Newspaper Page Text
NO. 281
fee. Bancroft, of Randolph connty,
Ritndepandent” candidacy for the
Vara w« noticed the other day, boa
r withdrawn.
jpirta correspondent of tha An-
kronicle writes : “Rumor hath it
\ no orious William Henry Harri-
or ad, will oppose Hon. A. H. 8te-
ifor Congress.*
' i E ponton Monger confidential,
irks that Bob Toombs hates Alex,
i and fears Ben Hill. The Bavan-
i naks : “Has J. B. no place in
Hare ?”
nes Newsome, E«q., of Bulloch
, has a watermelon vine from which
here! 58# pounds of melons t is
fiauy of them weighing from forty
f pounds. The vine covered aeveu-
[from md« to side.
i Savannah, G-ffiu and North Ala*
1 Railroad is now oompiote l to 0<«r.
l,a distance of about sixty five utiles
will in future ran regularly from
> up into the old red hills of Carrol
men, named Reese and
Agog, laborors on the Georgia Rail*
{laid down on the track on Satutdu'
and the cow-catcher of a train
l them, killing Reese ar.d injuring
It is supposed that they were
—«A negro named Gus Maxwell has
Mm arrestsd as the person who fired int
ain of tbe Central Railroad near,
htmn 44, about two weeks ago. The
ailroad Company offered a reward ol
$500 for the di o »very «n t apprehension
of the acondrel, and it is said the proof
k 1 strong against Maxwell.
-The Floyd county mooting, held in
nine on Tuesday to try to harmonise the
Terences in the Seventh Congressional
Strict, referred the whole matter to the
itrict Executive Committee; which
nmittee was to meet in Cartersvills on
ilue*day at the call of Hou. L. N
nmcll, to investigate the charges of
irness in the nomination of thut gen-
kTho chronic bickerings between the
jUpata p-pera are hocotniig lively. Oue
■KpBblishiug statements from postma—
IMP to show that it has tbe largest circu-
M§$n ; and its rival relies on reports of
Mamie and railroad carriers to show that
ifettironlation is ahead. Both have their
•Meiaities. One is an expert in ootto:
•od the other boasts that it tnskes the
•*$$**et bus lea” ever w rn. Tha public
am no daubt hugely interested.
« «*»On Monday tbe Democrats of Chat-
Mdli county nominatud Gen. A. R. Law.
• MM* J°*epli B. Warren, Esq., and Dr. 4.
.Thomas for Representatives. Gen.
prion was nominated on the first bei
ng, and sir. Warren on the sixth,
ire was hen a long contest between
pt. A. G. McArthur and Mr. A. P.
lams, which was ended, after 21 ballot.
, by the withdrawal of both and the
ninstion or Dr. Thomas by aoclAma-
Tha ticket is a strong one.
-It was announced yesterdty that H.
, Kimball had ugaiu become a half pro
Irietor of the house bearing his name in
Atlanta. The Herald explains that Mr.
kiinbail built the hotiao, which was a -Id
his failure, under what was sup
l to be a valid mechanics’ li*n. The
■se was bought by the recent posses.
1 under that ben. Tbe Supreme Court
since decided that a lien similar to
I under which the sale took place w is
\ % valid mechanics’ lien. Un 1st these
uuist inces— one party having tbe le-
and tbe other 11 large equitable inter-
-the adjustment announced was ef-
l without a lawsuit.
« —Chancellor McUraw has appointed
M. French Strange, Register in Chan-
yipif (ur Lee *
-A Radical meeting in Tnskegee, Ala.,
Md on Saturday last, was attended by
My one while man, and ho the Senator
the county.
[ — We learn from the Troy Messenger
Mt Miss Siih R. Wiggins, of Sparta, G »
fund-daughter of tho vener .ble Rev
T. Lovick Pierce, has been added to the
konlty of the Method st Mule and Female
nstitnte, of 1 roy. She was a member
the graduating class of 1873 at Wesleyan
Female College, Macou.
-Tha State Journal is iufo-med that
on. C. 8. G. Doster, of Autauga couu-
y, and lion. A. P. WiUon, of Moutg m
Ty county, have each re-igned their seat*
I the S*ate Senate. Elections will lie
I to fill their vaoancios on the 3d of
tvember. They are both Radicals.
Ilaon is postmaster at Montgomery, and
•tor is a candid its for Circuit Judge
-By a fire which oocnrred in Opelika
Iterday ntorning. Rev. Dr. Tioknor
otor of the Episcopal Church, lost pro-
rty to the Amount of five or eix hundred
liars, withont insurance. The fire wa-
in the building, the lower story of which
waa used as a church, and the upper part
AMMpied by Dr. Ticknor as a residence.
—Two negroes went to law in Opelika,
tad 00muieured accusing each other ol
raaeali*ies. The result was that
AM was found guilty of stealing shoes
md fined $r>i), and the other guilty of
Mealing shot und fined $10. There s r e
* #tbsr charges ag iust them yet to be triad,
la tki> inatance the community may profit
f iff aagnes falling out.
—Frank L'gon, the Radical Ku-klnx
Batro of Macon county who assaulted Bill
Paine, auother ne^ro, homo time since,
for jo*niug tho Democratic Club, wss tried
•(lie term of the Circuit Court ju»t ad
journed, found guilt, of assault with in
tent to murder and sentenced to two years
held labor for the county. Tho jury vra*
iposed in part of negrosB—tbe judge
tiding was a Radical. Why did not
I Federal authorities take jurisdiction
his esse nnder tha Enforcement act ?
1 it beoausa the offender waa a Radical?
Steam boatmen In ConToatlon.
Or. Loms, October 1.—A convention of
•boatmen mat to-day, with foil dels.
, from Cincinnati, Louisville,
Pittsburg, New Orlesns, Vicks.
. Evansville snd St. Louis. Cspt. E.
r. Qjold stated that the general objects
) convention were to devise mean-
I to remedy existing evils in steam-
Dg snd remove the essberrassments
r which those great interests are enf-
The convention organized by
Bg R. H. Wolfolk, of Louisville,
dent; G. H. Res, of flt. Louis, Joo.
or, of New Orleans, and John L.
ale, of Pittabnrg, Vice Presidents;
Btese, of Pittsburg, and G. F.
, of 8t Louis, Secretaries. R bnsi-
The Fire Operte all Along
the Line.
U 0 It DON.
telecraphic notes. I THE GREAT COAST ST0KA1.
Ij Telegraph to Ksqcirkr.]
—Dr. Seymour accepts the Bishopric of
—The New York ITerald is still running
—Cider ia veiling at five cents a gallon
in My • tic, Connecticut.
—The ship diaaatere along the coast
have been fewer than was expected.
—All the Cabiuet are in Washington,
for the first time in five months.
—General Grant nays the Southern
Republican* have forced oivil righta ou
the party.
—The benevolent ladies of San Franeia-
co have just established a home for Chi-
rec'al to FNQl'tREB-SUN.
Bainbbtooe, Ga., October 1.— The
largest political gathering ever aeen in
Decatur oounty since the war aaaembled
here to day. It numbered about three
thousand souta. A magnificent barbecue
was served up in the best style and plenty
reigned ►uprenic.
The distinguished speakers present
were Hon. B. H. Hill, Gen. John B. Gor
don and Hon. William E. Smith, our nom
inee for Congress.
’Ihe latter gentleman made but few re
marks, when tho Hon. B. H. Hill waa in*
traduced, amid thnndera of applanae.
He made a grand effort, and completely
enchained the attention and hearta of bis
immense audience. That portion of his
address to the Old Line Whigs, many of
whom Whiteley has hoped to oar
r.% will no doubt be productive
of much good, and gieatly tend to re
deem our unfortunate country from the
infernal Radicalism that hat ruled it for
the last five years, ilia entire effort
most mas eily and convincing, and all
neu not 1* at to ducenoy and respectabil
ity, will agree with every word he uttered.
After Mr. Hill followed the Chevalier
Bayard of the South—
He was greeted with the wildest enthu
siasm by the entire assembly, but more
especially by the many old soldiers pre
sent, who had followed him on Virginia's
battle-fields in tho days that tried men's
sou la. He made a grand speech, and its
effect upon his hoarers waa like eleotrio-
icy. He did not uiter an ill-timed or in-
judicioui word, but the infamies of Rad-
•oaliain und its ev deut inteut to degrade
Southern m tnhood, were held up to the
multitude with ull his scathing eloquence.
His r m oka to the colored people were
fraught with wisdom, and we venture the
hope that bo struck tbe channel of the r
reason. He ooucludod amid wi.d ap
He and Mr. Hill have done a great day'a
work for Democracy, the good effect of
which will manifest itself next Wednes
day, when we trust Radicalism shall be
At the conclusion of General Gordon's
address, many of his old soldiers flocked
around him to grasp his hand and express
their joy at Mieiug him. He had a kind
word for each and all, and he and they
were visibly affected.
To give eclat to the occasion, the
Military, consisting of the Baker County
Dragoons, Captain strange, tbe Deoatnr
L’roups, Captain Harrell, and the Bain-
bridge Independents, Captain Flemming,
parade I.
The Thomasville Brass Band was also
present, and enlivened the oceasion with
their superb music.
The day passed off very quietly, and
the utmost harmony prevailed.
It is absolutely certain that Whiteley
will be defeatod in thia district, and it ia
highly probablo that evou Decatur county
will bo redeemed. If the latler resnlt ia
uot accomplished, then it ia beyond hu<
man power. Wo are staking everything
upon tho issue. Surely our calamities
will have an end.
This town was sconrged with yellow fa
vor last year, had five disastrous Area, two
in six weeks, and has been cursed with
Radicalism five years. Is it not time
there was a let up ou us f
A Duel Frustrated.
Washington, October 1.— Information
has been received by telegraph from
Richmond, that Mayor Whitehead iasned
a warrant last night, for the arrest of
Gen- Wm. Mahone and Brady Johnson,
on a charge of intention to engage in a
duel. Mahone was arrested at his hotel,
and bound over in $10,000 bond to keep
the peace for one ye^r. Col. Walter H.
Taylor, Richard Taylor and Beoj. P. Loy-
a’l becoming his bondsmen. Johnsoo
was not found.
Priests Held Responsible.
Montreal, October 1.—The celebrated
judgment of Judge Routbier that a priest
could not be held responsible before the
civil courts for what he Mid from the
pulpit, has been reversed in the Conrt of
—Many people have left and are leaving
Quinsy, Illinois, on account of the mos
—One farmer in Michigan announces
twenty thousand bushel a of apples ou his
far as.
—The First Baptist Church in New Ha
ven, Conutcticut, is burned. Lots $50,-
—It is reported that the Now York agen
cy of the bank of Moiit-eal, limes $250,-
000 by the failure of Jos. Bishop A Co.
—Bridget Oastbv, a servant at Den
mark N. J. was burned to death l<t»t
uight by an explosion of kerosuiio.
—Charles Linacott, aged thirty-four,
died yasterday in a dentist’s chair from
ehloruform administered to have a tooth
—Kellogg's blank boek shows he paid
out forty-five checks, averaging $1,500
each to lobby his case through at Wash
—Philadelphia is still urging the Cen
tennial. Ex Goxer Pollack und Bigler huve
gone West to atir up interest in tho mat
ter. -
—The body of Rev. John L. Stevens,
Methodist missionary, murdered by a mob
in March last, reached San Francisco yes
—Albert Ad*ms, proprietor of tbe Ad
ama house, Providence. R. I., committed
snicide in Pawtucket, Mass., yesterday by
shooting himself with a pintoi.
—-Todd county, Kentucky, liaa bad
more deliberate murders iu it thun any
oounty in any State. Ten men aro now
awaiting trial for this crime.
—At Cbriatfleld, Md , a fire broke out
yesterday morning in the oyster house of
John Calhoun, and waa spreading rapidly
noon, threatening to destroy the whole
—The Nevada Independent State Con
vention, held at Carson ou Wednesday
night, made nominations which iuclttdo
seven Democrats, four Republicans, und
three Independents.
—A Washington dispatch of yesterday
says that Nettlcship, a- cond in command
to Whiteiy, has been bai'ed in $1,000 on
a charge of burglary. They were chiefs
of the Federal aecrot service.
—The “Mutual Friend" (Monlton) has
aeoured bail in $15,000, and another $15,-
•00 is required from the unfortunate man
who has been trying to bridge between
the euokhold and the man that harmed
—McLeod and Emory, t.wo of the char
acters implicated in the supposed tnurd- r
of Vedder, who was found in tho whirl
pool last Sunday, wero arres'ed yesterday
near Clifton, Canada. A bail of tivf
thousand dollars was refused. [Pitv for
them they wero not in Alabama.—News
—Bismarck seems determined to annex
—The Chinese era becoming more in-
traotible in Cube.
—Abdullah Bey, the celebrated Turkish
physician, is dead.
—Cuban dispatches show that tho in
surgent* ere gaining strength.
—Mexican bendift-t, we are informed by
Hpeoiala, are preparing to raid iuto Texas.
—Another Englishman, named J. A. G.
Merahall,perished, lost Monday, ou Mount
—The Tichbome claimant is sick, and
it ia thought he cannot long survive if not
removed from prison.
—Mount JE’na is still iu a state of
eruption. Earthquakes prevail end many
bonsea have been cestroyed.
—The London Telegraph atontly denios
the corrent stories »bout the indebtedness
of the Prince of Wales.
—The London morning papers contain
editorials laudatory of the recent magnifi
cent shooting of the Americans at Creed-
—The Italian Ministry lias been dis
solved, end trouble is anticipated by the
friends of Viotor Emanuel in forming a
new Cabinet.
—Yesterday morning’s London Times
denies the trath of the report reeeutly
current that the debts of the Prince of
Wales have been paid by the Queen.
— 1 The Prussian Government makes a
•bowing in which it is demonstrated that
tbe recent war with France cost $178,-
000,000 and a loss of 120,250 soldiers
killed in battle.
—Thomas Smith, a privato in the 20th
Hussain, yesterday killed Captain Byrd,
of that regiment. Tbe captain, it is said,
had punished him unjiiRtly some time be
—The public departments, navy ahopn,
and various pieees were cloned yesterday
in that city in honor of tho observation of
the two hundredth anniversary of the
Roman Catbolio bisbcffrick of Quebec.
—The law nnder which the Paris polico
seized the pictures of the Prince Imperial
ia a law against pretenders t.» the
throne, and a merchant whose goods wero
seized ban just defended himself in court
on the gronnd that the Prince is not a
From the Savannah New*, 89 h.J
Etrly Sunday evening rain commenced
falling, and omitiuued throughout tut*
entire night and a portion of yesterday
forenoon without interruption. An iin-
nteuso* quant ty of water fell. Aa the
ram, the hardest and moat ooutmuou* w>
have had in years, was aco >inpHmed by
strong winds, the inference was that the
morning would roveal considerable dent-
age, hu t unfortunately this proved to be
the chh6.
Tho tide yesterday morning was the
highest tbst has i een witnesMea in this
section since the 8th of September, 1854.
It was not, however, entirely unlookeo
tor, hr the weather had been unsettled for
the la>t teu days, the moon filled on the
25th and in p ngee on the 2Gth instant,
a d lie w ina hlowiug from euat end north-
The damage done the rise orop is enor
ujouH. The plantations on the Carolina
side of the river were not a* much ex
posed aa ou the Georgia aide, where the
wind bad a fair sweep, and Urge quanti
tie* of rice were floated off. Mauy ol
the pi iUtatioiisoti the Kavauuali, Sxtill ,
Ogeechee and back river* were complete
ly submerged.
Ou the Deptford and Coaton Bluff (lan-
tatious of Mr. W. P Carmichael the
damage a iil reach $20,000. lie had 450
(tore* planted, which hud all heeu har
vested, and with the exception of about
4,000 bushel (which hud t»eeu threshed)
was in the field. This place we* entirely
»vsrfl.)wcd and nearly all the rice swept
away by the water. This wen oue of the
best stand* of rice raised iu tha:> vicinity,
an t averaged some fitly buaheln to the
Fire Rt leretefs.
Saratoga, October l.— l be Grand Ho
tel ia in flame<* end is in great danger.
2:35 p. m.—The Grand Hotel is under
control, ihe Union, Congress, Colum<
Sedgebank Plantation, owned by Dr.
J. J. waring* at Mickey's Point, wan also
eutircly under Water, 'ihe yield of home
eighty acre* had h en out and stacked,
and this was a l swrpt up against the
it heck daius, and is ruined. Dr. W. can
not at tliiH tuuc giv ? a oorre *t estimate of
his losses, but thinks ho will lose at least
two-third* of hi* cr p. He hud alroady
threshed and brought into market some
fifteen hundred bushels. Hands will be
put to work this morning to seethe end
dry the rice, and endeavor to aave all that
is , ,os*i ble
The damnge to Ferry Plantation, of
Captain T. F. Suroveti, on Back River*
was u -t so gr-at as to plantations ou this
side of the river, fa* the wind, the great
er portion of the lime was from the north
east and blew tits water to this aide,]
though a largo portion of his crop wa»
blown down ami washed against tho check
We learn that tho water ou Captdn
Man ganit’s place w ia so deep that mauy
of the hogn and poultry were drowned,
and that the los* t<» his crop is very heavy.
Among those who auffered largely, arc
Mr. Joseph Cl y, Walter Blake, jr., Msj
Huger and many others.
The whole nee crop i* badly damaged,
and will entail uroatios* ou the planters,
who can ill afford such a blow at thin
Wc lenrn from Captain Phil; ot, of the
Hteauier Rosa, that the river had risen to
such a height ou m »uy of the plantations
a:ong the Sav-utiuh river, that many of
the people were compelled to mount to
ihe loots of their houses. He noti ed on
his way down several colored families in
ibis elevated position stitr uudt-d by their
pigs and poultry, tbe predicament upper
unily Going anything bu plou-unt.
Hutchinson's Island, opposite the oity,
was a vast sin et of water, snd a large
quantify of lutube' on the wharf at Km-
soy’s uii 1 floated away. The dry dock
was opened to allow the piissage of tt e
ho.>vy volume of water which threatened
its destruction.
Several small boats were east loose from
their moorings and blown to this side,
and the boat bouse formerly used by the
Vernon Club was blown d iwu.
At the upper rice mill the water was a
foot deep over tne wharf atul ex end- d
back into the yard, being some six iuchm-
higli in the guano shed*. It was feared
at ono time th-*t the elevator would he
blown down, the torce of the wind being
very etr ng at thut point.
We also heard of considersble damage
from tho high wind and tide west of the
city. The city, bank, between tho Ogee-
elite canal lock and tbe water wotks fl tod
gate, was badly wtu-heo, and a large
bretk forced in the bank.
Ihe low laud* east of the city ere all
under water ; the road rx’ending from
the Tyler cotton Press to the Bilbo canal
flood gate ia fearfully washed, and the
bridge across Lamar’s creek is floating
Ihe water works were oveiflowed, bu'
wo were unable to ascertain whether etty
great damage was done.
The Atlautic and Gulf Railroad wharf
was overflowed, and a lot of lumber be
longing to Msj D. C. Bacon’s mill waa
flouted off, ulong the railroad track.
Workmen were engaged yesterday after
noon in securing the lumber.
Dinpatobes from Charles'on announce
th<t the storm was very severe in that
section, and great damage has been done
to the rice crop. Owing to the track be
ing submerged, tbe train on the Savannah
& Charleston Railruid was prevented
from leaving. During the esrly part of
tho day the telegraph wires went down,
and we, therefore, ere withont full infor
mation in regard to tbe extent end amount
of tho damage.
A*. Thunderbolt end Isle of Hope the
water was higher than it had beon Mnce
the memorable storm of 1854. The en
tire swamp* opposite those points ere
hi Jden from sight, snd tho eye rests alon**
upon an immense expause of water. We
understand that no serious datnago has
been done in those quaiters, although
several yachts at the latter place end some
until boats at the former were raoro or
le>s injured.
This storm is evidently tbe tail of the
•qainoctial bluster, and it is feared we
! &vo not yet beard of all of the damage
that has been done.
NaIIriiaI Debt KUtenarst.
New Orleans, Sept. 80. —A remarkable
and characteristic statement by Kel ogg
i* published in the Republican of thia
morning It is iu the shapo of an ad Ireaa
of three columns to the people of the
United States, on the political situation
from his at»nd-point. He take* np the
>htrges of oorrup ion and extravagance
of h s adminin’ratiou. Ho claima that
$13,000,000 of the State debt was con
tracted by the Democratic Legislature of
'67 ; $10,000,000 was croated during
tbe tour years of Waruiotb'a administra
tion ; while iu two years he (Ke logg) baa
reduced tbe debt $8,o33,0t)0—this being
aside from the amonnt saved by the
Funding Board. Four-fifths of the city
debt was created und*r Democratic ad-
luiiiislrstious. He declare* that no sot
authorizing the Lsue of a bond has been
posted during his administration. The
only bonds issued by him were 57C and
125 of $10,000, authorized by previon*
acts, the first is me being made obligator)
by a ju Igtnent of tho Supreme Court,
and the second on the advice of the law
official* of tho State. The floating debt
of the prev ous administration has beeu
i educed from $2,200,000 to $1,400,000
since January 1st, 1874.
New Orleans, Oct. 1.—The Republi
can Convention in Orle inn parish ia to be
held October 12th. Tho Republican
-itate Ceutial Executive Committee last
afternoou ratified the conference agree-
ment with uiuuiidinent, that in case of
% vacancy from death, or any other cause,
of a Republican of tho R turning Board,
a pledge should bo execlod that a Repub
lican bo selected to fi 1 such vacancy
The same rule is to apply to Conserva
Tho Conservative Cotumiltoe will meet 5th, to take action on the agree
ment of the conference committee.
—Advices from North Spain say that
there axe signs of the breaking up of the ■ sept ember reduction $135,417—call op
Oftrlist army. Several of the insurgent
leaders have surrendered to tho Republi
can troops, and it is reported that some
others were shot by the order of Don Car
los for demanding a ce-Hution of hostili-
ties and the restoration of peace.
Washington, October 1.—The debt
a'Moment issued to-day shows a redaction
of tho public debt in September of $435,
| 417 ; coiu ba ance, $77,402,877; eurrency
OP GUN I rai. kherman’h DAUGIITKR.
.Washington, October 1.—Tho marri
age of Mi*s Maria Erwing Sherman,
daughter of Geu., and Mrs. W. F. Sher
man, to Mr. '1 bomns W. Fitch, of the
engineer corpse, United State* Navy, was
celebrated]at St. Aloysio’*Roman Catholic
Chuich at 11 o’clock to-day, in the pres
ence of a very large comp ny off distin
guished person*, among whom were Presi
dent and Min. Grant, the members of the
a' iufct now in the city, members of th*
d plomatio corps, diKtingniNht-d army and
n^vy officers in full uniform, and promi
nent citizens, nearly all accompanied by
ihe marriage ceremony was performed
by Most Rev. Archbishop Purcell, of
Cincinnati, after which the nuptial mna>-
wos celebrated by that diHtiugiiiNhed pre
The crowd at the church was immense,
and urn y were unable to gain admission
After the oerauiooy et the ohur>-b, the
wedding reception was held at the resi
denco of Geuersl Sherman from 1 to 4
The newly married couple left here at
*ix o’clock thia afternoon fora bridal tom
North an«i West, and will reach St. Louis
about the 15th of October, where they
will reside.
Their wodding presents were numerous
And many of them very valuable.
Yellow Fever at Peaeaeoln,
Navy Yard, Pensacola, Ootober 1.
Hon. Secretary of the Navy, Washington:
There are six esses at presold—Commo
dore Woolsey, Lieut. Commanders Kel
logg and Barclay, Dr. Miller, Eugineer
McElwell and Sergeant David McClosky,
Eleven cases are convalosing—Captain
S-imuB*, Engineer Luindin and nine en
listed Keamon.
[•Signed] Geo. F. F. Wilds,
Licit. Comdr., Commanding,
The Department Las given orders to
transfer the officers and men who are well
from the naval station to the iron clad,
Cotineutioul. end remove tho vessel to e
healthy locality.
Another ♦•Feller** *eee Hn-KInx In
Washington, October 1.—Judge James
A. Abrams, of Sumpter county, Alabama,
is hero. Ho says terror reign*. He will
not return until there is Home assurance
of safety. Tho Star sa>s: “Though
moderate Republican, he refugees.”
[Who ever heard of Judge Abram* be
fore ?]
Ball rend Ronds Declared Illegal.
Selma, Ala., October 1.—The Commis
sioners Court to-day decided the $140,000
of county bonds issued to the New Or
leans and Selma Railroad illegal and void,
and refused to levy a tox to raise the in<
Five Bay* and Two Men Arrested nt
Albany, September 20.— i special to
the Albany Hews from Cimtlia Hunoiiuocs
that five boys and two mtn wore arrastod
there to day by U. S. Marshal Smith for
alleged violation of tbe enforcement act.
They will be tried bofore Conjmi-si-<uere
Wade and Putney to-monow. The citi
zens ere sereno and unintunidated.
Deparimkni op War, )
Washington, Ootober l, 1874.)
Probabilities.—For the South At lent c
and Eeat Gulf States, lower barometer,
light sontheant winds, warmer and e'ear
weather. For the Western Gn f 8tates
and the Southwestern, falling barometer,
fre-h south winda, warmer end partly
cloudy weather.
[Memphla, Sivamab, Wdtntnvtnn end N<*w
York quote spot outton aroordliur to the new
olaaalfl niton. (All may do, but these mention
It) The grade I* fixed lower than the lormt-r
The difference between the grades aa
quoted last night la about thre«-eighta of a
Haney eed ItMk Markets.
Londo , October 1 —Street rate • per cent.
Parks Oo ober 1 —Spec!» It crease two mil
lion Iranca.
Nzw York, Ootober l.-S notes sot ve and
trim#. Muney 3 per ueut. Ex-
change—long 485; st o t 4?8. uyvautosa »
null. State nouns quiet.
Nkw York. Ootober 1.—Gold dosed 110V<
ust<» s receipti* |3.9 ml): Snb-Tu-esury p in
448,000 as iotereet him £24,000 Iu c ni <1 bo <l».
.U uey easy 2Q2J4 ts.e-nug steady. Guiu
stro..g, quiet eu uoininul.
Provlwloss Market*.
Ltvnsrooi. October 1 — llrendrtnfft quiet.
Htcnn 6 s. Od tot short dear ut dale*. Talion
41s 01
Nkw York, October 1.—Flour dull a- d
unohanKcd. Wheat a sha-ie buiior. Cum dull
stiil declining. Pork firm at $22 bt. L rd
qule>; stiAtn 14.
New York, October 1.—Coffee firm,
-OVA gold, tor •>!«; intl.t grade* quiet Hint fl ui
.Sugar dull. Rice Mean}-, lair Jobbing Inquiry
Fallow Arm Pork firm , now nice
$22 76@23. Hod utt handed. Armor
less dd.-g, ) rime steam 14(ji 4V*. Whiskey
ilrtn. Fro.ghts, cotton ny nus.uu I 0.
Cincinnati, October 1. — Flo ir dul —
latnily $5.25friy$f»aa. Corn rtead>, xt 8it|86c
Purk n •miutti. Da d unchanged. Buc n null;
Htiou.deis 10o ; clear rib car s do*
•0j j sales la-1 evening, shoulders 10*40 — l&u
iu October. Whli-kc,) Arm at $l.<3.
Louibvilms, < ctob r 1.—Flo r unuhntu-
ed. Com steady at 83@H6. Pur a iiotii u .
Bacon unchanged. Laru 1414* Whlske, $l.u3
Bagging unchanged
Mosln, Re.
Nnw York. October l —Turpentine firm
at 38. Kuim firm at $2 60, s rained. Frelgulc
New York, Ootoimr l.«—Rosin dull and
heavy, $2.4Mi)2.60, strained. Turpentine dull
- nd heavy, 37
t'nttsa Markets
Liverpool, Outo -er 1—No n—Co-ton firm
Upliiuds 7J4@8; Orleans8)41 sites 15 0 0, it-
- lu< ing 3,ooo lor cp ouiaiIon a d ex 011; total
sales yesterday wore 19,00t> halus,4,0uQ ol whlcli
were s dd after he regular tDsina
Bales on abasls .d und bn; l)|d nd*, rot l<y
i-elow wood or ln-ry, i-lilp|»od in Octobct
and Novotnber, 7%; do. November an 1 Decem
ber, 7 15*10
Sales on a basis of middling Orleans, nothing
below good ordinary, spi| pad In Octobor un<>
November, 1%*
1:30 r. m.—Sales on a basis or mtddilniri U .
hnds. nothing ttelow low uilddllngs, de.lverabli
la Octobor 1%.
Oi s iMtoo.a TOOObaloswe e American.
Nkw York, Onto er I —Cotton woak ;
sries283; Dp an.In 14
Fu - res opened quirt and Arm: Del.
3-14; N 'vetnb-r ihy H ajj3 1 ; Dec tnber l.*t A< {
6-14; January 16 7-14, Fe ruary 15 II 10 u%.
Nkw York Oct be- 1— C .tti-n wea, 605
Am rlnin oiHssiflo lion*, g • <• o dinar. 14 M ;
o v middling 16' k ,middling 16'; 5ne. receipts
Firures clised s'eady :8 los 21 6 0 bates, s
Hows : Ootober 16 3-14 ■> 7 32 November 16 7-32
(ffl*4 ; Do<‘Om or 16 6 14©ll 82. Jun ar 1617 12(«
14. ob-oarv 16 27-.i2@^M VI -rob 14 3 82fv ;
April 14 7 3 QU ; 6lay 14 i.6 82®27 32
(Jalvk ton, Octob r 1 — O..* • 11 active, bui
t co iioty--t attju-led to new<dasg Acutlun; nut
ooeipts 411; sales l,7u0; stock 14,876.
II ltim- uk, Octob rl.*~Cotton du'I and low.
r; ra ddllnui 16*4; low ml dllngs -; go d ..rdi
ary 14*4; net receipts 82; 9: ; spinners
54 stock 1,870,
Wilmington, O tnber 1—Quiet middlings
[4; low mldollnga 13^; good ordinary 12; nut
ocelpts 319; stock 794.
ChaRL.rton, Octobar l. — Co*ton firm;
middlings 14%; net receipts 2,114; tul a 4j0;
o0h 11.611,
Nkw Orlranb, Oot herl.—Frm* middlings
14>4; net reoel,.ts 3,213; s lo.t l,600;a o u 20 269
Noil VOLK, Ol
WQl b; net recelpta
U *kton, Ootober tton easy; middling*
414; 3 JO. Stock 8,000.
Philadklphia, Oi*to er 1.-Dull; mtddlln/s
lu, 1 »w ml Idlings 16*4, good ordtna y 14%; net
receipts 49.
AuotTMTA, October 1.-Quiet a»-d strong;
ml. Idlings 1**4; net reoolpt^ n»0; a .les 716.
MuMPnie, October 1.—Ste*"Y, in go ««i
demand; middlings 14J4; low middlings
good ordinary 13^V4; e reoe'p'* 1407; snip-
moots 1,426; Salos 1,4 0; stues 12 0.2.
Savannah. Octoiier 1.—Firm; mlddl'nv*
I4!4; low middlings 13K; good onllnary 13)4;
net receipts 2 243; sale# l,44o; stock 17,622
Morilb, Ootober L—Outt-n Arm; mid
dllngs 1-V44$!4: ow mid lings I8%® 4; go-m
ordl ary ““ ‘
stock 10,7
Crocery House
J. & l. KAUFMAN,
No. 14 and 16 Broad •«.,
Columbus, Ga„
keeps coimmi os nn urn
100,000 pound* Bmor.
BOO barrel* Flour.
From 100 to 200 barrolt f ugar,
100 bag* Coflb*.
From 100 to 200 barrol* Syrup.
200 barrel* Wblakay.
200 box** Tobacco.
BOO •• Soap.
200 “ Candle*.
100 barrel* Lard.
B0 “ Mackerel.
BOO aack* Salt.
B0 tl roaa Rio*.
BOO raama Wrapping Paper.
100 catea Potaah.
100 “ Sardine*.
100 “ Oyatar*.
100 “ Pleklaa.
100 box** Oandy.
100 “ Starch.
100 troa. Ecrtor Match**.
1.000 |>uUBd* LorlUard'c *acO. clear*.
1.000 pounds Grses end Black Tee.
200 bugs of Shot*
loo boxes Bode and Feeegr Oreekeve*
IOO •• Cheese le M
AO barrels Vinegar*
20 casks Scotch Ale*
IOO doseu Wooden J
I IOO dosen Broome*
—A dispatch to the Pacific Mail Steatn- i ImluDoo, $10,115,840
ship Company at Now York yenterdoy 415,000.
SS^^S^uTrSiSl h Tb. Tmmmt to.d*y print*.Cl for
Alaska waa blown ashore ami ia now on re lemption of ten millions of five-
tbe rock*; np to the present she ha* made twenty bond* of 1802, of whioh nine mil-
no water, and hope* aro entertained that lions are eoupon end one million regular.
a committee wee appointed, after . bien end National hotels sis omft of dan*} she may be not off. The veml i* valutd ed bonds. The iutofeet oeeeea on the let
BWiwaSaigonl j gaa. )a* a ball *aSU*a; oouuw«d. |tNa*wy>*a
—In tho United States Uircuit Conrt et
eoin certificatos, ! Philadelphia, Justice Strong, in tho caaa
of the Locomotive Engine and Safety
Truck Company va. tun Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, involving the right of
the latter to use a certain flexible truck
on their engine* and cur*, ha* decreed
that an infringement is very cletrly prov
en, and we order, therefore, ih * injnuo-
USB prated far.
For Rent.
and Thomas itreeti.
Apply to
sepI7 tf MRS. L. F. MEYF.R.
For Rent.
t^TORE HOUSE NO. 124, now o.ouplcd bj
Messrs. Radcliffe k Lamb. No bettsr stand In
tbe city tor a Grocery Store. Apply to
seplS tf ESl ESkSON.
For Rent.
PLANTERS’ HOTEL, well adapts
tur a Boarding House; has usually bad a good
patronage. Apply to
sepia tt ESTES h SON.
For Rent.
j-^WEELINO ON JACKSON ST , lb. Oborcb, 1 room.. iitl
Enquire at A labama Warebouie.
se P 8 tf W. H. HUGHES.
r assay
• Jobbing House t
a;<rl4 bin
.Mew Weatern Potato**,
New Vork loa-Ourad Matt,
Mackerel In bbla., kag* and klta,
New Codllsh, Fulton Markot Saaf,
Diadem and Magnolia Hama,
Craam Che*** and Qoahan Sutter,
Mazappa and Silver Lake Flour,
Plpar Haldaiok Win#, pt* and gt*.
Arraok Punch, Canned flood*,
Naw flood*.
A Full uaaortmant of
All pnrelrn*** deliver Ml.
BCplft if
'rats It blankwsir• Pickets, sll kinds.
Kxtrs Choice Rio, Old Governmflst Javs and
Mocho Coffee. Rosstsd OofiWs.
Best branild Dams and Dreskfstl Htrlps.
it. Louis Pearl Orits, 20 ID for It.
itlsckwell’s Durham Hmoklttg Tobacco, Tie $ D.
Loriltard's Bright and Dsrk Csatsry CksWtaf
Wait's Extra No. I K arose us Oil, 40o $ gs'lon.
Purs Older Ylnsgar, 50c V gallon.
For Bent Cheap.
idonoe of Mrs Judge Thomas, on ROSE HILL
with or without furniture, outhouses, stsblet
and garden. AUo, aoout Sevan acre* fur tnar
ket garden.
Apply on premises or at Enquirer-Sun oflko.
Sept. 6, 1874 tl
To Rent.
Street. Apply to
Kept 2, 1874-tf
For Rent.
■ttranoe H ilbtlng, among
office now ooeupted by Sou h.
Gompany* Apply'
For Rent.
tr.d out-hospes on Tr np, near BridgeJHR
Greet. Repairs and alteration* to suit I' asst.
Apply to R. B- MURDOCH,
aug29 tf No. tl Breed Bt
For Rent.
I lH E re> (dance second door sonth sf S4*
F ml Church, at present oocupl hi by IBS
vir. Peyton. Pu-seaslon given first Od wA
For terms, ko., apply to
•ug2l eu itr J. B. JONn^
For Sale or Rent.
tollau luo “BANICM place”,M«W> WS
,rt Oounty, O.urKl., at the junetlon *1
Btt Uateu Or.ek an-l Cbattaliu-whee Hirer, St
mice below Uninmbua, eup^lled with male.,
aim, f.rmlnic Implement., fee., (or wulliec
Cnlnmbw i *r,
tt. R. BAN KO,
Ou tbejlM*.
Health and Comfort.
OFFER fo sale tbe House snd L it.
wltoro r-iide, next to nor hossi
ot Front snd Baldwin si rest*.
alow the Empire -W1ID, aud nosr the M. k O.
gKilrood depot. Tho house oontalnr sis rooms
tnd o-Hik a't» bed. two-room kitchen, U
ere l«it, good wnt«-r. Tbs nlsos Is nnsnr aired
for h >rith and eomtort In tbs olty, and will be
at Enquirer Otfioe.
se 27 d2 fsu6L»blfcwlt
yjISS BALLIE GRANT will t**«h P*»U*
u Mualoaa-l Fr.neb, et th* reelde»t**( Mr.
R L. Mutt, from Oetob.r WL ra.ilU (kaiM
report. [ayW l.Wlril