Newspaper Page Text
lilts .MhxM'IL Cnnf>sM‘s tIn- II
Hint it Wits Vcl.loiilu! —Ill
I Dm
Sr. Loris. May 19.—H. M. Brooks, alias
,j'„x<v U, oil trial fur the murder ot C. Ar-
;V.,V i. :U r. was hrounht Into the cnmi-
. court this 11 uriilng at in o’clock, am!
iv.iitcil patiently lor Judge Van Waggoner
1 i*.lisuosc of unimportant cases on the
docket and call his own. The prisoner
•intaiiw his quiet de>neiinor mid pn ■■.•sses
relief at having bei u allowed hy his
,:toi ne.v to make a mi statement of tin
ri.inner in which l’reller civnie to liis
, . .and feels eoniirleiit that puniie o]iin-
j‘7ii li is aln nd.v acquitted him if inten-
1 mind crime. Ail of the witnesses for the
,e, were present 111 a body ami are kept
itik-r strict sure, illanee i>.\ the slieritf.
T’:e i-’o-k-Dispatch prints a stale cent
1 e, ;iv H. M. Brook' alias Maxwell m
l;., ,i fir the murder of C. Arthur Preli.-r,
».■ liii-ti will count itutc his only
tll I lieh vill lie urged hy hi< mt'iri.ev.-
'i;,'ih. ii’.d. in a Word le will eon.c..
V.iliing Trelier hy accident, while netii g a.5
nnesieiiui. and. that being cxeiti d and
frightened, lie conceded instead of mak-
,■ p 1 inyii tile fact of death. He doclart ,
. always wanti d to tt II the fuels, am
iVdv refrain'. 1! hy advice of his attorneys.
Yin following is
.Mr. Prcilt i was sntl'tring from a private
•discus", for which I hiei previously pre-
Y, l it.1. mixing the niedieiue.s myscif fr.,10
tee hotiicH in the medicine cl,. .-,: 1 earrien
with ’he; Lot his ailment bad reached a
'age when it was necessary for me to
i,,race investigations. J was obliged to use
a catheter, and ill using Ft catheter when
ti,e ,,ills were ! ha l jrre'lously
anplird hloroform in order to produce ii
condition of narcotism. I explained tie.
I nif rss to Broiler, and told him what 1
should have to do. He was not only will
ing, hitt was very anxious for me to treat
him in tiiis manner.
Brooks then tells of the
which was spilled in the sink on Sunday
afternoon while washing the instruments
preparatory to the operations; of his going
to hi mow’s drug store and buying more,
deliving incidentally the statements that
|u , i, re showed evidences of Jmrry and, and continues: ‘’About 5
p. ni. vve began the operation. 1 adminis
tered flic chloroform in the usual way,
h.tiding a saturated cloth to the nose. Mr.
Prellcr passed through the first stage all
right. It took several moments—I don’t
know exactly how long; then iie entered
tlic second .stage, and here the terrible re
sult came. I discovered, too late, that he
was dying. Imagine my horror when this
fact diiwned on me. t was
but had presence of mind enough to cut
the shirt and undershirt from the body,
and getting a wet towel 1 beat hint around
the neck and shoulders for half an hour or
more. 1 did not give up till ) was ready to
drop from exhaustion, and my efforts were
not ended till he bad been dead some
time. Ail the clothes he had on at the
time were his shirt and undershirt; he had
stripped for the operation. What did i
do \v ben I saw my friend was dead? What
could I do? 1 didn't know what to do. I
drank everything I could get- wine, whis
ky, everything. What were my thoughts?
I bad not any. All that I remember is that
I. drew on a pair of drawers—the first that
fell into my hands—and
from which I had removed everything, i
put it into the trunk an hour after Prefler’s
death. What was done besides this I have
no recollection of. Liquor and consterna
tion hnd possession of me, and I know
only that my feelings were those of the
utmost horror. I remained in my room
that night—the same room in which the
remains were— and it would he a lie for me
to say I slept, for i did not. and I was glad
when morning came. What 1 did alter
leaving my room you know, for it has all
I eeu printed.”
He said lie supposed the post mortem,
when the body was found, would
Die nature of the operation and tHo cause
of death. According to his own story t lie
cutting off of Preller's mustache, the in
scription about "traitor” found in the
Inuik. and all the other queer incidents
connected with the tragedy, arc to be at
tributed to his liquor and fear-crazed con
dition after the fatality.
The ling tins .Had,
New York, May 21.—It, has been learned
that the clog which it Miss Morosini a
mouth ago, at Yonkers, was mad. Imme
diately after biting Miss Morosini the dog
was killed. Its body was sent to Dr. Lian-
turd. A. post mortem examination was
made, and all signs of hydrophobia wen*
present. On the Kith of April, two days
after the dog’s <leuth, a perfectly healthy
dbg was procured, and Dr. Liantard intro
duced some of the matter from the brain
of the dog which nit Miss Morosini into
its brain. The patient seemed perfectly
heultny until the sixteenth day after the
operation had been performed. Then he
showed signs of rabies, and two ( lays aft er-
ward died. An autopsy was made ; and
ILe signs of hydrophobia were found in the
animal. The le.iiiit of the experiment was
cahled to Pasteur on May 3, and on May 5
an answer w as received from him staling
tliat Miss Morosini had that day received
tlie third inoculation..
The doctor at the 'veterinary college said
hi the past twelve over 3000 dogs had
been brought to him for treatment, and
<'Ut o:' this number only six had the disease.
Mr. M.irosini and Ids daughter are still in
Pari^:. They will probably return to New
York in about three week's.
New Y6uk. May 21. When Tt
ii.i, the actor, S iited lor Europe yester
day, he did no? pirt in peace with his
manager. Cburies Ghi/zoia. Prior to the
departure of the ,ui.*r, he was served with
papers in a suit, on night by Chi/./.nln, t»
compel him to stand nis share of
certain losses sustained by the mana
ger during the -jens-m just coded.
•'>a nuol French, the manager, is also made
a party defendant to the action. On
March 2, 188o, Chizzola and Salvini madeja bv which the former was tour.
( leirhs II. lt<•• I stlii i tna-T% in tin". .11 . f ,
as manager of
.Salvini friuu
tlu> sc
coml ,
1 re.-t
A', i k in
• last until thi
:■ Inst wim
•U ill !
A p’. ii ■ 1
this \c.
ar. By the
'..•nils (i
I tin
oimtrm .
vms to reeeiv
« di per
on 1 '
of ill* gross recc
Ipts whik *35
jlCl ccut
. V.'h*
tin '
l » go t«.
( hi/./oti
'. w ho wns u
Hi. to jm;
v t! 1 • •
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fix ;i
It wn..
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t h it Sni v ini .should :ij,
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■s per a
l vk in .stub]
days as
ia t
bv ids 1.
uana ger. Sni
\ ini e.\a
ig to the
1 papers in t lu
.* all . [\\
at lie
sli, ni
>e furii
TmD d wilii eailnies l.
■ ^ l IV
t)> a
liin'llt t(
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il',. hi*, dn
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.1 in
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a H *•:'** in w
hich I v
notwit i(
' :i nd ilig tie
fact that
t ‘the
t lie'.lt'Ah
were ei
A*, v iigbteil hy gas or
i iet
tri, !tv.
“ Oth.’
Do" was tiie nos.
• ig!
I'.opuiar ph
•et' i 11
t Lie
re, il il''
re. 'J
liizzola sav,
s that
t e
act. v
iti.v P l’d.-r.
1 lu
•” on th
• ground Dial
that : In
■ ter
tail.vl to
in mu di
work. :ut(l hu insisted, in
•'il iatioll ic'llu.'
contract, in
appear’ i
14 in
ll?* >
New Yokk, May P. <
ex-state’s attorney of* ••
isstil! cl) itincd in 1 udlo\
charge of misappivgri::
he, as C'Uinsel f »r \Vi!l:\m v' *. ';]>* .l A l‘o.,
;’s of west Forty-second
>s:«i'ssj.m. Tin.* \\arrant
ni. ' Hid ! : d \V ;s :ir-
!i()ti 1 • I.
when tlu
his i
'paper ncim:
.*>! ha ! :
issued i
■d at the Ho -■man
e was quite a scene
id the va.'ir
by mam sP.vMgt
ly taken to tlu* j ill.
’in e v ■;. d law \ . r :
a •\y R« cl, tlu.
v iiniy. I lii.ioi-.
street'jail on a
).* -If.'"., which
> sail|
I'dic r
th ,t l\e« 1 \Y:\>
It is rep'h ie I t hat
A SoLitl'iernizerl Yankee and Con-
'I.• -ate SoM:(_:■ Tells What
He Knows A 1 :.out 4 .
i • 1
(• :
other plays, thereby causing a
>)7l.i>i ( '.wy night. The eiivu.uistanc
caused an aggregate loss of over ?io,‘Ki'T
daring t he season, Re-idcs this !*vi!\ini. if
is suidj i-cl’iised on eight occasions to per-
form !i\e times a week, and only appealed
four times wteKiy, thus causing a h.s« to
Lite manager oj at least .f'S&ld.
stlU.'ti’.g 11
l'lno <«u I'll miiuli * * K »«i it u •' *
The New York Tribune, of all papers in
uhe i ouniry, jiu » lions tie- pa.isag * ol'tlu
river and harbor bill, and of “p_n.;;un biil.s ;
for individuals aim .si»ecial classes,” t•.
show the bad effect of a cemoeraiio r«.*st or
ation. What wili it say when tlie river
and harbor hill goes hack to tlu* house
loaded down with two or three millions of :
dollars by senate amendments? And why '
does it ignore the fact that all pensmn job's 1
go through the senate “kiting? ? It is only j
the organs that set no delinquencies in
their own pat ty.—Bosto i Herald.
PmnIill Philnic»*N.
Postoitices e.stal’lished—Georgia: Kirin;,
Coweta county, Cirantville, ti\c .unlessoutii-
east; Corinth! six miles soutawesl; New- ,
man, miles northeast: Newport, Fan- i
nan county, on loute lot IS, Diamond, tne
miles south; Croylon, six and a half miles i
Postmasters commissioned: John T. |
lvirby, Coweta county, (Ja.; Newton C.
Forrester, Newport. Fannin county, Ga. \
N 11l'crn .mil i-r i
''.iv:\iiit.ih • , ni!'; li:.::k c
over the counter ' t j'lvai'i
at par.
Cot toil
Market to-day n
geo,l >;• tin ny. .r. \ >*v ,\\
S l .|C; good middling ' v c.
:ul f iirai’tl railroj.i
s and M'f'tci n rot
'olumlms and Ho.u : vo.i 11«
net rei.eip'-- 1. 1 u. >.
r > • - i iiv;.' Him i m
\> 'll'. . in. .M. y HI.-* otto,. ,
1 !I i '<• Jdc. .u*t n 'i gi"^
'A' ■ kly net rceidp*- iM, go **• old:
i Date.
Uy t!i
by w
I V.
Np ‘t - t<> Co.
main ialk.
There is a presen alive principle in SOZ-
1 OlJdNT that eiteetualJy preserves the teeln !
| from decay. Rich, and poor endorse it. No 1
1 lady ever tried it without approving its !
cleansing and purifying properties. J'; !
! outsells all other dentil rices. Ask for
1 SOZODONT and take no substitute.
! sat se tu tbtfcw |
Hy Southwestern vailr-uul ..
bv ; <»,111m• >n•- and WV-tern r
by the river
'1 alien by ui'uiuou? litctoric*-
Tlu- .111*1 ImmIist ( (•lift n iir f .
Riciimoxi/, Va., May 21.—In the M. II.
conference to-d;iy the rejiorl of the special
coin»u'.ttee on hymn books was recom
mitted and two impers on the same sub-
j'-ct ordered printed.
Dr. J. B. McFerreii, of T»-mlessee, was
^-elected book agent, leceiving 107 out of
-hr votes cast. J. G. Johns, of Tv\.as, \va-*
elected secretary of the hoard of mission?
in place of iv. A. Young', of’Tennessee,
form el*.secret ary. Dr. J»a\id Marton, of
Louis ille, was re-»*ieew*d seeret.iry of the
board on church extension.
At ti.e owning .lesl’mn tile following olli-
c-n.s were elei-ted . in*. I.>. ('. Kvlicy, <>!'
Nash\ilh*, incn.nbi ut, missionary treas-
ui't r ; In*. VV. P. i I a rrisOFi, ..f Tc nnesst e.
■men: lhenl: editor viiristian .ulvocate;
Dr. \Y. id G. Cimuingliain. of Nasliville,
diwumbcnt editor v-utmlay-selujois publi-
UnPrimd UriluTv.
j Tne railroads know very well that the
I free puss system aids them considerably,
! ami while they may say that they are anx-
: ious to break it up, it is probable that they
are rather anxious for its continuance, for
' there is no other form of bribery that is so
1 safe and so productive of desired results.—
| Savannah News.
inirudar-brupplimr l.iulics,
! We should like to see established by some
I person or persons possessing more money |
; than they know wiiut do with a fund for j
the exclusive benefit of ladies who sue- j
! cessfuily grapple with burglars.—New York ]
I Journal.
I Mr. George C. Miln has written for .i I
j Chicago newspaper in entertaining narrti- j
i live of his evolution from the pulpit to the
j stage, in which lie declares: “1 was a
! clergyman; J am an actor.” The opinion 1
! George has of himself is not shared by ,
| other people. .He never has been a star 1
| clergyman, and never will be a good actor.
Saved His IdIV.
j Mr. D. I. Wileoxson, of Horse Cave. Ky..
1 says he was for many years badly amicicd
j with Phthisic, also Diabetes; tin*
j pains were almost unendurable.
1 and would sometimes almost
! throw him into convulsions. lie
: tried Electric Bitters and got relief from
j tii ut bottle, and after taking six bottles was
i entirely cured, and had gained in iiesh
| eighteen pounds. Says he positively be
lieves he would have died had it not been
i for the reiief allerded by Electric Bitters.
1 Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Brannon &
j Carson. _ eotkvw
Mi:.villous I.'.nihc.
1 \V. W. Reed, Druggist, of Winchester,
1 Ind., writes: “One of my customers, Mi.-..
\ Louisa Pike, Burmina, Randolph Go., Ind..
' was .i long suilerer with Consumption, aim
was given up to die by her physicians.
| She heard of Dr. King’s New Discovery ,
for Consumption, and Oegan buying it of'
• mo. In six months' time she walked to
I ibis city a distance of six miles, and is now
so inticn improved she has quit using it.
Bin* feels she owes her life to it..’’
( Fn.e Trial Bottles at Brannon & l’arson’* 8 ■
j Drug Store. cod&w
i* s.iil Wi.'a slmr, Mni.
j N'cw York Sun.
Two young women and one young man ,
Went boat riding on a recent bnndu.v, and j
tiie boat lipped over. Tne young mm. j
was tail, and by standing on lipii.-e wa»i
able to Ket \) ills head out of water, and tne
gir:s inmg to his hair ears, ami \urc
*»ru| Is kiitilbinii ol I * .1. . I« I I. i \ .*r * #i..
With, very palatable and
imweases n si:. Dr. J - ’. iL L’
ilrigliln;.. Ills., says: “Scon’s l-hiiulMon i.-
the i*eM i Iju. e e , el* pivscriiied. i'. is very
[> liaiable, easily, an i g'ives
strenglh and iKMi to 11;v patient.”
ST A I i;.v . .M .
Stock on iiami Auqiiil jl, 1 -A
Received t'.Mlay.
•* p.eviv<a«ly
; ,i.
...,s:i,r>n5 v.i.m:
...;U,?(.H - y.»,7uii
Sevjk on hand i, iril
Stock August 31. issi. js2; r> ..viwd sain.-day.
53; total receipts r6.V_ ,r ,: shippvl nr <1; . 1 :’7.
total shipments 76.35*3 : stock oil: sales-- mid
dling 1" ; .e.
Ite.vipis at I'nitcd States pod.- to-.h.v ,
for 7 days, 22.1<S3; exports to Great Rriialii, 2-1,
continent, 13. ao; <-t ,ei; .
I’nitcd States Pulls -lteccipls 1*.r 1 day :
exports to Great Britain, ; to continent
: stock .
MAHKriN HY HJ.DilU l'».
London. Alav 21. --1 — Consols— monev
101 13-16, accL’Uiit .
Ni:w VO'IK M'l
Ni:w York. May 21. -
heso. v. M -ney ea*sv ut
ionp ? . ~|,nrt fl.'S
,x» May 2! < • itor. :.i irk :
in t ico .|*l- 1 '*17: gr<»— it.
1 1f).’)!{.*. ex.i•• : .■' 1 Heal P.','.
.M*o5:i. May 21 —* on- •: .• nic *.:
s net n ev p. Mil.
• Veekiy in * 4ius- a i:
CApf-rt" t» • treat l.h «•».
•I :mf'liis. M,*y 2;. « n :inu.
H li-hk: leceipl-. 1 I >. MHifim ill- ;; •!
t: '■>. .
’vVeeKly J‘23: .sinpi.iei.ts
1L6IV •.
Acocsta. M.,V 21. I.oti -.l p.'t ;
h .c; receipts i&y. •■idp;..e... - im:
stock IT 117.
Vfe‘kly net ipi - 2 »•/; - 1 * ». lent
Os?, to -pir.nviM • «•.
H. >ai<
• pc: ia*: receipts li
sto-.k *2 v^.»* i-.vp'ft : sr.? .; ?jt iy».
Weckiv net icyeipPi 1102, inns* ilo.-!: -a.e.. loni
c.\pt A'l s to c .A ii.e.a 00.
Mo\toomr.RY. M >v 2’. . ( • .itoil s» -i i\. mid-
ajings >' ..c: »v..*ck!y r pi- .so. -nipn-m- 'V,.
-■ • k il.a year 157'. i:»-t • .■ 2;";.
M . -'-N. M..v 21- ( ,t.:i,i\'!i.,|i!]nU’ h :
: *• iipiiu-nt •
.. M l .1. 1 ••itor’ .-*’’.»dy; n»; ull'iifr
'pt*. I!• ■. . p: 1 • a . i . 1 , • a ii. * 3.' 1. * pi• t
w* ke r.
Stock-dud and
Exclia nge
is 11 eg I e« ted
dao.- h
and tied. «t. .vernmeni bonds -•letup
N York. May 2J. F.xeiiarge >}..« i : .. Mir.c
| 1 1 ..••• 2 per cent. (fOVc.’jini'*nl n».pd.- luP. N.
' lour per cents 120•,: three per cenv- !25'
Stut'. 1 tj..nds neglected.
Sl'l.-Ti:KASL’RV ll.-M.ANCMS.
r » )]d in the Snb-Yi onsury *!2S,d!.i.0u0; t.uvt a.
Y;; v York, M:.;» '2'.. The I. I!.»’ving .veret::
clos’iiv quotation- <i' * • *;< ’.xeli’ine :
Ala I'ul'S A 2 to ic. ' <J N ,1
dt class \i >s i ni . N. i). Piic. :.-'s. . ■ ij
C»tt li'.- l'JM . N. Y. l viitra! . .. 101'
(ia 7'-' mortpa-re ..prj A 1 f ek A\\" t ,»iv 31
XI . ...
ff’ro* i'diiias.
May 21.- i":o* r ,l..-a
1 :• 1 s J me
n i •baa , ■ •-U/<;> 02'sf 1 *• I.
a ll ;' t '2'.' <i F, jo. hoyyo 1'1 •••*.t -
idled -hoi!Tiers il 35* 1 2" -hon
f.'j r> ' 1 - -. sti^ar rp.iii t-.. ninni
s c
. Hr*
Virginia 6s
Virgbiia consols .
C'hesap’kf- ( o Jo
Chicago.v X \V...
ilo Jd'L’t’e.'Ted. ...
!>•*!. 02 Lack
La-t I cm 1
Lake Sliorc
I.. A: .N . ..
Mi**n!»*» i.- A: ('liar..
do j !ern d.
Paci!.-: Midi . .
Ue:ui ; i/
liicc. .v. ,\ 1 j» gl;a
N. J. v • . 11ra! .
Mi- • aa "'i
.-»r. L a. - ;.-. '»Ia.\ •
fi»e.iily : • » 2 ;
* /.:i - 4 c.
a: • *l i-!"!, - linn*.-r: i
•- V. 'la chM,' dVle.-’
Miles !• .
hi Anierh
W■ • 1 ilTfC i 111 j•< 1 !*; 11! ’led I»;ir-
”' : l i i I- : 11 ,1. 111 '.'1 ■ _m.h 11 Is
It'i- |jiis 1! ivHy
IMcryi I linn- 111it>i-(m| ;is ic,id-
I'i’s it| flicsi (P0>;• rl 11 m•! 11s. M'c
••ill: iissitiv (niv |utltdtis llial
liii - w I’ck fill’ nim in iimiotinc-
iiie illi- wilI he no! only it
;ii<•«<-;1111 surprise P < I linn. Iml
: i ; i conviii'-i’ nil Iluil il is m<‘-
les.- In look (’1 —(’WI it’ll ’ ill'll I
piu’c .-lm■ i 11iiliovc eooi|> .mil
low |ii’ict‘< ol siiinc.
\\ i- ii re seli ii i” 2or I )r<‘ss
(Sill I 2. r,
\\ iii’c s( 11 i11 pt ;t 42-incli III--
• li;i Li11 • •! 1 nl ■> ceiils.
We cun show yon ;i 12 i 11 o11
I*'i■*• 11 <■ 11 Piii’ii Al ill iii !Sc. wm !h
30 ('(‘Ills.
!.'! I'ilH. I here is IK il ii siol'e
li! < i( ii 1II11' il i s ||::i| cun show
\ 0:1 i he \\ 11 i I < ■ (mods we c,i n.
! I is ,. 11 ueklM l'.\ ||’(Ipei | |, 1 (• I. i!||( I
I i 11 u -' i k • 11 ! (11 (I lls lime ii j ii!
. 1 l. 111) hy I lie lm lies. .111 — I u 4;
I I . Se*• tjlli* j illi . .1 I !i ■ I Spi e,,i I ..
t\ ' ■ II. 1 ve >oi 1 |i- Very 11 >'.(*! \' (11 * —
itliio.i. r 111 < ■ ■: 1.
! to lioi J 1 >!,!_•(■' ; 1 sk |(i -c
■ ; ..(<lie: ' 2o i !n-4-:. .‘io
(icnial. li«urty. homst, wiiolo-soulcd
Scj: Dimlap! Why, every man, woman
am! child from the “Great Sin.-hy’’ to the
■lull’, and from the Tombigbeo to the At-
iantic. will *-mile back a recognition to the
plea - mt ei unit ell nice \M picture.
Bfrn in Goiinei'ticiit, while yet n young
mi in, in 1 Nf>t, lie cii'iic suiith and located in
hi*--late. HrM at Fort Valley, and remov
ing from tin re .shortly afterward to Amor*
ie■•*. wnere Ik- first developed rds cajiacity
*\n* a entumeiviid life. After Home years
I'eGdenre In-re lie assoeiated himself in
bii.sineos with I*. H. Oliver, at Albany,
bdiidhig a large'-tore. At Altmny he was
111 > fj-timat* eiiongii to his wife by a of lightning, and shortly after re-
tiirtied to hi*- first love. Americus, where
: li“ onihre.ik of the eivil war found him.
I! • enlisted. M-'-ving first in I 'lecompany of
,»j.*- ivi.iti\L , (’apt. I. R., of Com
pany l i nl t hn
and afterward in tlu-cavalry under Major
K. (I. lii ek»-tt. 'Idle close of the war found
Mr. Dunlap stranded in Macon, but his in*
dmnitahie 1 ii'-rgy .soon recuperated his for
tunes, and the tirm of Dunlap A: Esher,
lancy goods deuh*i'.s. was well and widely
known in til they burned out. After this,
tor a short time, he was in business at
Rome, from where lie enter* <1 into that for
which In* was ii«tcnd«*d by nature—a sales
man. In this capacity hi has been con
nected constantly witli some of the best
of the ( astern m tnufai luring houses. In
1S7 I he renn ved with his family to Atlanta,
and has been a resident of this city since.
Meeting him on the street during the
week, the reporter was grei.U d with a
h» arty handshake and earnest :
“How are yon. my lad ?’’
“Pretty we|], S-iin; how are you?”
“Sound as a dollar, my boy; although if
J had met you ten days ago I cc.uld not
i. ive said as much J*
“Why, how wasthut becn-sick?”
“Well, you must know that for the past
ten years I have been suffering with kidney
disuisc, which every now and again would
grow bad ai d give me serious trouble.
About two m mth.sago I began to have one
of my bud spells, and Ibr the past t ight
wei k*- I have been Midi ring some or most
of tee
• I have t ried al! t he physicians find medi
cines that I could heamr read of. and their
name, as you know, is legion, but until a
w'h k since t he disease has held undisputed
sway. Il is not a pb asanf thing, my boy,
to know that a disease w hich some of the
most noted physicians of the country have
pronounced as the most fatal to humanity,
Ins a mortgage upon your vitals, I tell you.
It sort ''lakes the good humor out of a
\ ,
I ll • o |
v York, May 21.-
mg t i:rough'/,;. 11
1 vk, as i < 1 >. irt * *. I
*.r for the L'nip.
■a J), a total of j
ami ih2 1 he We.-k jj
• ties seem l>> 1 >l- hl:
’«)’.:gii(nit : in
Rusjiii -s lailures
t: L’o.iniiw liuring
R. G. ini.1 lV Go.
I .Si.Ues 117 aim
17. aguiiis. i7:‘> last
c . i< his. i hisitics*
Miiy >le,.lining in
i.oxih>x. Mat
oA-ek i'roiitier 't
of firing on the
Havoiat)!’.' id’, eted
imjjn a,, bourses, nul tone
Athens, May 21.M. ’ibicoujiis lias
,l ! ri ! 1 ' ,1 ■> tic.v mioistrv. He assumes pro
visionally the oliices' of mini -aer of war
J iru Rdnisrer ol’ finance. The other miois-
o-ys arc^M. Lombioalos. interior; M. Doui-
Dgot. is .justice: M. .Manc’u., public instruc-
l, ”» i M. Tln,„k.,tH. n.... .
I ■ (Mil I I .
. ’ (i i.i11. 1. - ,o,.i. Ten-
Mi 1(1-{•••(' |« .! ; • •} • M I M
j I H't v 1 H I I | M ! U I- j !i) \ (
’ • I 1 i';' •» - H I ' 11 ( ! I.
il. ' r* \ •' ! .! I M ' \
1; • • h
, •Simmons' Iron (’orrlial rtmnvc-. Iiloti
'””4' linmnrs and s iv..ui the fir
Sold by John P. Turner ic Bio., (.'■•
bus ' «a. eod.
Edward C. Knigiit, Die miliionain me)*-'
clicnt of P.hiladelpnia, who*'-, scmi-c nten-
nial of husirtess life w a.- u !ei>.fttul ia*t
we-k, began hi\« career a • an errand b -yoM
5 2 a wh k and saved 'i ' , ‘ • .1 of tin*.: ii.-
.•ume- with which to start a grocery-tore. 1
p, m 1 co„
I ~ l '< ■ | L-1!, ; | i .1-1'.
H.l .Miil's. - - OIMliMA.
5d,an>iah. Ga. An^ssta, Ga.
And wbat miraculous dispensation has
i‘at'-d In your b< Killf*. Sam?” queried
o p- rt.-r.
NoH :ug miraculous. I just had a glim-
ring of eo n mon sens*-: |t hat’sail. A bout
r Mars ago 1 had a severe attack of
'.neatj-,m. widen eon ph-tely disabled
for i ne linn . and which developed into
at i- <-a!!»-d *ebroni<’.' attacking me
• ii |ea#-t • • \p< et 1 I. and hiding me uj),
’re!■. ineap;. Hat ing in' for any kind of
m- and i adding me as much sulh-ring
. d IV a, Sl o 1..* 1 b* e-owded into a life-
ie. A ‘‘t * r one ■ •!' my mo-1 >«-vere attacks,
M'4I I bid , got aide to hobble
' ;.'i I ” t t J. M. i h:niii< it t. an old
•• . M. • lid be e •:: 1,| make a remedy
( i’I'K ME. AND
I/-.tiles of I i tin nieutt’s
pp 1.. red (Viet roots and
1 i;.«l .. twinge of
r:- ined inc \\..s not
.> 1 t: • t 1 •!••, but was
.'I--, •‘••nineutt for Ids
v : • i: I.- ago ii \\ as de-
.. >nt li*.- market, and
".'*•< d !< r t hat purpose.
• I be O.idst of my Miffer-
■ f »In ir ments
• »r ki<: 11* t • 1 -u'di.-s also,
i nre ra* •jj/.atlsin, and I
i: t f * a - at ..nee and de-
t a t’l.i ”l.itw it a kidney
i.dii 2 !\ mav seem ex-
•’r-! davM us. ga’. e me
• o| loj'i sti
i\eg..nt. bin t .*.«
ief. ai.d t •
te<! taking
iploins had
! jot-
clt a
d t\
ve not
k. 1 believe
. That is a
make it hon-
prepared to