Newspaper Page Text
y()L. xxvm >0 78
Yancc ='ttacks the Civil w ery!ce Law
lie H’anta Du»omt» toKnJoytbo Finit*
of Tlietr labors A It It to 7roi'ld6
Ai;aluM JLtibor Mirfk %, ftic
ftpeolal to E quiruv Hnn.
Washngton, March 31-Ojeili.of
Mi :»curi, 'rom 'he comm menu la
bor, reported a bill to provide f r the
epeedy settlement of ibe controvert
and d;ft reuefs between the oomm .o
cerrlers engaged in inter-state and
territorial transportation of property
or paeseLgers and their employee.
The following,is the full text of the
bid: That whenever difl rcticse or
controversies arise between the com
mon earners engaged in the 'ran**
portion of properiy or pasesi gers,
whether said common carries be pit
vae persons or corporations, h ■ weei,
two or more states of the United
8:atee, or whetbei the terris
tories of the U tied S a'ts,
or within the D s riel of
Cdumbia, and the employes o’
said common carriers, which differ*
ences or controversies may hinder,
impede, obstruct, interfere or Kfl.c
such transportation of property or
passengers, or where such employe
or all i f item alhg-d that he or they
have been trea'ed unjustly or oppies
eiv- ly either as to wages, hours of la
bor or otherwise by such common
carriers, if upon the wd. ee proposi
tion of either party to die emtio
vtrey to submit their difficulties ...
arbitration, the other party shall
accept ihe proposition thou,
and in eu?h event the common
carrier is hereby author'z?d to sole.-
and appoint one person, and such
employe or employes, as the
may be, to select and appoint another
person, and the two persons thus
selected and app dated to select a
third person, all three of whom shall
he citize s of the U ited S ates and
wholly impartial and disimeres-ed in
with the provision and purposes of
this not. L iking to the speedy ad
vancement of ihe differences and
controversies submitted to them hj,a
conclusion and determination, each
of said arbitia ore shall take an
oath to honestly, fairly and
faithfully perform his duties, and
that he is not personally interested
inthesubj-ct matter iuthecontro-
ver-y, which oath may be administer
ed by any state or territorial cffict-r
authoriz'd to administer oaths. The
third person so selected and appoint
ed as aforesaid shall be the president
oi ' said board, and any or
der, fiLdicg conclusion or award
made by the ma) uity of
such atbitiators - hall be oi the same
force and efl.ct, us if ail three of such
arbitrators concurred therein or mill
ed in making the same
Section 3 Toot it shrill be the
duty of said b ard of arbitration im
mediately on their st-lcc ion to or
gauies at the nearest practicable
point to the place oi
the origin of the difficulty
oi controversy anu u hear und de
termine mutters of d.ff reoc, which
may be-submitted to them in writing
by alt the parties, giving them uil
opportunity to be Uea'd ou oath in
person aud by witness, and so grains
log them the righ. to bo represented
by couusei, aud after oouc.uJir.g its
in vestigatiors said, board stn.i;
publicly announce its swap:,
which, V7ilh the fli.iinga of the
fucis upon which it i iia-ed shaii be
reduced to writii g and signed ny the
armtraters concurring therein, ami
together with ihe testimony taken
in the case, shall be fled with the
comm rs vMe: of lsltoi of cbe U .ited
States, who shall make such award
public aa soon as the same shall
have been received by him
B-.etion 4 Thai it ahali be .he righi
o: auv of the employes engaged in
the controversy to apjoiut, oy des-
ignaiion in writing, one or moit
persons to aci for mem In the s tec
tiou of an arbi.raior 'o repiesen,
thsm upon the board of arbiua ion
Section 5. That each member of
s d ir'hucat oi arhitiatioM arm ci-itt,
stenegrapner and witnesses atttud-
iug before mem snail '«e tjitiiLed to
rtci-rivo tike fees or oou ports a t v a ■
United c-iaies c. dooms, i '.rera tinn
clerks, slem.grapber: n* • i wuue.sts
attending beiore tie United B.'a'e--
c muits-ioucrs, and such lees r r corns
pensaci-n shall be payable by the
U. ited. S ates in like manner as the
fees of eucb U iieti S ales' commis
sioner' anti witneeato before such
United States commission ei a in
criminal cuuses aie payable under
ttie existing laws
O . a point of order raised by Dunn,
of Arkansas, the bill was refer e i to
the committee of the whole aud the
house immediately went into a com
mil tee for the consideration of meas
A long and interesting debate fol-
loweu, in whioh the strongest argu
ments in favor of the bill were that it
was as’ep in the right direction; that
Its moral effcot would he veryg-eat;
that it was imperatively necessary
for congress to move in the matter
promptly; that It gave vent to public
opinion in at orderly, legitimate
way, and that it is the best that can
now be done. Obj ctious to it were
that the bill oould notcompei and that
It was not compel ent for congress
to compel either party to a contro
versy to accept arbitration under it
If theychoas to refuse; therefore, that
the bill is powerless for good if it be
comes a law; that it woald be a use-
ices expenditure of time; that it
would be trifling with a grand sub
Jec; that advantage could bo taksn
of it to settle petty quarrels, and that
Hie Petiole Rons! erlt g a l i t of
N Blin d Ions,
tht-Uuited Sts’es c'old be made to
pay I he bills S.-veral members an
nounced their intention to vote for it
wtiile 'hey condemned it as being
wboly valueless
Feuding the discussion thp com
mittee rose and O Neill, of Missouri,
gave notice that lie would try to have j
a vote taken OU the measure to mor- Some a-1 Confirm rt and uns *r
row at 3 t ’ei **k
Willis, of K ntucky, reported the
rivei and burbot appropriation bill,
and i' was ordered printed and re
Turner, of G o’g.s, from the oom-
miitee on elections, submitted the re-
oof* of tl e maj rity on the Hurd-
J uiprt--a»0iMtary NHtnnitg'i l'wn4i 1+u
•Th® I’abltc Debt, El®.
Special E* qulror*Haw.
Washington D C, March 31 —
It is e-iiumied ut the treasury list
ther* 1 l a- been a reduction of uliout
R meie eiecHon ca'-e, and Martin, of $!4 25U.HOO to file | uhl'O debt during
Alabama, cb aineii le-ve to fl'p a mi
i ori'y r'-pori, Tbs- report was placid
on the calendar, and Turner gave
nn'iee that he would try to get action
upon it ro xl week
Rudd) submitted the ordinance
r< port and it wa» placed on the cal
A j mined,
Eitnuiide presented in thesena’e
tlie petition of Frank N F-it be ing for
a pe ision and had ihe petition re'-d.
I '('Cites long service in the late w ir
seven wounds rtoeivui a d c'ojsr-
quent physical. cripplii g; hat by
r ason of having settled i . tiorg ",
after the war he had lost pighi of all
eopirades wb could support hi.»
niaim for a pension a* d that hie law
yers had withdrawn T m i,e c s i e-
cm- '-he could not pay their fees in
urging his pension claim 1 fu-ther
rectus that the petitioner) ad held a
small position under 'he government
in A'U>iitft,Out wta discharged by the
new administration, aDd prays con
gress to graDt him a pension iu his
hel;ie<s old age. Edmunds cm
mended ti;e petition to the ea'efu!
consideration of the committee on
pensions This poor fellow, Ed
rounds said, had been appointed
storekeeper or gauger, tie believed,
under the internal revenue system at
A'lanta on recommendation uf Alex
ander H S epheUH, but ihe remorse
less fate ot politics had turned 'his
poor, helpless and cippled soldier
out of the public service, though E I
munds could not see how any cans
s.deration of politics could have led
to such art act. The petition was re
ferred to the committee on pensions
The army toll was again taken up,
xnd the senate was ad iresded by
L >gan. Plumb aud Allison.
At 2 o'clock tbe chair laid before
i,he senate the Washington territory
bill, but Dilph, who had the li , r,
yielded to Va>-oe,who wished tospe k
Ut support of his bill to repeal ihe
civil service law
L gati desired, however, to answer
one oi Plumb’s points, Ou' the latter
senator obj ''ed, as he would want
to rep y to Logan’s remark, ard did
no’, wish to re-eurer on the suh| -ot
ur less he cou'd complete his remarks
while on the fl or.
L' wn urged, but P.umb wae ob-
dura'i ar.d wheu tt.e matter was de
ed.'.! by the chair announcing that
'uianimouj cotisent .i m necessary,
L ;an with morn suavity remarked :
1 nm very much obJ ged to the sen
ator fr.'-rn K.i sas for nis k tidne-s
sou courtesy.” T- wiiieii Piunab,
iq iaHy polite, n-spondtd : "Tnank
you. sir ”
When tbe amusement of this inci
dent subsided Va c created a burst
of 1 .ughtet by remarking with aff c-
ed timidity : “1 will proceed now,
MrPieddeut, if it is thought ] can j
do so wiih safety.”
Vaocasu.d ilia: uil the present dif-
Acuities be: ween the president and
the i-ecu'e was due to the sot ia -s-.iy ! lions had
cailed "»n act to regulate a - i in.-
ii'ove tile civil se vice f ‘.he U -cd
States.” He had introduced a bill,
which his present remarks were in
ti misd to support, for 'h purpose of
repealing that act V . Cs Ciea-ed
much iaugo-'es oy reading a supp'>
uiout- couversa ion between an im
aginary old hem crat and an iquady
imaginary representative of the gov-
erdiut-nt, i i which the old dem-
ocrai, hearing in mind ali 'iie
ytsrs of democratic t-xh,
confl u \j appro.-i.hed tin.-reprtae .
talive of the government, ex proa-cd
hi-j y at "our victory,” sod say- L,«.
has enuie to get a place, TO.- rep-e
r,.uttdive oi ihe g( vernmeot recr-tves
him rat bet coolly and assure him t-
istoooi'j. Wuen the old d-in cra”s
d'Piippointmeut tons been si.ill .i -otiy
expr>B 'd, he rec oumeuds ms son,
who is young and active, bu’ th*
s;-vernm'nt representative with j c 1 (
many “ahema” explains 'lit work: i ' go<(
cf the otvi! service system, and wo- n I ag«<
oid di moojrat Inquires whether all the 1 d'ers
reouhl.c -ris in - ffise had got in u .d. r
the civil service sy-itm and bad
been subjected to the owc-bnary -x-
fiaiiuatiou, the government r<-p e
at-ntutive replies that he ft trouble
some, that he should not ask imper-
tiueot questions, and shows him to
the door, saying, "Away with you! ’
Vince said this was no Gecy pic
ture. 'There were thousands and
thousands of men Jike that old demo
crat, and they were the strength of
the democratic party. They had
been its refuge in the past. Vacoe
was not quite sure that
they would be its chamnion
In the future. They would not fight
to win a democratic victory for re
publican benefit. They h lleved that
if a man were raisi'd to the place of
be mom0 of March
The svoa’e lias coi fl. .:jm1 ihe nnrn
Inatnui of Brigadier General How
ard to lie oiaj r gt uer-l
In addition to the ar.utration idll
r> )> irled to Uie heui e to dsy Use labor
c. muiittee agreed to tbe L i vltr res-
rdut.on, apriropriatirg fOi'OO to tia 1 -'
tiie i x| enses of a t-pecial c uinrsci n
to vi-ii the we ' rn states and make
n tbarouen investigation of toe I »bor
troubl-, s
Ttie w-ys and ujti.aiis commi'.t'p
to day re-umed coustderatlou of the
H'-wtn customs bill. At the end r f
today’s session the commhiee itad
Bot'.e i through the tobacco clauses
t ubp'aidially iu tlie siiape outp.m-d
by Hewitt iu the original l»!II) aud
arrived at ttiat part of the bill c ,u-
cernirigiho free I is*. The republi
can membe’B of tin; committee ere
firmly imoreeseil witli ttie r pirduii
that an effort wilt be made hy the
low' tariff men to attach to tide bid
cer'ain important provisions of r'le
Morrison bill, which they regard
an abandoned me.' 'i rc in i s 'ntire-
ry, am’ '0«y will av.,il them-,-Ives
or tlie ooi vs uieut opportunity
afford,o oy tLv- e. i.sSderatiou -if the
free li»' :t(»- H -viti hilRwho b will
probably t-.kc j,.hos*:' tic m x meet
ing 8ever'>l dem or tic members
of the o-.tuuii -te, i. wever, while
admi, i"g tnar o n < rer-cs are going
ou and , It r-s m ki 1 g to reach an
agreement, J,.uy ila any ii,eeifl
understa ,Jiug lias oeen reached io
ttie tff c: !ha: ;hc Hewitt b.l: was to
be mud-' i;.e earlier f-r ihe freelist
of tbe M Tiros bill er >if Its o;h-.r im
portant provisions, and to day ’s ses
sion failed io develop any evidence to
that t IT e
A nomination rfjected
The .tv.ate u.s ev .u g r, jee'ed
the nomi nation of the new pu,.tmas-
ter it W haler City, Iowa, all the
republicans and all but tw i or toree
democrats voting against him. The
report of the committee ssys tha. lie
secured the appointment partly Oy
reprrsen'atiou that his predecess >r
was a i offensive partisan, and that
ue himself since, the appointment
has been even more active in those,
things which constitute off n-ive
partisanship -bun the man tie sup
planted, liaviur been an active man
in t be ma ig in> in of r> democrat
newspaper, and in addiiiuti t,av-
iug found time to go aii ut
tlie country making democratic
speeches. The democrats found
nothing posiiively vl'jt-c iona >ie m
this, bur voted tor ika rej cion oti
ibe gnm.d : iat the candidate had
not te;n . tending to hb- bu-ineas.
A con-dderable number of poet-,
masters whose pred-ce s :rs were sue
| pende - wei\ reported upou favorab.y,
| I’bis was done upon the theory, la
I iaorn3 eves, 'hat as the nomlna-
t»ry Manniug’s condition. N 11her
lias there bten any ohange for (ho
worse, B>ih of his phys’eisos fay
tiiai tlie '.anger of a return of Hie at
tack to that poriion of the brain firs',
wared is passed, though they still
fear a recurrence of he trouble In
some other loon ion. N 'urly all the
members of tlie secretary's fumlly
who came here when he was stricken
have reiuiu ed to tiieir liomes The
attorney g-tieralatul Secretary L cur
will return to their duties to-m.irr -w
or uex! day.
Iku * Vi* im %\iipn 4»*v»r
New York Mnic!) 31 —The G r
man steamer Empa. loaded with
■ugar lor New Y oU, went ashore on
’he south side of L n g I-land ah u!
cr Id way of the ielaou, Bill ’ceick
lest ntglit, i" a heavy fr.g Tha life
.■ttving moo went to the s’eamer a id
brought tf‘e . nia'c ushtne. The re
mainder of the crow of thirty lueu
lemaloed "ii hoard. The Jin was
qmei ai.d thi vc-sd iy'op easy a:.d
oniujured. Tuts moroieg 'he sea
w -s very liigti, and tbe vessel signal
ed fur aas'H'aoce »nd rockotH ai d t
lines wt re on 'rt< • to.
Tue le mer Cipital C 'y, of the
Now Y rk and Har ford lii.e. w-nt
a .bore a! R,ye B- ct>, L mg Island
sound, in a f.,.g last night But went
a-hor" bow ou end is stuck fa»t. The
passengers were ail taken -iff The
future oi t! e vessel depends up tt tbe
New Orleans. March 31 — A
Nvw Ib-rm special, dated yesiorday,
o the Time -II-metre; gives the
f iliowiug particulars of a steamboat
accident on Bsyou Tectu : T —s . m-
or Mary L wis, of ,he M irgao line,
i-'ft bore yesterday afterooo * on her
le.urr; downward tripb mad for Mor
gan C. y and when jn the tie giibor-
nood of Pattersonvl'le, ab iu, 1 ' dock
this morning, “tie wag truck by
a wind storm Her stem
was driven Into H tel & Co’s pontoon
bridge, an i In less fhxu -eo ooiuuh:,
-be filled with water and sank. Tm
crew, about twenty iu outnber, lie--
came- tarrifi .ii and sump jumped over-
hoard, While olberu seenred life i-oat*
A li eucceedfcd in t-itv'ng themselves
exoop' Berry, the second engineer,
and Jenkins, 'he cook, who v ( j»e
A’ 4 ^’clock tri’S afternoon Intolli
gence was received here of the ex
p'osion of the boiler of the steamer £
P B-nuore, piylog between Mirgar,
V y and Abbeville. The Bsrmore
tiad entered 'he T-che and was re
turning laden with lumber. W.ien
about i wo miles below ihe wreck of
tbeMury Lewis, her bullets exploded,
killing ’five or six negroes and
W'u idibg half a dez n others E: -
gine-r J eonsoo wa- -evereiy scliied.
Home of the crew wer drowned.
W-«* Uro
a loi g time
'ore the commitUo, and
mo: u: ng ad verse t the nominee h el
beni beard, it was sate o assume
tha' neither the aU-(ended man oor
his neighbors cared to On heard, and
in other cases positive in'ormiuoo
has been lfcteivwi >hat the nominee
w m ail right ami that theingoing
•flic d had us grievance. No
cases were r.-ported In whtefi
chorgos diieot or implied
liad Lee i mad to secure suspension,
; x pt vlo. r« suco charg:-!, ua i h:'-
: us'.iir e or thoroughly rt ruled, and
uoi.e of i oe or.see m re.peer, to wOiC"
I rti er.-: have heeu refu-sd were r -
pur e i. 1 'tie c>seo .1 thiei. O i.j o.
ibct 'ia of imernal ieve, u
•vti d'seussed m a gri up
i-teca or Ij turman Uiede a M:- e
tiier.t \iiu'. ti’MT p. de'estor
were slid,.td with ■ xc-liou' war re
cords at d that they h»d tie-o (-flic i,t
c lee-ora Toe uofuii'.ees were a.s
,.0)d men ar.d no cuj wai.tid m v.ite
liieth, but they we.e uoc soi-
Hj referred t - tt.e president’^
messtg , to the letter of b cre.aiy
Ma'itjn.ff, and sooutnl the id*-a l at
the good ot the serves Ciuitl r.-
q Mrs, Die rem vai of such
men. b;oa or L gmi made un
indirect Out stroug arguine :t for
open sessions and pubi.c d s-ushioiis.
In resp ct to oases wa cii stood ou
exacii- similar ground •, he tiad been
S'.Lgled out as a target for newspaper
criticism beoruae he had, as it was
said, gone against a soldier. The
senators ku» that there was
qo better friend to sol
diers than himself, but with the
pubdc shut out misrepresen ations
wera inevitable While deprecating
the lemovals of these Ohio soldiers,
euoh -vas the fate of war aud politics,
and he was ready to vo e with the
his ambition by his friends he should finance oimtnittee for Confirmation
i.i . iiiio-i >heir statement that there was
give his friends preference over his
enemies. Bo did Mr V.u:ce. They
also believed that a man found want
ing in gratitude might likewise be
found wanting in other kindred and
cardinal virtues.
Vance was frequently applauded
by the galleries in the course of his
An executive session was held and
the senate adj lurned
upon 'heir statement that there was
nothing against the records of tbe
ou' go ng men, but hs did Dot want
to bo singled out again as especially
opposed. >o soldiers. These cases were
not disposed of when the hour for
atj’urnment came, but there is no
doubt of favorable action.
Thtre boo b»'»i> »'<> pvroftjmhr. m.
TSi u
«p«oml tc Jffoiiirt-- Svn
Key West, Fla M .'ith 31.— I i-
impossible to »«<• nain the moiv d
u>»t lnssOp by ye- (-wisy’o Are Hno-
dred', spent last l ivli; iu the r*-ee<s
watching tlietr efijucs Toe mer-
ct'iouiM Will hoid « meoting to-dny *o
make some ar»augemt-niB to order
» prdvisioos ! prevent a fstnlnn.
They will prol.xhly ask 'iie M otp o
line peofcje a : . N w O 'o ijoid
t; eii BjehLoei Icavirg to in or row
iLorni -g f flo telt-g rttpbio oid r,. f„r
food. The wind h .e--uJ ieuly shifted
to the nonh, with dui-gor <<f bri-g-
iog tilP fi'e, ■■’the s .ii. bu: os, O ck
attain into the ci y. K or or li v
tnuusc'd pets us tbr -*/;; out of
employ meat.
/»t>II « nt Ic d h Ml®.fee.
5I‘6U)Sl K IV Trrr-e jy
St Louis, March U *
ioauguia ion Cl Ik. r .w- htiS In
littie s'let'm-o h-s lur-'O ( ui i tbb
city 'o ti'sr.s i-' , i..)*jfci. iui ma tejs,
Ml, U ebouM f yetti.rduy •, i-, a',
tac rd attention to '>> t ,?te,i
wai w. icb is nil) ociiie \v . Tt"
ilibisiive Was i»kt*u i'y hi- A
Topeka ard Bantu F v, wh un-
'lounc'.d round irip, K n-as Cm;’ )
C itf,*'nia rimiiuu poluib, o }-4s
"ingie trip 5>- ; '> vitli u ”I,h ,j ,f|ir
<cooil cl'-'s f:.0 wi'b f 14 C-. ..
maki,.p; » muioi jit> .: i.', >(■ "t- Mi-
s U’i i ver to C if Tiiia c u.iMon
^fraufc. ^
Danville, V.\. M»reh31 'There
wt a ci'i'ioe thunder ;-tc/tn ; hcr«
Ols IliUiiiiilg. L'-'.tiMog s’., uck i.
oouse iu which wi'e five pusons,
The Oou-f) was torn to pieces. A
young man was sitting u . a trunk
ieshiog r.g tost a window. r Inc
window was -haltered i.od ibnyoucg
man’s ulo’.n.iig kiiu from his person,
out he who not st-ii' Usiy tiur Aoout
.he ssme tune'lie ei'C'ri.: light r:m
wer. struck and one of the dyruiro
oadly damaged. The storm has now
T io (striker' on the Boa il Sjr tun to
lies rule W rk
our of tttr, Ii Of I.sbx n'Mtttlu
II a vfclttoi I'i>w A’J'.'on *T f
UtiMUii tc 9’t Trr»lM Kf buuiod,
S-gcln.1 to E’.Quir* n»Hnr..
8t Louis, Mu rah 31—0 a ji —
Members of Hip exeeu'ivo oonimlttee
of distric'aesemb'y N lul, kmgiits
or labor, mot to pxpcu 'v, seedon at
I. "h'Htooe tuill at 8:30 '.(’clock this
unir'.dtiK and immedia'cly began the
cmaideratii'U o. ills ques iou of .s-
Milug su order to Un members of
tiieir us cmbly to re uni to work.
The unanhoous o. i.iiou Is fhat T’ow-
i1i riv’s " must lie obeyed, but tne
i' minilUe divided as to tlie time
when th* order shall be issued B one
(-•v.s.der 'ho best plon to lie to order
'Me men to resume work luitnediate'y,
while seme are iu favor of waiting
u til the general tx eutive board
shall arrive fr'irn New Y r irk.
East -St Lou ms M 'oi)3l 10 am —
Tue hM.uisBou in this city this morn
ing is one of quiet. The crowds that
c 'Lgregate ar.iuod the railway depot
and in tin railroad y irds are s'oalier
Man til »'iy time since the strike w»»
b tuigura'ed. No oltempt lies been
made Oy soy if ihe roads to run mu'
heigh' 'r, i ip, and iherofore n.i dis
Mirh..: ce nave occurred A j itanl
General Vance in mutioueu at Uie
depot, where he will witness tlie
elf rts la er iu the day to start out a
tiain, and will lie vioverncd by the
results which follow in deciding
whether or no' it Hhall be nects-iury
o cull out the m'.liHa.
to return to wore
St Louis. March 3! 2:30 p m
Ttie executive committee liss Just
dec'deii upon an order which ha»
lieeu irb graphed to outbtde assem-
hies, the put port of which is that
■he men ou the system are ordered to
rdu.'ti to woik a' tea o’clock to-mor
row morning The committee are
oiw coniUlt'Dg with a delegation
from K s' Hi Louis iu regard to or
dering the strike ( ff h ttiat point,
loaded cars
New York, March 81 —Tlie fol
lowing dispaich wu ren ived io-day
a’ the headquarters of the Ms-wuri
Pacific railroad company iu this
city :
Bt Louis, March 31 — The oais
M'lkded at Ht L u’s yesterday were:
Missouri Pa'o.flc 54; Iron Mountain,
01; merchandise 44 twer and ice 47;
•otat care 'o-tded, 13b
[s gnnl] H M Hoxik
Kl Louis, Marcti 31 - The au -
•«>Ui retLi ot rc-cr-ivni t en Inst nigl)
tlm' P iwiii riy tiad diieoted the ex
eu'lve committee of distric
i.-bscmhty N Uff, to order the strik-
ii g inenibtir'- of tha; orguniz ion to
-tiui'ii to work ■« is re; 'vet Lv tlie
tc igh's h ro- wi'h dissutislKC !• n
■|*hey have expusaod o belief that
1* w 'crly would not be slue t
Diitig i" ut m g ..laff'-ns for a
‘C’fiement of tt"- T fflcuiiy, Out
ii y a'*tr't th a' C'.ey aiiticipaied
id »r; cniiip'etn recognition by tin.-
rriirir.'-i • u "or'''os ;hau eeeme to
i<iv( .:ii i fi d P wderiy Cliairrnau
Duns V' ten oy a r p r r last
'light. When .."kcd if he c usidered
he tieiH's fora set’lctnent of 'i'eicrik"
i In (
rMHiiUuiei, nf [),(■ k light"
■ u : "Y ; ‘ is ii vl'dory;”
itno-e dft.eiy- mndffied ins
< y adding "to ex-
Yoke Marco 31 -G
: H .VC, of .i.t M.- uii Pt
ils h.i leitgiuphi<1 J • G iuld
ruing h» to'!- w: ‘M vet
:i>.;h: Ua.- u, c.-rryii.g 1714
•-rs. on .!.•■ eniir ys til.
t-fti t Rli pOiLtr
,. i I’ d ii: < and
g freight in, the
Tbe Hmdle
td Kn’ju'rur-Scu.
Wilcox, Ariz, March 81.— Gen
eral Crook arrived at Kirt B wie
Monday night, having lef, L • rtien-
«ul M«us in charge ot Geroolmn and
other surrendered Apaches. N w-,
however, has jus’ he u reezived that
Grronimo with twenty oilier I diaue
aad some squaws escaped during fhe
night. Lituteuant Msus nud aii the
men that could be spuicd started ia
pursuit. It ia btdieved G-Tonimo Las
gone to Join Chief Maugua.
provemeut sinca yaatordsy in 8:ere- I heart dhfea-u.
Br«p>e4 Utui.
Staunton, Va, March 3!,-T T
Wnite, a prominent and werd'A.y
mer-fiant of N«w 0''lea r a, dropped
des-.i tha etl'”''. >t ;J
ii M D'oxie ”
i "• r.*/.■■< t« ia tt at ut too'r-
.-day Powd< .!> said Ida if
t", olli ials o', thtrtsd would 'u:..i.:L
q'iri. amts c f the nu t; (v/.wer; r y-
,,ii »! c iiroj < r v of i:.c comptM'iy they
be fXj elieu from the order of
ito'ghts of J-ibor !' wJ'r'y'- assr>-
'"ti at to. e .ni'.it m-e It! forB.
L ot-' fbl n ev’tfir>»
Wilmimg’-on, Del Marco 3!—
/Vi- m, loco < work* i», except c liar
met., : > V a*' Mu’l' r’-. factory ur out
• vaui i<- o y a Ml Iu Got' nts are idle,
x -. ’ 'or '(■ off r'h of :v,;, proprie-
toie and cl-rbs jud a few others to ti,e U"fl : it-h?d "lock Th* con
tuiiiatlott of budneas iu thu Muller
f'C’.ory was brouglii ab >ut at a con- b'- w an the proprietor and
Uie ki.igbts of iabor la d night. Upon
wnat basis tbe settlement tv is made
:s ed known Ot 1 er maiiufucturers
manifest no disposition to yield thus
fur. Tbe Btiiltera ncaiber 1500. There
ia no dis'iiijcr
favorable prospect for the settlement
of tne strike had a gnou effect on
prices at ttie s ock exchange to-day.
The opening was generally 4 to j
Higher tliHu tiie closing last evening,
Kiui w hile the market was dull, It
was aho strong until late iu the af«
o'ruoon W'ii few exc piiotis. The
ex'rpme fljctuatlous, however, were
wuMu tne range of 1 per oent with
(f e lowest prlcc-s, as a rule, at or near
die upeuii g and the highest a’o- 1
o'c oek A i"u ii if thb business was
10 L "kawanoa, 8' P oil, L fee Hbore
end U i u Pacifl.:. Bales 265 200
shares 'J’hir- was some feverishness
in toe final dealings aud tne market
closed irregular.
ttalrUS s Wl ii L!iu4iAnum,
•Jfd/Wa’ (d rs»rrr.tfikt\
Lynchburg, Va, March 31 J 4in
W B rloui, a well known reside it
, f ibis place nil*', an engineer ou the
N rfolk aud VYe Uru railroad, sul-
ei'ifid IuhI ulghl. with laud .uutu He
(rank three ounces of laudanum aud
a drink of whibkey
The Pil'd of F'-iiiIik »•».
The circular nf th« Gjjjgiu dopart-
ineut of ugr'.ou’.lurt, glvtug the anatv-
•aud calculi ed relative oounnerolal
values ofa'. f-r iliz .s and oheuiioats
Inspected, analysed and aduil'ted to
sale in thi" slaio to February 24, 1886
Las been rec: ived. I Is noto i that the
•irpai lruem ha* very propei ly roduoed
La valuation of aloments, the cash
■ rioc of Mii’b dl ina-'ta being consider*
ihiy 0o.*:v. tLo va'utilioiis heroLofore
iid.iptfd, Th. prices par pound of the
ingred lints r.i fe• ill* " at Savannah
are now . prcx'naatOiy 71 nor pound
tor #v iiablo phDsptinrlo acid, 16j for
Htninatds, and 5 for p dash T.itsof
e urse reduces the apparent vaiaatlon
,f itic far'd'!* Be»'vseiJ and aomit-
led to sale Ootweo.. 15 and 20 per oent.
The fac is, lerliuzj-s oan now be
had fir cuu.; ra ividy low prioe* if
ooutcht In large quantities for oash
i ne average va uo uf atutnuniated
superphosphaiet a Savannah, aooord-
11 * to the d'-p rtmei.t OBtlaiatei, is
about 82-1 per ton. No doubt a high
g.itde feyiilt* - o»n be hsd ic quanti
ties for ?"5 • ah free on board in this
city, the*’ ry highest giadou are es-
•tm tied at about 430
O *nrse the credi’ prices of fortit-
z, i h ari in nil greater 'hanthooaah
prloos, except wheie unq Kslionable
-Houriiy is given Mos' larmers per»
lisps who buy IroiD agant-i or dealers
on orodlt wll! have to psy fioni 450 o
500 pounds of cotton per ton, which
will be eq lifaloot to «»y frotn $35 to
|4. r , depi u llnir of o >urse upon tne prioe
oi cotton u*x full
No doubt to buy in quantities ofa
hundred tons for cadi, me planters of
(iaorgla could ge* n pref y good lertlll-
z : laid, down at their nearest railroad
a tttiou a from f25 $8j per ton. It la
oelleved tbsi ihrifiy plautors can af-
0 id to pay these pri os, but there are
very few who c,i r . iff ■ (1 to buy fsrtlll-
z rs at cro.11'. price , which arc an ad,
,.,uc'j of £0 , srot-n. unorsh prlcea
The q i' sii'ui of hocus', of lert'.liser*.
in a very linpor a t one'n the south.
Tlior ate few plan em woo can uiantc-
1 ic'.ure all .he fe till*-re they tined.a'id
the-e are fewer stlil wbocua sffed to
cultivate their crops without thorn. In
ninny secilona tot club pin of buying
ls.'U'- q ""W’.lfla Ot ferll izers for c««h
or Os ,.qiMv.'ent, h*s boon tried with
s.trees- T would b" well If it were
t"'rnducod eviry — Bav.innab.
T)|, tl 4U IkfiU IU1*9 llOlllr
tug >f»A itA ii >mc of imN
1<j OU ! U'fii
’ r- ui *.:.e; •
. j a.9 Royel*
Thruiiemfl b# 4B»i'*hlii«
n K'jqai ot* -Sun.
Boston, Mtrch 31 - The Globe
tosi -y prints a long ar’lole whlcli is
to appeur iu tbe anorchist or^aij
L " 'ty, aad wh’ca declares that the
niir.rciilst fac ion controlled by Herr
Most is plotting to burn builuiiige
Mod commit oilier outrages upou
properly orvne.-.i Ir. >7.w YorK. Tiie
editor of'he L berty, thoqgi h-m-
self aa anarchist, oondtmus these
operations is criminal,
• ' 'Vh»Kj»,
Nhw You ' March 31 —Ttie more
F. e \ good
' oi i; nytry genuine tr loifa ts ooun-
erieiis Bad Biaau6i« and vvloketi
iihoI h jiav.i th.-lrs also; but ho whe
sbaoio Ibe bid nova* b is'ts of it, while
■ iey w bo ape the v! ■ u-e of the good or
• iron.’" e'be ge' Q'.is never hesitate to
(>'i.ei«'b, c'juM'e'fdi before 'be public
in their m'it uKurlug tones. When
■ eve pm pie *ra 's‘o they always
oi.'.f»a « pr i ‘ju.-tiiu lype or pooulsr
uO) "t copy rum; aud when Hisy
u.Hlui to be as good aa "ti - ind-BJ.” or
sod ar. urtis.e ■ q .a, to ‘S.-and-Bo,”
be public m»y depend upon it that M.r
Hi.-a.d--M ” >nd Ills article are ui-
wsy* tin* I;tot o' Ibe kind. Thus '.he
• opm 0 !»■»!» pr* vlng the ge> u'ne
oii-i-u oi if- ini. g ! (s pies.
A fli tu oi eij' vrpiismg gdutitimen
- sru i ipii.tils ar article oi
oils O', d 'i.e, (i'll »h ihe Ko i n!
Huhiiig 4', v.otir, wh so oum
venlenee, uM:. mkh aud ' o il morit
(»ke J'.u . .:t:f «n .muiense
• • A r-liven,, "ale Jx hundred ItnU
O ( -4, .su- " , fVM..' halt , slid AS '.Ley
ii lulu i tu ;.Iki puh-
r, In -torus, But this} Unjust
i ns , sod muoo meaner t ’
1 y., tin i g Powder is -ue
id 11.n *<,,U(i over, and Its lml-
•1 y 'but tl.ei'S .18 "-S
u e t.11 .be timeouipba-
• 70i y Mills D.;" 1 :beir laborious at-
uipts io hh w I y analysis a id other*
w se thn'. tlie ‘MjnowOai!” brand haa as
much r I i .e; p.we:,"^ the Royal”;
oi iii.t 'n. ’'li(-M,rrectlo''i’’ p.ia’der is
wii'd'-s uie "a - RoyBl”; < r tba' the
•iSaittq ku ’ uittbd its "«yi puro as the
K -yai,' as weil as by their c ntortive
wisUt.g* *d chemical oeriifioaies aud
r<0 red >fTirts to obtulLi recognition
fr ,u, ij.'b B werutuout chowists suit
pi tmiuMit scientists who have ceill-
ti "j the superiority of Royal over ali
o.hers, they all admit the "R iyai” ic.
be the acme ot perleotion, wuich It is
their highest ambition to imitate But .
the dlff rouce between the real aud
these Imlta'.iona, which copy only lte
general appeaiance, is as wide aa that
httweea Uie paste aud the true dia
mond. Th** shams aii pay huinage to
the “Roy al 1 ’
In five years pas. 06,009 people in
Paris have died of OLosumpllon,
Wfctn yon visit or laavo New York Oity
fla Grou-1 Utntra! Dtpot tave bagef^t ax«
prassag' and J-'l earring* hlr«, ard r.op at
tbe Grand Calon Hotnl, oppoalta laid d*»
Mix iir,n<lr*d altgent rooum, 5tt*d up at •
aott of ok million doiliirt, S! and upward*
per day. n.nroptan plan, Elevators, ltts
tuurant supplleo with the b**t, Horse oar*,
atatet nad elevaKid railroad to all depot*
.'uallio can llv* betttr tor lett money at
-.hi GrtaC Union Ho**l than tt *uy othat
"re* ol*»» botl* n tn* olty. 'rlOdly