Newspaper Page Text
1'Ain l.m'i iiiwi - M : mu ,\mi :s. (t^nnwiA. m \ 1 » , 1 \i'>|{.M>e
i.ovks < wru;.
t oV e'« castle never held ft doubt
!■' , r Ulle fe u> are burre 1 with ■at.
His «»»«»'« wear a happy mlea.;
pvrtrust tins so,Veil their ips. t ween
Wiiere rare warm kisses !fc between,
t. ere held* men so; a span an t then
M i
t Stll'lv III
Tlie majority o' people who buy meat
depend cut to its quality up hi tin state
ments of the matt who sells it to them. A
rich piece of meat, in tuelr eyes, is not dif
ferent from a poor piece. A U.itgli steal;
or rout is not discovered until it tomes
on the table. And yet tl r quality
by runv.iior tin
’ift ;•■■
i«ilv 1m
\\ \ time lift-’ br*>ken do
. lV(
T'rs truth
. let be;
If love I-* blind, so -nice
-Ida A. Tripp
.. ■ rr ,iL- of l it*- •;isd..i'i >... turtti
•over it. People run *.• cliir-ar••
i l meat as wdl ai.u\ u*» sU'*;*y
y van in art matters.
people woul l linvest’.iate ta
.said an expert. * the* p<-vi
t h»*;n-
• lie i
eirlsice pre*
ft DC H ! So P
U t L \i! h o
a : i W'luin
s ant! jueii ■ - ■ ca i
urn e cr eft n St
fail ito ka'.K'k "
• J let:; ! liel't w disc >Vt l'ed
, ■ j „.v in the morn!.".!.; in a nti.qlili ir'a;
, . euxnffed in praver, evidently in
I u impression that lie wits in church.
ct.het'Wise In a deep sleep. Hv was lb
l ately vecondueted to his bud
I 'iene-'i none the worse for his little esea-
I the mil consequent exposure to the cold.
C cnpared, however, with the atmiring'uari
j x diev.ble things recorded of ot ler sour-
i uulnuisls, the lVcik of the U iitisoorough
v lilau'e is quite commonplace.
jj r . M.iycoek, the eminent Uxford divine,
v.uuld often rise from his bed at night,
cico out his text, and while sound asleep,
deliver an excellent sermon upon it. He
was frequently watched, but no amount of
tagging, pulling or pinching ever succeed
ed in arousini
) arg
*> . .... li. mliuil.s. -I
It'S rail: iwed a free tr
i in- ,isi o' Dr. Dve'.-
De.t with Electric
fm tile siieedv ieliter
r of Serious Debility,
f.I inhood. ati t ail kind
re-ftor-ulon to health, vig.-r in.l matin .1
guaranteed. No risk is ineum< ii.
■ I'eed pamphlet. with fail Hi .
terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Vol
taic Dell Co., .Marshall. Mich.
dec-17 tu,th.s.i'.,» -ik .vi v
i'O.'v 1/
Simmons’ Iron Cardin'! tdhnrv.ilt
tii*- ‘■ystem ail impuritus Larou
ltuitfs. ii /er, kidi.ey.-j and skin.
*Sok; by John P. Turner & Pro..
1 »us, Ga. e
him. Dr. Mncnish of Euin-
s-ivi s at!”account of un Irish gcritle-
’vlio swam more than ttfo miles
down a river, got ashore and vuissubse-
i , r.tiv discovered sleeping by the road
s'rie altogether unconscious of the extraor
dinary feat lie had accomplished. Doctor
I’ritciil'ord had a patient who was particu
larly fond of horse exercise, and used to
rise at night, find his way to the stable,
saddle his horse, enjoy a gallop, and final
ly come back knocking at his own front
door in a somnambulist condition. He
vas cured in a ntaner sufficiently funny to
I e worth recording—his servants tickled
the- soles of his feet.
The memory of street walkers is occa
sionally prodigious under the influence of
the dominating impulse that moves them.
Moritz gives an instance of a poor and
illiterate basket maker, who was unable to
read or write; yet in a state of sleepy vigil
he would preach fluent sermons, which
were afterwards recognized as having form
ed portions of discourses he was accustom
ed to hear in the parish church as a child
more than forty years ago. Quite as
strange a case of “unconscious memory” is
referred to by the eminent Dr. Abercrom
bie. A young girl given to sleep talking
vras in the habit of imitating the violin
with her lips, giving the preliminary tun
ing and scraping and flouishing with the
utmost fidelity, it puzzled the physician a
good deal till he ascertained that when an
infant the girl lived in a room adjoining a
fiddler, who often performed upon his in
strument in her hearing. On the other
hand, it must be admitted that somnam
bulists occasionally do very foolish tilings
and make odd mistakes. A young man—
of whom Petrus writes—used" to get up in
his sleep,climb up to his castle battlements
and seat himself astride them, and then
spur and whip the wall, under the impres
sion that he was mounted upon his steed.
But sleep walkers have made more seri
ous errors than this by far, and crimes
committed while in a somnambulistic con
dition are far from being rare. Not more
than six years ago an unhappy mechanic
residing in Edinburgh was tried before the
high court there for the murder of his
own child. It was proved that he rose
from his bed at night, and, fast asleep,
took the infant from beside its mother and
dashed it furiously against the wail. The
evidence showed that the wretched father
was addicted to somnambulism, and his
own explanation of the matter was that he
dreamed lie was attacked and had strug
gled with his assailant. Of course the
man was acquitted.
Stranger than this, by reason of the com
plicated circumstances attending it, was
tnc trial of the notorious Lord Culpep
per's brother, in It'S 1 ), for the murder of
one of the guards, while in a state of steep
vigil. He got up, saddled his favorite
charger and went for a ride in the park,
being ail the time sound asleep. One of
the sentries on duty, being unaware of the
lit ion in which the officer was, refused
The quickest time on record! Neuralgia
of the worst type cured by one ri.ree'ol
SMITH'S BILE BEANS iii from one to
four hours, as many who have tried it can
testify. It does seem strange that .-en-V V
people will suffer with this 'terrible qis. :.
when speedy relief can sure y be ! mud in
this simple, safe and inexpensive ri'ii".:
2o cents. For sale by all druggists and
and dealers in medicine, or sent anywhere
on receipt of price in stamps.
ap2-l eod&wlm
> Sa
t iu.i:
!".n ;
Laces 2
R (I born in C.-nm eti 'lit. '.vi
this sta'e. b : y j-' q-t Ya
< Hiiiiubin; ( hi
Will* sweetly and measuring the dh
[\nc-* between them with her eye —■•At present I
mahout three vari-* f.\»m _ne.”
icus, where Jk firs.!, ikwo! >p<*J h .■>
for it colt •KTeial J i T» *. AfO.
rv-.iclu.rc .-.Tv h ass Gated |.j
!»usines‘< v : !h P I), i Li-.t tf
Tlie beautiful crimson blush of nature,
without paint, can he imparted to the pale
cheeks of a sickly and feeble woman by
the use of that great female tonic. Sini-
Y\\‘ will oflL'i- uiiiiai'idh'M'i] lutr-
Iron Cordial.
Wold by John P. Turner & Bro., Colum- '
bus, C4a. eoe.-iw
Simmons’ Iron Cordial removes blotches,
boils, humors and pimples from the face, j
Sold by John P. Turner & Bro., Colum- <
bus, Ga. eodixw
rains in almvt 1 youth
for [losilivi'iy
t arm.n tu .i'> fii v l Pe. A n
1 t i'.e out iii't; I; . if '. hi e-' i!
1 He t-nlis.e'l. M-rvil'g li: V. in l
| ni.i re!ati"i. fapi. i. it. Er u
Advice to Mothers.—AIko. Winslow's
Soothing Syecp should always be used
when children are cutting teeth. It re
lieves the little sufferer at once; it produces
natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child
from pain, and the little cherub awakes as
“bright as a button.” It is very pleasant
to taste. It soothes the child, soltens the
gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regu
lates the bowels and is the best known
remedy for diarrhcea, whether arising
from teething or other causes. Twenty-
tiva cents a bottle.
r. • r-N I and .ifferw.u-d ii: i'.e cavalry ..mi!-r M.ij"
Six DaysO n ly '-o::;;':;,
I (lO Oil t«l »’V flit "JV
tunes. id ti.* :
Evuiy 11tiny oiYi'in! as lead- known until tin y
Inila]■ .V
Uiv In.
It well becomes a man to rlo whate'er he can;
What fortune still may add depends not on the
mod ut. A Per tiii -
jorsiii those (lepai'lniciiis. W’c ' for il !-h " r ' t, V*"" y*""*’ 1 j* :
I can assure our patrons Dial which he Vi:siiite,..;..d by nalim- a .Shies-
I this week our aim in amioiiiie- 1 IuUl !'’ fct ‘
| nceted constahtly With ol Hie 1 -t—1
! ing this sale will he not only a ami
—Wisdom ^f the Brahmin.
Oh. give me teetli sound, white and neat,
Oh, give me breath that's pure and sweet,
Oh, give me rosy, healthful gums,
And I will meet whatever comes;
Whatever trouble may befall,
With SOZODONT I’ll meet them all.
Too t’rr^h.
Said the lady visitor 10 the 2-vear-old bov baby,
“You love me, don’t you. Johnny?” Johnny
looked into her face for a moment, and then
turned away with an expression of weariness on
his feature*, with ihe remark. "Oh. don’t be too
fresh.” Boston Transcript.
An Kxtra Parrot.
“What are the Belkinsop girls in mourn
ing for?” “Their parrot.” “In mourning
for a parrot? Why it’s a positive sacri
lege.” “Oh, but this one could repeat the
Lord’s prayer, you know.”
Tin* riumn. Knixht.
A Jersey paper says the drift of public
sentiment is hi the direction of renomi
nating Mr. Blaine. That does not help the
white-plumed knight when the drift of
voting is in another direction.
he pleaded somnambulismT, and as it
proved that he was addicted to the habit,
and that he was found to be asleep when
arrested immediately after the tragedy, he
was ac quitted.
In Saxony only three years ago a young
woman was charged with having attempt
ed to murder her illegitimate child. She observed to rise one night and leave
Ler room, carry lug the infant along with
To Ur Avofh I.
Green cucumbers, red-headed girls, un
loaded revolvers, tale-telling children and
cheap champagne are things which a wise
man treats respectfully but distantly, and
never takes to ii is home.
our vibils, 1 tell
the famous brand o
ilLHl l 1 Mill.
Lortly afferwti
a.ene, and when questioned as to the
whereabouts of the baby made no reply
®/*d was found to be asleep. When arousecl
fine affirmed she knew noining of whutshe
Lad (L.;ie with the chJd
extremely fund. A ca
tiAed — <i to the discovei
11 v Ixtttom of an old an
b e vicinity, apparently
Tor a ol* not more th
^oFner was acquitted. To come t * a more
aui .-Hug instance o: somn.imuulisAc ire.J:,
l-i-oie-sor Fischneli, of B.i.jct, writes of a
student of Win i cm burg College.
) Vu " ust-d to play hide and seek while cast
His lellou-itudents kliew of iiis
pr'*];ensity, and when he begun "walking"
Tw'■' bolsters at iiiai, which he always
VuiL-ai, jumping over bedsteads and other
c ast ' | laceft in his way.
Once upon a time somnambulists were
oi winch she wa
win 1 search insti
v’ of the infant a
[ dried up well i:
not niuen wors
u. t hirty A el. Tm
itii l)i.| lui-ji'i io ;tsk In i-i'r
"A ii.l '.'.'iiat in
DHL Lltliics- -jr,- ifOSi-:. tinill ill i'ijifi*;:t.-‘(l in vo
!H'L IJiHi'- WUi'M'V n| i' iri,.qu!'"i:ii..n
'>i 1 r- and ii
is mu' Tidili 1 I).ii 1 1a-d>.
l!: ( ' ii ! v ; 1 id‘ \ I
|nW‘ s' !>i i'.v
V\’. 11«* Yr iV
me mci.ii,
Jj da
r. ?n. i <i u. i. •
ini IK iii- i- ij j- \ I \!
iI .Cilia
In tao Webster Budding. Apply tc
j mi :v f.f u h v, \
i j \ 1 M i .1 i »Oi | I ; il* | i |
•-tion and a iw-n
rTinOf h'''
-Mr. D. f. \Vi;<
^ 1L " U as ibr
i'llt 111.lie .
. ■ C K,
CIN”llvMATI 0. (;Or'? 1
p p ppav n pn
tATifiVco. ^ ’ * UnHl (x but!
. d' lung v l• ■ i■
Wl.t I,- f
fi 1 ^ v V.' a Lf .*> nnetini’
t a r °i U bi ,llm into conv
■■•;'i Electric Bitters anri -
1 ' 1 ' 'ttly, aari Hft-r takih’
y'yl.v t'tu't-d. and had 2..
V- 1 ' 1 ' 11 liOUUlls. Sa.- In
Weulri Lav- di. .1 in
relief ( ff,, y E!
n, -y toi.ts a Buttle i.
e»’. -t va-uab e
Up - To,-," P-o )e'*v (.-iia itai.kiii House*.
I ” i« tin.- Ji lin f'.vii. '•••’« 1
K 'i.M-ca-.l'.ii m
tavf- up to tLi-
1 L.'.Ve nut il
tor tin
it iias cured m«* c'>:iqdet**]y. Tii.H
pretty strong q:it*-:n< nt. Put I nmke it
Real Estate Agm:
a.'annah, Ga. Ayajusta, Ga.
SRi MU HillF
lie I vig: u-fii hides of
V ■ f'«■ < 1 |)i |"Tty.
jm- jm*ii>- * *. :.;i!ious to
m . I rliur/e .wthing f*>r
•i'-.ivi-if- |.r 'jfity
mu UK.vr
VJlA , »l*.;S«!•€*, - - ’O6‘0l'g:a.
I'.idei lilt M of
\ IA VLOlt. - . - l*rnprii‘
Fvm HE SEASON OF 188*5.
Per Muiith One Store H i-.- on Tenth
: i imt moms up Maiix t w«* hou-e» in back
oilier large store houses foj relit. Eight
* for rent.
i'x: :.r.
and IN"* o;r-
ill! i i },
' ? ’< O * 1 « P K r il! r n i mu
:h\ j r j Ml\\ i ni
Miili m
MliarLI, i.\
pleiisant seirt>ri-(’ to Dumii. Iml
} 1 i of the eastern nu.r.iifKcturiag ie.uses. In
will convince nil Mini !l IS use- 1S74 he remused v it >i his family toAHanta,
loss ID look clsewllt'lT* all01 ■ aM ^l 11 resident ut"this city ifijn.e.
Meeting nun oil tin .-itre11 rlurniq ttif
Ulice seeing ;iI m *t.‘ goods and week, till! leixn-ter w.-L- qi'e.-ud with a
, • ,. In-artv liaiidsiiiik" and earnest:
1°" pvicos otsame. ; „ Hmvrtr , yntl . my
We iil'e selling 2oe Dress! “Pretty w.j: San,: h-vvirtyru?"
. .. . ~ . “fh ill nil a-s a rioilar, mv 1 -nv: iiltlion;;!i if
l.001 Is at J - -2 e. I t V, ,„ days ««,. 1 e,drill not
! 1 (tact met you
We are sell ini: u 42-inch In- have said as nmch.”
; “Why, how was Unit- -btvTi >u.k V”
(tjel L’llicn ill tf CCllls. “Well, you n.'iis’. know that for the past
We can show YOU ii 42-iliell U n vtarH " lav ' »>er -..driller wit:, kiiim-y
Rea: Estate Agent.
Io XorMi lh'natl Sired.
. disease, which r' t-ry now and igaii. w»»u!d
f micl! Pam Mull <11 1 ,S V', wnl*|jl grow had and gi\< mi serious troi-Me.
1 oi j . , n j -. ! About two months ago I began to have me
r * * ' i of my bail spells, and for tie* pa d ‘dglit
I 111 i’iicl. MlCl'p is nnl n since weeks 1 have been suffering S'liu* or umd
i in Columbus ilial can show 1,1 ll " :
I . ,,-j .. ,, , ! ‘TortTfjtKt Ol- HANTi:'“ ino:hn.'.’
1 von Ihe V, hi e (mods we can. ,, , , . . ,. ■
“I have tried all tin- jHiysiennsand men.-
I 1! is an ackliowk't Led 1'aci, and I'im-s that I cnuld ill aror read of,uni! their
• i i i iii i* i name, us v f, u know, is l**gion, imt until a
pt lias IH'cn iold ns lime and Wl . t . kt i„ di- t ,iM ha-.ii.nomid;-;..iua
! i.rruili by I In* Indies. .IiisI ask sway. Ii i» m.t a |/lM.K.i,t thii.»f, I.«.V *N-.y,
! see nlir line ol bed Spreads. „avo
| We have some very lovely de- i»ro«<:ri :h. huh *» tM i i„
, , , ' | has n mortgage uj
If Ujit a*':! Ji;!)*' la. hr tin: llrrfpt’itin
d il'iiipli'f'.
',U ren-'umiltle
H.'W. L.
u. ; 11 ► j > -
w. d. hood & co M row;;
u.q h;:o \ i> *'r.. < ai.nin •*. a \.
.•.'illur u.m.- f.., (iinil'i. A Itiil pnrlir '
V i oi r\:) : J cj;?
J .. -S „• aJ ^ J '-J 1 J.
"trim aan rt . w
\VhuU"y 31*ib-
3 n :.Y '• f, f Mi ' ■ .
a ' . ■« e l a .. . i Ut.
ti (S W ■ S £ At In n iV.' lVn“. 1 ' *1
i f* w tlMiii-iind dollars t•. lean on first
i ity ppiperty at s pt-. oent.
Rea- Estate Agent. Twelfth St.
ill" \;i'wl';l II !i | '!i'tlll!l!i Sllillillrr Iji'qifl. r ''
iiting would take a
Property of tlie Columbus Manu
facturing Company.
Rose H : !l P''operty on Line ot
the Goo :' a Mid.and.
omplele iiikI l nlly ll<|iii|»g»e<l rollon
I'lu-tory Idtfcilier with \ea»*ly a
Milr of I lie l inesl W ater INnvrr on
the t'lnil ti«lioo«*li<-e ItMer. Jiint Above
the t'ilj of i oliimhiiH.
IKORt.I \. Ml'
■ <f t lu* power V
1.* jTS fr irting on Il.nuilton and TalbotU*n
i »;i !-. Bill, JJitiiw ! iir.d N .rtlt streets and
( nil •. ni.'l -e-live :i d.-iv.iMe .ot, as prices
•vj11 k* ndvamed within li e next inirtv days.
itis an.l the in
-t deed Mn ci:!
- s iipci
K (‘OTNTY. -
l ns under the
deed of trust
c.veciitcil ' o the undorsigne 1. .J. Rhodes Browne
and A. llivri ". trust* bv the Coluinbus Manu-
t, during ( < nipany. of Muscogee county. *tate of
(«e-*rgia. dated Martili 1. iss-l, whereby the said
‘•orpcTalioii conveyed to us all of the pnqierty,
evoinafter denenhed, in trust,
lent of its certain issue of
•st coupons thereof as in said
. il and enumerated all of which
iven.d in Mortgage Peed Book
:17:>. Ah* re 11 *>. Ihki. in the Clerk’s
Court. Muscogee county. Ueor-
ii Deeds, volume Oil. pages HI
ive. Marrh 2*2. 1H8-I, oflice of the Pro-
in the county of Lee. state of Ala
in b rinity with the directions and
lil.ed in the resolutions passed by the
laid bonds on April 21, 1ms*}. under the
inferred by said deed of trust,
id! in the c ity of * olumbus. Muscogee
iriria. on the ad day of August, 1H86,
• ieg:J hours of salt. in fr*.'iit of the
ist .j K. .M. Knowies & Co., on the
corner of Broad street and Tenth
raw ford street*, .being the usual place
f-u •dn rift’s sales in said city of Columbus/ at
pub!!*: outer... tithe highest bidder, for cash, the
following described property ol the Columbus
.Manufacturing Company, to-wit.: All those lots
n:.*l parcels of bind situated, lying ttiui being as
follow-: l'racti«mnl section nimihcr twenty-six
y, .uiJ ;ln- north haif of fractional section num-
•1H<- i'» . both in fractional township
ightcen IS . range nuinher thirty 301,
y l! 1 .."-* 1. now Lee eoun’-y. state of
.\!-olh‘ foll*.>wing lot- of lands lying
.n eight! <th distriet of Muscbgee
ai«- < f (ieorgia. know n a.* bit- numbers
•>»! and eighty-r.e\en HV and the west
and fractions
non li' 1
01 -
.-i v-;
", in Chattahoochee
-dilated east of the
ii." .1. K. f ‘lapp. used
*.t. * (ii.iaiiiiug -even
of MnSCO-
with said
imi,' linht
i uring
*.- and
- * iring
i'-i the
It ran be given in a enp «>1 eoh'ee or ten
without the iv :i o w I e *! g e ol flu- jier-on lull,
ing it: i, iC.-olnleiy liu rm . a ml mil * 1-
fe« Di|' - i-inani nt ami -peed> * iiie.llli* ibei
the j»ai:»* 111 •- a im.d*»;it.- drinker oi at. ;«i-
*•»!. Is- lunii. Ii lias been given io I bon-
-un.I- «,* in ex i n in-t!«n« « ;* |** »-
{■ ,,,■•■ ,■ has ii. b.m d. It m rr,- I
s)., « Hie,
1 -I.eC-
' -fao-
tnTfforT TAKUFI* Id'
p.\ i f n *
• :■•••. :y k... i. • nearly |e *thi/ig^-
I t! -• * \ • ; IV '• •!.. A-k dvnb.Ta 1 r i> ur
CHARLES H CONNER. Manufacturer. •
LjLT-jV * L L L, hvf*