Newspaper Page Text
Cit® platters.
?mu»cul —CoaMorc al Mil* ttm New York
' ^ per r«at discount; <>n Boston \' t per cent, die
count; on Favannah Y % per ewnt; demand hills
on Boston % per cent. Banks srs sailing checks
an New York at %t. premium; favannah, At
lanta and Montgomery at Vi- Currency loans
l#l/4 F* r cent par month. Oold and silver
nominal. Currency scares.
Cottos.—Market doll. The warehouse* quote
as follows:
Inferior ®—
Ordinary and stained 11 S 2
Good Ordinary IS Q—
Low Middlings VHQ13%
Middlings 13H9-
Oood Middlings
talas 1.0»i hales.
Racaipta 530 bales—06 by M. A O. R. R.; 372
ky wagons ; 1*. by N. A 8. R. K.; 89 by W. R. R,
6 by river; 22 by 8. W. R. R Shipments 733
bales— 551 by 8. W. R. R.; lit for boms eon-
snmptioa ; 70 by W. R. R.
naur sTATsnsar.
Stock on hand August Slat, 1974 1,036
.... "S3
Stock on I land 8,959
flan Oat Last TsaE — Aogu.t Slat, 1873, 1.177;
received same day 417; toUl receipts *4,468; shipped
same day 275; total shipments 16,130; ■ took 10,817;
ealee 912. Middlings 14V$e.
U. 9. Poets.—Receipts for 4 days 84,582; at ports
U Great Rritain 35,092; to Continent 12,451; stack
Bacon—Shoulders 914c; dear rib sides 14)^e.
•out Miafs—Shoulders none; long clear i
r sidrs
lion Tina—Baird's 8c; sl lgator
SfOA*—Refined A l2V$r; extra C l2c; C llUc.
Co was—Common 22c; choice 26c.
Pious—Per hbl—Western choice superfine |A 50;
Cami^97 50; fancy |0; City Mills B $6 50; A |7;
Sf sue— Florida W+r&c.
Salt—9l 90 for Liverpool.
In*lac Is Jfiw ddtsrfiiiwMWli.
Postponed Sheriff Halos-H. O. I ray,
Attention, Columbus Ounrdf—Election of
Officers Postponed.
Htrayai or Stolen—J. J. Were.
Columbus Chamber of Commerce—Monthly
Meeting To-night.
Attention, Ladles—See advertisement of Mrs
Alarm at Troy.
A beery wind etorm penned over Troy,
Alabama, Saturday night. A number of
negro houHee thin Hide of that piece were
blown down.
Counterfeit Nirkelt
Offloor 8t. Cleir errentod yeeterdey Mr,
J. D. Me Junk iu, who in charged with
haring pawed counterfeit niokele. The
eaee wee carriod before a United Staton
Commissioner, and tbe result in not yet
generally known.
Triml M*o$tponod %
Mr. I. ltich, of the Baltimore Store,
•ned out a warrant yesterday against L.
K. Martin, the yonng man charged with
endearoring to procure gooda by means
of a forged cheek on Mr. D. F. Will cox.
Justico T. J. Chappell, on motion of the
defenae, pontponod the hearing until a p.
m. to-day, when the brother of the ao-
cased is expeoted to be here.
Beautiful Printa, just in, at
Peacock A Swirr'a.
nor8 ilAwtf
Keoeired, Blaek Cashmere Dolmans
and Jaquetta; a new lot of Fur Trimmed
Bearer and Houae Baqtiea, and a rariety
Jet and Coral Goods, and also an elegant
assortment of Keady-Made Ladies’ Un
derwear, at Mra. K. Denaau’a, 108 Broad
atreet. l
Coi.iTMiiua, Ga., )
Mayor's Office, Nor. 80th, 1874. )
To th* (Htiaen* of Columbia:
A call baa been made by the Relief
Committee of Tnaemnbia, Ala., through
me, for aid to the aufferora by the recent
tornado in that locality.
You are therefore requested to contri
bute aa much oh your sympathies may
■URB®*** Contributions may be left at
Watt A Walker's, Abell A Co.’a, or the
Southern Ksprena Co.
R. B. CLEtinORN,
deol lw Mayor.
The lateet novelties in Neckwear at the
Baltimore Clothing House. tf
Minr rioiblo by Daylight.
Within the leet few day a, if not now,
the planet Venna haa been riaible in
broad daylight, under farorahie condi
tiona of the atmoaphore, in the afternoon.
She ban attained her greatest brilliance,
and will gradually loae her light, until the
8th of next month, when from certain
portion* of the earth, whither numerous
astronomers have been Rent, she will be
visible only aa a black epot moving slowly
acroNN the disc of the ana. This interest
ing eight will not be viable in the United
Jm«( Received,
A freeh stock of Black Alpaca (the
fourth shipment thin Reason). To arrive
Moedey, a large stock of Beaded Trim
mingn and Ladies’ Merino Underwear, at
the New York Store.
nov'.*2 tf S. Landauer.
That at the popular and long established
Rkntaubant ani) Saloon of
Chat. Hoy man A Vo,
the beet of Meals, Wiuee, Liquors and
Cigars are kept oonstantly on band pro
beno publico. octl tf
In consequence of a chango we are
about to make in onr business, we will
sell our entire stock of Clothing and Fur
nishing Goods AT COST.
Strausr A Goldsmith.
T. 8. Spear is now at No. 101 Broad
atreet, iu the Watch and Jewelry busi
ness, and is also Agent for the well known
Remington Sewing Machine.
Watches, Clocks aud Jewelry repaired
with noatneas and dispatch.
I invite the visits of the public gen
ervlly. octtio wlUtdtf
JW Male,
A moat Desirable Residence in Lin-
wood, known as the Fogle plaoe, half
mile northeast railroad depot.
Apply to Dr. Tioner,
novi!4 tf At Office.
Columbus, Nov. 30, 1874.
Maj. A. It. Calhoun I do net aup-
poee that you ever toped to please every
body with your recent aitieles on the
municipal election. They certainly did
not meet my approval, and I felt very
wrathy nntil I reached the magnanimous
danse offering the free use of yoar col
umns for a fall discussion of men and
measures. I avail myself of your offer,
and desiro to propound the following
qoestion: Is it not true that Col. Mott a
bogs were impounded ; and is it not true
that they were returned to Col. M., with
out charge to him, upon Mayor Mcll-
henoy's order, after incurring the ex
pense of two week's keeping, while other
citizens had to pay tbe regular feet!
Now, this is tbe street talk. Let us hear
the facts. If it cannot be satisfactorily
answered, Mr. Mclthenny’s friends will
have to cease their assumption of so many
virtues for him.
“A Woskino Man.
We called upon Mr. Mcllbenny, who
declined to give us a communication in
answer to “A Working Man,*' but stated,
that Col. Mott's bogs were impounded in
carrying out an ordinance of the city, and
were released by him upon an order
from the owner, and any other citi
zen's hogs would have been released
just as he did Col. Mott's, as tbe
pouod-keeper, Mr. Monday, had been
instructed by him, in writing, to eol
lect pound charges from the owners,
except when the city assumed tbe charges,
which was not the case in this instance,
Other people's hogs were released by him,
end the charges paid by the.oity, because
they were wrongfully taken up. Mr.
Mundey presented hie bill to Mr. Mott,
end Mr. Mott refused to pay it, on the
ground, as he stated in his testimony
before the Court, that “hie bogs were
perished to death, and all of them died,
the last of them in leea than ten days
after being released from the pound; and
when Col. Mott refused to pay, then suit
was brought against the city. Two suc
cessive Councils (the last of which he waa
not a member of) refused to pay Mr
Munday's hill, on the ground that the bill
was not properly chargeable to tbe city,
An entire now stock of line Jewelry
has been received at
Jewelry Store.
Red and White All-Wool Flannels at
Peacock A Swift's.
novH dAwtf
Read TMo.
Chapman A Verstille maintain their well
known reputation for selling the best and
most stylish goods, at the loweHt prices.
Oct 26 tf
MVMCoomm Bvnmiom court.
TkaJudge jastadaj norning eallad ike
)«l AMU ob eoamua law docket. Oae
judgment by default, and two rales ebao-
lute, wets granted. Then the heel ceeee
oo the eqaity docket wen celled. Ifoet
4f them were ooutinued or diamieeed ;
aone tried. Tbe moUom docket waa
Bounded; nothing don*.
The criminal docket will be called
thia morning. The ceeee in jell
will be celled and tried in tbe
following order: Fir»t—Willie Big-
gera, aeennlt with intent to murder ;
leaao Feuntleroy, Ed Combe, lame caee;
Harrieon Thomas, murder; Jamea Brooke,
forgery; J. W. Crawford, larceny efier
true!; Uoees Lee, Handle Jaekeon, horae
etealing; Sydney Kimbrough, Border;
Aleck Pryor, murder; Sam Daria, Isaac
Wimberly, Henty Btokee, Henry Clark,
Tom Byrd, Henry Bay, Jeff William.,
Jamea Perkin—all an colored ear# Aleck
Pryor and J. W. Crawford. The former
la now earring a aantanoa on tbe chain-
Court adjourned to 9 a. M. to-day.
Tbe largest assortment of Gold and
Silrer Watohea is to be found at
Wrmcn ft Knrenn’e Htore.
ootll eodftw 3m
TAe Jteu Troupe To-Night.
Thia oompany exhibit! in the Opera
House this erening. It is represented aa
eery good. One most exoelleat feature is
choice orchestral music. The carricatures
ere said to be unexceptionable. Mess'
negro oxeentrieitie. are admirable end
bis banjo solos and negro personations
are described ea inimitable. Mrs.
in her special ties has been greatly praised.
The British quartette is written of as
charming and the flute and cornet aoloe
very sweet. We hare never seen the
troupe, but bare read some newspaper
article# which praiae tbe oompany very
bigbly. It is better to laugh than be
sighing, and thse entertainment will
doubtless both please and interest. Tbe
Atlanta papers ssy tbs whole thing is
good, first-class and deserving of a liber,
el support everywhere. Beserved seats
for sale at Chaffin's book store without
extra charge.
To IBs milt.
Juit received on eoo.lgnment, an elesant
•aaortment of beat qualities, durably mode end
trimmed, Oentlemen'e t'lutbin., mostly con-
•iitlog or Diagonal end Otoomar Beaver Cloth
Suits end Overcoats, to be eold without reeerve
et mo.t a.tooiiiilug lew prioee, at
novvn eodat No. 114 Broad Btreet.
Jewelry repaired end made to order.
Engraving and Watch ltepairing done at
Wittich ft KutssL's.
Soma parties ware in Columbus the oth- ~ —•
sr day after a marriage license. For j —There's e third more matches eold In
some cause or other they did not go to j Colombo, in the summer lime than win.
the Ordinary's offioe bat left on the next' *"■
train, tioce which this story has leaked — • 1118 Mayer held no eonrt yesterday,
out The parties live in Webeter county. -- Vjr y mtle h “ b *»*> "■*•«<» in
W. C. Kelley was the name of the man, , Columbus for the Tuscumbia sufferer.,
tbe wife of Mr. Charles Hardy wee the Thi< ** a ca,e wLich »PP«*1» to the gen-
women. Duriog Hardy’s abeenoe, Kelley j • r0l,i, J of the pnblic.
eloped with her, having hired Herdy 1 —°“ 'vustee pays taxes on $148,000
to carry a load of cotton to Americas tor of rc » l eslal « in Columbus; the next most
him. Kelly, it is .aid, is a married man, j valuable estate is $100,500.
and laft at home a wifa and two months —A man in danger of being hanged
old infant, aud had with him bis two eld- ; “*d that of all the games of his child-
set children. Mrs. Hardy left an only hood, skipping tbe rope would be most
J’otieemon Hue pended.
Yesterday Mayor Cloghorn suspended
Captain John Foran and officer Tom Me-
Eachren from tbe police force owing to
difficulty, and naarly a fight, between the
officers on account of the canvass for the
Mayorelity. We are not thoroughly post-
ed in reference to tbe oontroverey. Now
baa It not came to a pretty pass when po
lico officers cuter iu a contest for men,
when the oity, not individual., pays them
salaries to preserve order. Wo like every
one of our force—we believe the city has
a good body of men—but when they over
step tbs boundary line for which they are
employed by Ihe corporation and enter
tbe lista in canvaming for ueo, they
should resign their position,or be prompt-
ly discharged. It is no pleasure to write
this. Every officer baa tbe right to vote,
aud vote as he pleases. The oity pays
him, however,'to Arrest violatois of tbe
lawA And preserve tbe peace. When be
becomcA au aetivo canvasser be exoitea
people to commit broaches of tbe peaee,
becomes a law breaker bimaelf, and ought
to leavo the force. One class of men
doea not support him, bnt Ihe entire oity
pays the Halary of officers, and the good
order of Columbus only should be
apocted by those who take her money and
promiae to render aervioe. Their dnty is
to the city, and not to individuals. We
are confident wo give the opinion of every
good tax payer, in these remarks. Tbe
policeman's first duty is to Columbus.
The regulations governing tbe force are
plain, but they are daily and nightly be
ing violated. Let not onr officers longer
rest under auoh ebargea.
I respectfully announce myself a candi
date for the Mayoralty.
uo2H te Joint McIi.hknnt.
How to make and save money has been
and will oontinne to be tbe chief study of
mankind. Among tbe innumerable ways
an excellent one is to buy your gooda of
the one price, flr.t-class dry goods house
of Chapman ft Ventille's. Oct 95 tf
Solid Silver and Silver Fisted Ware
New York prioee, sold at
Wirrion ft Kinam's.
dangbter aged ten yean, at a neighbor's
bouse in Webeter county. They are sap.
posed to have gone West and married
without a lioense. Neither party makes
grand pretensions to bandadme looks.
Bitgnat New Clothing for Me Chrlotmao
Will open on the 3d of December a
full line of Business and Dress Suits for
men, boys and children.
Cheeper than ever. Call and see them.
Thobotoh ft Aon,
nov29 eodtt 78 Broad St.
I.wk.yi In Hunt.
Sunday last was the first in Advent.
With the Episoopal, Homan Catholic, end
various Oriental churches it ia the begin-
ning of the eocleaiaatical year. The sea
son of Advent inoludes fonr Sunday.,
commemorative of the 4,000 years that
the world waitod for the advent of Christ.
In England, aa wall aa on the continent,
marriages arc forbidden, end can be cele
brated only under e special license or din-
penaation. The season is one of f cool-
lection and penance in preparation for
the festival of Christmas. Among the
Anglo-Saxons all were expeoted to shrive
or confess their sins of tbe pest year dur
ing Advent, aud «i becoming reconciled
with tbeir Maker, be in the proper spirit
to enjoy the greet feast of “peace on
earth 10 men of good will” in a chastened
mood. The Gospel of Sunday wee Christ's \ blows which were warded off. Stopped
—The Eagle and Phenix Manufactur
ing Company paya tax on $315,CO ) of real
aetata in tha city; the Mueoogea Comps-
ny on $53,500; the Mobile and Girard
Bailroad, on its track and bridge, pays
tax on $33,000; tbo North and South
Bailroad $3,000 on its track in tha city.
—No man oan truly feel for tha poor
without feeling in his pocket.
—The Financial Chronicle did not ar.
rive yesterday, hence we are not able to
give onr usual weekly summary of its
“Died in a vain attempt to twist tha
tail of a mule,” is the subject of an obitu
ary of a ceuutry negro.
—Mra. Swiasbelm advisee ladies to
sponge themselves with alcbohol twice a
—This will be a bard month for wash
erwomen, as there are fire Mondays in it,
—The aelliug of pools in the municipal
election ia to occur next week.
—Heavy frosts were visible yesterday.
Thin ice plentiful.
—Ordinary Brooks went to Cossets yes-
terday to organize a - masonic lodge in
that place. Clerk of the Superior Coart
J. J. Bradford was fulfilling the duties of
his office.
—A fight between a atreet ootton buyer
and the bookkeeper of a cotton commis
sion firm was the sensation of yesterday
morning np town. First mentioned com-
menced assault with stick and struck two
I am the agent for tho Troup Factory
and offer to the trade their 7 and 8 ox.
oauabnrghs and 7 ox. chocks and Btripes.
T. E. Blanchard,
no32 tf 133 Brosd Btreet.
Jtlrer Mntt.r.—Julia St, Clair Uono to tho
Tombtgbeo Riftr, Ala.—Nou> Boat*.
Tho Julia St. Clair, which was trans
ferred to onr river by tho Central Line
several yeats ago, left yesterday morning
for the Tombigbee river, in Alabama.
Sho ia in charge of Capt. S. J. White-
aides. She expects to reach Mobile in
five days, and ia expected to ply betweon
Demopolis, Alabama, and Columbua,
Minisaippi, a distance of 180 miles, roach,
ing either point every other day. She
will be employed to bring cotton to tbe
Central/ailroad of Georgia at Demopolis.
Capi. Johnson, llie local agent of the
line, left last night in order to perfect
freight arrangomvnta both st Demopolis
and Columbus. Tbo Julia is an iron-elad
boat, and can carry 600 to 700 bales of
cotton and draw only twenty-four inches
of water.
It is very probable that the Central
Line will build one or two light draught
boats similar to tbe Wylly in a short time,
whon tho Baudy Moore, the companion of
the Julia, will be transferred to other
The government boat Clare Dunning
returned to Woolfolk'e lest afternoon.
Tbe Wylly will doubtless be at tha
wharf thia morning, and leave to-day.
Tho t iaeit
Imported and Key West Cigars at Buh-
ler's, No. 84 Broad Street. » ootl 1-tf
A flue and well aelooted stock of Cloth
ing which must be Bold by January lit,
will le disposed of at a great sacrifice.
Stbadsb ft Goldsmith.
Mr. W. W. Halbert, of Atlanta, who
succeeds the late Cspt. 8. H. Hill as ex-
preea agent at Columbus, baa taken charge
of the office. He seems to be a pleasant
gentleman of some thirty-five years of
age, has a wife, bnt no ohildren.
Mr. Billups is much better.
L. T. Downing, Esq., who has been
sick some tine waa riding in n boggy on
our streets yeeterdey.
Mr. John Hogan has returned in per-
feet health from Arkansas.
Tha young man give • large dancing
party at the Ferry Home to-morrow
Thos. Gilbert has, at hia job office and
bindery, some unique cards for those who
desire to make cells on New Year’s Day.
Borne are real jolly.
New, Novel snS Cheap. o
Chryatal, Bepphire, Cameo, Amethyst,
Corel and Btone Sets in Gold, for Shirt
Fronts, Cuffs, and Scarfs.
nov29 eod4t Thornton ft Ac».
Blanoherd sells the best dollar Kid
Gloves in the market; also, keeps a large
aaaortinent of Harris' Victoria, and Free-
by’a Reanileas Kjde, Gents' Kids for eve-
ning wear, at $1.25 per pair. [no22 tf
Sato of Beal Botmts at Auction.
Yesterday morning Ellis ft Harrison
sold for A. E. Ragland, administrator, a
house and lot on Oglethorpe street, above
Bridge, to George Venable for $500; also
a four room house, above Col. B. Thomp
son’s residence to Fitxgibbona for $800.
Two hundred and fifty sores of land,
fonr miles from town, belonging lo tbe
Bagland estate brought $1,880—J. M.
Fletcher, purchaser.
The old ENqmaiB building, residence
in Wynnton and other property were
For J. H. Massey, administrator, the
following property was sold: 202j acres
land (Baker lot), $270 to W. C. D. Mss
sey; 708 acres land (Homeotaad), $5,800
to Dawson; mules $90 to $162; ex-
press wagon $32, other property et good
No Sheriff's sales.
prediction of the destruction of Jerusa
lem, generally interpreted as applying to
Judgment Day and the end of tbe world.
See Luka zxi. The season is not observ
ed by Froslestants, otherwise than Ihe
Episcopalians. Divine services ars held
esob day.
Made to Ordor at Btoek iVleea
Perfect Bit and Smli.fmctton Guaranteed.
Onr Hr. Thomas has just returned
from New York with a choice line of
New Samples, and we are now taking
orders for Dress and Business Suits, hav
ing made satisfactory arrangements for
the manufacture of our Custom Clothing
with speoisl care and st short nolice, by
those well known manufacturers of fine
clothing, Messrs. W. A. Howell ft Co., of
Newark, N. J.
Give na your orders early, and ws will
do our best to please yon, being determ
ined that our friends and customers shall
nut pay any Broadway tailors fancy prices
for having tbeir e'.utbing made to order,
sepl 7 tf Thomas ft Prisoott.
The Central Bailroad and tho Origin
Tbe Griffin tfeue has greatly complain
ed of the Georgia Central Bailroad, and
continues to call Mr. Wadley bard names.
Let us see for a moment whether thia
oompiaint ia just. Before tbe consolida
tion, tbe Macon and Western road charg
ed five cents a mile for travel. As soon
as the Central took oharge this rate waa
reduced to four cents. For many months,
nntil a few days ago, the Central Bailroad
oharged under iis system of return tick
ets about two cents per mile. Of course
we know little of tbe freight ebargea.
This we do know, that the Central road
ohargea less for travel than any corpora
tion in Georgia and Alabama, if not in
the Sonth. Will not tbe tine, do tbe
Central Bailroad the fairnexs to state this
well known fset ?
Dress Goods at a great sacrifice, at
Peacocx ft Swift's.
nov8 dAwtf
Clocks from $3 upwards, guaranteed
to give satisfaction, can be had at
Wittioh ft Kirbbl'h Store.
Bor Mayor.
We respectfully announoe the name of
Jno. McIlhenni aa a candidate for Mayor
of tbe city of Columbna, at Ihe election
on Saturday, the 12th of December next,
nuvl 1 te Many Citizsns.
In Bankrupteg.
Before the U. S. District Court, at Sa
vannah, petitions for adjudication in
bankruptcy have keen filed by James D.
Murray, of Fort Valley; Wni. F. Kirksey,
Lumpkin; Hilliard H. Sullivan, Talbot
county (Blandford ft Garrard solicitors);
Stalling B. Sanford, Fort Valley.
Fetitions for final discharge wero filed
by B. B. Barnes, Fort Valley; Thos. J.
Woolfolk, Jones county; John F. Treat-
land, Fort Gaines.
Joseph ft Bro. are daily in receipt of
New Goods purchased for cash, every
variety and style, of which for cash they
will sell at the loweet figure, either
wholesale or retail. Call and aea the
gooda on hand, whioh ars made in the
State of Georgia, and buy borne gooda,
thereby saving money and adding to the
interests of your own seetion.
nov8 tf
An Unuenal Might.
The citizens of Troy, Ala , were greatly
surprised on Monday morning last, to see
a mammoth four-wheel log cart, with
hanging body, roll into that plaoe, drawn
by twelve oxen, and loaded with fifteen
bales of cotton. The driver handled hia
extensive team with remarkable skill, and
an immense crowd gathered about the
wagon aa it was being unloaded at the
Central Warehouse, (Capt. J. P. Nell’s).
The cotton came from Mr. W. W. Tate's
plantation, near Elba, Coffee county, end
will be shipped to Messrs. Flournoy Me-
Gehee ft Oo., of the Alston Warehouse in
this oity. This Is only another evidence
that Troy is a live and growing eity.
Summer Dress Goods at half-price;
supply of superior Black Alpacas, Fancy
Fall and Winter Dress Goode, selling as.
tonishingly low at
ooll Chapman ft Vxbstillx's.
Kentucky Jeans, a new supply, at
uov8 dftw PxAooox ft Swift's.
(99 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.,)
Wmtehmakor and Jneelor,
will repair Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry
neat and promptly.
Is also the only agent for the Singer
8ev/ing Machines in Columbna, Ga., and
he i the only genuine Singer Company’s
Needles for sale. Beat Machine Oil,
F buttles, Attachments and Needles for all
flaehines always on hand for sale. Nee
dles sent by mail. [novS tf
New Prints every week; Groegrain
Ribbons, all widths, 25 cents per yard;
Dress Gooda at redueed prices; bead-
quarters for Black Silks, Black Alpacas,
10-4 Sheetings, Pillow Case Cottons,
Towels, Napkins and Table linen, at
uov2t tf 128 Broad St.
before injury could be done. Stick men
was knocked down. A peacemaker had
his pants cut.
is in the habit of using bran-
dy for baldness. He rubs tbe stuff on his
scalp to make tho hair grow aud then
pats some on the inside to clinah the
—Tbe good of a man’s life oannot be
measured by the length of his funeral
—Partridges sell in Columbus now-a-
days at 12jc. each.
—Columbus merchants annually give
away about $1,200 worth of matches.
—A turkey was observed on a fanes the
other day intently studying an almanac
and reckoning on his toes how long it was
before Christmas.
—The cotton editor of tbe Atlanta
Cotutitution estimates the ootton crop at
4,150,000 bales. He a poor man we hear.
If he knows all about it he abonld be
rich. He says the receipts st the ports
for eight years, for tha first three months,
waa 27 1-10 per cent, of the total crop.
This ratio the present season would make
port receipts 4,668,000, to which add 330,-
000 for overland and Southern consump
tion aud wo have a orop of 5,000,000
bales. On account of a fair fall ha drops
900,600. Bosh for each estimates.
Breeh Ogotere at tho Ruby Jle.taurant,
This is tbo very best establishment of
the kind in the country, and everything
is retailed at wholesale prioes. The fine
stock of Liquors is being retailed at 15
cents. Call and be satisfied,
octlt tf J. W. Ryan.
The true rood to prosperity is to bay
only what yon are able to pay the cash
for. Appreciating the fact, I have de
termined to sell from thia date for the
cash. By adhering strictly to tnis rule, I
will be able to sell cheaper than when
goods are to be “oharged." Parlies in
debted to me will oonfer a great favor by
calling and settling promptly.
T. E. Blanchard,
nov22 tf 123 BroRd St.
Dr. W. J. Fugle baa removed hia Dental
Office from the Georgia Home building
to hiB new place of busiueaa, over Wittich
ft Kinael'a store. Here he will continue
the practice of Operative and Mechanical
Dentistry, and will he glad to meet his
friends. oot2 tf
Colored Beal Xetate Otenere—Only Bifly
Nine of Thom—Total Boat Betato
Owned. $31,730
On looking over the tax books, we find
that fifty-nine colored persons own real
estate in the city to the amount of $31,
750—nineteen of whom are women. The
largest owner is Sarah V. McCleod $3,500;
next Bill Wadsworth $1,700; next Tom
Glover $1,500. We give all arranged al
phabetically ;
Aleck Auderson $500; Julia A. Alexan
der $800; Jeannette Adams $350; Wilson
Andrews $300; David Armstrong $500;
estate Allen Andrewa $800; Win. Baxter
$1100; Bailey ft Wright $1,100; Georgia
Cooper $250; Wesley Coleman $350; Gus
Davis $400; Rena Davis $200; Tom Glo
ver $1,500; Geo. Goode $800 Wm Green
$400; Mahala Homes $800; W. G. Hoskins
$760; T. Hooper $800; Clarissa Mott $400;
Lymus Junes $1,006; Acky Johnson $300;
Amy Jones $600 ; Syllla Jones $500; Lney
Johnson $300; Eleanor Koockogey $700
Sarah Kennedy $500; Wash Luckey $400
Ann Mixon $6(X); Sarah V. McLeod $3,
500; Caroline Nunn $500; Rachel Oliver
$500; May Pride $200; Griff Pinckard
$000; Tom Rhodes $1,400; Isaac Robin
son $700; Ned Strong $200; John Ste
wart $500; Sylvia Stanford $300; John
B. Tarver $500 ; Nod Thomas $400; An.
demon Thomas $850; W. E Terry $500
estate Ellen Thomas $2,500 ; James Tho-
mas $400; Norah Walker $400; Irwin
Walton $700; Henry Warlick$ 100; Airly
Wellborn $150; Wm. Wadsworth $1,700.
Oo and Soo and Judy* for Tourooleoo,
Chapman ft Verstille, 90 Broad street,
are selling Eagle and Kentucky Jeans,
Virginia Caaaimerea, Cotton and Wool
Flannels, Brown and Bleached Domestic,
Coreeta, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Laces,
Trimmings, and Notions of all kinds, at
satisfactory prices. Oct 25 tf.
A new supply of the “Acme” SbiriB,
the most perfect and best fitting shirt
known. Try them.
nov29 eodtt Thornton ft Acer.
One of the Atlanta papers came out
daily a few editions book with a promiae
of a grand cotton paper that was going to
give all the facta and enlighten every one.
The great inane came, and it proved, with
the exception of a abort letter, to be exact
copies from New York Financial Chroni.
ela of three or fonr weeks book. It was
really fanny. Every cotton man had read
the information weeks before the Atlanta
paper published it.
Rather Heary Sale.
Mr. Lewis label), of the firm of Bwift,
Murphy ft Co., reports he sold yesterday
(or farmers on commission 700 bales to
one Columbus shipper. This is probably
the largest single transaction which his
occurred iu our cotton trade. Seven bun-
dred balsa of ootton at a low valuation
represent some $47,000.
Lookout for a Slew.
This day ia tbe time foretold by the
spirits for tbe heavy storm to sweep over
this country and kick np the mischief.
Ihe believers have prepared holes in
which to creep. If Ihe storm doesn’t
come, why, we won’t be a heavy believer
in the prophecies of spirits.
Slocking Their Coopo.
The smeller dealers are stocking their
ooops with tnrkeye *and chickens for the
holidays. They demand awful prices for
them. Nothing is cheap and bountiful
but poor folks.
Tobacco Upward.
Tbe price still tends higher. The crop
Kentucky will not turn out half the or-
inary yield, and that in Virginia is poor.
Yet all thia is no excuie for the lofty fig-
ures placed on many of the cabbage leaf
cigars that are retailed in Columbus. Cab-
bages have not advanoed.
Will Open To-Day ml Ihe Virginia Store ;
11) pieces those elegant Black Alpacas
and Cashmeres at the same astonishing
Choice Black Bilks, Blankets, Carpets,
Furs, Kid Gloves, Yak Lacee, London
Smoke Prints, Wide Bash aud Grosgrain
Ribbons at 25 cents. Superb Roman
Fringed Saahes and Beaded Lace Fish use
Muffles, rich and beautiful.
Also, Wool and Merino Underwear for
ladies and gentlemen.
Determined to sell out my Dress Goods,
am offering many new and deairat^le
goods in lliat line at cost.
nov26 oodtf H. T. Cbiolex.
Opera Kid Gloves for one dollar.
nov29 eodtt Thobnton ft Acre.
An excellent assortment Bleached] Cot-
tun Flannels at
Peacock ft Swift's.
nov8 dftwtf
At the New York Store.
A large lot of best Kid Gloves, cele
brated patent brand, at $1.00 and $1.50
pair, in blaok, white and oolors, just
oet28 8. Landadeb.
If Alcoholic Stimulants are taken into
the blood the heart works faster, and this
nnnatural speed wears oat the vital
machinery. All intoxicating nostrums
advertised as “tonios,” “renovators,” Ac.,
produce this disastrous effect, and should
be rejected. Db. Walkeh's Vegetable
Vinegtb Bittebs—an Invigorant without
the eurse of alcohol—is everywhere sup
planting these poisons. novl2 4w
Montgomery A Eufaula R. r I
Change of Schedule
Taking Effkct Ootober |, |g, 4
Leave Montgomery
Arrivo At £nf«al»
• > 11
••••*. I
Connecting on Wednesdays and gatuM**. I
Bonn on Chattahoochee Khr>r, and dniiw
Spring* with Mobile k Oirnrd Kail road fort, 1 '* |
Leave KnfnuU «... ° r '
Arrive nt Montgomery....
Western Railroad of Alaba^
OoLcmus, Oa,, gept. 13th, le: t
For Montgomery'and Selma, 9-1*1.
Arrive ntMontg’y, • £001''
Arrive at Selina, • . ^
At 10:90 *. m. Arrive Opelika at l^.HiD n.
Atlanta 5:42 p. m. '
By Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Lint
Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., CllAKLOTTE 815,
m., Danville 3:^7 p. m. Arrive at Waai.iu^tct 01
a. m. t at Baltimore 6:30 a. m., at Philadelph -/i
p. m., at NEW YORK hi 15 p. m. J
Sleeping Car* rnn from Atlanta to Cbhrlottt,
By Kennasaw Route.
Leave Atlauta 6:00 p. m.. L ai ton I0:2j
BrUtol 10;45 a. in., Lynchburg 10.45 p. n
at Washington 6:45 a. m.. at Bultinioi
at Fhiladalphia l:3o p
p. m.
.Sleeping car* run frum Atlanta to Lyactlnrj
From Atlanta and New York, • 6:37 t «
From Montgomery and Selma - 2:25 r *
Ticket* for sale at Union i’&&*enger
CIIA8. P. BALL, Oecrn)''Vav
II. M. ABBOTT. A**nt.
at NEW Y0RK5.U
GcRBRAL SunaiNTKNDKiT'8 Office,
&AVA55AH, November 1, l»74. ’)
Passenger Train* on tbe Georgia Cent*.
Railroad, it* Branches and Couuoctiotu, will :l,
a* follow*:
Leav* Savannah
Leave Augusta
Arrive in Augusta 4 :W ,
Arrive in Miliedgeville
Arrive in Katonton
Arrive in Macon 6^5
Leave Macon for Columbus
Leave Macon for Eu'aula t^i 0
Leave Macou for Atlanta e; ']„
Arrive at Columbus i‘ 0 -i
Arrive at Kufanla 10:B0 •
Arrive at Atlanta jJ( Wl
Leave Atlauta
Leave Eufaulu
Arrive at Macon from Atlanta C:Juj
Arrive at Macon from hufaula C:4'. 4
Leave Macon 7J1 \
Leave Augusta
Arrive at Augusta ’ 4 „ lf
Arrive at Savannah 5 f
Leave Savannah
Leave Augusta t
Arrive in Augusta 5 ; 65n
i in Macon
Macon for Columbus
Leave Macon for Kufaula 9.05 4
Leave Macon for Atlanta 9 ; (0 t
Arrive In Columbus C:35n
Arrive in Eufaula 5:4on
Arrive in Atlanta s ; 05 ?j
Leave Atlanta 1:>3 21
Leave Columbus ‘2:30 y
Leave Knfanla 4:50ft
Arrive in Macon from Atlanta 7:10f
Arrive in Macon from Columbiut 7:26r
Arrive in Macon from Kufuu'a 5:iuf
Leave Macon 7:3i»:
Arrive in Miliedgeville
’ t in Eat on ton 11:5'H
Augu*tt...... II
Arrive in Augusta 5 5511
Arrive ia Savannah T:15n
Train No. 2, being a through train on theC«i
tral Railroad, stopping only at whol?
pasaengers for half stations cannot be ttktca
* put off.
Passenger* for Miliedgeville and Katuotosi
take train No. I from 8avaunnh ami Augustv
train No. 2 from points on the Southu.•■ti-rn ?.
load. Atlanta and Macou. The Miliedgeville
Katonton train runs daily, Sundayj axcept'd.
Je23 tf
Blue Drug Store.
J\.e his old stand, I* Increasing MM
his stock of DRUUS dally, and 1* AM
now prepared to furnish Columbus IS
and vicinity with anything In his line *t
He proposes to pay special attantlon to the
JOBBINO TRADE, and offer* great Induce
ments to Country Merchants. He keeps only
Call and see him at 135 Broad Street.
From this date cash Is required for *11 food*.
oc4 tf
Novelties, Novelties, Noveltle*!
k fJ respectfully inform their iriend* and the
B ubltc generally that they *te now opening the
has ever been offered in this market. Including
all the Novelties of tho season. Also, Corsets,
Gloves and Hosiery. Having given our per*
sonal attention to the selection of tho stock,
we are prepared to sell at prioes to suit tha
times. No. 100 Broad St.octU tf
AaseU on l*t or N«y, *74, 1569,722.39
E olioies written on all kinds
of Insurable Property against Loss b;
e. Dividend No. 16.45 per cent on promt
nine, now ready tor delivery and payment, t.
R. B. MURDOCH, Insurance Agent,
oc4 am No. 92 Broad Stree
courts, of different States, for desertion, Ac.
No publicity required. No charge uutil divorce
granted. Address,
M. HOUSE, Attorney,
ray 30 dswly lot timid wav. N. Y
date, the Central Lina of
Boats will leave Columbus on.
DAYS Ht 8 o’clock a. u,, and no freight re-
P ARTIES haring Claim, ag.lnit the United
State. Government, for Property mod
by the Army without oomreciatlon, for Pen-
•ion.. Back Pay, Unwilled Account., Be.,
will do well to apply at oaou to me. I have
facilities in Wa.hln«ton which guarantee
prompt and full nettlemcnt of all aeoonata.
Rejected etalm. oan be egaln considered.
Revolutionary and other elalms, If raild, Mill
Apply at once by letter or In penon to
aovl eihwtf Exqtuua Genoa.
Commercial Hotel
D EDICATED to tho Commercial Travel*
of tho United State*, and all person* in
on business or pleasure. We will do
in to make your stay with us pleasant
agreeable. Give us a trial. . n ,
pro. Moktooxkrt avt
Kail&oad Dkpot,
Eufaula, Alabama.
J. W, HOWARD. Prop
Rankin House
Ctolumbus, Oa
J. W. RYAN, ¥t«?
Fnutx Goldxh, Clerk.
Ruby Restaurant)
Bar and Billiard Saloos
Uhdeb the Rankin Hot'ac.
rU J. W. RYAN. I™*;
M u. VFIiUHuI. W. 1.1.75
pletehr renovated and fittod UP
known “ARBOR" stand as a Si loon -
taarant. Ho i* now prepared to furni>«1 -
Choloe Liquors and Cigars, and custom®u
te Mured everything will bo tbe
market affords. ^
Reich’s Restaurart
No. 112 Broad St
H AS in.t been opened, and is noe
to lay before Us guests and p» lr '
Found only nt flrit clan Hotel.
rent. In the Urge.t oitle. ol the < ’
SB- Prompt nttention end reasonehl'
Open et eU hour.. 0C U
Bar, Restaurant s Tea Pin ^
I JEST OF WINES. Wiih'jffi I
i OY3TER8, FISH. », A ““ 0 ,W«r l
eel. .erred at all hour*.
and rrlvate room, .whende.lrta,
THE TEN-PIN “iaS.) 1 "
constructed In Oolumbus
has ohi
uf*- a. J. BOLAND
Mr. JA S I
ywff 1 *