Newspaper Page Text
YOL- xxvm— M) 79
The Hon e ••fscusse the L. brr r-
bltratlou iiiii.
H A *iiMOud ( b^r<m«rliei I '■ *s * TrfcU
gn4B I'rand* Tbr lljil Pr vliUta& far n
B«iuu«o( to Llucoln ilia =ton
jgpiolal tc Ei quire’ Sen.
Washington, April 1 - K lly, of
Pennsylvania, rirli g iu ii qm-t-tioo ! I
privilege, said he found in ib< R coici
this morning that the gentleman
from Mieet at’ (O'X ' ) yi'Merday bad
slaieu that be (Mr K U>) f, ad mad:
a speech on a bill prohiuhing the im
portation oi contract labor Identical
with tha". he made on the arbitration
bill. Ho bad tint beard that state
ineut, an I he Uni not wish by silet.ct
to acquiesce tin its corr c no-s
Re supported thr contract labor b h,
but lie had declared it to he crude
•and had suggested amendments i
perfect it. That bid c uld be amend'
td, hut the bill ot the (remit mar
from Missouri meant nothing and
could not have life breathed into it
The house 'hen went into committee
of the whe-h (Springer iu the chair)
on the it-b- r arbiirutiou bill the geo
eral debale to be closed a -1 \ !o--k
The biil was discussed by Gibson
ofW-s Virginia, Crain of Texa-i
Diiuu oi Atkansas, Buchanan of
New Jers.y, Wonhington of Ilil
noie. Taisuey of Michigan. Anders
son of Kansas, Osoorne of Pennsyl
vania, Long of Massachusetts, B und
of Pennsylvania, Cannon t-f Illinois,
and others, la closing tbo debate
O'Neill, of Missouri, said that every
compulsory law ph.c>-d on the stai
ute books of any country bad proven
a failure. The desirid result could
only be -secured by conciliation
When public opinion wos behind 8
measure Is powerfvl. He quoted
from the views of political econo
mists which bad bteu considered by
the committee on labor, ar.d which
upheld the principle of oonciliatloi
and arbitration
At the conclusion of his remarks
the bill was read by sections f r
In speaking to a verbal amend
ment,Hammond of Georgia, at tact e :
the bill, which, he aii erted, instead o
being a bill to prottet labc, was oi e
to prevent strikes, in Ihe interest of
corporations Bud a* 'he txpenre of
the United 8 a es Every man who
believed as the gentleman from Peuu-
sylvaoia (K-lley) did, that the
measure was a trick and a fraud
ought to vote agRinst it. The ht ust
proposed to crys ai z i intoastu u‘.<
l*iw,somelhiig which nobody sain
was good and m-.ny ; e -p-le saiu wa
ft simple trick to gui nd of ihe ques
Kelly, of Pennsylvania, faid that
by bis remaiks yesisrday he did noi
mean that the gentlemen on theccm-
mtitee on lab ,r had delibera'f !y per-
petta.ed a trick and fraud. H> knew
that the gentlemen who could sub-
mlt ibis hill to the working tni n of
the country as a provision for the
speedy settlement of etiq 1 yet- a - d
emploj es were qui-e too innicentti
deliberately attri p l a fraud or .tick
[Laugh er ] P wderly had done
more to advance he pricipleof arbi
tration than all ihe frr-tby el qu-rc-
that he (K lly) ar.n bis ms -cla es hs.c’
uttered y s erd-y acd to
day. P.>wderly V; pa; er bao
been read aid considered
by the heads of corporation arid they
had paid : “If Ibis is the spirit of tin
working men we most regard It ”
For ut my years he (Kelly) bad de
pounced as frauds and 'ticks j is
such bil’b as ‘hi» which pre e -Jed to
be in tits interest of the wotkitu
men; that be bad incontinently use
wonts for which be now apolcg z-tn
to the tut - ci mi members of the c-m
mi tec on 'ithor.
T 1 e e< mm it ee then r i-e, art!
O’N-il! moved tliat ml debate on tin
fitst etc ion of the bill bo limited to
one minute.
By a p: rliamonlfiry man over B a
ga;-, of T xv--, to k ti c tl r am-
made r cmisti a-gumen'
eg. iuwt ’■ be b- ’!.
L iwty, of I tiiutia, del.led ihe as
etuion “rtiat -he bill was a ttuk am
ft- ud, or tha- it infri gni upon ut y
provision of i!.e ci s(itu<..>n H
C-neelved tliat the c tnniiUee lu.d
prrcetdfd with tiie Utmost cau iir
and cir. umspec ion iu framing tin
measure. 1 He * Amt of the Hiil w- ul-i
be to cryste 1 - z public opinn n. I
his Jo,i 6 manr, a-, sure ns tru b wt-s
cmuipotent, ji s so sure wou d c-r
poia.e bodies bt compelled to yield ti
tle demands e-f justice and right
It wi-s u step iu the right
direction. It was in response to i
cry of distress. It waB the "snip
ahoy” to tl-.king sailors. L t con
gress put this sign in the he ivens at
a token to labor, that it would not be
alws.ys distressed and that it would
net always be subject to the e-xac'.loue
of mouepoly.
Perilling a vote on O’Neill's mo<
tion, the house at 5:45 adjourned.
Shortly after the opening of the
senate E ’nt-unde moved that when
the s»nu e adj muted to-day it be till
Mondty next. Agreed to.
The bill fir the erection of a mon-
umsnt in W-oehirgton to the memo*
ry of Abraham Ltuctla at the cos: of
half a million dollars was reported
from the library committee and
Piatt a few remarks in ref
erence to a resolution s rue time since
Introduced by biur providing for the
Coupid ?V.inn of executive business
lu rp.n session. [Ttiis resolution has
been adversely reported by the cou-
I mittee on ru’es ] Piatt remarked
that us the pclut of order might be
made on the resolution that it
changed a rule without due notice,
tie w u’d on Monday n- xt propose
»n amer dment to the resoiu ion
ep cifylng the particular rule of ihe
senate which he proposes to have
ameudtd by ihe renolu'ion.
At the juggssiion i f L'*g&n an un*
derata: ding was pecuc-ul Hy which
bis army Hill will In taken up Mutn
day nex‘. immedia'ely t.f er the
uiorning ea-, at d its o -. s' it ra
tion continued throughout the day,
and it necessary, from day to day, iiii
di-rosid of.
P art oon-ented that his Washing-
t o erritorytiill might be in’ormall.v
Is d -isidf iu -rdit: to permit i f tiil-
fto.ion on ..he army toll, but on the
c million that tbo Washington bill
■il.o uld no 1 lose i' j r gbi of way.
A 2i>’ct.ek'l e Washington 'er-
rii> r.v bill was laid before .he s aaie
D ilpit explained 'in ii .a: ciai con-
di luu of tie territory, ami fr m fig-
uris cited uigued the undoub cd
".lultty tr> mivritain a state gcvi ru
men! The climate he vliecriiedfts
“Co- 1 it sun m r, inttd in winter ano
reniBrRi.biy ealubtious " N' coun
try i;ii the face ot the globe, he ‘aid,
possessed t.n inland sea which for
beamy i f scenery, the ex'eut of un
obstructed m-v'g-iiie channels, or
•afe and oi mmott" us harbors c-utri
comi&re with Puget Hound. T. e
iiitMglr a ion couid J.-arnlj au>!clpbte
tin 'uiure in et< re for that terii oiy.
M -tgaii spoke in euppori cf ,nt-
bill i.'be only < ijeotioo to it, in bis
mind, was 'ha' it authorized the
president to admit a sta-.e by pr> c.a
n a i-.u it be should find the cuutii
ri i s to have been c nipiied with
He luonght that provbiou of doub’-
ful cotu.t;-u iopfc i:y ami wisdom It
we the busimss of cmgress, not the
ptesid- ot, tu ailtnit new staieB. Tnis
ob| -ction, however, would not keep
Morgan from support!! g ttn bill H<
submitted that the c.unmiih.e on ter
ritori s rnigb.i properly sub iilu'e ac
tion by cm gri s for the president’s
T be ci nrmiffee amendmertls to the
bill w..-re then voted on seriatim end
gr-eit o
V -oihbc-s submitted as an amend
ment bis bill last pietenied ( he en-
nbiit g sc'), provldirg for the adtuis-
eliin of Mott (ana. Tl-is n mains rite
per dirgqu s ,ol wiit-n ;he till coun-s
b.f re 'i « set,a r- again.
A 5:12 ibe senate went into ex cu»
ive srseion In ten minutrs ti e
doors were reopened and the senate
adjourned till Monday.
A Qnltnl nihI Irresulmr «l«rh flfkik'l
Secretary il »untrgN
.H licit mo
onliiltiB Very
The Pnbilia I> b. .Rhttm ni- h<
litvan \.t%n ohm* T. bti
ciPtf-KnnilntMlfHii d* 1 !*; la K
S irrlF.l ' K q'HM'i.finr
WAfrlllNOTON April 1 I q
s’ Steri tuy Msmii'g’s Ip ir e s'
coon to day rliciis tfie irform t or
ihsr tt.e secretary’s condition is about
tip saint t s a ! ist r- por .
• There m ff r -'at irutirove il--n' iu
the ,ee.e atym i" ,” -tv • L n-
c-tlu tn nigh'. “H" wtv> r t;!i'1.1 d
cheerful ot.d at"- o use Ids liglp
hand sortie. Tin ugh far from h-dre
ft we nt'it . in is v ry mno l>*-r ■ r ''
T tie n t-ubld an sei at >rs lu-ld »
cattpus 'bis tijiirt ii g at d filled e ut
mi’tee p ac-s m-de vi-.c-p t i-y -he
ii. a h of 8-. nator Mi.'lcr. They then
prrceedui to cot ti.'er what to do i
about l e collector.- of it e nd tevn
i u- v- are in i- g ti pin t d f-- v rt»b v |
iy the surat.-' coiinni'ttn on flume 0 . '
They react ed r.o cor-clusion ut ii will j
caucus again 'o mo:row.
NC-MIN A'! ions h d y m-nii' >t"ii
be briemifer gemral, (' --l T' of- H
R -gcr. 18 it infantry nn-.l C 1 J - H
P f'er. 24 h inf ntry; also I, iphcl*
A M. Wnir'er collector of cu-toma
for tbe iltstrim o’ S>’s, Ga.
The debt et«!‘iu'-nt ts-ued to-dar
shiv.s tiie reduction of the puolic
debt dnrinv ihe tnon'h i f M rcb to
I-* f 14 <‘87 884 Cash in ihe ‘r a-ury,
*406 997 711.62; ro'd mh• fice'e - r ut
»iar d'r-p jii() 775 U43: s'" - c r fi
Cfit‘8 i uMioi'iiug. #9n 122 421; c»r
lifl<?‘ e- of del- it 'liiei'l.ii i h- #11,
025 hiwi; ] enders i ihh »• ding.
*840 74s.641; 'rrd'ii' Hl ctnreecy not
incl-.oJii.fc- •<* n- ■■ ed a- ost or
des”- “"1 JR 956(il2 27
uient uotbit g of the lact is ontaln-
ble, but an abundant orop of rumors
have been gathered.
Judge Glldereleeve is quoted »i
raying tliat Waite hns not been ar
tested HesayB he has come hereto
iidl ali he knows, and be don’t know
'hat be H at nil liable to arrest. H-
wrote to rue of hi' 1 wiiil: guess to ap
pear before the grand jury, aud tit
naa c m for t' at purp se He wilt
be taken before the grand jury to
The Cmrmerca’ Advertiser pub
i-lies a luei. coinmii mtirview will
W-.mi , calling i' tits cntife-su n. Tin of W>lte’s statement if
•ha', a- -* re waul for hi- service iu sc-
c.ur’r g . tie the Ion oi K rk as presi
'em i t the board of alrtetmea it
1884 -o vi s siven i be privilege . f uj -
pm ill log ;iie rapf ad c >d.mittee. H •
Mppoin'td flinti nun as ! e knew in
could on lly control They vo'ed oi
• he /ranch’s' bill jt.s »>s lie dictnud
Tire ex-aidt:ut *n cl-iims he.dtdul
t.i« ru "f pure ro-ndshlo for “J m”
Rndimoi d, who was J vet l> Sharp’s
• g!.*-b. w -r in ibe de. 1, and “at tie
( -Vui ) - ever got a dollar. He men-
tm s b ' iintbi r of aldermen who hr
'til: k did n ceive money, hut lit
m.kesrt positive 8'ati tueiiiH. Wain
flc-slly seknow It dged 'hat liH ntc-r
-s' in gening lie B midway fianchisi
bill 'hrnogh whs stimu'atei' by thi
piomiaetftb tl e Of-nimiesiontibhip
Igna of W»r In ibo Earn—GU^atfline’*
Civblaoi II Ids Two JleHInff', Il«,
-no to Enow er-bun.
New York, April l—The st c’-
m ,.k- t con i-.uet- quiet with a good
d »t"f irregularity in (he moveruut i
f .rices. The feature of to-day’s
opervions was s further advance tn
the Tr.rts Con iueu'fal stocks due at
•be first buyii g uy iuslde p-.rbej and
la-r to rtpnrtH ot a meeting "’the
ii flerent compsui s Tbe Uaiou
Pv fic and P-c.ti Mail raoh eh w a
net gam oi ij Tht 8 uibern P-.ciflc
onclted itsh gbes' price siuce I'Pted—
39ij O : tbe other hand, coalers,
wt.ile wi ll held, w re only
shady. The imprest-ion is becoming
prevalent ’bat :h* Penney>vania r il
road w-li nor beern e a party t-'. ar.y
area gemeot to control 'be ou’pui
for n x- yn r. V ni'erhilu- were dull
and “a unless, white grangers are
-irsil 'rections lower. Richmond and
W -! Point, an i> active slock, w»
week (irrt ice' If In ’he fi"t»l deal
ii g- ihe n-Biketfhowtd very utclded
feveri hr esr. bi d i. r-gulardy for ‘he
mopl . c -ve p’ceke, und closed r- v--r
ii-'h t.t.d rrr--guLr. 8a 1 s 297 000
t .Unidfrcr ll tni’d.
to Rn*ui*«r -ttvn.
Gaevest.'N April 1 A sp'cial to
i tu N -.vI, Ir tu M rtin - Buy : A
noon yen’erdsy Wish Wisbll'gt'.n,
C-d.-re-', v a 'X cuted h'r. in tht
i lest nee "• 51'00 perMiiib tor he mnr>
uer of Wiilis D-inb n a year age.
Tbe c-neii m r t d co:.’eased hi-
i-uilt <-t U:i o, er.d said st wi
ght. -i'&t be eh md in t.»i uni H< I
-..)-( tew." tr.Ht'gatrd to u.e c.riui.
i \ Ph i Du.-ili r-. a l.aIr i r- iher r f He [
vioum E| t- Duriiec was inuaidi- j
a'eIy attes fd on 'he stnrg'h of
VVeshirigtoL ’« cm' fepiioa. Wash-
h gion txhibited pr at nerve. He I
v de ou Ins cilln from ilic j
jut! to the grove ne>r th" !
.-"g“ of town, where a
sc- II ‘d was erected. A'er a’mou*
teiiti g hia laige uuditLce of c-.lor<dl
peot'e to avoid ihe pl’twlls which!
b oup,lit him to the Id, he sui-i i
he wanted his body to be buried in I
•*d,g counly, and pae e I his I
hat around for onuttibu ions to de- '
fray tbe expenses of (ransporlit glia
body. He gH'hered $22 tor which
he heartily thanked the donors. He
took bis place ou the ecnfiold, the
noose was adjusted, aud iu a mo
ment bis neck was broken. The body
was gi'-en iu charge of friends for
burial. _
ill unilraa*,
Danville, Va , April 1.— The
Danville and Norihwet!e°n railroad
company orgaciz -d to-day with J E
Schoolfleld, preehJen'; B 8 Crews, F
X Burton, W T Towns, E P Miller,
1 B Fi'.z»eta i, of Dmville, and W
\Y Bsrry, of Bedford county, direc
tors. Three others from Bedh rd will
be ohosen. The route of the road
will be from Dinviile through Pitt
sylvania ana Bedford counties to P.g
Island, James river, whe.e oonnic
tion with the Allegheny, aud event*
ually wi ll the Baltimore and Ohio
sya'.err, will be made,
On np • >t -t" V" •' ftittn-H of Ihe
In’eiiur .' me ’ <■ rt t- ff e’ tha
J C C ■ ’’Hr". n r M hi 1 A * , and
J.nru't F Btilcy, ■ 8 '.'-11, L»..
th o g'i noi-pp'raiy w. n " h;r per-
sons, T-live ri-'ui-.'' ■■■■■ >y r.f public
lands : T-inms.’> p .pp’-, L n f r
fraudub nt i urnc >- ? u-mg p'nt
tint- • f er> oil fo »!••« mv’iufacture
of tng«, criminal u : hue baeu or-
den ■ d.-riiRti t - .»• *nt ot
jus ice on ttie ground of conspiracy
to defraud ihe goviri merit. I
is alleged that 'he perils
entering these lands have
b- x -d nearlv 8b OfK) pli e trees, from
which more tbuD 10 900 Im-r 1 • o’
rude p'ne gum l;avt- b en taken,
fr m wb'cV. was mm uf- n t r d «f.rn
62 000 g "o sot lurrM'tini and 10-
000 barre’s o’rosin. I is apr all. g. d
' ii.-it t! e l-iw as 'o rt eider ce and
ttvAtic:. I.'.h not been c-mp ii-d with,
at si that as scon as the tr.-es have
been made *o yb Id ail’be gum o'
| which h- v am capable, in em-e-
j of which ti-ty die, tiu- land is
I abandoned "p wnrUdiss
,e cie uiy " iv- r n * rece
a dbr-a cb fr-ill G -n Oro< k cm flr.'it- |
ir e 'be "e:ort i t - he ■ urrt-nd..r and id. escape . f Gcr-'iiimo ar d
a part, of his band, but givi' g r.o de
tails in uOdhior. to tth-.i t vs already
been published.
- r-p 1 1 " Ecoair'T-S-i’
Ntw Yolk Anri
Illl-IL (.,':!r-l fee B \V'..l C UK I
t-:>J A 9 ’o i a i bi an
fl,i. ci r B r * -, h i e i ■/. t
ran' Is u d bj j :dg Cotiri
O ti' -ii.v wi i D iC'lv P,
n .. i f ih>- d - : c a'l.m
.n •" i it g a in g-ht: t ci r
hi Wui e. VS Ik-i 'in- nun
t ! <• • > -Hiii* rni ui tide mi
. - x o.i L k O'lr- n, oi-.i ■, i
ti Uepi--, In i- •; c. 1 I:'". (
• m • i d e-1 : ' M - Wft ' .
s: e y> n ” l'i c x in-" ii iu
- Et-A !di r
t- ui d. it- a* d be
miss "ti even tieion-
pr. duct d ftnii b<-- w
i.e w ut unde; ar-i ut
licltirveil iho Watte
UI | 0 if II-
ire v a r r .' t w
• in/"l tm US,
I : h |.e ere.!
is li i m n i
f li ■ a r
flt-'e the nn.eb thiktd
JuOai Gi'deitli.evn
Tacair st ci ush! c nsterria inn in
ana arou.,d lie ti y ball a .d i. is
said ti a’ tbe dilfrC'ivrs tne rn tn
tta,k of every Mit it the lbh-1 alder
men, and sho, II any auerup- t" the city ibey will ul be
Diairict Attorney Mur’lrt sirntly
denies tha; ex Alderman W-ile was
arres'ed, nor wi uid be lulm-t that w
wariant was is ued for him, He says
Wai t is bis guesi a .d as such Is eu
tilled to protec i u from the rapacity
of Intel viewing r porters. It is cer
tain that when Waite arrived a' tbe
Grand C-ntral depot from Essex
county at 7:30 ibis morning lie was
met by luspeo or Byrnes and an an
eistant, who took brut in a clifce
carriage to the dis'ricl attorney’s
< fflee. The diBtiict a toruey was
aware of the Coming T he i x sl ier.
rm»D, tLe ir specious and the disu ict-
attorney i eld a long convirsa iin
Tne grand tury is nol in session, so it
cannot be that Wal e will be wan ed
hy members if 'hat body to dt y. I'
is impossible to see him, but those
who have met him sio'-e his return
say that he is aej diy and iiueorti-e-n-
ed as ever. Beyond it e ab. ve mate-
Hy A-maria/m C*ii>
London, April 1 — The cabinet
bold two sisnons to day. A'ter ad
iourMiten'. of ihr first o o the m-Mii
tiers were hastily summoned t>
another meeting held in G lade ton t-’t-
rocno in tbe house of comm ns Thie
second mee lug was said to have beep,
called b> of '.he reevip of serious
lu-ws from Bulgaria and G.eico.
The c btnet dieonssed tbe schetm
of buyit g tu' Irish hntdl. ri's I
cons' quenoe of the unfavorable atti
tude‘f the Scotch liberal assciolutei
Gladsione prepared tc< modify hit
pr j et ir. several particular-, but. r<
i g ei aiMit CMild be reached hy the
cabinet 1 now seems prob b e iha
the p r i i J-'0i wi'l he withdrawn.
The P-UI Mull G. z lie this after
non says: The hostile tone of the
Set)'eh liberal prpw, as well as that
manifested in most of the re-ent public
meetings, $has caustdsome of Glad-
vtoie’s closes? followers to doubt tha
tbe 8:o’ch members of parliament
will -upport '.he premier in any very
’ road scViema of h-me rule f-r Ire-
iu'd Parnell sees this d fflcuitj
platrilv, a-id is perfi-oily willing u:
liHVt G'adstone conform hispolh-y to
the ry gL - o "sot the situation' and in
m.-dlrj his Irish proposals ut.til the\
recofc the iJimersioui which wi lsui:
ihe Hrotcb wi*h<-a? alienating the
Ir 8b. TL* I eh leader, it is siated,
) oti» ti< clave i Lbat any home mb-
'•ci ebieeliic" does not stii .»fy hot
j i,i S.-o'ch a d Iiisli rnenjt'e's <vay
| si we!! 1 e wlthdrKwn. b'Csuee i'. can
| not sucre! d.
SIGNS OF WAR IN TIIE FAST. fiv e 1. en receiv d h
Du. veil por’ (o b.uV" a’l ?r-rp» do vs-i!,
.hero in ri!.".'din ess f--- e- a •: **
s-l.'-rtest i o !c>- The Pal; M.-llGa
z.-’t o , -rp.mirg up li t s. us’i-m i i
e.r-'ern Eur. ; e, eayt P;it-ci AUx
! ander, ot Bulgaria, is obstlr a e, an i
| toe g"VUT:tuaui u: O sene s likewise
T"' Turks ere ut decid'd, and tu->
I powers are tt.-ieaey The steel torpe
! to r-ivi Polyphemus is 11 it'g ou'
j hastily at I); vi bj.oil. Site hi s t* 11
i '-rderid to proceed ?.i 8u Islmi-, Tbe
I 'U’lo- k, it" PhII Ma'i G r. !'ps.!,yK.
j is morn-y alar' ond.
I Tbe Earl < f R’-cherry, n-’crc'arj
I f. r tori ign ff >rs. 1 ai a )' t g inter
I v i w wt h tbi K tsslan and Turkisii
" iioe'er-, T' <■ **' v* rrmen'. r 'r-a- ''
1 Lie ei'u i ’' o i t*>p east vi>rv 'irinut
H H W -t ai.u J- h-l Colin s, iil>.
era) member* of p-rit"meut hr I.'
Kvicb, 8 fi.- k c UL-.y, b-ive hen.
! '.r e and eft c ! *«rgea of ilteeal ebe-
! ’i -neerit g prac'lcos.
j St - Pel er bid g Ap'lt 1 —T 1 t
r. a *it )j in vLil.if is of bis oi u r
j - arud f r G’nu e.i to-day. Theut-
! tm Ht pncitiiivnb have been trk>r
f r tWnrotto 1'n r f his ; erMir. 'J be
! r-ilway route over v.'hL.h tire pnrty
will p at wilt bo guarded bi 100,000
! nt;n.
Ii* ItflUIU,
Brussels, April l — The workmen
in M■ n-tni.M collieiies Lave struck.
An unsuccessful atttmpt wts made
ny some of tbe men last night to
blow up the manager’s house with
Tm ro br.s been fighting at Man-
grntort and Bessaix between the
strikers and troops. Many men ob
both -ides were wounded.
■t licpri>r>B»l la rift) Tear*.
The oongrtsaional newe up to this
date possesses not the slightest Inter
est. Congress seems determined to
fritter away its ilme, Instead of ren
dering it profitably to the nation.
Rheme on such tardy legislation,—
Philadelphia Ledger, March 25,
H« Util Hud
O'd lady (snmswhat privileged)—
Are you a marrying man, Mr Hard-
cestl 7
Mr I-far.lctwMe (epr»Pstl\)-OT, no
itit.ecu, ma au ; I'ui a widower, * a mob
X Slh lit MisiiUd retail ling Between
lloxl ;tnl tlir Kuiglits
Tl*» Hnlgl 'i t»C
—Tl*' 1 ' ’HleBi'Utl l»nr»n lilpti > g Alcinji
U lir out riimu -itr: k«f>i irrtfi eti, MC «
■^pftOl^l ’o F, 1 -•Pnn.
East St Louis III Aon! l—
0 vb g 'o the i hsi-uce "T any il liu.n
i-riter.i from the (xi’cuiive ci.nimilt»<
as to t!)P • xtc time wT'-C" Ih-y hcukl
re'urn to work, i he sir i k" of < bo yard*
im n and -wl'cbmen still c ntiuues
i’he etrikt rs have asai n.bltd in gti a
1 uinhe' tills m.ii' iing !;■ tLe ta'tri
yard* and - round tl.-c relay depot,
tun no sciit iih d'stor'iuuceB tire antic
j.a’fil TTuyl.avfi . Xiirosstil tljp’i
i ii ten i ion "I not to-.ior.tog to violence,
•lowt'vcr u teat the pr,-vocation, am;
w!M pursue >'hi-s.»mn ecu, sc ns tha’
of yes’n ’ay iu ilie n l.mpt t" ret tlet
fr; ight tn til an imp- .n-iollity by per
suading ei-g’nccrs to desert theit
posts. In view of the deter-
'ninaiion the luccs'i-ly of ctJ'irg
upon 'h" s-ti'c' rniii.tu to probe:
railroad prop r y i-i not now I'eib Ui 1 -
iy coo-id' rni Tiie pre-erop i f dep-
u j United 8 ir es mar-ba’s I a- it re
straining i 1 fl-ieuoe upon the more
demorsuntiv 1 tunnberm f'.lie-c:owiI,
at d the t fl-ir:. of Uni Wabash rouil,
vviilob s under eonlrt 1 of the
rt a es c ur’, to start out Irt-igh-
rairis arc nol inferfe ed with Ttu
know ledge tliat the «■ v-rnor nf'h'
stiitp B’-fi Adju'a n.-G ‘Uernl Vino
are w dcblDg ttieir every move in
order to determine wheim-i or not i'
-ha!! b<* rieo'siary out tbe mil
itia, r e ruins the strikers fr ut vm
ter ce, ami Hie crowds ere in cunso-
quenct u. u u I'v -nt r v
St Louis. April 1 - Contrary (o
general - XTiciaitou tliat the txeou
five committee of district as-embly
No 101 would designate the hour of
10 o'clock thic m ,-rtmg as the tlim
,vhen tiie striking knights of labor
■dtouid return to work, no order to
.hat effect wts I Hired, and at 10
•>’cloek t'e strike continues. N-tu
of the strikers iiftvc applied tbu-
m'-rniug to ihe M utl Pacific
ill -lal- for woik, tod they say they
will not do so until mtiered tiy the
xt-cuuvfc cm mittee
F.astBt Louts Ij.l A»»ril 1 —
D Spite the continuance of the s rlko
u{ion this side ot the t. ver, a o-kusld-
'■r;.bls nnmi er of new switchmen
s.nd yari'E e- I avi bet ii employed t<
fl l the ideoes uiude vacant by the
alrikers, and & 1 fti pearuDC s >>de
niorrti.g rmlicut; >- pe<dy riB'jmn-
:ron oi freight trcfli I ry he dir rent
ro d- 8-vi'cb engli.o- are now run-
• irg bst k and fnro'ard iu the yard,
pee para ory ,o in in. g out 'r-l.rhi
UR rui. None of the -wi cb f oginctrt
have »s yet bteu nrevailed npm t(
leavw in. it cr-g.-C'v.snur.' it--, -pul. r
f.eii'h''t eus el-'.I In- (qurliy
-adriTj) in tarf^rniig iln-ir unite-,
there 1 • t.nib lib fr <gu: t,i ftlcon '.In
r'ads t'er.ywdi ti- at teas’, pari tally
resum*d : -day
r J IIEV IPs Ur, AN AllIjRE.vS
St Louts An-ii i - t to. r "to vim*
artdre- , i “lien Md- evenii p, s; e ,k-
it,..; ;
Do w
r>: d man
Ur kltiHi
ire,.'eral i,
i. A./
-tc M e
1 -T ,
,)• .„--ri y
, tbefe
b r, wo
K o Ik
r-.i n-.r.
< i e sev lji ,
urn tbe men
tiiance- w n d
tr- .'u.i -.vith,
ei her rc/nsi
f «! (I G u ’
h; Piiolit :
f ne mil -
re.iinj-m oi
*jk: f'll'y
I- roltb,
e 11 j i h J j
Mi'-gi to oi
i" t'g to re-
it t o i:j-
et .vi d or
!•: it'.
* li ru g
-V, U I
Hi fi
'll the- v.e'kIn i
if wi Vtc-ve 1 "I
How riioc" is i
teai? Tin- gr
(ijv- he hi hftii
men it e ace to
Wa do ’ < a
bum an I she
■ ■ yeu»r
l! I. . 1
•if' r Hi;:
ii i ej "ii li
„,1 : t, - y r,
i to -1! tl
r-Miid.-t at:
It aJerBblp of J W Butcher and a
man named C -man, Knights of
Lxbrrbutuot strikers, surrounded
ihe train. Ove of the strikers at-,
tempted fo mount the engine, but
wsr knocked down wllh tbe butt of
a six shooter in tiie bauds of a dep
uty sheriff The mob was told to
etnr.d back, the i flluers threatening
tn shoot h< first who approached the
train. The strikers were unarmed
ihnti (night trains sii’ceedt-d in
making their way to Hodge switch
station, three mi'e; Lror,h of here.,
Itt cider to save the engines from tie-
log ‘‘kill’ u’’ die uors were side tracked
aud tbe et glues were run tn Denton.
Hie etriktrs removed all c uplittg
pins from tbe care on tire Hide track
iv d then re tuned to tiie city, The
sii-r.flb s summoned one hundred
lending u.t'z ns to appear at tbe
freight yards this morning armed.
8t Louis, April 1 — Notwtthstand*
ing iIt- fm uic nt iltc kolgbis on tl e
M s tori Pc flu ’ft I road to return to
Aoik, freight trefllc on tliat road has
a sutuid vary nearly Its normal con-
ditiu.j. The d flerent freight depots
through u tiie city present nu aul-
nmted iippcariu c -. Transfer wagons
and trucks are arriving in great
umbers, depositing their loads for
s i, tU' at o all points on tht- G.iuld
system, and others are departing
oeBvy laden. In the railroad yaid the
nuril activity prevailed in marked
oon’tast to tt;e dullness which lias
ixis'td during the strike. Freight
truinsEit b' '■ g made up preparatory
toBtartit p and placed in position to re
ceive their loads without any atten pt
at lnterferem.;- (torn the strikers,
I he general i fliui-s of the company
hi. v.. also assumed their normal ac
tivity incident upon ilie resumption
of freight tisffloon me sjs.em, and
.o-oa.v 'lie fi st of the mouth, clerks
who were temporarily suspended
during henirik**, resumed work.
Kansas City, April 1 —Although
iheturk' fs as a body have not yet
re' urued to work, the Missouri Pa
cific freight business is progressing
more aclve'y today Tiie freigiit
depot Wis reopened and freight Is
bfctLg rece've.d «-i usual. Five freigtrt
trains were-ent rasi without guard,
'bough a police force is still sta'ioneil
in the yard. An attempt
was made this morning
to derail a passenger train as it passed
Cypri.s yards by throwing il switch
out. It risui ed iu running tne en
gine on a side track and damaging
It slightly by a collision with a Height
oar. The miscreant was recogr'zsd
fiut e c caped. Ho Is said to be a Kulgt
oi Labor, bu' note s'nker,
8t Louis. Anrtl 1 —A special dis-
pr.tcb r'm D*8’*o, III, atates that
s'vea sir kor- w re arrested to-day
by 8 et't* Hor'ger under warrants
i-RU. d at the instance of the railroad
company charging 'h • men with in-
tn faring with running iretina, felony
and coi.splracy N< arty fl 'ty war*
ran s have h en sworn rut for the
Hrr-'-'S' of men at tbnt point on similar
,u s'UX't*.
I*. }f. unum-nau.
Ne.v Yolk ApM’l—The wreck-
u o, ■•inboHi, Gi iiui C y, ot tne
New V ilt Hi:ii Hartford line still
hj. .s ou a rock II Rico beach. The
gale IahI night tore i (1 I e ’ after
ot.bii , v,- s! td ■ u'. ail the freight aft
tn d swept away all the J finer work
. b v* -tut nmin deck. Little beyoutl
. n* tiiih is l; ft 'lie bat has been
urued uvti to m pit senlaj. Vis of the
iu-ursnee uunpaui'H. I' is not yet
• V.-rmhied whether It will pay to try
t i.ftvt wind is left ot ihi- vusnel. L
nl w a ! urricaue from tHo soutn-
w- u t ia*t and tin s euilict Eti-
rop.i, i.-hore on the south side of
I. • g I la: d, w-s t.lnwii cl ir err
the b .i ami new on ihe main
i.eLi ii in -igii' feet of water and her
hub i'tll "f w -..ei. The - a's still
tcu Tign or her a) lie appr. auhed
>1% 1'dBdr
( i i
I, c-.
i- no
li i -
ik u t w u’ i
s /.-• • *>••»-• I
nr c li; lainl-.
i u ii.• .c- than
' i . ■ >i,.'d f
us to la run e ’-s - ’ uiusLi Jo tb’e
country t os’, ft n un k. s i o i*n king
or i-1' vi •-, and tl e inn > re da r, fiisa 1
on t) i paMolo'.e eit z n to eon /er
with cr z -ns wi 1 )- v, horn he may have
tuslret 1 ccsiuoficos, wi.icb refusal
begets gresf buslines ar.d hceial revo
lution, is not oxiIy a mlctaks, l ut u
crime against tiie public. G .uld ;»
Invoking 'he ti-.w aya'itet li’ >e crim
inals who ate made desperate by his
policy of duplioi'y and rppresalon,
and yoi the terroi z I ; ubitc fiuts not the law agalost tne nroh
criminal of'he bind, I we cannot
be allowrd to re'utn to work the
s'nke mint', go < n.
By i rder of tl'e ixecui’vc brerd.
[8.gnet‘] D A 101. 03 and 17,
Fort Worth, April 1-Mostcf
the strikers here ir° * m^loj ob ctin-
Texas and P c. 11) road. That r . id
basa r ull CTtupDiueui of cion lier**,
hence'lie stitkej's csni ot get tieok
Yesterday ti.°y began to real zo that
fact. They arc Lucgry and de?p«rs
a*-. Afior* peon.
Ifni C
" i -y u.i
J i'-t
t -OT i
. . the M
l.-ies 8!*
G, April 1 - At
icige Avery, presid-
ri ,-i court, disuoived
ut i i in 1 y nit- (Jam—
railroad couipany
t m;i.o .etts at d rt u-ti ■
"ii company. Bob.
b'.n'iiK- g ». road front
It-:'hi; fi r 1 , and : ’ c Car-)-
I chim'd 'he rig.-it - f
r an old charter of tbs leg *
Tee Massaultu^eits and
C n hi rt c mpitiy i.’enied theCaro-
:!■-p C-.ctr.'i/’s cittitu to tbe right of
way, oi’- tlie^tr. un ’ tiia 1 . it bad been
forisiitiii by 'iiu lapse of time, unii.
i • g**r. ihj i-'i. Its track side by si do
w.’U .ii track of the Caioiina C'en-
t»l An injur,ction wes then is-
-ued. Tl u Oarolina Geutrul and
,'i ftOoiise'is and douthera track-
,vT now l> laid side Hy side from,
rtueiby to Rutherford, 24 miles.
O i'iu* Uiotg.
6p*K?tul U> EuQntrer-Hun,
New Orleans, Ar ri! 1 — Wuather
oi ar and cooler, track lu falrcondK
Firet race, for iieafen horses of all
ages, uuai.ersof a mile—-Lucati'
won tasliv, G Id 8 a* 21, Waukesb.»L
3 1. Time 1:19)
8ccon ’ r, f-( (idling), neual condi-*
tions, I 116 miles - Fleich Taylor
vr- .ii, Brook 21, U'lantiiiy 31. Time
Tt.ird race, se'.Mug allowances,
UHijst conditions, seven furlong-;
C:rude Wiarr won, Diamond 2i,
I," o- ’ 3’ Time 1:34)
F.-urtl. esc«, handicap for all ages,
mite and a frulcng; Ertie H won,
Wmdoraft 2i, Juliet M 31. Time
frolgr ‘ ’v«.' 1 2:0 i J
. .•! P'Dfl 'l d'bi match race between Lela Ef
under .ut ■ « o.l * 'bn Bull was di-oiared ofl.