Newspaper Page Text
Irby Phillips.
Wittich A Kinsi
■s Houghton .V 1
Eagle and Ph
Robes for 90c. at the R« chive.
For Suit* or Rent- M. Simon.
Millinery Allen Bv.ffhers.
For Sale Yoii((P A Grime*.
Milliner Wanted M. Joseph.I
Ice Cream Adams ,V Rowers.
Attention. Washerwomen .i. II. Gabriel i 1
Northwestern Mutual Insurance Co Jo}
Jverson. Agent.
Window Fas
Hat Lost Return tn
Millinery at Low Pri<
Notice to Depositors
ings Bn nk.
Houses for Rent Tonmb* Crawford.
Building Lots .1 Marion Estes A Son.
A Sen of White (.nods Hill & Law.
White (foods Blanchard. Booth A Hull'.
Fresh Parched Peanuts Bartow Reed.
Chew Liggett «Y Myers' Star Navy.
Pair Oxen Wanted Abbott & Newsom.
Masonic Notice John C. Cook,Secretory.
Building and Loan Association- D. K. Wil
liams. Treasurer.
French Millinery- Mrs. L. Lequin.
Friends and acquaintance of Mr. and Mrs. Abe
Skotzky are respectfully invited to attend the fu
neral ol their infant daughter, Maiiy Lot’, from
the church of the Holy Family at 11 o'clock this
Death of Mr*. » . II. \ lion.
Mrs. W. II. Alien died Friday afiemoon at I
o'clock at her home in the Eagle and Phenix
boarding house. She was thirty-five years old
and a consistent member of the Second Baptist
church, she leaves five children. The remains
were interred yesterday afternoon at I o'clock.
Fire at < ran ford.
The residence and barns and outhouses of Mr. |
Samuel W. Adams, near Crawford, Ala., wen* •
destroyed by fire on Thursday. The fire started j
in the kitchen about 11 a. m. and soon everything |
within its reach was consumed. The* loss falls j
very heavily on Mr. Adams, as he had no in
Deal li of a Little Roy.
m Lee. the little seven-year-old son of Mr. J. H.
Frampton. died yesterday morning. Only a few |
days ago he was a bright and robust child, and |
his death falls as a heavy blow upon the hearts
of the parents. They have the sympathy of
numerous friends in their sad bereavement.
The) Will Have a Good Time,
One of the most delightful places in all the
country is Mr. T. K. Kimbrough’s fish pond not [
Dir from Behobeth church and nearCalaula depot j
on the Columbus and Rome road. The young
people ofthat community tire going to have a j
picnic there next Saturday, and a note from one
of the prettiest girls in the county says they will
be glad to see some of the city folks present to !
enjoy the occasion with them. The committee I
on arrangements and invitation are:
Misses Nettie Hines, Biannie Thompson, Lula
Ellison, Emmie Hporks, Berta Do/.ier, Kxa Cox, j
Walton Biggers and Jimmie Johnson, Johnny I
Thompson. Tommie Neal. Will Pitts, Dawson
Willis, Elisha McFarland, Edwin Kimbrough and i
Jimmie Pitts.
wanted to know. In an-
i to the general outlook,
in Interesting ( fiat M itli t
Kjiirlc and Pin til v Mai lit
the Rest in tin* Borhl-
ilirirt. ns
IVhat th
•usurer of the
Diets L.|iial to
n the bur M Mote Williams Km
• Piddle on the Generii! Outlook -
wifi M uii it Diet u ring Mill is Do'ng.
Death of Mr. Elijah Mullins.
Mr. Elijah Mullins died yesterday morning at
7:45 o'clock at his residence on First avenue; be
tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. His
death was caused fYoni injuries received in a
runaway several days ago. Mr. Mullins was for
merly a resident of Harris county, and moved to
this city several years ago. - He leaves a wife and
fbur children. He was seventy-three years of
age, and for fitly years had been n consistent
member oi the Baptist church. He ivas also a
member of the Masonic fraternity.
Mr. Mullins was a quiet, unassuming citizen,
and an honest and upright man.
Tlie Mineral will take place this afternoon at t
Miss Emmie Kate Williams, of Montgomery, is
Visiting relatives in the city.
Miss .Sallie Starke returned from Montgomery
Ex-Governor Hmith has returned from Atlanta.
Mr. o. I). Gorman, of Talbott on, was in the city
Miss Berta Henry, of Seale. Ala., is stopping
with Miss Jessie Burnett, 1430 Broad stri ct.
Rev. W. (’. Hunter and Mr. (J. W. Dillingham
returned from Savannah
Messrs. Marshal Johnston and Bartow Brook
of Hamilton, an* in the oily.
Mr. J. I). (Mom returned from Washington
City yesterday.
But few among even our most citi-
zensfenn adequately appreciate the advantages
accruing to the city from the manufacturing in
terest in our midst. Columbus has the reputa
tion of being a manufacturing city, and it is well
earned. In all our industrial enterprises there
are none that share so conspicuous place as our
textile manufactories. The great success of the
old Eagle factory, up to the period of its destruc
tion at the hands of the vandal's torch in 1365,
no doubt impressed our citizens so favorabh that
it operated as the prime factor in bringing about
iho establishment of the
and stimulated the erection And enlargement of
others in the city. It occurred to the Enouirkr-
Sus that some approximate idea of the value of
these institutions to our city would he of general
interest to its readers, am! with this end in view
we called in to have a litlh? chat with Mr. A. I.
Young, treasurer of the Eagle and Phenix manu
facturing company. He very kindly furnished us
with some details, which he assured us in many
respects are below the mark, as his time was too ,
limited to give full and exact figures.
Tn reply to the question, ‘‘Is there a good dev
mand for your goods, and where do they go7" j
Mr. Young replied :
“Yes. just now the demand is greater than the
supply, though v.e are (bring our best to fill ail
orders. Many of our styles and brands of goods .
ure sold far almad. Where do they go? This is
rather a bard question to answer definitely, as
they are distributed over such a vast territory.
We sell our goods direct from the mills through
our traveling salesmen and the products are sold
in such fur distant points as Boston, New York,
Philadelphia, Omaha, San Francisco, in all the
large states of the west and in every southern
"The quality of your goods must be equal to
those ol the northern mills?” suggested the re
‘’Experts tell us that our products are equal fo
the best made in the world,” replied Mr. Young.
“The mills manufacture the best goods of the
kind, which have u reputation for quality uud
appearance, and no better evidence can be given
of this than the continuance of orders from iho
same parties and extending our sales to all sec
tions of our country.”
“You get out various styles of goods?”
‘‘Oh, yes; the production books for last year
I show upwards of one hundred different weights
and styles of goods manufactured, while the pat
terns in a great majority of them are so numer
ous and varied that their number would be diffi
cult to aggregate without much waste of time.”
Continuing, Mr. Young said: “If a nice gingham
Eagle and Phenix dress is wanted, you can buy
it in Omaha, Nebraska, or if the best and most
attractive quilt is required, it can be procured of
the Swift manufacturing company. Eagle and
Phenix material can also be found in those goods;
so we might say you can purchase most any of
the Eagle and Phenix styles of the merchants at
a distance, but is it not better to buy our home
products of our home merchants?”
Admitting that it was much belter, the reporter
asked, “Can you tell me something about yourr
capacity ? ”
"Our mill is equipped with 19,180 spindles,
MHO looms, with woolen, cotton, rope and twist
ing machinery. The company employs 1600 peo
ple, who represent a direct population in the city
and suburbs of between five and six thousand
persons. This, besides many officials, salesmen
and others connected with the mill. This in
crease of population has in turn brought new
merchants, more trade, artisans, mechanics and
traders to the city, all to spend the greater por
tion of their earnings amongst us, to increase the
value of property and to make us a city that
ought to have a free postal delivery, and to ex
tend our blocks of dwellings.”
In emphasizing this feati
I to tell us anything w
swer to the question
! Mr. Williams said :
1 “As a rule, the cotton mills throughout the
j country have all been sorely pressed during th*
past t wo or three years. The outlook is more en
couraging at present, and it is confidently ex-
! peeled that there is a brighter day just ahead for
, manufacturing Industries of ail kinds “
“What are the signs of improvements?'' was
“The increased demand for products and bet-
, ter prices that ate maintained. As for ourselves
we have on hard a -mailer stock than for *'>111**
J time.”
I “What line of goods do you make?”
; "We make several lines of goods. We manu-
i facture checks, plaids, cottonades and thing* of
that kind in different styles. Then we make the
celebrated Mitcheline bedspreads that you hear
so much talk about, and our mill is the only one
in the United States that does make them. We
are a’s j getting out window curtains, or p<*rtie-
, ries. that look as rich as damask. Then wo make
! table covers, towels and many other thing* of
that character.”
“ How many looms and .spindldfc have you ?”
j “ We make no yarns at all, though we have
j the capacity of putting in ten thousand spindles.
1 We have 25-1 looms upon which we manufacture
our checks, cottonades, etc., and 30 broad looms,
double as wide as the others, for the manufac
ture of bed spreads, portieres and things of that
kind. This gives us an aggregate of 284 looms
and we consume 3500 pounds of cotton yarns—
equal to eight bales of cotton—per day.”
“ How many hands do you employ?”
“We have about 250 in our employ, besides
those connected with the office. Of these about
185 are females, the others being men and boys.
They are industrious and seem well satisfied.“
Just at this point several ladies called to take
an inspecting tour through the bed quilt depart
ment, and with a smile even more pleasant than
that, which greeted the reporter, Mr. Williams
volunteered to show them through the establish
ment. It is fitted up with the latest and best
machinery, new. running smoothly, and fully
capable of turning out the best goods. It is a
splendid property, and could not. under its supe
rior management, do otherwise than turn out
tho best products.
Masonic K'lincrat Notice.
Members of ( olumbian Lodge No. 7, F. and A.
M.. will meet at Masonic Hall this day at 3 p. m.
sharp to attend the funeral of BJother Elijah
Mullins, deceased. Member of Mt. Hermonand
Wilson Williams Lodges, Darley Chapter and all
master Masons fraternally invited. Funeral at
First Bapti-l church at 4 p. m.
By order of the W. M.
Henry H. Hunter. Secretary.
Moronic Notice.
There will he a called communication ofMt.
Hcrmon Lodge No. 304, F. and A. M. Monday
evening at 8 o'clock. Business of importance,
and all members are urged to attend. All Masons
in good standing are invited to meet with as.
By order of Hie W. M.
John C. Cook. Secretary.
nm \i. Mi l: fhitken.
Oar object all sublime
We shall achieve in time —
To make the neglect of insu
An exceeding heinous crimr
D. F.
•anee a crime,
Wii.lcox, Agent,
71 Broad Street.
So.l„ Witter! Kotli, M
Our Soda Fountain is now in operation'
will endeavor to draw as flue Soda Wat '
south. Thou* ”
nk none ha
be* made north
from our fount
been displeased
and all ?
with the
and all Soda drinkers know \IThoZ''%'?
-uget to
id Hill & Law's advertise-
l.UUAL !, \( (INK’S.
the mills, Mr. Young said :
.* of the benefits I
‘ in .summing uj
loney by these i
: mill, and cxcli:
instruction, tlu
Marion county looks very puny.
—Five per cent, is tho rate of insurance on
property in Buena Vista.
—The no fence law is now in operation in
eight districts in this county.
— She steamer Ellis left at 7:40 yesterday morn
—Mayor Grimes says he will submit to the next
meeting of council the question of making an
I effort to get the technological school located
; here. Such a school would be a big thing for
! -Young America No. 5 will leave for Eufaula
Tuesday morning.
| —Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Mattie
I L. Turner, of Hamilton, and Mr. W. M. Middle-
brooks, of Atlunta. The wedding will take place
at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. John
Turner in Hamilton, on Wednesday the 19th
I instant.
j Mr. T. A. Howard, of Russell county, left for
j Philadelphia, Pa., a few days ago, where he will
place himself under medical treatment. He was
j accompanied by his mother.
—The stand of cotton in Russell county is re-
; ported as poor.
—A lodge of the legion of honor has been or-
j ganized in Opelika with a charter membership of
1 thirty-seven.
-Pretty good for our city: Mr. J. J. Wood sold
■ nearly one thousand quarts of strawberries this
week. He sold two hundred quails on yesterday,
j He advertises them for sale in the Enquirkr-
I Hun.
The rector of Trinity church has returned to
the city and will hold the usual services today,
j -On account of the absence of Rev. Dr. Carter,
| there will be uo service* to-day at the Presbytc-
, rian church. Dr. Clisby, of Macon, was to have
; filled the pulpit to-day, but a desth in his congre-
! gatum prevented Ids coming.
Messrs. T. J. Dempsey and M. V. McKibben,
of Jacks-on. Ga., were in the eivy yesterday for
the purpose of endeavoring to get the Georgia
Midland to go to their town. Nothing definite
was accomplished.
- Mr. James E. Deaton's luwse died yesterday
The r*econd Presbyterian church 'Colored) is
ices in the sere, d story
oailding. The hours for
Nolle n.
Columbus, Ga., May 15, 1886.
The H4th installment of Series B., Columbus
Mutual Loan Association will be due and paya
ble at the office of D. F. Willcox on Tuesday, 18th
The amount required will be 15 cents on each
dollar. For example, stockholders having five
shares upon which they have received a loan,
will be required to pay $1.50, and stockholders
holding five shares upon which they have not bor
rowed will pay 75 cents.
I will be at the office of D. F. Willcox from 3
o’clock p. in. to 7 o’clock p. m., Tuesday 18th, and
will be prepared to cancel and surrender all
mortgages held by the association, upon pay
ments of amounts which are due by the stock
Series C. of the above named association will
be ready to commence operations as soon as 300
more shares are subscribed. Parties desiring to
take stock in series C. can leave their names with
D. F. Willcox at his office or with Mr. W.H. Bran
non at Merchants and Mechanics’ Bank.
D. E. Williams,
mylei'21 Treasurer.
Fir* I ill Klrcutgli, First ill Dividends
ami l irst in (lie Hearts of It* Policy
You can’t rub out facts. The following table
how the Northwestern stands as compar-
i with tlie ten leading companies, as regards
\rplus to liabilities:
Pr cent
1 Compauy. ,
Liabilities, i
Surplus. I
' Equitable
f 19.174,415
1 Northwestern..
5,49*0.118 \
New York Life...
N. E. Mutual |
1 Manhattan
I -®na i
Conn Mutual
40,626,512 j
7,747,563 i
.Mutual Benefit...
' Mutualof N. Y.
95,128,211 i
j Germania
il 0,156.088
And last comes the champion hat passer, the
Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, with
insurance in force of one hundred and twenty-
three millions and one million of assets to meet
their policies as they mature.
The above comparison does not show the
Northwestern to he the small, in
significant concern that some other agents
would have the good people of Columbus believe
it to be. Call and get a policy in the strongest
company and the one that pays the largest divi
dends, and that challenges all other companies
to show that they are not what they claim to be.
John F. Iverson, Agent.
A Card.
Drs. J. S. Dunn & J. J. Ryan have concluded to
remain in our city until Sunday next, owing to
j the large number of cases they have on hand.
The doctors are both graduates of the regular
school and are registered practitioners of this
! tttate. They give consultation and examination
I free of charge, and will treat any and all diseases
■ of noth male and female. Rooms 22 and 23, Cen-
j tral hotel.
Chew Liggett & Myers’ Star Navy.
J Prof. Sloan again appeared before the people
I last night and lectured on the liver and kidneys,
j which was highly instructive and entertaining.
J The professor has concluded to remain for one
week longer, and will lecture each night on dif-
I ferent subjects, also giving a very fine minstrel
j show with change of programme nightly, Broad
I street, between Eleventh and Twelfth.
mI holding
> pr
•fe: tn**
:U p.
Mrs. M. A. Flournoy returned
ery yesterday.
Hon. Thomas W. Grimes retina
ville yesterday.
Colonel J. M. Mobley and bis c!
ter. Miss l.ula MobU-v, of lb
through the oil\ Yesterday en nn
its. city and
estate ovvnecs
No lnman is
Lu-uspui in i
ili'Utls (lurin'.
- Smith si!
eek that
gia Midland rail-
rectior. of a tele-
voriy Hall,
the report which was
is a candidate for the
' \\
Bin t id
M/s Ciub
Mrs. M. B.
through the city yest
Mis* Sallie Kimhrt
terday to spend a lev
Mis* Klife Jnlllisbi
Yesterday morning at <»n• -.
dunce of Mr. N N. ( urtis in ;
mortal life of Miss Kate I
Ala. The remains wore In
burial ground in Eufaula. U a
by steamer Ellis, attend.-.
; full tin
It is th»* only
ing the
full;, lo
hot and
•ossible |
; to sav
to this
uh dm -
frigt! - ;
KN V>1! Nt
urine Far
club is ju
Jtllv lath. I(illl
3sh Pa relief
itand. I pa
I will tala
hildreu to
; Pea-
Bartofr Reed
ay. J am at C. P.
1 say to the ladies
t up. Send your iit-
Bartow Reed.
rever sold.
A Htu Strike.
300 Imitation Seersucker Coats at 25 cents each.
They must go. Chancellor wants the room.
Tsetjiina (Teething Powders) allays Irritation,
aids)Digestion, Regulates the Bowels,Cures Erup
tions and sores and makes Teething Easy.
Mosqiiifo WlHnua* l.ou Frier*.
A piece of fine netting 108 inches wide, 12 yards
ibr $2.75. Beehive.
Novelty Dress Goods at the Beehive at 21 per
cent, less than original cost.
White Dress Plaids in Mulls and fine India
Linens, the finest ever seen here, at
The Beehive.
He Nnro You l ull
At A. C. Chancellor's before you invest a dollar
in Clothing, Hats, or Underwear. d&wtf
Stockholders* MoHing,
The annual meeting of the shareholders of the
Georgia Midland and Gulf railroad company will
be held at their office, Pioneer Buildings, 11 a, m.,
Thursday, May 20. C. L. Davis,
myo-dtd Treasurer.
For Sale or Kent.
The desirable store with wagon yard attached,
now owned by Mr. M. Simon.
This lot is % of acre in size, is in a most con
venient location, and is one of the best business
points in the city.
Possession given 1st September or 1st October,
according to wishes of purchaser.
The property is for sale only on account of the
failing health of present owner.
This is the best bargain ever offered in Colum
bus real estate sales.
For terms apply to
mrl6se4t M. Simon.
Have you read Hill & Law’s advertisemeat?
Window FoNfeners.
Guaranteed to hold the windows down. For
sale by Irby Phillips. .
Edward L. Bailey (colored), formerly of this
city, will leave Charleston, S. C\, to-day for New
York city.
ICat Long
A stiff black hat at the ladies’ festival last Satur
day night. Lea vs at Wittich & Kinnsel’s store
and get reward.
We sell a Pearl Button for 10c. per dozen-
beats the button that is sold around for 20c.
Drnud Raffle of Oil l aimings at (lie
Every purchaser of $2.00 and upwards receives a
chance in a fine Oil Painting. Drawing comes
off on June 15th.
A yoke large young oxen. Apply to
Attention, WuNlierwomen.
We will give away Monday morning to every
washerwoman in and around the city a week’s
supply of the celebrated “Quaker Starch” that
needs no coaching or hot water to prepare for
use. Come to the store of
J. H. Gabriel & Co.
It. F. lulling d fo.. Plumber* and (ids
haved in same is far more ...
iiitf than to have Mocla cooled t JV puttin. i '
side fountain. Come one, come all. \\v , .
happy to serve you. Prompt and court,.' la ‘
teution shown every one.
cUf Jo,i * f- Truxan &
( d’( hlt/'ti STOItll.
Mineral Water! So.Ja Win,.,,.
Our Fount is now in mil blast
drowim? the best Soda Water in the c j tv
all the popular Mineral Waters or last''
with new ones destined to become so soon*' 1
So popular the past three seasons and’end
by u!l wh6 have tried it.
A favorite water and ' niversally recommend i
by physicians. A specific for certain ,l; sea
and par excellence as a table water; superion'
Apolinaris for the same purposes and a chi- 5
water. On draught and in pints and quarts, ^
A new and most palatable drink, on ice. Try •
This water is too well known to need worth
from us. 3
A most pleasant water and already a favor**
with those desiring a mild water.
We keep our stock of Drugs, Perfumery. Fancy
Articles and Toilet Requisites up to our stair'
aid, i. e., the best only, aud will be pleased 'j
serve you.
Geo. A. Bradford. Manager.
Iluvni Kriek For Sale.
Call on Jepson * Andrews. ap2<Mm
Duffy’?! Pure Malt Whisky for medicinal u««
McEwan’s, Edinburgh Ale, Guinness’ Ex*:\
RobtS Crane,
Hof Wcutfhor tinrinoiiiN
Can he found in any size, quality, quantity r
style at A. C. Chancellor’s. d&wtt
When you visit or leave New York City via
Grand Central Depot save baggage expressag*
and $3 carriage hire, and stop at Grand Union
Hotel, opposite said depot.
Six hundred elegant rooms, fitted up at a cost
of one million dollars, $1 and upwards per fiav.
European plan. Elevators. Restaurant suppliet
with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevated
railroad to all depots. Families can live better
for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at
any other first-class hotel in the city. jylfriiy
Gold Watches,
Gold Watches,
Gold Watches,
Gold Watches.
Gold Watches,
Gold Watches,
AtC. Schomborg’s Jewelry Store, 105,BroaJ
Street, Columbus, Ga. dtf
Tho Moht Popular 4’igar tn Market.
Garrett’s No. 11, Conqueror. Pickwick and One
Hundred Per Cent. They are sold by
R. S. Crane, who keeps only the
j finest and best Chewing Tobacco,
' known as D. H. Spencer & Son’s Calhou *. Suili-
I van’s Best, Free and Easy, Lucy Hinton, Fanny
Edell, Lorillard’s Climax and Liggett & Myers’
No. 1208 East Broad Street, between Twelfth and
Thirteenth, are prepared to do Job Work and take
Contracts on reasonable terms, aud solicit a share | Star Brand. You will" also" find"”at Crl
of public patronage. j illard’s and Railroad Mills Snuff, 1 ounce cans at
\™ rk . and satififection guar “ j 40 cents per dozen. Eminent physicians claim
my6-2w / that skin diseases are caused by soap made from
null, has uliesu
D\ ini'
had live,
That heart
and asj.ira
long time
pains and <
perfect wc
skill could
And when
him h\ the
Her brig:
With a i
of life. 1h
high regi
its perfect
ful. those
filled nit
ft>und t ha
boned ictii
• the
i*tit \ -tliir
i«l I think I
doing bette
beat liigli with t ’
r d for duty, her life ha
■autiful exampli-
- e quality of soul
With tha
given, the
• Meth«
ees at
[Mill Methodist U
First Baptist t.'lmrch-
v i:i:igin i:is oi n.oou.
it n :
At tl
ion and 12th
Rev. It. H.
you - " stock buy a box of Star Bound
unite*. Call Early.
\y of those 9 >c. Rohes. We only
The Beehive.
fin Star Brand of Navy.
ti;i iiri f iih S.ois.
1 Building Lots in a desirable loca-
) J. Marion Kstms & Son.
II is cheaper tor all consumers to buy the Tin
For Kent.
1 Broom Dwelling corner Broad and <>th Sts.
1 Room Dwelling South Broad.
:J Twtvroom Dwellings South Third avenue.
2 Two-room Dwelling* South Fifth avenue.
3 Three-ioom Dwellings, Noi-Lhern Liberties.
5 Three-room Dwelling--. Drowneville.
1 Two-room Dwelling North Third avenue.
1 Two-room Dwelling East Ninth street.
1 Four-room Dwelling North First avenue.
Toombs Crawford,
Heal Estate Agent.
anteed in all cases. Try us.
Just arrived- Barrel Pickles and Boston Beans,
at Robert Justice’s, Agent,
Cju* A<*couimoclatioti.
Columbus. Ua., Jan. 26, 1886.
A Sleeper is attached to train No. 18 between
Columbus and Macon, leaving Columbus every
night at 11:35 o’clock.
Berths can be secured upon application to C.
W. Meyer, ticket seller, Union Depot, or to Con
ductor of train. W. L. Clark, Agent.
G. A. Whitehead, General Passenger Agent,
jan 28t f
cticitl House
.ftdm T. Klieplienl.
All work entrusted to my care (lone with neat-
:*!is and dispatch. Use only best material, i
'ill give satisfaction. Shops Oglethorpe street, ,
.‘low Disbrow’s stables, my2se2t j
I*h»uo rmiitiu. j
permanently as piano and j
3r of musical instruments
patronage of the citizens !
:i r .y and surrounding sections, and guar- (
uHire satisfaction. I refer to Ludden A ,
music hou*e, and any orders left there .
eiv** prompt attention.
>etuthiu*fcsc Joseph A. Obst.
; ranciod grease. Use the Frank Sidall Soup an l
j avoid all such troubles. Sold at
dtf Crane’s.
For Sale.
At reasonable price two (2) Building Lots in a
healthy and most desirable location of the city,
I within one block of the street cars and convcn*
I ient to water aud gas supplies.
For particulars apply to
F. Reichr <*r
| iny2-dlm C. Schombukg.
, Old .N('Wspa|M i*s ibr
Those who want old newspapers for putting
under carpets can get them at this bffiue at 50
cents a hundred. sept'ytf
Shaker’s Aromatic Diarrhcea Cordial is tin- mw-.t
pleasant and safest remedy sold for curing I
bowel affections, such as Diurrhcea, Dysentery,
Colic, Cholera Mori,us, etc. Traveling im :i ' I
find it indispensable, as the change of wui-r - )
often causes tiiem such troubles. Teetmng chil
dren quickly relieved, and care-worn mother*
>eace and rest by using the gem of icc:e-
iuikers Aromatic Diarrluea Cordial
i tuner and repai
rally, I solicit the
[ Oh
) Crop.
lory Butter, 25c. [
rl Grits for $1.00.
• LOO. Cash will s
<1 liief(Hi Hhilirt
Mr. IIali.
\ our Oeorc.
always will
, June 10, 18X0. !
veral times used >
i my family, and
known a great i
North Broad Street.
We have a large 1-
prices will move tlu
must be sold, if 1m
an eoueation. Our human reason revolts when
a young life i* smoldered by relentless disease,
but here, it w»\s made l>«*autit'ul bv virtues which
Rhone through suffering, and sanctified by the
lovliness of patience and the purity of resigna
The reward reserved for modest worth is hers,
and now disenthralled, her pure spirit communes
with kindred souls, that went just before. Over
her grave, spring flowers, bloom your sweetest!
For of this life linger memories the teuderest,
and by her death come lessons the holiest!
She longed for that life where pain and waiting
is no more, and the weary feet could n-st.
No more the dreary night watches filled only
With unrest. No more tin* tardy hours freighted
only witii suffering. A surcease from sorrow has
u The hi
In lnt» nMin.’ Talk IVit.'i
The Swift manuf
dll is one ,vt the most tl
lanufaeturing institutions
tart with it has one of th
uhstantial buildings tin*
Token by colored brick.
iff Manti-
1 i t at t lie
ie morning services, .»
ti*t' of the young men- some star
incuts." At night, “The fatal slip.’’
,'ond Bnpti-t -Up]>er Oglethorpe St. Set
Use no other tha
J. M \rion Estes & Son.
he Tin star Brand of Navj
>r Sab*.
11 :
:45 p.
J. YV. Howard,
young i
\ 11ii !
•ong ide
Though it has been but
, it
ontpniiy’.* cotton Trinity Episcopal -Oglethorpe, between lltli
augbly eqnip]>ed and 12th Sis. Rev. W. U. Hunter, rector. Holy
the south. To Uommunioii oil the first and third Sundays in
irettiest and most the month at H a. m., on tho second, fourtii and
lonotony being | fifth Sundn\s at 7 o'clock, a. m.
is managed by , First 1’resbyterian -Corner Oglethorpe and 11th
ml indafuligable j Sts. Rev. \V. A. Carter, pastor.
Church of the Holy Family Catholic' -Corner
Fors.Mh and 12th Sts. Father Schleuke, pastor.
■den of the day was hard to hear,
But (bid knows best.
been the pt
Now Life's sun b
i'ur rest --sweet res
turns in Georgia, ma
I are not produced any
It takes brains and
i such an institution
Swift mamifacturiiv
this fact the Enquirer-Sun
tain a few facts concerning
iug in at the offic
that Mr. \Y. A. Swift, the
snmcwliere in theeitv, but’
mind jud;
to the s
mills, am
lending institu-
speeialties that
i \inorica.
4ment to bring
standard of the
nd appreciating
anxious to asecr-
outlook. Dr >j>-
da.v we were t*i!d
esident, was out
found Mr. J. M.
Ice ( renin.
Adams & Bowers are prepared to furnish ft
lies with most delightful lee Cream of any fh
desired. They also put up any quantity
sired in boxes. Their Ice Cream Parlors are
in a manner to please the most fastidious.
. the
Wanted, a Milliner.
A lady to assist in Trimming Department. Must
ave taste and experience. Apply at M. Joseph's.
' Broad street, Monday morning. .May 17th.
The very desirable residence lately occupied by
O. S. Jordan on Fifth avenue, between Eleventh
and Twelfth streets. Terms reasonable,
my 16 3t so tu&tYi Yonge & Grimes.
For 10 cents you get a big piece of the Tin Star
At n Sneritiet'.
| Call at M. Joseph’s, 87 Broad street, Monday
morning, May 17, and see tlu* line line Kid Gloves
| in light shades—only 25 cents; actual value $1.25.
| Also Cape May Ilats; it’s best in the city—only 15
| cents.
French Millinery.
Just received a new assortment of Milan Un - j
ion, Milan’s and Cantons Hats to be trimmed on ,
Paris style, and sold cheaper than anywnere else. ,
Feathers dyed, cle
ben and :
Cm ill Remedy
success. I hav
many persons cured by using it. I regard it as
one of the besl Chill cures I ever saw. Respect
fully, John Hurley,
Chief of Police.
For sale by Brannon <A Carson, wholesale and
retail; also by Gilbert Blanchard.
Tin* Comity Chain (bing.
Macon, Ga., May 10, 1880.
Mr. R. B. Hall: Your Georgia Chill Reme
dy has been used among the convicts of the coun
ty chain gang with satisfactory results, and with
all the evidence before me I think it to be one of
the standard medicines of the day, and do not
hesitate to recommend it. H. L. Cook,
Chairman Supply Committee Board Road Com
missioners, Bibb County.
For sale by Brannon & Carson, wholesale and
retail; also by Gilbert A Blanchard.
Tilt* Sis ii is very ffurin.
Call on A. C. Chancellor and secure nn Umbrel
la and light weight Coat before you are prostrated
with heat. d&wtf
For Its*lit.
Store House No. 60, on west side of Broad street*
Itrioli ! ih ick ! Cfiriufii !
Contractors ami others wanting Brick will do
well to call on the undersigned for prices. N v
is the time to build, while material is cheap. .Me
prepared to famish Brick in any quantity de
sired. \Y. \V. & Geo. o. Berry.
Telephone 89. jelo-ly
Our I’ri**iHlN am! (lie B # ul>lie
Say we are doing the Clothing and Hat business
of Columbus. We do not complain ; it is not •/.it
fault, but the close prices we make.
d&wtf A. C. Chancellor.
If you suffer from weak or sore lungs use Pi-
cine, which quickly cures all lung and che-ft
affections. ^ ll
Fresh Pickles, Crackers, all kinds Deviled and
Potted Meats, Sardines, Chipped Dried Beef,
Pure Candy, Fresh Lemons, Olives, etc.
dtf Rout. S. Chase.
city get a bottle of Per*
It is old and mellow.
K. s. Crane.
Before you leave t
fection Shield Whisl
Scricw 2, (’InUtaliooriit'e Iluildinj; uihI
I.oan ANHOcialioii.
Books of subscription for above series now open
at office of Yonge A: Grimes.
Cliff B. Grimes, Sec’y and Treas.
5)elec*live Fyoxi^lit.
Parties having defective Eyes are invited to
call and have them examined by the Opthalm.v*
formerly occupied by James E. Cargill as a dry I sopic test free of charge, and if Spectacles can bo
goods store
jyis tf
ession given immediately.
Apply to Louis F. Garrard.
Ask your ret
Star Brand.
denned and curled. Gloves, Rib-
eaned at
Mrs. L. Lkquin's. i
i’.er for the best navy—the Tin«* Too Short
To waste your time in walking over the town to
find out that Chancellor is offering the best bar
gains in Clothing, Hats and Furnishings. Go to
Chancellor’s direct. You save money. d&wtf
A I.aryre Coii'.igiiiiient
Of Straw Hats and light weight goods shipped to
Chancellor. S3 and 85 Broad street, with instruc
tions to sell regardless of price. Season is pass
ing. d&wtf
of benefit they they will he fitted at moderaiO
price. J. H. Ba AMU ALL,
Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician.
New number, 1117 Broad street \west sidei.
Old number, 103 Broad street (west side Co
lumbus, Ga. __ __ feb21U
Frowli Oranges anti Banana**
just received by Robert Juitice,
myodtf . Agent.
Ask for “Time and Tide” and "Masher” Cigar?,
They are the most popular in the city.
apH deo’.vlm.