Newspaper Page Text
£ST \8LISriED IN 1828. 58 YEARS OL D.
Daiiv, Weakly Mini Sunday.
Tin* KNQUIHKlt-SCN i-h*ucd every
* pt Monday. The Weekly H Hvicd «m
The Daily -including S’lndv is de
arrlers in the city or mailed pontage fr<
cribem lor 7*V. per month, s.'.itn
uontlm. *4.00 for nix month*, *7.tin
The Sunday W delivi red hy currier ho
■ity or mailed to subscribers, p—M.tgi
t I.imi a year.
The Weekly is Untied on Mon lay. an I
n subscribers, postage free, .it Si.l'» a \
Transient advertise me uts will he ’.ke
tailv it *1 per Mjiure of 10 liries or h-
}r-*t in-erl ion, and 50 cents for *uch >1
nsertion. and fbr the Weekly at ?1 for
rim lii.-a.M.ii.
11"! Winn (ii 11 :':ii I ini'-1, hi ill'! .1 i • ’ I’il-
in x'fiii-1" liavc ivc ,v'! it-ci! :n'■ i ail
h-m* nf who-" ivsignutioii wn-1h" a <>i■ -1.
As tin* line- ai'c ii"\v ilmwn it a|>-
Tlmt »ii-iHml (icii'il iii i• • -i111
• cni ai 1 lie I'liit.-l <tn!c- -"Hat"
|illfj»"I'aial.!nii.'nicy, mi l Ilia
■ I":ii 11'j i.i" lii'.' a 111111in■ vii-l 1;
hi in I • v ill" |"" i] >1" 1 "i 1 " 1 in' 1
J.l in with ill" II"-. "'ll'" ' I
,-i -1 I'll. >V I’l'ii'iVll tlli'.’l:' "" 1 'll-
:i, " "fa " i '.a a ; hy ..a, I
limit"; hi: '.Mill.
That m li"ii tIn- minni" I’.h 1- "inn
ii"! fa-! in I Maim- n
: ii ", h"" "f ,1'ljni a III 1 11', i 111 I
Ilia I "a! nr I.I. I" i ' a J ! I"'
nl'ii'i**. Incni.-l.ble statement that car' S [ ■ J ft
Atlanta, Ga.
ifo PRAfJriFQT
ni uU'-Oi unMnULo 1
Telogrtun. The chan** . he says, consists of
pounds of powder, cost mg 1350', a steel shell, cost-
ing $400. and a silk cloth to hold the powder, the
government price of which i* given as $i5. /h* Something About the Ups and Dov»ns of
gun in which this expensive iinmunitjon is useo
Her Inhabitants.
"ii „
cost S‘70-5,000, and. together .vith the othe
hie s-.ojei aboard the Benbow, entailed ai
of J 1.011,000.
Ill |
Mr. Morrison expieoos the opinion that i)
ll strength of both parties wL! Iv about the sail
in the next congress, and that the republic
id will hold themselves m reserve l’or me pro:
I,,, dent i,il contest. One i -msoo why 1*. thinks u
republican^ will not in; ke a gre it eiTort to seen
1 Mie control of the lower lrm-e i- that they won
‘'till be powerless, and that then party mea.sur
•I-. would be vetoed. Me think- that at the end
,| Die year tin* trca-uiy b-tKn win incieuM
revenue and de :rc sed . \pend'lure.
MISS 1)1 V \ \\ \ V A I.IVli.
J Koai.f-;
All i nnmtmfc
ide 1 to pn
i Is or • nter
i 1' .duals will bo charged as advert Hen.• • *m •.
f* pec i ill contracts made for advertising by ine
year. obituaries will be charged for at customary
None but solid metal cuts used.
All communications should he addressed to the
proprietvrof the liNQUiHHR-Si'N.
11 is two months find six clay* till the
‘j'tli of July and ithvady thv* \suidlur i-
• iiiiti • w arm.
Ma.ioh It \m\ is not afraid <>f primaries
uni Unmoral <»>»r«lnn i- not afraid of
j»iimarie>. Thuy both say so. What
then. gcnllojiien, an* you •(iiarndm-
; i! mi it ?
Iff tint: fon.uiii^-arif- in the rural di-trict
at home*.
W'f shall m»t umlfrtaIn- to di -mi*-
whether * ii'ii. « .onion mi- rij.,t or
whether Majiir Jlaf'di ua* wronj- in i •-
trard to tin ir ivsiiDialiou*. Tin '.upo-.-
has ln*en so tleTfiuahly i!!umin;;ie<l in
tin* present and in nt her eampai jn- tlmt
if t lie pc 'pie are not j r< t.are. 1 p . pa •-
imp.ain Ln;it too
•rid* on thev.
ts grounds, will
i < t Norfolk. Va.
Atlanta papers are giving the public some curi-
iau;i ! wfe.deif' leases that are quite intcrest-
ig. Ji seems a young lady of Atlanta had
• f.n rep rted u- dead, hut it came to the ears of
ie Constitution reporter that she was still alive, 1
ml being on the alert for news, called at her Ji} ;»]] jjjc ]pti
•'•'ab lo learn all the facts. Miss Dunaway
ho him been pivin unced dead, said :
“For four years rhcmniatb in and neuralgia hav<
•-i'O ,' y‘i« ian> and all other ticvtmuit. M
Pattern Hats and Bonnets
•'IeI co:a mi.rams ev r shown iu (1
iirkot, Mir of such prices aOnni.-h evu-y one
?dneed t<- 60 poun
exjiec'wl to
■s~ amnio siiw goods bepsbiiiii,
Uwu..eol-B. B. B.. and Hie action of one* , UlliOllMilsms. MililiiS. Ch'iJlil Mil.111,-. EilLiii-l] Mill
;f bet.iie cmivuioid my friends that it would ji| StruW. FillMV S'i’HW. Lop'! J MfllS. Jl l H! M Ll
uy A f.plv a cieai
a-1 ab' nml
late A. T.
it now . l h
i;] ] M j;,u that state. What then *.
Tni: conveme
i" Illy . "li.-tliliM . tin;
the- ti
l'll" ('I ml Ian ""ml Til. it— Maul - inli inna-
Jimi. It <l"-iri- In kimw if “llic
li "lill'll l'iill-til ll! inti will S"p ill il - ll"!l'l-
J.Hift wlioo]iiiiu' ii11 tin-1 ioriImi lmitr "timipli
to tell tin wlicthi-r Ciiii-ilonV '>]>]..aiicut i-
iIh.'khiiu.* l’.Hi-oii wli" wfiit<t SJiulct-ilonro’;-.
I iliiy s Fi-oin lii" toil" of tin- Con-tiln-
tioii wp Would jii'ltrc tliid Hacon wu- en-
vr.ik**'I in an "iH-ru'i-tit- jiui-puit of a jitilii-i--
Iiatorin! nooiilliitioii .ihoiit tl," tin,"
-Ii ill oparpV lavs w-iv writu-ii."
11 u■ pi- i- a ]»oiii 1 w lii"!i -111- i!-i■].'
wl I ill I sliollld not li" : d:"' 1"' i. Ill '.
ing a ilt-fcns" aaaiii-l sia I, <-li::ri."i
tlii- lvsiyouiti-ai Im-ini-s in j.artii n]
Imt -Ill'll ")i!i|-o"s trcii"|-a)ly. I ::<■ ronnnon .Itliltii .uni 111" i
i|"fpiisp is that tla- U""ii-alion i- a ; oliti- '"•oi:.,- 1 ..0io-.-.or.
"ill move—llnit i-, -oiu"t|iiiio ,, nj. Tin: latest rim
hv tli" political ojijion. nt.- in order n. l'"l
< 1 iscrci-lit or ann >y a i-ni-ali<’at".
may lira very . I i - c> ■ ] 011; 1 v hn-inc:
1 1" >i.e-r ..rtlie
"f ('her .'kee 11,
.Minn ill a
v > "i- like niF.Kic. It
M It. t. S'. *»A\ 1>. .# 6' W
WliHt .nr. J. ", III,Vi-, of- Wo, •
fsa: -
variety of
i Hills. Osli-i.-li Ft niio'i-s hi id i ii 11 ] .-r> 1 is. Parasols ami
• mu Ftiis. and everythin*! it; i-* r!;.iniuy to Millinery, tu vdii, ],
'",,i"t " llie ladit'.s ol (hiiiuinitu.- and vicinity are ivsneetfully invi!«».i
.nd well. *
:r 3MC. EC. LEE.
•» imki m -.nt ir.nwwwwria,.,
orous. as 11
■ led nervous rh. mn
y ea.iiped to hobble ^
• the 1
L.t the*.
young 1
’fin: .Vow York Sun Im** wntoliod the
• •our*** that t hiii'_r-» hjiN »» taken in nm-
vrtv-* "i;til it I'a* ‘<ee<'iue alai me.I !'• >r 11.«•
.-afety <»f that seaport. While partisan
politics rule* the hour, if call* attention
fo the fact that there can he no parti-an
politic* in coast defcii'e. if some lag
torei«.ni iroiicl cl slmuld train it* p*nn^ on
that loivu, the | |i) t on net's w . .11]. | n. < K <
110 distinction, hetween deln .iVplic po.p-
c»rty and re]»nhVican jm»pcvty.
leaf a id Mis- tlo- ■ i.h.tion I onimenced ti;e use of B. Li. B.,
soon ns th.- y, , r bottles of which enabled me to discard the
's* < f my (■'•lucb*..- and attend to business. 1 had ^ ii:i> Indian Ine- Ih.-.m d'-envered e pixviouh»> used all well recommended medicines
tlio-1- who indulge ill it, vut 11 ought not l-' A stone jur coiitiiiuinx «23n^ in Spani-li witliout relief It ha- br-cm over one year -dice
to make any rliflcmme to any a, , u-r-.i | «»"' ^ to"„«i bariert with theiriant. llsl , K B H „ aud , C01isick . r myself , perma .
mail, posing before t lie pet.plo foi'a p'.d>. 1 n.on.!, 'D i'A li 1 K t (V U. aentiy cured man.”
lie till*!, whether til* 1 motive.- of til* a**- Belle Boyd, ex-rebe! spy. will make her future
(•User is go. ..I .j The one oue-tion beine in Dr-tr »?t.
i • j . i .i ■ ,1 , , t'apt'iiu Bessemer SteelfiseditoroftheC’olo-
llltll all'l tlie o|Je i 1 i IU1J till* ]M'(»I'1(* < 11 * - . .. i .. !{;• I I I'litill
do Sij.nngs (^a/ette aim post master at that uiomojmi.
db* ' |t 1 e*t!oji
I" oil" •! ill:., tll" jifo; H !...
-ir<• to k.i■ u i- v. h-1 iii-r t lie "heI-"" i-
! nil' or w!i"t Ini' il i a till-* *. It ".nil. -I I'- Tin* gcntlvmnn tn wli"ii; Miss Murfi-oo is f
11 ]" -1 i 011. . 1 that ., yivi.i y ].oliti. 1*1 ll- ■*•’"!.'• hp Piarricil is n lrnly Ttnnew cntil
1 ry to i ii,- ai"ii on ’lie gi'onii'l l ,
that the h".l!-t "I i- hot |"1I- Kilwin Ab!
and hi- aim- mu fl 5-pipiftlly trit" t-m-tin-r - <•
Ur. It. J’. ilOIKii:. V n 1,1 ion-11 1- (.coi--
<3-0 TO
The Nevy York Store!
■in h argument-
My wife bn.- been a great sulterer from ra-
tamier, who knmvs and caren little about litern* ! " Seic-ral ph> ,i,:i,uis anil various patent j
tare. 1 l.-.t lie,!i ;s were resorted to, yet the disease con- I
abated, nothing appearing to make any i
n upon it. Her constitution finally be-
■11m* Ne.
1 Williion Biack have gone oil
f Hie Flngiish cam,Is. the
Hint i.conlf. or,* fn , ..ntlv ilcerivi.d 1,.* suit of which adit doubtless appear in some maa-
1 1 1 1 ' LL ■ ■ ,...,* niiiK .wpUcaUd, the poison being in her blood. ‘i
Son k of tin* heu Yoi-k ni-p.u'Un-s an
very yoorly infnrtriprl n« p, t)" i.' pra
tii-al -'.li'ioninlin*.'.-, as ii :i;.j•!i■ — mi'll. Ill'll," '!"■ !*!. "ii;I'..-I ;.n.
fw it: ii< Is to tln.-ni ihu foiloM ing mtv |."ili
rn-nt i|ii(‘i'i"« : "l*o .lerary iru-n ivlio ivi:
smv th". i-ailit;11i-I- for not doi-ig m n* n
lift till'liihoi-cr no to tl i r own i.■ v.
Ji-.llil'p tliat lib |i"l- "i'll!, "ft! " I: "!l V : i'
"M" inlo !nlsiii".—" in thi- i ■ .ntitry t:.
i-, 1 ."poun* ('li.jiloyrs of o.o
ins.'lvi'ti!, and hat" to I.,, "\.t ,i"
:iml ('.'iitinni'jAliii! and try ;• a ; n. ni.:!
they.-ink thinn-vl i cs i 111 •. tin* nl,
f l.’P t"-.i;iloypiI and | n.h , i * ■!,
tie ir - 1 1i 1 • I • . 'i- i t.'i.*i. 1 li-h i"!- 4.
they i■ \ihzp that liitn 1 ,• if of "v•"!•;,• li t,
.-■Ir 1 '; i o' hi vi r i 'it""*, i,r -|
sir. -: .: 1" n_nrn.-f in* ;i wini aiv " i'.-*>i'i*
! i, .-ho ten i'.'In : i-—i*!.mii -f - , - v ..
I" tir-i (ir iK'iples In invcsiigiiLm. it now dis
tances i.ll evste-r comnptit.irs hy presenting a
pa'lurn of Miss lo.lsoni ‘it the age r *f two months,
liken ise "f tier eradte.
Among the pa- .-ngers on tile steamer Muripo-
I.m\ I ii i . iii. t ii i lux.,
• Hi" of tli"-. ‘ -imrnhir thing.- i.-
g-ivat a11a>-1 mi.-i11 :iu; a :..*r-.m will f
Ii .r a d- ig. "\ in i h'.i.ah ill*" a wort i,
"Mr and it •*• I > , . ,ji y , up hut tilt- SH ' n ' )0 ' •'-•■■trutai, - bieh arrived San Fruuei.— blood tiseases 1 cheerfully recommend B. B. B.
,,* i , ’ ... I co'Snndny, • were Sir Allth- nv Mn-s-rave, r,,v . , ... ,,
"Win-r. U i- kin- -. a genilpmau tu Ilamti ‘ T „ T a xnn-nor’Ato-l pnrffler.”
° ernor of wuee-i.'and, and lion. James Service. .
""Hilly a l"W yi'iir- ., jo, who owned a (log | p ri . m ;er of Vii "wia. ' ‘ '• -e iv ! ;i .* .! rv i ' mt
that wa- "litllL-ty W"! thinua (SO far tl.- I-Ollld j T.. heir co the Lhi-oue of Spain was three days ol.l \
h"as""|-|. lined. Tl" ilofi -tnivefl off a ills- - ve t "' ,U, ' V '-'bus far during-his brief and hr Ilian.- j
career he ha-ri" ‘si a, V 'enaatinu lhar. t-aif ■
lEntireiy Ai'W. only wovtli loc. .\!.-o bon
Cluivnbry ui 7 vn‘s. woi-ih in,-. Parasols ai *5c.
Ladies’ Linen (A'lllars at .'u- dozen, worth FI 00. Eie-
ydiit S-.uiiiii'.-r Silks at 4(,h-. cost 60c lo import. Good
I ‘•(‘cured a bottle of B. B. B. and placed her
ni Pi.-i u -e.and to our surprise the improvement
:-mal once, and her recovery wa* rapid and g BleaeilCd Cotloil iii 4r. AJi-WOol Black Buiuillg hi ].>('.
iv. Xo other preparation ever produced
h a wonderful change, art f-r all forms ol 9 WOftil Lll'it l 1! i (I ll C!l''..iUli W llltc LiYC'C* -~S t l'i JhC Lii WHS it
it "I
tali"" of twenty- .'i-i mik'.-.tmdihut-oiii-
bet ""in i ■. il .g] i.i 11, o' 11 Id, in i i*. .N - .I j. a . with a vengeance.
luu log'-ow tie., uho, in-aring ol'| X..U. I.ogue,ilo.v, living near St. iii.
"ivabout.- of lii" f.uiim , wont in A 1 -" of coro ....■> »|..a ig
, , ,, , 1 ■ . .... I n- •rer. "IU :*|v rteln of outs. She did :,H ;b.
"lid i.",ild hi- i.*t. \\ hen oil, — , , , . , , . ... ...
1 • | 'fur.-: it r*t.fand is looked upon :n tl • vicmit"
j I'p'limi a- tu W h\ ht* In! it. hi- rcjijicd. “i ,* as n • om*t farmer
Ll.'iW liiC'i'-g,- i .nl -1 G HV ;)! Vniiill, iMU mm = . -~.H ‘ ’ -.Vjfi
in* - my.i|"i a in i
!.\iTyh.Miy Kimwfi »;,ut in im- L'nitcl |
Mm ham-:.
lUc. L-iii. ii- 1 oe «.]ii|jJi<-;i!<mi in tiio city for lot: and lminy
other 1),iI'*'liroiiUtniit the stf.ijk.
nd rs , , ' > C7>
■i. |s .tjj'3o d&wlm
The Brown CotSon Gin. Co.
- uni. t hat * m *
I V '..11*1
... „i-
n 1 ii ... ii.,
’! " " . .; .1 I
A l ran" , i
- Anrtnu tasniflfl
• * Nmj ca'chiix ati'l \ da r as de! mutely auu uaturaily wa the lruit* k.-D i < n ^ i awlIIU J
"- I,, ivviiu tln-ir : P..iCb. CAKlitlU POWDER CO., 1
-, hl-
it 11..-
i.oinid-of ir..ri *
u.r, . ! i", i] , ■
l'i., ■ anaei'r.
,1; : A -1 V
unit hoiti r hi.,,
" Thi- \,
in ii.'iji ih • j
a,.. , ,
"1. I; i "11 V. ll"-"
!'i"li i ri"'! I- I-, "i i
. Mila iy II.
t. "\> ""I
; ," had it.i,
"f Ii, livid l"l
A..,.. .1 '
61. LOUTS.
i s n
p :e os g- o o id s :
o mm pfpx,, -
u u U1 ii U11 u L U L1 i u* ' - i f ■ Q
Manufacturers of tlie "Old Reliable”
Crown Cotton Gins, Feeders aud Con
Ail the very latest improvements: im
prove ! roil box, patent whippet-, two
brush belts, extra strong brush, cast
steel bearing', l*. improved Feeder,
enlarp»'l Gust prov ’ondeuser.
,k : roL.t, .d.-Tiple!-- .instruction, durable
®/triu ov : b.s light, cleans the seed ]"-r-
Weet.. and produces first class samples.
f Stopmers.
to Order.i'WjXd:. id. sllis,
SiJte of Goo-g:a 7 Per C . p I OTH ! N (V
boob Ma*.i'i'i^ July 1. iSS'o. | ■ M''’ -d ‘
I The steamer ELLIS v.c-nr- fb- h*-r, ::-.*• as tl e fastest steamer plying tl
Cli-.itt.-Li)'.a".jeo. Mr.t tj .1 An- ;.u ait-oia Itiverh.
.i" . him isv.r. yn:-
>-miring in lss«:, MBs l’
gui B«.n<is nmuuing ii.
■ ii.
. 1 ■* -Inmil 1 "1 ml imi"
•r .1..!■ i- •
1 .'I'Hv a h'l- 111" . ! of 111" ■ '
’"■! ■:u .1- u ' " I " !i"i;
■ h '" I; . M n i' 11 - AI '<• r v, a - -1 :.. , I. ' .
nd iii!"ti-i;'., I "■ tin- ni"'' ■ ’ y -I I i-
, ' . nt -. 1 , ! lull 1 \ ry"h:n j in
,:r\ '.'..mid ha," ! " n . ' . f"
1:111 11, wat f i’.-i.-i"U
-ii": A i.d ' "i h"i-" tni-nty \. ar-
ifti l' th" a r it i- .U-"o\ 1 r.-.l 1 ha:
in- yet mm 1 ■ u 11 i■■ 11 - ’. i . r- oiuhi
. 1 hav" )H‘nsion- iiwu wl." i'.""i\ 1 i 0"
. iijiiry in their ", mutt \ - mi i.-. . ' "
a ho. iron, di- .,. ,'i'b • t a' hi .
have sill", liv""i;n in. .11■ it.11 < • 1 for 11• 11 '.
work. <uni. l.'uan d.."- ii"t think that
l hi'!'" ar. ■ ii" a'" i! in " ..I ■ ■ :. . ."ii
i- I d' th" o, ■ i i; i < m t! I." i! ,■■ r din j sum ■ ‘
-."’.000.000 a \.ar v. i a>. mt m* i-
ii"-. It --Io’, ran. Unit th-
Ai tins eouutrv.
. ai
.Wkbrw i* *■ im-
iSSs* 5 ®
KBSE3 «a i W
Pea $jk PwtWt
C. k'm sol
h£i u xai Wm •
i r^viJRE BMiousnoss: Sick Horniacho in Four hour:.,
tr thill t ah 'th 1; 'll- ^ q, 1c doso •vhv. :•.< f cui.-F., .. T; 2> cure am.'
provort Chills Fover, Sour Stomach ' Pa
Breath. Clear tc.c Sdn, 4on_R the Servts. ami m*
< BUbinu 'I an n I'M' (ia rc*r. (»1 <A-
I : ram ah 1!.
"Cat ICC :s-r. H’S •: a G- scilEl »rLt
! he Vj • i let.7 uaitn <i> k'u Him .
Sit; ane. E.LLJ.S It Cojum-u;- Tn^Eij at •> a m ami .-oaturih-y-i
t f; .u i m for Ap """If" -lit. I.*" 1 *'"- Ap tiai'ihe ha We<tnesiLy« at >
•ji iut..l S-imi- ys at . 2 n;
.....; , 1
A'l. ■■ Itrngjf.
•'.' t'.i li'a. ii,'
T7! XMI'.A MILT OX IT SMITH, us tol,ow>
Tr-iins nt Chattalioouiiee Florida.
lead 1
,,'t, i w I" ly il:
an ii :'u"ii".'
-a- u woiih 1 ,
Q ^ has tvf’.r.
aim, stVr.iYc.i^ "'.J.shc- i Khi
lMTin.inut hid gi»nt
l' i' "I" .f".
}irF'-t'imi unin.uMiv. ui* ti
cile Vigor lo the system. i>»"
■ be
t ' I In llil!***lll\
, DaMy lint t\\n lit,'ll
Wriv nil i'l'.y a]-\•
I: < ■ l i (an la- («' 1 a i u (
T L- iv Medicine Dealers genecaHy- Sent on
price in stamps, postpaid, to an^ adoress,
J. V. SMITH & CO.,
whirL , Manufacturers ana Sole Props., ST. LOUIS,¥C !
PS* P f/ ^ 'fTf
|f| ti J ii f. V ij.04 <i L-Uh'
1 iVr *d /A eik ±1 .-it fcVkii -t \f &. i&V Jfe , ‘‘ 5, •’•• •
Meal per t-
iV un V* ii uni I
njsiv.-.vcw.vthe PATENT MICE Sc BUST PSCOF | ,-qV ’• T .',‘ s
• obt
Bookcases.Tables. Office ci.\ •
Chairs.Letter Presses, ! CAPsri.i.G .
7^}' Fine CaWncts, &c.
k| N. F nirrh ^ sr. r.-n-is
win.- r , a rft
crtivetl aflt-r : aat h"ia .
Boat reserve * t he right ••fnut landing a; any pom will not *4' p at any point not named in '.he
j for 18*6.
Our responHbilUy lor freight ceases after it ha*
there to’receive it.
Rate* > Ghji.i to change u-ithout notice.
C. D. < )WKX*.
Trar c Agent. Mivaunan. Ga.
publl-hed list •A‘ landings l'urni>lied .Utippcvs
JU discharged at a landing when no person is