Newspaper Page Text
.»grcenbly to nn order
, ^ m . uu ouuri "i Ordinury ot Muscogee county,
will be sold at the Market-house, in the City of Co
lumbus, on the first Tuesday in April next, a ne
gro woman named Lavinia, belonging to the Es
tate of Edward E. Powers, deceased. Terms Cash.
V. It. TOMMEY, Adm’r., &c.
February 24.1^57 <ds
A dministrator's Sale.—Agreeably to an ordor
of the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county,
will be sold at the Market-house in the city of Co
lumbus, in said county, on tiie first Tuesday in
April next, a negro woman by the name of Nelly
about 24 years old and her two children Laura and
Pntsey. Sold ...»the Estate of John D. Prince, de
Terms—credit un'il 25th December next.
February 24, 1857 jj td«
A dministrator's Sale.—Agreeably to an order
of tho Court of Ordinary, of Muscogee county,
will be sold at the Market-house, in the city of Co
lumbus in said county, in the State of Georgia, on
the first Tuesday in April next, the'Lot and all the
reon—situated on the east side of
ad near said city of Columbus,
reon Ellen Finnegan, deceased,
e of her death. Sold as the real
cased. Terms cash.
February 24, 1857 jj ids
improvements the:
the Hamilton Ro
being the lot whe
result d at the tim
Estate of said dei
■'art r.f IrJIr.
W lfKKEAS, John K. Bacon, administrator with the will
annexed of Estate of John W. Cuirance, deowiswl, late
of tho State of Alabama, having applied for l<ettci8ot Dis-
mission from said Administration:
It is ordered, that all parsonsconcernod show cause (ifany
they have,) why said administrator should not he dismissed
nt the Court of Ordinary to be hold in and for said county,
tho first Monday in 8o$itoiuber next, and that this ordor be
published in the Columbus Enquirer in
A true transcript from the Miuub
ry!2ih, 1867. fob 14-mOm
of tlio law
of said Court, Februa
JNO. JOHNSON. Ordinary
0 BOUGH A, | Court of Ordinary. January Term,
IIKHKAS, Hugh H.T. Montgomery, administrator of the
Ellen Finnegan, di
led, having applied ft
arid administration:
on* concerned show cause (if any
•e.) why said administrator should not be dismissed
It Is ordered, that all pe
meut of Cost Note.
CFflHC! V,
K. 8. Greenwood A Co., Daniel [ Bill, Ac., to^enfci
Duncan, Arnold Duncan, John
M. liarington and lieman II. I
Martin. J , _ , , ,,
TT appearing to tho Court that Daniel Duncan and Arnold
1 Duncan, two of said Defendants, reside out ot this State:
It is ordered that sorvico of said Hill be perfected by a pub
lication of this Order once a month for four months, beforo
the next Term of this Court.
I certify this to ben true extract fromjheallnu
Superior Court. * “ “**
Court of Ordinary, December Teru
J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary, Presiding:
Ihj held in
on the first Monday iu August n<
i*n by the publication of this ordi
script from the Min
January 27
.1 for said r
and that noth’*
terms of the la
of said Court, January
(1EORGIA. | Court of Ordinary, January Term, 1
GEO. W. MULLINS, Presiding:
‘117 HE REAS Thomas B. Vardeman. petitions for I.ottei
Yf Dismission from the Administration of tho Estat
Joseph Vardeman, late of said county,
\\7 II ERE AS, Jour.ian Itok, a<
YY Elizabeth Reck, deceased:
Also Administrator of the Estate of Mar
•ceased, having applied for dismission from *
[- Exr’s.
T^xecutors’ Sale*—Agreeably to the last will and
J J testament of John Knight, Sr., late of Jaspej
county, Gu , deceased, will be sold at the Market-
house in the city of Columbus, Muscogee county
within the legal hours ol sale, on the first Tues
day in April next, two Negroes: Fanny, a woniat
about 65 von s old, and Ritta, a girl about 4 year *
old. Sold for distribution among the legatees.
February 21. 1867 tds
ll having demands against the Estate of Willoughl J
Iteardiu, deceased, bite of Harris county, will present thei j.
duly authenticated, agreeably to law; and those indebtt'.
to said decea*od are requested to make immediate payment.
February 25, IS;.7—71 owm R. E. KKNNON, Adm’r.
-All persorU
It is the
cerned *hc
not then 1
efore ordered by tho Court, that nil pet
w cause (If ai '* *
Term, 1857,0
fob 5-mfin
indebted 1
Stewart county
Aiid those havi
th»iu, legally a
the Estate of Sami
are requested to make immediate payu
uds against said Estate will pro;
-All pe
having claims against John Kyle, deceased, latt
cogae county, are hereby notified to present them, dulv a
then Heated, within the time prescribed by law ; and ih*
indebted to said deceased, are required to make immediate pr
ment. JOSEPH KVLE, Adm’r.
January 27,1857 7t
-All perso
nd tin
y nu
U. T. MARKS. Adm’r
ms having In their hands for settlement, not
.‘longing to the deceased, will phase render;
mob) tjie Administrators as early us possib
’PWO MONTHS aft. r date, application will be made to t
1 Court of Ordinary of liar;is county, Georgia, for leave
sell all the Land belonging to the Estate of John R. Sutto
Jato of said county, deceased.
GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary, in Vacation, Jan
MARION COUNTY./ unry 8th, 1857.
i’resent, DAVID WORSHAM, Ordinary, Presiding:
11 ERE AS. John Kemp, administrator upon the Estate
*f Reuben Reynolds petitions this Court for a dlschargi
his said adminisaration:
It is therefore ordered by the Court, that all persons con
corned show cause tif any they have.) why said Administra
tor should not be discharged, otherwise Letters of dismission
will he granted to said applicant at the next August Teri
of this Court, and holm released according to tho statute i
such cases made and provided.
A true extract from Miuutos of said Court.
January 13,1S57
GEORGIA, 1 Court of Ordinary, December Tori
GEORGE W. MULLINS, Ordinary, Presiding:
U PON the petition of A. M. Slaton, Executor to the last
will and testament of Llttleberry Slaton, deceased, fc
Letters of Dismission from the Executorship of said Estate
On motion it is therefore ordered, that ail persons concert
•d bo and appear at the February Term, next ensuing, of this
Court then" and there to show i
ers should not be grai
extract from the Minn
di e 4—mOm GEC
Jd Let
e (if any they have) why
(1F.ORG I A. | Court of Ordinary. December Ten:
GEO. XV. MULLINS. Presiding:
W HEREAS, K. C. Hood petitions for Letters of Dismission
from the Administration of the Estate of Alexander M.
irt, why said Letters should
. 31-ui0u»
February 6,1867
■ date, application will bo made to t’ e
ourt of Ordinary of Talbot county, (la., for leave to s* 1
the interest of Miss Harriet V. Boon, in four Negroes—ss 1
interest being one-fifth.
December 23, 1850
OIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made to t o
it of °r dinMr y of ®flbot county, Ga.. lor leave tos* .1
the interest ol the minor children of James II. Walker, in
certain Negroes left to said children, and others, us a lega y
b / tho wlU antl testament of John Walker, la e
of Talbot county, deceased.
February 17,1857
applies for Letters of Administration
1, of the Estate of Sophia II. Shorter,
trail and creditor
f have,) why letti
cite and admonish all and sinp
' «aid <1 * • -
d to show <
•r* of Administration, as atoresa'.
said applicant at tho Court of Or*
• said county, on the first Mond
nary to i* held
in April next.
Given under my hand this 23d day or February, 1857.
February 20—6t JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinary
EORGIA, HARRIS COUNTY.—Whereas. F. R. Iludspe a
\ T applies for Lett,-is of Guardianship for the persons a. 1
property of Mary J., John T., Joseph B., Henry S., and Ilei -
ni A. Hudspeth, minors Of William Hudspeth, late of s;* 1
vouuty, deceased:
d admonish all and singul r
au interest in said Guardi,-. -
appear at ray otllce, within
»ud there to show cause,
why said letters should not lie grauted.
0:yeu under my hand in office, 20th February, 1857.
Feb. 26—5t GIXE W. MULLINS, Ordinary.
nEOIIGTA, CLAY COUNTY.—Whereas, Seaborn A.McLi
IT don applies to me for Letters of Administration on t
Estate of .John Dill, late of said county, deceased:
therefore to cite and admonish all persons on
.1. L. WIMBERLY, Ordina
I T POX the petit!;
J Dismission frou
White W. lloldi
r Ordinary, September Tei
It i
f Guilford M. Cade, for
m Administration on tho
late of said county, deceased :
therefore ordered, that nil per
(if any they lw
- M hy
id Letters should i
the Estate ot James Grier, late of said
r Letters of Dismission :
It is ordered by the Court, that nil p*
nso, (if any they have,)
ils Court, why. said I,
nty, deceased,
concerned show
before" the next July Term of
should not then begrnnted.
xtract from tho Minutes of said Court, December 17,
dec 23—m6m J. L. \VIMIIEllLY, C. C. O.
Court of Ordinary, January Term,
1867.—RULE NISI.
S, Jour.ian Beck, administrator of the Estate of
G EORGT \. | C< urt of w January j i-rai.
11711 ERE AS, Lucius A. Simon ton and ElixaUth A. Sinmu-
YY' ton, administrator and administratrix ot the Lsuv eof
Ezekiel Simon ton, deceased, petitions this Court for Letters
ol Dismission from said Administration J
Be it ordered, that all persons concerned bo and appear at
the August Term, noxt ensuing, of this Court then and there
to show cause (if any they have,) why said Letters should
not bo granted.
A true oxtract from the Minutosof said Court, January
22d, 1857. MARION HETUUNE, Ordinary.
January 27.1867 2®2 »
James G. Cotton, propounder of] Matter of Will or no Will
tho Will of Smith Cotton, I of Smith Cotton, dec d. In
T8 . j Harris Superior Court.
John W Stubbs, i t al. Caveators J
7 T appearing that Joseph Thoi
I are grand children and heirs at
,lL lVis therefore ordered, Ti nt, they show causo at the next
Term of this Court (it nuy they have.) why they should not
be made parties ns Caveators to said Will, or be forever barreu
from filing a Cavt nt to the said Will of said Smith Cotton.
And it further appearing that they reside out of the limits
of this State! It is ordered that service and notice of this
Rule and the pendency of said suit bo perfected by publica
tion in a public Gazette of this State if a personal servlco
cannot be made upon them.
A true extract from Minutes of Harris Superior Court.
October 23d, 1850. N. II. BARDEN, Clerk.
Docembor 9.1850 m taprlfl
. should n*
at the Court of Ordinnry to be held in
on the first Monday in August next; a
application be given by the publication of this
that notice of said
GEORG I A, I Court of Ordinary, Clay county, February
CLAY COUNTY. | Term, 1S57.
T appearing to the Court, by the petition of Samuel Good-
man. that John Peterson, did, in his lifetime, execute to
the sai.l Samuel Goodman, Ills bond conditioned to execute
good and lawful titles, to said Goodman, to and for one huu-
and fifty acres (more or less) ot lot of Land n umber one
ilrtd anil fifty-five, in tho seventh district of origin ily
ilolpli now Clay county: and it further appearing that
said John Peterson departed this life without cxeeuting said
ilil Samuel Goodman, ir making nny provisions
therefor; and it further appearing, th
his residence on Troup street
lot next abovo the residence of Dr. Hoxey ; of
fice, ns heretofore, in “Winter’s Bank Building,”
Broad Street.
H AS removed 1
Jan 2—tw tf
I)R. II. will faithfully execute all business
. ..i trusted to his care, and Hatters himself that
if those who have diseased Teeth, or wish
_ Teeth inserted, will call on him, he will fully
^ , by experience and otherwise, that they need
not go elsewhere to have their work w ell done.
Hi),, All work warranted, and no pay " ill be required if
satisfaction is not given.
office next door to the Post Office, or second door west
of Webb’s Hotel. »l“y 13,1866—w ly
satisfy then
attorneys at,
Columbus, Georgia.
OCT Office on Broad .Street, over Gunhy & Co.’s
Store. Jan. 13, 1857—wtwly
id Sam
paid tho entire and full amount of tho pur-
>noy of said Land, and petitioned this Court to di-
•ophilue Pearce, the Administratorr
said Estate of
<ed, to execute said Titles to said Land
to said Samuel Goodman, in conformity with said Rond:
it is therefore ord-rud. that notice bo given in three or
more public places in tho county, and that
Rule be published iu theColumbu
agreeably to law, that all persons concerned inn;
objections in the Ordinary’s office (it any they i
3d, 1867. feb 7-m3m
Georgia, Muscogee County,
Court of Ordin. ry. December Term, 1856.
Present, JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinary:
r lo the Court, by the petition <
Mansfield Torrance, deceased, into
ia. did, in his lifetime, enter inti
•ruby binding himself, his heirs. •
Muscoguu cupuriur unun, nu»omun **;■**•» • j
I T appearing to tho Court, that horotofore, to-wit: on oht
1st day of May, 1855, a Writ Fieri Facias which had is
sued from this Court, at tho instance of Dozier Thornton vs.
tho instance of Uines Holt, Esq., attoi
said fi fa. levied oil Lots in the City of Columbus, known
number 176 and 549, and by virtue of said levy the sumo '
on tho 1st Tuesday in June next, thereafter, sold by Frai;
M. Brooks. Sheriff of said county, and purchased by Duni
McDouguld. at the price of $371 87
It further appearing thatbefor
wit: on tho 13th day of February, , .
Decree of the Chancellor in a case then and now pending in
said Court, in favor of William Dougherty, and others, vs.
Seaborn Jones, the said Ann E. McDougald, the said Duncan
McDougald and Alexander McDougald, tho aforesaid proper
ty had been placed in tho hands of Adolphus S. Rutherford,
as Receiver,appointed by said Decree,and regularly conveyed
to him ns such. And it further appearing that Duncan Mc
Dougald, the purchaser of said property is one of tho De
fendants to said Bill, and said Hines Holt one of the attor
neys for said Defendants, and had full knowledge of said or
der aud the condition of said property :
It is therefore ordered, that the said Hines Holt and Dun
can McDougald show cause, at the next Term of this Court,
why they should not be punished fora contempt of this
Court, in making said sale and purchase.
Aud tt is also further ordered, that the said Duncan McDou
gald and the said Francis M. Brooks show cause on or before
the first day of the uext Term of this Court, why the afore
said sale of said Rots should not be quashed and set aside
for tin* reasons hereinbefore statud and why the Deed executed
by said Sheriff to said McDougald, should not be Bet aside and
delivered up to be cancelled.
Audit further appearing, tli
R. G. Carithers,
W ILL practice in tlio Chattahoochee circuit, and
ill the counties of Randolph, Clay, Calhoun,
Early, Dccaturnnd Baker, ol the South Western
JET Office Up Stairs, over Gunby & Co’s Store.
Jan 27, ’57 w <1
Columbus. Georgia.
Office directly opposite tho Post Office.
April 4, 1854 14 t*
i McDoi
t the said Dunca
d resides iu the State of Alabama, it is
ordered that a service of this Rule he perfected on said Mc
Dougald, by a publication of tho same once a month for four
months, before the next Term of this Court, aud that a copy
of this Rule Ihj r.
Ilolt, sixty days bofc
t frou
>tnhor 23,1856
on said Francis M. Brooks and llines
e tlio next Term of this Court,
i tho Minutes.
i»d and r
leii-nt title
. 405 and 417, t
< last frac-
life with*
said Rove
tli (7<h) district of originally Leo
c Rnmdolph county, iu said .State, and surveyed
hundred and thirty acres, more or less.” And it
penring, that Mansfield Torrance, departed this
t executing or causing to be executed titles for
al 1/Ots ot Land, or in any wav providing therefor
GEO. W. MULLINS, Fresiding:
W HEREAS. Elijah Satterwhite petitions for Letters of I>
mission from the Admininistrntion of the Estate of F
ward Satterwhite. late of said county, deceased :
It is therefore ordered by the Court, that all persons co
cerned show cause, (if any they have.) on or before the ue
August Term, 1857, of said Court, why said Letters should n
theu l»e {!
___il A. Grier having petitioned the Court to
ml direct Harriet Torrance and Matilda S. T a ranee, the
utrixes of said Mansfield Torrance, deceaoed, to make to
J him, said Samuel A. Grier, titles for said several lots of land:
It is therefore ordered that public notice be given nt throe
• more public places, in Hie county, and oneeu month in tho
Columbus Enquirer for three mouths, anterior to the Court
if Ordinary to beheld in nnd for said county of Muscogee,
m the first Monday in April next, that all persons concern-
id may tile their objections (if any they have.) why said E
GEORGIA. 1 Court of Orainnry .
J. L. WIMBERLY,Ordinary,Presiding
l’ON the petition of
, upon the
, deceased, for Lott*
ist ration of
It is
S. Ware, administrator, de bo
ot" John Ware, late of said
Dismission from the Admin-
id Estate
motion ordered, that all persons concerned show
y they li
why sai.l Lottei
l ihe Minutes
having fully udmiuist
Elliott, administrator
ed said Estate, uppliui
“ t lin "
r Let-
all persons concerned show
) within the time prescribed by law.
should not be granted, otherwise they will
ms of the law.
from the Minutes of tho Court of Ordinary,
* JOHN H. JONES, Ordinary.
GEORGIA. \ Court of Ordinary, in Vacation, Ja
MARION COUNTY, f ary21st, 1867.
Present, DAVID WORSHAM, Ordinary, Presiding:
HEKKAS, Simeon ltiue, administrator upon the Estate
»d. petitions this Court for u discharge
perued to uppi
e (if;
my office within tho time proscribed '
y they have,) why said Letters shou l
ise thoy will bo granted at tho Api 1
•cli 3,1867-2!
grauted. otb
a of said Court.
f hand, ia office, 27th February, 1857.
JOHN II. JONES, Ordinary.
EORGIA, TALBOT COUNTY.—Whereas,^Iyrandn K* t
VA applies to mo for Letters of Administration on tho Ksti d
°'ril W ' 1 do r Stnndford, l a U* of said county, dec’ll:
Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and singul r
the kindred and creditors of said deceased tobeandappi r
at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show can e
(If any they have) why said Letters should not be granted
Given under my hand and official signature. February 1
feh J : '"' 4 MARION BETIH.NE, ordinary.
G EORGIA, MARION COUNTY.—Whereas, Jacob a7c1«: -
onts applies for letters of Guardianship fur the perso *
and property of Emina W. Glazeaud John M. Glazo, orpha, s
of John M. OJaze. deceased: '
These are therefore to cite aud .{ulmonish all anil singul r
the kindred and others feeling an interest in Bald Guaidia -
.ship, to be and appear at my office within'the time pi -
cribed by law to show cause (if any thoy have,) why sa 1
Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signal are February 1 ,
1857. feb 17-5t DAVID WORSHAM, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, I Court of Ordinary, February Term,
117IIEUEA8, W illiam J. Weaver, Guardian of Henry A.
Yf Snelliugs, petitions this Court for Letters of Dismissii i
from said Guardianship:
It is therefore ordered, that all persons concerned bo an 1
appear at the next April Term of said Court, then and the i
to show causo (it any they have.) why said Letters shou 1
not theu be grant d.
A true extract from tho Minutes of said Court, Februiu r
from his said Administration:
It is therefore ordered by the Court, that all persons
cerned show cause (if any they have,) wny said Admin:
tor should not bo discharged, otherwise Letters of Uh
sion will la> grunted to said applicant at the next August
Term of this Court, and he be released according to tho
iu such cases made and provided.
A true extract from the .Minutes of said Court.
Jan27—m6m DAVID WORSHAM, Ordi
GEORGIA, I Court of Ordinnry, Janunrv Ten
W N ERE AS, rhilip Adams, administrator of the Esta
Kid ridge Adams, petitions this Court for Letters ot
mission from said Administration :
Re it ordered, that all persous concerned bo and appu:
the August Term, next ensuing,of this Court then and t
to show cause (if any they have,) why said Letters should
should no:
lit le
nd dir, i
ualie to t
ml lots of land in c
JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinary.
Georgia, Muxcog
t of Ordinary. December Ti
it. .lollN JOHNSON, Ordinary :
Mury J. Davis ^
of Ma:
IT appealing to . .
A of Muse*.geecounty. Georgia, that Edward E. I 1
late of said county, did, iu his lifetime, enter into agreement
iu writing whereby he bound himself, his exocutors nnd as
signs to make to said Mary J. Davis, warrantee titles fora half
acre lot in the city of Columbus iu tho county and Flute afore
said, called the “Coleman lot” and known in the plan of said
city as Lot No. 263. Aud it further appearing, that the said
Edwar I K. Powers departed this life without executing titles
for said lot of land, or in any way providing therefor. Aud
said Mary J. Davis having petitioned the Court to order and
direct Vincent It. Tommey, the administrator with tho will
annexed, of tin* Estate of" Edward K. Rowers, dee d., to make
to her titles for said Lot of Land in conformity with said
agreement in writing:
It is therefore ordered, That public notice be given at three
or more* put die places in the county, and by pubRcnti;
) why
iouth for thr*
•f Ordiuary. to bo held in ami
county, on the first Monday in April next, that al
concerned may file their objections (if any they h.
said admiuistratO'-should not be directed to make titles lot
said Lot of land according to tho conditions of said agree
ment in writing.
A true extract from tho minutes of said Court, Decembei
26,18t Dec 80—m3m JNO. J HINSON, Ordinary.
Daniel Hightower, ")
vs. > Scire Facias tomakepartios.
Dozier Thornton, and others,)
To all ii
Peyton H. Colquitt,
i£r Office over Col. IIoi.t’s Law Office, Rnn-
dolph Street. Mnv 31. ’55—tww tt
Gives his entire attention to the practice in Chatta
hoochee and the adjoining counties.
April 26, 1856 tww ly*
Attorney at Law, Columbus, Go.
Wf HER EAR. hi
YY for said cou
13, 1857. feb 17-71
J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary Presiding
W HEREAS, Richard Price, Guardiau of the persons in
property of Hesse A. aud William II. Price, orphans
>V illiam Price, deceased, petitions this Court fbr Letters
Court of Ordiuary, December Term,
inary, Presiding: *
William Sims for Letters ■ f Dismis-
the Estate of John
Upton, late of said county, deceased :
It is on motion ordered by tho Court, that all persons con
cerned show cause (if any they have,)on or before, the next
July Term cf this Court, why 6aid Letters should not theu
GEORGIA. I Wlioreas, Ann A. Ford, Executrix of Hie
CLAY COUNTY./last will and testament of William P. Ford
d, haying settled up said estate, now petitions this
will be grunted to lierat the next August Term of said Court
aud she bo released according to law.
A true extract from tho Minutes of said Court of Ordinary
of Cl iy county, January 14th, 1867.
January 17, 1S57—mtinil JNO. II. JONES. Ordiuary.
ty, 1847, Daniel Hightower commenced hii
tion by Bill in Equity in said Court, against Dozier Thorn
ton, Henry T. Greenwood, James A. Flaton, Leroy Holt,
Thomas Persons, James M. Foster, and others. And whereas,
before the trial term of said action, and whilst tho same was
yet pending, and undecided, the said Daniel Hightower de
parted this life; and whereas. Janies F. Hightower has been
duly appointed aud qualified as Executor upon the Estate
of said Daniel Hightower, deceased :
Tiie said Defendants, Henry T. Greenwood, James A. Sla
ton. Lo oy Holt, Thomas Poisons, and James M. Foster, are
therefore each of them, hereby required and commanded to
he aud appe-r at the next Superior Court to bo held in and
for said county..on 1st Monday in May next, then and there
to show cause, (if any they have,) why tho said James F.
Hightower should not lie made a party complainant iu suid
suit, as Executor as aforesaid, and said cause proceed.
Witness tiie Honorable Edmund II. Worrill, J udgo of said
Court, this 26th day ot December, I860.
Dr. Jones’ Syrup for Piles,
TS ANEW DISCOVERY nmlin nn Internal ri
JL edy of great value. Unlike tlio many cures of
the present tiny for hojmorrhoids, it reaches the dis
ease whieh is seated in the hceniorrhoidal veins and
mucus membrane of the rectum. And while this
Syrup is a great Specific for Piles, it is also perhaps
one of the very best agents in all the wide field of
Therapeutics, for breaking up habitual constipa
tion, which, of itself, is not only the chief cause of
luemorrhoids, but also the source of a whole host
of diseases whose name is legion This medicine
having lately performedsomecures that would seem
utmost miraculous, is now, for the first time, being
offered to tlie public. The efficiency of this reme-
edy is abundantly established by the certificates on
the bottles, and in hand, irivon by officers and oth
ers of respectability, men in our midst whom we
know and can believe.
&y- Sold by the principal Druggists in Columbus,
and also by Dr. Jones himself, at Dr. Woodruff ’s
office. Price $1 per bottle.
Tiiomaston, Ga. Aug. 20, 1860.—I have been afflicted with
Piles tor 4 or 5 years past, nnd at times suffered very much
with them. During that time 1 tried Howard's. Berk lard’s.
Pryor’s and several other Pile Specifics, without any relief. 1
was recently induced bva friend to use a Prepartiou put up
by Dr. U. II. JONES, from which I found immediate relief,
niid up to tills time fuel perfectly free trom tlio disease. 1
can most cheerfully recommend it to all persous as a very
sate, pleasant aud efficient remedy for the Piles.
Tuomastox, On. Aug. 20,1850.—I have boon severely afflict
ed with bloody Piles for about two years past, and have re
cently boon entirely cured by Dr. Jones’ Pile Syrup. I would
therefore rucommunil tho use of this excellent iflc to oth
ers afflicted us 1 was. CHARLES Ii. COBB.
Tuomastox, Ga. Aug. 20, 1856.—1 have been afflicted with
tho Piles for several years past, and have resorted to all tho
Preparations that 1 could procure, nearly all of which prov
ed an entire failure, until I was induced by Dr. C. 11. JONES
to try his remedy, which I am happy to state gave mo al
most instantaneous relief. I can safely recommend to nil
who may be likewise afflicted, the use of this most excellent
Preparation. F. M. RICHARDSON.
Okmxaky’s Office, 1 I, Will* wn A. Cobb, Ordinary of said
Upson county, Ga./ county, do hereby certify that I)r. C.
II. JONES, Francis M. Richardson, George 1. F. Birdsong nnd
Charles II. Cobb, are gentlemen in good standing in this
county, of undoubted voracity, and thatj'ull faith and cred
it ought to be given to whatever they say.
Given under my hand and seal of office, this 26tli August
1866. WM. A. COBB, Ordinary.
Tuomastox, On. Nov. 18, 1850.—1 have had the bloody
Piles more or less for the last twelve years, and sometimes
confined to my room iu consequence of them, nnd I have re
ceived more benefit from Dr. O. H. Jones’ File .Syrup,
than any other Medicine I have ever used, and for tlio last
two months I have been entirely free from the disease, by the
ai<fof tills Syrup. GKO. J. LEWIS,
NOV. 29—wly • Sheriff Upson county.
December 23,1856
Stewart County.
Will practice in the counties ol Marion.
Stewart, Taylor, Chattahoochee, KiiichuJ'oone, ana
any of the adjoining counlies when their servicea
may be required. Oliver. P. W. Clements.
March 6,’56 w ly
L. Randolph Redding,
Preston, Webster County, Ga.,
Will practice in Chattahoochee, Webster, Sumter,
"Itewart, Terrell, and tho adjoining counties,
ocember 30. 1856 wfim
W TLL continue the Practice of Law in I lie South
western Circuit us heretofore, nnd promises
to faithfully attend to all business entrusted to bis
cure, in the counties of Randolph, Clay, Early, and
Calhoun. {£r Office at Fort Guinea, (4a.
March ti, 1856 wtf
Marion Bethune,
W LL prepare Declarations lor persons entitled
der the late Acts of Congress; nnd prosecute ail
claims of that nature. ("March 6, ’55—wtf
Dawson, Terrell County, Ga.,
Will practice in the Pntaulaand adjoining counties
of the South Western Circuit.
March 4. 1856 twit wly
1 Court of Ordinary, December Term, 1850
the Guardianship of said orphans :
'rdered, that, all persons concerned she
the next April Term :
It is thereti
cause (if auy they haven't
this Court, why said Letter* Rhould uot then he granted.
A true extract trom the Minutes of said Court, Jauuary 2 ,
Full a—w n • J. D WIMUKHLY, Ordiuary.
C l EOKOIA, IIA III*IS COUNTY.—H hcrras, Alc.y V. Poliai I
I applies to me lor letters of Adwinl.trillion tie bonU 111 i
on the Estate of John F. Cone, late of said county, dec’d.;
These are therefore to cite and adihonish all persons intc
ested, to be and appear at my offl. e within the time prescri
ud by law, and show cause (if any thoy have,) why said Le *
ters should not lie granted.
Given under my hand in office, February 3,1867.
February 6—fit GEO. W. MULLINS, Ordinary;
GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary for said countv. i
MARION COUNTY. / Vacated, February 21st, 1857
Present, DAVID WOKSUAM, Ordinary, Presiding:
W HEREAS, Sarah McKlmurray, Administratrix, ai
John R. Me Elm array, Adm’r., upon the Estate of
R. McEimurray, late of said county, deceased, petitions thi <
Court for a discharge from their Raid administration :
It is on motion ordered by the Court that all persous coi
cerned show cause (if any they have,) why said admiuistr
trix and administrator should not be discharged, othurwi •
Letters of Dismission will be granted to said applicants t
the uext September Term of this Court, and they be release 1
ascordiug to the staiute iu such cases made and provided.
GEORGIA, I Court pf Ordinary for said county, i
MARION COUNTY. | Vacation, November 11th, 1856.
Present, DAVID WORSHAM, Ordinary, Presiding :
AI/'II ERE AS, Martin L. Bivins. Executor, and Sarah I
Hall, Executrix, to the last wlli and testament of Dai
iel M. Hall, lateof raid county, deceased, petitions this Cou;
for a discharge from said Executorship:
It is ordered by tho Court, that all persons concerned sl»o\
cause (if auy they have,) why said Executor nnd Kxecutri
should not be discharged, otherwise Letter* of Dismissloi*
will be granted said applicants at the ne\t June Terra o*
this Court, and they be released according to the Statute ii.
luch cases made anil provided.
A truo extract from the Minutes.
. . DAVID WORSHAM, Ordiuary.
NovemWr 18, I860 int’>m
3d, 1856.
ii. i
-LINS, 1
GEORGIA, 1 Court of Ordinary for said county, in
MARION COUNTY./ Vacation, November 11th, 1866.
Present, DAVID WORSHAM, Ordinnry. Presiding :
W HEREAS, Sarah L Hall, Administratrix, upon the Es
tate of John W. Hall, late of said county, deceased, peti
tions this Court for a discharge from her said Admiuistru-
It is therefore ordered by the Court that all persous con
cerned show cause (if any they have,) why said Administra-
tiix should not bo discharged, otherwise Letters of Dismis
sion will Iw granted said applicant at the next Juno Term,
if this ^ * -* * ’ r J
n such
A tru
November 18,1856
Georgia, Muucug* 6 Couuty*
The Central Ruiiroad &, Bunking)
Company |
John G Winter, Joseph S. Win- [ ^ c '
ter, Joseph S. Winter & Co.,
W HEREAS, at a former Term of this Court.
order was granted by this Court, that service
in saijl case be effected on said John G. Winter nnd
Joseph S. Winter, by publication in the Columbus
Enquirer, a newspaper published in Columbu
said county of Muscogee, Georgia, once a m
for four months, requiring them to appear and
swer said Bill on or before the then next Term,
and whereasjt is considered by the Court that
suit! publication has uot been made :
It is, on motion ordered, that said order for
vice, be and is enlarged and that service bo so
footed by similar publication, requiring said defend
ants so to appear and answer to said Bill, at the
next Term of said Court,
A true ex’rnot from the Minutes of Muscogee Su
perior Court, December 30th. 1856.
Dec 30-m4in A. S. RUTHERFORD, Clk
Court of Ordinary, January
_ . Term, 1857.
J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary, Presiding :
I T appearing to the Court, upon the petition of D
M. Davidson and M. M. Weaver, that Thomat
L. Ellis, deceased, did, in his lifetime, deliver, to
said Davidson and Weaver, his Bond conditioned
to execute titles in fee simple to said Davidson and
Weaver, to the North half of Lot of Land No. 145,
and twenty-five acres off'the north west corner oi
Lot No. 129, all being in the 21st district of said
county. And it further appearing, that the said
Tnomas L. Ellis departed this life without execu-
hg titles to said parcels of land, or in anyway
providing therefor—that William J. Mcllee is the
Aduiinistiator on the Estate of said tleecased, and
hat tho purchase money for said‘Land has. been
paid, and thatjsaid Davidson and Weaver now pray
Court to direct the said^ administrator to exe-
titles to said Land in conformity to said Bond :
is therefore ordered,that notice be given in the
Columbus Enquirer, a public gazette ot this State,
and in the public places of this county, for three
months, that all persons concerned may file their
objections (if any they have,) why said William J.
McRee, administrator as aforesaid, should not ex
ecute titles to said Land in conformity to said Bond.
extract from the Minutes of said Court,
January 28, 1857.
J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary.
February 2, 1857 m3m
GEORGIA. I Court of Ordiuary, February Term. 1857.
ppearing to tho Court, upon the petition of .Toslah
Usman, that George Moore, deceased,.did, in his lifo-
exocuto to the said Josiah IliHsman, his bond condi
tioned to execute titles in fee simple to said HiUemnjl to and
for Lots of Land number (111) one hundred and eleven, one
*"indred and ton (110,) ninety-two (92,) nlnety-ono (91,) sig-
-nine (69.1 fiftv acres, more or less, the&uco being the life
the south side of number one huudrod aud nine IlOf,)
rty acres, more or less, of tho fence being tho lino Qf tiie
uth side of number ninety (90,) in the lin* district Lf
originally Houston now Crawford county—with all the
rights, members, aud appurtenances to Bujd lands, iu afcy
wsy appertaining or belonging, except fflro and ono halt
acres on tho eist side of number 92, and one quarter of an
acre including tho Grave Yard on lot number one hundred
and el. veu. And it further appearing that tho said George
Moore departed this life without executing titles to said lots
or parcels of land, or In auy way providing therefor; and
it further appearing that the suid Josiah IHUsman has paid
the entire and full amount of tho purchasu money or price
for said lots and par. els of land, and the said Josiuh Hills-
man having petitioned this Court to direct John >Ioore the
Administrator of the Estate of George Moore (the sail
Johr.* H lore being a resideut of said county and having duly
reiu.»t<*d his administration to said county,) to execute titles
j him to said lots or parcels of land, in conformity with
at three or
the Storage and Sale of Cotton andg
other Produce.
Liberal advances made on Cotton in Store, and
the usual facilities offered to induce Shipments to
our friends in Savannah, New York, Boston and
Ord. rs lor Groceries promptly executed and ar
ticles purchased free of commission, at the lowest
market prices for our customers.
Columbus, August 9, ’56 tw3t wtf
Ware-llouse, Commission, Receiving and
THE undersigned having formed
siness at the old stand (Alabama Ware-house) un
der the name and style oi KING & SORSBY, and
solicit from their friends and customers a coutin •
uance of their business.
B. A. SOR-iiY.
May 6, 1856 wtf
June 17, 1856 w tf
Will practice in the following counties: Sumter
Clay, Randolph, Early, Decatur, Buker,
Calhoun, Dougherty and Lee.
May 9, *54 19 ti
W ILL practice the various branches of their pro
fession, in the counties of Stewart, Chatta
hoochee, Muscogee, Marion and Kinchaloonee,
of the Chattahoochee Circuit; and Randolph, Clay,
Lee and Sumter, of the South Western.
The business of Collecting and Conveyancing
under the immediate control of MR. COX. They
are prepared to prosecute successfully all just
Claims for Bounty Land Pensions, &c. against the
general goverment.
One of them will at all times be found at their
office. Prompt in their correspondence, punctual
in their business engagements, their whole energies
will be devoted to the Dest interest of those wi.o en
trust them Withbusine s.
August 21. ’55 w tf
r PHE undersigned have taken the NEW FIRE-
-*• PROOF W AREIIOUSE now being erectedin
the rear of Messrs. Threewitls, Holt &, Co., ad
joining the Alabama Warehouse, and are now
prepuit.l to attend to all CONSIGNMENT’S, at
then Office at Gunby 6l Daniel’s, and by the first
of September will be ready to receive COTTON.
They will do a general
Commission, Storage and Forwarding
p . , BUSINESS. ^
Particular attention given totno Sale of Cotton, ntid
othc' Produce. The usual facilities will be afford
ed and careful attention given to all business en
trusted to their care. A g’’^ supply of Datririugr,
Hope and Salt, always or hand.
W M . H. Hughes, W.v. Daniel.
formerly of Apalachicc a. [aug 21—wtf
A r Siddiers engaged in removing the Indiani
' . J 1 *® 01 Cherokee, (in any capacity or office,) arc
entitled to Bounty Lands for said service, and can
obtain the same by addressing me at thisplacc,
ting the facts of their service, &c.
said bond.
It is therefore ordered, that-notice be giv
more public places in said county, and in the Columbus En
quirer, for three months, of such application by tho publica
tion of the proceedings therein, that all persons concerned
may file objections in the Ordinary’s office, (if any thoy have.)
why tho said John Moore, administrator as aforesaid, should
titles to said lots nnd parcels of land, iu conform-
JOIIN II. JONES, Ordinary.
. IJ " * February
Jan 29—w tf
S. E. FIELD, Agent,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Go.
Springfield, Massachusetts.
Capital and Surplus, $230,000
Wm. Conner, Jr., Sec’y.
&CT This Company continue to take risks against
FIRE, as heretofore. JOHN MUNN Agent.
Oct. 3 ’54 30
The Hartford lire Insurance Company,
Incorp’d 1S10—Capital and Surplus Fund $100,000.
T HIS Company has been in successful operation
for nearly 50 years, and has aimed to secure
public confidence by an honorable and faithful ful
fillment of its Contracts. The Company takes
risks^on as fuvorahle terms us uny other responsi
ble Company, against loss or damage by Fire on
Dwellings, burniture, Stores, Stocks of Goods,
Cotton, or other Merchandise in store.
. 1 fi° subscriber will continue to receive applica ;
Hons and issue policies as above.
D. F. WILLCOX, Agt.,
March 2<—twwly (at office of Eagle Mf’g. Co
ity with said boud.
A true extract t
3d, 1857. feb 7-
Sale of Town Lots.
WILL 1)6 sold before the Court House door in
. VV . <110 town ol Buena Vista, Marion county, with-
in the lawful hours of sule, on the first Tuesday in
May next, the following property, to wit:
Town Lots numbers two (2,) three (3,)’ five (5„
one (1,) lour (4.) and twenty-fivo (25,) and the im
provements thereon, in the town of Tazewell, Ma-
rion county. The same to bo sold under a decree
in Chancery from the Superior Court o* Marion
county, for the benefit of the Tazewell Village Hall
Company. JAS. L. WIGGINS, Receiver.
March 3, 1857. w2m
Important to Cotton Planters,
T^HE undersigned has invented and obtained let-
A. ters patent from the U. States for the arrange-
ment and combination of machinery for converting
Seed Cotton into Yarns by one continuous process,
from the Gin through tho various preparation and
spinning machinery, until it is ready for shipment
or weaving.
The saving from waste by this process will be at
least 10 per cent; and Yarns mude from the fibre
(unbroken and uninjured by the operations of the
machinery of the present process used to open and
disentangle it) will ho about 50 per cent, stronger,
uud will command the markets of the world, dis*
la nM ir ® a j competition, at advanced prices.
i he undersigned is prepared to dispose of privi
leges to use his patent; and planters will |>e in
formed ns to terms, with complete instructions how
to use it, how to obtain the best machinery, and all
other necessary particulars, on application addrers-
ed , t0 GEORGE G. HENRY,
Jan 8 tw2t wly Mobile, Ala.