,000 lbs. Cast, German and Blister .Steel. 15.000 lbs. Plow Steel. 100 Anvils and Vises. 1.000 lbs. Block Tin nnd Spelter Solder. 100 Boxes Tinplate. 500 Sets Axlo Springs, Hubs, Rims und Spokes. 2.000 lbs. Maleubl * Castings. 50.000 Carriage and Tire Bolts. 200 pieces Patent Leather and Enamelled Duck and Drill. 2.000 lbs. Cast Nails. 1.000 dozen Hoes—assorted. 3.000 Pair Truces—assorted. 300 Gross Knives und Forks. 1.000 dozen Pocket Cutlery, Also, a general assortment of Hardware, for sale by N. B. 6c II. WEED. Savannah, Jan. 20, 1857 tw ly NOTICE! T IIE Firm ol B. WELLS & CO., was disw Ivcd on the 1st of January. 1857, and ull persons in debted to the firm, either by Note or Account, are requested to come and settle the same, as all out- standing claims not settled hv the 1st of April next will he placed in tho hands of an attorney for collection. The business will be continued at the old stand, under the name and style of WELLS, d ims & CO., who will keep their usual stock of BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, BELTING, &c , and all such articles as are usually kept in a finding Store, all of which will he sold on reasonable terras. Columbus, Ga. February 5, 1857 tww tnpll Notice! A LL PERSONS having claims against A. An dersen, deceased, will please present them to Mr. P. L. Andersen, nt the old stand, for settle- meift; aud those indebted to suid deceased, will please come forward and pay to P. L. Andersen, who is duly authorised by me to settle the same. PETRI A ANDERSEN. Columbus, January 24, 1857 twtf James T. Norman, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Union 8prings, Macon County, Alabama, Will practice in the various Courts of Mucon and the surrounding counties. Feb. 19, ’57 tww ly He will alw.ivf have <Mtup-t< Cabinet Work’. I’articular attention pi' I > any kind ol Repairing Upholstering, of all kinds, done in the neatest style, Columbus, Nov 20.1850 ONION 8RTS ! BROOKS & CHAPMAN. | ANDRETH’S NEW CROP GARDENSEED Li jus! received, at J. W. PEASE’S BOOK-STORE. Fel) 3 twwtf NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENT. 1837. UNRIVALLED STOCK OF RICH SILK GOODS, ErVTIR-33 TJ3NTI03NT2 EDWARD LAMBERT & CO., SPRING IMPORTATION OP FOREIGN FANCY DRY GOODS! EMBRACING VARIETY, STYLE, ANI) EXTENT, That will he found to be unsurpassed, if equalled in this or any other market. Tho attention of cash or approved credit buyers for Bank paper, also PACKAGE buyers is respect fully invited. Fell. 3—tw6w NEW BOOKS! /pfBjijll’Ti THE IVORS, by Sewell, author o &Jr~~ & Amy Herbert, etc. The Household Angel in Disguise, by Mrs. Leslie. Prue and 1, by George William Curtis. Old Moll and Little Agnes, or the Rich Poor, and the Poor Rich, by Mrs. Leslie. History ol Henry the 4th, by Abbott. About Common Things, by Abbott. The Works ol Rev. Rob*. Hull, A. M. Gardening for the South, or the Kitchen and Fruit Garden, with the best method for their Cultivation, by Wm. N. White. American Almanac for 1857. A Now Supply of Dr. Kane’s Arctic Exploration. The Prince of the House of David. Torchlight nr Through the Wood. Lena Rivers. Benton’s 30 Years’View, Just received by Feb. 5—twwtf J. W. PEASE. Palaoe Mills. $8 50 pt<r iwirnd. Superfine Flour, Extra Family, Doublo Extra 5 pur cent. Discount to dealer*. «9. DOLLAR Sacks, a new article, Discount to dealer*. Feb. IP,1857 1 which 10 per cout. For Sale. « TH/'T DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, Lot No. 153, with improvements, on tho West if Oglethorpe street, fronting East on the Court-houje square. Apply o L. T. DOWNING. February 11 twwlm JUST RECEIVED AT MARCUS & RAGLAND’S : H IRAM SMITH’S FLOUR; CholcetlOSIIEN UUITEU; Fine llatu* and Loaf Lnrd ; Fresh Duck wheat; lloeker's Farina aud Oat Meal; Fresh Hominy; Smoked Tongues; Smoked Salmon nnd Halibut; Pure NATIVE WINKS; Codfl»h, Salmon. Mackerel an ! Shad. Feb. f-twtf ST. NICHOLAS Daguerrean and Photographic Gallery ! ItIDDI.E’S GREAT PICTURE GALLERY! Is ut lust completed, and vies with any place of the kind in the Southern World ! fTMIK undersigned has spent time and money in Jl the arrangement and completion of his Photo graphic department. Has visited the North and ta ken instructions under the most able Artists in the Profession, nnd does not intend his Pictures shall be surpassed ill tho United .States. Has an entire ly new plan for taking AMBMO'TYPJES—they are colored beautifully and not reversed. PHOTOGRAPHS IN OIL, WATER, OR RASTELLE ! All! who wish nature’s perfect likeness to adorn a parlor wall, should have a pointed Photograph. They have suuereeded Oil Portraits in the United States. Mr. R. has one of the most proficient col orists iu the country to paint his pictures in the above styles. They can be inserted in PINS and I.OCKETS as beautiful in effect, ns nn Ivory Miniature, but far superior in point ol Likeness, and as large as de sired. Ladies and Gentlemc 1 visiting tlm City who wishPhotographs must call at tiie GALLERY ns soon ns convenient, as it requires some time for the coloring. Those who live at a distance that have small Pictures they wish Photographed and colored to life, cun forward them by mail, giving color ot hair and eyes. Lovers of nature and of nature’s art, and the public generally arc invited to call. D3r Gallery in Jones' New Buildine, over S. B. Puri’le’s Jewelry »Storc, corner of BROAD and RANDOLPH Streets, Columbus, Ga. A. J. RIDDLE, Proprietor. October 30. 1856 tww tf By HARRISON & McGEIIEE, Auctr’s. DRY GOODS. FANCY ARTICLES, rfcc- eft? c. AT AUCTION AND PRIVATE S^LE ATH' l**’!? leave to inform our friends and the pub- Y lie that we are now receiving and will continue . tors eive, throughout thesenson, from New York, a large and well selected lot of Dry Goods ami Fancy Articles, consisting in part of Dress and Furniture Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Plaid and Solid Linseys. Ostiaherg Stripes, Irish Linens, Brown and White Damask Linen Table Cloths. Cotton nnd Linen Towels. Negro Blankets, Marseilles Table Covers, Kentucky Jeans; a largo lot of blenched and unbleached Domestic, Cotton and Silk Handkerchiefs, Cotton Hose and half Hose (plain and funcyj Flannels, &c &c. — A 1, ti o: — Letter and Cap Paper, Percussion C..ps, Hair Pins, Spool and Linen Thread, Needles, Fins, Ra zors Pocket Cutlery, Fancy Boxes, Fine and Com mon Double-barrelled Guns, Lead Pencils, Suspen ders, Steel Pens, Memorandum Books, Port Folios, and a great many articles t- o tedious to mention. Country Merchants, Farmers nnd nil who wish bargains, will find it greatly to their interest to give us a call, ns our Goods wore bought to sell and we intend to sell them. QCT Please take notice that our NIGHT Sales for the season will commence on Wednesday night next, 12//* iust., and will continue through tiie win ter. Evcrv article offered at Auction warranted as repiesenied, or no sole, {Kr Cull at 15!) and IBI, West side Broad St. Columbus, Nov. 8. ’ .(» tww tf NO. 76 EAST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Whore cun always be found a large selection of From the best Manufactories in the United States, ALL STYLES AND PRICES. — A LHO: — Meloacans,Guitars, ViolincelloB, Violins, Ban jos, Tamborines, Flutes, Flutinas, Accor- deons. Music Boxes, Clarionetts, Flujfeoletts and Fities. Also, all kinds of BRASS INSTRUMENTS for BANDS, together with Bass and Tenor Drums. STRINGS of nil kinds, and the largest assort- of SHEET MUSIC for nil the above named In struments, that can found Sou hof Philadelphia. {Ur Second hand Pianos taken in exchange when now ones are bought, and the highest prices allow ed for old ones. DSr Second hand Pianos for Sn!e or Rent. {Qr Pianos, Organs, Mclodeans, -nd all other Musical Instruments repaired in the best manner, and at the shortest notice, und warranted to give en tire satisfaction. All orders left at our store will be promptly at tended to. T. II. VANDEN BERG, 76 Broad St., Sign of the Mammoth Fiddle. Columtnis, June 7 1 S.’if, , ww . t , MONEY WANTED. T HE subscriber having purchased the entire in terest of V. R. TOMMEY in the NOTES and ACCOUNTS of the late firm ot J. Kunis & Co M (which firm was dissolved on tho 1st of Oct. 1855,) would earnestly solicit all indebted to suid firm, ei ther by Note or Account, to cull at the Store of J. Ennis 6c Co., and settle the same, or they w :, l find their Notes and Accounts in the hands of nn offi cer for collection. J. ENNIS. Columbus. Ga., Oct. IB, 1856 tww instf