Newspaper Page Text
jQh. XXVIII - NO 80
The Prcccedlujts of the Hon e Yes
fhe Libtr Arbdrailon Bill Coder Con*
• Idfraitlou —l'lie Ttaiev Tirol Mellon*
8vocir.l <0 Enquir*r-, ,J u*>.'
Washington, April 2.—Hatoh, of
Missouri, from the ct moiittee on eg
ricul'uro, rer-or’ed the agricui'ural
apprrpriaMv n Hll. Referred to the
committee of tbr whole.
Oi motion i,l O’Neil!, of Missouri,
privet i-i itffH «« 8 itsjen-ed with,
yeas 155 t uy» 71, aud the lie us
wentit o a o rutnir »e of tbe wh-du
(Springer In 'he ui.iiii), ou the labor
arbitral iotr bill, alt debate on the first
section br-lrg limited to thirty min
Tbed-bate on the Hll Jested until
5 o’clt ch Four eecitous of the bill
had then hi en dispis -1 of and the
flub was under consideration for
the purpose of limping debate,
when a mo Ion to take a recess until
7:30 was Hgreed to, the evening ses
sion bob g for tbe consideration of
pension bills,
O’Neill, of Missouri, geve notice
that tie would to in or row u-k tbe
bouse lose! aside I be spec a! order
for t list day, the tom-id elation of it i
report fr, ui the coinage committee,
and procetd to a cot elusion on lie
arbitration bill.
The thir l and fourth sections ot
tbe bill were agreed to without
change The fiist aud seodud sec
tions as agreed upon areas follows :
Firet, Ibat when biflerencee nr
controversies arise between railroad
companies er-gng- d in the transpor
tation of pioperty or passengris be
tween two or more sta-es of the
United Baits, between a territory
and a state within the District of Co
lumbia, and tbe employes of said
railroad o -mpany, which irflerenees
or controversies n a- hinder, impede,
obe'ruct, intercept, or effect such
transportation ot property or passen
ger-, it upon a written proposition of
either party to the controversy to
submit their differences to
arbitration tbe other party
shall t-ccept tbe proposition,
then and tn such event tbe railroad
company Is hereby Authorized to se
lect and appoint one person, and such
employe t r employes, as the oase may
be, to select and appoint another per-
son, aud the two persons thus sp«
pointed aud selected to tcliot a third
person, all three of wlD-m shall be
cll'zete of tbe United States aud
wholly impartial and disintersled
in aspect to such differences aud
controversies, and these persons thus
eelectfd and appointed -hall be, and
they ate hereby, created and const!*
tuled a board of arbitration, with
duties and piTvrl.-ges bereinafler set
fori h
Stc'ien 2 That the board of arbi
tration provided for in the first t-tc
tion of this act shall possess all the
powers and authority in I be respect
to p.d,'nil ii-Uriug oaths, subp oenaing
witnesses ard compellh g amir a-
terdance, pr-servl' ? order during
the sitting of the I ot.r.t a., d n qutring
the production of j avers and writing
relating vlo/ e to the -ubjeet under
investigttuou now putae.-aed aud be
longing to fiie Untied Slates torn-
issloners aopolmed by the circuit
court of the United States, but ;u
no ca-u shall any wit
ness be ct nrpelled to disclose
secrets or produce the rre-rds i r p ro
ceed'rigs i f any labor organzotion of
which ite liny bo an t ffi. er or m-m
her, and said board ot aibitratioi;
may appoint a clerk tied emipl y h
stenographer and preset toe all r*a-
aortal:]!; title- at-rl regulations not ni
ce usk-tent wnh the provisions of
this re loikiig to thr eicdy ad ■ f hi- tiifl rerces and ere tr .-
versiet suitin' ed to them to a con-
elusion si,d dc omui-ation. E cli o!
SHltl aibi'luiors sbali ti-kis a., oath ■<:
hoi estly aid laithfuily perform ids
duties, and :ha-. he :s ■ ennnaliy
in.ensttd in lie ru Joci m-tls’r
in controversy, w uioh . afi, may b.
adBi:t-i"'eit-i) by a: • S'ti'eit te>rti><-
liai i Ulcer sulhoi z -! to admiuts'e
oaths. 'liti: third perron so-electee
and eppi in-.i-d tie aforesaid shall nr
the prof -dent of said board, ar.d any
ortler, finding, o 11 hisiun or award
made by tbe ruajori-y of such tub -
trutors shall be of the. same force and
efLct as if nil ihree of such arbitrn-
tots concurred therein or united tr
making the s.-trie.
on all distilled s.tiii s on which the
tax pre-oribed by law has not been
paid, a tax cf ninety cents on eecti
l roof gallon or wine gallon, when be
low proof, to be paid by the distiller,
owner or person having possession
thereof before removal from itie diB-
tulery bonded wa;ehou-,e The nix
on such spirits shall hr
coll.cted on the whole number
of gauge or wine gallons when
bel w proof, and shall be lucres-ed
in proportion lor any aitu'.erstreiig-L-
itiun the a length of proof spirit, u s
defined in ltd.- title, aud t U.e frac
tiouai pari of a gallon in any cask •.
package shall ex- et d O-.c- por cen.un'
of trie c .uttu s of such ct sk or pock-
age it shall be ,sx:d arag-.llon, tun
if such frt e lousl pari of a gsiio:
stial! not ex-Ned one per centum c
lire ornten s of - neb ca-k or paeka
the fractional par shall ir>' It- n-x-i ;
hut in t.ooa^e shall tlte - x-mp lot.
from tax i xtet il to nt- r-' than one
half gallon r-f -he o intents of uuj
cask or package.
Every proprietor or por e -or of,
and every person 'it any manner in
terested in the u-e of any sill, distil
lery crd stilli g f.ppnr-' us, shall b
jointly and severally It Ids for hr
-axes imposed by l«w op 'l edisdlle
spiri's produced titerefrr nt, and t-.
tax shall be a fitet lien on (he spfms
dis'illed, the distillery us< d for rb -
tilling the. i»tiif, t.r stills, ves-eis
fix'ures and .or-ln therein, the lot c»
tract, of !art<i wnerei n 'he sa-ti lire's I-
lery is si ust- d, ai d - o at y t u -it, v
hereon, fn rxr me dmo -aid rptri.a acu
In exiB'ence a- i uch until ihesaid
•ax is paid
The secrets-v of me navy baa t, u
thr r ztid C qit B-'tir Isioy, ci mmarto
it g tiie United S a'ea otean-sttij
Howatiuu, now tu Key West Fir
to asBiat in alleviaiit-.g the dls te-s
prevailing in that city by rcaton ot
the reeent fire, by Ihe dintributiiig or
rations, etc.
A general older was issued by the
war department tt-ia afternoon an
nouncing tbe foil- wir-g assignment<■:
Mnj rr General J M 8eh> fi-ki, to tb.e
division of the Atlar.tir; Major-Gen
eral A H Terry’, to the rtivieRn of
Miseour'; Maj -r General O O How
ard, to the division of the Pacific.
Brigadier General Crook wau to
day relieved from the command o'
th« department of Arizona at hie
wn rtciuest and as=igntd to the do
partmeut of the Platte, f rrnerly
crnomandi-d by General Howsrd
Brigadier General N A Miles, now in
command of the department cf Mi»
gouri, Lips been assigned to the de
partmeut of Arizona.
Rladsfoic Pe'eimlped to Br’ng 'Ms
Policy to a Test,
M/Ll lo It] BldInR for » Till •• T lJr
tuiti lliMid i>l n ftiMlo VoMliiK-lht
H i k • \n Kietf !nu>,
4r A*i!yp and WMh 9t»rk»t,
8cna« » llitari icDintin'* Anuonoond
jKPjb lcau Mt-untorw In Cviorai, Kle.
Spe^l^l to Kr qairer«8nn,
Washington, April 2 — The re«
publican senators oaucusBid from
noon until 3 pm. There was a gen
eral interchange o/opluion regarding
the policy to be pursued in ounBider*
ing nominations, but no action was
taken, Incidental to the discussion
more than a mt-Jority expressed them
selves in favor of open executive ses
a substitute bill in the senate
The senate committee on flnaroe
reported as a substitute for tbe bill
whiob passed the house several weeks
ago relating to the taxation of frac
tional pans of a gallon of distilled
spirits, a bill to amend section 3251 of
the revised statutes so as to read as
There shall be evied aud collected
SfiBOt/i’ to K‘ quire/ Sou.
New York, April 2—Tbe stock
market t-ieieil Huk this uurnir.g,
the first prices show ;>.-e a It s- ot j \
Northwestern, Western Union,
ami Li ui-viPe and Nashville show
ing the heaviest declines. The heavt
ness was soon decked, however, a--,t
the tmt. kei e-'-otu ueci -iu-l and firm
to stror g du ring the fort-ucou. The
highest prices of the day Were shortly
before midday. Pacific) Alai! was
col spicuoua for its strength. Union
Pautic r<.i-e 1. After midday the
market bicame t-oiive and weak,
Louisville and Nashville, D iaware
aud Hudson ouch I/au g -'e; 1 in ti e
mxttwo hints and the rest of tb,.-
lis-t smailer amounts. There was u
small rally just before the close, but
-he mstket was deciu d/y 'evsrish
anu irngular late in the day auo
closed tu -hat condition, Among
the usUKliy *-c ivcslocks were Norco-
western atm Wt Paul amt O -uint-
couimot ; C’■ r.-t! and L .k-. Hhor.
each -o-t 1. Delaware ar.J Hudson
ur.d L’.ck "f-,- no tat.” 1 j J r-vy \l
Iloadii g I j Mi si uri P .- lie 3.R a..-..
the it manner cf .be it-.i tine.ions,
the exceptions l.ei g Pac fic Mail,
w't. ict. -.1 /s- i w i .. a t,t . g»._,,.} j, unit
w hich c-n u oinuli
8 at-.- c *i.tiii,g at
[>y A»7'n Atrfi'lCRn «r.
London Anrtl 2—Gladstone is
rnli- u -- rail!tit tut a tall The Pail
Matt G. zuUee declares -his a/ltruc-ou:
H retus/s”s ys tin. G z fee, “to
p. ctl y bisT'i-h schem--av-d *hf r<>-
siil- will be that tbe con'itry
wiit li ve it either home ruin
i- Leiantl unr Ghnlstune ”
The Pu.. G zit e aunouuc-d n the
-i ru w-.y pr-.- i-’ely that L rd Salit-
t-ury wi uitl "ride for a fall” at the
vet - mie tin- ">r.y premier w«- ar
ranging tor his own defeat, The
dtci-.rstiou at ihe line wbh
■ e a ! 'y booted by other
E vieh p-rer-i, but the Gaz-' e
en’lrtlv accurate then. It ts
tin,ugh. th.- etii'td has special knnwl*
-;.,gr: U ». G adstoiie, being convinced
of l e »b-,.lu e justice and g-’ed pol
icy o his Irish proposals, and e.t the
-ame ilm<- co-.’vlro B d »hat the tory
and rndioul p- it icians have deter-
milled to dtlcal him, m- alia h- force
,ne ii-sut and Cling about defeat us
som as p. ssii-lt, cor-kt t to s-or fine-
power In his filial effort at pac,tion
London. April 2,—There is great
anu eumt-u aetivny in th- Bri ish
f reign ffloe Gladstone l-a-* spi-n'.
consideraidF time |here Irsdtiy ->■ n-
ferringwnh Earl H»-eberry, secre'a-
ry fur ',-rFtfc-iJ htt lira
In the tu,use uf e /ujui„ns .his t-ie-
nir g the ini- repta/iug ihec-intagi us
oie-a‘fc8cr passed the
w - tead the third t-me u-ioppoeral,
A/ a meeiiDg In Guild ball to-day
at every in.-niion ot Patnelt’b nati.o
the hissed. The numt t.f
■he premier was treated in the s-iare
wav everj- tima atry br-eaker rs-'/t it,
Then were even cries of ‘ Gl»d-
s-one is a lunatic!” A/i the
petclies weio in.ensely paii-oucatd
nc r pi -tiers weie k-utily cheered
Georg/- P.-.ier, «. i beral, ventured <o
i r -pose »n amendment to the Bt
L' bleu k resolution to the eflect that
Gi datone aaa entitled to the con
fidence of U-e audience aud the Brit
's--, public, but tiia voles w.;s drowned
by groats and cries of “Go homil”
‘.’iutn him ou !” Tiie meetint
tnostd with tnree oiieers for ihe
q-.een, tud the assrmt.lage left, ihe
hall -ineinp “Buie, Brlttann'e!"
Sit Ho; ate Buuiboid, Br :,-h nriu-
stsr to Gteece, has been or-lereu to
join w th other foreign duilomatic
iepi-sfe/itatives at A i.e-is .a reuiting
to ritu Gr-uk guvernm- ui the fi K j
sii' hg rtm'instranci s against Greece’s
warlike a"itude Tins renionstrance
will b ■ latii.un: uat to an ul-imatiuin,
-•--d if Greece ignerea it the : te/£ i
ti et will ao: for hwilh Ail fors/gu
squadrons 1 r* the wa er« oi G cece
ar<- biicg hastily reinforced.
U Iiclntn
Brussels April 2.--Ab-'u- 15(00
•' ri nets re-u-- lo return tn wt k -
C larieroi dis riot- The men a.e no
longer riotous, however. T*’ern is
Uji-rt or less agitation ih
a'rikiTB at Marchienubs, FJ -t-u-. a/..c:
C'ftle.'enian, and t-,! tiusu loins
troops ere still r-etdid to p./uerv-
order. T':« miners at C' a>-d
Dmard wi.t,tout ou a s t-kc tn-dr;,,
Tnry are dieoruerly, and iamy Ujv,
he en urresieu.
ill i r. u4 tl.
bT. Lotus A,
S'-utbi-m P c.fic
- 11- ililtd Wt/L-l U|
A conspicuous rx /piion to th-
n ivcmetii r-ho vis n.d cw d was tin
Wes' rn U. i -m, » I. cu p. -J i w
er si ll idl-std V'l'h h It61 h-.-'S i .l
The -in-line ia stock w-» acc-. rutiata.u
by t itmots ibi' the B ! .mac and
Onio arj/i the U i-t.j u/egraph lir e
were forming a c inbiu'iU-.-n to ' udu
a through hue io -.he Pacific const
and that it ey were to wotk in c- m
1/ined npposiuou herealter n.
the W.steru Union, The
statement ta pjsi.ively de-
meii by tho (Uioiwis of t! e Balti
more and Ohio and psr'ie-iuap j-i-
tion to know tn tbe tflPe of the
uuiltd lines, but the siory had'.be
depressing iffsct indicated up-in
prices. It is now generally couoode.l
that such progress has ueen rusde by
representatives oi tho Trano-C/uti-
nental Hues that the rates will Da re
stored and bsrmooy prevail here
after. Brles 309,000 shares.
A Fiitl at m Ball,
Speetal lo Enqulrtr.Bna.
Augusta, Ga, April 2.—During a
ball at the Vigilant engine house
here last night, Tom 14 oe cut W T
Aroher seven times, seriously wound
ing him. Returning tu the tail room,
shots were exchanged wi'lu/ut t fleet.
The dispute was ab- ut positions iu a
An WIA CacAasior Unrl.
Spsotal to Enqntr«r-Baa,
Kalxigh, N O, April 2 -At Hender
son, tbi* svening, • freight tr»ln ran
over Thoms* Arrington, a veteran con-
dnotor, and oat <-0 s portion of oue foot
and It.file log injuries on his he. d
which may prove la/ut.
g d
.1 i!
‘ J !
i 1. t
i - tic t'i
:j.' ve t:
I tUf
n, i
/ i'.i fror
D i;; c
■ re I, ti
< runn!
•• u e.‘ o
. g -.1 't
in- j :lt
I 1, IflMt
, V- I,
KStt.i,W?WS£S thb strike not ended
for a settlement by urbitration of
disputes arising between the man-
sgt-rs au/1 employee - f rsilr.-Hd coma
paoiee Cot gre»,email O N ill, Mr
G.over’s eoll'Bgne, and thirty or
forty other members of congress have
intredu-e! e'm lsr propositions, but
none ot an us is so remarkable as
that w!tiel> ia crimed under Mr
Glove' ’-■ >'arne F ir example, in ihe
body of his bill, in des->/ibing the
f -rm ot a win . f rxecution which
shall be used in certain canes, Mr
Glover -ay::
" W i erea-<, tinder an award made
by on he day of
Trouble n twoi n tho (’It’zeAs amt
Strikers in K>-rt Worth.
(ioTi rnnr Oftlo’b* Vponlin n»4 Ik R plltd
in hi lvontt-Tri (Ho II tuff Kfi’xmt <1 •!«
S» me ol ill*' liond*.
four I. -'-I purru-.m! to an
set pt'Hstd in the fifth year of tue
reign -f his p/eeeui u-ftj n 8ty, entitled
an at '," etc
I is prnbabie that Mr Ginvt r cop-ed
the form of h 1 writ of ixecution out
of some old English U-.w ho. k ; but
it would hiiv- been oners creditable
to his derm cracy if tie had read hi-i
utauut-ciipl '-vet before sut/tiiitlii.g il
to ti-e '-eU80.
Td« Inn Ilia Vh'Wa,
Washington, Marco 30 —Senator
Beck i- i.pp ring tbe cot lirmati -n of
Hppolal to ill' EMjciBBa 'ON
Philadelphia, At til 2 — About 2
o’cl- ck ttiir neirning a luaeH nieetii g
i f (lie street cat emi-l..jes t»‘ fi.-d 111-.-
compr- mlei* euton-il Into tiv the arbN
, in tiie] tratior ccumiitte.i and board of prest-
den's and all card arc running a-
usumI Ibis tin ruing. This action
ends all tears o’a‘'tie up” and tilt
men get about what >hry d-mandeu
lu their ‘ iff of arievat-ce.
the strike not ended,
Bt Louis, Apiil 2—Tin. views of
tiie Hitikii-g knights cf labor upon
the Gould sou' it western tysfetn and
- their employers as to the inna/.s by
I which the sttike stiall be hr- tight to
a close, despite tbe apparent igree-
I ment arrived »t in New York, semis
| as far epart as over, and me final ad-
. . . i justu.eiU still in th - future. Ti e
Mr Tru tioint, vtho-e nom.nation for | knights demand tl/a. ail who struck
comptroller of the curri-t-cy t - i ow ; he taken i-iick in a b-dy, aud tin
pendH g before the seun'e lina'-cel railway < IlK-ial- have detmmined to
mini 'ee, aiulme "-i/l a <> uttpose | re^cii-iik-y imly those actually needed.
Constqui.-nily iheslrlkeeontiuuts N i
nope is now entertained even by
u-ec"! fimndiou of Mr K inball, ihe
director of d-i mint, for similar rea
sons. Mi Beck says that while t rm- | t | lt ,
holm is a mao < f ability anil compe- | fl n .,|
'ODt to peiform the du irs ol ttio oi- U! ,,n
lice, t,e } /ae been delivering speeches | chilli
ia'eiy which show His in ti'ue-e to
aduoiutster the laws ini xusteo to bin ;
Tiat while i' is proper that a man in
that t IH- c should be in
sympathy with U-e vi‘ wh of the i make
aduitnts,ration, it is not neCeeiaty j wo ,jj
trial he shr uld be s-i rx r-n-ei-it -)»-
ve we a? to believe and dic.’are diat
people win/ disagree witti him are
lunatics hi-d a danger-: us Clemen-' to
tbe oouniry, rereavk" which Mr
Trer.bolm is said to have wpulhd to
the silver men in cor gret-B M. 15 tk
tiiinks that he president upghi pro
vide some one who sympaD "ze' " liti
he policy of tLe adiuinlsfratio' , but
who has uot beer quite so viofcir In
.asserting his opiunuis and is a little
more hlersnt of tiie opiurons of
most sanguine that a
settlement will he reached
the general ex;ou ivo in aid
have atrivfcd from New Y-nk
< «atK(<>rff If •‘live'’.’ I*.>I!aT3
Providence, Ma-cr 30.— t wo men
named BmitH and Fiyrn were ar
rested in this etty thts tnbmipg by
Captain Egon, of iho third p.-iio ; din
trict, for pap-ing eounterleit silver
dnliars. The men hi.vt; bfen work
ing Her': about three d»y» aud had
been very successful in passing their
bogus coin ou h. rsecar-tai/d 'r, llqjtr
saloons When searched at tiie spy
h-dl Bmtlh had sixteen counterfeit
do/lars t.i his p- ck/.-t, besides a la/gt-
iimount of coir.: received :o
chirge. F-ynu had about J175.ii
bills, probably ihe proo . da of li.i ir
woib here. B >tli men bslong n
N-.w Yoik, a d Flynn claitUH to t,-'
-he proprietor of a saloon on Ct-a a
n it!" “• Tliey w- r-‘ tskHn * <• Tor'
United C-.mto: 1 — loner Dmh-
v d ov
al tin United Bta'
H,r- ,1 -lor. !■ [1*/
‘h dt-
riiavcf-iiirii e-B.-i:
Leaven worth, M r
K ip I- P...O. i„ i in ! :i
it was Oi coveil d ti.a:
uoUfitPi'Ki-- ts' molds hi
lot 3'-m> tin t hv a cf it- 'o ,f o:
who had mmie u me cpnituus
; 3b -
a i t;
id h e
A ti o
- v i c t m s
C.O Lt“.
anil considered tlie situai-on. It in
opinion of sinie tiiat this board will
immediately upon their arrival order
tin-strike iff and the knights will
individual appltcainn tor
Olherf, I owever, belnve that
after they shall have become fully
acquainted with the condition - f
afluirs that some arrangement, will
be made whereby all the ku gtila
shall be re-employed, an arbitration
committee appointed uud a tt.,ai ud-
justment of the <iilll '.ultles arrived at.
Fort Worth, Texas, April 2 —
Fort Worth in m the Hands of a mob.
A posse of citizens summoned by tbe
-iiji riff to assemble yesterday morn
ing rn ti-e Mi-s-iuri Pacific yards met
some 300 sirong. M.-st -,l the cit’z--no
were aimed. Ah<-u 400 arm-d strik-
era, desperate and lemlv f 1 r blo-io-
shed, w-e on the scene. Ftty well
tiran-d r fflcers were alcO on hau-i. A
freight train was mad." up and a Mis
souri Pscifio engine came along to
riul! out the train A rush for the
engine was made by the strikers
Arm? w-re presented on both shins.
The engine was not moles ed, but ail .
/he cars were uncoupled and even tire G- i:/ ral Cm, I-
nuts were taken out rf the draw P r'- m- last ri'gh*
heads B -me of Tie koights were morning orde. -i
tirreste'i. The er giue was scut back meot of iyius
*o the round house snd aii with ii-s:/no tou-
Httnupts to move ua,UB were
aba/ -I -nid The citizens lacked or-
ean-z.-ion. Tliey had no lea/lerb, ;
win,'- tlu-B'riku- joe thoroughly j
organ zed May r Btuitli add reset '
t hi m- h, mu the -tri kernel led, “14 - -! |
N-< moii: Putei dmiiii mayor t/gam’ : i
TI-t- ah- ri fl iit>:-> surnmonei) :i t utnli! r I
ol cr.iz-ns to go around to the Mi.- i
snuri Pacific yards 'n-day. Tiie
-tr-k r p aces are ail filled here ami Du 1
they vie t-ur gry and i-loo-l Iir-• \ . I incr
wl-at we are battling for, aud there
should be no militia culled out against
tiie laborers for asking what the gov«
ernor advises us to demand. The
railroads in trea ing with the laborer
do bo a- an organ-z- d body, and why
should they deny lb- same right to
the labor intetes s ?’’
He closed by si vrrely criticizing
H x/e and demanding tha. the
lu ip:litn of labor i/e rt-cogn z-d as a
The governot’s visit and speech
hail a marked • tfi r»’, and tt e sheriff
thinks it will ciU e lawlessness to
subside Ttir general - anas-i rs an/l
superintendonte of 'he East H Louis
roads held a m -eMr.g last night, -Ms-
cues!'g tin eiMir tif-r- They criticized
GovOgleebey Tlfj finallyoonciuded
to wad a day or two Inn go.- to see
what t ft ct the governor's visit would
have, and tt by tiiat tinle the trains
you'd Hot be uit-vtd without In’er-
fui'u ee ility would ‘ake thn matter
info 'heir own hands, Nothing can
yet be learned us to what, if any
further, action has been taken by the
joint ex- cu-ivo c moiittee, which has
been in s»sh:oij tor hi: past f, w days.
Every inly is to x usly looking for
the a:rival of Hecrctary Tur/.-er, of
t lie gener-.l < x cutlve committee, anil
his esa ckitcii A : '. sorts of corj"o!ure
prevail a-» to wnat action Uiey will
take in view of the e mplication, but
of iv urse uethiue definite is known,
Bt Louis, April 2.—The Wabash
has sent < u: >/. tr-iin • f wenty cars of
llv< stneh, ea-t bound, alricc noon,
and tin: Vandalia lias brought In a
coal tra'.’.i - f fiheen cats A dispatch
has been r ceived here stating that
Frederick Turner and his asa- dates
f the get oral executive committee,
were in Cine iim. i at 2 o’clock this
morning, and they would leave for
here by the m xt train. Every ruing
up to noon iu Ea-itS' Louts remained
iptier Ttie Hwrch engines liave been
runr-Ing bunk and for'li in the yards
Without nuertcreitce from the slrik-
ere A heavy snow fell and the
crowds around the relay ami railroad
yards deori-ae- ct con/hlerably since
early uinr ih-g T hose wlio remain
are les-> d/monatrattve than usual
and bsv» maio'-ined r-erfeot order.
The Mi--8-uri Pacific freight agents
are lecrlvtug tteignt tills morning
for all pz-iu's ou 11:e Q/inlri .B'-uth-
western ry -teuj, and the business of
these road-- if again being as r* gularly
c-nducied as i. w - lio'-irs the strike.
None of the K't’gn s if L-Dor have
gone back to work, bu. fne * fHolals
/-ay they have employed atnfilment
unnit-er of /non since the knights
left rn< ir ('U j)ioy to resume thefrefght
tr- (flu
Tt l’EKA Kansas, April 2 —Ia
reiponse t<- tt-- t/qiie-t of Adjutant-
Til : C
SI -to-'
vice;. /;a'.-l t.
: Sf me of
ou-) b-
the k-
Un r p-
’/l SB'i p
T -vr ot - •"
ficm ou,',
fipiidli-g an Invis gation.
l»:/» Ml-' lnun ri-if-i- m -
(TlICAG!), M- -I- .'t-l — A
i lie m ,m o -/jb- i vu/i Ve cn
pate grave tr' utile in l
r-e -tv order Toe so
a hi'di the str’k ’s w/ re -
t*l th-
I o n i> -
,( Lite -
Z-u:s iuI (b
is i-ftortH to
-- ri e s for
ule.:'. is no
o Palso/-
nl ttie M'■
A lie Wt
advanie fr-
O - Tu- -day
.t, but
re ii.'Li
s -/i 11
io a-Nist t
mn P-.fiI
telrgriohsd tro/n
'he governor tt)is
the fir-' regi-
N i'ioni.l Guards,
procetd at oroe
he mevement
:t,i./. !'.
gr- dui: 1
ii c!:t
-I-- sort
■an It
L.v- w/i i
t a
2- 0(1
| L u s last evooit 'i
iiruvi). j 'o very aUe/p/voiy
•artling ft g- netal f uliine
'"911*0- | Til I- t-' 1 S:: Li 1 !l Vf!U
pi k !H I ’ X/Tmoge tn t
ml: .-; pn •> z -g /,i i
< r r- u : • e p-
id c ix n
- leginnu “
- i en- ptiIlls,
I.uUlS, April 2 — (4 v Ggle by,
., - >x «p ke to a i invvT t on me
- 'r-k r u -xt -I min r- in E .at 8’
am.' wa-t listened
i're i-peicli was
of Ip- r murk,i ti
es of Urn- uieictjatith
rrp n u g «/ /i an un.
n Mas-, April 2 — ,Oa
na inn k t-oy - aud -t tf-rs
i tt-. r- nr, mitt- s'ruck for an
T'.M 'o 50 cents per ii»y.
■ > the ..dvauce was grant-
Ui-.- Iv-jh refused to
I-, work on lees
li-.-fiere’ wages were
.mi!-- per day. Tue
Ulftimgets rollS'.'il, an-l or/leied -oat
ihe wez vi r-should s'op os soon as
/toil fi.'n g v a- tienl up List night
ll-e mill/--b wami lo-daj 1500
I come a r,-l I.'IO / - mplo'er ar<' i-’le.
GOT TI i II ,.i II i, WN WA Y
St L"U'd,.Mo Apr-t 2- A P<>»h»
D -I at,-/, , , , :al tr- m F rt W 1 .,
I y «. ,a\ - tiie t* por It-' just
r tch'-j i.o city fr-’in toe Mi-'ourl
i ui-u u part f f the track
, , :'n. The -t- 'I. r- -nil
■/:• - av- ttietr own way itl
nt i.
sh; I'T-n-d Hie i-rcb w-is
L \ w c ’ mi; .,u: c. i ii / et in 1*
minutes. Fne thnueand ptoplo wit
recstd the ixi-eu-ioD.
Thfl Mew Ya>rk Aide# an u.
New York Apr 1 1 2—When the
Lrrar -! Jury m ered the court room ’o-
dav, Ju/lge G’/w/ng waeou the bench
aid tiie ihs-rict attorney and his au
eis'ants were present. The foreman
handed up several iudiotmeuts. One
of the iudiotmeuts was against Win
P Kirk, charging him with bribery.
It is s milar to that against Jat-hue.
Judee Cowing fixed Kirk’s bail at
j2o,000 and Audrew Martin and ex-
Curouer William H Kennedy
offered themselvs as bonus>
men. Liter tne grand jury
appeared ia court and presented more
it,d o men-s. Among them was one
against ex-Alderman Pearson. In
spector Byrnes shortly afterwards
entered tbe digtriot-attorney’s oflloe
wiili Pearson. The list oi arrfsretl
aldermen is now ra.sed to Ihree,
Jaehne, Kirk and Pearson, and ru
mor became busier than ever, whis
pering ihe names of others to follow.
COS! i i
Ut !>d
-t -: ...
j '“.IO".-
| Af.
Mill I
it m
mi t,
l-u pun
■ put ■
ion l-j
movi, :<
I'K.a ks
pie- ei a i
- I-
/• im
f ih,
-i tl
/ 1 ntrrn* t.
101, kuigh
<“ d -f k .
< r-n • rt: t /I
Hr Sltni’t B«a«k*kl« AibllriiKa
Washington, March 30 — R-p>«.
geuiaore OJuVvr, of Ml - nut , L--
cticuit o uf, <li<
8pn- A .. 1:, aro
a lew ii.m s O" 1
wi a appm-i led l--,
1877 ti: L-ucercd Jr
ti,xt,, In,ra.t»-1 it wat.
put »;• |-le. ffi: were to ki
a jo') it would b< I-
k. iglU/ them t-lA es *,<• | -j
tha : i«, s'rike. i 1 look
i<7 years r Ii1 - mj
-e’-'erj 1 Hay- h ,
ii hi Eixmeus
V iiu • til tiUi ftbh.
"Ilpppliil K .q '.rcr^ru:
Jackson, M-iss , A’-ril 2.—The
Brookhaveu L»arer, in i's te-ui- of
ys terdey, say« tt t/as au'hortty fur
ssyiug ) a B H Whitworth, fiirnier-
ly of Brookhavoii t ut now of L fi ire
county, led th” armed mob '.hat did
the killing a. Carrollton.
& erlaiilj III.
ttpeolftl iu Knqulrer*HaD.
Chattanooga, Tenn, April 2.—
A telegram from Hot Bpr.TigH, Ark, i violercaor lawlet-stiess. This, he de-
reper s that Judge John B.-x cr, of ' ciared, wmh not tiue, but quite tbe
the six h Uni ed ri-utes cirouii. oourt, j contrary. There were no complaints
is smeu/iy ill exd not expeosed to ageinst, G uld for violating the law,
live 24 ticniis. _ | vbioh h» was doing every o'av
Th. a^/VaTT^'-. : Nut,Ding was done with him for
rpioiai k> l* mirfBvn breaking the laws He filled the poor
Nlw York, Ami'. 2-Tbe tranas h ,” u,,t r ? Dd hrnsec of Infamy by rc,b.
uoLtinental railroad rate wor is said | 11 lzb or of :its Just dues. I tell
lobe end d Home of the I .w ■ h:-ve [ continued the speaker, if
tha '■Tiitoads force us to violate
what hey oall law, the time will
at-o'.i come when the classes of people
i II. J)
Mi o! .y '■* -
lor -i .rri-.i./i
1 f >11 ui
. . f r ti i
-> lli- '.Abgis
k issue with
s bring ihe
on tariri
tiie gov
J.,y G-.-uld
: ran it. He
a- kr-i it u wa- Jay G -ulit or tiie bone
ai d ,".-w of toe land that made this
o-untjy, and tiien demanded of the
goverm r to answer if it was right
-.hat ot.e man Jiku Jay Gnul.l should
he permitted to run this coun'ry and
hold the liberties and destiny of the
people in his hands. It was the
thriving of such men as Jay Gould
that enslaved all countries. He
desired to correct the Impres
sion that tied got abroad
that tbe Knights of Labor favored
- st u e who
d'li ti-* rua-
j 'tie g ivernor ut t.
| he l government
| and dec ared that
| e:tin et-1, was t e. veru<)
! ;iL(l H- xie ami ins iik
introduced one ol the many bills that' at nom., a. a drinking mu'
notified me patrons that tne oid ru.e -
would be restored after to day,
T hf , r s w'!b the! **>*“ «» u ntry and govern-
t.La rr.Bs’, meut will be ' vorthrowu^ The gov-
\ s'.ate-
w ii'i ) u j -• i- >1 Id r- y> - '.erdsy
• r>• ri to -tj ■ !l ci list P.e.-i'Uut
laL-t had b-.;i/) i't tai-grapl/io
cot-wspouils'ij e w ith J -.y G uld cou-
(-.( rnli K To- 'abor tr u- Le in the way
of HibH/aiioi . it ecu be stated, on
authority, that the preside”' has had
do o jinuiunicxtir.ii with Mr Gould or
a/;y one elsv concerned in relation to
tiie labor troubles. 8.-uie time
ago, much impressed with tho
urceesiiy for gome sort of an arbi
tration b/ar/1, composed of persons
whose character wnnl-1 give confi
dence to employes at d mj/loyer, and
whose authority would tie respected,
he did think of calling the attention
of congress to the subject as one de-
mandliigearly and conslderateaotlon,
but he learned that it would be nug-s
gested t y one of the crmmlttees of
the house, and lie has done no more
than make some suggestions to Mr
O'Neill, the chairman of that com-
rnlltee, with whom he has fresly
tulkfed in regard to the matter.
Botwenn 'he wood ohopptng and sap
season the pe'pie of V -’m-nt are not
r,-,w vary busy.. The Horllngton Free
Press s«v« the ODly 'hlngs pushed for
ilnie In Vurmont now are the hands ot
a toy waiob.
ernor says arbitrate. That !s Jast cough me Heine,
Spring oanno bo forced by ohauges
of appaxul, Tharo M more virtue to one
fliDnei shirt the* in two 'ajUlos of